HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-10-08, Page 3orrie VI ette ca,,,- .0- p k: -.,,v4-4,- ..294)" .." •s"'-' , „an 471,0" le"' Igezzaist;:g42- Sa,c.agRs...vo,,,AP.datr,i, 34s•-,,,s'amata ..Pa,cte.p.P& ea.., ..nsa,czeway-..44, la....woo." wcarAle d -Y- fa4 . • 4'0 s Canadian Shredded Wheat is 100% Canadian grain. Eat TWO Shredded Wheat Biscuits a day and help Canada's Prosperity. "Mother we need more Shredded Wheat" "Better order two boxes. They • don't last long, when you and Daddy and I all eat Shredded Wheat every morning. Daddy knows everything and this morning he said, 'Whole wheat .e.Afto and milk supply everything that we need to live on and grow on, and that's why Shredded Wheat is so good for girls and boys'." THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT "The value of your telephone is just what you make it." ertHE telephone is the 4" great time-saver of modem living. It gives you extra hours every day. It is as dependable and as simple as the tick of .a clock and its value is the value •of time it- self. If you must economize, here is a healthy and de- lightful way to do it—serve these delicious and nourish- ing Syrups, The great food value of Corn Syrup is definitely recognized—you couldn't eat a more healthy, energizing food—and unlike most "healthy" food, the family will simply love it. Serve these Syrups at every meal. They are econo- mical, delicious and 50 easily digested. The CANADA STARCH CO. Eirnited, Montreal Send for our Fa- mous RecipeBookl it contains nearly 200 economical Recipes chosen from 55400 ed from housewives throughout Can- ada. This book took many months to prepare and every Recipe hag been approved and tested by 0 &mon; Canadian dieti- tian. Mail coupon. Enclose 10c tO COY- er cost of mailing. .,1 The CANADA STARCH CO., Please send me your Recipe Rook. Limited, Mo real 1 enclose 10e, to cover mollIng cost Name Address A.I0 GORRJE FALL 'FAIR. PRIZE LIST HEAVY HORSES Class 1—Agriculture. Brood Mare —john R, Darroch, J. M. McMillan; Foal --john Darroch, And. Schmidt; Gelding or Filly, 1 year old— Alex. McDonald, Telford Montgomery; Gelding or filly, two years old—Tel- ford Montgomery, Dwight Rayson; Gelding or Filly, three years old -- Norman Wade, J. M. McMillan; Team in harness .^- Telford Mont- gomery, Andrew Schmidt, Norman Wade. Class 2—Heavy Draft—Brood Mare —Elmer Hastings, Andrew Schmidt; Foal—John Richardson, Elmer Has- tings; Gelding or filly, one year old— J. M. McMillan, Alex, McDonald; Gelding or filly, 2 years old—John Richardson, Alex, McDonald; 'Geld- ing or filly three years old, — Alex. McDonald, Hugh. D. Smith; Team in harness—Hugh D. Smith, Alex, Mc- Donald, Dan McKinnon; Best Farm- ers' Turnout— Hugh D. Smith, Tel- ford Montgomery; Best horse on grounds in Light and Heavy Draft— Hugh D. Smith; Best. Gen. purpose or farm team—Russel Williamson, Albert Johnston; Best Horse on Grounds in Light and Heavy Draft Classes—Hugh D. Smith. LIGHT HORSES Class 3—Roadsters—Brood Mare— Eldon Renwick, Geo. Calder; Foal— Eldon Renwick., Geo. Calder; Gelding or filly, 1 year old—Geo. Calder, El - user