HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-10-29, Page 21!} ii TWO ItitV TRS WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES dth 5crqke OP THE (t€cbitrc a citirot Aosuriation I:dited'bY Assoc,.iir sECnEYAay a T t.En� n rvl 0 DOES YOUR CHILD SEE? When a child is blind in both eyes, , s recogniz- ed. the conditionis, o£ .coni e, rt,u �,niz- •ed. There are many children, liow- ever, who have defective eyesight, which 'fact is unknown to their par- ents. That this is so is evidenced by the nuinber , of children entering school, who are found by school Phy- sicians to have defective eyesight. The good work done by the school health: st.rvices does not provide for the pre-school child, or for the child who attends a school where there is aro school physician or nurse. A child should be able to recog- nize a picture or object one-half inch square at twenty feet. Each eye is ^tested separately, one eye being cov- ered with a card during the test of the other. For near vision, a picture book may be used. If there is any ap- preciable defect in either eye, whe- ther •for near or distant vision, the family physician should be consulted. Cross-eye is a condition which is frequently neglected because of the parents' ignorance of to its signifi- cance. Children with this condition should be placed under medical care withont delay. A cross-eyed child sees double. This causes confusion and so the mind trains itself to pay attention only to the image that ASPIRIN i11ll lillIIlllllllll1111111I11N1NIfllllllllllilhi111IIi1INIIIII llIl 111 BEWARE OF IMITATIONS LOOK for the name Bayer arta the ward genuine on the package as pictured above when you buy Aspirin. Then you'll know that you are get- ting the genuine Bayer product that thousandsof physicians prescribe. Bayer Aspirin is SAFE, as millions of users have proved. It does not depress the heart, and no harmful after-effects follow its use. Bayer Aspirin is the universal antidote for pains of all kinds. -- Headaches Neuritis Colds Neuralgia Sore Throat Lumbago Rheumatism Toothache Genuine Bayer Aspirin ie sold at ai druggists in boxes of 12 and est bottles of 24 and 100. Aspirin is the tirade -mark of Bayer manufacture of saonoaceticaciclesterr i ealicyliracd, comes tothrof through the straight cye This results its in one eye being d evel aled through use and the other's be - coining useless because itis not used. Unless the condition is properly treated early, the child •loses the use of one eye and is actually blind in that eye, If the child is treated be- tween two and three years of age, the most or all of his vision can be sae.: ed; the longer treatment is delayed. the more vision is lost. 'Cross-eye is a condition which docs not correct itself. Children do not. grow out of it. If the child is placed sitting, fac- ing the parent, an arm's length away, with one eye covered by the parent's hand, and is made to look at the par er,t's nose with the uncovered, the parent will find, that, an uncovering the other eye, it is either looking at the nose, which means that. no cross- eye is present, or that it moved in or out, or .remained crossed in or out, which is an evidence that cross-eye is present. Your children will apreciate, in lat- er years, the care you give now to this special organa Questions concerning Health, ad- dressed to the Canadian Medical As- sociation, 184 College St:, Toronto, will be answered personally by letter. Use Home -Grown Seed l At the Growers' Council Potato it 2 ecting held recently in Toronto it was reported that Ontario farmers had bought 55,000 bushels of certified d shed from outside the province last year. It was stated that we have an i excellent crop of certified Cobblers, Dooleys and Green Mountains in On- tario this year and it was recorn- }anended that ,Ontario farmers should • first make use of this seed before im- porting, owing to unusual market conditions. It was felt that farmers ;might order their supplies and save nioney by making their purchases now. Weekly Crop Report The weather continues to be very satisfactory to Ontario farmers. There has been enough rain to en- , ccuragc the luxuriant growth of pas- tures and in many areas to increase the flow of underground streams and i fill wells which have been very low or empty. Fare: work is well advanc- ; ed, Fall plowing will be finished in t,: good time. Wheat is making wonder- ful growth and there