HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-12-03, Page 41.1!- Es" McKibbon's Drug Store Tfisllisillsills uniIMiilsl1111I1catillrlllmustlmlllell ausUm111/llltilmou nniinimillow 111i911;f111111110111 e.4 AL yiN,NCE .'IM lt'tyyp5110�p1lii intpi� i 8411l:k811i 111�yII44111114114011111i111f10311i161111 11011111111/4111 After we got that ntatther sittled MN r.11 � 11* � � .� L CONTEST" November 2ist to December 24th 2 Doll Houses —13 Beautiful Dolls.. GIVEN AWAY Now is your chance to help your favorite lit- tle girl win, a beautiful Christmas present. For each penny spent at our store during the period stated above, each customer may cast a vote. —Bargain Days Are Here`- i�yre tuk a walk around town, an, whin R ffi we came° to the place Svlteer the mild rer.1;111 faektory used to shtaud, the bye • list Maoist stetock shtill, an hild up his hands, an thin • Bopped might •. down un the soidewalk', 1 taught he 1 PTM W . had fainted; an lifted him up an asked 1 111 him what wus the matther wid him. 1 111. He said he jilt dhzoppeed diiwe jfturn fuurce av habit, fez as swun as ✓ llzc saw the rooins av the facktory he tciught the Huns nzusht be here des • - tliroyin tinge. Louvain,, an dons, an Givinehy, an \Vipers all carne back I to his moind in a flash, an he flapped COMPLETE VARIETY. EVERY DEPART = k'n at all at all so he did. , GIFTS FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY, IN tt io z d t t tinkin ,, s 'Tis quare how the human rnoind 0 MENT FILLED WITH CRISP, NEW MERCHANDISE, VISIT STORE OFTEN. SANTA'S MAIL BOX AND TOYLAND, SECOND FLOOR. Thrrsday December 3, 1931 18 Shopping DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS For selection shop early a_ AUCTION SALE—Of Nuusehold; NOTICE furniture of all kinds, oil burner for; kitchen stove or heater, at the Aari tion Rooms in the Morton Block on Saturdayafternoon, FOR SALE -2 Dozen Barred Rock; Pullets at 85c each. Apply Mrs, 1 Reuben Tiffin, phone :607r5. FOR SALE -29 Young Pigs about 2y months, Apply to Wesley Yeo, t Bluevale, R. R. 1, FOR SALE—A man's Persian Iamb. coat, Finest quality, in excellent' Notice is hereby given that a Court of R=evision will be . held pursuant to the Voters' List Act, at the Foresters' Hall, Bluevale, on Friday, December 4th, 1931, at 3 o'clock in the after- noon, for hearing all complaints made against the Voters' List for the Mun- icipality of Turnberry . for the year 1931. A list of complaints is on file at the Clerk's Office. Dated this 1st day day of December, 1931. 1. J. Wright, W. R. Cruikshank, Reeve. I condition, Apply to Advance-' Times. 11 CARD OF THANKS f 6 weeks! s FOR SALE -1 Durham calf, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Louttit, sister old, also heavy colt rising two yrs. i and brothers of the late George Lou - old. Apply to J. Rogers, R R. No. ttit, wish to thank their friends and 2, Wingham. Phone 625r23. neighbours, who .so kindly assisted them and those who . offered their FOR SALE—One front porch panel, glassed all around, size 5 ft., Stn. x 4 ft. Finished complete. In 1st class condition. Will be sold cheap. Phone 292.' FOR SALE—Brick house on John street, all modern conveniences. Apply to W. S. Mitchell, Wingham. FARM FOR SALE—A choice 100 - acre ferns seven miles from Wing - ham, having good house, and large barn with stabling under. A clean farm, well watered, drained and fenced. Five acres good hardwood bush, balance of land all in grass at present. Best pf reasons for selling. Abner Cosens, Insurance and Real Estate, Wingham. wurruks, arr the mimory av a harse ayther, fer that matther. I wance s t won- derful owned a harse wid themo.h �on- derful mimory—but that is another shtory, as Mishter Kipling wud say. 