HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-11-05, Page 8• GE EIGHT' THE WINGHAAM A D VANCE-TIMES 1I,�,ldl�lll�llLll tlpl I;�il11i011, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, ,� : T d ay, a _.,y, Sa r y, N ovember 5, 6th, 7th NreI. Ce Tebbet- sth er.RAlstOi_ r - "THE P DIGAL, �.�J Lawrence Tibbett''s Wonderful Vice in Six Song Nti"era , ' t r• s ■ •• . z Monday, Tuesday, Wedgies., ?Nl oenb 9p 1'Q,:,11'th Ernest Torrence Md Evans.: IIF. --- In "SPORTING BL .. QD". z71 Silks and Saddles in a Drama of the' Race Track. . @�llilllll I I■11111111!1111111.lIIIlIIIlrI:IIlII ISI Ull I IlII1111IIlI III I l■IIIllllil II11IIllllrll Il■iIIIIiII�III11b WHITECHURCH -Ir, Robert Ross was in Walkerton !last week on the jury. Mr: and Mrs. Lance Grain motored strias Fergus on Sunday last and spent nese day with relatives there. Miss Luella Laidlaw, who has been aid up again, is now on the mend. Miss Merle Gaunt spent a few days 'last week with Miss Grace Blake in Ashfield. Don'tg forget the fowl dinner to ,be ,given by the people of the United Church on Wednesday, November 11. L.zicknow talent are providing a god :program. • Mr. and Mrs. John Gillespie and l'Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gillespie and children: motored to . Blenheim on ;Sunday and spent the day with Mr. sand Mrs. Frank.Gillespie there. Quite a number in this district are *laid up with bad attacks of the flu. Mrs. John Falconer is visiting with -rs'tends: in .Wingham and Bluevale. - .Mr. Robert and Mr. Isaac Clug- <;onn of Freelton, spent a few days -T;.itth tthreir cousin, Mr. W. R. Far- -r.ier. 'Mrs. Sheriff of Wingham, also -visited at the home of her brother, Mr. Farrier. Mr. Harry McClenagban and fam- 'ib- of Belgrave, visited at the home trar7: Air. and Mrs. Wm. 'Barbour on : nnday. The ladies of the W. M. S. t:of :the United Church are holding a avvising bee in the basement of the s'•rich an Wednesday to finish up gi'zetr-•bale for ,Christmas cheer. The Hallowe'en Social held in the United • Church on Friday• evening was quire a success. A food program was giy'en by home talent and after- ward, all repaired to 'the basement, where games were very,much,enjoy- ed by all.. Lunch; of'.sandwiches and pumpkin ,pie was .then served and a social hal holier enjoyed. By the looks of .things and vehicles out of .their accustomed places, the young, people of .Whitechurch rust have been playing pranks. on Hallow- ing, when Mr, J, G. Murdock, Luck - now, was the special speaker. • Mr. and Mrs, Roy Patton of Lucair spent Sunday with her another, M. !oars: Jos: Charnney'!a4i11 family and Mr. and Mrs, David Chantney and family and Miss Euphentia Cliamney motored to the horne of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Finnigan of Crewe, 'Thurs- day and enjoyed the family re-uniop. We are sorry to report that ten- year -old Billie Johnston, son of Mr, and. Mrs. Gershon Johnston, of E. Wawanosh is very ill with typhoid fever in Wingham Hospital. We hope to hear more favorable reports of his condition. Ivir. Robt. Laidlaw made a business trip to London on Tuesday. • MORRIS - Mr, and Mrs, Archie McMichael of Wroxeter were visitors at the home of Chas. G. Campbell on Sunday. Mrs. Peter Basal of Toronto visit- ed her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Warwick last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Hetherington were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hetherington. • Mr, and Mrs. Sweet of Exeter have been visiting at the home of their friends. