HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-10-15, Page 444,;111. ,
t.1t11`t.�9'111141111s` ,11111,11k1r1 11 i11111 l`91t l'
Iilll!FAH t> 1
Corn RMRN4TV Pkg.
si Blue Rose Rijce, 3 lb.
Ginger Snaps, 2 lb. •
Macaronis, .3 lb... . » .
Chocolate Barsa 2 for
Lard, 1lb. ..
Black Tea, 1,.lb. ,'
Brooms, 5 -String
Matches 3 Boxes , .... , .
Pastry Flour
Lavoline, 2 pkg.
Rinso, 3 pkg. ,.•.••••••
Toilet Paper, 7 rolls ...... , . . ,
. •,•25c
Thursday, Octo#e' I
, M
i l
Crx is. i
a � ir'���.iSt n .
t c lxT ti
Cha Mr.Mrs. C. S. 13a� ,ascd . M . and M. . ter we Saar a let av stiltala. t. A�w. a r .�;. ` 1 1, 011 tr11F, E VIII' ?i�11.1..1I1111I Ci lik iCi ili9gilll iCf. 1I
pay1M � ;� � � 1118 � � � � �t11M (NIO W(p111iM;itil
e>iette. Gloves, v 39c at Lard's. Ralph Jon_ and baby, ,spx nt the 31 1- xwtr uoTU n an Ttvx, letgt xizt ts
, _
;iday at the, home of \tr: and MrsJ i , County Councils, -t. Awtvercxntxinte tat # v ";ii..
tapleton, onto an Ottawa; ail', an sa Dot ur - :ltc a t om• .es.s
Mr. and Mr:, H. J. Rahlves, tsf Tor- inehtitooshuns that se tura wire arc
. • Churches, . x School Boorde, and Octw�
woo, were holicla • visitors with the 1a1�, C}tu c se., •xi . 1 tl , For #����"�[ll. �. � i th
y d#
EN Dr. Oreo. and Mrs.Howson visited
friend, in `'Toon taa over the 1te'iida}.
Mn kle,avar4 Cray of Niagara Falls:
1� spent Thanksgiving at his hotn'e here
:Mies Evelyn Le ar
p d ani Orangeville
visited at her house over the holiday.
Ieard's Dollar Silk Hose, beyond
• , Sc _ d,.ubt the best valor in Silk Hosiery.
1 Oc _in Misses Margaret and Marjorie Fis-
, 39c tier ...f Toronto, spent the holiday in
255-c ! Jr. and Mrs, Andrew Leggatt of
.45c ! Hamilton were holiday visitors in
W. J. COI -E
Behave, - Ontario_
P 'ti- d - - h Chambers av-ominerce an Women': a
Institoots an l..odges, till ye can t
rest an slit
resht, p .
lir, Ns ago,. Hart - of Stratfor,I, .
spent Thursday and Friday of }act an s , ansorsisrow,
<tter parent., - r. an ..'rs. - o n x S - ,
ill `A a fret unitxx Tovnxxnt
uff�rdn orrozv an cow an an
week at the home of Alex, D}ek•on, hungry clxilder wid us, an we k pe; tj
William St.
on shpindin our money fer booze, an lid
tobackey, an chockolate bars, an ou:e ; =
Mr. and Mrs, W. Byers and A, i1
Price of Detroit; and Mrs. Alex Rog -
cones, an gasoleen, an Patin
out more money than th' nxosht av us
ers, visited at the home of Mr. and 1 ivir saw, iviru year to mitt to nxisnxan-
Mrs. H- Collar.
1! town. Miss Jean Ramsay, B.A•, of Paris
! Miss Emma Waiters of Toronto, High School staff, spent Thanks iv -
.25C spent the week -end with relatives inc lit town. ing g
�� -- with her parents, Mr. and. Mrs:
Allan Ramsay.
i��till�illl111i➢�itll�Eli;ie€Ili�iil�Ili�itEilliC111�1411rff1ilfl#l�f1I1�3tl�alC?�s19�Clitili�llii�?'Ilii1i1�911i3111t9'il '
quo •• r.,CAJ, W V,t!S+,+ r�.Lni rm�mttle•tR•t: • wsr ...oi.Q. mievutrA ,U° t' -g • a • s ! t' ! .
