HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-10-15, Page 2PAGI TWO
Thursday, October 15, 1931
6Fresh from ithe gardens'
-WINGHAM FALL FAIR i horned" pair, two year old, not to be
PRIZE LIST 1 shown in any other section -Frank
! Thompson, Frank Thompson.
white, male--11'[ennie' & Clarke, Men-
nie & Clarke; Wyandottes, white ,fe-
male—W. 1. Miller, Mennie G& "Clarke;
Wyandottes, any other male—T. C.
Wilson; Wyandottes, any other fe-
male—\V. I Mill r, T C. Wilson. a
Class 22—Chickens
} Ducks, Pekin or Aylesbury-- Mrs.
A. H. Edgar, Mrs. J. .Fairservice;
Ducks, any other—Jas. Hart; Bart ■
tams, ornamental --.V. I. Miller, len-' ■.
nie & •Clarke; Leghorns; brown, male
—T. C. Wilson, Clarence Clarke; Leg- ■
horns, brown, female — Clarence ■
Clarke; Leghorns, white, male —
Mennie & Clarke, Mennie & Clarke; ■
Leghorns, white, female—Mennie & ■
Clarke, Mennie & Clarke; Minorcas,
male—Mennie & Clarke, Mennie & 3
Clarke; Minorcas, female, Mennie & ■
Clarke, NV. L Miller; Orpingtons,
stale, W. I. Miller; T. C. Wilson; Or
e.r awmur ■
In Retailing
(continued from page One) ' • SHEEP pingtons, female, W. I, Miller, T. C.
CATTLE Class 13—Lei=cesters . Wilson; Plymouth Rocks, barred,
Class 6—Shorthorn Aged Ram, with pedigree—Geo. B male, W. I. Miller, W. I. Miller; Ply-
' Breeding cow, milking or near cal)•- Armstrong & Son, E. Snell; Shearl-?mouth Rocks, barred, female, W I.
Ing -1, Henry Johann, 2, Kerr Bros.,? mg Ram, with pedigree—G. 13. Arrn- Miller, W. L Miller; Plymouth Rocks,
3, Kerr Bros., 4, Wm. McKenzie; 2- strong & Son, H. Patterson & Sons; white, mate, Mennie & Clarke; Ply -
year -old heifer—Henry Johann, Wm. ; Ram Lamb, selling Class—E. Snell, mouth Rocks, white, female, Mennie
McKenzie, J. D. aackson; One year ;G. 13. Armstrong & Son; Aged Ewe, & Clarke, Mennie & Clarke; Rhode
.aid heifer— Wm. McKenzie, Kerr raised Iamb in 1931-E. Snell, John Island Reds, male, Mennie & Clarke,
Mennie & Clark; Rhode Island Reds,
Bros.,Derr Bros.; Heifer, under 1215. Cowan; Shearling Ewe—E, Snell,
-months—Wm. McKenzie, Wm. Mc -3 E. Snell; Ewe Larnb—E. Snell, H. female, Mennie & Clarke, T. C. Wil -
Kenzie, Kerr Bros.; Bull sander 12 !.,Patterson & Sons.
months—Kerr Bros., Wm. McKenzie,' Class 14—Oxford Downs
Henry Johann; Bull, over 1 year and Aged Ram, with pedigree— Peter
.under 2—Kerr Bros., Wm. McKen- Arkell & Sons, Jas. Connell; . Shearl
zie, A. Proctor & Sons; Aged Bull—! ing Ram, with pedigree—Peter Ar -
Kerr Bros., Wm. McKenzie, Thos. kell & Sons, Jas. Connell; Ram Lamb
Taylor & Sons. ' selling class—Jas. Connell, Peter Ar -
Class 7: Herefords kell & Sons; Aged Ewe, raised Iamb
Breeding cow, milking or neat; calv- in 1931 -Peter Arkell & Sons, W. M.
ing—j. D. Little, J. D. Little, George ; Hcnry, Peter Arkell & Sons; Ewe
Kennedy; Two year old heifer -J, D. Lamb, Peter Arkell & Sons, Peter
Little, Geo. Kennedy; One year old' Arkell & Sons.
