HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-12-17, Page 3Hints For Homebodies'
Written for The Advance -Times
Jesie Alen Brown
Christmas Spending
To spend or not to spend, that is
the question. Unfortunately there
are too many that have no alternative,
,They cannot spend. But there are a
good many others who can spend,
and have decided 'against it, which
seems to me to be a mistake. At a
Bridge party, the other afternoon one
woman said that •s15e'was telling all
her . friends that she was not going
'to give any Christmas presents, and
intended giving that money to char-
ity. Sometimes people start out with
good intentions, bttt when the actual
giving of the money conies, they be-
gin to weaken. It is questionable
whether it is wise to quit spending
to give. If everyone did that, where
Would the extra jobs be? The spend -
ng of one individual does not make
much difference by itself, but when a
number of individuals all do the same
thing, then it does.make a difference.
We have all heard of large boats be-
ing tipped because everyone rushed
to the same side. The . same thing
happens when everyone stops spend-
ing. Again it is the .Christmas time with
The savings banks all report large its thronging memories and sacred
increases in their savings accounts. story. Again we review the past and
gage into the future.
The immediate past brings to us as
White-Ribboners the "Vote as you
Pray" • campaign. Some asked even
much to blame, either, as it is very then what good has it done? Today
easy to see their attitude. A great we reply that we believe that the al -
many people have lessened incomes, most unanimous undertones that are
even those who still have money they heard from the Christian women of
could spend, have smaller incomes. our Province is our answer.
Consequently, they feel poor and do From all parts' of this province pro
not want to spend, tests) against the system governing
There are a good many salaried the sale of beverage liquors have
people who have the same income, come and have been crystallized in
but they are frightened to spend, as action. You have seen or heard about
there is a feeling of insecurity about the Citizen Protest Petition that is
4 their jobs. They never know when being circulated and which doubtless
they may have their salaries reduced, many of you have signed. Some have
or may lose them altogether. This said it is not definite enough. Will
feeling of insecurity makes then want such a one say how we could.be more
to save. The more money in the bank, definite and not encroach upon the
the less work there is for others. It vested rights of others? That is, we
seems to be a vivious circle. elect men to make and enforce our
The sane. things seems to be to laves, That is their business; it is use-
spend wisely, but if you have 'the less for us to ask for definite changes
money to spend it. The thrifty shop- to which they naturally will reply:
per can spend money to. advantage "We do not see how we can enforce
at the present time, as there are good this," and so throw it aside.
values to be had. We undoubtedly have the right to
Tutti Fruitti Christmas Cake demand that the government so
change natters- that present distress
be' relieved:
This introduces another matter.
One of our women who is serving on
a Board of Relief, suggests that some
steps be taken so that the man who
will not work niay learn that the
Scripture says "Neither shall he eat."
Too many relief stations are opened
where men who refuse to do work
when it is offered can go and be fed.
Have you ever passed a relief line
where a goodly percentage of these
down-and-outers were not smoking?
Again and again societies have found
they were the proud possessors of li-
quor permits and car licenses—a good
combination to produce bootleggers.
Whittthis woman proposes is that'
Inexpensive Fruit Cake
2 caps brown sugar
2 cups hot water.
2 tablespoons lard
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon 'salt
1 package seeded raisins
1 package seedless raisins
pound mixed peel shredded
1 teaspoon ground, cloves
Boil the :above ingredients for 6
minutes. When cold, add 2 well -beat-
en eggs, 3 cups flour sifted with '1/
teaspoons soda, Mix well and bake
45 minutes in 'a slow oven. Makes
two cakes.'
Plum Pudding
1 pint bread crumbs
1 cup sugar
1 cup raisins
1 cup currents
?, lb. suet
1b. peel
3. teaspoon soda
1 teaspoon cinnamon
a nutmeg, grated
Juice and rind of '1 lemon
1 cup floor
/ cup syrup
eggs well beaten
Mix thoroughly and
Carrot Pudding
1is cups flour
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup chopped suet
1 cup raisins
1 cup currants
cup chopped mixed peel
1 cup grated raw carrots
1 cup grated potatoes
1 teaspoon soda dissolved
spoonful water.