IT cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c..
: a •ate• Y►stioi) zip i a • a • • • • • • • i a r • • • a 'f
Implements and Household effects —All makes, bring inyour head
at Lct 41, Con. 11, East Wawa-; charges .reasonable. Lube King
nosh, at 1 o'clock, Friday, Oct. 23• : Lower Winghani; nett door to Hy
No reserve, Win Shoebottom, dro Plant.
Prop. Thos. E. Small and T. R
Bennett, Auctioneers.
:Ir .and Mrs. R. E. Armitage were
visitors in London for over g Thanks-
givi n.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 3. Duff, of Blue -
vale, visited with Mrs. J. J. Elliott on
Miss Alice Williamson of New Port
visited at her home here over the
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McKay and dau-
ghter of Hamilton were Thanksgiv-
ing visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. R. Adams.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Elgin Currie and
son John of Islington, visited at the
home of the former's parents, vfr•
and !ers. J T C
Miss Cora Dickson of Dundalk, and
Miss alba Johnston has returned Mr. Hilton Dickson of Stratford Nor -
home after spending a few weeks in mal, visited at the home of their par- we hev a Tory Governmin at Ottawa,
Fall Hosiery, Women's
and silk and wool, reg. 75c,
at Isard s.
Mr. Ronald Cowley of Hamilton,
is visiting at the home of Mayor and
Mrs. Fells.
Have Elmer Wilkinson caulk your
doors and windows before cold wea-
ther sets in.
350 lbs. of Round and 'Sirloin
Steak, at lb :
Good Short Rib BoilingBeef
from young beef, ib. 11e, 13c
Cottage Rolls in whole or half
Rall, lb. ......, 16c
2 lb. Pure Pork Sausage for 25c
2 lbs. Home-made Potted meat
for ..,. _._. .. 15c
age our railways, an thin appointinmore j_] �+t (� «fir
ons to oighthrog toiced nein foind outnwhatxiish-
hap TM l •1[ IOS FIELD CO. Phone ail LI'
Breast of`'Latrbb '1b,
Shoulder Roaat of Lamb, ib, 1,7c
Lamb' Chops, lb. r ,
bobs Roastf �a»ib, lb, ,: t„1.6c
2 Ca Pine x, '
. large caaa Golders n R: d.
Salmon ..., ,: ,:., ..12c �r
1 Can Corti . ...... .:....... . ..:..Jo ri
(That's a purty long aintince, so it
is, longer than some fellahs wud git
f � rhili milliondollars.)
n to nado a )
Jist whin I got to this pint wid me
tirikin, the tillyfone bell rang an woke
nee up, an I found I had been dhrain-
in, an I do be tellin y -e this to show
what a lot av quare tings a fellah will
tink av whin he is ashlape.
Jist tink ay me havin a dhrame
hike that on Thanksgiving Day, whin
ents over the holiday.
1111199911.t.>w' l iD:irllalil0fllt11f+1�11rIt111✓rillllllllllIIII/iItM111I11AtIU✓�M119911IlIIIIMICfllalll`
ers upwards of 200 "supers” will take
part in the production. There will
be a massed choir of over 150 voices
and a large symphony orchestra, ,
(Continued from page Two)
an in mosht av the prawvinces, an so Ladies' Work. Hand Work
all wool Mr, and Mrs. Graham Fenn and much arhate an mate in the country Embroidery, solid white, Miss Liv-
now 59c yrs. Fenn, Sr. of Parkhill, visited ov that we can't ate thirn fasht enough, ingstone, Mrs, A. Hehn; Embroidery,
Ler Thanksgiving at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. F. Burg -man.
Dr. John Chisholm of Prince Albert
Sask., accompanied by his sister, Mrs.