Hastings; Gelding or filly, two years old—Geo. Calder, Wm. Munj dell; Single Roadster—R. L. Lott, W. I J. Roberts, J. L Wright; Team in harness—J. L. Wright, Eldon Gadke. Class 4—Carriage— Brood mare,1 over 15.1 hands—P. Dickert, Jno, R. Darroch; Foal—Jno. R. Darroch, G. Mundell; Gelding or filly, one year old—Emerson .Dickert, Jno. Richard- son; Gelding or filly, two years old —H. Foster, Peter Dickert; Single Carriage horse, over 15.1 hands—J.1 L. Wright, Jno. R. Darroch, F. Har -1 rison; Team in harness, A. Schmidt, Geo.. Darroch; Best horse on grounds in Roadster and Carriage Classes— R. L. Lott; Gentleman's Outfit—W. J. Roberts, R. L. Lott, J. L. Wright; Best lady driver—R. L. Lott, W. J, Roberts, J. L. Wright; Highest Hur- dle Jumper—Geo. Darroch 1st and 2nd; Saddle Horse—Herb McKague, Jno. Richardson; Best Decorated Car $2.00 in cash, donated by Norman Wade—W. A. Cathers; Best handling or driving of Automobile in ring by lady -10 gallons of gasoline, donat- ed by E. W. Bolton—W. A. Schaefer; Best decorated and fitted Colt, 2 or 3 years old—$2.00 in cash, donated by Robt, Graham—Alex. McDonald; Best heavy draft spring colt—$2.00 cash, donated by F. Wassman—Jno. Richardson; Best Heavy Draft Colt, 3 years old—$1.50 cash, donated by J. W. Gamble—Alex. McDonald; Best Turnount (horse and earriage) —$2.00 cash, donated by H. Cooke— W. J. Roberts; Best Farmer's Outfit (horses, wagon and harness consider- ed)— $2.00 cash, donated by R. J. Hueston & Son—Hugh D. Smith; Best Boy Driver under 16 years (out- fit considered)—Halter, value $2.00, donated by Wm. Bremner—Telford Montgomery; Best Lady Driver un- der 16 years—$1.00 cash, donated by Wm. Earngey—J. L. Wright; Best Horse on grounds in Roadster and 1 Carriage Classes, any age, points con- sidered; S. to be shown on Class 16—Oxford Downs—Aged ed and exhibited by a resident of halter; own- I Ram, registered—Jas, Connell lst and ' North 2nd; Shearling Ram, registered—Wm. George Spotton, MP.—R. L. Lott. Huron—$5.00 cash, donated by Henry, Jas. Connell; Ram Lamb, reg, BEEF CATTLE Class 6—Shorthorns — Bull, three years old or over—Harvey Sparling; ]3u11, under three years old—Strong Bros., Henry Johann; Bull calf, un- der one year—Henry Johann; Bull, with 3 of his get under 2 years bred by Ex.—Henry Johann, Strong Bros.; Cow, four years old or over—Henry Johann, Strong Bros.; Cow, under 4 years (must have dropped a calf) — Strong Bros.; Heifer, two years old —Henry Johann, Sarong 13ros.; Year- ling Heifer—Jas. Strong lst and 2nd; Heifer Calf, under one year—Andrew, Schmidt, Henry Johann; Herd con- sisting .of one male and four females —Strong Bros.; Female, any age, pts. considered, diploma—Henry Johann. Class 7 --Dual Purpose (with regis- tered Pedigree)—Cow, four years old or over—Harvey Sparling, Henry Jo- hann; Cow, under four years—Henry Johann, Harvey Spading; Heifer, two years old—Henry Johann, Strong. Bros.; Yearling Heifer—Harvey Spar - ling, 1st and 2nd; Heifer calf, under one year—Henry Johann, Strong' Bras. Class8—Polled Angus (with reg--. istered Pedigree) --Bull calf, tinder 1 year—Fred Schmidt 1St and 2nd; Thursday, October 8th, 1931 ita..RFAIIMMOOF110.111 alltr.1.1.1114131 ter 1.1112141.161a1.01•11.1..11.1.144611. 