Mix in order iven and
three hours.
steam for
If people spent some of this money,
jabs would be provided and less
would have to be provided for relief
work. People who are saving are not
l?cups butter
1 cup sugar
7 eggs
1 pound glace cherries cut in 'halves
pound citron peel cut in thin
1?+ pounds sultana raisins
pound bleached sultanas
6 ounces almonds, blanched and
1 tumbler crab-apple jelly
1 tumbler thick pineapple
I cup grape juice
1 tablespoon vanilla
6 cups flour mixed and sifted with
4 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 nutmeg grated these licensesbe cancelled and that
Cream the butter and add sugar
all men for whom work is found who
gradually, creaming tho.rotighly, Beat do titre accept, be listed and given
in the eggs, one at a time, beating af- to the committees who shall strike
ter each egg is added. Add a little of these names off the lists. That food
the sifted flour, ,then beat in the jet kitchens be opcnecl wheri foodless
ly and the marmalade, then add the
little children and the unsupported
remaining flour, alternately with the
mothers be fed and so far as poss-
grape juice. Add the vanilla, then add ihle clothed but that the men of this
the fruit and nuts, which have been ills be summarily dealt with.
The Canadian White Ribbon Tidings,
floured with z cup flour taken from
the .6'.cups, Bake in three tins in a
very slow oven from 2i to 3 hours.
i ! F.
ppm. $., Opt. D., R. O.
Phone 118 ''Harristoni Ont,
',The Best Equipped Optieal Rt.
tablislunent in this part of
'.1 he annual meeting of the 13c1 -
grave Farmers' Club was held Tues-
day afternoon of last week at the
home of C. R. Coultes. 'I'hc 1'r•csi--
dent, Stewart Procter was in the
chair. ilsil' Coultes, the delegate from
the Belgrave Club to the convention,
gave a very interesting report of the
meetings held. in Toronto last week.,
R. J. Scott, Provincial President of
the U.P,0,) was also present and ad-
dressed the meeting, The I?resident
then' called for the election of officers
tis ,a News
Thurs., December 17, 1931
which resulted as follows: Fgrdwich were Sunday visitors of 1'nesident,' Mrs. W. Gregg; Cor, and
.President, Stewart . Procter; vice: Mrs 5, Munro. Recording Secretary, Mrs, M. Abram,
president, Mrs. '<). G. Anderson; sec- Miss Margaret Graham visited I+roan e Seeretary; Mrs, Toner;
trees, C. R. Coultes. The directors Toronto friends lent we lc, 'r't'astircr; Mrs.„ Whitfield; Pianist, re-elected also. St. Stephen's Church S. S. intend Mrs- Ken. Hastier Devotional Corn.,
C. R. Coultes was re-appuinted to holding their Xmas "At Home" in the Mrs. T. U. Johnstone; Refreshment
act as skipper of the Club. J. Yuill Orange Hall, Thursday afternoon, 17 Com., Mrs. M. Abram;Flower Cu"'
and N. Higgins w•Qr•o elected auditors, of 1.)eceriiber•. A cordial invitation is Mrs. Tyke, Ivirs, Toner, Mrs, Shera;
The program committee is Jas, Mich- extended to the Public to attend. Quilt Corn,, •Mrs. R. Edgar Mrs.
ie, R. Harrison, A. W. Coultes, Mrs. Mr, and Mrs. H. V. Holmes and l'yl.e, Mrs, H. Ashton; Auditors,' A,
J. M. Coultes and Mrs. 0, G. Ander- Miss Perkins visited. with Wingham E. Toner; Mrs, (Rev,) Butt. The
son. friends on Sunday,. meeting. closed with a Christmas
Mr. G. G. Smith a former teller of hymn and prayer, after which re -
"Oh, yes," Mrs. Mrs, Gadgett, very the Bank of Commerce, Gorrie, but freshments were served by the Lunch
proudly, "we can trace our ancestors
back to—to--well, I don't know ex.-
actly who, but we've been descending
for cetlttiries."
After visiting friends at Hensall,
Miss Mary Harris.returned home on
Mr. Arnold Edgar trade a business
trip to London last week.
Mrs. Dane Robinson returned last
week. from Toronto after visiting
friends there.
The Gorrie Community Male
Chorus which took charge of the
musical part of the service in the
United Church on Sunday ,night, was
listened to by a large and apprecia-
tive audience.