• (Dr.) W. G. Collison of Lindsay,
were welcome visitors in town this
Mrs, Phil Dyers and babe of De- Dr. Garnet and :Mrs. Chapman and
troit, are visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. L. Chapman and son,
W. R. Dyer. Dick, of Bridgelaurg, spent the holi-
Mr. .and Mrs. Ed. Hawkins and day at the home of _Mr, and Mrs. A. J.
family spent Thanksgiving with rela- Walker.
tires in town. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nivins and
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Young of Tor- Junior and Miss Roselle. Cunningham,
, onto, spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. of Long Branch spent the holiday
, . P. S. Linklatsr. with Mrs. Isabella 'Henderson of
Nfr and Mrs K Humble town and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cunn-
of ingham, Blyth.
`'TOLMAN, S WET-Ap:deg For Sal
1 Apply''LO- JaA 1`.1'lrightn an, phon
CAULKING— Let us quote you on 623r23.
stopping that disagreeable. draft I
around your doors and windos
Elmer Wilkinson, Decorator.
FOR SALE—Gbarrel orood Spy bag. OrderstakenIn loving memory of our dear Bro- Mrs. W. R. Hamilton and daughter -Westminster Hospital, London Mr
b r
Thorold, spent the holiday with
friends in town, Mr. and Mrs, J. Pinkney and dau-
• Miss Grace Greer, spent Thanks- ghter, Muriel, and Mr. and Mrs. J.
�icCarther and daughter, .Ruby, of
giving with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. lIc- Sta}>ner, were visitors with Mrs. G.
Callen Stratford: R. McMiIlan and _Mr, and Mrs. J. F.
Mr. George Rintoul and Family of Crandall for the Thanksgiving holi-
Detroit, are visiting his brother, Mrs. days.
J. A. McDonald. .
Dr. and Mrs. N. J. McLean of
by G. T. Robertson. ther, :1 illiam George Baird, who died
one year ago to -day in Wingham
;:Public Hospital. • -
FOR SALE—A Hand Washing Ma `-•
chine, good as new. Apply 4.Chris ` Gone from us one year to -day,
Newman, Minnie St, Box 296, How we miss you brother dear,
Miss your smite, your cheerful way,
In the days when you were here; (burg, spent a few days at the home of
Ruth, spent Thanksgiving with friends Mrs. j. Brooks,' Toronto, Mrs. and
in Grand Valley. - Mrs• Percy McLean and family of
Mr. and Mrs, Alex Davidson and Belgrave and Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Mc-
daughter of Hamilton, spent the Kenzie spent the.holiday at the home
week -end in town. of Mrs. Margaret McLean, Catherine
Mr. and Mrs.Jos. Saint of :Wallace-, St- y
an me ould back shtandin it so well eyelet, Mrs. Hehn, Mrs. Totting; Em
that I am diggin the besht crop av broidery, roman cut work, Mrs,
pertaties I ivir grew. Brimblecombe, Mrs, Savage; Ern -
The moral is that ye mustn't ate broidery, conventional design, color -
too much, arr rade thim Grit paypers, ed, Mrs. Savage, Miss Livingstone;
if ye want to hey paice av moind dur- Embroidery, Bulgarian, Mrs, Savage,
ing the day toime, an sound shlape an Mrs. Brimblecombe; Embroidery,
sinsible drames whin ye go to bid. French knot, Mrs. Leitch, Mrs. Brim -
Yours till nixt wake, . blecombe; Embroidery,- modern cross.
ed, Mrs i;i•iniblecombe, Mrs. FIone;,
Luncheon set, 7 piece, ether hand.
Ulm, Miss Livingstone, Mrs. Leitch;,_
I ridge 1.tinclteon set, 1 centre, 4 ser-
viettes, linen accepted, Mrs. Leitch„
Mrs, Hone; 'J'ea cosy, made up, Mrs,
Leitch, Mrs, Brimblecombe; Tea"
cloth; 36 inches or over, Mrs. Savage,,
Mrs. Bishop; Centrepfeee, white 'em-
broidered,• Miss Carrick, Mrs. Savage;
Centrepiece, colored linen, embroider-
ed, Mrs, Leitch, ; Mrs. Hehn; Tray
cloth, Mrs. Hehn, Mrs. Savage; Six
serviettes, Mrs, Savage, . Mrs. Brim-
h]ecombe; Buffet set, 3 pieces, color-
ed linen, Mrs. Savage, Miss Thorn-
tc,n; Buffet scarf, cut work; Mrs.