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hastings for the past week or more. Mrs, John Hunter visited her dau- ghter, Mrs. Lesley Cunningham,' last week. i'Irs. Archie Campbell visited at the home of her son, Mr, Oliver Camp- bell, on Sunday. Mr. Albert Bell and Mrs. Laugheed of Wingham, called on their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burke, Thurs- day last. Mrs. Robert Warwick has been on Mr. and Mrs.; Gordon Cane of Tor - onto, spent'the week -end with her sis- cold, but it better again. • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gilmour call- ed at the home of their friends, Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Hastings, last week. Master Clarence Golley visited his and Mrs. Charles Campbell, of Bel- uncle, Mr. John Abram last Sunday. grave. I Mr. Wm. Findlater, also Miss 'An - Mr. and • Mrs: Jas..Cornelius and nie Findlater, were Sunday guest's at Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cornelius spent'' the home of Mr. and Mrs.' Duncan Sunday -with Mrs: Bradt of Brussels.. Campbell. Rev. Mr: - Hawtir from Gwalior ! Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burke and Mission, India,- will • be- the special son, Calvin, visited friends in Amber- speaket at the Thank -Offering meet- ley on Sunday. 'ing to be held in Chalmer's Church Mr. and Mrs. George Hawthorne on Thursday night. ivir. and •Nirs, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Hawtin are stationed' at the mission Robert Golley, on Sunday last. where Mr: Angus Mackay is station- I A number of the usual Hallowe'en ed. and, while here Mr. and Mrs. pranks were played on people in this Hawtin Will visit with Mr. and Mrs. neighborhood on Hallowe'en night. Hector Mackay..• . I Miss June and Master Frank'Burke Mrs. John Mowbray,: Mrs. -Peter- visited their grandparents, Mr. and son and- Mr. ahcl Mrs. Robert Mow- Mrs. Chas. Cooke, on Sunday last. bray and children motored to Grand ' Browntown school children and S. Valley on Monday to attend the op- S. No. 7 celebrated Hallowe'en to - ening of -the new cement bridge con- gether last Friday afternoon at the the sick list lately, with a very bad tc-r, Mrs., Herson Irwin and her mo- ther, Mrs. S. Thompson. Mr. and -Mrs: •:Henry McGee and Gordon -visited, on. Sunday with Mr. strutted 'by .Messrs. Percy Finnigan Stone School when S. S. No. 7 enter of Dungannon and Robert Mowbray. tained the Browntown pupils with a This is a county bridge, 120 feet long Hallowe'en Social consisting of reci- with a single arch of `cement and is tations, games and stunts. An enjoy a great ;credit to.' the contractors, Miss Ida' McQuoid spent the week- end aCKinlough at the home of lir. M, ,Scott: - - Miss Barbara Weir 'of Betmore spent the week -end at her home here. Mr. and kirs:'Sam:Leggatt return- ed to Collingwood on, Wednesday af- ter spending a few days at the home of his cousin, Mr: Wesley. Leggatt. Miss Lela Leggatt and Miss Dor- othy' Pollock spent the, week -end at Tceswater. with Miss Hazel Wocks. Miss T3,eatrice. Johnston of Strat- ford, is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Thos. McCreight. Miss Isabel MacLaughlin, R.N,,* of , Scaforth,spent. a few days last week with Miss Laura Robinson, Miss L. Schrum of'f Walkerton• also spent last week -end with Misst'Robinson. GEO. WILLIAMS Jeweller. EACH MONTH WE REPAIR ONE WATCH :FREE. Winner for October - Miss G. Macdonald,Teeswater. DIAMONDS WATCHES, SILVERWARE, JEWELL- ,ERY, CHINA AND DINNER- WARE HIGH CLASS GOODS AT POPULAR PRICES Wingham Phone 5. VIOLIN LESSONS Apply ifor Particulars 3, fro ALLEN Box 74 Wroxeter Ph. 29 Boren-ln Detroit, on ;Wednesday,. October 21st, to Mr,, and Mrs. Elgin Puedon, a slaughter, Shirley Alberta. Mrs. Gordon Mackay who has been visiting Orth ']hei'' prents'at Belleville; returned:ihe-tie dfi ' uitda .:. Miss •BeetheeAlagkay,:of Stratford,. spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Tete Lector Mackay. Mrs. Macka `• bas ;krptibekea'ias well as us- ual for the past week. A Hallowe'eni'Social was held in Chalmer's Church on Thursday even - •i• �. �6 re :F' -...,. ldfflli�Ili�lUlltlld11111111111I®Nli�ll I�IU�IIIII111111I.IIIAIU�IJlilll/Illsl Jl/lill(liPil I!