Much sympathy is felt for Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel Burke in the death of
their baby boy who passed away ear-
ly Monday morning from pneumonia,
after a few days' illness. He was a
bright child and had he lived until
Christmas would have been three
months old. His sudden taking away
was a shock 10 the family.
Miss Mary Gibson, of London,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Gib-
son, spent Sunday at her home here.
On Friday evening the children
and parents Fret in the Sunday school
room of the United Church for an
"At Home". The amusements con-
sisted of games for the smaller child-
ren and guessing contests for the
grown-ups, and a program of songs,
readings, recitations and instrumen-
tal music, closing with a tableau —
"Rock of Ages". A collection was
taken to be sent to some in need in
New Ontario. Lunch was served by
the ladies.
At the December meeting of the
Wroxeter L:O:L, 2511 the following
officers were elected for the coming
year: W. M., Fred Davey; D. M.,
Harry Dane; Chap., Sam. Sterling;
Rec.-Sec., W. T. Elliott; Fin. Sec.,
R. McMichael; Treasurer, Ira Neill;
Lcct., W. A. Mines; D. of C., Gordon
Wray; Committee, D. L. Weir, H,
Chamberlain, C. McCutcheon, W. E.
Weir; Tylers, Geo. Seiling, Harry
ncw of Guelph, spent the week -end Committee, Next meeting will be at
in town. the home of Mrs. Ken. Hastie,
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnston, of . The Christmas Concert will be put
Guelph, and Mr. and Mrs. Peel, of on in the Township Hill, Gorrie, on
Fordwich, were Sunday guests of Tueseday, Dec. 22nd, in the after -
Mrs. Munroe, neon by the pupils of the Gorrie
The Mission Circle of the United School. Refreshments will be served,
Church net at the home of Mrs. 1 ,
Grainger on Monday 'evening, it be-
ing the annual meeting, the officers
were elected for' the corning year.
The meeting opened with hymn 302,
followed with the Lord's Prayer, in
unison. The Bible reading, the Xnias
Story,- Matt. 2: 1-15, was read by
Pauline Ashton. Hytrin +299 was sung.
After which Miss E. ,Stephens sang
•"C) Little Town of Bethlehem." •The Miss Anne Douglas •visited Harris -
minutes we're read and the different ton friends on Saturday.
officers gave their reports. Several Miss Ad the Grahamtaken of business were discussed. The y was c n to
Hon. President, Mrs.L. Ashton, Listowel Hospital early Thursday
spoke on how she enjoyed the workmorning, where she underwent a very
with the Circle. The Circle have ov- serious operation. Her many friends
are glad to know she is as well as can
er-reached their allocation this year, be expected.
The Pastor, Rev. G. W. Butt, took
charge of the meeting and election of The Women's Institute, met an
officers took place, and are as follows Wednesday of last week at the home
—Hon. fres., Mrs. L: F. Ashton; of Mrs. Jno. Hyndman with a good
President, Nellie Dane; Vice Pres., attendance. The meeting opened by
Pauline Ashton; Secretary, Mrs. Ev- singing the Ode, after which the min-
uteserett Carson; Cor. Sec., Margery Bak- were read and adopted. Mrs,
er; Envelope Sec., Alexandria Hamil- Carol Gregg read a paper on "Christ -
tem; Treasurer, Anne Douglas; Pian -
by Ethel Chapman. Several h-
ist, Pauline Ashton; Assistant Pianist, ems of business were dealt with. The,
Mrs. Irving Toner; Auditors, Evelyn Roll was answered by each member
Dane, Mrs. Grainger. The meeting
closed with a hymn, followed with
prayer by the Pastor.
Dr. and Mrs. Whitley were in God-
erich last week, attending the funeral
of a relative.
Mr. and Mrs. ,W. C. King and so.n,
Earl., accompanied Mrs. A. Earl and
Frank to Molesworth on Wednesday
evening where they visited with Mr.
Mr .and Mrs. W. King and family
of. Salem, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. W. C. King. -
- Mr. Robt. Baker and daughter,
Miss Marjory were in London on Fri-
day !Edgar and presented Mr. and Mrs. F. Holmes; Cam., Sisters Neill, Or- visiting in lvingliam on Monday.
