HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-10-29, Page 4O CUR Seedless Raisins,.2 lb... . .. . , , , . , , 25c Oatmeal, 10 lbs. Cheese, 1 lb. . , . . , . , . 16c Soda Biscuits, 15c v1GB cn S, ;}g A NAiI Campbell s Tomato Soup, �3 tins , .... , ... 24c Pastry Floax, 24 lb. bag , . 45c mi Corn Flakes, : 3 pkgs. . 24c Fir Water Glass, 2 tins Fly Spray, 8 oz. tin ..... , . • Stove Polish, 8 oz. bottle . Work Shirts . ............ 89c Work Socks, pair .. , , . 25c and 35c Overalls, pair $L39 These Prices are Strictly Cash. 24c $ Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Abram were: Mrs. E. N, Phillips, of flint, (Mach. Mrs. ' L, 11. Eitthzney and daughters, Ruth and Jean; of `+agin-. aw•, Mich„ Airs. C. A. Young, -cif 1.a- pcer, and son, Jack; 'firs. M Kraut- er, of 1,rn sei,, Mrs. W. .F. Schnuck of Ethel, .Mr. and Mrs. Rolm" Colley and two children of \Vinghant; Mr, and Mrs. Ja.. Edwards enter- ' tained a fc.tti', friends to a kitchen shower un .Friday evening in honor of their neice, Miss Margaret Ed- wards, whose wedding will take place w.; Wednesday of this week. 1 ° About 60 neighbors and friends of • 30c l Mr. and Mrs. M. Anger gathered at 15cirj, ;.,� the'home of Moe. ]a. Underwood, north of Gorrie on Tuesday evening of last week and presented them with a miscellaneous shower, The evening was spent in playing cards and danc- ing till the ''wee sma' hours" of the morning. Mrs. Delbert Clegg and Mrs, Per- cy Roseborough, of Owen Sound, were visitors on Tuesday with Mrs. Chas. King. Mr. Hugh McLean of Harriston, is at present visiting his sister, Mrs, Ei Wm. Earngey. iYl:Env Miss lfonto Earngey returned to Wingham Business College this week. We are very glad to report that the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wellesley. Strong is improving nicely after her recent illness. The W. A. of St, Stephen's Church packed and shipped a large bale of clothing and quilts on Monday for the White •Settlers in the Canadian West. Mr. W. Smythe and family of Lon- don, ondon, spent Sunday at the Rectory. Mrs, Smythe who . has been a guest here for a week, returnee( home with them. Mrs. P. Kaine visited for a few days recently with her sister at Chat- ham. The Hard Time Weiner Roast held E E1AL ?' '1 RC 1 ,NT shwa, li� l EI N ST IgYr :ni, l , sfi dii .. i i " a:ill el r io Ita -1 ��P/il'HYax67aYYYr�9�/i�1YiYHYa�'ii iitVYYXYi�GB)'i�DYa\1IY-3�IIYi�' ii91Yi�ItYiYdYal't;i'ilN(al'10'i�itYiY�iYi'�tYiYdYiYtYa�71Y`a;�IYiYJYiYIIYaI�Y 11 cents a word per insertion, with a minimum• charge of 25c. FOR SALE -Happy Thought Coal Mr. and Mrs. B. Cooke, alos Mr. Heater. 1st class condition. Apply and Mrs, R. J. Hueston, visited with to Mrs. Stanley How, Patrick St., friends in Barrie recently. , phone 331. FARM. FOR SALE— choice M - acre farm, seven miles from Wing - ham, having good house, and large barn with stabling under. A clean. farm, well watered, drained and, fenced. Five acres good hardwood bush, balance of land all in grass at present. Best of reasons for selling. Abner Cosens, Insurance and Real Estate, Wingham. FOR SALE or Exchange—Wood Steel Range in good repair, six cooking holes, 'copper reservoir, Ernest King, for the past week. warming closet, etc. Apply Ad Dr. and Mrs. Armstrong visited vance-Times. with Bayfield friends recently. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Hicks, of Har- riston, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Hyndman. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jackson have the sympathy of the community in the loss of their home which was burned to the ground on Friday ev- ening last. Mrs. F. A. Wassman is visiting her son, Mr. T. M. White, at Kirkland Lake. Miss Clara King of Toronto visit- ed with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED — For country. Apply to Advance -Times. SEWING MACHINE REPAIRING —All makes, bring in your head, charges : reasonable. Luke King, Lower Wingham, next door to Hy- dro Plant. Valuable Building Lots FOR SALE —Estate Gunn -Son -Ola Company, Limited, being Lots 7, 8, 9, 10 Jo- sephine St., total