`heifer—J. D. Little, J. T. Lyuns, Geo. Class 15—South Down
son; Wyandottes, white, male; W. I.
Miller, NV. I. Miller; Wyandottes,
white, female, W. L Miller, W. I.
Miller; Wyandottes, any other, male,
W. L Milder, T. C. Wilson; Wyan-
dottes, any other, female, NV. I. Mill-
er, T. C. Wilson; best pair of utility
fowl, Thos. H. Moore, T. H. Moore;
four cockerels, bred for export, W. I.
Miller, Thos. H. Moore. •
Alexander, Geo, Laithwaite, Mrs.
Brimblecombe;. A. O. V., red, correct -
Kennedy; Heifer, under 12 months— , Aged Ram, with pedigree—John K. ly named, Geo. Laithwaite, Mrs, Brim
J. T. Lyons, J. D. Little, 3. D. Little; Thompson, J. B. Maitland; Shearling blecombe; A. O. V, green or yellow,
Bull over 1 year and under 2-3. D. Ram, - with pedigree no first prize, Tony Berberich, D. Borho; Baldwin,
Lyons; Aged Bull—Geo. Kennedy, J. 2nd, J. B. Maitland; Ram Lamb, sell-. Vs'. _Miller, T. Salkeld; Ben Davis, W.
T. 'Lyons, Andrew McKague. ing class—John K. Thompson, J. R. woods- & Son, W. Miller; Blenheim,
Class 8—Polled Angus Maitland; Aged Ewe, raised lamb in t G. Laithwaite, Mrs. A. H. Edgar;
Two year old Heifer— F. G. 1931 — J. B. Maitland, John K. 1 Baxter, G. Laithwaite, W. Carruthers;
Cayuga, D, Borho, A. Schnurr; Crab,
T. Taylor & Sons, Mrs. Stroh; Fella -
water, D. Borho, T. Berberich; Fam-
euse or Snow, D. Borho, John Taylor;
Golden Russett, W. Woods & Son, J.
Taylor; Gravenstein, D. Borho, Geo.
Class 9—Jerseys and their Grades Danbrook, W. M. Henry; Shearling I. Laithzvaite; Holland Pippen, G. Laith-
Breeding Cow milking or near calx Ram, with pedigree— C. Danbrook, Iwaite, Mrs. A. H. Edgar; Hubbardson,
ir'g-Clara Kendall, 2, Clara Kendall, W. M. Henry; Ram Lamb, sealing i G. Laithwaite; Ring, W. Miller, R. &
3, John McGregor; Two year old class—C. Danbrook, J. B. Maitland; IR. Proctor; McIntosh, D. Borho, G.
Z.Heifer—Clara Kendall, 2, Clara Ken Aged Ewe, raised lamb in 1931—W. !Laid—mane; Maiden Blush, D. Borho,
dall, 3, Clara Kendall; One year old M. Henry, Orval McGowan; Shearl- T. Berberich; Northern Spy, T. Salk-
Heifer—Clara Kendall 2, Clara Ken- ingEwe—W. M. Henry, rval Mc- ' eld G. Laithwaite; Ribson, T. Ber-
Todd; One year old Heifer— F. G. Thompson; Shearling Ewe—J. B.
Todd, F. G. Todd; Heifer, under 12 Maitland, John K. Thompson; Ewe
eamonths—F. G. Todd; Bull, under 12 Lamb—J. K. Thompson, J. B. Mai"t-
months—F. G. Todd; BuIl, over one land.
year and under 2—F. G. Todd; Aged Class 16—Dorset
Bull—F. G. Todd. Aged Ram, with pedigree—Chas.
IN THIS town are many retailers who
could and should have larger businesses,
The right way to get on in business is
to set sales mark for the year --- $5,000, $10,-
10x000, $20,000, $30,000•= -whatever is reason-
able and within one's financial ability.