Bed room Furnishings, hand made
Vanity set, Mrs, Leitch, Mrs. Tofte
ing; 'Hand towels, pair, Mrs, Brim -
Timothy Hay. stitch Mrs. Brimblecombe, Mrs biecombe, Mrs. est Tow -
Bishop; Gu
Greer; Specimen Tatting, Miss B. els, 2, different designs, Mrs, Brim-
biecombe Mrs. Leitch; Bath Towels
17t1 LINE Thornton, Mrs. Savage; Specimen• an
stone, Mrs. Savage; Specimen Filet
stitched with monogram, Miss Liv --
tatted. d 3 o more, Alis L vrng d face cloth, Mrs. Leitch, Mrs.
EAST WAWANOSHHone; Pair Pillow slips, hand hem
Mrs, Nixon and Mr. Lane Stone-
house are visiting in :gingham,
Mrs. Spence, Mr: J. Spence and
Miss Spence of Michigan, are visiting
with Mrs. T. A. Gear this week:.
A large number from this line at-
tended Wingham Fall Fair
was .a great success.
Mr. John A. Gear spent the
end. at O. G. Anderson's, Belgr
'We are pleased to note Mr. Lorne
trot er, rs. avage, iss ving-
stone; Specimen Irish. Crochet, Missingstone, May Coulter; Pair Pillow -
Livingstone, Mrs. Brimblecombe; slips, cut work, Mrs. Bishop, Mrs. F.
1tSpecimen Swedish Weaving, Mrs, Storey; Boudoir lamp shade, Mrs.
Greer, Mrs. Habkirk.
Ladies' Personal Wear
1Savage, Miss Livingstone; Specimen
tapestry (cushion or chair seat) Miss
which a ngstone, 1 rs. one. a es g ress, , len t
Living room or Library Furnishings, made, Miss Livingstone, Mrs. Bishop;
week_ Hand Made. Ladies' Night Dress, cotton, Mrs.
ave.Table Runner, embroidered, Mrs: Bishop, Jean. Fralick; Ladies' Bloom-
ers, hand made, Jean Fralick, Mrs.
Leitch, Mrs. Jeffrey; Table runner;;
Stonehouse is able to be up again. other hand trimming, Mrs. Hone,
Miss Livingstone; Table centre, col-
°red linen, embroidered, Mrs: - Toft=
DONNYBROOK ing, Mrs, Jefrfey; Sofa Pillow, com-
plete, embroidered, new shape con-
sidered, Mrs. Leitch, Mrs. Jeffrey;
sofa Pillow, complete, any other kind;
' Mrs_ Totting, Mrs. Hone; Card Table
(Too late for last week)
A number of Donnybrook people
attended the anniversary services at
Westfield last Sunday.
Mn A. E.- Johnstoir attended the
'cover, Mrs. Brimblecombe, ,Mrs.
Greer; Lamp shade, Mrs. Leitch; xlirsc
FOR SALE—Anyone wanting Cab- So soon and suddenly God tailed you os Kathleen Pringle. convention in Hassey Hall Toronto iHone; Pair hand made curtains, Mrs.
TINT'S DREAM last week. Brimblecombe, Miss . Livingstone;
nage for Sauer Kraut or winter use, From this va orld s sin, sorrow and
would do well to order early, also and pain, i Chas. McKibbon of Toronto, and
i ON THANKSGIVING The Young Peoples meeting last 1
a quantity of Marigolds and some But we're patiently waiting dear!Walton McKinnon of London, were
Leitch; Ladies' dress slip, hand made,
Mrs. Hone, Miss Livingstone; Ladies'
smock, Mrs. Savage, Miss Thornton;
Handkerchiefs, 3 styles, hand work,.
Miss Livingstone, Mrs. Brimble-
combe; Bed Jacket, silk or wool, Mrs.