1Yearling Heifer—Fred Schmidt; Mei-or eligible fur registration—Jas. Con- -- ' fer Calf -Fred Schmidt 1st tuid 2nd;. Oen; Ewe, having raised lamb in 1981 —W. M. Henry, jas, Connell; Shear - ling Ewe—W. M, Henry, D. Rayson; Ewe Lamb—W. M. Henry, Jas, Con- nell; Peri Sheep, consisting of ram (any age), aged ewe, shearling ewe, ewe lamb, to be bred and owned' by exhibitor; diploma—Jas. Connell. Class 17—Shropshires—Aged Ram registered—Jas. C. Hart, 0. McGow- an; Shearling Ram, registered—Chas, Danbrook; Ewe, having raised. lamb in 1931-0. McGowan, Chas. Dan - brook; Shearling Ewe—Jas, C. Hart, Chas, Daribrook; Ram Lamb -0. Mc- Gowan, jas. C. Hart; Ewe Lamb -0. IVIcGowan 1st and 2nd; Pen Sheep, consi-,t;ig 4,f ram (any age), aged ng shearliewe, ewe lamb, to be bred and owned by exhibitor; Diploma — 0. McGowan, Class 18—Dorset Horn—Aged Ram registered— Chas. Danbrook, W. M. Henry; Shearling Ram, registered— W. M. Henry, Chas. Danbrook; Ewe, having raised lainb in 1931—W. M, Henry, 0. MacGowan; Shearling Ewe —W. M. Henry, Chas. Danbrook; Ram Lamb—Chas. Danbrook, W. M. Henry; Ewe Lamb—W. M. Henry 1 and 2; Pen Sheep, consisting of ram (any age), aged •ewe, shearling ewe, ewe lamb, to be bred and owned by exhibitor; Diploma—W. M. Henry. Class 19—Grades — Best mutton sheep, any breed— Chas. Danbrook, Jas. Connell; Best Pair of market lambs, any breed --Jas. Connell, Chas. Danbrook; Best Pair Spring Lambs —Pair Cuff Links, value $L00, donat- ed by Adam Sippel—Jno. S. Cowan & Sons. Herd consisting of one male and four females, diploma --J.1) . & LittleSon; Female, any age, points considered, diplonia,—J. D. Little & Son. Class 9—Herefords . (With Regist- ered Pedigree)—Bull, under , three years—Downey Bros.; Cow, four yrs. old or over --J, D. Little & Sun, Dow - Ley Bros.; Cow, under four ,yearS— J. D. Little & Son; Heifer, two yrs. old—J. D. Little & Son, lst and 2nd; Yearling Heifer—J..D. Little & Son, lst and 2nd; Bull Calf, under one yr, —J. D. Little -Son, Downey Bros.; Heifer .Calf—J. D. Little & Son, lst and 2nd; Herd, consisting of one male and four females, diploma —J. D, Little & Sone'Fernale, any age, pts, considered, diploma—j.1). Little & San; Best pure bred Bull on grounds, beef type, any age or breed, diploma —5, D. Little & Son. Class 10—Grades— Beef Type --- Cow—Strong Bros.; Heifer, two yrs. old—A. Schmidt, Oscar Felker; Year- ling Heifer—Strong Bros., Downey Bros,; Heifer Calf—A, Schinidt; Pair of Steers, two years old, for feeding purpose—H. Sparlirg, I.T. J. Sander- son; Best Baby Beef, any breed, und- er one year—A. Schmidt; Best 2 -year old Feeding Steer—$2.00 cash, donat- ed by 13. J. Maguire—Strong Bros.; Best Baby Beef—One smoked Ham, value $3.50, donated by G. A. Wear - ring, Wroxeter—Strong Bros.; Best 2 year old Beef Type Heifer—Oak Ped- estal, value $5,00, donated by Geo. S. DaWson—A. Schmidt; Best Calf, dairy type, over six months and und- er one year, to be owned, raised and exhibited by boy or girl over 10 yrs. and under 18 years . of