HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-10-29, Page 3Vidette roxe Thursday October '29, 1931 Salada Orange Pekoe has a most fascinating flavour ORANGE PEKOE LEN /A T4A 'Fresh from the gardens' 183 1 Hints For Homebodies Written for The Advance -Times Jesie Alen Brown By Modern Purchasing Years ago, people depended largely on the reputation of the store, as a guide to their buying. Nowadays, ws want to know whose product we are , buying. The general use of package goods has had considerable to do with this. When we bought food products in bulk, there was no way of knowing where they carne from, Now, with tai most articles, we know the manufact- urer or grower ,and if their brand has suited our requirements, we are apt to buy it each time. Food is not the only thing that we buy by brand. Hosiery, shoes, under- wear, men's shirts, sweaters and woollens generally, furniture, tools, as a matter of fact, almost anything we use, If it is possible, I buy by name, going on the established reputation of the firm, putting out the product. Preferably, I purchase advertised: ar- ticles, because I fell more faith in a firm, which has sufficient faith in their own product to advertise it. Advertising puts across many an unknown product, but it cannot keep it there, if there is not merit in the advertised article. People will buy a thing once or maybe twice because of advertising, but if it is not satis- ,i actory, they will not continue buy - g it, Buying by brand makes the work of general purchasing agent for the family very much easier. When we find what we like and have proven its reliability to our own satisfaction, we need only buy by name, as most of the manufacturers try to keep their .products uniform: Those Extra Calories Desserts and the extra little tit -bits are the bugbear of our friends who are trying to take off some of the ex- tra poundage. How they do love them! Though, I suppose if they did not love 'them, they would not be fat. T could not help thinking of that last night.,'I was out with some lad- ies,, and although it was barely an hour after dinner, one of theta (the fattest of the party) suggested candy. Tato of the ladies were quite slight. and one or two candies was all they wanted, but the fatter ones ate until 'there were no more. If we eat 500 calories extra each ,day, we. will gain a pound a week, and it does not take many sweets to make, 500 calories. Here are some of them. First as to candies. Plain hard candies are the• safest, as it takes about an ounce of them to make 100 calories. Chocolatesand nut candies are richer and: contain a certain am- ount of fat; so it just takes a little, over a half ounce to yield 100 calor- ies. Chocolates vary greatly in size, but one , fair-sized chocolate will weigh a half -ounce and add 100 cal- ories. Three lumps of sugar or two rounding teaspoons give you another 100 calories. As for rich jams, jellies and marmalade, one tablespoon is all that is required. Ice -creams vary in richness but it takes just if cupful of an average ice- cream to give yoti 100 calories. Wa- tea-ice is a little kinder and you can VE on your ,q,/yr') I bills., Here's more nourishment at less money for you Delicious, appetizing Syrups full of health and energy. Serve them in place of expensive desserts. The CANADA STARCH CO. Limited MONTREAL Ask your grocer TO YcIJ Ill FAL.' N MSN It will be of advantage to you as your business grows .to make a friend of your banker. He will be glad to consider your problems and give you the benefit of his advice. You are invited to call upon the manager of .,any Brandi of this bank. THE DOMINION iA;NI ESTABLISHED 1871 J. R. M. Spittal, Branch itnanager Wingham, Ontario. 306 teke as much as a cup. Puddings vary considerably, corn starch, blanc mange and so, on only require 113 of a capful, while rice, 1 bread and tapioca require a i' capful. The average serving of dessert is us- ually reckoned at about 350 calories. Pies with two cruets run about 400 calories to the average serving. With- out the top crust, they are not quite as rich, although this depends on the filling•. It takes cupful of thin cream to give 100.calories and only one heap- ing teaspoon of whipped cream. just think of what pie with whipped cream would account :for„ in the weight of calories. One little piece of cake isn't much, but a piece about 1 inches square amount to about 100 calories—with- out the icing. Two cookies will do the trick and doughnuts are bad -it takes only i doughnut for 100 cal- ories. These are only suggestions and may serve as a double guide, to those who want to take off weight, 'and to those who want to' put it on. It is dangerous to take too many sweets, even for the purpose of potting on weight. Grumbling at Meals Most mothers have the