Miss Margaret Foster, R.N., Lon -.Chas. Black, newly-weds, with a mis- chard, Grainger, Sanderson: Auditors,Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Strong spent
don, is visiting her parents, at prey- '.cellaneaus shower. During the even- Sisters Grainger and Orchard; Pian -
Sunday at Mel. John.ston's, of Iord-
ing an address was read by Miss J. wick.
ens, ir, Sister Olive Ashton.
The Anglican Sunday School have Sperling. Charlie replied in a few Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Pritchard,
completed their plans for the "At fitting words and all joined in sing Margaret and Jack Barnes, spent
= ing "Pack up your troubles and GORRIE IN
Home and Christmas Tree Tours-,
Baldwin. Lodge meets lst Monday in day evenipg, when the rector, Rev.
szrile". The remainder of the even-
month. R. S. Jones, has been fortunate in iu was spend in cards and dancing
getting slides which wilt also be and all departed in the wee, sma'
shown. The ladies are also serving hours, wishing them a long and hap -
Thursday afternoon, in the church, tench. ; i wedded life on the sea of rnatri-
witli the President, Mrs. T. Gibson, Miss Holmes of Brantford, left for mony•
in the chair. Mrs. T. Walker read. the Clinton where .she will visit friends i rhe Senior League met on Thurs-
Scripture lesson, A Christmas ivies- before returning home,
.day evening at 8 o'clock. The I'resi-
sage, from Matthew's gospel, follow- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Herzog were dent, l'Ir. Coupe, presiding. The
ing with prayer. The Christmas Cargill visitors on Sunday. meeting opened with hymn 94, after]
thought prevailed throughout the en Mr. and, Mrs. john hryans and -clan_ which Mr. Cook offered prayer. The
tire program, in the prayers offered ehter, Jean, and son, Clarence, of responsive reading was read and
by Mrs. Stocks, Mrs. Finlay and Mrs. Milton, were Sunday guests at the hymn 91 sung. 1Trs. Shera read the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J.• Gallaher. Scripture lesson: After which Rev..
Misses Edith and Dorothy van- Butt sang a solo entitled "The Gar- :
stone, Mr. Ritchie ,also Mr. Moore, den of Prayer" with Miss Pauline as ; m
Parents are cordially invited to at-
Mr. Joe Wood of Howick, a well-
known breeder of Clydesdale horses,
and Shorthorn cattle, sold a pair of
handsome fillies sired by Woodbank
Premier, and their dam is. Baron's
Beauty. Mr. Watson of Lucknow the
popular showman being the purchas-
er. The price paid was a fancy one.
Now is a good time to visit California.
Sun yourself on warm Pacific beaches..
See the great citrus groves. Enjoy the
world.famous mountain and desert
scenery. Stay awhile in Hollywood.
On your way— or returning — spend
springlike days in. Vancouver and.
Victoria. Picturesque'golf, riding
and motoring.
Get information from your
nearest agent regarding
itinerary, hotels, reserva'
tions, fares,' etc. .
bale consisting of underwear, night The president, Mrs. L. F, Ashton,
gowns, aprons, towels, hankies, fruit, presided. After the singing of the op -
etc, also a large cash donation was ening ode, all repeated. the Lord's
forwarded to the L.T.B. and Orange Prayer. The minutes of the last meet -
Horne in Richmond Hill, Ont. In her
remarks, the retiring W.M., Sister S.
Wade, made comment on the work
the lodge hard done during the past'
year, stating especially the need of
the Honie at Richmond Hill. At this
Hone, 150 otherwise 'homeless orph-
ans are given a chance to begin:their
life work by being brought up' in a
ing were read and adopted, after
which several items of business were
transacted and which included re-
membering the sick.
Mrs.. Carl Gregg: then read a Xmas
story, ,entitled "Keeping Christmas,"
by Miss E. Chapman. This was en-
joyed by all, The roll call being the
Christmas fish pond, proved very in
homelike manner. The Horne has a teresting, each member receiving a
Matron, second to none, to look af- gift by fishing;
Community singing was enjoyed
for a few minutes after which the
meeting closed with the National An -
children who are in need of a home, them,
but the Home is.solely dependent on The lunch committee, in charge of
the Orange Order for its upkeep and the dainty refreshments, were the
it is a place any society might well hostess, Mrs. Hyndman, assisted by
fishing for a Christmas gift. The Jan. be proud of. Sister Wade took Mrs. William Earngey and Mrs. M.
meeting will be held at the home of charge of the installation of officers Abram.