frontage 264 feet (adjoining Alfred St.) and Lots 17, 18, 19 on Edward St, total front- age 198 .feet in rear of above. Ex- cellent location for factory, busi- ness block or apartments. Apply to! Thos. Fells. IN MEMORIAM Hamilton — In loving memory of Robt. W. Hamilton, who passed away four years ago, Oct. 22nd. There is someone who misses you sadly, And finds the time long sine you went, There is someone who thinks of you daily, But tries to be brave and content. In .the home you are fondly remem- bered, l Sweet memories cling to your name Hearts that loved you with truest affections, Still love in death just the same. Fondly remembered by loving wife, sons and daughters. GORRIE Mr. and Mrs, Ross Laidlaw, also Dr. D. D. Campbell of Paisley, were Sunday guests of Dr. and' Mrs. Ram - age. Mr, and Mrs. T. O. Johnson have returned home after spending a cou- ple of weeks with friends in Coiling- wood and 'Waldemar. J. D. McEWVEN LICENSED AUCTIONEER ]''hone 602r14. Saks of Farm Stock and Imple- Dents, Real Estate, etc., conducted with satisfaction and at moderate charges. R. C. ARMSTRONG LIVID STOCK And GENERAL AUCTIONEER Ability with special training en- asbles Me to give you satisfaction. Ar- trangetnents made with W, 3. Brown,. Wingileon or direct to Teeswattr, : hdne 45r2-2. Mr .and Mrs. W. J. Gallaher were London visitors this week. Miss Irene Metcalf of Paisley, is visiting her aunts, Misses Potter,. Mrs, G. M. Barton and baby dau- ghter, are visiting her sister, Miss J. P Stinson. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hueston visit- ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, T. Gilmore of Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Newton are the guests of Mr. and Airs. R. G. New- ton. Mrs. G. S. King was a London vis- itor on Friday. Mrs. Dave Cathers visited on Sun - clay with her sister, Mrs. Thos, Mc- Michael, at Wroxeter. Mrs. C. Pritchard underwent a ser- ious operation in the Wingham Hos- pital on Monday and we are' glad to know she is as well as can be ex- pected. Mr. Bleaker of Princetown is the teller in the Bank here, succeeding Ewart Whitefield. The W. M. S. will meet at the home of Mrs. M. Abram Thursday afternoon of next week, Mr. M. T. Abram left on Monday for London where he will manage a barber business. Mrs. Abram and Vern will remain in Gorrie for the present. Mr. Ewart Whitfield of the Bank of Commerce, Arthur, visited on Sun- day at his home here. THOMAS E. SMALL LICENSED AUCTIONEER 20 Years' Experience in Farm Stock and Implements. Moderate Prices. Phone :331. MATT. GAYNER AUCTIONEER. Phone 21 or 64 Lucknow. Sales attended to anywhere. Exper- ience and accuracy in valuation and every effort put forth to assure you of a successful sale. Debts Collected If effectiveness means anything to yott, then you will send youlist of totes and acounts to KELLY & A1I EN The Persistent Collectors ' ORANGEVILLE 1Vfonthi Statetnettts, No Collection—No Charge. at the Arena last Friday evening was a decided success, games were indulg- ed in until the weiners were ready. The League will re -open on Friday of this week at 8 o'clock in the base- ment of the United Church. The Gorrie Community Male Chor- es were in Brussels on Sunday even- ing assisting in the service of song in the united chorus. Mrs. A.. Shaw and Mrs. R. Johns- ton. of Bluevale, also Mrs. Thorns and Miss Thorns of Hamilton and Rev. Irving. Keine of Seaforth, were the guests of Miss Martha Keine and Mrs. P. Keine one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Musgrove and son, Jack attended the funeral on Saturday in Fordwich, of the late Mrs. Lottie Musgrove, who passed away in Toronto on October 22nd at the home of her sister, Mrs. R, K. Brown. Mr. Jno. Willis and Mr. Jno, Wade of London, were guests last 'Week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles King. Mr. Turley has returned from Bar- rie, and will spend the winter with his daughter, Mrs. H. Cooke. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gallaher were Brussels visitors on; ,Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hueston, also Mr. and Mrs. Cooke, were recent visitors at Barrie. Miss Beryl Ashton, of Seaforth, spent Sunday at her home here, i Mr, and Mrs. Sheldon Bricker and Jack of Fordwich, were Sunday vis- itors of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Simson. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastie, Mrs. Robt. Hastie and Miss Jessie were Sunday guests of Mrs. R. Earl at Wroxeter. Congratulations are extended to Aline Clarg of Gorrie School, who wane the Silver cup donated by Mr. George Spotton, I.P., also a book, "The Road to Success", at the Coun- ty Championship Speaking Contest held in Clinton on Saturday, October 24th, Aline took first place at How - ick School Fair, speaking on "The Value of Birds to Man," She had the same subject at Clinton, where thir- teen schools were represented, Mrs. F. C. Taylor is visiting Clin- ton friends this week, List is Growing Twenty-five additional old age pen- sioners were added to Huron Coun- ty's list at a meeting of the board held last week. The number of those now receiving pensions is constantly growing and now nears the seven hundred ntark.—Goderich Star. Did Not Return to Scene Two salesmen for school supplies were apprehended in Palmerston by Provincial Constable Noble Monday night' for failing to return to the scene of an automobile accident that occurred near Pordwich when a car driven by a clergyman was forced in- to the ditch, They were taken to God rieh for trial and. were fined. The fine, costs and damages totalled over $80.00. - Palmerston Spectator. 1932 Car Markers Mack letters on a grey background will be the color scheme' for the 1932 Ontario motor license plates, accord- ing to word received from Toronto, WINGHAM ADVV.ANCg-TIMES Acid Stomach Completely Relieved by ,Famous Vegetable Pills Mr. Prank C., of Blackburn, writes: "I have suffered long from acrd stomach and constipation, but since being ad. vised to try your wonderful Carter's Little Liver Pills I can eat anything." Dr, Carter's Little Liver Pills are : no ordinary laxative. They are ALL VEGETABLE and have a definite, valuable tonic action upon the liver. They : end Constipation, Indigestion, Biliousness, Headaches, Nor Complex- ion, All druggists. 25c & 75c red pkgs, Another innovation this year it con- nection With license plates is that they will be made at the Guelph Re- formatory, under the supervisidn of the Department of Highways. The same style of lettering of symbols es this year will be adopted in the mar- king of the 1932 plates. It is expect- ed they will be available on Decem- ber 15th, which is the usual time for them to arrive, School Inspector Retiring Conforming to a newly-inaugurat cd policy of the Department of Edu- cation, Mr, John McCool, M.A., Pub- lie School Inspector of the former In- spectorate of East Bruce for nearly a quarter of a century, is one of ten Inspectors, who have attained their seventieth year or are older, to re- tire, on superannuation, at the end of next December. He will be succeed- ed in the new Insliectorate of East Bruce, South Grey and North Hur- on by Mr. J. M. Game, B.A., B.Paed, Principal of Hodgson Public School, Toronto.—Walkerton Telescope. Poor Prices Realized Prices. realized on -Tuesday at the auction sale of A. H. Fowler, a farm- er residing three miles north east of Dungannon, reflect the l.ow prices now prevailing for farm stock and im- plements. A matched team of grey mares, eight years old, brought $98. An older horse sold for $11.50. A 2 - year -old binder, in good condition, brought $65 and a manure spreader, practically new, went for $50. These prices are about one-third of those prevailing two year ago. Thomas Gundry was the auctioneer.