Then the year's objective should be re-
duced to meekly and monthly amounts, in
accordance with the seasonal character of
ode's business.
Then the next thing to do is to calculate
the number of sales transactions needed each The main thing is customer attraction
week to produce the weekly sales objective. in required and pre -determined numbers,
Thus, if one's average sales transaction is and this. is achieved' by interesting and
50 cents, and if one's weekly sales objective warm-blooded advertisements in this news -
is $100 ; then, clearly, the retailer must have paper.
200 sales transactions every week. This may
rnean 200 customers.
So the retailer's job is to get into his
store 200 customers each week—an average
of 34 a day.
These customers to be secured at the
rate of 200 a week require to be (1) invited,
publicly and regularly, by advertisements in
this newspaper; (2) informed about the sell-
er's merchandise, prices and service—again
by advertisements in this newspaper, and
(3) so well served by the retailer that they
will become "repeaters.".
Our advertising department stands ready to help retailers
m- prepare customer -attracting advertisements
■ Issued by the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association.
■;;��1�� ���� ���■1a a1■��i'1�i� �i ���■®��®rt®®�' ®S®®■■ENNESi EINNEERIENIMINEI ■■■■°all
0 �K
ninny red W. Webber. A. Schmidt;
onions, Dutch sets, A. H. Edgar, T.
Berberich; onions grown from Dutch
sets, A. Schmidt, Mrs. Stroh; onions,
any other, Mrs. Stroh, W. Webber;
tomatoes, large red, Mrs. Stroh, Miss
13. Thornton; tomatoes, any other, A.
months—Clara M.Henry,'
Schmidt, T. Berberich; celery, white
•dahl; Heifer, under 12 t Gowan; Ewe Lamb— W. H - , , berich, D. Borho; R. I. Greening, G. plume, Mrs. Stroh, W, Webber; cel -
'Kendall, 2, Clara Kendall, 3, Clara W. M. Henry; Aged Ram with pedi-1 Laithwiate, T. Berberich; Roxboro ery, any other, Mrs;? Stroh, ;A.1Schnuri,
Rendall. gree—W. G. Ross, J. 13. Maitland; Russett, W. Waroods & Son, .D. Borho;
Mass ao —Ho1steins or their grades Shearling Ram with pedigree -W. G. St. Lawrence, G. Laithwaite, D, Bor-
Breeding cow milking or near calv- Ross, J. K. Thompson; Ram Lamb, ho; Spitzenburg, D. Borho; Tolman
i ng -'R. J. Currie, R. J, Currie, R J. selling class—David Hyde, J. B. Sweet, W. Woods & Son, J. Taylor; T. Berberich; "citrons, A. Edgar, W.
ctarrie, Maitland; Aged Ewe, raised lamb in Wagner, W. miller, G. Laithwaite; Wellings; cauliflower, T. Berberich,
'tor, J
!prints, Mrs. A. H. Edgar, Mrs. J.
'Wheeler; Butter, ornamental, Mrs.
:Jeffrey, Mrs.- Brimblecombe; Cheese
dish (attach recipe), Miss Carrick, W.
Miller; One dozen Hens' eggs', fresh,
J. A. Scott, Mrs. Jeffrey; Chicken pie,
Mrs. W. M. Henry; Best eight artic-
les of food suitable for a working
inan's supper, Mrs. Jeffrey; home-
made hard soap, Mrs. 3. Fairservice,
Mrs. Stroh.
cabbage, early, Mrs: Stroh, D. Finlay; 1
cabbage, winter, Mrs. Stroh, A. Sch-
midt; cabbage pickling, A. Schmidt,
Class 11—Grade Beef Type1931— David Hyde, David Hyde; Wealthy, W. Woods & Son, W. Mill -
Breeding cow milking or near caly- `Shearling Ewe— David Hyde, Ort;al er.
ting --:Alex. Rintoul, Frank Thompson, McGowan; Ewe Lamb—David Hyde, Other Fruits, Five of Each
Alex. Rintoul; Two year old Heifer—; j, B. Maitland. Peaches, C. Clarke, E. Hastings;
'Here McKague, Alex. Corrigan; One Class 17 --Berkshires Pears, Fall variety, A, Fralick, D.
