HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-12-17, Page 2OANI THS WINGI.:AM ADVANCE -TIMES A five year written factory guarantee is given with every Silent Glow Oil Burner This guarantee is backed by a $ 10,000 bank deposit which absol- utely assures satisfaction to every Silent Glow owner. There are more Silent Glows in use than all other burners combined. Here is one xecent letter from an enthusiastic Silent Glow user: "I have two Silent Glow Oil Burners, Model W' --one in my cellar (furnace) and one in my kitchen stone, and heat my 7 -room house which is much exposed to the wind. 1 use the two hternert only when it is very cold. 1 have saved thirty dollars on nay heating this year. 11 is a pleasure for me to recommend Silent Glow." (Name upon request) No Noise—No Smoke—No Odor—Lights Quicker— Gives more Heat -Consumes Less Oil per Unit of Heat Generated.141 11 TRADE MARK REG i N CAN, ANO U.S. PAT. OFF. OCL' flt Makers of Silent Glow Pilgrim Heatersfor homes, camps, etc., of Silent Glow Power Burners for heating large homes apartments and other large buildings. 1 E. NICOL Wingham, Ont. —• being like Him, ,even as we can know THE SUNG AI/SCHOOL LESSON I ans earthly friend through possessing t ,aqualities. And there is o other way. He that loveth not knoweth not 1 God; fur God is love. This is the cpposite of the preceeding maxim, but it is more than a mere opposite, it is a most earnest warning. 'LESSON XXV.—DECEMBER 20 The Supreme Gift of Love. (Christ- mas Lesson), 1 John 4: '7-19. Golden Text. -Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one .another. -1 John 4:11. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING. Time.—It is the tradition that John died in the time of the Emperor Tra- jan, about A.D. 98. It is likely that his first Epistle was written not long before that 'year.. Place. -In that case, it was prob- ably written at Ephesus, where John was the bishop of the church. GOD'S LOVE AND GOD'S SON. Bebloved. This is a letter from a pastor to his dearly beloved flock. Its the portions of the letter treat - ling the subject of love he commonly addresses them as "beloved." Let us love one another. John has, been -warning his people against the spirit of antichrist, which is the'very uppo-' site of the spirit of love, being the spirit of dissention and hatred. Fur love is God. True love has its sourc-' ' es in God though many seek to find it . elsewhere, And every one that loveth. "Is in the habit of loving; •.has love for the guiding principle and, ruling force of his life." Is begotten i of God. Is a child of God, so far God abideth in us, and His love is its perfected in . He is where His love is, for love, as a divine principle, is a part of Himself," • Hereby we know that We abide in Him and 3dc in us, becatse:He hath given Ins of His Spirit. The art;u- Meat is that God tvottld:: mit have granted us this priceless • gift if He were not in intimate: relation -with us and hail not a steadfast purpose of grace toward us." And we' htv:e beheld and bear wit- ne.Ss that the Father hath sent :the Son to 'be the Saviour of the world. The language here is certainly such as would be inappropriate in any but an eyewitness. ' ABIDING IN LOVE, Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God. The fdlse proph- ets about whom John had just been writing (1 John 4:1-3) did not so con- fess; on-f ss; they •hacl the spirit of the anti - Christ, Gud abideth in hien and he in God. Herein is the permanent dwelling with God, to see and know God in Jesus Christ, God is love, Again the great as- sertion of terse 8: love is the, essence of God; love is the fulness of Gud; love is the being and action of God; ully when the water is cold. know love and you know Him. And he that abideth in love abideth in ch how did she like tnarryed life who God, and God abideth Sat him. God has been marry od for a few miintbs 'Tien will kids be happy, and all old folks too, Yet before that time conies. ---we've a lot, to do. 3, G, Webster.. SLATS' DIARY By Ross Farquhar Friday --I wood of got a good grade in my test today ones when the tee- -cher ass wltut was optimist 1 sed was a kind a fish witch has got a lot of tales witch kecli: hold of you and sl*eeze you. Saterday — Ant ,Emmy says she thinks that the governtnint shud ought to fernish umberellas for the saylers on the Sub mareen boats to use when they half to go down tinder the water. a spesh- Sunday—Ma was asking Viry Hut - loves the good, the true, the pure, blit His love rises higher that it may cc me Clown lower; and He loves the me. I can wrap this love of His about me and claim it all as my own. Herein is love- made perfect with u: - This loving eonununion of man with God develops and completes the she woodent of cared to hear whut I' quality of unati's