is fear that in t the more southern districts growth will be too rank. All classes of lire t stock are in good condition. Weath- er had permitted continued pasturage 'and there is a bountiful feed supply. The root crop is being harvested in good condition. Dairy production is above normal. The yield in Oxford County has been estimated at 20 to 80 per cent. higher than last year, while in Grenville a 40 per cent. in- crease has been reported. Farmers' discouragement is confined utmost wholly to market prices. for rvice a and',uaaAraanteed Xeepa Cartor sof cSk Lamp,' /t the House win- lain Utilities Commission rawford Bloch"., look fixe t44to La Phone 1 S6. 0st 44iptpa xoto Gas,,s 00000000000 x000comxxxxx x Why..Sylviu, Tried to P1el.se By HELEN R. BARTON 70000000000000000000000000 I.11 \ gazed with sternly eyes at "- the tiny .slip of patp{fit that she hnd. taken from the envelope, i''or such a smaili slip of miner. It roets►ne d enough to merit the s rey e�n r e9- sin, and also the furious rebellion in S vt's heart. Ior withh the brutal ability of most printed slips, this > ar- tiei1at one informed theteacher of lr'o. 4 district school that school must be kept with full attendance all day on May 7. Anti :,Iay: 7 was the day the greatest of all eViators waS to speak at a banquet and open air celebration at Wilson recreation grounds; free tiekets had been lssued ;all the schools, but, glue to prolonged doss of time owing to a stubborn epi- lemic of measles, the prineipal felt it wise for all the members of No. 4 to keep full attendance and. grind WRY at maim -up! " rf there education," muttered the lovely Mss Randall, "then I'm going to grow me a pig -tail and learn to write laundry in Chinese! As if any more book learning could make up for the few pearly wards of wisdom Colonel Stromhergh will speak!" And as the ehildren were enjoying their mid-morning recess out of door, Syivin bowed her lovely head nn her folded arms and frankly wept. Tench- ine was suelt a thankless ,job at hest, all kirks and few kisses. But to have to suerific•e this opportunity of a life- time to see and hear the greatest his- torical - t'hnrat'ter of our era was ask- ing good deal too much of the -teeth- ing profession! "1 heg your, pardon." interrupted One rnaseuiine baritone, "but is this No. 4 district school?" Sylvia lifted tear -drenched eyes to the concerned, worried gaze of a too thin. ton tall young man of serious were nasion, and the reddest hair, bar none, that she had ever seen. ?" Na,stam- mered v1�. .t lir Is4. 1 `'FPS. this mored Sylvia acutely conscious of her shiny nese, red eyes and tear streaked face. "Why—•ah—err, yon see, I'm the new principal of this district. I was sum- moned hastily this morning, due to the 'illness of Mr. Farrel—" "We're so far behind in our sched- ule that we may have to keep a few weeks longer at the enrl of the year," began Sylvia duelling slightly under the tall young n stn's earnest scrutiny. "Why, T think you're done won- ders.You've bad no end of hard 'Ur:; according to these reports. Do von mind if 1 stay and see how the kids ec't elnng? 1 w n't disturb you." "1 atm delighted to have anyone so interested in the ceitnoi. Do please stay and tnnke yourself r'omfortahle." nried `ylvia. and as the afternoon progressed she forgot, quite. the un- happy rause of her woe earlier in the atty. in fact. she was et' interested 'n the htstee 's nl` hat=ins: No.4 sehool bine to the oyer of the new nrinelpal Hint it is 'linden! 11' she would have •v-eu understood the name Stroiahergh had it been spoken to her. From time to time (gene Hender- son, the new principal, would make a low voiced remark or comment, and it amazed Sylvia that a mere man should have such a elemr knowledge of . wilted teaching and ehfld psychology, as this' strange, quiet man had. , "It's easy to see." smiled the tall young man after school hod been dis- missed, "drat the children love you, Thursday, October 26 1;I31< TIMOTHY EXPECTS AN, EARLY WINTER To the Fditur av all olio) . \Vinghana paypers, Deer Sur:,-= 'Tis a busy While I do be havin these days gittin tings claned itp nr- round thegarden to be ready fer the gond ould i'i'nther tonne that will' soon be wid us agin. 1 rink inebby. we shall be afther hevin an airiy wire Y t s "11 'r o n. do a ti year, e, the s ie• h,I tl i k t t, be iotntiniitt way."ie IdcS will ili t >s the sl an allaffthe trees,} w soonbe.l