HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-12-03, Page 8111011 Rl+���tl�;li,.
Ash•A. ,
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l I;i011ll . lr `' t frit lultcl
t t s ,
t t< ..c
rtit�cl`attd thw•tt with
Fieri rs G rani,, Russ, Will Henry and
Joint Gaunt,' pfcp''iding the ineSic; the
y cttitg thine ed until "the • aeens•I
toifireCi U'tt'rrriaf't cltisiii k'• `4r+4i ..'i:• I•
Mrs. John Scott of I . 1Vawanosh'
spent the seek -enol at the home of
ll r. and Airs.- (,alias. Wight.tutin,
Mrs. J. Simpson, •who ';spent ,• the
least fere• weeks' at the home of her
brother, Mr, J. J. McGee, returned to
her hunte an London on .Friday.
Mrs. ,!hos. Robinson is in Clinton
this week
under th. doctor's
A i
and t. < 1'Irs, Irvin Henry and sun
Ross from Belfast visited on Sunday
with her sister, Nits, Robert :F'urdo.n,
Mit. George McQuoid end Miss Ida
spent S•rtrtday with Mr. and Airs. Jas,
Laidlaw, ,
Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Laidlaw and
Luella spent Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs. Robt. Stewart, of Kinloss.
Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Robinson and
Laura and Ernest spent Monday With
rw ,wItrAW Mr ur
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, December '3, 4, 5th
",• jtl
''A Story of Hardships and Priva't c s o •the
Pioneer Trail.
Mack >rO�W:r�
Monday, 'Tuesday., ,,Wednesday, T eeewl•ber.. •r7,, 8,'`9th i
...,r-, •n.„,,, v,. ,rna _ ;iii
-week-end. ,
- '-- their daughter, Mrs. Kilpatrick,Miss. gene Mundell was organist.
gut Lucas &Juttett�, Com: forJohnMr: Wilfred Ira'dkctt, Mrs. James
for the Cornintinrty. Male Choir at:
4'.42''''-'-'.,, rr. x�msa:w - of Crewe. •Hackett and Mts. Alex. Scott motor- Goderich Sunday evening,
Miss Lila Emerson spent the past ed to London: on Sunday. 7 ,•
y d �; . < -• week in Brantford, Visiting with Air, I r actiee •for the Sunday School en-
. 1� e . are. sort
.,1. g " r, ;•1 •; s y. to .report the death tertainmer t will commence Saturday
__ and Mies. Bert Wiggins. 'of Mrs.
"WOMEN " _ John .twin Oiir sincerest. A full attendance is requested. ,
LOVE ONCE" i Mr. Lorne Johnston of Cedar Val
Synipatliy is extended to lir. Irwin,
., • a a leyley, spent a few days last week re- and other relatives.
.'11li- imi11041tain111111RiA10811I®IIIIYIIn011i1111111sincIIil01i1811ncliOIl1c1111�iiligiilll,llill'�lholl1011mtil cuperatutg at the home of Mr, and Mi, grid s, C}tarles, 'Le Dreg h
Mrs.. W. R, Farrier. Ifs, Cooke's on Sun-
. �•,r� : --- visited at i12i.• J
Mr. and Mrs. RoyPatton of I.ucxri Miss Agnes Coupes of F. Waiva- ,da Visitors in the ,community; Mr. and.
'44'1 lT'I'ECI lT 31�C11
nosh, spent the •week -end with friends Mrs. Anger and family, Fergus,
s spent Sat t se, f her trip- 1 Miss liar Phrili >s of Toronto', is Jack Ang
!ther, Mrs"��r� 'v• here• visiting her sister, lits, Thos. her- with Mrs. Anger's parents; Mr. and
Mr, John Mackenzie who has been ' Mr. Jim Richardson has been in Mrs. Alex, McGee; Mr. and Mrs. Joe
'with s daughter; Mrs: Thos. Gaunt e' i T t<1 . Win, , �s tihter ~pent m guson.
his g 5 k t�tttt M12rs. itfitir= `I'eeswater taking the' iliree month , .Mr. and Mrs, John Bkaaiey and. Smith and family, Turnberry,• with
for the past few weeks, has nut been a few dad last tiNe�e - ,�� Short Course, that is beingput on Mr. and 1GIrJohn Smith; Mr. and
i ray, p fancily visited at Mr. Alex.. Hackett's s S , n
very well. i there.
