HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-01-28, Page 4OUI Th WIN G3AM ADVANCE -TIMES Thursday, January 28, 193 snIVPlJMINT, O, V. 04LVATtXWAV►.%b_l/�°1�� l \_P \ 4.L.LL Ag\ Lly wlelN\ilgl�lry7.°,.. •l�,�y�� ► �.,CnS.+C/J;\_� of ai r, 46vtr&afr11riklitarilit rt aariTafillffiltailiVilrriNM. •itaar•VOZ A-Tafirl'N%i�Y(iliR'iltlY�1NT\7tYi'l'HYililY�lur 1 cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. AUCTION SALE—Of the household effects of Mfrs. Foster Marshall, Josephine street, will be held at 2 o'clock on Saturday, February 6th. Thos. E. Small, Auctioneer. FOR SALE -12 -passenger bus, 11, - ton truck chassis and express box for same, Apply to B. J. Beninger, Agent. FOUND—Tire with rim and casing, on Jan. 14th.. Owner may have the same by provingproperty and pay- ing for advertisement. FOR QUICK SALE -2 used battery Radios, in good condition, 5 or 6 tube, with tubes $20. See and hear them at the Radio & Electric Shop, Field Block. "Where you get the service." TOR SALE—In the village of Bel- grave, e1 grave, a 5 -roomed brick house sit- uate on a lot containing two-fifths of an acre. This land is very suit- able for gardening and there is al- so on the premises a good stable. Apply to Harry McGee, Wingham. FOR SALE—Canada Approved Bar- red Rocks only. Every .breeding bird approved and banded by Gov- ernment Inspectors. Large eggs set from healthy big heavy produc- ers. Baby Chicks $12.00 per hun- dred. - $2.00 books order. 100% live delivery guaranteed. Order now. New and . used incubators and brooders for sale, cheap. Write or phone 611-42, Duncan Kennedy, Whitechurch, Ont.. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Thomas Deans, late of Wingham Town, Huron County, Salesman, who died on or about the 24th day of November, A.D. 1931, are hereby notified to send on or be- fore .the 9th day . of February, A.D. 1932, to the undersigned, Solicitor for the Executors of the said de - .ceased, their names and addresses, full particulars of their claims and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them, verified by statutory declaration. Immediately after such last mentioned day the assets of the said deceased will be distributed am- ongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims pro- perly filed. DATED at Wingham, Ont, the 9th day of January A.D. 1932. J. A. MORTON, Wingham, Ont., Solicitor herein. J. D. McEWEN LICENSED AUCTIONEER Phone 602r14. Sales of Farm Stock and Imple- ments, Real Estate, etc., conducted with satisfaction and a:: moderate charges. R. C. ARMSTRONG LIVE STOCK And GENERAL AUCTIONEER Ability with special training en- ables me to give you satisfaction. Ar- rangements made with W, 3. Brown, Wingham; or direct to Teeswater. Phone 45r2-2. R. S. HETHERINGTON BARRISTER And SOLICITOR Office: Morton Block. Telephone 1W MATT. GAYNER AUCTIONEER Phone 21 or 64 Lucknow. Sales attended to anywhere. Exper- ience and accuracy in valuation and every effort put forth to assure you of a successful. sale. THOMAS E. SMALL LICENSED AUCTIONEER 20 Years' Experience in Farm Stock and Implements. Moderate Prices. Phone 331. THE MONEY. COMES 4lmost daily we receive letters of appreciation from clients kr whom we've collected and "got results." Let urs der so for your. KELLY & AIKEN The Persistent. Collectors ORANGEVILLE o CO'ilection-- o Charge. LOST :Last week, one tire chain, Finder please leave at Advance Tunes Office. SEWING MACHINE REPAIRING —All makes, bring in your head, charges reasonable.Luke King, Lower Winghatn, next door to Hy- dro Plant. , TENDERS -The Wingham Public School Board will receive sealed ten- ders up to. February lst, 1932, for 10 cords 16inch;hard;Xuaple (green), to be delivered at the:; Public School. W. T • Booth, Sec-Treas. AUCTION SALE The undersigned has beeninstruct- ed by y Harry 'Wells, a y Ve ls, Victoria Strut, to sell his household' effects, by pub- lic auction on Saturday, January 30th, at 1.30 o'clock. Terms -Cash. • Thos. Fells, Auctioneer. CARD OF THANKS Mr. Sam. Young wishes to sincere- ly thank his friends and neighbors for the kind expressions of sympathy shown during his recent sad bereave- ment. Here and There Hockey ' sticks to the number of 574,414, valued at $177,689, or an average of 30 