age, living within 10 miles of Gorrie—Four-piece Silver Tea Service, value $25,00, don- ated by the T. Eaton Co. Limited— Henry Johnston. DAIRY CATTLE Class 11—jerseys (with registered pedigree)—Bull Calf, under one year —Jno. Baylor, Geo. Baker. Class 12—Holsteins (with register- ed pedigree)—Cow, four years old or over—D. Donaldson 1st and 2nd; Cow, under four years—R. Donald- son, 1st and 2nd; Heifer, two years old—R. Donaldson; Yearling Heifer —R. Donaldson lst and 2nd; Bull Calf, under one year—Elva Vines, R. Donaldson; Heifer Calf—Elva Vines lst and 2nd. Class 13—Ayrshires (with register- ed pedigree)—Bull, under two years —Harold Foster; Cow, four years old or over—Harold Foster; Cow, under four years—Harold Foster; Heifer, 2 years old—Harold Foster; Yearling Heifer—Harold Foster; Heifer Calf— Harold Foster lst and 2nd. Class 14—Grades—Cow—J. Strong, -Mel Johnston; Heifer, two years old —Downey Bros.; Yearling Heifer — Harvey Sparling; Heifer Calf—Chas, Cathers, Geo. Baker; Eaton Special— Elva Vines. SHEEP Class 15—Leicesters —Aged Ram, registered—Jno, L. Cowan, J. L. Brown; Shearling Ram, registered— Go] don Brown, lst and 2nd; Ram Lamb, registered or eligible for reg- istration—G. Brown, J. S. Cowan; Ewe, having raised lambs in 1931— j. S. Cowan, Downey Bros.; Shear - ling Ewe—J. S. Cowan, G. Brown; Ewe Lamb—G. Brown, J. S. Cowan; Pen Sheep, consisting of ram (any age), aged ewe, shearling ewe, ewe amb, to be bred and owned by ex - hibitor;di 1 S TO IMPROVE YOUR 1 APPETITE J Feeling indifferent to food? Out of sorts? Depressed? Stimulate your digestive tract with Dr. Carter's Little Liver Pills. All vegetable. Gentle but thorough. They'll get rid of body poisons that cause Indigestion, Gas, etc., and give you a new• in. terest in food. 25c & 75c red packages Ask your thuggist for TER'S lia.TILIS F. F. HOMUTH Phm, B., Opt. D., B. 0. OPTOMETRIST Phone 118 Harriston, Ont, "The Best Equipped Optiell Ea. tablishment in this part of Ontario". SWINE Class 20—Berkshire, with pedigree —Boar, over one year—H. L. Cassie; Boar, over four months and under one year—Oscar Felker, H. L Cas- sie; Brood Sow—Oscar Felker lst and 2nd; Sow, over four months and under one year—H. L, Cassie, Oscar Felker, Class 21—Yorkshire White (With pedigree)—Boar, over one year — Norman Wade; Boar, over four months and under one year—Norman Wade; Brood Sow—Norman Wade 1 and 2nd; Sow, over four months and under one year—Geo. Douglas 1st and 2nd. Class 22—Tamworth (With Pedi- gree)—Boar, over one year—George Douglas, Jas. C. Hart; Boar, over 4 months and under one year—Geo. Douglas, lst and 2nd; Brood Sow— Geo, Douglas, Jas. C. Hart; Sow, ov- er four months and under one year— Geo. Douglas 1st and 2nd; Pair Ba- con Hogs, any breed—D. G. CamP- bell, Gordon Ilrown; Best Pair of Pigs under 6 weeks old—Five-pound Roast, donated by C. E. Newton — Geo. Baker; Best Pair Bacon Hogs— $1.50 cash, donated by J. 