Mrs. M. Abram. The meeting closed for the ensuing year, which were as
fellows: I.P.M., Sister S. Wade; W.
M,, Sister Nellie A. Dane; D.M•, Sis-
ter the interests of children. It is
not necessarily children of Orange
parents who are taken in, but.any.
with Community singing and all re-
peating The Lord's Prayer.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Galbraith and Mrs. ter Alba Toner; Chaplain, Sister A1 -
R. G. Newton were \Vinghani visitors berta Strong; Rec. Sec., Sister Lillian
one day last week. Walker; Fin. Sec., Sister Margaret L. We are pleased to report that Mr.
Mrs. Wardsworth, of Lucan, is at Graham; Treasurer, Sister Annie Chas. Mcllwain who has been con -
present visiting her granchnother, 'Toner; First Lect, Sister Evelyn fined to his bed the past three weeks,
Mrs. Neil. : is much improved in health and'ex-
Dane; Dep. Lect., Sister Reita Car
On Friday evening of last week i son; D. of C., Sister Olive Clark; L peas to be up and around in a few
another young couple were honoured G Sister Nellie Herzog; O.G., Bro. days'
when friends and neighbors gathered F Carson• Guardian bro. A E Mrs. S. Zurbrigg and son, and Mrs.
ion -
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert cr• Sen Member of Committee Sis, Thos. Strong and Ruby Scott were
The United Church 1W.11,.T.S. held its
closing meeting for the year on
Stutt, and in the hymns which in-
cluded "Silent Night,". and "While
Shepherds Watched their Flocks by
Night." Th: roll ..call was responded of London, were Sunday• guests of pianist. The topic, Further Study on
to by verses containing the word the girl's 'father, Mr. A. Vanstone. Korea" was taken by Miss' McKee,
'1.'ruth," A short business session its- • Mr. John Robinson lost four ducks This was very interesting. Hymn 438
chided a report by Mrs. Finlay of which would weigh about 8 lbs. each. WAS then sung and the meeting dos -
the recent organization of a mission We understand police Oliver Galla- cd with prayer followed with choir
circle, with ivliss Maud Milligan as way is investigating. practice.
President. The nominating committee Mr, R. J. I-iueston has purchased Mr. Thos. Bradnock spent a few
reported the willingness of the pros- the. Stinson house and lot, by the sta- days in `.Toronto recently.
cnt officers to carry on another year. tion. Our sleighing disappeared verypg
All were re-elected and are as fol- The annual meeting, of the Junior quickly and all signs make ns think fa
lows:. Hon.. Pres., Mrs. J. K. Rage, League will be held, in the -School of Easter instead of Xmas.
Pres., Mrs. T. Gibson; lst vice. Pres,, room of the. United church. Follow- 1 Aft enjoyable evening was spent
Mrs. Stock's; 2nd vice Pres., Mrs, J. tog the election of officers a social recently at the hone of Mr, and Mrs.
Edgar;rSceretary, Mrs. J. R. Wendt; time will be spent with the parents E. W. Carson when the members of
Treasurer, Miss M. Hewee Secretary and children after which lunch will Gorrie I...O,13,A, No. 810 met, ,to ex -
of Christian Stewardship and Finan- •be served, the ladies supplying the tend the best wishes of the Lodge
ce, Miss E, P. Hazlewood; Mission- sandwiches and cake, to Mrs. Irving Toner, on the occas
ary • Monthly, Mrs. T. Walker; Assoc- Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Clegg, also inn of. her marriage. During the ev-
iatc Helpers, Mrs, A. J. Sanderson; Mrs. R. S. Clegg, spent Sunday with tenting an appropriate address be -
Temperance, Mrs. W. S. McKerch- IV.fr .and Mrs, Thoniets Tayden, 2nd speaking the appreciation which the
er; Strangers', Mrs. D. W. Rae; Mis- concession of Howie&, 'members feel is due Mrs. Toner- for
siert Circle Treader, Mrs. Finlay; 13a- Mr. jetties '1'. Slicr•a spent Sunday her faitltfnlness and efficiency in her
by Banal, Mrs. WK'arrinPianist with his Mrs. Edgar Welsh, et lodge work and extending to her the
a g• e r s ser �
Mrs. Meehan; Auditors, Mrs. Munro, The regular annual meeting of the very best Wishes for a happy married
Mrs. J. Edgar. Ladies' r\id of the United Church was 'life, was read by Mrs. Lorne Walk -
STITUTE i Thursdayevening at the home of Ane.