The Ontario Horse [readers• and recently. .. Mrs. Alan Ramsay, Wingham, with
Mr, and lits. Thoa, Reed of Luck- Messrs, Joe and Herman Caskinet David Ramsay; Mr, and Mrs,. Fern,
now spent Sunday at the home of his i the Federal Horse .Breeders, -Associa= of Kitchener; spent last week with , , •` Tiverton, with David Ramsay for the
1tion used the A riculturaI'Represen- BELCiIi,AIVE
brother,'Mr. Bert Reed. g' their aunt and' uncle, Mr: and firs. winter months.
Little Raymond Peterson, when! tatires ofthe Connties`as, gents,' and, Ralph Caskinet, Mrs, Hugh Wingham,
Y ' areantatiyeired a "Foal Chili" in each Mrs. C. H. Wade returned borneSiitnainon Wirt barn
playing in the barn at the home of 1 , Its. Lance Grain motored to Tor-; last from 'Wingham General Junction; with her parents, Mr. and
, 'County. These ttiere,e liibited at one. Sunday g
with� • brother, lir: Jack Cur -Hospital.
Mr; John'McMillan on Saturday, fell' local Fair in the Connor and the win -Mrs. Wm. McMichael:
lirou h a shoot to the stable belowi rielandspent the week=end with re- TrMrs. W. Duff•visitad her cousin
t g nets of each group were helped In
rnity Chiu cit Bazaar Held last: J.
and broke his left arm at the wrist ict datives there. Saturday was quite .a success, The Mrs. Andrew Siem at Mount Forest,
n h ret different ways ant1. their'e`.Denses pa Airs, Jas, Cornelius and Amos on Friday; Mrs: W.Johnston is••1
Miss Lorna McCle agg an spent to exhibit their colt Vit' the Royal Fair proceeds amounted to about $25.00. ) , J J
lash week at the home of her uncle, spent Friday at Crewe with the form- Miss Crrace l ontcith of Stratford,, visiting relatives in Morris; Mrs,
at Toronto, and ,prize nionev 1 etv een. er"s uncle, Airs. Matthew Shackleton. Thyme g
Mr. Elwood Barbour, of Fordyce. spent the week -erect with• her friend, yttte Rae and little daughter have
Miss Marian Casemore, of Turn- °'800 and[ 900 was • given to• the boys. Hiss Ernnta Davidson is visiting 11.Iiss. Rutlt`C.ole:. returned home after spending a week
spent f days last week at
taking char colts there The lirnrstei ]fere with her sister, Mrs. Henry God li • �, C. Scott has purchased a at the 'home of lir. and Mrs. Wm.
berry, pe a est Y of Agriculture-gave'thein great credit r p
the home ofl Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred and promised each bile a personal tet- kin, view Plymouth from Sandy Young.
H. Stewart at fowling Green.
;Gar -
Reid of East Wawanosh. P •Mrs. Reuben Tiffin and Fred spent •Visitors here: Miss M. Olive Czar•-'
ter of congrztulatiaris, From this die- Sunday at `St. Helens with Mr: and.. niss, Mount Forest, with her rrents,
Mrs. Thos: ,Robinson and Charliept
pent last week -end at the home of dict, AIr, Donald Foister 'and Mr. Airs. Russel Ritchie.' Mr. and Mrs, R. FGarniss; Mr. and
Milian Moore, owing to' their success Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Ross of Tees a U
Mr, and .Mrs. Joe Thompson, of Til at the local fairs, tivera itble to ~take Mr. and, Mrs. Alexa Torgie were Mrs.', Pearson, Grey, and,Mr. and Mrsl;
sonburg.. Q < water were' the guests of Mr. and Sunday viistors' with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Greer, Wingham, with Mrs.
it the Royal Fair and we'•cong ratu- Mrs. George Harkness on Sunday, Robert Musgrove. Mr. 'and Mrs. Chas. Gillespie and g Aithur hincoi. g
late them that they'came in for their Mr. and Mr. Wm. Dawson spent Mr.shipped a car of:
children spent Sunday with relativesS• and Airs. Thos. Gilmour visited Fleming Black
hi Lucicnoiy. share of the prize looney' in.
of 1 Satnclay at thhome of their delight-
.; recently at the linine of Mr. and Mrs. stock to Toronto on Saturday.
fainly means a „renter interest o I er, Mrs Wesley Tiffin. G. Hem T
AIr: and Mrs. Amos Cornelius spent
Omar Stokes, pelf of Vl roxeter received a
Sunday at the home of her sister, part of the boys towards 'horses and ( Mr, :Patrick Black who has spent
will ,also stimulate- more interest in lir: and 'Mrs: Wm. Breckenridge car of peas at Iiluevale C.N,R.;"stn,
Miss Olive Terriff, who has been the localfairs.
