HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-09-24, Page 8Y e r.: THE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES linclude Green horses, irrespective of 'tt•itcth it the owner is a farrier or not. yc 7.1 �,, •"A��,. e. pItst ell as e b is ) i tutalhng hydro 0-MessresTItre fte,inait and 'o:: i - ` in tree vicinity of Walton, ! eadbttry' and Winthrop. I Tlis•e� ' J e Popplestone, R, N., who has been an. inmate of Guelph 1-lospital for several weeks has recoy ered sufficiently to be able to return to her home which fact is gratifying j to her friends. Mrs, Thomas Sampson and Baugh- :ter of Palmerston are visiting friends in this vicinity. Harvest Thanksgiving Service was held in Trinity Anglican Church on Sunday. The speaker at the morning.. service was Rev. Mr. Ricard .of Brus- sels, The church was artistically de- corated With fruit, vegetables and flowers. The rector, Rev. L, Pocoek,, took charge of the evening service, Special Harvest music was rendered , by the choir; the offering on this oc- casion was liberal. The anniversary services in con- nection with Queen St. United church + were held on Sunday. Rev, Dr. Min- g son of the Department of Evangelism and Social Service, Toronto, was the --- ---�. speaker. Large congregations attend- \r'•I-IITEGHURCH the need of carrying on the work that ed both services. Helen Anderson ;11as progre=ssed so remarkably, Quite a number from here attend- Air. and Mrs. Lon Cody of Dutton, ,ed the Selma]. Fair at Holyrood last who have been visiting at the home Wednesday. of Mr. Jas. Showers visiting Turnberry, Mrs. Wray, from Alberta, has been spent Wednesday at the .Manse with r:isiting with ?Hiss C. Laidlane Rev. J Pollock Thursday, Friday, Saturday, September 24, 25, 26 Norma Shearer Robert t o ery and Nein Hamilton In "STRANGERS MAY KISS" Monday, Tuesday, Wednes., September 28, 29, 30 Greta Garbo — Lewis Stone —In— "INSPIRATION" McCormick as soloist, assisted the choir in their sere -ice of song. The Church was beautiful with ferns and flowers. An offering of five hundred dollars and sixty-five cents Was con- tributed, making this service one of Mr. RoyMcGee of Wingham, was rhe most spiritual and helpful in the g Mrs. Nellie NixonNiand child, and history of the congregation, trucking stock to the Goderich Fair Gordon McGee, spent a couple of Mr. Bailey and daughter, Miss Ma - on 'Wednesday for Mr. Geo, Ken- days last week in London. bel, of Goderich, were guests at the a7eClx' Mr. and Mrs. James Cornelius and hoine of Mrs. Alberta Bender, and at - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Purdon and Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cornelius were in tended the anniversary services of family spent Sunday with Mr. and Goderich, Sunday visiting Mrs. Corn- Queen St. Church on Sunda Mrs. 'Will Humphrey of St. Helens. Ilius} ' sister, Mrs. Jessie Gray who is Mr. Cruickshanks, of Toronto, gave The following attended London ill at her home there. an illustrated lecture in St. Andrew's Fair this week: Mr. and Mrs, Chas. -Gillespie and Miss Agnes, Miss May Quite a number went to the home of Mr .g Wightman and Mr. Geo. Wightman Mrs. Frank Henry, on and Mrs. Brigham of Blyth, Mr. and Monday night and presented their Mrs. Geo. Garton and son, George, daughter, Miss Robina, with a mix end Mrs. and Mrs, John McGee, Mr.cellaneous shower of blankets, linen, And Mrs. J. D. Beecroft and Mrs. R. 'towels and fancy dishes, prior to her :McGee of Wingham, and Mrs. A. M. marriage, which takes place early in Mirk of Seaforth; Mr. Sam Hutchi- October, She was also presented with son and Mr. Peter Kennedy. the following address: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker and Dear Robina:— family and Miss Lila Humphrey We have heard of your approach - spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. ing marriage, and as friends and nei- and Mrs. Humphrey of St. Helens. ghbours of your family, and you, we Quite a number from here attended did not wish you to leave our neigh- -the Fair at St. Helens on Monday, bourhood without some token of our .and report a big day, many entries, good -will and interest in you. When good competition and a big crowd. you were at hoine you were always The many schools competing in the interested in the welfare of this com- parade deserve credit for the