unhappy experience of having to listen to the children grtunble about their meals, at some time or another. They take notions and first thing you know it has become a habit. It is fearfully wearing to have to listen to it, and it is a bad habit for the child to' de- velop, as a finicky eater is a nuisance all through .life. Scolding does not do a bit of good. I learned that by sad experience. Reward's sometimes work. wonderfully. A clean-up plate With no grumbles wins the .reward. It should be something that the child- ren enjoy. Candy is always popular and after a meal is the proper time i to . eat it. Some simple candy, such as marshmallow, plain hard candies, 1 cr plain chocolate are all permissab-le. .After the child has eaten meals with- out grumbling, it forgets all about it, as the grumbling is nothing but a bad habit, and like all other bad habits, should be broken if possible. Hallowe'en Cookies ' Make chocolate cookies. Ice with orange icing and make eyes, nose and mouth with a toothpick dipped into melted chocolate. Chocolate Cookies 1 cup shortening teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons baking powder 2 eggs beaten 3 cups pastry flour 2 cups brown sugar 213 cup cocoa Cream the sugar and shortening, add eggs and sifted dry ingredients. Chill. Roil very thin and cut with a cookie cutter. Bake about 450 de- grees. BELMORE A large congregation both morning and evening greeted the Rev. Taylor, returned missionary, at the McIntosh anniversary. A Box Social will be held in the Community Hall Friday evening, pro- ceeds in aid of the Mission Circle. Mr. Robt. Scott and family ,visited Saturday at John Darling's. Jimmie Ivfaid.nient of Petrolia was at Mrs. Casemore's. Mr, and Mrs. George Herd were. Owen Sound visitors last week. Thieving is getting quite popular in the vicinity. Parties particularly fond of jelly and don't know how to make, entered the home of R. J. Douglas recently and got away with a considerable quantity. Since, we have, been thinking if the pack of wolves that are such a menace to Wiarton farmers, would come. this way, they would get their fill of mut- ton. Those who attended service else- where Sunday were: Miss Katherine Foster at Palmerston, Misses Irene, Margaret and George Mundell at Brussels. GLENANNAN Mr. and Mrs. Omar Stokes and 'family visited on Thursday last with the latter's sister, Mrs. Wnt. Peter- man, of Fergus. Mrs. Thos. Metcalfe and sons, vis- ited on Friday last with her mother, Mrs. T. R. I3eunett. Mr. and Mrs. John Cathers spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Ma and Mrs, Arthur Lincoln, Mrs. Reuben Stokes and daughter, Erna, are visiting with friends in Ho -wick. Mr, and Mrs, Aleck Stewart, Mil- dred, and Dorothy, also Mrs. Angus' Stewart, were Sunday visitors with Mr. end Mrs, .It. L. Jeffrey. Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Stokes visited on Sunday With Mr, and Mrs, John Inglis and attended Anniversary Ser- vices at Mclntosh Mr, and Mrs, Richard Cullitun and daughters, spent Sunday with the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, R, J, Douglas. Mr, and Mi•', Samuel 'Marshall and Mervin attended Mr, Wni, Shoebot- tom's sale, on Friday last, WROXETER The Autumn Thank -Offering ser- vice of the W. M. S. will be held in the United Church Sunday morning when an address will be given by the Rev. J. C. Cochrane, superintendent of Missions. for northern Ontario. Mrs. T. G. Hemphill and Miss M. Harris. spent a few days iii. St. Thom- as last week. Rev. and Mrs. Findley are visiting friends at •Toronto and Hamilton. Mr. 5. Reid is fitting up his chop- ping trill and expects to have it ready in a few days. District Deputy Aitcheson of Luck - now, paid an official visit to the local Masonic Lodge Monday night. There was a good attendance of visiting and local brethren. • A bale of used clothing was sent by the ladies Guild for Western re- lief at Athabasca, Alberta. Mrs. L. Ruttan has returned home after a visit with, friends in Bluevale and vicinity, calling and visiting in forty different -Thames, also spending a•week with Mrs. Manse and Bessie on the 2nd line of Morris.