cents apiece, were made in Canada in 1930. Tlennis rackets in the same year numbered 83,245 with a value of $234,503. The population of Canada, ac- cording. to last year's census, is 10,353,778, an increase in 10 years. of 1,565,829,. or 17.82 per cent. The largest provincial popula- tion is in Ontario with 3,426,488. Saskatchewan, Alberta and Mani- toba rank third, fourth and fifth. A new rose has been produced at the Canadian Government Cen- tral Experimental Farm, Ottawa, hardy enough to withstand the climate at Ottawa without pro- tection. It is a pale pink, blooming until the middle : of .Tune. 43rigadier-General H. F. Mac- donald, of Vancouver, officially opened the Banff Winter Carni- val Toboggan Slide, December 28. The General, Mrs. Macdonald, .and their small daughter Mary made the .official opening .mile -a - minute run down the slide. The biggest moose of the 1931 season in New Brunswick, with an antler spread of 56 inches, fell to the gun of Andrei/ Porter, Philadelphia sportsman. There had been three.. moose shot this year in IsIew Brunswick;: prior to this trophy, with spreads of 54 inches. The Eastern Iixternatibnal Dog Sled Derby, will Abe. held. at Que- bec February' 22, 23 and 24, it is announced officially. • Closing this, among the most colorful winter sport events. of the sea- son throughout Canada, the Dog Derby Costume Ball will take place at the Chateau • Frontenac, Quebec, Wednesday evening, Feb- ruary 24.: The ' Oxford and Cambridge teams, ;of .skiers ' from the Old Country picked Canada and the Laurentians • this year as the scene ,of. their exploits, in place of avktaerland 'during the Christ- mas -New' Year vacation, as part of the all -British programme o1 spending " within - the Empire. They had enough snow at Christ- mas hristmas to .justify, their Venture and the success of the trip was plac- ed beyond doubt by the heavy snowfall of January 2. Creation • of a Department of. Conimtinieations, Canadian Paci- fic Railway, having supervision over the railway's telegraph, telephone and radio broadcasting services and taking the place of the former Canadian Pacific Railway Telegraphs, became ef- fective .January 1. W. D. Neil 'was appointed general manager of the new department, vice ,john McMillan, retired general man- ager at the Tele,graphs Depart- ment. Itis assistant general manager le E. II. Goodfellow, who succeeds J. retired, With the retirement of 7. 'C. 8, 11enne:.t, official tihnt'o raober of 06 Canadian ' aeifie Railway, thirty years of a colorful and inch travelled career closed, rent ry 1. Mr. P,annet* dliriet hi,; Canadian Pacific experience and in the l't yeate That lrreeeded it. took upwards of 40.000 phritd- grrtphs, nrovidittg a striking re- aryl dt the grixWtb and :daveTop- meat df Com' � iwiur�ui�iti�iliwulnili�rut Ill lh�lni Ili ut�i . ' � - .. .... ., _ 0 r=01=== mctareRn . .., �4d! 1=30 �M�m ..._ ! WEEK -END 1 Ai SPECIALS • • - 10 bars P. & G. Soap 33c 2 tins Pineapple 25c i Mar>;nalade, 40 oz. ... ..- ,19e Ii IA Heavy White Flannelette,'' 1 29 in,, .10 yds. for $1.48 1 Some print to clear, yd..• :..10e a a C• H. Wade. ■ Superior ChainStore • Belgrave iniwuuil li�lli�►l l�lli�gitlul�iueiuriih��l lain ONTARIO LOAN (Continued from page One) During the unsettled period, 1920 to 1923, the Province made several internal issues carrying a 6% coupon, With the return of the settled condi- tions the issues made at that time have since sold at a substanial pre- mium and the Province subsequently made several issues with 'a coupon as low as 4%. During the period since the War the American market has readily ab- sorbed issues made in that market. The credit of the Province has rank- ed so favorably in New York that its bonds during the past decade have commanded unsuaully high prices. The important reason, prob- ably, for the favorabie'credit position of the Province is the fact that such a large proportion of the: wealth and population of the entire Dominion is centred in Ontario. Approximately cue -third of the population and sub- stantially more than one-third of the Dominion is, according to recent es tiniates, centred in this Province. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. W. Logan Craig and family wish to sincerely thank their many friends for the kindness and sym- pathy extended to them during their recent sad bereavement. 1 DEATHS Campbell—In Belgrave, on Tuesday, Jan. 19th, 1932, Charles Campbell, aged 75 years. Young — I,n Wingham, on Friday, Jan. 22nd, 1932, Christina Robert- son, beloved wife of Samuel Young in her 75th year. Kerr—In Wingham; on Saturday, Jan 23rd, 1932, Nancy Patterson, be- loved wife of Daniel Kerr, in her 39th year. PASTOR APPRECIATED The regular meeting ofthe official beard of Victoria Street United Church was held on Tuesday evening Jan. 12th. At the close of the regular business the officers ' by a standing vote expressed their appreciation of the earnest endeavors of their pastor, Rev. F. W. Craik, since his arrival in Goderich last July, The officials also placed on record their esteem and confidence in him as their leader and their desire to continue the hap- py relationship now existing between pastor and people. Rev. Mr. Craik deeply appreciated this kindly refer- ence to his work and said he was en- joying the fellowship of the mem- bers and their friends, and hoped that as the years passed by he would see steady improvement tri, the life and service of the congregation.—Goder- ich Signal. =OLZOO>QO>T qBu y At Cote s 11 Ttea (Black), 1 lb. 39c O Coffee, 1 lb. 39c 1 aFray Bentos, 1 tin ..-,..,-.-...-115c Beans, 7 ib. ...-r.... ...-.. 25c ••••me, Rice, 3 ib. .." ..-,.ti25c Peas and Corn, 3 ..., _,..25c Tomatoes, 2 tins 15c P. G. Soap, 7 bars '25c p Macaroni, 4 lb. . 25c 11 Cod Liver Oil, .1 gal. ....... $1.25 Kipperittes 1 lb......- .-..:......-19cToilet Soap, 3 cakes ,..-.........:10c 0 Cole General Merchant Belgrave SI O G 8 9 0 0 .Continuing No Birthday Sale.. The Walker" StoresLtd. continues its No Birthday Sale. Items are added which are too..small in . quantity to advertise. A visit to our store will prove the excellent v , s Offered every one plainly priced foryour easy choice. Watch the windows, visit the store. 0 SOME OUTSTANDING VALUES OFFERED ASWEEK-END SPECIALS 0 q 0 '0 RAYON LINGERIE Clearing our Xmas selection Pyjamas, nightgown, Bloomer and Vest Sets,panty P Y and Brassier sets, all lock -knit weave in fine grade, hard-wearing Rayon. 1 A9 Reg. $1.95. . 49 FACTORY SHEETING Good weight Factory Sheeting, 81 02111 `, inches wide. Regi 35c. Yard J.7 MOTOR RUGS All wool, good weight Motor Rugs, in all over plaid patterns.... Regular90 $3.95. Each Zr:90 TOWELS CLEARANCE Turkish Towels, plain white, also fancy- patterned varieties, all linen towels with damask patterned borders, clearing et one price. Reg:'' to 49c. Each ... 29 C WOMEN'S VEST AND BLOOMERS Heavy Cotton Underwear in close rib knit, elastic at waist and knees, vest has shap- ed neck, short sleeves and no sleeves. Reg. to 59c, 39c WINDOW PANELS New patterned window panels, fringe& ends. 40 inches wide. 2* yards �9C' long. Reg. $1.25. Each Colored FLANNELETTE Pink, peach and mauve, good qual-M'" ity flannelette, 72 in. wide. reg. 19c 15C.. CURTAIN NETS Large assortment of printed and dot :de- signs& in marquisette curtain net. 39 inches wide. Reg. 39c. Yard ....29 c Men's Merino UNDERWEAR 0 Shirts and drawers in' med. weight s9 c sized 36 to 44.. Reg. 95c. Each ,..... Combinations, same weight, sizes ea 34 to 44. Reg. $1.50. Suit 1.1 a/ i AUTO KCNIT' SOCKS : all woo A real satisfactory Sock, 1.39 G size' 10 to 11. Reg. 50c, Pair MEN'S BRACES Heavy elastic web with leather 39 cast-off. Reg. 50c. C DRESSER SCARFS All linen dresser scarfs in natural color, with all round hem -stitched hem, floral designin colors at each end. Size 50c 17x44. Reg. 75c. Each, 0=10=0=0=0 0 O1►O =0=0=0 EYE INJURED On . Thursday afternoon several children were playing together when one of the number threw an empty bottle on the sidewalk, with the -re- sult that it broke, scattering the frag- ments in. •every direction. Little Frank Caslick, one of the children, 6 years old, received a splinter in the left eye, injuring the sight. The lit- tle fellow was rushed to the hospi- tal at Stratford, where the injury was attended to. His mother, Mrs. Geo. Caslick, accompanied the child. From last reports it is believed the sight of the eye will be restored.