Leitch, Mrs, Brimblecombe; Hand.
bag, Mrs. Savage, Mrs. Hone; Lad-
ies' Practical work apron, Miss Liv-
ingstone, Mrs, Stroh; La.dies'_ ineuee-
dress, Mrs. Savage, Mrs. Brown; La-
dies' pyjamas, cotton, Mrs. Brimble-
Crochet afghan, in colored vwooi,�i�frs, tcombe, Mrs. Leitch.
Swede :usurps, Apply to David brother, Friday evening was in charge of Mfr. Green Mrs, Brimblecombe - Owing to lack of space the balance
licine far the holiday . lc.hn A, Thom son. The to i Diningroom. Furnishings
Finley, Victoria St, For the day when well all meet i To the Editor av ail shim p p•c was n ,hand :made of the Prize List will appear in next.
FOR S kLE—Pure bred Clydesdale
mare, ri . in e 3 year: old, choice an-
ima}, brown in coher. 4 white feet
and face. A ;s »v mare with size
and quality. Apply t:, S. McComb.
ether Lake Park. No. 9 Highway,
near Kinks,: Viilaec. Address R. R.
2,flnly r, e,d. Or.t.
again. I Miss Alice Reading i; in Hamilton,) ti�ringhatn given .by Miss Elaine Bamford. Luncheon set, 7 pieces, embroider- week's issue.
s paypers,
Sorrowfully missed by :Mother, Fa- attending the funeral of her sister -in-',
they, Sisters and Brothers:.deer Lir.—
law, Mrs. John Reid. 1 On Thanksgiving Day, afther din -
Mr. Harold Dawson of Detroit, ner, I tought I wud loi down . n -ire
LOCAL AND PERSONAL i spent the week -end with his cousin, cold couch in the kitchen fer a whoile ;
Mrs. William Finley. an resht mesilf, afther diggin perta-
Mrs. M. Copeland anti slaughter. Mrs. Brogan, returned to her home . ties all torenoon, an git caught up
'friends in Toronto, in Clifford after visiting
Conn. and Mrs. Wilkin.eon spent week with -firs. Elliott. tinkin as how the whole wurruld had
the holiday in town.Miss E. Rankin ,,.f Toronto visited got into such a mess as nivdr h
FARM Fr:JR RENT—Tendere will be
c� over the week -end at the } , >t ed befoor at hist not in sit
received up to Saturday, cn,ber Mr. Ted, Isard r
.,3 London spent the some e own
24th, 1931, at two p.iri for the lea: holiday at his home here.; Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Isard. P,_:ifetaiine, an the rayson. av it. It
ing, for one v..ar ,. the _Tames Hen-iM d y1 ,., , , I :fr. Jack Young and Mies :Mclian- earned to ate that afther the war at:
vale road. near in haat. Lots 7 spent Thanksgiving any totvn. ' nus of Toronto, visited with Mrs. J. 3.
and 8, let c.,neessian ; �r Morris Niro Ross p,o,. of Chesley, visited s Elliott o'er the holiday.
clef. ent ..are.; ,a. \i m on the Blue
an i' Ansley of T€rra nt�
Township, Huron County. Posses -her sister, Mrs, J. M. McKay
Gaon given April 1 1932 Address
Mr. 11'tn. Elliott of `Molesworth
tenders t. J. A. Morton, \\-ingham, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johns of Toron_ `spent Thanksgiving at the home f
C7nt. t-, spent the holiday is town. , Mr. and Mrs. Geo. I-llack•
Ills Edith Kew of Bothwell spentetre. E, C. Williams and con Gerald
FARM FOR SALE—A choice 100- the week -end at her home here,
had a long htape hill to clitne, an
we tought we cud snake it in hoigh
hear;. so we gate the ould tnasheen
the gas, an fer a whoile we made
" ;great shpade, an thin the engine bin
gen to shplutter, and soon we wns
t' shlippin back, an the .brakes tl:•ndd-
en't wurruk, so that now we do be
gain t • .�
down n hill
!gain fa.hter than we v.'nt
visited last week at the home of .lir.
acre fangs, seven miles from Z'4 ing-:ails Norma Isard Toronto spent
'. v
and r .
M Hc-nderson.
He e
nd r, n.
Mouth organ selection were given by''.