®11llll I�IlIIIII Warm Shoes for colli Weather 1 Warm Felt'or'Cloth Shoes can noir lies rpitrchafseci so cheap- t ly that it is folly' to suffer from COLD FEET. i1 We have a good variety of Winter '$`hoes'€oda both Wotnen t3ilt and'IVIen-Shoes that' can be worn not only for HOUSE WEAR •_ p, but also lender Robbers or Galloshes and prices (as far as this. ■ alae Shoe ,:Store is „concerned) are DECIDEDLY LOWER. ' We swish to again mention LOW PRICES' IN RUBBER'' __ tIOOOTWEAR of all, kinds. There is a very decided diff Y erent d e in +our prices compared to those of a year ago. We invite compari- 'tons, Moreover WE DO NOT HANDLE SECONDS in rubber footwear and y tt may therefore'DEPEND ON THE ... , QUALITY. ; �! Willi? Siio . Scor , ..Phone 129 Win a S•ellittg,AgesErma nna Jetti„k Shoes tar Worn C KIlf{U!lNI l 1lilarIUlgfdtlWiffidli,gillJltlCllgt i,isui11 1,311tllllllillllll41(IAIIlIIIIMIIIl111l�IltlMlik cr • able afternoon was spent by all, clos- ing with the National Anthem and 1 Mr. Garniss, teacher of Browntown invited Miss MacLeod's pupils dip to Browntown school for an afternoon sometime. I. Taking up turnips. is the order of I the day among the farmers in this 'community. Mrs. Alex. Campbell who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Alex. Coutts for the past two months has returned home, BLUEVALE A goodly number of friends met at the home of Mrs. George McDonald foe- the first time since moving to Plnevale. Miss Mary Collie received with Mts. McDonald, Mrs. Roger Oke invited the ladies to the (lining- s oom iningrr,om where a daintily arranged table was centred with a Basket of French Marigolds. Mrs. Wm. Spier poured tea. Many .kindly wishes were ex- pressed that Mr. and Mrs. McDonald may enjoy their future years in Blue- ,vale. lue•vale. Rev, James Haggan, of Toronto, occupied the pultpit in Knox Presby- terian Church on Sunday and preach- ed from Exodus 28:33, Next Sunday -Nov. 8th, Rev, D. C, Hill, 1Z.A., B.D., of Port Elgin, will preach, and the following Tuesday evening a fowl supper will be served in the basement of the church. The Ha.11owe;,en Social at the Unit- ed Church on Friday evening under the auspices of the Young People's Society was well attended, quite a goodly number being in costume. The programconsisted of Hallowe'en games, music and singing, and th-e Customary refreshments. Visitors in .town: Mr. and Mrs:A. Smith and Mr; 'Somerville of Goder- ieh, with. Mr. and Mrs, George Mc- Donald.; William Maxwell of Kings- ville,with friends in the. community C',nrles Messer with his patents: Mi•, and 1frq,. John Messer; J. Wesley l,<;attic and Mies Florence; Mr•s.;:'flar- r Scott and srrn, Jimmie, of Seaforth 11+11, their uncle. F I3. Scott; Olive Garniss of Monrut Forest, with her parents, Mr. and Mts. R, F. Garniss lit Lerv.iwl.,a:a�u9w e. RAPID CITY Me, .Albert Carter, has beeu suffer- ing with a very serious attack -Of pleurisy and is still tender' tate clot -i •tor's care, Mrs. rs. ,las. Burns visited her broth- er, Mr. Pratt, of Blyth, who had the misfortune` to fall and break his shoulder blade. Ivlr.. and Mrs, Mark Gardner at- tended the Silver Wedding anniver- sary of Mr. and Mrs, Will Gardner at Zion on Monday last, A large number from South Kin- loss congregation attended the anni- versary services at Kinlough on Sun- day and those who attended the fowl supper and concert on Monday even- ing were well pleased with the Duff Entertainers' from the Blind Institute who presented the concert, Rev. Mie