HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-01-28, Page 8AGE EIGHT
Thursday, January 28, 1932
$ul>NtIIM11l*llirl11IIIIuIt •
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r Thursday, Friday, 'Frida'. Saturday, January 2$ • 3'9f :. 30th
Constance Bennett
By Robert W. Chambers.
Boy Friend Comedx.,,�:, , r ; ,, ,•
., l... Od and Thu
' 1
Next week ti'arldo_n- ti ,�! ..,..
illi!!Irimicium ilollm IIAIII■1116i111■Ill■III■I m fnII■l11■Im oIII ,Brio !mui■I11rIi neo
:'Mrs. Roy Patton; of Lucan, spent
Elie week -end here with "'her mother,
Mrs. A. Fox. • ' •
Mrs.. Jackson, of Wingliam,is vis-
iting here with her sister, Mins C."
Miss tliridgetta O'Malley, nurse;-in-
ti'ainingai St. Joseph's ;Hospital; rn
London, 'spent a few dayslast :Week-
end withc her -parents, Mr.. and Mrs.
Peter. O'Malley.
.Miss Laura Robinson feturned
• 'from Belgrave last Thursday.
• The cFGcken pox has been in near-
ly every.home among the pupils bf.
• No. 14, W. Wawanosh.
'Miss Mary 'Laidlaw is und'er the
doctor's care at present. •
Mrs. Jas. Wilson received the sad
that sister,
news last week a Mrs.
Harry Hill, formerly ; :Jean Ferguson,
of Culross,: had passed away ,iast.Sun
day;. Jan. 17th, at her home at Brock,
Sask., after a, short illness. Her, hus-
band predeaced her three years ago..
She levees two sons, Mervin and El-
mer, to rrtourh'her loss. At her home
inCher ulross are parents,Mr. and
Mrs. -Ferguson, and ,her sister, Mrs.
£"u ,
Norman, and her brother, Walter,
also one other sister, Mrs. W. Simp-
son; of Culross. This community ex-
tends sympathy to the bereaved fam-
Mrs. Thos. Robinson spent last.
week in Wingham with Mr. and Mrs;
Jas. Robinson, Catherine St.
Misses Norma and Dorothy., and
Mr. Date Murray, of Walton, spent
the week -end at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. J. G. Gillespie.
The W. M. S. of ' the United
Church held their regular monthly'
meeting in the church on Wednesday
last, with 'the President, Mrs. Gaunt,
in the . chair. Mrs. Ross and Miss
Laidlaw were appointed as leaders to
gather the birthday money this year.
Mrs. B. McClenaghan read a portion
of the study book Landof the Dawn,
and the questions of the Temperance
Program were answered by mem-
bers. Roll Call was answered by the
members fee for 1932. Arrangements
were made for the W. M. S. World
Day of Prayer t'. be field oft F' `b, 12.
The Women's Institute are holding
Scotch C.°99: t4 ,.,Tu`s y even
ing in the Institute Hall. °"
at 'tri.,:..
•' Mr. Orvi'11e �ifiin held a•tver: sue=
ccssful sale, di .os n,r' of
rnc'st of his stoc .
Mr. Melville Beecroft of Western
l eiyetsity, ` `;dOn, spe f� y.R�
''home . ere last i taCi at
tended• the -'` ral of h'`'- cli):" Mr
Charles Campbell•-•t314htirsday at
A ixi%ery. enjoyed a4vening waS
spent lasfF y j the United.
Cliurefi 'he•' the' been a.
+ +.
Scotch cont iithe Y P
o p Y.P.S.
After the len thy,tiro ram all repair
is i, !N
til' � o lie a' m tit er
t t by e�itrdiitl:
ful ltineheoit'tfrifittneia -`-eakes�••aifili
scones •was;jmtt b, enjgykdt: _ t. is •
Mr. and Mrs: ,•I til s, :and •:•anvil
go ?+ . .f , y,
of Kincardine,rare moving: thys•,sp.ring
for Mr: Rices::farm tM s., •Tbm, Cook,.
her brother is.,aiso• with theta. � .
a t
'Quite Q
Qt number- of, young. folks and
relatives spent•: a•„ pleasantr•:•.evening
last Zvi h. Mr, and• Mrs. Geo,
Tiffin, of Kinloss. �, ,i:: •
Speaking of early, jambs,. Mr. Chas.
Leaver had three • lambs arrive on
New Year's Bi and ,a'iweek later
two more and: now has seven, all do-
ing well, . There,are Dorset lambs.
Mrs. Cox,f: i h
p, God er c , ,is. visiting
her sons, Clarence and Melbourne.