` W. M. S. CONFERENCES QExcellent Conference Held in Walton. The W. M. S. Conference for the centre section of Huron Presbyterial was held in 'Walton' United Church on Friday, October 16th. The chair was taken by Mrs. Fowler, Clinton, the vice-president for this section. The morning devotional exercises were conducted by the Clinton On- tario St, Auxiliary. Mrs. Jas. Allan of Egmondville responded to the ad- dress of welcome. Thirteen of the fifteen Auxiliaries were present to answer the roll call with a short report in the morning. These reports of this year's work up to date, were very interesting and encouraging. Many seem to have ac- cepted the challenge of the day and are working not in spite of the de- pression but rather because of it. Walton had a very large represen- tation. Egmonnville came next with 15 members present. Seaforth is the largest Auxiliary with 114 members. The yhave succeeded in sending- in their allocation quarterly, which all the auxiliaries hope to do soon. Al- though Duffa Auxiliary have only 12 members, they have fifteen Subscrib- ing for the Missionary Monthly and are always active. Constance fre- quently comes with some new diea ,for raising their allocation, this time it is the travelling basket in which b ythe Seaforth Auxiliary, Mrs,'1Ne11� wood of Winghain, called the roll of :Mission Bands, 'This new Secretary of Mission l3ands is very keenly in7 terested in the work and app>oals tt:r the Auxiliaries who arc: pot mother- jng. a J3and to oragniae Pee as soon as possible. There are 15 Auxiliaries in Centre Section. and only 10 Mis' sion Bands. Two of these; Monerief and Winthrop, have just recently been formed. She said that early im- pressions are always lasting and if We want missionary workers in the fut- ure they roust be trained now. Mrs. Farrel of Clinton, the newly appoint-, ed Baby Band Secretary, called the roll and spoke on Baby Band work, Mrs. Greer of Win.gham, Christian Stewardship and Finance Secretary, urged that every finance committee be'al.so a prayer committee. The mot- to of 'the \V,M,S, is "Pray, Study, Give." Let us not forget that, she said. Mrs. Moorehouse, of Exeter, the treasurer in giving her report said that our aim should be to give all ;ve can to spread the Master's work. The beautiful solo "Pass it on" was sung by Mrs. Colin. Fingland. Mrs. Lane of Seaforth, •the president, con- ducted a memorial service, special mention being made of Mrs. Hogg, our beloved past president. Mrs. Leary of Seaforth and Mrs. Farrel of Clinton, the Resolution Committee in presenting the resolutions made special mention of Temperance. The Walton Mission ].land present- ed an exercise in which the children of others lands told a Canadian child why they were happy, because they had learned of Jesus. The invitation from Cavin Church, Winthrop, to meet there next year was accepted. Miss MacKenzie, of Africa, gave a vary interesting account of her work there. She said that at the present time they were much in need of sev- eral men missionaries in Angola. The work there is very encouraging. Dur- ing the 1st 30 years of Missionary work 28 out stations were establish- ed; during the next 20 years '700 more have been added. The response is marvelous, she declared. Christian Missions have made a new world for the African women, She had some hand work done by them which prov- ed that they are naturally very ar- tistic. The conference came to a close by singing the hymn "The morning light is breaking" and Mrs. Greer led in prayer. g 5 �tiao5a a �yzs a o>- o °"'3av1st' o a11l.� Ecq HOME�j{IEAt 511RE0p�' "I'm late—but 1 have time for Shredded Wheat" "Ohy ou don't have to worry about getting to work on time when we have Shredded Wheat in the house.'.'.—It's ready cooked,, ready to serve—and you'll have plenty to eat. Shredded Wheat is the real energy - food : nergy-food: and whetherr you pre- fer it with cream or with hot milk on cold mornings, it's a delicious and satisfy- ing meal." THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT Conference for West Section In Dungannon • The W. 11 S. Conference for -the \Vest section cif Huron. was held in the Dungannon United Church on Thursday, Oct. 15th. The chair was taken by Ivfrs. Robt. \Nighttime, vice- president. Nile Auxiliary led in the devotional exercises in the morning. The delegates and visitors were wel- comed by Mrs. C. Pentland of Dun- gannon, to which Mrs. Laidlaw; of Blyth, replied. There are 17 :\u'iliaries in the 'West section and almost all of these were represented and gave encourag- ing- reports of this year's ,work. The 1llyth ()ween St. Auxiliary have four the members put slips of plants, groups, each responsible for $25 ab-; Mrs Craw of l,uckuaiv, president ".f the Benediction. bulbs, seeds, etc, which they would cave their usual givings, Myth St. An- t to Greer said, Mrs. J. Colclough, supply secretary, gave a very •interesting re- port of what had -been sent away and told how much. it had been appreciat- ed. Mrs. (Rev.) Mortimer, of Auburn formerly of West China, spoke on the situation in .Manchuria. She told a dreamt in which Christ stood before the I eague of Nations and question- eel each nation in- turn concerning their attitude toward the impending War. By their answers each nation the world as a Prince of Peace or, said that His policy had proved a failure. Then having heard then all, Christ said "You may have this one more war. But