love, soaking it more was saying enny ways, but it seams end more like God's blessed love—a like: all •wirrtc'n is curious that away, most inspiring and helpful promise. .Teu.sday—Pa was reading in the That we may have boldness in the !noose paper about where -it sed sum day of • judgment, - Th,e confidence musisliuns had discovered a new note which we shall have in that clay, and and Ant Enemy sed she diiddent think which we have even now by anticipa- the country needed .a new note wile tion of that day, is the perfection of the 1)epneshun is so notisable. • cur love. Because •as he is, even so Wensday—The tcecher ast Jake to- are we in this world. The more. like day when bath tubs was lst used in Christ we become,' the less fear we America and Jake sed he thot it must shall have in approaching the final of ben on Saterday Nite. tribunal where Christ Himself is. to :Chirsday—Ant Enin y sed -she was be our Judge; and the way to become a going to complain to the skool bord like Christ is to love. about the I'rinsiple of the high school becuz he sed he was a bachelor of Arts and now she has found out .frtnn his home town that lie is marryed and has got 2 or three Kids and meb- I' ,ar is punishment in itself and looks by more. forward to punishment in the future; b t f ' l t f and she sed they was just 1 feachure she dussent like and that is her bus - bend, Munday—The teecher skolded me today for tawking wile she was tell- ing about the puriteus when they landed on I'limoth rock but I told; her There is no fear in lave. The pre - Herein Was' 'the love of God mani- sence of fear is a sign that love is not rested in us. This also, marvellous to perfect.". But perfect love casteth oat say, is Manifested through humanity. fear, because fear' hates punishment. that God hath sent His only begot- ten Son into the world (there is only -one Christ) that we might live through him, If Christ had not conic i!,to the world to chow us the. Fath- er and to die for our sins, we should! have died in our sins, we should nev- er have entered eternal life. Herein is love, Namely, in. what ,follows. Not that we loved God, but . that He loved us. O- love, at the ' best, is imperfect, but God's is per -1 feet. And sent His Son to be the 1 propitiation for our sins. What truth i can be greater than this, more vitaliz- ing, more blessed? t GOD'S LOVE AND OUR LOVE. Beloved. Once more the af- fectionate address, so appropriate to the apostle's theme. If God so loved us, Compare the use of "if" in the sense of "since" by Jacob at Bethel, Gen. 28:20, and especially by our Lord Himself at the last supper, John { 13;14. We also ought to love one an- other, He love:: us that we may .pass His love on to ether men, and thus His love shall be magnified, and made as:he has love in his soul. And know -;to bear ever more and more fruit in eth God. '\Ve can know God through ' the earth. If we love one another, "The Long Life Lamps S ec ial l `- dei end for �i1y s leo Service mit guaranteed beep r Carton of a#`ix Lamps i? the house Wingham Utilities Commission Crawford Block. Phone 156. z!i r.r;i,iSh u we ear no punts toren rom those that we love and that love us. And he that feareth is not made per- fect in love. Therefore we are to look 'upon" any worry or anxiety or dread as a warning; it betokens a leek of love to God, a serious defect in out • religious itfe. CHRISTMAS, NOW. AND THEN 'Spite our Temples, Chapels, Church- es, 'Spite :our Science vast researches; Life, to most remains a battle, We are still "dull driven cattle." Money lenders ply ttheir trade, In our very Halls of State; ,, Robbers, under Custom Cloaks, Boldly hold up honest folks. !Inspirations laws are made as shields to evil, Iof the Devil; } Ali Christ's pleas are set at naught, Still we cherish, what He fought. 1 Every Christmas we turn, pious, (five our thoughts a foreign buts; 1Try to act as Christians should, !Try to be real nice and good. Ilut we realize our "whiteness," I, not really joyous brightness; _fusta pigment, sick and weak, Nut the "finish" we should seek. Not the "finish" for the "core," Though it may be painted. o'er; Still is hard and bitter,—though, Some day it may better grow. Not a pessimist ant I, Hitched my hopes are to the sky; Folks will learn to 'live aright, When at last they see the Iight. When that light shall dawn, its beam Shall the whole wide -world redeem, How to give; not, how to bleed, i -low to help; that, given 'heed. When for markets we .won't care, When alike we all shall share; Iir the:'—products of the soil; Garnered by communal toil. When on man shall master be, On the earth or on the sea, When nu slave shall have to sweat, For whatever he can get. When the earth with all its hilliness, All its heat, and all its coolness Will be workshop, playrield splendid, W't'hen all competition's ended, Then hr'w very merry Christmas time will bo.., Thee the C'hri::dike spirit will be truly Tree, CHRISTMAS IS COMING "1'o the Editor av all thins Wingham paypers. 