'Tis plaize.d I am intoirely to rade in the paypers av how ivirybody is grabbin fer the new Government loan, Shure, wan hundred an fifty million dollars is a hape av money, but iviry cint av it will be subshcroibed an mebby two millions. That's what comes av havin a good Tory Governmint in power. Whin the Grits -wus in awfice they sous rakin an shcrapin in iviry earner, so as to rejuce the debt av the counthry, wid the result that governmint bonds wud only bring foor an a half pur tint av interest, an so a lot av woise pay- tsle wus allowin theer money to rusht in the banks, arr buyin moinin shtocks shtocks, arr buildin Arenas arr Curlin rinks wid it, an mebby los in the whole ting. Mishter Binnitt is over in England at the. prisint tonne hilpin Mishter Ferguson tell Mishter Baldwin, an Mishter Macdonald, an the resht av thins lads how to run the Impoire, so cars, at the time of their recent be -}it kapes the resht av us Tories puny their thanks They also wish to extend busy watchin thim Grits here in Can - their to the 1Wiingharn Fire- men for the beautiful floral) tribute, . ada, so I decoided I wudden't hey toime to run fer the Council arr the `Hydro Commishun ayther. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Deans. and family wish to ex- press their.,thanks to relatives and friends for the kindness . shown in their time of illness and bereavement CARD OF THANKS Mr, and Mrs. Gershom Johnston and family, wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for the kind- ness shown ,to them in their recent 1 sad bereavement, also for the many floral tributes and those who kindly loaned care.. ROUSE TO RENT—John St., Two- storey brick house, hardwood i CARD OF THANKS floors; grate; garage. Phone 16. LOST -A dark bay horse. Finder Mr. and Mrs'. John McGee wish to, please call Chas. Martin, phone express their sincere gratitude to the 615r13. relatives and friends, and especially Rev. Mr. Pollock, who, by their ser- ' vices, have rendered assistance, or SEVERAL GOOD HOUSES FOR i shown kindness to then in the time RENT—Some of the best in town.- of their bereavement, also the many Apply to T. Fells. fioral tributes. SEWING MACHINE REPAIRING: Mr. Lee was entertaining his small —All makes, bring in . your bead, 1 dau hter in his lumber yard, The charges reasonable. Luke King, while he was out of the Lower Wingham, next door to Hy_ , phonerang dro Plant. !office, so Betty aisswered it. Caller—'Hello, is this Mr. Lee's STRAYED—On Lot 37, Con. 11, E.. lumber yard'" Wawanosh 1 yearling heifer. Own- Petty—"No, this is Mr. Lee's little er may have same by proving pro- I girl. perty and paying expenses. • :1. Scot, who had worn the same hat UNEXCELLED BARGAINS IN fc.r fifteen years, decided .with heavy . PROPERTY --Tenon and country. Heart to buy a new one. Apply to. T. Fells. NOTICE Going into the only hat shop in his neighborhood, he' said: "Well, here I am again."' Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held, pursuant to The Voters. "NAME YER PIZEN" List Act, at the Town Hall, Wing - ham on Friday, the 4th day pf Dec • - ember, 1931 at 3 o'clock in the after- noon for hearing all complaints made against the Voters' List for the Mun- icipality of Wingham for the year 1931. A list of complaints is on file at the Clerk's Office, Town Hall, Wingham. Dated this 16th day of November, 1931. W. A. Galbraith, Town Clerk. J. D. McEWEN LICENSED AUCTIONEER Phone 602r14, Sales of. Farm Stock and Imple- ments, Real Estate, etc., conducted with satisfaction and at moderate charges.` i'1,. the Editur av all thim Wingham paypers. 