HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-01-07, Page 5• I( .0. .7' Thursday, January 7th, 1932 Th e's' iore tiaa 'the ',NIA') njoy e.-- , , = I such spoxi, . r ionee old one they got 'out. , y cEum T RE . . Notrnan will neee that ye* .:den't get — ' --e. 1. And . Will take you 'way over the 1 bridge, Bust :eome of oar old Men totaled out IWhen they cane to little eidge. ; But efileate'S, whae matieas the world go A , tumble new and :again, - i ..' ' • • The ems and ,dewes as we go through Are what make our grand old men,' ThursdaY, Friday, Saturday, January 7th, SUI, 9th Li mi-,Goinge O'Brien and Roscoe Ates "THE RAINBOVVJRAII," . By Zane Gr in Also 'Laurel an Ha, F, ultet4e :.=.,. ii _ ill CHICKENS (COME HOME." .11 _ i ,NEXT i 'WEEK: 1 i . "TRADER HORN . . yt • :±-.. inotitniummilawimalaimuniiiminffiiimislinnaimmomoniquan VVILITECHURCII The ladies of the W. M. .S. ,of Chalmer's church are observing the Day of Prayer service, in their chinch Eridey, ,Tanuary ,,Sth. All the lad- les are requested to be present. • ,Mr. R Y. Carrick has spent sev- eral days looking for his'ehound. He lost her ,when hunting, last Wednes- day ireggr Mr. and Mrs. Jas. aleaner and children, .Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falcon- e' and children, spent New Year's at 'the :home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Pal - of Bluev'ale. Mr. and Mrs. L. Falconer of Culross and lVIr. George Falconer, were also there. Misses Bernice and Edith Mundy, of 'Wingham, spent :a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. ?melon. , Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Tiffin spent last week at the home of 'their son, Mr. *Wesley Ludknow painters 'have 'been busy during fhe hcilidays re -decorating the school room of S. S. No, 14, West 'Wnevanoeh, and Mr. Fred DaVidson of Winghani, has the 'contract to drill a well at .S.S. No. 10, Kinloss. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Farrier and family gpent New Year's at the home of Mr. •and .Mrs. Robert. 'Stewart, of Kinlese. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. 'Gillespie and children spent Sunday With 'her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Plodg-ins, of Holy - 'road. 4 Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Beecroft at-. tended ,the.funeral of her cousin, Mrs. Denrold, el Toronto. She was !buried on Thursday in Maitland Cemetery, Goderich, from the home of her par- ents, Mr. and /qrs. Alec. Dunkeld. Mrs. Plaggitt of Blyth, spent last -week at the home ..of her mother, Mrs. A. Emerson, and with Mr. and 'Mrs, Victor Emerson,.�f Kinloss. Mr. Kenneth Mowbray of Bluevale, spent the week -end at the home of Mr .atiel MTS. 'Wesley Leggett. egaliss Mary Martin returned to her school at Powasson„ leaving here on Saturday. Miss Merle Wils,on of Stratford Hospital, spent New Year's Day at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wilson. Mr. Russel R.eid, of Brantford, and Miss Jean Reid of'Paris, who were here with Mrs. Reid during the holi- days, returned to their homes on Fri- day, and Mrs. Reid is staying for the winter, with her daughter, Mrs. Bal- four, of l'Aicknow. Mrs. Patterson 'of Lucknow, spent New Year's with Mr. George and Miss Ida McQuoid. 