excel- triunity, and we hope that, even lent manner in which they went though you will be separated from us through their drills and exercises and in the years to come, that you will school yells. still remember, with kind thoughts, Rev. Stedd of Angola, Africa, gave the neighbours and friends of White - a very interesting address in the Un_ church. • ited Church here on Sunday after- I As a token of our good -will toward noon, telling about the manner of lir- you, we ask you to accept these gifts, ing of the African people, and the and we know that as you go to ,make Jubilee pageant of the missionary new friends, you will always renem- work in that country. and stressing i ber the old. You do not need a score of friends to EACH MONTH WE REPAIR ONE WATCH FREE Winner for August— R. McMurray, Brussels Special Values in Gifts For The Summer Season DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE ETC.—All High Class Goods At Moderate Prices. GEO. WILLIAMS ewel.ler Wingham VIOLIN LESSONS Apply for. Particulars JGrp yl, I_ J. J. ALLEN Box 74 VVroxeter Ph. 29 • Thursday, S,ept.; • 24th, 1931 Niagara Falls: Mr. and Mrs. J. A..'t3randon visited With friends in Brantford and Idem- ikon for a few days•last week Mr, and Ws. Bob: McKenzie, ti£ Windsor, aro visiting with the form- er's 5 Yrr'en 8 � L parents, , &ii-. attd'Mt.. R. E. Mc- Kenzie, Mr. and Allis. Byers and daughter, June, are visiting Me. and Mrs, Carl Proctor, In the itenn in the nelgrave news pi Sept. 10th, an item about the Bi- ble Society read: "The total income to carry on this great Work was $405,- .529, expenditure $406,365, Canada's gift was $16,400." It should have read £ ,instead of Dollars. Mr, and Mrs. Yule and Miss Berne have returned from their holidays. Mrs, Alex. Manning had her nei.ce, Miss Sprung, of Auburn, visiting her last week. Miss Cora Phair, of Wingham,. is Live. starting a music class in the village. The evening was spent in playing The Anglican Church is having a cards and music. Th it many friends Fowl Supper on Sept. 28th, follow- wish them many more happy wed- ed by a program, in the Foresters' ding anniversaries. Fallr. Mr. and Mrs.: Duncan Campbell and M. and Mrs. Joe Dunbar and Mrs. son, Alex., visited with friends at Thomas .hrydge motored to Detroit Seaforth last week. last week and Mrs. Louis Hayes and Miss Sarah Orr spent a few days family returned with them. at the home of Mr. John Casemore. Miss Verde Procter, Mrs. Stewart Mr, and Mrs. Robert 'Warwick Procter and l;r.hy, Mary, spent a spent Sunday at the home of Mr. J. week in Detroit and were accornpan Warwick, near Brussels. ied home by the forrner's uncle and Miss Lillian Powell of Stratford, aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Inlay. visited at Mre Duncan Campbell's and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Walker and other friends, last week, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Procter spent Mr. Will Abraham spent Sunday a day at London Fair, with Mr. Craik Cleghorn. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Hutton, of Ex- eter spent the week: -end at Mr. T. Hutton's, Ivfr. and Mrs. Finlay of Kincardine spent Sunday at Mr. Thos. Congram's home. Mr. and Mrs. RobertsD. Golluy <irtd ,t ; eer 1, v e• farilijy.:. spent Smiday'at, the home_ of Mr and Mrs. George Casemore. Mrs,, John. Hunter is spending a few days with her daughter, IVIrs. L. Cunningham, of Winghant: Mr. and: Mrs,- Elmer Hastings and son, and Miss Showers, also Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Gilmour and daughter, and Mr.' and IV[rs, Reuben' Appleby attended London Fair an Wednesday. last. Last Tuesday evening a Very pleas-' ant time was spent at the horee of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Casemore when Mr. and 11Irs. Wm. Orr were guests, along with a number of their friends at a fowl supper, the occasion being their fifth wedding anniversary, The dining room was prettily decorated in .pink and white and the wedding cake with its five . candles lit, in the centre of the tabe was very attnac- DREW Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Darroch spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. S. Hyde, Hamilton. Miss Lulu Holtom of Harriston, Church basement on Saturday even- spent over Sunday with her parents, ing under the auspices of