Mrs. John Sproul of Goderich, - ' i the past two years in this vicinity left and Addie, visited on Sunday with tion last week and is trucking • there.
ion Monday fur his home in Glasgow. the latter's brother, Mr. Andrew Mil- to Wroxeter:
nursing for some time in Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. Sowtt,r• Taylor and' We wish hint a pleasant voyage. ler, "1''' • The regular meeting of the Wo
also Mrs. A. Turner and her broth- soil, Gordon, of West Wawanosh, , Mr. and Mrs, Dan McInnis and Mr, Miss Evelyn ' Lincoln. spent a few man's Institute will be held•on Thars
'er, Mr. Wm. Smith fI
-from the West, motored to Detroit and are visiting i and Mrs. Cecil Falconer and children days last week with her sister, firs, day afternoon, Dec. 10th at the home
visited on Sunday at the former's with relatives' tliete_ I spent Sunday at the former's son's, John Gathers. of Mrs, Alex Mowbray. The follow -
home here. I The members', of the Wonien's In- Robt. and James McInnis, of Teesw- Miss Helen Mulvey is at present ing programme will be carried out.
•Word was received on Sunday of : stitute and their,'f rmilies spent a very •water, preparing Christmas Tree. Date Roll Call: A Candy Recipe. Paper:
• p £fpr a
the serious illness of Mr. George Cot- i e joyable cyentng on Friday last at Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Tiffin spent Sun- will be announced later. The true spirit Giving, by Mrs. Mile
tie, who is living 'with his daughter, the Hall here. Mfrs. J,. 'Grain, as lead-
dy with i1'Ir, and Mrs. Perri;' Ben- Mr. Aleck Corrigan has leased the ton Smith. A Salad demonstration
Mrs. Browning of Kincardine. We cr of the defeated side of the contest, nington of Teeswater. farm from. Mrs. Robert Muir, We by Mrs, D. J, Falconer and a paper by
hope to hear better reports of his ;acted as chairlady and a splendid pro - Miss fcraa MacKay of Stratford, welcome Alecle, tp;_our,,ir
neighborhood. Mrs. Jos. Breckenridge.
condition,. !gram was patt`'cin, Of dialogues, mus- Sunday with "'rhosWeLadies of the community are always;;
I spent unher parents, here, Mr. and Alts' spent welco'm'e.
the furieral of hi`s^ nit/yit',: Mrs. John
'1 i ,<'t.
�vf twan�isla,'or� .ttie.sda,yof:
last •,iypalst.- ,uh a z 1,g3,111-11,r:n
Air, Robert (.ioilcy had a Wood be
tree� ��
d. last week,
Mr. i
id Mrs, Arthur ri
1 dgar ctrl • t i
family were •recruit: Sunday visitors at
the house of thr„ fyrrsuer's tiro t.her, Mr,
Wm. -Edgar of Grey,
Mrs, Charics Cciokr:, 'of W ingbam,
Visited at 'the` lutfiiie of her daughter,
Mrs, Thomas Burke, last week.
Mr. .trio.:lirss Mnr•ray Ross and
family of Gr c�called at the home
Mrs. Of their friends, Air. and lits. 1'lalter.
Jcffr ty, une day last week.
Miss Violet, Twamley. has returned
home after spending' a few weks in
Thursday, December 3, 1931
A, number front' hel:;c a t ;nded the
Neural of l r Foster at Newbridge
l It •+nuot 37 ret•.0 t;:' ittl'iAWAV:., M.