Burgess, pastor of South Kinloss is at ,present taking his va- cation with friends near Toronto, ASHFIELD at IvIr. and Mrs. Will McDonald, Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Twamley and fam- ily, called on Mr. and Mrs. Adam Johnstone, Sunday evening. Mr. Earl Sherwood, near St. Hel- ens, spent Sunday afternoon with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sherwood. Mr. and 'Mrs, Wm: H. Johnston, of Exeter, visited with his brother, Mr, Richard Johnston and Mrs. Johnston, near Mafeking. Quite a few from Ashfield attended the funeral of the late Mr. Haines, of East Wawanosh' -on Thursday after- noon, from the United Church, Luck-' now, to Greenhill Cemetery: Rev. S. Davison of Wingham, and Rev, Mr. Craw of Lucknow, officiated, We ex- tend our sincere sympathy to the be- reaved. We are sorry to hear that Mr. D, Little, 10 con, had some ribs frac- tured when !ticked by a, colt, Friday evening. Mr: Little was potting salt out for the •liorses when the colt be- gan to play around, BELGRAVE. The Ydttng People°s. Society of the Knox United"Church 'held its annual Hollowe'en social in -the basement of the church. There was a good at- tendance and: many were in costume suitable for•'the occasion. The en- tertainment Was in the form of a pro- gram which consisted of community singing; instumental numbers, read- ings, vocal dtets,solos. Bob Coultes acted as eh -ail -man. The prize given „ .. for the pest'iitimber given by person in costume Was won by Beryl Cun- ningham and'Eillean McCallum, who played 'a piano duet. -A.t the conclus- ion of the program lunch was served and a social time enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Rowntree of London, and Mrs. W. T. Wray and little dau- ghter of Woodrow, Sosk., visited with Mr, and Mrs. J". A. :Brandon, Mrs.r Jas. Sirttnis of Blyth, and a sister of Harry Campbell south of the village is in Wingham Hospital. A number of the members of the Belgrave Women's Institute attended the meeting of 'tate Women's Institute in Wingham on Thursday evening and spent an enjoyable time, Mr. and Mrs. W. Pocock and sons Harold and Norman were recent vis- itors isitors with friends in Waterford, Dres- den, `.iilsonburg and Aylmer. ' Dr. and Mrs: Stackhouse of Ridge- way visited with their cousin, Mrs. C. R Coultes and family. Mrs. J. T. Coultes who spent the past week with her brother, James VanCamp returned home. Master Raymond Kermath of 4th line Morris underwent an operation in Wingham Hospital for appendicit- is and is, making a good recovery, Mrs, John McGuire has returned home after visiting with her daughter Mrs. Cecil Mines and family in Nia- gara Falls. Mr, W, Maxwell of Kingsville, and Mr. H. Diment of Wingham, spent a clay with J, A. Brandon. Mrs, Railings and Mrs. Simpson of Detroit, were 'guests of Mr. and, Mrs. J. A. Brandon, Sunday visitors at C. He Wade's: Mrs. Armstrong, London, Mr, and Mrs, A. Anderson, London, Mr and Mrs. Wade, Fordwich, and Mr. and Mrs. Boller, Seaforth. Mrs. Sandy , Young was laid up with the flu last week, Mrs. Hawkins of Wingham, is visit - leg with Mrs. 'Jno. Cole for the win tee months: 10th Con. E. WAWANOSH Mr. and Mrs. Kane of Toronto' visited with Mr. and Mrs. Herson it win over the week -end, Mr. and. Mrs, .Finlayson of Kippcn, visited with Mr, and Mrs, Chas, Shiell on Sunday. Miss Agatha Coultes spent a few days with her parents,- Mt. and Mrs. Robert Cottites.. • Mr. and Mrs. Clark and Mr. and Mr's, Page of Mitchell spent Sunday al James IoWIs,'; A very pleasant evening was spent at the Tlallowe'en social at Robert T'h i4day, November 5, 1931'' Coultes'. The old witches met ti,e guests at the door arid- then they wetei escorted in by the hosts:' Mrs. Les- lie Wightuian and' Miss Beatrice Bee - et Oft conducted: games and Miss liin- 1 's'on hail' thelia perform different stunts in her "Charm Room", The ones in costume paraded and prizes for comic dress were given to Mr, Ross Robinson and Miss Louise Coul- tes, and for fancy dress, Mrs, Chas. Shiell and Miss PIelei Thompson, The old witch told fortunes in front of the fireplace. Later sandwiches, pumpkin pie, doughnuts, ginger snaps and coffee were served, Preparatory services will be held in Brick United Church, Thursday ev- ening, November 5th, at eight oclock. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed on Sunday, Nov. 8th, at. 2.30 p,n1. The following is the report of S. S. No, 11, East Wawanosh, for the months of September and October': The pass being 60%, honours 75%: Sr, IV -Dwight Reid 92:9; Creigh- ton Reid 81,5; Stanley' Irwin 66; Ho- ward Irwin 52, Jr. IV -Henry Pattison 70.2. Jr: III Dick Irwin 73.4; Helen Thompson 68.9; Willa Reid 63.8. II -June Irwin 74.5, Printer -Dorothy Pattison, good. Number on roll 10, average atten- dance 9,75, , • Jessie E. Finlayson, teacher. BLY.TH • Mr. George Powell, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Powell, left on 'Saturday for Chicago, where he will take a course in Radiology. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker of To- ronto, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs .E. Bender. Mr. and Mrs. 'Thomas Taylor spent the week -end with friends at Aylmer. The members of the Orange Order will attend service Sunday afternoon in Trinity .Church. The rector, Rev. L. V. Pocock, will give the address. Mrs. Hick is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Ferguson, The annual fowl supper and enter, tainmeet will be held. in Memorial Hall' on Remembrance Day, under the auspices of the Women's Institute Judge Jackson of Lethbridge, was calling on friends in this vicinity during the week. Miss Bessie Hillen of Walton spent the week -end with Miss Godkin of town. The installation of officers of the local I.O.O.F. took place in the lodge t rooms on Thursday evening, when D, D. G. M. Dignum and staff of Ex- f eter, exemplified the work in a very efficient manner. Visitors were pre- 8 sent from Wingham, Brussels, Sea - forth and Exeter Lodges. The fol- lowing officers were installed: N. G. -W, H, Lyons; V. G. -A. Somers; R. Sec. -A. W. Robinson; Fin. Sec. -W. J. Petts; Treasurer -J. H. R. Elliott;; Warden -D. Floody; Con- •t ductor-N. Johnston; C. G. -S. A. .t Popplestone; J. G. -S. McVittie; R, S. N. G. -J. S. Chellow; L. S. N. G. -A. Sanderson; R. S. V. G. -Wan. Thuell; L. S. V. G. -D. Kirkconnell; R. S. S. -H. Weymouth; L. S. S.- 3 B, 'Watson; ;Chaplain -W. Kechn.ie. list of winners ree)getheits dt score i5 as follovre:Ce " Frank Archibald, Seaforlli'" " 50 Alfred Patterson; Luck roiv Delmer Skinner,' Centralia ,. 544 Jas Turnbull, Brussels r4 2 Thos. Horn, Jr., Woodham 538 Jaelw Ferguson, Clifford 5132 John. Broadfoot, Brecefiel'd 5}Z5 George .Hetherington, Wingh Cir .521. Tom Anderson, Lucknow, .Club wuek Lloyd Picot, Bayfield, Club lvox•k Mr, Picot and Mi. Anderson won thetrip -by being the Winners 3 ri.'t lie Goderich Township and Assbfidd Township Hoinc Garden Clubs,,,,, The shield donatSd ley,,the Canad- ian • National Exhibition to the :high novice was won ley Frank Archibald' of Seaforth The Jtidges were: Messrs. .F.":Boi•- syth ,and H. Goble, Dept. of Agricul- tiire, Walkerton; A, G Ireton, Do- minion Live Stock Branch, Paris; Q. D. Graham, Dept. . of Agrictf€tir+E, .Stratford,. and V. Langton,. Dept,-, df ;Agriculture, Markdale. HEAVY DOCKET FOR COUNTY FAi rr , ASSIZES Although there ie -'but •dare' cr'imiti'a case, that of the Mc11?eilebrotlters, ac cused Brussels bank robbers, on 4th -docket of the