—Goder ich Star: Royal Birthday Cards for Farm Boys and Girls Every boy and girl in Canada whose tenth birthday falls between November 18th and 26th, inclusive, will receive a personal birthday card from the Royal Winter Fair, Tor- onto, if it is requested. This is be- cause the Winter Fair on those dates also celebrates its tenth "birthday." This year the fair is designated a "commemorative show" to recall the inspiriting influence it was to Canad- ian agriculture when founded ten 'years ago. And it is to help in spread- ing a cheery outlook respecting agri- culture that the birthdayoparty is be- ing held. A birthday greeting, neatly en- grossed with the child's name, will be sent if parents or guardians will write to the Royal Winter Fair of- fices, Toronto, giving clearly the child's full name and address, with the exact date of birth and year. In addition eligible children who are able to attend, the Winter Fair will be given a complimentary ticket in their own name entitling them to free ad- mission to every department of the Fair. BABIES are Upset JAldi ills' and ailments seem twits as serious at night, A sudden mayccrr� ay mean colic. Or a sudden attaeelitt of diarrhea: How would_you meet this emergencyy---tonight? Have you a bottle of Castoria ready? Por the protection of yow wee one—foryour own peace of mind--- peep this old, reliable preparation always on hand, nut don't keep it just for emergencies; let it be an everyday aid. It's gentle influence will ease and soothe the infant who cannot sleep. Its mild regulation will help an older child whose tongue is coated because of sluggish bowels. All druggists have Castona. ATf1A FORDWICH GIRL (t'ontinnecl from , page i.,) While the judges w'erc arriving at c a decision the chairman caned on prominent men 'who 'were -present, to speak. Thomas: McMillan, 11,1'., for nth Huron, very warmly congratu- lated the youthful orators on the ex- cellence of al Oh' work, Ile referred to the vahte of sports in character development and admonished the yeuth of today to avoid thoughtless - mss which is the besetting sin of the young. Mr, Robinson, M.L.A., North ITur- o.n, said for years he had made it a point to be present at the educational convention, to hear the speaking con- , test. "I have. always derived much pleasure front attending these events' declared the speaker, "Public speak- ers may often have duties to perform that may not give them pleasure, but attendance at these' gathernigs were not of that nature." He to added his conitttendation of the juvenile orators to those expressed by the previous Thursday, October 29, 1931 0 Sale Of LADIES '• . A1CS Lavishly Fur Trimmed 1 1` Cloths, Fashionable Bou' cle, Chortga, Broadcloth, Fur, Trench Seal, Arabian Fox, Vicunna, Fox, Opossum French Beaver, All are excel-lently:tailored, silk crepe linings, also interlined, Every one of these coats let -est in style and represent out- standing value and selling regular to $35.00, and m.®., 0:....,9.00‘..,.11131[3. t LADIES DRESSES HALF PRICE speaker. M , _Medd, M.L.A., for South Hur- on, tenlarked that it afforded him much pleasure to add, his congratula- tions to the preceding speakers. He was particularly eulogized in his ap- preciation of the address of Donald Harris of No. 9, Goderich.Township, who made so much of the subject of "Butter". Every dairyman, said.' he, would most enthusiastically endorse the subject matter of 'that address. This was productive of a hearty burst of applause and laughter. The judges not having returned with a decision, the chairman an- nounced that the spelling contest would take place. This contest also was between winners in the spelling matches at the school fairs. There were eight contestants and their po- .sition was determined in the same manner as in the speaking contest. Ernest Robinson, Blyth, drew number 1 and was first in line; then followed Kathleen Beacom, Goderich Town- ship; Francis Martin, Colborne; Ken- neth Finlayson, Ashfield; May Pat- terson, Grand Bend; Hilda Black, Belgrave; Willie Brown, Zurich; Ella Routley, Winchelsea. Inspector Bea- cum conducted the spelling contest and had selected some of the most difficult words in the school speller. It was remarkable, however, how eas- ily the young students mastered them, but finally the first casualty fell to the word quotation, the latter "o" in the word being substituted by the letter "e"; '"prominent" was respon- sible for the second retirement, "op- ponent" for