HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-01-07, Page 2ra
ai u+ary 7th, 193Z
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owe a! Pr*cell Caw
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preached the gospel, to the poor, that
he stooped to every ueed, had a heart
f,;n• every woe, --in these things shone
chit the glory which the beloved dis-
ciple saw.
For the law was given through
Moses, The Old 7.'estalxent law was
given by Jehovah through leis servant
Time.—February, A.D. 27, at the
beginning of the first year of Christ's
public ministry.
Place.—Bethabara (Bethany). on
the east bank of the Jordan, probably
opposite Jericho. ,
Again on the morrow. First came
the deputation from Jerusalem, Then,
on the next day, John pointed put Je-
sus Publicly as the Messiah (vs. 29-
84). On the day) after that, John
this special declaration to his discipl-
es, John was standing, and two 6f
his disciples. One of these '(v. 40)
was Andrew; the other was evidently
the, apostle John himself, who
modestly avoids any mention of hint,
self or 'his relatives by name in his
And he looked upon .Jesus as he
walked.. The Saviour, after his bap-
tism and his temptation' in the .wilder-
ness, had returned to Bethabara for
further' converse with John the Bap-
tist, perhaps to associate the Baptist
-with hint in the:.ministry which he was.
, about to inaugurate.. And saith, Be-
hold, the Lamb of God! The day be-
fore, in a public address, John had
similarly pointed out Jesus as the
Lainb of God (v.29). adding,':, "that
taketh'away,the sin of the world.'.'
And the two disciples herd him
speak, and they followed Jesus. Ev-
cry true follower of Jesus is glad to
decrease that his master may increase..
I And Jesusturned, and beheld them
following, and saith unto them. What
seek ye? What do you really seek,
when you seem to be seeking: the SA -
vicar? Is it for His sake or only for
your own sake, a.
seek ee
k H
And they said, Rabbi((which Is.tosaY
being interpreted, Teacher), where
abidest thou? He is to be found often
in strange and unexpected places also
but the heart. that seeks Him. sincerely
always finds. '
1 -I'd saith unto thein, Coma, and ye
shall see
' It only
our privilege
to know where Christ is, but to be
where Re is. He is in a place, and
He • designs that that place shall be
our, place also. They carne therefore
and saw Where he abode, Our Lord
as doubtless lodging in a small and
1 n•frican house; but "the outward setting
of any man's life is of surall moment.
And they abode with him that day; it
-was about the tenth hour. Counting
the day as beginning at 6 a.m., the
itenth hour would he 4 p.m.
1 1'711 CAL t Qy. pET ER AND
left :them and wen
o live in Caper- an} trouble, The rest of them all had
difficulties Some of thein gave UP the
attempt and let the baby lta'c the
:Philip saith unto .rm. Colne and
see. "Colne and see," In that call
Christianity strikes the keynote of in-
telligent and so of truly devout reli-
gion. And, to his everlasting credit
and to his eternal salvation,, Nathanae'1
went and saw.
Jesus saw Nathaniel corning to hint,
and saith of him., Behold, an Israelite
Indeed, in whom is no guile! "When
yc:u come you will find, as Nathaniel
did, that Christ has sawn you before
you saw Him. If you are ignorant
of Christ, come and see how well
Christ knows you."
Jesus answered and said unto him,
Before ,Philip called thee, when thou
wast under the fig free, I saw thee.
There is a prudent reserve at this
point. Jesus respects the man's sec-
ret, even as He declares His ac-
quaintance with it,
Nathanael answered him, : Rabbi,
thou are the Son of God; thou art
King of Israel. "Nathanael the doubt-
er came before Bartholomew the
A Pcbrou:lar New
NOS ibra 1Fn llae»r Bo ray Styling
A. new ultra -modern slant-
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fittings, adjustable ' sun' visor, finger -touch
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deeper radiator'with built-in grille, arched
double tie -bar, .bullet -type headlamps, 1
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CS -24
e new C evrolet Six may be purchased on easy G M AC terms.