fall` assizes; the- list, he - .c`ivi list, with three jud:y.an•clefiug..nonjrur. actions, and a divorce action, is fah: ly The court, Which opens on Tues day afternoon'this -W ek trefeete• :Ji's-" tice Logic, may '1.:est ar v ele r ia: Lordship is scheduled t,pll,Sie,P4 Belleville assizes M'bn the week fol- lowing and it may be -that eoa eece5.err On the civil list wil'1'"li'e�'sb` t"'tl�o dn. '°�'''i''' The first trial of •'the 'Me Te lrhev titers, Harry and Gilford,,••one year ago, lasted five clays, The second, •in June of this year, occupied four days. At both trials the jury; disagreedas ,t {x; W�itV'itno h 1 bwnship, for alleg- 4 jt: s, i ctlpra'rof his (jolurston's)` dau- gaiter An adjournment of this ease rias'' been agreeil to by the plaintiff,, who consents -to- paying the coats of !de- fendant defendant's witnesses. Thti de- fendant denies all knowledge and 'res- ponsibility of plaintitf,'s• claim, '. E. Dancey is acting for the pia ntiff, This case iwFas,, carried, over; fr•ot `the last assize"cod-t. Douglas D. 'Wetherell, garage pecan, Wingham, . is asking $15,000 from Charles Bondi, .wholesale fruit mer- chant, also of Wingham, and Gordon Aide, Bondi's truck driver. It is set out iii the statement of claim'that Arde, driving the Bondi truck a :tN; of the garage, pinned. Wetherell against the wall,' breaking his pelvis bone:and inflicting permanent.injury. Reek- lessness is' alleged, McPherson & Makins for plaintiff, O. E. Klein, 'of Walkerton, for defendants. Mae V. Klumpp, a married woman, residing at Chicago, is seeking to ire - cover. $2,598,15 from William -.H'. Maunders, Morris Township farmer, the balance alleged due on the 'sale of an 'apartment in Detroit. W.'. M. Sinclair, Brussels, for plaintiff; Mc- Pherson & Makins for the defense. 1 Mary Taylor, of Auburn, is claiin- - $1,050,47, principal and interest e on a note from Vere Cunningham,' l Colborne Township farmer. The note y- is made in favor of the' late Hester - Cunningham and is dated. May 31, t, the guilt or innocence of.accused;" who are charged with robbery, while armed, of the Bank of Nova,. Scotia branch at Brussels on..September•-26, 1930. The robbers , obtained ,about• $6,000. Preparations for the., third trial ,have proceeded quietly. If ,new evidence is to be p>;oduced by the crown, there has been' no intimation given as yet. G. L. T. l?ru11,.I.C., of Toronto, who prosecuted. et the, last trial, will again appear .for the crown, Blow Torch Caused Fire . One of the interesting nonjttry ac - ions is that of Fred. Tyndall, 14.ulle1t Township farmer, who asks $4,340. roan the West Wawanosh. Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Orr; April 1931, the barn and contents of Mr. Tyndall, insured with the defendant company, were burned. The defense is that plaintiff erred in;. making a change material to • leis risk in that while installing a hydro, service he permitted a workman to etse a blow neck, contrary to statutory ,regufa ions, and that he did.. not disclose. the facts to the company, which asks for a dismissal of the claim. McPher- son & Makins, of Stratford,, are act ing for the plaintiff, and J. W. Bush field, of Wingham, for the defendant. Jury ,Actions • James Durnin, of Goderich, , is claiming $2,000 from •Benson Johns- SCHOOL REPORT S. S. No. 8, The following pupils were examin- ed in Arithmetic, Literature, Spelling and Composition. Honors 75%, pasts 60%. Jr. IV -Kenneth Sinnarnon 68, Laurain Benninger 55. Sr. III -Jeannette Benninger 70, Margaret McMichael 66. Jr. III -Billie Elliott 68, 'Mary Sin- narnon 66, Gien. Sinnarnon 41. Sr. II -Lloyd Elliott 55. Jr. II -Grace Hogg 83,, Ratha Sin- nambn 78, Melba Radford 69, .Helen. Walker 53, Alma Benninger 49, Dot- othy Elliott 47, Pearl Walker 