Fruit salad, Mrs. Habkirk, Mrs.
i Warwick; 'Vegetable Salad, Mrs.
Chas. Gillespie, Mrs. Habkirk; Salad
dressing, 1 pint, Mrs. Hone, Mrs.
Class 27—Plants and Flowers .
Asters, 6 not less than 2 colors,
1Mrs. Stroh, Mrs. Brimblecombe; Dah-
lias, 6 not less than 2 colors, Mrs.
Stroh, A. Schnurr; Gladioli, 6, Mrs.
Stroh, A. Schnurr; Pansies, 6, Mrs.
Hone, Mrs. Stroh; Petunias, 6, Mrs.
Stroh, W. M. Henry; Phlox Drum-
mondi, Mr,. Brimblecombe, Sam
Young; Sweet Peas, A. Schnurr, Mrs.
Hone; Stocks, 6, A. Schnurr, Mrs.
Brimblecombe; Zinnias, 6, Mrs. Stroh
A. Schnurr; Marigolds, French, Mrs.
Stroh, Mrs. Brimblecombe; Calendula
6 stems, Mrs. Stroh, Mrs. Hone; Snap
Dragons, W. M. Henry, Mrs. Stroh;
Scabiosa, 6 stems, Mrs. Stroh, Mrs.
Hone; Salipiglossia, 6 stems, Mrs.
Stroh; Straw Flowers, Mrs. Hone,
Mrs. Stroh; Geranium, double, white,
Walter Ross, Geranium, double, any
other, Walter Ross.; Roses, 2 colors,
Geo. Laithwaite, Thos, Moore; Flor-
al design for cemetery decoration,
Mrs. Brimblecombe; Basket of an-
nuals, not less than 6 kinds, Mrs,
Brimblecombe, A, Schnurri Bouquet,
table, Mrs. Brimblecombe, J. D, Bee-
croft; Bouquet, hand, hard plants,
Sam Young, Mrs, Brimblecombe;
Bouquet, hand, tender plants, A.
Schnurr, W. M. Henry; Tuberous be-
gonia, in bloom, D. Borho, A.
Schnurr; Fuschia, in bloom, Walter
Ross; Best collection of potted plants,
Walter Ross; Foliage plant, collec-
tion, Walter Ross, IVlrs, W. J.
Brown; Hanging basket, or pot of
potted plants, Mrs. W. J. Brown.
(Contitrued on uage Four)
Mrs; Brimblecombe; cucumbers, D. ,
Finlay, Miss 13, Thornton; table corn,,
Mrs. Stroh, A. Schmidt; musk melon, •
W. Webber, Mrs. Stroh; pumpkins.,!
C. Clarke, A. Schnurr; sunflower, Mrs;
year old Heifer — John McLean,' Boar, over one year -E. W, Ver- Borho; Pears, Winter variety, W. Stroh, Mrs. Fairservice; squash, T.
Trude Thompson; Heifer calf, under .blue, Barberich, Clarence Clarke; Water
I nor, ti'ir. A. McLeod; Boar, neer four Carruthers, D. Borho` Plums r
12 months— J. T. Bryans, Andrew y months and under one year—E. W. Mrs. Brimblecombe, Mrs. Stroh; melons—A. Stapleton, Elmer Hash
McKague; Steer calf, under 12 mos.: "error, E. w'. Z=error; Brooci Soi-- Plums, yellow, Mrs. Stroh; Plums, ings; Cohlections of garden produce
—A. McKague. Herb. McKague; E W Vernor, Walter Carruthers; any other, A. Schnurr; Grapes, white, -T. Berberich, Wm. Weber.