the Horti- Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Holtom. cultural Society, owing to the rain the Mr. Art. Bell left on Monday to attendance was not 'as large as it attend the Normal School at Strat- ntight have been. Those people who ford. were not in attendance missed a lot Miss Olive Sinclair, teacher at S. of practical information along the S. No. 7, spent the week -end at her different types of the growing of home in Harriston. bulbs. l.Vhile in town Mr. Cruick- Mr. and Mrs. J. Sorrell and little shanks was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. daughter, of Stratford, visited over G. M. Chambers. the week -end with Mr, and Mrs, A. E. Hamilton. DONNYBROOK Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Noonan and ;baby, Gloria, of Harriston, spent A -number of Donnybrook people Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hol - and their friends enjoyed - a Weiner tem. roast at the river last Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Arthurs and under the • auspices of the Young children, of Trenton, Mich,, are holi- People's Society. daying with the former's mother, Next Sunday, Sept. 20th, will be Mrs..5. C. Arthurs: Donnybrook Anniversary. Services Mrs. J. Leslie Stone and Mrs. C. improved in health lately. We hope afternoon and evening will be, in ! Pring, of Harriston, spent Friday at she continues to improve. charge of Rev. F. S. lanes, a former the home of Mrs. Wm. Darroch. Mr. and Airs, Edwin Palmer and pastor. Special music by the choir of Mrs. Mitchell of Stratford spent 1VIr and Airs. Waldo 'Weir spent one 1'•elg rave United Church. the week -end with her sister, Mrs.day-last week with friends near Tees - Mr. Warren Bamford was home John Miller. neater. from. his school near Centralia for Mrs. George Lang and Miss Mil - the week -end. dred Lang, near Harriston, were the Master Melvin Craig underwent an guests on Sunday of Mrs• Henry Rey - operation last Friday in Clinton Hos- I nolds. •A . goodly number of the Women's Institute journeyed to Fordwich Tue- sday, to visit the ladies there.' All en- joyed the outing and the hospitality of the Fordwich `:.branch. Miss AIary Austin is cotifiried .to SALEM , Miss Alma Fitch, of Toronto, is spending her vacation with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fitch. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gowdy and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gowdy of the B. line, north, of Howick, called on. Mr. and Mrs. John Gowdy last Sunday evening.. – Rev. Mr. Davison of Wingham, de- livered a fine missionary sermon here last Sunday. • Rally Day will be observed in the S. S. here next Sunday. Wroxeter School Fair was well at- tended last Thursday. The exercises o fthe various schools were well ren- dered. Mrs. Andrew Gemmill is somewhat BELMORE laugh and sing with you, pital for the removal of tonsils and You can be rich in comradeship ti•ith adenoids. ASHFIELD just a friend or two, Misses Marjorie Campbell and El - You do not need a monarch's smile 1 nine Bamford, of G.C.I„ and Willie Miss Mary Phillips, is spending a to light your way along; !Craig and Gordon Robinson„ Wing- couple of weeks with her sister, Airs. Through weal or woe a friend or two ham High School, were at their Thomas Ferguson. will fill your days with song. 1homes over the week -end. IVir. and Alrs. 12, 1'V. I3rav motored the house with a severe attack of II se, let the throng; go on its way, and; let. the crowd depart, up from Windsor, and spent a cou- bronchi4s, RAPID CITY pre of days with their cousins, Mr. Visitors in the burg are Miss Per. and Mrs. John Mullin, and Mr. and hies of Oakville with Lily and Mar_, ]rut one or tyro will keep the faith, (.)range Dance, Lucknow Orange Mrs, Robert Nelson, garet Edwards, Eunice Hackney with FIalI tonight, Everybody welcome, born—To Mr. and Mrs, Chris. her parents. when you are sick at heart; . Ind rich you'll be, and comforted, Mr, and Mrs. J. Carter of Ripley, Cook, 9th corn,, (nee Miss Let e Miss Katherine when gray skies hide the blue, Foster: took in the visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Smith), a son. Congratulations. Annitersary services at , her home If you can turn and share yottr grief Peter Carter, The following are a few who at- church Nen-bridge, Sunday last. with just a friend or two. Mr. and Mrs. 1 -Tarry Champion, of tended -the London Fair: Messrs, Mr. and. Mrs, Herd attended the Signed on behalf of your neighbors Toronto, are .spending. a few days Glen and Ralph `Cameron; Bill White- wedding of Mrs. Herd's nephew at with the latter's mother. 