'Deer Sur:— Me bye that wint oversays, an thin came back an married'. the school I ma'am, an sittled down on the ould farrum, has been shtickin to his wur- ruk betther lately, sihce 1 wus afther ..;ivin him two arr tree good callins 'down. He hadn't been in Wingham fer a long toime till wan day lasht wake hi- came in to ask me if •1 cud `wait la whoile fer the rint, be rayson' av t the proices •bein so low fer iviryting ;:the farrumer has to sell, an so hoigh 'kr iviryting lie has to buy. Av coorse I cudden't •be too harrud on the bye, so I tould Jti.m. if he-wud pay me half av it I wuct.wit a-yvhoikes fer the oth- er half. R. C. ARMSTRONG LIVE STOCK And GENERAL AUCTIONEER Ability with special training en- ables me to give you satisfaction. Ar- rangements made with W. J. Brown, Wingham; or direct to'Tecswater. Phone 45r2-2. R. S. HETHERINGTON BARRISTER And SOLICITOR Office;;„ p,don Block. P. ' r', Telephone 1W. MATT, GAYNER AUCTIONEER 'Phonetldktz ow. 21 or 64 L w. n- -.bete. Sales atten,�ed.`Ga,� Eatper iertCe. and lecieregeye ini^ vitiation enc] evers;effort put forth td assure you of a aul etkts' f*4- : +tax„ ; . u.,'d,.' `%nieopy# Yours till nixt wake, Timothy Hay. Posht Schript. This is Toosday marnin an the nominashun is all over wid, but, av I coorse, no wan kin tell yit how many; fellahs i:ntind to run. This marnin at breakfasht toime I wus either fellin thins Hoigh School byes about the maytin, an wan av thim said he wus fer Fells, an the other said he was fer Willis. "Name yer pizen thin", se.. I, loike the fellahs used to say in the ould days ay. the bar rooms. I offered a proize av a tickit to the fursht hock- ey game to the wan who cud ,vroite the besht limerick about his man, an here is the result. • For six years our good citizen Fells Has worn the Mayor's harness and bells, He has time he can spare For the work of a Mayor, And at auctioning farm stock exccels. "Tis' certain the man we should choose) (Is 'Willis, who sells boots and shoes, There is nothing like leather 1 So lets all stick together, 1 And next Monday we'll hear some ( good news, t1 I haven't decoided yit which av thim limericks is the betther, but I mebby I will call it a dliraw an thin I won't nade to buy anny tickit at all, l at all. STAMPED APRONS Good quality factory cotton stamped with various simple de- signs, large sized Apron Each 5 UP AND OVER A. wind-up Toy that is novel and interesting tiny auto runs down .incline then is lifted to top of incline, repeating a C,sel ,, operation. Each Men's NECK SCARFS Fancy brocaded patterned neck scarfs, fine quality white artific- ial silk in two distinct designs, size 36 inches square. 59 e ti e.7 e.7 MAMMA DOLLS 24 -inch Crying Mamma Dolls, dressed in washable print dresses. Each 1 ° 19 Figured Flannelette Quaint nursery figures, . floral+ designs printed in pretty cplot- ings, fast to washing, for ,p jamas, ete. 36 inches wide. Yard .;...- 5'; BABY DOLL IN CRIB 7 -inch Baby doll that opens and closes eyes, in wicker basket, dressed. Regular 69c. ? 5c Each J We wish to draw your atten- :1tion to the three circulars deliv- ered to your home,: each worth your consideration from . stand- point of thrift, and suitable as gifts; Lingerie, fine Linens and our regular 3 -day offerings. Bead them carefully and shop at the gift headquarters. Shop Early. 0 tack. Mr. Turney had been a life long resident of East Wawanosh. anosh. He was a hard working industrious man and held in high esteem by all.,who knew hizn. He is survived by his'wife who was formerly Mary Ball, of Col- borne, also three daughters, Mrs. Harrington, Blyth; Mrs. Wesley Kechnie and Mrs. Walter Cook, East Wawanosh. He 'was a member of the Westfield United Church. The. fun- eral f rn from thisafternoon f er 1 a a )~ place his late residence to Ball's cemetery; T. H, Awarded First Prize The Lucknow Branch of Silver- twood's Dairies and particularly Oscar Casemore, butter -maker at the plant, 1ltave reason to feel quite proud of itheir achievement at the Royal Win- 1ter Fair this year on being awarded (first prize in the Dominion wide salt - 'butter cotnpetition. 