- Tceswater Nerhs. TIMOTHY MISSES HIS FRIENDS To the Editur av all thim Wingham paypers.. Deer Sur:— Shure, 'tis not airy fer me to wroite this wake fer tinkin av so manny ould frinds passin away, an 'cis a thrue wurrud the fellah shpoke whin he said that the wurruld is thin- ly peopled to the ould. Whin we git along in Ioife we kape losin our ould naybors an acquaintances an don't care to make close frinds wid the new wans that move in to take theer places. . Whin ould father toime conies ar- round shwinging his scythe he cuts down the wades ,wid the good grass -the rich an the poor—honest min,. an min not so honest, ould min an middle aged min, (yis an sometoimes aven the yothg min an childer), colored min, an whoite min, wake min an sthrong min, it makes no dif- fer to him. As ould Mishter Car- lyle wance said "Many men have died, all men must die; the last exit, of us all is a Fire Chariot of pain." T wus failin purty blue wan day laeht wake tinkin av all thin tings, an wondherin whin me own number wud be called, an wus plaized, whin the bye came in from the ould far - rum bringing his woife an childer wid him. Purty soon the childer wus havin a big toime wid theer granmo- ther, an the bye wint down town to hunt up some av his oversays chums, an that gave me a chance to hev a talk wid me dawter-in-law, who wus a school taicher befoor she wus mar- ried, an wan av the shmart wens. I soon wus tellin her how sorry I wus to be missin so manny av me ould frinds, an she replied be quotin what a lot av woise min hev said about the mishtery av loife an death. I asked her to plaice wroite down some av the 'rings she wus afther tellin me, an she koindly consinted. "Under a wide and starry sky, Dig me a grave and let me lie, Glad did 1 live, and gladly die, And lay me down with a will. This be the verse ye grave for me, Here he lies where he longed to be, Home is the sailor home from the sea, The hunter is home from the hill." Robert Louis Stevenson., "I know not what the future hath Of, .marvel or surprise, Assured alone that life and death, God's mercy underlies. And so beside the silent sea, I wait the muffled oar, No harm from Him can come to me, On ocean or on shore." John G. Whittier. "I have gone before your face, A moment's march, a little space, 'Whenye come where :I have stept, Ye will wonder why ye wept." Sir Edwin Arnold in "After death in Arabia." "But still when the mists of doubt prevail, And we liebecalmed on the shores of age, We hear from that misty troubled shore, The voices of loved ones gone be- fore, Drawing the soul to its anchorage." Bret Harte. The poor, oppressed, and honest man The poor, oppressed, and honest man Had surely ne'er been born, Had there not been some recompense To comfort those that mourn.. Robert Burns. • "We live too long, and even so are not content to die, but 'load the mould, that •covers up our bones, with stones that stand like beggars by the way, and show death's grey - ions wounds, and ask for tears." Oliver Wendell Holmes. "Twilight and evening bell, And after that the dark!' And may there be no sadness of fare- well, When I embark.. For, though from out our bourne of Time and Place, The flood may bear me far, I hope to see my Pilot face to face, When I have crossed the bar_" Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Shure, 'tis a foine girrulintoirely me dawter-in-law is, and a sinsible wan, an it is plaized I always am to hev a talk wid her. s, Yours till nixt wake, Timothy Hay. POULTRY CREAM AND .. EGGS .. CALL . L U . S FOR PRICES Wellington Produce Co. 'Limited Wingham, MI ::(AN.A]A NOW IN VAN oCeadettc3fgrap Han. Je.,. F, BRYMR LC MWsrer 0 /Nib ,Werk. mkt re' qui,e, ProaYnre of St:::`aeigk Cammicdoner Manitoba Telephone S,tsiem_ To* J HAMILTON Vic p entd as and Genova,' Marone? r ,h Cah,ebie Moho* Campo., ... � Hon. V. W, SMITH Minister, or Railwgyt ohd relaphorres Province of Alberta J. I), BAKER Goneral Manapdt Alberta dovemment Telephones WALTER H, WARREN Deputy Minister of, • Talrphoriet Saihelehecran .HA Gbnbrat Hamper Maritime Tek have and T.FaatoohCybrnpcary, The 4200 mile All -Canada circuits which now flash telephone •talks ' from Nalifax.'to ' at1cattver are the outcome of the splendid co-opetatiatt, for al»nosrcw detiste, ofthe sew+fr,Major telephone systems o1Canada.. 1