'W. Gamble —Alex. Corrigan; Special prizes for group of four Bacon Hogs—lst 15 lbs. Smoked Ham, and $1,00 per hog extra bonus; 2nd prize, 20 -Ib. pail of Lard, and 50c per hog extra bonus. All hogs exhibited in this class to bring highest price paid week of fair. Donated by J. L. Campbell, and Du - marts, Limited, Kitchener. --Albert Toner. Class 23—(Open only to farmers 21 years and under. Entries free.)—Best pair of bacon hogs—Geo. Baker, Har- vey Sparling; Pen of poultry, any var- iety (cockerel and two pullets—W. Hainstock, Mts. H. Douglas. POULTRY Class 24—Barred Plymouth Rocks ---,-Cock—L. Brown, M. Clark; Cock- erel—L. Brown, M. Clark; Hen—L, Brown, M. Clark; Pullet—L. Brown, M. Clark; Plymouth Rocks, A.O.V.— Cock—M. Clark, Jno. Douglas; Cock- erel—Jno. Douglas, M. Clark; Hen— M, Clark, Jno. Dougla.s; Clark lst and 2nd; White Wyandot- tes-.-Cock—Jno. Douglas, M. Clark; Cockerel—L. Brown, M. Clark; Jno. Doeglas, lst and 2nd; Pullet—J. Trousdale, Jno. Douglas; Wyandottes A.O.V.—Cock— T. C. Wilson, M. Clark; Cockerel—M, Clark, T. C. m Wilson; Hen—T. C. Wilson lst and 2nd; Pullet—M. Clark, 'T, C. Wilson; N Rhode Island Reds (S or R, Comb) ILI Cock—Jno. Douglas, M. Clark; Cock- ri erel, M. Clark, T. C. Wilson; Hen - 5, Baylor, M. Clark; Pullet—M, Clark, J. Baylor; Leghorns, S. C. White— Cock—Geo, Douglas, M. Clark; Cock- ere1=M. Clark lst and 2nd; Hen—L. Salada tea is gathered frorn the world's finest gardens: LAIN' TEA 'Fresh from the gardens' 144 Douglas, M. Clark; Orpingtons, A.0, V.—Cock, J. R. Trousdale, T. C. Wil- son; Cockerel, T. C. Wilson 1st and 2nd; Hen, J. R. Trousdale, T. C. Wil- son; Pullet, T. C. Wilson lst and 2nd; Anconas (S, or R. Comb)—Cock, Jno. Douglas, M. Clark; Cockerel, M. Clark, L. Brown; Hen, Jno. Douglas, M. Clark; Pullet, M. Clark 1st and 2nd; Homburgs (Spangled)—Cock— Jno. Deuglas, H. Foster; Cockerel, T. C. Wilson; Hen, T. C. Wilson, Ro, Douglas; Pullet, T. C. Wilson, H. Fuerter; Hamburgs A.O.V.—Hen, Jno. Douglas; Dorkings, A,V.—Cock T. C. Wilson; Cockerel, T. C. Wilson 1st and 2nd; Hen, T. C. Wilson 1st and 2nd; Pullet, T. C. Wilson lst and 2nd; Campines, A.V.—Cock, T. C. (Contiued on page six) 10th LINE HOWICK Quite a number from this line at- tended the Howick Fall Fair on Sat- urday in Gorrie, Mrs. Bill Haltom visited on Thurs- day with Mrs. S. Zurbrigg, Mr. and Mrs. John Fleet and fam- ily and Miss Ruby Scott were Har- riston visitors on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, E. Zurbrigg and fam- ily of Wingham visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, S. Zurbrigg. Mrs. Thos. Pritchard is spending a few days in Harriston. Mr. Roy Arthurs and Mrs. Ida Ar- thurs of Pike Lake were Sunday vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. T. Strong. WROXETER Rev, and Mrs. W. A. Finlay will be at home to the people of their charge and any other friends on the after noon and evening of Tuesday, Octo- ber 13th at the United Church Mann. Anniversary services will be held in the United Church next Sunday, October 11th at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev, W. A. Monteith, 13.D., of Tees - water will conduct the services, SCHOOL REPORT U. S. S. No. 13, Howick For month of September. Honors 75%, pass 60. V — Bob Corrigan 70, Gladys Fitch 58, Margaret Simmons 53. Sr, IV—Mary Ring 77, George Gal- laher 67. Jr. IV—Lloyd Weir 75, Eva Wil - His 64, John Lane 61, Earl Halliday! 