as yo ureali're what it will mean? You will came on bend- ed knee and implore me to stop it. The • only way T ran teach you is to let you do what you want—but you will never want to do it again." As . ither denied Christ's power to rule a most fitting conclusion she sang a piece of her own composition 'The Hornet Song." The Misses Doles of Westfield, sang a duet ''Burdens are pressing in Soniebndy's life." Then the Hamilton Conference Branch, followed up what Mrs. Mortimer had said iiy - beginnin'g her address 'with. the question "Do we really believe that Christ's program ' is adequate?" To prove that it was she told what learning of Jesus had done for Mike, a new Canadian in Northern Alberta, "Have we been asleep and not pray- ed enough for our workers at• the frontier of physical and spiritual' war- fare?" she asked. Mrs. Cook of Ash- field and Mrs. Tole, of Blyth, were the Courtesy committee. Mrs. Shaw of Nile, Mrs; Lane of Ashfield, and Mrs, MacKenzie of Pt. Albert, were named for the resolution committee. Mrs. Wightman who has made an ex- cellent vice-president during the past three years, now retires, Miss Mary Milne of Myth, will take her place. The Dungannon Mission Band gave 'the Wen Shun motion song in an ex- cellent Wanner. After the resolutions and courtesy committee had brought in their reports; Mrs. Lane. president, spoke a few well chosen words and the Re\ ereud C. C. Baine pronounced usudrew's Auxiliary give away. These are then I har • 1 1 r 1a oto use 1 blue priced and sold. Goshen .Auxiliary1 be.,;k in their study period,, In Crewe't n,> ° `dt`rlt. 1 " `;`�®M Auxiliary $25 was raised by a copper campaign. Dungannon has had a better at- tendance than last year. They were able to send .half of their allocation has succeeded in obtaining almost ev- ery woman as a member of the church as a member of their W.M.S. They like malty others said that they hoped to reach their allocation. Id llruce,fielcl temperance is studied i away during the first six months. each month. '['lie solo rendered by Mrs. Lindsay of Constance was much enjoyed. The roll call of Y. W. Aux- iliaries and Circles was then taken by Mrs, Layton of Exeter, the new sec- retary. She said it was her belief that girls carne nearer to God in the Mission Circle than anywhere else. A lovely dinner was served by the \\Talton ladies. The devotional period at the open- ing of the afternoon session was led Wife—"Well, dear, have you found a job yet?" Hubby -"Yes, my pet, you go to work to -morrow." F. F. HOMUTH Phm, B,, Opt. D., R, O. OPTOMETRIST Phone 118 Harriston, Ont. "The Best Equipped Optical Es t blishn n a me t in .this part of Ontario". Goderich North St. :\uxiliary this year celebrated their 50th anniver- sary. Nile Auxiliary have studied the "Blue Book" and found it very inter- eeting;, Smith's Hill Auxiliary report that ,they ared cring their best. God- erich North St. Circle report the best year that they have Mit' had and have asked to have their a.11ocatian raised. They have 48 annual members. Mrs. Wellwood, Mission. Band, Secretary, called the roll for the Mission Bands. In Auburn they have only 8 members but what they lack in nimibers is made up in enthusiasm. The Blyth Anderson Band held a Fee Tea. A duct "Lift up thine eyes," Was beauti- fuily sung by two members of the 111 Crewe Auxiliary. Mrs. W. Walters, Carlow, gave an m IHE MEIN IIR 110 excellent ,paper on Stewaadship. One of the members of Ashfield Auxiliary closed the morning session with pray- er, All did justice to the excellent dinner served by the Dungannon la- dies. Auburn Auxiliary led in the de- votional period in the afternoon. The treasurer's report was very hopeful. Almost all said "we hope to reach our allocation," Ashfield, Blyth, St. Andrew's, Dungannon and Smith's Rubber Footwear at the present time is cheaper than for years. ' No need to buy second quality goods when you can get the best for a few cents more right at home.. Special features this season are Women's and Children's Gayettes, all rubber, fleece lined and wool Jerseys, two domes in black and brown, Men's light rubber boots, fleece lined, and one to four buckled Overshoes. Men's and Boys' leather tops are special features in qual- ity and price. All other lines in; stock. MADE -TO -MEASURE CLOTFIING We are representatives for Stone Clothes, L one of the most reliable firms in. the business. For g a short time we are privileged to allow you a re duction of $2.00 per suit, giving 'up-to-date Suits •• for only $23.00. Winter Overcoats in Tweeds, Chincillas and g Barry;lnore Moths. Fall and Winter Caps, Sox and ill Underwear. i )Till were ahead financially of what . Davey's Store ' they were at this time last year Mrs. ( Wroxeter .. i�hlst 1010IIM�Irs111$11 .1.1I�IirIu1I1111N IRIMI l� MON