the third and "independ- ent,", "candidate," "criticism" and "prevalent" in the order given. Willie Brown of Zurich was .the survivor of the contest, with Francis Martin sec- ond last .up and May Patterson third. Dr. Field was then asked to an- nounce the decision of the judges in the speaking contest. He said that while they had experienced great dif- ficulty in differentiating between the speakers, who had all done so re- markably well, yet they were unani- mous in their decision: ' Referring to the fact that the addresses must- of necessity be memorized, and stage manner and delivery be the deciding factors, he particularly commended the speaker from Clinton Urban School, Kenneth Dougan, who had prepared an original speech from. his own personal experiences. First place was given to Aline Clark, Fordwich, whose subject was "The Value of Birds to Men." This decision was ful- ly expected by 'all present, for this very winsome miss was absolutely captivating in stage manner, person- ality and delivery. .T.d:er choice of sub- ject was a popular one also and ev- eryone was enthusiastic in applause. Second place went to Donald Harris, who had chosen the very common- ]dace subject of "Butter." There was nothing commonplace about the ad- dress, however, for in a very clear voice and withdistinct punctuation, Donald told his audience how butter was first discovered, how its manu- facture and use became world wide, its food values in 'vitamins, its ex- cellence as a food for children, es- pecially and for adults. He quoted the general : prescription of an emi- nent doctor, who said, do not give children "bread and butter," but give them "hinter and bread." This decis- ion also was popular -with the audien- ce. Third place was given to Billie Farrish, who was quite convincing in his argurnents that agriculture can compete with industry. The speakers were then called to the stage again and their prizes were awarded. George Spotton, M.P., for North Huron, was also asked to come upon the stage. Chairman McLeod referredio the generosity of Mr, G. Spotton in having donated $5 to the winner at ;each school fair and also a silver cup to the winner in the fin- als. He also explained that he had reserved tailing on Mr; Spotton; to speak, until the present moment as he wished to have him present his beautiful gift in persona The donor of the cup, in address - leg the contestants and the audience p 11 A�pp 11 O Good range of colors and sizes, values selling regularly to $28.50. All Silk Crepes, Georgettes, showing lace insertions and other trims. Every one the latest in style, a grand clearance of our broken sizes, every dress, Half Price, Men's Work Shirts Cut roomy from good weight grey military Flannel. Collar attached, one Docket, size 14 to 16. Our reg. $1.50 line95c Each Youths' Underwear Cream colored fine knit fleece lined underwear, splendid wear- ing and laundering qualities. Sizes 26 to 32, Shirts 5dee Or Drawers Combinations 89 c Striped Flannelette For children's wear, etc., well- napped, good weight, good range of dark and light pat- terns. 27 inches wide. 1 ® c Yard Ladies' Night-gowns Short sleeve good weight night gowns, fancy trimmed neck, bound sleeves, length s7 52 in. Reg. 98c, Each e 9 • Ladies' Wool Tex Vests Fine rib V neck, a qualitygar- ment combining appearance and value, sizes 36 to 42. a 9 Each Wool Tex Bloomers Medium weight fine ribbed knit bloomer, elastic at Waist and knees, cut roomy, sure of good wear. Regular 59c. w 5� Pair `# Values From Bargain Basement Children's Stockings Fine ribbed hose for hardwear, black and fawns. d1 9 c Pair Toilet. Paper Good sized roll good 25c weight. 