Steer, one year old—F. G. Todd.' Sow, over four months and under one T. Salkeld, A. Fralicl:; Grapes, red,
Herb McKague; Steer, two year old'iHairy Provisions
year—Is. W. Vernor, John Turner. T. Salkeld, R. Warwick; Grapes, blue .e`
-John McLean, Frank Thompson. Class 19: Yorkshires or black, T. Salkeld, R. Warwick; 5 Bread, one Loaf— Mrs. Jeffrey;
'Class 12: Fat Cattle Boar, over one year—Samuel Alton, Bread, one loaf—Mrs. Storey, T, Ber-
l3ab Beef, 15 months or under, not F Currie; Boar, aver four months berich,. W. Webber; Half dozen home
3 R J. o ,
to be shown in any other section—:and under one year, Norman Wade. made buns -114x5. Jeffrey, A. Schnurr;
F. G. Todd, A. Schmidt; Fat Steer or ; Class 20-Tamworths Half dozen home made tea biscuits-
Heifer, any breed—F. G. Todd, Frank Boar over one year, John S. Cowan, Mrs. Welli s, iters, Je M. Henry;
Thompson; Fat stock steers, de -Ginger bread -Mrs. effrey; Fruit
"---;Samuel Alton; Brood Sow —Samuel • cake, dark—Mrs. G. H. Edgar, W.
varieties of apples, export, T. Salkeld,
W. Miller; 5 varieties of apples, T.
Salkeld, G. Laithwaite; display of ap-
ples, 1•V. Miller, T. Salkeld.
Grain and Seeds
Timothy, G. K. Armstrong, T. Ber-
Alton. Jas. Hart; Sow. over four berich; Fall Wheat, red, Mrs. Brim-
-months and under one year—Jas.- blecombe, A. Edgar; Fall Wheat,
Hart, Samuel Alton; Pair Bacon hogs white, - Wm. Webber, A. Schmidt;
any breed—John S. Cowan, E. W.. Spring wheat, A. Schnurr, A. Schmidt
Small white peas, T. Berberich, A.
Schmidt; Peas, any other, T. I3erber-
ich, C. Clarke; white oats, A. Schmidt
is always SAFE
-Beware of I rnitations
ENUINE Bayer Aspirin, the
'hand doctors prescribe and millions
trf users have proven safe for more
than thirty years, can easily be
ideniltztd by the name Bayer and
the wo genuine as above.
Genuine Syer Aspirin is safe and
angel alweys the same. It has the
Atitinaiified endorsement of ph
ru stseverywhere.t4oes
and d ggt
net depress the heart. No barrnftt1
Ater -effects follow its User
lea er Agpfrin 18 the univeitt tett
't1otn for paint of all kinds.
Headaches Neuritie
Colds Nulgia
Sore .t~ Lumbago
Rheumatism toothache
Aspirin is the trade -shark of Bayer
egumfacture of rnonoatetleacklester
saii4 w l iic:rl.
Class 21
Ducks, Pekin or Aylesbury—James G. K. Armstrong; black oats, A.
Hart; Ducks, any other— Mennie & Schmidt, C. Clarke; Barley, C. Clarke,
Clarke, Jas. Hart; Geese, Toulouse—
Schmidt; field corn, dent, R. Har-
rison Mrs. Fairservice; field corn,
Jas. Hart, Alex. Rintoul; Geese, any f tings; Six oatmeal cookies, A.
other Jas. Hart, May Coulter; Tut- flint, A. Schmidt, A. Schnurr; ensilage Schnurr, Mrs. A. H. Edgar; •Six gin-
ger cookies, Mrs. Hone, Mrs. Brim-
blecombe; Six date cookies, Mrs. Sto-
rey, Mrs. E. Hastings; Six doughnuts,
Mrs. Jeffrey; plate of cocoanut kisses,
Mrs. E. Hastings, Mrs. Salkeld;
purr` collection of weed seeds, J Shortbread, Mrs. G. H. Edgar, A.
h,u,t, open to boys under 16 years, Schnurr; Muffins, whole wheat flour,
no entrance fee—Charley Danbrook,,
Henderson, A. Edgar. Miss Carrick, Miss Fralick; Jelly roll,
Charley Danbrook; Leghorns, brown, Roots and Vegetables Mrs. Chas. Gillespie, A. Schnurr; Six
male — T. C. Wilson; • Leghorns, Beans, small white, T. Berberich, cream puffs, Mrs, W. M. Henry, Mr`s,
brown, female.. -T. C. Wilton, T. C. C. Clarke; beans, large' white, W. Mil- E. Hastings; .Nut bread, one loaf,
Webber; Fruit cake, light—Mrs. E.