On Monday, Mrs. Dan Martin and
son, Bill, were driving in the buggy,
passing a wagon on division Tine a
car came up. behipd,and :accidentally
bumped into . them, .upsetting them
into the gravel pit. They received a
bad shaking -up but otherwise, no.
damage was done,.
Mr, Boyd, a student,. from, Knox
College, occupied the pulpit in the
Presbyterian ;church on. Sunday and
preached a most practical and force-
ful sermon. Taking as • his 'subject,
"Building," from the text, _Psalms 127.
verse 1. "Except the: Lord:build the
house, they .labor in, vain that build.
it" The speaker .pointed. ;out that
co-operation with •God was necessary
in order to male any building a sue -
Quite a number front this district
availed themselves of the privilege of
hearing Rev. W. G. Brown, Moder-
ator of the Presbyterian Church in:
Canada, who has spent the past week
in the Maitland Presbytery.
Visitors here; Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
Warwick, Browntown, with Mr, and
Mrs, W. 3, Duff; Mr. and Mrs, Earl
Mathers: and Miss Elizabeth with
Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Mothers; Verdon
Mowbray with his parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Alex, Mowbray; Miss Viola Ma-
titers with her father and sister,
Mrs. John •Messer is suffering from
an attack of neuritis.
The play "Yimmie Yonson's Yob"
presented by the Young People of
Belmore, in the Foresters' • Hall on
Wednesday evening under the aus
Dices of the 'Presbyterian church
choir was thoroughly enjoyed. 'The
scene was at the home of Mr. and
Mrs,»'Ketrt; their son Bob, and adopt-
ed daughter, Belle. A neice,. Miss
.Silvie, was wealthy and some of her
rn'aoney,which .her uncle held in trust;,
disappeared and Bob ' was suspected,
as the guilty party. He left home and
was. mourned as lost by his mother.
A Swede; `Yimmie Yonson" came to
the''iient h'onie -in seaich of 'a jolt
and played an important part in to
caring the guilty ones, which proved
to be Silvie and her villian ' sweet,.,,
4keart, • ratyir :, Y-iirtmie turned out to..: '
b F pob in disgujae:. He •fell in lou .,
fifth `t3e11e •aria received his mother's
blessing. The maid; Peg, was a .tru.
Irish character, kind, loyal and hum''
tarsus rand ter .itty etpressions- kept
Eli udten
• e a c to peals of laughter. The
p'l'ay all 'through;.had a .good moral(
showing plainly that right overcomes,.
"' ..".,,•••:e. t ,
BEL AST M . Frank Robertson and Miss
Ruby Carter, pf, Auburn, visited last
week with Mr. and , Mrs. Spence Ir-
,Mr. and Mrs..Roy Alton andfam-
ily spent Saturday. with Miss Cun-
ningham, at Port Albert., .
Mr., and Mrs. Sam Alton and Jack
spent Friday-. evening at Mr. Charles
Alton's, ,Dungannon.
Miss Black, of Owen;, Sound, is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Watson Davis.
Mr. 'and Mrs. Dynes . Campbell
spent a day last .week with the lat-
ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fowler,
at Blyth.
Mr. and Mrs. Spence Irwin 'enter-
tained the community on Friday ev-
ening to a very enjoyable party.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex• Hackett spent
Sunday with friends at Zion.
Mr. and Mrs. Will McCrostie, Mr.
and Mrs. Watson Davis and babe,
and Mr, Wilfred Hackett. spent Fri-
day evening with Mr. and Mrs, Geo.
Stuart, at St, Helens.
"Hallo! Is that Dr. Smith's sur-
gory?"' "Yes." "I'd like to speak to
the Doctor." "He's busy just now."
An hour passed. "Hallo! Doctor
Smith?" "No; this is hissurgery,
but he's busy." Another•hour passed,
"Hallo! I want to talk to Doctor
Smith." "He's busy." "Busy?" ?" What
keeps him so busy?" "He's playing
▪ ll■11■IUhlll■Ill■iii■lllllllllllriIIlIIilllrliirlll,IIIrlArill■III■lllrlifa`Il ill hl , UIIHIUTAIill■L 1■1■!llIIIIIIIIIIII $ ■tIIR lhIlll■lllll■ $tlIiftII.
This is Yam Golden OPPortUnitYto b k)ii litX *Or' Papers at prices loer Chuan Wore the'
. .
the. ro .will b � zven''for. 1 Cent, •
War. Bu One Roll at 'the regular price and.esae fl e 6• Saleth
s atu �.: n s Feb 6tart �s
1 > t,,'
.v !,lir;L [e ,: of
li Below Are a :Ft~'. if ,The Exceptional Values.
. • . i,• ..
2 for 13
Floral bed room and block
pattern Kitchen papers.