6 rolls Wash Boards Strong zinc faced, size 39c 12x42 inches. LaSalle Soap • A satisfactory fine toil- 25 c et Soap, 5 cakes House Dresses Fine ,strong fast color_ on,. ed prints. Each cir Children's Hats Felt and velvets for fall +2 n C wear. Each J a7 O O• stressed the thought of the great pleasure in being a winner. He also stated'that it was equally pleasant to be a good laser, provided one has done his best to win. Hegave the boys and girls some ,sound precepts to carry home with thein. In pre- senting the cusp to Aline, he very warmly congratulated her on her or- atory. He also had kind words of commendation for each contestant. Ivlr. McLeod presented book prizes to the three winners and a consolation book prize to each of the other con- testants. Book prizes, the selection of the secretary of the Educational Association, Mrs. R. Davidson, were presented to the contestants in the spelling contest. Mr. McLeod then handed the meet- ing over to the Educational Associa- tion. In. the absence of the president, Mr. McKellar, Mrs. Davidson was asked to preside. She expressed re- gret at the absence of -the president and vice-presidentes and after a few well chosen and well expressed re- marks called on the speakers of the day. Malcolm Mcl3eth of Milverton, president of, the provincial associat- ion, was first called. He expressed regret that he had not arrived in time to hear all the contestants in oratory., He referred to the tremendous pow- er of oratory, the greatest power known in the influencing of men and women. He instanced historical .ex- amples of orators who had influenced the destiny of nations. The most in- fluential speakers, he said, were those who .uses simple language. He said, that perhaps, John Bright had been the greatest orator of his time, and he was a very plain orator, On Chat- ters more nearly allied to the assoc- iation of which he had the honor to be president, he made reference to. the splendid work of Egerton Ryer- son, who in early days of the history of education in this Province had journeyed to Europe and had glean- ed from the educational institutions 1the methods that could be adopted in this "then" new country. As a re- sult of his efforts and of those who have followed him we have in On- tario one of the best educational sys- tems in the wbrld. Mr, Morris, the secretary of the Provincial Association, was next call ed upon. He was loud in his praise of their achievement on the public platform and predicted for each of them a brilliant future if they but continue to develop their talents. Continuing Mr. Morriss said in part that college degrees and diplomas were not the marks by which to know an educated person. "Activity of thought, receptivity of beauty, the power to, assimilate the lessons of na- ture are the greatest means in the matter of education. School and col- leges are a helve of course, but one might have the highest of university degrees an.d yet be lacking in the es- sentials of an educated man. The ed- ucated man is he with an open mind, ready to profit by the things he sees, hears and thinks," "Cultivate lovableness," he admon- ished. "What does it profit a pian or a woman to obtain all the degrees and diplomas to be had, if nobody wants to 'associate with or live with such a one, Every man and woman should take an interest in the affairs• of the days, in politics, national, pro- vitacial and municipal," These provincial officers were list- ened , to with much pleasure by the midi thee, The election of officers for the coming year then tookplace and •re- sulted as follows: President, Maleolen McKellar, Sea - forth; 1st vice, Rev, G. L. Gross, Au- burn; 2nd vice, Mrs. Cyril W, Scott, Belgrave; sec-treas., Mrs. Robert Davidson, Dungannon.. milIomillemeutl iil1tmectIAIisIIwlillrlllNll --- INIIIl�! I!>rl1l�I I lel i ILIi ISI NSI i Iii 111• I I iMI1Ib111a1 I III. 4._ SPECIAL CASH PRICES' el au For Saturday, 04F�.... 1 cta 31st Sirloin and Round 'Steak at lb. 20c Steak Roast of Beef, ib 20c 1111- Loin Roast of Latnb, lb. 18e Lamb Chops, lb, 18c Shoulder Roast of Lamb ib. 17c Breast of Lamb, lb, .„ 15c Pure Pork Sausage, 2 Ibs, .,25c Potted Meat, 2 lb. for 15c le ss!, Cottage Rolls in whole or t. _halfroll, lb, 15c Breakfast Bacon, in piece lb. 18c. • sliced .: ' 20c —.. Cured S trlb keHa _ d m w hole 16c in piece, Ib, 18e L-•• sliced, ib. 20e 3. cans of Corn 25e 3cans of Peas 23e w sl i (Memo( l.1011i 11111i111* i01111141f1II111M111 111111116111 i111110111111 i1111 fll111I11 THOS.FIELDez CO.)PhoX7e 35