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....*"'"*."'''''''''''''''"""'"'"r'''', 1 God that : taketh away the sin of
--world+ i,ohri 7.:29.x, .
olJ),e only begotten frons the .Tat t
went a rad
bottle until it was over. two, which
is too bad.
The baby does• not want the Milk,
so much'- as it wants the comfort of
the bottle. The trouble is that moth-
ers are so,afraid that if the baby does
Piot take the required quota of milk;
it will starve. It is slow work getting
the milk from a cup, but it should
be persisted with, as in time the baby
will become accustomed to it. In the
meantime use some 'of the "Milk in
cooking its food, and get around it
that way. Cook the cereal in mills
instead of water; use, custards; and
snake cream. soups,
One mother had a baby that bad
been. sick in the SuMiner and' had lost
considerable weight, Shefelt that it
was more important to regain that
weight than to break the bottle habit,
so she was making no attempt to take
the bottle from her baby. She, m tt was
accustoming him to drink froti l
and he took water and his orange
juice and a little milk that way.
Simple Rfreshments at Night
One of the outward and visible
signs. of hospitality is the serving of
good food. Sometimes, however, we
Hints For Homebodies
Written forThe Advance Times are almost killed with kindness.
very richest and most indigestible
1 Vo -1
foods at night. Foods can be most
delicious and yet easy to digest. So
'( .
If you wish' to -be .truly hospitable,
If you want to find the sunnier have your foods digestible as well as
place in the house, just watch the cat. I delectable.
By men lavish hospitality byserving
e the
Jesie Alen Brown
The Sunny Spot
I, still have qualms when I think of
a party I gave last winter: I served
a lobster :Salad, and that in itself is
a ;bit risky, u
guests were par
It manages to find the sunniest place
every time. In the early morning, our
cat takes full possession of a. comfort-
able chair; that is flooded with sun- k but I knew some of my
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utely assures satisfaction to every Silent Glow owner.
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Here is one recent letter from an enthusiastic Silent Glc
"I have two Silent Glow Oil Burners, Model W n- he
cellar (furnace) and one i my kitcheno the wind. lY use
-room braise which is mid,exposed
burners only when it is very cold.
1 have saved thirty dollars on my heating thisyea
pleasure forme to recommend Silent, Glow." e,rt o
(Nam p.
No Noise—No Smoke—No Odor—Light
Gives more Heat --Consumes Less Oil:
of Heat Gen.eratOd.
light. When the sun moves'on, 'So titularly fond of lob
does the cat. It follows the sun ar-
ound star and 1 took a change, Wishing
the rug, until finally, it tri-
room,moving a little to serve a simple dessert after the
-sols across I thelobster, I ordered Orange Water Ice.
' as hard as ` dawn -
I suddenly aha time. If we1 Midnight came and it s y
the cat does to be in the sun; It ed on me that the Water Ice had not
nal ht be better for: The rived A frantic phone call:brought
Taking Away act that had eon a -
Bottle `°r 1 bspec
I forth the f
o- to
� ed
'i Ux
"telt O eCt
e 1
At a tea the `other 1 'and they had n g
child- eilaeaxd softie mother of young chi
ren talking about When they took the
bottle away from their babies; so I
them to listen in on the' -dis-
cession., Did you ever notice the way.
pian who, have' babies always seem
to .get together at any social gath-
ering? Most of the ..time they talk
"baby" at that. It is their absorbing
interest, but I have seen occasions , cream. soup' and was
mas bored' This soup was.. a
the tart - Chicken
' st of h party- �
ie, mo£
i theea
•. iGr
when :of ion.o
a comb
to tears listening to them: Cream of Pea soap. ' A. can of
ers...ancl Crew
But t back. to :our ` iriotltoiler and list to get- was put in the double b
' time if I listened it was owngently for some fault
The-, all knew that the bottle it sitnniered i-way b Y
fault. }1 before we c
should be taken away at the age of
a year and the baby taught to drink
f a Cup.. One fortunate mother
: . U
said that, she had no difficulty at all,
her- baby gave up the bottle without' just on general principles-vliethea
he two
• Iris a.
per Unit
i!lll11ltelltIt (1111
+Makers of Silent Glow Pilgrim 11 atersfor homes, camps,
etc., and Silent Glow Power B +rners for heating large
homes apartments and o her large buildings. 42
J E. NTI. OL .
inghh; , Ont.,,
they need it or not. It:
sound pear in .the centre, place on lettuce.
of a mixture of equal parts of salad
dressing and whipi?ed cream.'