S. Met at Miss Elizabeth' Hackney's
oil Wednesday aftcrucioi, with an at-
tendance of 11, fleeting opened by
singing and prayer, Scripture reading
by the leader, Mi•s, Newans, Mrs,
Tom Abraham gave a splendid ad-`
dress. • Reading by 14Irs, Metcalfe,
prayer in conclusion by Mr•s. 'peter
Hackney, Roll call, New Canadians,
Those out of the village the past
week were, Misses Mary and Hannah
Stokes •and Omar,, at Mrs. Harris, in
Mildinay; Mr. and Mrs, '.! eernish, Mr:
and Mrs, Doubledce, Jimmie Ilalli
day at- Toornto; Mrs. Herd, Jack,
Jean and Marjory, at Owen Sound.
]Vii•. and Mrs. Turnbull, Mr, and
Toronto. Mrs, Mundell and 'family. attended•
Miss Tiffin, of•,Wingltam, was the the banquet at Gorrie Tuesday even -
:guest of Miss Elsie Vint during the ing, n p trc itnd. report a s' le slid time
Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Purdon and Wil- ical numbers, dancing; readings and. I
lie and Jean, of West Wawanosh, al- singing. _Mr, George Ross interested! ASHFIELD
so Mrs. Goyeau and Miss Vera and i all by his account of his • recent trip i
Mrs. Aldin Pardon of Leamington, i to the Royal:Fair as one of the 500 M. and Mrs. George Lane .and
spent Sunday at' the home of Mr. boys to attend there, in a body,• and fancily, the Misses Melda, •Winnie,
and Mrs. Wm. Purdon, 1 alt were delighted with the entertain- I3ilda.and, Clifford, spent Sunday with
Mr. Roy Adair of Wingham loaded'rn.ent, The Institute"are pleased that Mr. and Mrs. Crawford, near Port Al-
a car of pressed hay at the station I so many of the families are taking ad- hert.
here on Saturday.•
vantage of the Hall as a common Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alton and son,
Miss Gladys Garton, nurse -in -train -i ground where all members of the Alvin, spent Thursday with Mrs; Al-
ing in the Ontario Hospital, London, I family can go for 'a night's fun and
spent Sunday with her parents, here.l entertainment and Where the parents
Miss Mary Dobie of Wingham, can 'see for themselves low the young
spent the week -end here with Miss ; people are spending their evening in
Lorna McClenaghan. • wholesome enjoyment. After the pro -
=0=0=0= 0=01
0 •
Our Xmas Goods are noir on display, rcnd
we :venture to say thatou will be x sprpr„zs.c, da,r,,
delicrhted at the remarkable values we have in our
f i t
various lines of Gifts.
15 Jewel Pocket Watchs
' $5.00 to $25.00
15 Jewel Wrist Watches
$9.00 to $35.00
'105.00 to $100.00
Men's Signet Rings, Solid Gold
$5.00 to $15.00
L dies' Signet Rings, Solid Gold
$3:00 to $4.50
Ladies' Fancy Rings, Solid Gold
$1.50 to $7.75
Ladies' Fancy Rings, Silver
75c to $2.50
Ladies' Broaches 25c to $25.00
Ladies' Fancy Bags
$1,50 to $7.50
Ladids' Compacts 75c to $7.50
Necklets 25c ta'$IO.00
Fancy C'liocks .t t$•l,'l50 'te x$20.00
Alarm Cloc ..t•:k.,,•$1:00 $5.09
Salt anclr^r1?epper,s,,.- ilver ,
`' $1.75 to $3.00'
Fountain,, ? nst herbc"to 2.00
Tea Se vice ,
$13.50 to $16.25
26 Pieces, Silver Flatware
• .•;$4,00: i tot.$33.00
Individual Pieces of Salver 1'lat-
,:ware 50c to $4.50
Many Pieces! rd$t Silver
Holloware 7e to '$13.50
High Grade Pearl on Amber
• Pieces 50c to $10,00
Umbrellas and Canes
t • •,. • $2,00 to $4,50
Cuff Links IOc to $10.00
Hundreds of Pieces of China, Glass, s ra,re7 ,Leather Goods,
and other' Gifts, Suitable for Everyone, 10e -to $10.00.
Chrietntas Cards, 5c and 10c. As Good a Selection as any,
also Personal Cards anc4oSealsk 't
Special Orders Promptly Attended to. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
A Small, Deposit Will Hold • Any .Article, 0
November - Mr. J. 0 Mille y .. Gorrie. "
'Winner kr Dove
or a 'ifl ams 1:1 jeweler
OfficialC. N I2,. Watch -Inspector. ...