Mr. Calvin Robinson, accompanied
by _Miss Margaret Cunnington. Next
Friday evening the meeting will be NI
in charge of Verna Chamney, Mis
slonary Vice -Pres.
The Women's Institute will meet
on Wednesday, Oct. 14th, at the home
of Mrs. Robt. Chamney.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Murphy and fain- • egs
sly were visitors in London last Sun -.N
day. 25
Miss Verna Chamney attended the ,
convention of Young Peoples' Societ—
les at Woodstock last Friday and Sat-
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Pattison and IN
family of Wingham visited on Sun-
day at the home of Mr. Chas. Rob -
ham has in + d house; se' 1
t; ,., u ,and arc e •I'hanks�iz ing at her.�=}some -Isere. Mr. Fred Piper of Oshawa, spent lima an trnkin wiry: moment will be = PASSION PLAY
barns with :,tabling under. A clean ~- •` •
arm, well watered, rained andMiss Enna Currie of Toronto, spent l t urs 1
f 11 d d !f' I Thank. gra ing at the home of his par -tour niat.
:yrs. 5.'Piper.
bush, balance of land all in grass ' Mrs. Thompson of Highland Creek,
fenced. Five acres good hardwood Thanksgiving at, her home here.
at present. Best of -reasons 'for - a e o Jean Gordon Dress -1 visited over
the week end at the home
anis Real Estate,-rv'ingdiar..- n of :fir. and :yrs. J. T. Corrie.
Miss Eleanore McLean is visiting : pxin i lessdroivers beingsint to jail iviry
c•pal � I I oelif3
selling Abner Cosens Insurance es, new models,see them at S4.50. l
Yis, Shure, it eons a woild roide we.
• The famous Freiburg Passion Play
from Freiburg," German is to be `.
given in the Arena Gardens at Strat.111
was speaker
had fer a whoile, wid no regard to ■
the shpade limit signs, an bootleg-
gers, an bandits an brokers, an rick-
i ,. • • wa rower
friend, in Napanee and Montreal•et 'the East Horan Teacher's conven- dau, to live in paice, whoile the nay -
HOUND, with black head and shut
ted body, stray _d to the premise.
of Alf. Robertson. Owner zlxay
have same by proving property .std
paying expenses.
'fir. Reg. Sutton, .6f Orangeville, tauten held at CFinton last week.
pie outside av thins places hev to
tat the holiday at his home here t
.:Ir. Ronald Rae of Hamilton spent
vs'urruk theer finger inds aff to pay
ford next :Monday, Tuesday and Wed- *v.
nesday evenings,, with" a special mat-
inee on Tnesday afternoon. This is he first time that the
fer the resht cure the do be gittin at tt People of Can- `#
1 rile week -end at the home of his par- y
ada ha -ie had the opportunity to wit-,>rr, N. Leroy Lambkin, Prop. L. E. Franklin
R. R. 2, Corrie. ' Auctioneer.` ■
28 Pure Bred
— At The ---
Brookside Farm Howick
, wick
2% Miles South and.2 Miles West of Fordwich
Thursday,. c 2 hs.
The owner, with his father, the late W. L. Lambkin, has •-
been in. the Holstein business for thirty-five years, being the first of
breeders of Holsteins in the' County of Huron. Sales have, been
made as far East as New Brunswick and West as far as Saskatch-
ewan. Many customers coming back for the third and fourth sea-
son for.herd: sires.
Lunch will be -Servet: at 12 o'clock..
lents, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rae.
the ixpinae av the counthry.
An, faith, we are not much betthzr
Iness this greatest of Biblical dramas, is
Mr. Oliver Fells and -friend, Mr. yit, so we ain't, wid Chambers av land citizens of this district are for- . ■
LOST—A brown and ashrte female, 20 years.Experience in Farm
Hound.Finder phase notify Mr's and Implements.: Mnderate Prices, .holiday at the f%rrmer's home here, an prominent citizens tundra -Arenas !close to home.