a1 will soowid i be full w atto r, the • the are all out at g sound , the birruds hev moshtly gone Scutt, the flower gardens are all shpoiled fer the sayson, fowl suppers hev shtarted, an the Canadian_ Club has hild its fursht maytin. The young ladies Who do be run- nin the Club Sint me an invitashuri to attind, an` whin 1 saw' the name av the shpaker was Reilly 'l: tought, av course, he niusht be Irish, an I wanted to go, but the misses didn't see tings that way at all, at all, so she didn't. . "What d'ye want to jine up wid thim tines fer?" sez she. "Shtae 'tis no place fer min at all, at all, so it isn't. I am jist afther foindin out that harrudly army, min attind, an they do be moshtly Grits.. If ye want to shpind yer toime wid the wimmin whoy don't ye jine up wid the sewin circle an hlip to make quilts?" sez she. " 'Tis wrong ye are intoirely, dar- lin" sez I, "fer shure, 'tis a Club in- tinded fer both min an wimmin an, if the min don't attind, 'tis theer own loss, an the more shame fer thim" I sez. "Indade" sez she, "Ye are roight fer wance in yer life. The min wud ruther attind theer ould lodges, arr yewlcer parthies, arr shpind theer toime sittin aground shmokin theer poi'pes, t h s g o wheer they wud tarn sometiri • Bein as 'tis s a place aheer the intilligint wimmin ,go, I intind to jine up wid the Club mesilf, an ye kin shtay at home an kape on the foire." Av coarse wimmin do be quare chrayturs an ye nivir kin till what de- toot they will take, but it is plaized I am intoirely that the nissus intind to become a mintber av the Canadian Club, fer whin theer is something ix- tra good on I kin go wid her fer a 'Hiss Randall. One sintnly could not. achieve such wonders unless the chil- dren - were entlnaminstir and • made every etYnrt to please!„ "Do you think that is a sign of al`feetinn—a (1 " "e to please?" asked eylvin In a niu'71«d voice. "But certainly' 'Chat's an ele- mental st'e'p 10 povehology, 1\'e 10 - ways try to please those whom we love:" gulrkly rn wea•ed lie•,ni', ey- 'tar with approval the creamy line of Sylvia's Reek. where it merged tAvith the dark tuff of her bhie-black !uitr. • Anil Sylvia wfte strangely silent sts Atha '.talked . slowly along beside the new prini'ipal, as they rode their thoughtful way to her boarding house qtfter school a losa'd, She was think - lag with a shy ,'art of pante that her hrct Instinet had been to please this )ll. serious pea' prinripal ant) rer- tainly she had outdone herself alt try trying to make her school seem its hest! "Are we going to go to the picnic for colonel Stromhergh. Miss Ran - (Inti?" was the question asked her 25 titres .the fiil}owing day, and eateh' time Sylvie's heart went a hit lower as she explained the reason why they roust stay and work. Her hind' of egg- salad Sand- wiches, cookies', and milk went down slowly aS she thought about all the various angles of teaching especially the briefness of en- forcing commands lSsued by athers, And she was again reht'lliees as the drone of a big tontor came wafting aver the still air. It was, she de- cided, the ahead of (Airplanes. that were to he the; feattere of the riny,, Sylvia molted out and saw, not an airs plane, but a'huge vanlike track bone down upon the No. 4 school, i,?."-ts caught her breath as she tante rho flaming thatch of hair of the .trtfrlin t driver. 'ft was Genet "ITut) 10. h' IS; we're going to the id'nie before •'tat See create gets eat, ett1" .and 1i urla Itne.W at last ,whys she hand tried to please hien—no doubt iifmlllil(w111 11 atitl' Oriatna0 of ii i11 lib" \;�vs r.�w iiii 3t I w :q``A tis _..,.n..:rt • ws. ,'tb i `,q� V aa$,f.k.p.DMO!}R i +anaPrnwa✓ • 7,1\: e ',FAST FA sT , , UQy %• 'o jn half a minute Mrs. Cratchit entered --flushed, but smiling proudly—with the pudding, like a speckled cannon -ball, so hard and firm, blazing in half of half a quartern of ignited brandy, and bedight with Christmas holly stuck into the top." Not very many words, but in those few words Charles Dickens seems to have gathered together all the reasons why every year Canadians from all over the Dominion look towards England and the old-fashioned Christmas. And the ghostly smell of that Christmas pudding, "like an eat- ing -house and a pastrycook's next door to each other, with a laun- dress's next door to thatP', has an influence on steamship passenger officials as they make up their sailing lists. This year the Canadian