1 sides, Mn,and Mrs, Lorne Fairish Icons Head, Saturday. gruel friends. Miss Eleanor Jeffrey was in W.rox- Mrs. Charlie Thompson is' visiting. and family, on Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. in .Fergus for a few weeks•Robert Nelson and daughter, jean, Iter, Saturday, the guest of Miss Ew Mr. Rod Campbell of 13attle Creek, Mrs. Thomas Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. ing.at the station. Mich., is visiting his sister, Miss M.John Mullin on Wednesday, Mr. and Campbell at present. 1Mrs. Harry- Hackett and 'little son, Quite a few from here attended the Mrs. George Hunter and daughter, rural School Fair. at Holyrood last A:lida, Mr. and Mrs, Ewart Taylor, Wednesday, There was a good show- Mr. and Mrs. • Joseph Hackett, on leg of exhibits by the children, but Thursday, BLYTH :A large number of our citizens at- e nded the West Fair at London. , Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilford spent Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs. A. l3, Carr. Rev. T. W. Goodwill had charge of the anniversary services of the Pres- byterian Church at Clinton on Sun- day. The Wingham-London I3tts line is being fairly well patronized and is a great convenience to. those having business in the city as they are able to make the round trip in a day. `1'he Farmers' trot or pace to be '.held on Saturday at our Fair, Will INIIiN1111 Al111i1IH111f1111i101111111111®gll1llllll11111111n11111111111111111411pII1dIIliallial1151112111a1ilAilll11111W111 - "I1ARTT SHOES FOR MEN",, Generally considered to be the BEST GOOD SHOE made III - in, Canada, AM Rartt Shoes are a shoe of distinct class and are trade of the highest grade materials it is possible to obtain. We are Sole Agents for HARTTS in the Town of Wing - ham and invite every pian who likes to wear the best to call and inspect HA:RTTS. M Cecil • McNeil attended some of the fairs last week with his driver. • BLUEVALE Miss .Louie Patton has returned the rain spoiled the drills and march- Mr. and Mrs, George Lane and sort , home after a month's visit with rela- es. There was a large turnout to the Clifford and daughter, Mclda, motor- tives at Toronto and Peterboro. dance in the evening tinder the aus- ed to Stratford on Tuesday. Miss Mr. W. T. Elliott and Mrs. .Alex. ]:rices of the Women's Institute. Melda is attending Normal there. Mr. Robert McNeil entertained a The anniversary services of Hack- fcw of his Aubttrn and Rapid City ett's United Church will be held on friends at the home of Hiram 'Bloom Sunday, Sept. 27th, in the afternotrn one evening recently, at 2.30 o'clock and evening at 7,30 o'clock. Mrs. Henry Campbell, of Dungan- non, is visiting with hWr son, Mr, C. Campbell and Mrs. Campbell. BELFAST Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Treleaven and family, of Lucknow, balled on friends here on Sunday. Messrs. Touts Twamley, Wilfred Hackett and Isaac Nixon spent a cou- ple of days last week in London. Mrs, Win. Hunter spent last week yvith her daughter, Mrs, Jas. iHackett. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hunter and family visited at Mr. John Campbell's on Sunday. Miss Elsie Vint of Winghant, spent the week -end at her hoine here, RELGRA'VE Vif 111x6] Shoe oto ._e I int n firs. Johne Coultes is visit"ret with � f �I�� ��+7� !►Xngham friends in Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. C. Wilkinson have re- Enria J'ettiekShoes for Women and tiaras Shoes for Merl. 1! -- turned after a t+;vo weeks* visit with Tillil1i11 11111 ell111111 111 1110141111111H11t11011111 I1b1111111111111All 11111 llIn1111111111111111111411111111Ni411111M fir ttiends in Toronto Hamilton 11i rr t tr and MORRIS Mr. and Mrs. Victor Haines and family, also Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Burke and daughter, June, spent last Wednesday at London Fair, A number of people in this com- munity attended the Rural School Fair at T3elgrave on Tuesday. A large crowd, favorable weather and many fine exhibits, made the Fair a success. Miss Wightman, from British Col- umbia, who is visiting 'friends and re.