. array umnter of London, spent the Commerce rrittin tip shtrate dances, lunate indeed to be able. to see it syr
m Stock
NIIIII®IIIIII I*11111l1211i11/11111/11111011/111111/i1111I♦11111111♦1111rrlll1111
The production is being :presented'
in Stratford under the auspices of the >7191°71i1 �klia<lPYf.1'
IIIIi111i11111111111I11iC11111ii1111i 111111 i lil il1111INIIIIiI IIIIII IIIIIIIIIICiIIItiilillRll1Nl11i
Harold Dennis, Wingham, Ont
LOST—Silver Brooch with green
stone, at Windham Fair. Reward,1
Phdite 331; Mr. and :sirs, Jack 'McMichael, Mrs. into chicken runs, an town Councils
lovnt and daughter, Beatrice, spent allowin our iacktories to be torn
Fina t ` 1 d 9 AUCTIONEER
Times Office.
ter ;,.ease gave at ante -
Phone 602r14,
Sales of Farm Stock and Jamie!.
:tttents, Real Estate, etc., conducted
`with satisfaction and at mrederate
icharges. ' ..
Ability, with tpeeial- training
tables sae to give you,, 'satisl'ottis * A;
tangefrten tataile:. "tvitjz Eras
Wirlghann' oi• *Yid tcy e water
Phone 46r2.2.
Phone 21 or 64 Lucknow.
Sales attended to anywhere, Exper-
fence and aecuraey lit valuation and
every effort put forth to assure you
of a successful. sale,
Debts Collected
31 effectiveness' means anything to
you, then you will send you list
of note§ and anotttits " to
KELtie & AI EF is
The Persiatett :o'fee,ttts
#tit%y, SfatEer;ts
title fiom- leo" ;ltat� er ,an,.
the holiday with friends in. Detroit. down an moved away befoor our
Miss Lillian Hopper of London, oyes, an polivtishttns wadin flat foot -
cd an bare liggid troo the bogs ar
broibery an corrupshun, in ordher to
defate the other fellah, an Fall Fairs
turned into midway divilmint, an
spent the holiday at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs Harr ' Hop er
31ra and Mrs. 1V, J. Kerr and son,
Jimmie of Toronto, were visitors at
the lmme of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Bak
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lard, London,
spent the holiday at the home of the.
tr�rmer's parents, Mi'.- an4 Mrs. Jas.
Isard. .
MisS.I tllasi I3
home sifter a' weelc's;;aacation in Dee
troit, Mr: Harold+Da.wsotwaccompan-
* •..,
her. .� .
Mrs.. F,Aaulc; letatoWt4 and
faziitlY'% k3F ttoitih'to :5ppent' t1.14>A151.1day
see tht'1'IlYrtt ey:o# $1t `4114- i its: John
tker has returned
'Tis a quare wnrruld, an a harrud
wan, fer a lot av payple who do be
shtarvin whoile theer is an over pro-
duckshun av iviryting that they nadi,
an sliud her. 'Too much whate, too
much cotton, too much coffee, too,
Much oil, too manny cattle an hogs,
too much wool, too manny hoides,
whoile workntin walk the chtrates,
arr,thr,anip the counthry road;, biok-
to fer svui-ruk, an chifder go to thee -r
bids ,croyYn 'fer' slicer soulless {+'"
• $ 1,i re, it isn't the ja*b av aft odd
fetal :Dike mesilf to set tings'rraigltt,
Lions Club of that city, the entire
Proceeds to be turned over to theiiit
Welfare Bureau to be spent in relief ' _ I
tvork this winter.
ads : x,RY�CREAM ANl�
The greatest of spoken dramas, as 1,11;
presented by the Freiburg players 1-1
possesses a wealth of scenic splendor "if,
-massive dignity and beauty beyond
description. It tells the ever new 'jl
story of the last seven days on earth '!
of Jesus Christ, from the. first en--
trance of the Christus into Jerusalem 11-.
until His resurrection from the dead.
T}xe character of The Christus is ta-
beat by George Passnacht, Jr;, and his
interpretation of the role is such. that :`.i
ar' 4mes the deepest s pat .y of thei;11
e audience. TR., 'mrole of Judas, ;
- trayeryif. takers by Georg i ass- i
ddit"aon try the east of 31 play it jtlk
..111011..141,111 eqa:Ity.
Welhngton 'Produce
Winghain, oat 160.