HOLDS MEETING, drew McKenzie, and also Harold Litt
at the same home.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Donaldson and
two daughters, also Harold Evens of
Hyndman on Wednesday with quite Clifford, were Monday visitors at
a number present. Druce Holtom's.
The Gorrie branch of the Women's
institute met at the horse oflfrs. J.
tr]S ph 9.'i Ina ":rR ®P0• I12 IV M !MDT
For the past month or so we have been buy-
ing our Christmas Goods; they are here now for
your inspection, and we wish to draw your atten-
tion to the very moderate prices compared with
former years. We have some wonderful values in
Men's Overcoats, we have reduced the prices 20%.
We can still give you splendid values and good ser-
vice in our made -to -measure clothing.
For gifts that will be appreciated, we have
Scarfs and Mufflers in silk With fringe edge; in a
variety of colors; Neck Ties from 25c up; Gloves,
Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, etc. Some nice House
Slippers for men and women.
1 A Choice Selection of New Fruits, Nuts and Peels: in
•....,,....39.102M� ---- --- ..m
11 Valencia Raisins, 2 Ibs. for 25c
in California Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. for 25c
wa Australian Sultanas, 2 lbs. for 27c
E Recleaned Currants, 2 lbs. for 35c
N S. A. Seedless, Special, 2 lbs. for 21c
E Mixed Peel, per lb. 25c
Si Orange or lemon. Peel, lb. 19c
held on Thursday Dec. 10th, at the er, and a beautiful fernery was pre- Candied Cherries, lb. 49c I
GORRIE horse of Mrs. W. Gregg, The meet 'sen'ted by Mrs. R. Grainger on be- Shelled Almonds, lb. 40c !,
ing opened with the vice-president, half of the rnernbers. Mrs. Toner, in its
Mixed Elmer t and Leland. Ashton -Mrs. W. G. Strongin the chair, Af- a few well chosen words thanked the i11 " `'20c no
1✓iiner But ar Nuts,3 kinds,Ib.
oo Lbs. Of Cantly; Cream's GunaS JellyBeans
Were, representatives to a Scott 12x1- ter singing •a 1tynin, Prayer Was of ladies for their kirtdztess and thought- PI Q y Y, , ►
ePastor, Butt. The fulne.s to her. KiSSes .Xarmas-mixed Chocolates ib: from
ly 'last week.. These young men re fered by the T a. tc r, R ,t. I 5 f� , , , y
turned with splendid reports to their Scripture Lesson was . read by Mrs. l The December meeting of Gorrie * ,
meeting last week. Keine, The minutes were then read LOMA. No. 810 was held on the: rj to 29c )�:
Scout e t; ® Special Prices on lots for Christmas Entertain. ri
The Boy Scouts have been,practtc- and adopted. The Society decided to regular eight, lst Thursday in llec-
y 1. manta at Schools 4r Cl niches, ilt
ing Christmas Carols which they in- change the name of Ladies Aid to ember, with the W.M. presiding. I iII
tend singing to Gorrie residents on Women's Association. The. Pastor ports were given by the various offfie- .1111
Eve,ofmeeting and ei's Bich showed the lodge tain
Christmas Eve, and it TS hoped- they then took charge the a eting n w g beE
Y During h e
will be treated'lcmdly : the election of officers took Plage, a flourishing condition, t t 1. Dav % Store r 0 Wroxeter
Mr, and Mrs.
Johnson,of and resulted as follows: •year the lodge rooriis were redeecorat- 1
W. g i.- lar gc, logissl�llt�mosomm uniport � onesom
Guelph IvTr; aril Mrs. Thosr i':cl of President; Mrs. ("_, Siroir#„ xicc cd in a cr.clYtable manner.. 1