1teer Sur:— '"Cis the sayson av the year now whin payplc take cowld aisily, an iv- irybody kin tell ye what to do whin ye hey caught wan, but nobody sanies to know how to not kitch wan, so mebby it is up to me to give a wur- rud arr two ac advoice, widout main - in to butt into the bisiness av the dochtors, at all, at all. In the fursht place don't thravel at too fasht a pace. Go shlow, loike our Town Council, an thin ye will nivir ketch annyting. In the nixt place, wurruk till ye're toired, an thin shlape till ye're Feshted, an whin ye attirlfl wan av thim poi aitin mare - 1'hulrs., December 1931 ;11 SantaCat's says rrThis Christmas you cannot give the whole family a better gift than a DEFOREST CROSL. Y Made In -Canada Rhapsody.' HE "Rhapsody" represents ' the ultimate in Radio Value. In every respect this sensational new instrument eclipses all previous radio offerings. An eight tube super - heterodyne chassis incorporating multi -mu tubes . . autodyne first detector . . . complete range tone control . in a striking cabinet gives the "Rhapsody" UNEQUALLED SENSITIVITY, SELEC- TIVITY, TONE QUALITY and its beautiful cabinet will add grace and charm to any home surroundings. Prove its superiority by making the famous Announcer Test. Come in tonight and learn how easy it is to own this radio. The "RHAPSODY" 1295° Complete with Tubes $25 puts this beautiful radio in your home for Christ- mas. RADIO AND ELECTRIC SHOP W. T. CRUIKSHANK, Phone 58 Wingham rayson wid a wumman, so I am jist afther ,givin her the usual handout, an hopin that the moild weather Will continue, so that I kin save it aff the coal bill. Yours till next wake, Timothy Hay. A patriotic Scotsman had induced two English friends to go to Arg117 Shire for a holiday. "Well how did you enjoy your- selves?" he asked them on their re- turn. "Did you have good weather?" "There was a shower 011 our first day," said one of then. "Didn't I tell you that it was all lies about the Highlands being wet?" asked the Scotsman. "That shower hadn't ended when we came hornet" was the reply, SEND IN YOUR NEWS EARLY AND OFTEN. moi III■IImilmitimil ntstlltintioliantimiliililillifilllalllaiioninitaiiiiilmininstinniAI1nimilont imilisllwiin11il11111 1/1/1116 ■ i thons, that the Churches do be hould- in at this sayson av the year, nivir ruoind if ye don't win the proize.. i Thin ye moight take more notish av le thim foot good ould rules to kape ycr fate warfum, an yer head cool,' yer pores open, an yer mouth shut, an besht ay all, don't be- always tink- in about yersilf, but. 'whin ye happen tt, shnaze, fergit about it, an go on wid yer wurruk. kr inosht loilcely 'tis i trowin aff a could ye are, an not tak- i A i i in wan. Thin too, ye shud tape away front, drafts, ispishally bank drafts, fcr 1' ■ don't know annytin` .more loikely to ,w give .ye a chill than thine tings, If ye obsarvc thim rules ye will !. leikely come troo the winther all roight, fcr, Shure, we defaited the Germans' thirteen years ago, and we kin git the shtart av' the germs if 've kape fit, an "peek 1111 our throb- tiles in the ould kit bag." 'Tis gittin near Christmas toime an .11 111 "APPRECIATED ALL YEAR" av coorse the misstis is afther wantin to sited prisints to all the grandchild- er out in Alberta. I tould her that toitnes wus harmed, an that t fought yet: shad tint out that ixpinse this year. She said she •cudden't bear to dishappoint the darlints,' an wttddeti't, •know what rayson togive fes not sindin tings as usual. l tould her that she nt.ciiglit sins) w'urrud to the young shpalpanes that the noight Santa Clans intinded to snail theer prisittts from Winghant that: the .1?osht Aw- five chimney got on Torre, an av coorse that upset his .plans, fes lie had to go on to Whoitechtirch aft luck- now the saltie noight, ' "An Is it a pack av lois ye wuci itc- piekt rte' to be toll°in the poor dears?" ser the misses. "'Y''e had bctther save up all the invintivc fackttlti s ye hey fer the tti'+ctclick fttitt,"' sez she, "fcr, accordiit to the way sings do be go- it,g, ye will be ttalditt thim," „She sez. AA worse it 'is no use tbroyin to i a is When the question arises as to what you will give the absent members 0 re of your family, or a former' old friend for Christmas it' may easily be solved Y,►Y Y ■ by sending them their old home town paper for a year. It will be appreciated much more than some trivial present costing a great deal more. THE PRICE BEING . . $2.00' PER YEAR ' E ADVANCE Wingham, Ontario illy lai1NI moa I motill oallamai oll l atimNarailIM1111 mitiiI IIIIAIIIIYIIINIIlwmoli taiiiiptilrlll■Al lli litaNliii thornier