1 Small Bids at Goderich 1 Thee first sale of lands and build- ;legs uild-;legs for arrears of taxes to be held at Goderich in the past thirty -odd years, took place Monday. Of the thirty parcels on the list eight were sold. Seven were bought in by in- terested parties and one for specula- tion. There was a reserved bid on the skating and hockey arena, against which there is over $1500 taxes out- standing. There were no bids. Inas- much as the sale was adjourned until January 18, arrangements have been made to have the ring managed this season by a third party, jointly for the town and the rink company. THOMAS E. SMALL LICENSED AUCTIONEER 20 Years': Experience in Farm Stock and Implements. Moderate Prices, Prione 331, Deters tallected If effectiveness means , anything to you, then .yotr. will send you list cif elotes:,and iacounts'to KELLY & AIKEN The'' Persistent Collectors O1 ANGEV ILLE • MonthIy Statements. xJ illii011,1%1M hstg'e EAST WAWANOSH RESIDENT DEAD The residents of the community were shocked to learn on Wednesday of last week of the death of James Tanney which took place at his resi- dence, Con. 4, East Wawanosh, at the age of 72 years. The deceased. had been hi his usual 'good' health.; He Was doing chores' at th1d barn in' the forenoon” and when he did tie. out e in 'todinner his wifewent' coi;n only to find him lying dead in the •;i#i'Gble, death being due to heart at- • HEADACHES NEURITIS NEURALGIA, COLDS Whenever you have some nagg ng ache or pain, take some tablets of Bayer Aspirin. )relief is immediate! There's scarcely ever an ache or pain that Bayer Aspirin won't relieve -and never a time when you can't take it. The tablets with the Bayer cross and always safe. They don't depress the heart, or otherwise harm you. Use them just as often as they can spare you any pain or discomfort. Just be sure to buy the genuine. Examine the package. Beware of imitati Aspirin is the trade -mark of Bays manufacture of monoaceticacidester of salicylicacid. 111111111111 Buy at Cole's Mince Meat, 2 lbs.......,._..... -...25c Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs, ,...,-„,,.25c Valencia. Raisins, 2 lbs. ............25c Dates (loose), 2 lb. 25c Figs (cooking) 1 lb..,...... 10c Currants, 1 ib ,,..._,,,,.,,,,, 15c Lemon Peel, 1 1b, 18c Orange Peel, 1 lb, 18c Almonds, 1 lb. 49c Blue Rose Rice, 3 lb .-.-...._._25c Sherriff's Jelly Powders 3 for ... 25c Shredded) Cocoanut, 1 Ib. 25c Lard, 1 lb. 10c 25c Men's heavy Shirts ..,. 98c Men's Sweaters $3.60 Men's Work Socks, 3 pair $1.00 Lady's Sweater $3.25 Girl's Sweater .........,....._.....-,$L49 Boy's Sweater $2.19 Good Green Tea, 1 lb. . 50c These Prices are Strictly Cash. WE DELIVER: Prunes, 3 lb. o,ie W J. C General Merrchiant Celgrave CONTEST FOR MAYOR • (Continued from page One) bon and F. L. Davidson. Dr.- A. W. Irwin, by W. J. Greer and J. •McGillvr.ay. W. H. French, by A. Cosens and W. J. Pugh. .D. Geddes, by W. H. Gurney and J. A. Leaver, G. T. Robertson, by H. T. Thomp- son and J. S. Isard. T. H. Gibson, by A. Fothergill and 3 3 Casemore. H. C. MacLean, by N. L. Fry and E. J. Nash. 3. H. Crawford, by J. W. Hanna and F. C. Fuller, •, H. B. Elliott, by J. McGillvray and W.. Holmes. J. 0: Habkirk, by C. B. Armitage and W. VanWyck, A. Fothergill by J. i. Casemore and W. J. Greer, W. H. Haney, by N. L. Fry and A. Tipling. G. L. Baker, by J. H. Crawford and W. H. Haney. A. Robertson, by W. J. Casemore and J. Lockeridge. A.' J. Walker, by 'J. H. Crawford and T. Fells. A. M. Bishop, by R. Burgess and H. C. MacLean. J. W. Hanna, by A. M. Bishop and T. C. King. W. T. Booth, by W. H. Gurney and the local commission were powerless W. J. Greer. to alter this. A. J. Walker struck an ,optimistic Public School Trustee note when he said he was sorry if, Ward 1, R. H. Lloyd, by J. S. Is- the town was slipping, but there were pay for the. Council, he said he had ard and W. H. Gurney.