'Pim election on Monday caused quite a stir in the village, Miss Phyllis Weave, of Blyth, spent the weeleeend at her home here. The sleet stormon ;Thiirsday night has put many ofe the telephone lines out of order. t The surrotiredbige disteiet of Kill - loss ivere pleaee,c1. that Mr, Mac Ross received such a splendid vote to place him in third place in the Council for 1932, Mr. Ross is very grateful to all who helped him ottt. ' RAPID CITY The Annual meeting of S. S. No. 7, Kinloss, was held last Wednesday afternoon, with a good attendance of ratepayers present. Mr, Alex. Gallen, retiring trustee, was succeeded by W. J. Irwin. The auditors reported the finances of the section to have sur- plus enough to carry on all improve- ments for the coming year. The care- taking was let to Mr. C. Thompson. All other school business was left in the hands of the truetees. , :We welcome to our community Mrs. (Rev.) J. le .13.urgess, formerly Miss Mary Mitchell, of Wingham. Rev. and Mrs. Burgess ale at present ob a tour of Eastern Canada. On their return they will reside at the Mansr in Rapid City. Mr:CI-Brain Bloom and Mr. arid Moe Harry Champion, are spending tba" week -end with friende in London ahd Harniltoia The Many. lends of the -late Jee Cook,.�f 'Ashfield, tender to, Mrs, •Cook and son, John, their deepest, heart -felt synipatley in .the loss of a lc.ving husband and ,father. Mr. Robt. McNeal, of Burnside, spent Sunday with friends in Rapid City; .Mr. C. Thompson and M. Peter Carter visited last Thursday with Mr. ! and Mrs. M. Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Burns and fain- ily; of Rapid City, spent Wednesday last with the McKay Bros., on the ,2nd cen.4af Winless. BLUEVALE Visitors in the village over the New. Year holiday and Sunday were: Mr. ,and Mrs. Roger Oise, Wingham, and :Mies Ida Wilson, Toronto, with Miss Maly Duff; Mr. and Mrs. H. Holmes, Detroit, Mich., with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Holmes; 'Miss .Margaret Mundell, 93elmore, .with her cousin, MisS Hazel Mundell, Mrs. Susan Morrison has returned hoine after spending a, few weeks with her neice, Mrs. Hugh Berry, at l'a-ticefield; John Sinith is in Bruce - field; Mrs. Smith who has been with 'her daughter in Brucefield, is not very well 'but her meny friends wish her a speedy return to health; Miss Iffazel Mundell was in Stanley Sun- day, attending the funeral of a rela- five; Mrs. Jennie Thompson has re- turned to Wingharn, after spending some weeks with her 'brother, Tames Nichol and Mrs. Withal, Who is not in good. health at, present. Rev. W. S. Willins, who for six eters held the position of Immigra- tion Chaplain for tie Presbyterian Church in the British Isles, occupied the pulpit in the Presbyteri-an church or, Sunday and delivered a splendid New Year's message, taking for his subject '"The 'Guidance of God." Owing to the fact that cars are still running in this district, it was possible for a goodly number to turn Out to cast their votes on Monday. The nennicipal election has been the topic for some lively and 'heated ar- guments during the past week. BELMORE An encouraging meeting of the Women's Missionary. Society was held Wendesday afternoon at Miss Elizabeth Hackney's. Meeting open- ed with, singing and prayer, Miss Hackney being leader., A paper on Xmas was given by Mrs. Sterling Haskins: A reading by Mrs. Newans, when hymn "More love to Thee, Oh Christ,", was sung. Minutes of last meeting by Mrs. Wm. Mundell. Roll call "Xmas Thoughts", collection ov- er $7.00. Hymn "Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling". Prayer in conclu- sion. Rev, and Mrs, Turnbull spent the past week with friends at Waterloo. Those home for the holiday; Miss Eunice Hackney and Miss Blanche Irwin of Toronto, Stewart Mulvey of Stratford Normal, Mr, and MI'S. Tackabeiry, of Lions ,Head, atuGgef, Herd's; Mrs,. jack Reid and babe of Wroxeter, at McNeil's. Mrs. Alex, Casemore and. Madeline attended the funeral of James Wray, Turnberry, last week, Miss Mae Johann gave a party to the young people of the Presbyterian Church, on New Years night, Mr. anca Mrs. Temish and Freddie and Minnie Jeffrey spent New Year's eve at R. J. Douglas'. Miss Eleanor Jeffrey took Sunday dinner with Mr, and Mrs, Tarnish. Mr. Mowbray of Bluevale, was a welcoine visitor in the village Stmday evenirig. On a winter's night when' hearts ate And the village is quite Still, Jiist get your sled and a chew of gem And go 'tip on Newitaele Hill, ,Yote'll come down quicker than • you went etT, Conte doyen' evith'qategsliter and MORRIS Wedding bells are ringing. Several people are suffering from severe colds. Mr. and Mrs. Elston are in Detroit attending the funeral of the late Dr, Hubbart. Master Jim and Grace Coulter are spending their holidays with their aunt, Mrs. Wm. McCutcheon, Brus- sels. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hamilton, alice and Margaret Arbuckle, of Toronto attended the wedding of Miss Jessie Campbell. • Miss Isabell Campbell, Of Toronto, spent a few days at her home in Mor- ris. The Xmas entertainment wai a wonderful success, in the Stone school. , Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Campbell spent Xmas with their daughter, Mrs. Geo. Orvis. The death occurred at Carsonville, on Dec. 18th, of Wm. Hanna, Deceased was born on'the third con- cession of Morris, being a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Hanna. When quite a young man he went to Car- scnville, Mich., where he purchased a farm where he resided until, about' , fifteen years ago when he retired, to ilive in Carsonville. In 1900 he 1nel-- it-led Idella Hodgins of Granton, who • passed away in 1928. Mr. Hanna was the last surviving member of a fam- ily.of six. He is survived by a son, • Glen, and three grand -children at Al- pena. • EAST WAVVANOSH The pupils of S.S. No. .9, E. Wawa - nosh, presented their teacher, Miss Doubledee, with a silver salt and pepper shaker and read to her the following address: Dear Teacher: We have learned with regret that we are about to lose you as our tea- cher, and we take this opportunity of expressing our thoughts toward you. During your sojourn with us as a teacher you have shown a sympathet- ic interest in our ,education. You may be sure we will always remember -with gratitude your interest in our behalf, Please accept this gift as a slight token of our appreciation. We 'hope yon will have a happy future and .that you Will sometimes think of your pupils in ,S.S. No. 9. The young 'people of S.S. No. 9 had a kiteheu shower for Miss Double - 'dee at the homeof Mr. Harold Cur- rie, prior to her rriarria,ge to Mr. Wm. Miller of Bratesels. Mr. Stanley Elliott of St. Cathar- ines spent a few days' at the home .of his mother, afrs. John Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Taylor and Doreen, of Hamilton, spent part of the Christmas holidays at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Taylor. A number of relatives spent Christ- mas 'night at the home of Mr. and iMrs, John T. Currie, to meet their daughter, Miss Olive, who is home from California for a short time. Friends were present from Ottawa, Toronto, Kitchener and Wingham, al- so Mr. and Mrs, T. Kemper Bilb, of Detroit, and Miss Mina, Currie, of Leamington, spent the 'Christmas week at Mr. J. T. Currie's. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Anderson, Strat- ford, spent New Year's Day at the heine of Mt. and Mrs. Wm. Ander- San. Mr, Wm. Wellings and Mr. Ed. Marsh spent Sunday with friends at Hojyrood. pleasant evening was spent at ihe home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cur- rie on Tuesday night oa last week, when a miscellaneous shower was given to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Show- ers (nee Miss Irene Taylor)." short program was carried out act the re- reeinder of the evening was spent in games and dancing. There was a good attendance at the sehool meeting. Mrs. Andersou, who served six years on the school board, resigned and Mrs. Wellings was appointed in her place with Mrs.. Carter as associate trustee. It was decided to send a delegate to the trustees anti ratepayers' Convention at Easter, Mr. and Mrs- aylor, Han' ever, vieited Mrs. Geo, Taylor, of joi en, on Stine day. Mr. La 0 Mr. Day - oi THE WINGHAM ADVANCPeTIMES id Deacon had smile valuable sheep worried by a pollee dog, Miss Mable Johnston has resumed her duties -as teacher in S,S, No. 9, We welcome her to our section, Mr. Dan Arbuckle has returned to Loadon after spendieg the holidays with his parents here, Messrs'. Elmer and Bob and Miss jossie Arbuckle and Miss Reta For- sythe spent Menday in London. Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Anderson spent New Year's Day at the home of the, former's daughter, Mrs. Herb, Shiells. ST. HELENS Mrs, Wilkinson and Murray attend- ed the funeral of her uncle, Mr. Call- ing, at Ripley, on Saturday, and spent the week -end with her inother. The annual congregational meeting of the United Chuech will be held on Tuesday eveniag, January 12th. Mr. Charles McQuillan left on Sat- urday for Centralia where he will teach. Word was received by friends here of the( death of Mrs. Dyer, formerly Miss Evelyn Lockhart, of St. Helens, whose death occurred on New Year's Day at Columbus, Ontario, At the annual meeting of the Young People's Society of the United Church, held recently, the following officers were elected for 1932; Pres., Me Wallace Miller, Vice -Pres., Mr. Stanley Todd; Sec., Mr. McKinley Ramage; Treas., Miss Helen Miller; Convener of Christian Fellovvihip, Mrs. Ramage; Convener of Mission- ary Committee, Mrs. Gordon; Citiz- enship, Mr. Lorne Woods; Social and Recreation, Mr. Gordon McIntyre. BELFAST Miss Jean Purdon and Mr. Will Purdon of West Wawanosh, visited at Mr. T. A. Cameron's, during the week, Mr. Ernest McAllister is visiting with his sister, Mrs. Thos. Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Watson Davis return- ed home on Saturday after spending the vacation at Tara and Allenford. Mr. and Mrs. Spence Irwin and babe, and Mrs. and Mrs. Wilson spent New Year's Day at Auburn. Miss Orr, of Langside, is assisting at Mr. Thos. I-lacketts for a few weeks. JNir. and Mrs. Sam IVIorrisori and family visited recently at Mr. D. K. Alton'. Mrs. 131ake visited with her daugh- ter, .Mrs. Albert Alien, last week. Mise Eileen Johnson, of Lucknow, spent Sunday with Miss jean Cam- eron. Mr. and Mrs. Spence Irwin spent Sunday at Dungannon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDonagh and Jack spent Sunday with Mrs. Jas. Cooke. BLYTH Mr. James Sims spent New Year's with his daughter, Mrs. Lorne Dale, at Seafortla The anneal meeting, of Myth Hor- ticultural Society will be held at the licme of, the Secretary -Treasurer, Mrs. G, M. Chambers, on Monday, Jan. llth, As this is the annual meet- ing all members are cordially invit- ed to be present. . The municipal elections on Monday were ,quiet,. as there , were :just .two ginning. for 'Reeve, the Council hav- ing been 'elected by acclamation. The result of the poll was: Irving Wal- lace 204, Franklin .Bainton 97: . Citizens of Blyth were aroused at about 3.30 o'clock Sunday, by the -un- v.:Ace-me sound of. the fire 'alert -ie. The blaze was in the Chambers -Week in the centre of the town. Thee -block: was occupied by H. C GidleY's tailor shop where the fire .started, spread,. jive to the Odd Fellows' Hall above, then across ,to the, Masonic Hall and through to the partof the Bank of Commerce where by 'strenuous ef- HARD ON THE PURSE *my, but thO girt you frivol with is too On the eyeo.0 /el7-1)st boto on t e ptitowt forts on the part of the fire brigade, it was checkedl'lue entire block is practically a total loss as the bank is dalnaged by smoke and water, tle‘e. Gidley stock is a complete loss, also the Odd Fellows' and Mason's para- phernalia and furniture, 'Pile loss, partly covered by insurance, is heavy, In all probability the block will be re -built. The cause of .the fire is en- keown. ASHFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Jack Emmerson, .01 near Kinlough, spent Sunday with the latter's panents, Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Nixon, 10th core Mr, and Mrs. Charlie McDonagh and son, John, Spent Stinday with Mrs. Jim Cook. Miss Olive Strong and friend, Mr, Morley Zurbrigg, 10th con. Howick, called on some of their friends and neighbors of the 10th con., last Tues - deg Mrs. 1Vm. Blake is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Albert Alton, Bel- fal\tirs, Win. Reid, of Goderich, is visiting with her daughter, Mrs, Jirn Alton, Lucknow. Mr. Davis, teacher at Belfast, and Mrs. Davis, returned from their visit at Tara and Allenford, where they spent their holidays. BELGRAVE • The Women's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church, Belgrave, held its December meeting in the church with the president, Mrs. Jas. A. Scott, hi the chair, and with a good attendance of ladies present. Several interesting and helpful con- tributions on the subject "Ppayer," were given and the roll call was an- swered by a verse on prayer. Here and There Ontario gold production for the half year to June 30 reached $20,- 603,195, the greatest on record. Indications are that the output for the full year 1931 will be well over $41,000,000 in value. Working at the rate of a mile a day and employing a daily aver- age of 450 men, completion of rockballasting in the Ontario dis- trict from Windsor to Smiths Falls on the Canadian Pacific tracks was announced recently. Canadian hens are working much harder than their ancestors of ten years ago. In 1920, statis- tics show that 8010 birds pro- duced an average of 122.1 eggs apiece. This average rose stead- ily until in 1930 it was 173 eggs per bird, New Brunswick moose and deer will make their debut on the talkie screen this Pall while the famous moose calls of New Brunswick guides will be record- ed in sound for the edifipation of millions of patrons in thousand: of theatres across the continent. 'the site of the first cheese fee - tory in Canada, located hi Oxford County, Ontario, will be marked with a cairn as an historic site. There are now more than 2,800 factories in Canada making butter or cheese, and the cheese pro- duction e x c'e e d s 150,000,000 pounds yearly. "Generally satisfactory", is tht. comment on wheat grading in the Prairie Provinces, according in reports eoming in frorn the Ara: - cultural Department of the Cane. dime Pacific Railway at 'Winni- peg, Wheat cutting in the West was virtually completed by the middle of September and rather more than balf of it was thresh- ed at that time. Playing spectacular golf, P. G. Hoblitzel, of the Lainbton Club Toronto, defeated Philip Parley, Ontario amatt,ur (*.melon, in the finals of the Prince of Wales Trophy, , played at the 13anf1 Springs Golf Course in Septem- ber. Sixteen playerS from all over Canada and the United States, qualitied for the title fight. Award of three scholarships et MeGill University to minor sone of Canadian Pacific employees has been made to M. M. Madge, O. le. Gowans and Keith W. Shaw, The scholarships provide for five - years; tuition in architecture end &mica] engineering, all • foes being met until the recipients have taken their degrees as Bachelors of Science. "We are coming to realize that most of our national problems have an international background and can otily be solved by inter- national co-operation," declared Bon, Vincent Massey, former Palladian Minister at 'Washing- ton when sailing recently on the Drimeess of Canada at the head or the Canadian delegation to the fortheoming conference of the le- stittith of Pacific Relations at Hangehow, China,. "31m" McKenna, dean of nes- senger „ travelling agents and friend