Reg. 121-. . ,.,. 2 for ` 131c
2 for 61c
High grade Sunworthy
patterns, many in the 30 -in,
width suitable for halls or
living rooms.
Reg. 60e •....„ 2 for 61c
• 2 for '16c
Paft nits 13tlitab1 "f''dr'halls,
kitchen, antis bedrooms.
Reg. 15c ". ,..,.... 2 for 16e
2 for 41c
Lfiting .tR¢oi i papers with
lasting beauty of which you
will always be' proud.
Reg. 40c 2 for 41c
Better quality papers, in- —
eluding Sunworthy. Patterns A
for bedroom, or living room. w
Reg. 25c „ • .2 for 26c LI
I 1
2 for 21c
Papersthat would add
charm and distinction to
your rooms.
Reg 20c 2 for 21c
i llltlurc iced! ltilall lrl l to I ll
liP119961!I61NlgflllfSlllrllirlllMdlJ2rlllri' !111rlll211lli90!I,lri!
al . •Alt
itis!1191!11 ilimi11l lel tllmicomtllhlaigoittoNtiIt
Cur Driven; Make Plea
for Saint's Prot,.ution
the t►oly Sute'aie'rr the irr
troness of tzotorIstsititra• $shetsewitiss, Ui
11thhdle ages, a etlaritithle minim() w•tu,
mitigated many. misfortunes,. Ufr 111�
stun an forum Stands her 111tte,t Intrt to
u r
r 1+ 1
i , trilin i fnU t fist 11 e. t'ei r"a:,
beautiful, amid the mighty armies ntid
ruins of ancient Itonte. Upon lier tc',t.4t
tlity, iu 11iia'ch, there come t't•c':'' den.
hundreds; told still' In(n'e hau�drotta ai
uutonu,lu, the SSquarelteiore Ow'111tle chutles('Ii to
All sorts of ears 'are, there. belong
tit; .not only to the wealthy, but tot e
polar as well. .,Alnbassadors and utltet
overntnant. o.ti}viuts.Ayre. represented
u ,tei+d of Mtauf'eurst sitting tit tit•
wheel in solerq'n state. t hese fgriot:lsitt•
tries and rt allyl ie►W:ety,yeung' !unlet,
n (i1ive tiE.ii' 4•twn's:;ars+to'the eoTtaa,
rt•r yteli: spot, where atItbenaltar:of Saint
.' utaetsea their,wehicles.',may be ,pro'
teeted agalnstedisaster•and misfortunt
for another •yeti(+ ,. '4.4'
l.1uc <1essi've i gertv4tah' a'Ee tietd its'
whlelt''the gu$'tdhdtiship.iof•a'the saint
Is itis*otrfed,''iiudr ttfl tilt?'cars driven
to 'tile' irr6efnets'cilif 'li0"r' altar are
hlessed and' ICt1tteat d'to'-hetl that she
daisy intercede....for:,,thelr..,owners anr3
drivers and (.maid them from peril
and a''(eident during the year to come,
and VPCy ii Ti-tr�Giir{ately, $t itlie'season,
of the'�eAM^ when f�to'tor 'ilravettitiK is
mo9t "pi!e7si'eir'f `Ctertnftty ,-•
ntonf;Ps hit` seta disc ''and liOt ata steal-
tfe&'nee, or<diir'rfdf' sit the ,10 •Ia the%
veru ce$ler''il`Vrlilit ''tun`s""ateteratly a
)aganr rtiie P ,: ext n
ni "rtthe
W , k`'Saa 4 7
t7�.'Tus t 1
. dt whist ago,...,4,4,0e, he. average,. man.,QS
woman •..,tn , hist* her prime Ffir life,;,is
Often' .asl „ n, What .ie the; average!
length (41414t7_,ai a a, t +
The;priipg.of. tl1 e, sayO,tpe.,Cieve
land Plain Dealer_ is the period of full
vigor and power,' that which succeeds
ystuttir aird'.p'r^ec des age' ,, . ,
-•'rile!' aVerar dried 'th ofr life' $ the
g g
Unreel"'.Fitates:ttitecofrU1 g-to:Pestitnatee':
madee.by`"th'e't' Ufif etd' 1.9tatesi'i public
hatitil•-66rViC4, tO fif€y->ilz ykt9ta ' Sta-
tia'EieS• indteatltig the "cit tpeetation'" of
lii*e PlacetiA+6stetilia Aetti-the head' ithe,
list With' $n•7t}'beidgeilength+ of sttt'yt
nnle ' yeai t# ,t New? cZetllada' t cooties lied
ondi tvfth ant,:dve''etatioti''' of
slsty0jth'rit ' :