•enough industries in the town if they toted for it, and now he would stick) were running at full. capacity for a to his guns and leave it up to next allowed anything to interfere . with every detail. his • duties. He agreed with Ayer Felis that he did a great deal of work, but the said the common im- pression is that he does too much. He believes Mayor Fellstakes too much responsibility on his• own shoul- ders that should be on the different` members of the council, and if he is elected will see that the other mem- bers do their work. He was of the opinion that concessions -should .be granted to industries when`tileiti ugh ly investigated, and that something Could be done. He said that lie wast a member of the council at,.the time the restaurant bylaw was :passed at` which time he was in accoid.with'it, but times have changed and he was pleased that it had been,ino(4fied this year, If he is elected he geonlised to.. look further into the mattersand see. if it may still . further be modifed. That he would do all in his VoWer to have a reduction in taxes and! serve without remuneration, '"`' ' T. J. McLean and Dr. Redmibnd stated that they had no intention Of standing. ' ..• ments. W. Holmes, the first • candidate, • 'If it was the wish of the people • called for the Commission,• diets= at -"that anew man sho'ul'd' serve' then it• ould be all right*;. tention to the reductions on the last would with him, but' as• , electric bill, made possible by the for receiving payment for his sere -- splendid financial condition of.Niue ic es he had never taken any nor nev department. He agreed that the price er intended to. 1 Per horse power was top high but C. R. Wilkinson was of the opinion that an experienced man was neves sary at the County Council this year• and that he would not oppose Reeve, • 14cKibbon this year. Regarding the As Reeve during the .past year the bulk of his work had been in con- nection with county matters. although. he had served on the Finance, Cem- etery and Executive Committees. He dealt with some of the expendi- tures of the County, on our highways $150,000 was spent last year of which $86,466 was paid by the Province. 'As - chairman of Old Age Pension many sad cases were handled, there were- - nosy 750 pensioners and'in October $12,279.50 was paid to these people,. the County's share being only $2,455.-- 96. There are 55 mothers receiving the' Mothers' Allowance, The County -1 pays towards our schools $135,000 of which $62,300 is paid by the Prov }nee, In addition to the unemployment relief, the direct relief may also be - secured and he advised that all the churches together with the Chamber of Commerce, Women's Institute an& other organizations interested should: centre in an effort to secure a great- er sum for relief from. the Govern - ant and J. M. McKay. town many times the size of Wing - Ward 3, W. VanWyck, by C. 13- Liam, and. that an improvement in cone and W. T:' Booth. J. O. dition could, he believed, be made if Habkirk, by A. J. Walker and A. Tip- everyone would get together and co- lir!g. operate. Ward 4, Mrs. R. A. Coutts, by A. Fothergill and J. J. Casemore. R. A. Currie, by J. W. McKibbon and T. C. Bing. W. H. Gurney, although not a can- didate spoke briefly onthe workings. of the Commission, and said 'that by having our own water wheel a great Mayor Fells was the first speaker saving was effected, called, and remarked that he was first A question was raised by T. to serve as Mayor for a six year per- Lean regarding the collecting of the iod since the incorporation of the water rates at the HydroShop in- tcwn 52 years ago. He said he was stead of by the Clerk, and askdd why trying to do his utmost to serve the this wasn't done. • Mr. Gurney. stated that at' the pre- sent time harmony prevailed between.. the