of presidents, passengers and porters from Saint John to Vittoria, and from Montreal to New Orleans,. ,With over 4,000,00e Miles of railway travel to hie 'credit, died recently at Quebec, it his 7th yew\ Die intimate know ledge; of the Chinese whom he aceompattied across Canade 08311 - ed leite the exit:rim:el of the "Clia nixie teenbasteelor" and "The Man tlaEin«°' PA As this was the annual meeting the officers for 1932 were elected and are as follow; .Presideut, Mrs: J. A, Scott; vice-presideet, MrS. 4, Porter- field; second vice-president, Mrs. A. Cloakey; secretary, Mrs. D. Dunbar; treasurer, Miss Agnes Mason; Glad Tidings see., Mrs. W. j. Geddes; press secretary, Mrs.O G. Anderson; welcome and welfare, Mrs. Porter field; home helpere secret:tea-greaser- ee, Miss 'Mason; supply see.-trease M re. W. Geddes and Mrs. D. Dunbar; organists, Mrs, Norman Geddes and Mrs. Scandrett; Mission Band, Mrs. 0, G. Anderson, Mrs. Scandrett and Cloalcey; - A committee consisting of 'Mrs, Scandrett, Mrs. Dunbar and Mrs, Me - Quire was appointed to arrange pro- grams for the year and another year of service and inspiration is looked forward to by the ntembere. Congratulations and best, wishes are extended to Me. and Mrs. Her- xnan Nethery whose marriage took place at Fordwieh on Friday. The old saying, that vote never miss the water until the well goes dry was brought to mind when the village was without electric light power for a few days, Service was restored Sun- day. We welcotne to our community a new citizen in the person of Mrs, Herman Nethery, Th Community Club party held last weelc was a decided success and it is hoped by the Club -ice have a good surplus at the end of the winter for some charitable purposes. Municipal elections are in prospect bringing all kinds of suggestions for better times and lower taxes. We read of one now in force in a munici- pality in western States where some of the emploYees wages were based on the a-verage. price of hogs each month. If the average prices of hogs were 441 the wages of one class of employees were $45.00 per month. Jos. Miller and Art Stapleton, two of the local conting-ent of Horse shoe fans are now in training for the championship next sunimer. The school teachers have all re- urned to their post, after the holi- days. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Culp of De- troit, spent New Year's with the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Brydges. Telephones are geRerally out of op - mate n owing to the sleet storm very unfortunate in case of sicknes if a doctor is needed. About three o'clock Sunday morn ing, fire broke out in the block own ed by Mr. Geo. Chambers, Blyth which is occupied by the Bank o Coreinerce, and Mr. Giclley's store. KJ The building was completely destroy - SPECIALS ell excepting the part used by the hue f Clirietenas. )Jr, and Mrs, Albert Campbell famely, spent Christmas with her 3 tlier _Mrs. Barclay, -Duriga.ation. :Ma and ,Mrs, 'Win• Crozier aret, falniiY, of Creeve, spent ' Christian: with her parents,. Mr, and Are. Caen el) ell, • lOth LINE' HOWIC - • , New Year'svisitors at Thos. Prit- chard's were: Air. and Mrs. Jaiages Pritehied and two soas of Palmers- ton, Mr. and Mrs, Suttel. Sit:tea:to and Mr. Ernest Barrie, ef Mt, bOrest Mr. Victor Stockton and dauglegge Dorothy. Miss Olive Strong spent New - Year's with Mr. and Mrs, Fred c in ttker, 01 Lisowel, Miss Mary Miller, of Gorrie, he spending the holidays with tier a. Mrs. Thos. Strong. Mr. and Mrs. S. Zurbriggand two sons spent Thursday evening at W333.• o eh 1 er' s • Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Strong anal Mary Miller and Ivan Helper spent Thursday evening at Miss K- at Drew, Mrs. Hugh McLeod is at present - waiting on her mother age], fathere who have been confiiied to theat beds for the past month. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mahood and two cbildren, Mr, and Mrs. Ernest: Dinsmore and little son, were Sunday visitors at Thos. Pritchard's. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Holton' spene Friday 4evening at S. Zurbrigg-'s. Mr, and Mrs. Andrew 1VIcKenzi and daughter, Muriel, were Elora vis- itors one day last week. School opened Monday with a folJ attendance, Mr. Ed. Martin teacher, Mr. E. .McLaughlin was a visitor at Win. Craig's on Sunday. Miss Jessie Ferguson and John, of the 12th line, spent Sunday with their friend, Esther Harding. Miss Marye Belle Horsbu gh spent Saturday -with her friend, Florence Mr. Morley Zurbrigg and Miss 01- ive Strong were Lucknow visitors last Tuesday. Always Present "vVell, George," said a country Iclergyman to an old"man who sat by l the wayside breaking stones, "that . pile doesn't seem to get any less.' "No, Vicar,' 'replied the old mane s 1 "them stones be like. the Ten Com - 1 tiandments—ye' can go on breaking ., - ''em but ye can't get rid of 1 - ' f 115111111011111111111111111 1131111 11111111119111122111 111 111 bank as offices—two lodge room above were also consumed. The New Year prospects for west ern Ontario unemployed look a le better because of the damage done by the sleet storm—thousands of dollars will have to be spent by the telephone company and power companies re- pairing miles of lines. Harry Campbell is on the sick list, being under the doctor's care. A very speedy recovery is hoped for by his many friends. Mr. Denton Massey of Thc York Bible Class, Toronto, whose service is broadcast every week, said, during his talk last Sunday, out of 100 men now 25 years of age, only one will be well off and eight in independent circumstances, when they reach the age of 65. That's something to think about. Miss Sara Cole returned Monday to hcr position at Hamilton after spend- ing, the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. j. Cole. Miss Doneldee McLean is ill with pneumonia. We hope her usual good health is soon restored. The annual school meeting of U. S.S. No. 17, Morris and East Wawa - nosh was held in the school house, John VVightmen was appointed chair- man and John L. Stewart, secretary, John L. Stewart was the retiring triistee anti a vote of appreciation was tendered him fur his twelve years' of service on the board. Robt. Higgins was elected to the Trustee Boiled. Supplying the wood and also the con- tract for the care -taking will be let by tender in the near future. The ac- tion taken by the Trustee Board some time ago to charge rem-reeident pupils attending this school was ap- proved of by this meeting and par - elite of these children were to be no- tified. The meeting then adjourned. S Fii'r This W • DONNYBROOK (Too Late for Last Week.) Miss Margaret Ourinington is v sit- elatives 111 Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. G. A. MacLaughlin, of Detroit!, epent Christmas with her mother, Mrs. Jos. Cheinney, Miss T-Ielen Murphy, of Landon, spent Christmas at the home ,o1 her ljearents." *The Misses Gladys and .0live -c soli, of Woodsteek Htlaie"itetL MOMMMMWMMUME u®tuOM = Pastry Flour, 24 lbs. =. Rolled Oats, 7 lbs. 25e Matches, box Sunlight Soap, 10 bars ,,........49c Pork and Beans, 3 for .25c Corn Syrup, 5 lb: ......... ..... Corn Syrup, 2 11a, . 17 -e - C. H. Wade. PI] Supvior ChaiiiStore Belgra-ve ilieloniptemogitsuiloonnomuctiigo =I; 4. 444 !!:0.3•S'r GEO. WILLIAMS Jeweller. JEWELLER OFFICIAL C.N.R. WATCH INSPECTOR Each Month We Repair One WATCH, FREE. Winner for Decernber— Mr. j, Halliday, Wing GLASSForPieriS'YGtit did,o SitlfoT:111 MSONp. IL- VERWARE, CHINA All High Quante/ Goads at Popular Paideey Join OUR LAY -AV[ cur PHONE .5, '.'•143,4,• • .1•0 ;•:'•• • 4":::'!•:4 ' :r? •• 4 VIOLIN Apply