Hastings, Mrs., W. J. Brown; Layer
cake, light, Mrs. W. 5. Brown, Mrs,
A. H. Edgar; Layer cake, dark, Mrs.
W. 3. Brown, A. Schnurr; Pie, apple,
W. Webber, Mrs. Timan; Pie, pump-
kin, Mrs. Chas. Gillespie, Mrs. W.
M. Henry:; Pie,. lemon, Mrs. Salkeld,
Mrs. A. H. Edgar; Butter tarts,'half
dozen, Mrs. J. Wheeler, Mrs. E. Has
keys, bronze—Clarence Clarke; Ban- corn, J. L. IIIcEwen, G. McEwen;
tams, ornamental— J. D. Jackson, w, sheaf of white oats, G. I. Armstrong,
I. Miller; Bantams, game, any variety A. & W. McKague, G. McEwen; bush
—Mennae & Clarke, Charley Dan -
Vv. el of white oats, Field Competition,
brook; Game, any other—Mex.Rin-
W. 'Wellings, A. Fralick; collection of
t=ut, Alex. Rintoul; Pigeons, best ;ex grain and seeds, A. Schmidt, A. Sch-
s ., W.
Wilson; Leghorns, white, male-Men-
nie & Clarice, :Mennie & Clarke; Leg -
horns, white, female — Mennie &
ler, A. McDougall; beans, any other, Mrs. W. J, Brown, Mrs. E. Hastings;
Mrs. Stroh, F. Thompson; beets, long' Jelly, 1 pint apple, Mrs. Chas. Gilles -
red, D. Borho, A. Schmidt; beets, any pie, Mrs. J. Kelly; Jelly, 1. pint, any
Clarke, Meanie & Clarke; Leghorns, 4other, W. Webber, Mrs, Stroh; car- other variety, Mrs. J. Kelly, Mrs. T.
buff,male—Aler. Rintoul, Alex. Rin- rots, field, W. Webber, T. Berberich; IiMoore; Maple Syrup, 1 quart, Mrs,
toul; Leghorns, buff, female— Alex. , carrots, table short, A. Schmidt, T, W. M. Henry, W. Webber; Coltec •
Rintoul, Alex. Riritou1; Minorcas, fe-
rn ale—M en n ie
e-mate—Mennie to Clarice;' Orpingtons,
any variety, male—T. C. Wilson, T.
C. Wilson; Orpingtons, any variety,
female—T. C. Wilson, T. C. Wilson;
Plymouth rocks, barred, male—Men-
nie & Clarke, W. I. Miller; Plymouth
rocks, barred, female—W., 1. Miller,
W. I. Miller; Plymouth rocks, whit"
n:;ale--Mennie & Clarke; Plymouth :r::r other, W. 'Woods & Son, A. Mc -
'reeks, white, female --• Mennie & llc.u.,:1!; potatoes, early, F. Thomp-
Clari..r: Rhode Island Reds, male — son, Clarence Clarke; potatoes, late,
Me1'inie & Clarke, :Mennie & Clarke; A. Schmidt, 1'1 orho; potatoes, cod-
Rhode Island Beds, female—Mennie lection, A. Schnurr, A. Schmidt; on-
Berberich; carrots, table intermediate, tion of fruits, 6 varieties, Mrs. Stroh,
F. Thompson, A. Schmidt; Mangold, Mrs. A. H. Edgar, W. Webber; Col -
long, A. Schmidt, T. Berberich; man lection of canned vegetables, Mrs. E.