council and the camt}tissidn and - town. One problem that confronted the council was the relief, and lie had spent and was willing to spend 'his time liberally, more than a man in he was opposed at present• tq mak-- business could afford to spend, and ing any change. had investigated all cases last year, • The'chairmen of the High and. •Pitb- The need was greater this year than lie .School Bt' rds were called but ever before, and „Apr this reason"the were not present."' storm sewer, t* !,1"Patrick street was Reeve McKibbon thdpght that, "'al;l being built. ,fir✓ should have an optimistic trigiv, eas. He jokingly " remarked that he had there would be no need' for 0uffesit ib ,,. d bears .. whiter. Debenture •:von ,. heard that th .smoke stack of the old this t p �}., :..�: 13e11 factory -was to be left standing. sued for the storm sewer. and it o14 with his name printed on in lasting meant 25c`a year on an` xsessitent memory. Hee stated that some time' of $1000. In -all-,fairne•,55. to• .Mayor ago the business men were asked to Fells he stated that allmare rs of. go bond so that the money could be importance were brought before the secured to purchase this building, and Executive Committee,' and that May only $850 was forthcoming. This did or Fells had been very attentive to year's council to rescind the bylaw. - In this we appreciate his courage at this time when this question ap- pears to be occupying the minds of the people. He confirmed Mayor Fells' statement that it was impos- sible to get signatures so that the Bell factory might be purchased. He even went further when he state& that one business man would be will- ing to sign if the factory would be wrecked. A, Cosens stated he •had tion of running. The candidates for council were next called, and by this time the halls' was fast emptying as the hour was getting late, and those who spoke. were; very brief. F. L. Davidson who was called, said he had decided 'to run and mentioned some work at the Cemetery which had beekieclone this year.'`' J, McGillivray was very modest in ]tis' ,remarks, when he thought there Mere ::men better able to serve than lie7.,;'but did not commit himself as to his intentions. , .3. Gilmour, while his friends had asked him to stand, was undecided. The. remainder of those nominate& were either absent or bad' no inten- tion of offering themselves as 'candi- dates. no inten- not look as if they would buy it. Praise was given to the clerk, W. - IIIMIII�IIIMIIIWIIIMIUUlIIIlllRIII�IIIAIIIMIII�III�IIIMIIl0111Alllillle111slllslll/IlliMill�l' A. Galbraith, for the efficient man- ■ ner in which the finances of the town MAL. CASH PRICES t. He was were ke sorryreport,S��� P to 1 he said, that in some cases he had to have the liquor permits cancelled of those asking relief, a disagreeable task, Fe, At the close of leis remarks a rate- payer in a heated planner objected to a bylaw passed regarding' the ceme- tery. W. H. Willis, was the nett 'spealc- ci•,.,.ancl said he was somewhat star prised to find himself again in a muni- opal# contest, but had acceded to the request of a large number of friends. He has had considerable e ei encs ` 1 affairs, n ltas never in m unicza r a tl p , s !°' Ty.Lw 35 L •p d• , t Islllwlll l Il Mil{M 1 Ml 111 � 1lslhwlllsllisll .'1 ' II �I Is 1 I I IMII� sl, IwIIINlllwllliit ■IhMllllIIIMIII�IIlMI11Mi11lA For Saturday, Pure Pork Sausage, lb., - 10c 2 lbs. of Potted Meat for ...15c Cottage Rolls in whoki or`, half roll, lb. 14c Breakfast Bacon, in, piece .,150 sliced 170 Roast of Fresh Pork, untrinll- med ib , ,.,., Dec. 5th Fresh Ham, in piece, lb 1:4c 2 Cans of Pineapple pA 22c 1 can of Corns 1;aam ar:Rgasrksas 1 large caii of `otnatbes, all ` " es u for. r.. ,,, x ,;? ".....,....2' e . a) ! ,+ ' ,;Special prices on other lutes of Meats., Bee Our Window: '.t M.