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs..A. Stew-
art, Howick.
Miss Lily, Edwards and Mr. Clay-
ton Edwards visited on Tuesday ev-
ening last with Mr. and Mrs. Reuben
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Wismer and
daughter, Lorraine, and Miss Elda
Bennett of Linwood, also Mrs. John
Wray of Wroxeter, visited on Sun -
ton's sister, Mrs. :Will McLean, and day with Mr, and Mrs. Oliver Stokes.
Mr. _McLean, of Saltford.
Mrs. George Labe, Mrs. Cyril BELMORE
Campbell and son, Id;arry,, motored to.
Stratford on Friday, Miss. Melda The members of the Christian En -
Lane returned borne with them from deavor Society, were entertained by
Normal. Teeswater young
Mrs. Wm, Robertson, of Auburn,
people Monday ev
spent a few days last week with her ening,
daughter, Mrs. Spence Irwin.
Mr, Bill Whiteside, who had made
his home with Mr. John Mullin, re-
turned to his home in Guelph last
Friday. • 3 icts. FREE 30cts.
Mr,, and 'Mrs. Charlie AfeDonagh,
12th con., spent Sunday with his• ss-
tel, Mrs. jim Cook and 1V 'Ir. Cook
Mrs, Sam Sherwood spent Friday
With her daughter, Mrs. Jinn B'•arbotnr;•
of Goderich.
We have to report the sudden pass-
ing of Mrs. John Irwin, 1041 con.,
west of Belfast, who died on Friday
afternoon about four o'clock. She ,vas,.
doing her work when she was strick-
en with a stroke front which she did
trot recover. We extend our sincere
sympathy to her now bereaved hus-
band and relatives. The funeral' was
held on Monday afternoon to Green-
hill cemetery.
There will be no election in Ash-
field this year, as the Reeve and ,
;Councillors were all returned by aa- H Buchanan H `I`/re..
elamatiott an Friday afternoon.
Friday •
Bring Coupon and 30 cents
and receive 30c Can UTILAC,
Quick drying Enamel, and Rub-
berset Brush, total, value 60c.
Fifteen Beautiful Colors to
choose from,
This Coupon and 30 cents en-
be er to one can of Ut-'
ilac and Ruhberset .brush, retail
value 60c. Good only Friday,.
and Saturday.
Mr. anti Mrs. Robert Warwick; at-
tended a fitne:raj at: Newbridge one:
day last week.
Mrs. McKague of •Wingham, 'visit-
rad it thie home of her daugliter, Mrs.
Scott, for a week, reo'ently.
The funeral 'of the late Robert
:h,nartar,_tif the brurtclary, was largely
,ancndell by .peopl_e_ from this com-
Mr. Geor; e td. Coulter attended.
Apply for Particulars
Box 74 Wroxeter Ph. 29
To the Voters of Wingham to
whom I respectfully offer myself for
the seventh year for the Mayoralty
of Wingham:
Most of you know the work I have
done and the willing service I have
always given the citizens of Wing
haat. These last two years of unem-
ployment, when progress• has been
practically impossible, have meant•
hard work for rete but work for the
benefit of this community T have • giv-
eft willingly and will continue to do
so should you elect me your Mayor
for 1932.
I have the time and knoweldge of
affairs to be of service to you.
T. remain
Faithfully your"s,
Thomas Fells,
Your vote and Influence res-
pectfully solicited to
Fred L. Davidson
For 1932.
,glf•r y ,(
6 `,„,,,,4
gown's ::Sba rock - Linens
rr t y�', ti., . ., •, ,.
The uarltiti .g .,,1 x::
cl s jI7 sante of the Iin'es are liillitecl
,,so to avoid .diskamierovot, we suggest that you
corrle soon, *veryarticle .will make .a lovely, gift,
nd "sonic of ' lie it ale irg,r'ked at just Half Price.