gold, intermediate, R. Harrison, W. Hastings, W. Webber; Tomato cat-
Weliings; parsnips, A. Schmidt, Mrs. sup, Mrs, Salkeld, Mrs. Habkirk;
G. H. Edgar; radishes,' A. Schmidt, Pickles, vegetable, Mrs, Brimbie-
T. Berberich; sugar rnangold, A. Me- Combe, A. S;ehnurr; Pickles, fruit, W.
Dougall, R. Harrison; turnips, swede, Webber, Mrs. Salkeld; Chili Sauce,
A, McDotigall, 'T'. Berberich; turnips, Mrs. 5. 'heeler, W. Miller;' Cold
meat 'sauces, 2 varieties, Mrs. J.
Wheeler, W. Webber; Canned chick-
en, 1 pint, Sirs, Salkeld; Salmon loaf,
Mrs. Idableirk, Mrs. W. ,3. Brown;
Display of honey, Thos. Salkeld; l3ttt-
& Clarke,', i}. Jackson; Wyandottes, ion, yellow, ;glee, Stroll, W. Webber; ter in cracks, 10 lbs., R. & R, Prot.
Mrs. 0. Wtstell- of Kincardine and
her daughter, Mrs. Hislop and child-
ren of Listowel, were visitors at Mr,
John Casentore's last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cole, Gorrie,
spent the week -end at Mr. George
Mr ,Smith Hutton, of Toronto, is
visiting his parents, Mr, and Mrs. T.
Mr .and Mrs. Alex. Davidson and
daughter of Hamilton, were visitors
at Mr. Charles Campbell's on Sunday.
Miss Isobel Campbell of Toronto,
spent the week -end with her brother,
Mr. Oliver Campbell. '
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Haines and
family spent Sunday with friends at
Lu cknort .
Mr. and Mrs. Riseborough and fam-
ily, also Mr. W. Congraru, Toronto,
were visitors at Mr. Thos. Con -
gram's. for the week -end.
Mrs, Frank Edgar and children of
Wingham were visitors at Mr, Chas.
Campbell's, last week.
A number of people from this com-
munity attended Wingham Fall Fair
last week A large crowd and favor-
able weather, also a number of fine
exhibits helped to make the fair a
grand success.
Miss V. V. MacLeod, teacher of
S. S. No, 7, Morris, attended the Tea-
chers' Convention at Walkerton last
Miss Isabell Campbell of Toronto,
visited friends and relatives in this
community last week.
Farmers in this vicinity are engag-
ed in taking up their roots.
Mrs. Albert Green of Wingham vis-
ited. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R.
Golley, on Monday last.
Date Bread
3 cups graham flour
1 cup brown sugar
1 ib. dates
1 teaspoon soda
1 1 teaspoon salt
2 cups sour milk
I Mix the dry ingredients. Add the
'dates, pitted, and cut in pieces. Mix
with the sour milk. Bake in a mod-
erate oven, at 375 degrees, for an
hour. This is a desirable recipe. It
is simple to make, inexpensive, who,*
some and delicious.
Wingham-London Bus
Daily except Sunday, leaving Wing -
ham at 7.15 a.m., arriving in WI
ham at 8.36 p.m. Express of all kinds
carried. Wingham phone 331.
Fraises Famous
Vegetable Pills
For Indigestion
"Having been troubled with Indigest-
ion and Sick Headaches for several
months, I was recommended to try
your famous Pills. After the first dose
I was made aware- of their very real
tonic value."—Miss M. Croydon.
Dr. Carter's Little Liver Pills are no
ordinary laxative. They are all vegetable
and have a very definite, valuable tonic
action upon the liver .. exactly what
you need to end Constipation, Acidity,
Biliousness, Headaches, Poor Complex
ion, etc. All druggists, 25c &75credpks.
" The Long Life Lamps"
Desi wed for
Hy giro S rrvice
Neva Corton of 6'4 Lamps
Mt` EHaus.
Wingham Utilities x11t><es Cpmrnissi
Crawford Block. Phone 156.
Leo* 4,ir
144 444.1
You kr