A suitable salad ..dressing is one made
idea, as ust}aily the foods esoda
ate will
acid forming foods and the o moral
neutralize them and make for g
r .
i order
a .L'
APC it. The confectioner felt `very 1� S The night I wrote ti*e ab v ,
guilty yet.' l \ve were invited out to spe ad to eat.
we are unable to sleep ening and this is what we,
Very often anions and
after even such a small affair as a Crackers, cheese, Spanish- mons and
Bridge because of unsuitable --once turnovers. Cheese,M
table of l3 g we : nation at
food. One cold .winter's night'ace pie! What a coinb:r
were served a piping hot,cup of .soup aught very
mix it, and
! Everyone enjoyed,
e ate two mike turn-
• r1 everyone nearly I do *not
overs, myself "included. id but I
know about the rest . of the b t s
slept like a top, mind tur
cheese and all.
Pear Salad
Arrange halves of canned 'bars in
a flat pan which has been rin4d' with
colt. water. ` Pour lemon' jel'i over.
this and chill until firm. To SYve cut
in squares, each square'haw6 a half
� y
with crackers and.everyone
'tis it avis unusual' and delicious.
Otto of the tww*o lth tt peasd • Joliii'
speak, and followed him (that is Jesus
Was Andrew Sintiin Peter's brother.
Peter was a leader, Andrew a follow -
nd p e behold his glory, glory as
`r ANUAlt�' 10. er.) • Ir?: this. that •,he ww C p
The First' Disciples John 1:19-51:down the --aid With words• df truth
Golden ' . .r.ol _ the 'Lamb of and gracious •ireeds'of healing; that.he
lime ate it.
Let simple foods at might be the
rule. Many people take'a dose of soda
bicarbonate when they eat at night;
IIe fincleth first his own brother Si-
uidn. It is only too common to take.
a.;very opposite cohrse; some who
woltId not hesitate to speak of spirittt-
,r.l'things to casual strangers find their
totgues'tied when they ought to
spe.ai: for God to a wife, a husband, a
brother', ora child."
.IIe brought .hint unto Jesus. An-
Klrew never chid a better day's work'
in his life than when he brought Peter'
f0 Jesus: Jesus. 1ookcd upon him and.
said Thou art .Swmon, the son'
John. Jesus may have kilot'
q tattle mi;rac «. wr .nr 1'1.
Bert's ®esires
From a window in a little back
street in an Ontario town a small
boy gazed longingly on the `ball
pla.yers" in an adjoining jot. A
strange weakness kept him resting'
on a chair or in his cot, unable to
join in the fun.
When the doctor was called, a
glance told `him the story and it
was not long before little Theft vias
r • Hos-
e hurried ofP to t'he (ltleen iia 1
pi'tal for Consumptive Children.
Here thereat desire of his life
seems likely to be granted. Bert
has made wonderful progress; and
thenurse says hopefully, that in a
fow months more he will be able to
try his prowess in the baseball nine
and what greater happiness could
befall a little bed -ridden lad than
thTo save many snob as Bert from,
consumption, this great .work must
go on, helped by subscrtftions upon
which: the hospital, so largely de-
pends. A gift frein yon will be
gratefully appreciated. Please send
It to Mr, A. E. Ames, 222 College
St., Toronto.
palet anent
sh tit be
-slyer las oris.
ter Cl gist'
erchanclise or services you have to
IMES will take your message a di -
over 1 0 families InI Huron
talk", too, in a manner that,.
Striking Advertising.Ideas,
.. Copy furnished ! 1,