Pacific has arranged four sailings from Saint John, N.B,, designed to allow home -ward bound Canadians to reach even the remotest parts of the British Isles in time for the great English festival. They are, the Montelare for Glasgow, Belfast and Liverpool, December fifth, Duchess of Bedford •to the same ports December 1l.th, Montrose to Cherbourg, Southampton and Ant- werp December 12th, Duchess of Richmond to Glasgow, Belfast and Liverpool December 16th, for the real last-minute travellers, tell me, whin she gits home, allabout bout what the min had ' to say. Another ting, it will give me a few more to talk wid thim Hoigh chances School byes, an hilp to bring about the improvemint av theer minds. Thim Grits hev been afther hould- in a big Convinshun in London, an Mishter Mackenzie King . made a spaich tree hours long, an thin Mish- ter Harry Sifton knocked the props out from undher hire, an lit him down, in tin minnits. We are always plaized whin thim Grits wid money shwing our way, fer, faith, it will take a lot av it to carry the nixt •elickshtui, fer, betwane our- siives, 'tis about the only argymint ye are loikely to hev, unless toimes improve purty soon. I wud make the innishiashun fee purty hoigh fer an- ny av thim rich Grits that want to jine up wicl the Tory parthy at the prisint toime. Whin that Grit sin - nater, who got the hundred and twin- ty foive tousand dollars out av thim l3eauharnoise lads, gits kicked ,out av his earthy he will loikely come in wid us, but, shute, I wud make him pay fer the privilege, so I wud, fer we nade the money. Yours till nixt wake, Timothy Hay. llil�ll']al wisIiiaii®1114iN1lclollilel}1011iwrI isuiwIsIIIaIInimullinsimmhAwwiniumlwltlilllworililtliusiiiiliioiIfI11wiNwwwililNglliwillwi111011 wwwi nlililll#lists r li jA ii How Many Sales Transactions Do You Need ? An Advertisement addressed to our Local Retailers It is possible for a retailer to calcu- late the number of sales transactions re- quired by his business each day, week, month, year. here's how the calcula- tion can be made: 1. Sum up the estimated operat- ing expenses for the year—the amounts required for rent, wages, delivery, supplies of various sorts, insurance, re- pairs, losses. Add, also, the net profit which one should have to reward his capital and enterprise. 2 Divide this total by the num- ber of working days in the year—say 305, in order to get the average daily cost of oper- ating one's business. 3 Ascertain the amount of the average sales transactions. (".Che Daily 'records of individ- ual sales, over a period of a month or so, will enable one to make this calculation.). 4 Reckon the amount ''of gross profit earned on an average sales transaction.. -20; 25, 30 per cent, Divide the total average daily expenses by the' profit on an average sales transaction. Thus one gets the number of sales transactions required daily to recover the costs of doing business, ILLUSTRATION Suppose that you find that your an- nual expenses, including a desired net profit, total $4,000, or, say, $13,11. per • 111 day; that your average sales transac- tion is 56 cents, onwhich the average gross profit, at 25 per cent. would be 14 cents. Then your required number of sales transactions per day would be $13.11 divided by 14, or 94, Now, to assure an average of 94 sales transactions per day, rain 'or shine will require you to be extraordinarily diligent in the matter of attracting cus- tomers. Your windows should be made alluring. Your service should be court- eous, prompt and pleasing, so as to make customers willing "repeaters," Your range of merchandise should be good, and your prices should be com- petitive. But these alone won't suffice to as- sure 94 sales transactions every day, on an average. You'll have to do a whole lot of inviting. Week by week your in- vitations to buyers ought to be publish- ed in this newspaper. If you fail to issue cordial invitations, week by week, then your business is in a state of peril. r6117• a 11, i% 6 •ce The acooman ireg example p � makes it clear that a retailer can check u his p progress. daily. Without a daily: tea suring of achievement again. ; st requirement no business management can be called safe« Issued by the Canadian Weekly Newspapers AssoM.atiotl;, 111N1illiitit11(1(1(11WiI111illiiil1i111M111 IliIN11i�1il lI E(11 ilyNlll�ili�(1(i: I11M111(,1CMildillltl1lllilll1llMI11aYtillil it 111111111 0}ri1110111 1111