37. Primer; in order of merit Joseph Walker, . • Helen McMichael, Leona Benninger,Marjorie Sinnarnon, Gladys A. Ireland, Teacher. S. S. No. 9 For the months of September and October. Sr. IV -Ronald Coultes 77, Edith Arbuckle 68, Luella Kerr 67, George Carter 65. Sr. II -Lenore Wellings 69, Ariel. Johnston 64, Billy Johnston, absent. I Class -Howard Walker 70, Ken- neth Johnston 68. Primer -Louise Coultes. No. on roll 10. Av. att. 8:8, Elsie Doubledee, Teacher, BOYS CHOSEN FOR TRIP TO "ROYAL" The fifth annual Royal Judging Competition to select ten boys to take advantage of the free trip to the Roy- al, Winter Fair was held in Clinton, me''Thursday, October 29th. The 42 contestants were required to judge three classes of livestock; two classes of grain, one class of poultry and to answer ten questions relating to ag- riculture, The possible score was 650 and the 1931., Plaintiff is the beneficiary of the residue under the will of Miss Cunningham and claims to be entit- led to the proceeds of the note. De fendant sets out that he paid the :in terest regularly and on May 11, 1929,y in his home, paid the principal; in cash inthe 'presence of his wife to Miss Gunn ngham, and received a 're- ceipt, the understanding being that Miss Cunningham was to•tear up the note when she reached home. Hays & Hays for plaintiff, F. R. Darrow for defendant. Eleven farmers residing near Kin- cardine seek to recover the sum of $2,800 from the directors of the Kin cardine Packing Company, 'the am ount, it is alleged, representing divi- dends illegally paid out by defend- ants. Alex Souter, a nightwatchman, of Highland Park, Mich,, is defendant in an action brought by Isabella Cam- eron, married woman, of Seaforth. The action is to recover $1,000 with. interest, alleged to have begin loaned by plaintiff to defendant in 1919. The latter denies the loan and says tier claim is barred by the statute of li; nil itations. R. S. Hays, Seaforth, for plaintiff; Gladman & Stanbury, Ex- eter, for defendant. Eva Rapson, Clinton, nurse, asks $3,384 from Barbara Sharp,admin- istratrix of the estate of. Mary Eliza Searle. The claim is: an actin for 1,128 days' nursing at $3 a day. The• defense claims there was an un- derstanding or agreement that the rate of pay was to be $1 a day. L. E. Dancey for plaintiff, F. Fengland for defendant. - Carl -"Do you believe in the old adage about . marrying in haste and repenting at leisure?" Jake -No, I don't. After a man marries he hasno, leisure." BIGGS'.GROCERY STORE PHONE 76 ` . • PROMPT DELIVERY The great ? of the day is making that dollar go further; don't be deceived' into- thinking that'` you must buy from a chain • store to do this,your independent merchant has equal values to offer you. , • r A few of this week -end's Specials: Corn Syrup, 5 11,. pail ...............34c Honey, 5 ' ib. pail 42e Libby's Med. Tin Pork & Beans, 3 for „ 25c Sugar Crisp Corn •Flakes 3 25c Robin Hood Rolled Oats, Special, pkg. ' 22e Aylmer Tomato Soup, 3 for 25c Peas, 3 tins 25c Corn, 3 tins 25c 5 String Brooms, `.special 29c Choice Dates, 3 lbs. , 25c, Sultana Raisins, Seedless 2 lbs. 25c Large U'nseed'ed Raisins, 2 lbs. for 23c Choice New Figs, 2 lbs. •25c Choice New Prunes, 2 lbs. 25c Big Five Cleanser, 6 for ,.,..-..25c Tea, Black or Mixed, lb. .,.... 39c With each package of Princess Soap. Flakes at 23c, we give one package Super Suds FREE. , Scotch Oatmeal Cakes, pkg. 21c Fresh Ginger Snaps, 2 lbs, 25c Fancy Mixed Cakes, lb. 25c Comfort Soap, 6 bars 25c P. & G. Soap, 7 bar .,25c Have you tried our special Orange Pekoe Tea, World's' Blend, 'half pound 25c Celery, Cabbage and : Fresh Caulifldwer. ' We are agents for Ethel Bread;. Fresh every Day. Give Us a Trial, You Will be Satisfied. . 14, GGS