60, Myrtle Cathers 37. Sr. III— Muriel Lane 62, Helen Willits 52. jr, III—Edith Willits 65, Jack Wil- Iits 60, Evelyn Cathers 52, Ivlargare* Neill 42, Reita Cathers 40, Mae Hal- liday 35, Delta Thomas 34, Jack Fitch 28. II—Georgina McMichael 95, Laura Bennett 86, Viola Thomas 81, Emer- ald Lewis 77, Eldred Cathers 56, I—Kathleen Willits, Jack King, BiT-- lie Abraham, Everett Cathers, Ross. Willits. Pr.—Dorothy Simmons, John Ah- . raham, Muriel Neill, Honorary Star Roll — V—Gladsw.• Fitch; Sr. IV—Mary King; jr. IV— Myrtle Cathers, Eva Willits; Sr, III —Muriel Lane; Jr. Hijack Fitch,. Jack .Willits; II—Georgina McMich- ael, Emerald, Lewis; I— Katbleets Willits, Everett Cathers; Pr., Muriel Niell, Dorothy Simmons. Number on roll 33. M. R. Doig, Teacher_ GENUINit PHILLIPS. 42,0 biukcivi.s For Troubles - due to Acid DiDESTiON ACID STOMACH HEARTBURN HEADACHE GASES -NAUSEA JUST a tasteless dose or Philliprk Milk of Magnelia in water. That . is an alkali, effective yet harmless. has been the standard antacid for - 50 years. One spoonful will neutralize - at once many times its volume in acid.. It's the right way, the quick, pleasant: and efficient way to kill all the excess olcid. The stomach becomes sweet, the pain departs. You are happy again in five minutes. Don't depend on crude mai-lock. Employ the best way yet evolved iiat all the veers of searching. That is. Phillips Miik of Magnesia. Be sure. to geft he genuine. "Milk of Magnesia" has been the. U. S. Registered Trade Mark of the - Charles IL Phillips Chemical Com- pany and its predecessor Charles IL. Phillips since 1375, 'Ur 4 4 a a a a 4 m a 4 4 4 Brown, J. R. Trousdale; Pullet—Geo. Douglas lst and 2nd; Leghorns, A. 0. \T. -'-Cock, 5. C. Hart, J. R. Trous- dale; Cockerel, 3, R, Trousdale, T. C. 4 Wilson; Hen, M. Clark, J. C. Hart; Pullet, Jno. Douglas, T. C. Wilson; pm Minorcas, Black; Cock, L. Brown; la Cockerel, T. C. Wilson, M. Clark; IN Hen, L. Brown, Jim, Douglas; Pullet, M. Clark, L. Brown; Buff Orpingtons —Cock, F. Wright, M. Clark; Cock- MI erel, M. Clark, Jno. Douglas; Hen, M. Clark lst and 2nd; Pullet, ,Ino. ,Z4 ill 12 111111111111111111111. • 111111111/11111111111111011 lit Goods at su w Prices Heavy red back overalls men's per pair $1.50 Work Shirts men's each .98c Work Shirts Boys' each .75c Work Pants mens' each $1.75 to $2.00 Work Sox men's . . 4 prs. for 98c wool.. 3 prs. 98c Fancy neckties, bows and string ties each 25c Fall Caps for Men and Boys 3 only Dinner Sets 97 pieces at reduced prices (open stock in cup, plates jugs etc,) GROCERIES 3 pkgs, Corn Flakes Kellogs for . ..... , 27c Maple Leaf Salmon Sockeye red tall ...... 39c Maple Leaf Salmon Sockeye red half 23c Maple Leaf Salmon Pinks tall 15c Golden Net Salmon red tails . — ..... 25c We carry a full of spices for pickling also fruit jars, rubber rings 7c per doz., glass tops, Zinc Rings and Jelly Jars WE PAY THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR EGGS. Ivers Store - Wroxeter imionoomounonnumummommtummuommonosadi: 41 4 fls 4 4 re re 4 a