Madeira Linen,, Odd Cloths, Tine Huck Towels,
Terry Bath Towels,; Glass' Towels, Oster Linens,
Etc, »wrtw aw �r lrf+"°" YI?A+a irkI�yv�Rr�¢•
. '1. J4 -Jit .r S,.C'1.I +J1/..,. !�-rik9l.♦t /�t•1: '�1
60 Pieces Madeira'
Ovals, Rounds, Serviettes of:
Extra quality and design and in
sizes'from the small 6 -inch and
to 44 -inch Table size." Regular-
ly priced at 39c to $15.00' Now
for just Half Prod 19c to $7,50.
• Supply your needs.:eariy:a.,:..n,z
Shamrock Glass'' Towels'
Fine count, 4oft,,. • tless
Cloths that drys o f s and
naw greatlyredPuedl;por nick
sale, 48c lines for 33c 35c
lines for 25c.' 25`b"`liria""21YEr-
Lovely Huck Towels *39c ;
The sort that every Woman
likes. Good wei'ghts, full size'',
and lustrous texttire. ^L• lway s''
sold at 50c. Now 39c or 2 for
75c a•,
•a , r'..,
English Breakfast Sets..
LargeCloth and" 4' Naps; ;'df
fine quality Oyster•Aiven:°':Green,
Gold and Blue Borders, of a
regular $3,50 line,. Clearing at
Extra Service
'Towels 50c '
Good quality Huck of well -
twisted linen yarns, for yoit:r
regular use: A 75c line for 50c.
Table Linen Reduced
Beautiful Sets or Separate
Cloths in Brown's finest Pat-
terns. A1I regular lines this
week -end less 20%. ..
Lovely Chinese Linens
Beautiful cut work designs;
all hand made from the .finest
linens. Luncheon and ' Dinner
sizes. $16.50, $19.00 and $24.50.
Old Bleach Towels 88c
Some slightly imperfect, oth-
ers are regular stock patterns of
which the quantities are small.
`Regular $L35 and $L50 ' grades
to clear at 88c.
Stamped Goods
"rat Half Trite '
Aprons, Cushions, Buffet
ti„;dees; Centres, 'Bridge 'Covers,
'iyanity Sets, Etc Regiilarly
liriced froth 35C to $2.75. Half
,.Price each 18c to $1.38.
:Colored Silk
Spreads $2.98
Full double bed size -at a re-
markable price. Gold, green,
blue or mauve in close woven
yarns for long service. Now •
Terry Bath Towels ..;.
On Sale '
A wonderful choice of Extra
grade Towels in a large size,
various designs with colored
bands and a few solid shades.
Regular Dollar values,. now 2
for $1.00: •'
The Best Cottons--
Sheet Sets $3.25 to $4.50. H.
S. White Sheets $1.98, $2.50,
$2.75. Single Bed Sheets at
$2.25. All are Extra Values in
these good linens.
Burnside Face
Towels 85c
Grass bleach fine linen buck
with boil proof colored borders
of blue, green or gold: Extra
value at 85c.
Scores of other fine linen pieces not herein
mentioned and that you'll be sure to like. Make
it a pont to se them. Linens are most acceptable
gifts at any time and particularly at Christmas.
(Intended for last "we i )
Ah Miss 5. S: Inglis of Boston, Blass.,;
spent a day last week 'with, Mrs.' John
'Gowdy. •1
•;.Mr. and Mrs. Georg%•'Edgar, from
near Wingham called -eon -Mr. • and
Acts. Edwin Painter last •S:unday4;
'Mrs, I?.,L. Weir returned from To
a:onto where she has spent the past
Coupe of weeks, ,
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Gallaher gave
a barn dance to their . neighbors and
friends one night last week.
A number from this vicinity attend-
ed the funeral of the late Neil Whitd
of Wroxeter last Tuesday.
The.woinen of ilte Ladies', Aid en-
tertained their husbands last Tuesday
night. They were given a bountiful
supper and all ',enjoyed themselves.
atuisauiulu■Ionomm mIII■
ore arlu�I■l,
To the ' Citizens of Wingham
■ •'
Your Vote -and Influence
J. W. Hanna
■ Your Vote and influence is respectfully solicited for ■
For 1932.
Your• Voteand Influence
.Solicited for
A. J. Walker
•{ y , ILLIS
r Mayor
If elected my iu tertian is:
To make a determined of fort' to IMPROVIO
Voting takes piace on Monday next, Decent..
ber. 7th, between the hours of 9' ti.. and 5 p.m.
To Auto
One1' s our assistance will be
mu, h •epprecfatecl.