- latives in this vicinity, visited herr friends, Miss Anne and Dr. Mary Pindlater on.: Wednesday of last week. A number of people from this com- munity attended London Fair last week, lTastie of Wroxeter spent Thursday at the home of Mr. Gordon Hall. Black tiros. received a car load of. flour this week. Mr. Morris Bosnian has rented a 200 -acre farm in Culross and will move there next month, A large number from here were at Wingham taking in the big Carnival on Thursday night, Mr. F. Black received a couple of cars of western cattle this week. Mr. Clem, Yeo, met with a very painful accident when he had his foot badly crushed between' two bridge timbers, He will be off work for, some days; fortunately no bones were broken. n, Mt. and Mrs. L. a Bosman spent Sunday with Mr. Bert Lake at Ethel. Mr. and Mrs, '`Jos, i3reckenridge spent Sunday -at the home of Mr. G. Mathers. Sunday visitors at the hoine of W. J. Masters were: Mr. ant Mrs. John Wendt, and Norman HaTl1i, of Wrot eter, Mr. and Mrs, A. Procter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Procter and Miss Verda Procter of Belgrave, M. -acrd Mrs, Arthur 'Ferguson and family, of • rl • sr • • a. • r • r' • • • • r r. C740 Announcing the Opening of The Orchid Beauty Shoppe on Thursday, October 1st I idivid aEty and Charm O Every woman possesses them. Only they're more obvious in some than in others. The reason —frequent BEAUTY TREATMENTS. Proper care of the hair, the face, the hands . . that's what expresses individuality and impressive charm. MARCEL FINGER WAVING SHAMPOO MANICURE rchi Opposite Lyceum Theatre. Phone 117-- ��'�I r�cSllt�'n"•� h!'1i�i11`i u7 •u" j'-�r'ini'�ini,il�-�Itu"'ni>[lwnt'r •pe Auburn. and Miss Ulah Parsons of Sarnia, as The regular monthly meeting of bridesnnaid, Mr, Eldred Truax of L.O.L, 766 was held on Monday ev- Walkerton and Mr. Wilfred Robinson ening when a nurriber of members 1 took some degrees. On October 1st r acted as ushers. After the ceremony they are ]taring the playing entitled "The Little Clodhopper." Mr. and Mrs. Harold Buchanan, of Wingham. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Underwood. the guests numbering sixty, repaired to Marlow Manor where a buffet 'lun- cheon was served. Mrs. Robinson and Mrs. Bremner receiving. The Kapp! Miss Agnes McGuire .,spent the couple left on a motor trip through week -end with relatives at Wingham. Quebec and will be at home to their friends in Walkerton after October Ilse. WEDDINGS Robinsoh - Bremner A pretty church wedding was Sol - BORN emnized on Saturday, Sept. 19th, at Templeman—ln Winghant, on•Satur- 2.30 p. m., in Collier United Church, day, Sept. 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Barrie, when Rev. Mr. Black united Fred Templeman—a daughter. in marriage Sara Margaret (Sadie), McGee—In Wingham, an' Tuesday, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs: Peter Sept. 22nd, to Mr. and. Mrs. John Bremner of Barrie, and Dr. Harold McGee, Blyth, a daughter. Robinson of 'Walkerton, • sari of Mr. Edgar In Victoria Private Hospital, and -Mrs. Wm. Robinson of East Wa- wahosh. Mr. Wilton organist of the church played the wedding musk, with Mr. Harry Altonas groomsman Toronto, on Tuesday, Sept. 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Murdoch (pee Vera Gwendolynne Edgar), 85 Sit- verbirch Ave, a daughter, ON, 1WOULD KT Tt11NIZ •OF IETthia V00 60 HOME Al -L ALONE ON SUCH A T£RR!$t3 NIOHTAS'SUS, 00N, IM v g'i HAPPY TO 17 E.4Vou AU. l'tlE WAV 11O14E' I14 Co R CAI:, YOU JUST' rAN.NOT pEPENO ON 174 S'rrEET mitt AS 'M 014 SUcI-1 S A IeNORINO 1i STOP LIGHTS lI INl1It11I Ilil I Irl I ISI I IAI I Irl i IAI I llftl I IM I IMI Ill IIMI I Irlll�lll�I I1411Jr11 I/UIQ) I I�hlpll IOAII I,IIhI ILII l SUPERIOR CHAIN STORES 1 QUALITY GOODS AT LOWEST COST 1i Tiwohi . . things dominate your.buyin of food i III products—theirqualityand rice. At your � .� Super- ".; for Chain Stores .'.;. , you are assured of the zx�a�zn�u,m; the at _'1 quality q y t e ;txlinirrl,um �riee� Plan to shopregd.:- w urail y at the Superior Store andathereby get the n1 II greatest value for your dollar. ii I mi– '�N North End Grocer yWe Deliver, 'e'a..t. P1.164.0 .19$, 93 11111 0I111i1M11101111111111111i 11 ii 11111111 111Mi11w11111111111s1I11111111111111111111111.01111111111I1i1111111101I1f1111