HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-09-10, Page 1Single Copies Five Cents,
ival take,
s the day
'want to mi
To be a
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from 8 p.
jitney dant
•et will also
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The: wh
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•tens' Band
will be fol
Ball Game,
mess. Men
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every turn.
concert wil
nine o'cloc
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•dance orch
•for Old a
"Two stages
To 1 a.m..
-will make
platform f
lucky admi
Just befo
about the
good, clean
operated b
will be ass
Through. T
be serving
prices. Let
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.at this ma
Don't forg
`ember 17t
the C
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The tick
job this we
by buying
a fiSeptember
Don't tai
show "Cor
by 175 lac
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.10th and 11
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.addition th
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:squad, and
not' miss .it
.:est 'McK.kbb
New Fall,a<
• The .Sma:
and Boulair
'hand. You
•qualities an
much lower
'Women's A
The regi
-men's Aux
'General He
'Council Chs
members us
Second Cro
Mrs: Aicl
•fice this we
.ed With, ripe
ries. These
after being
time taste
The exh'
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withl .six d:e
sensation .a
'The exhibit
:est in the
about fiftee
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abed wit
suites. So
that at tit
pbssibl to
'be cottgrat
our only '11
•trlar recepti
receive surf
factory run
With Which is Amalgamated The Gerrie Vidette and Wroxeter News,
Subscriptions $2,00 Per Year.
S Mammoth Street Cat-
bigger and better form
s go by. No person will
ss this event. ' It is ,going
sensation for twenty-five
think, an admission tick-
you a quarter will provide
i and dancing
to 1 a.m. (absolutelyno
, Yonir admission tick-
givechance to win
you a
e' prizes. Your ticket may
big getsg show under
new and novel calkthump-
led by the Wingham Citi-
'starting tartin .at 7.30 p.m. This
lowed by a Broom Push
between East side Busi-
WestanSide Lad-
sayd will a laugh'at
Then a short but snappy
1 provide enjoyment' until
when the rythm of `mus-
Id sway. Three popular
estras will provide music
Time Dancing—
nd New g
going strong from 9 p.m.
At 11 p.m., Mayor Fells
the draws from the main
those holding the three
ssion tickets.
re we forget, did you hear
midway, It is going to be
and thrilling. All will be
local people so that you
tired of a square deal all
he Women's Institute will
refreshments at popular
us again remind you that
net proceeds from thee
lit's sport, goes to the
use of providing X -Ray
for our local Hospital:, No
cause could be sponsor-
aim should be, made than
three thousand people
nmoth event. If you stay
it will be just too bad-
the date, Thursday; Sep-
,at 7.30 p m.(In case of
will be held follow='
et sellers will be. on' the
ek. Help along the cause
many tickets as you can.
you Thursday. night,
The successful annual doubles
tournament ever held by the local
Bowling Club took place on Monday:
entry -exceed-
eat y of forty-four pairs exc..ed
ed their expectations and with the
keenest of greens exceptionally fine
bowling; resulted: Everyone enjoyed
themselves from the first game at 10:
a,m, to` the last. game at 3 the next
morning. Besides fourteen local pairs
there were entries from Port Elgin
Owen Sound, North London Thistles,
Lucknow; Paisley; Hanover, Brussels
Ripley, Goderich, • Seaforth, Cargill,
Mount Forest, Chesley, Hensel' and
Grand Valle Tlrere were three coni-
plate elimination events, •
' The trophy event was won by C.
Chapman and partner of'Hensall, the
prize being two tone reversible satin
bound blankets, the runners-up be-
ing J. O. Habkirk and W. A. Miller
and received banjo shape clocks. The
Association event•was won by W. B.
McCool and J. Mason, and the run-
vers -up were D, Stacker and M. Tel -
fer of Crediton, the prizes being auto
rugs and small mantle clocks,
The Consolation event was the one
to'finish last as the 'Deers of all oth-
er events were permitted to enter,
and for which four sets of prizes were
given. The event was won by E. R.
Harrison and W. H. French, receiv
ing auto rugs; another local pair took.
second; G. L. ' Brackenbury and '
Kefalas, winning _ smoker sets; L. Es-
tough and B. Zinn of Hanover were
third and A. Ballantyne and' W, Scott
of Brussels took fourth, the last two
Prizes being, linen table cloths.
A regular meeting of Wingham
Town Council was held "puesday :ev-
ening at 8 'clock,
_ members present except Court.
His Worship .Mayor Fells. in the
Minutes of the .last meeting were
,read and a roved.
A letter was read from the Super-
test.Gas askingermi si
p ss on to
•move a pump and tank in front of
,the former stand of Mr, Ingham to
a new location .in front of H. Buch-
anan's store.
A letter was also read from Mr,
Buchanan asking that the• permission
be granted for this change,
The matter was discussed at some
len th and,in view •of a forme mot-
on that no new pumps be permitted
on the curbs of the Main Street15, , it
was finally decided to leave the mat-
ter .over until the next meetingof
Council, •
Finance Committee reported a
number ofpair
number accounts properly certif-
ied .and recommended payment,
Moved by Court. Elliott seconded
by Court. McGillivra that,t.he report
of the Finance Committee be adopt-
ed 'as read. Carried,
Court. Ti lin re •otted for the Pro-
Tipling P
pert Committee that the furnaces:
hadbeencleaned and the chimney
cleaned, He also re rt
po ed that cheap
cheap -
er fuel could be burned in the fur-
maces ith 1
v' bowers.•
Conn. Wilkinson re Dried for the
• p
Fire Committee that the fire alarm
would be thoroughly tested to try
and discover the cause of the • trouble.
Conn. Wilkinson also reported that
he had been interviewed by the Fire-
men and they would like an increase
of pay amounting to $5.00 extra per
duarter. He advised them that this
be left over as the estimates had been
struck and the tax rate 'fixed and he
not see how any unforseen ex-
penditure could be made now without
incurring an overdraft for the year.
After discussion it was agreed by
members of Counci that it would be
difficult of meet this request at pr a_
sent but that it might be considered
better at the first of the'year:
Mayor Fells reported for the
Streets Committee that two new
brains had been installed on Edward
Street to remove surface water. That
the weeds had been cut three times
on the B line and twice .on the Diag-
'oral Road, The contract had been let
for gravelling of the road from Miss
Elliott s to the cemetery corner. The
gravel was to be delivered at 23c per
yard and an inspector had :been ap-the
pointed to level the gravel and rake
out the targe stones for 23c per hour.
He also reported several requests for
`removal of trees but thought it too
early to do any of this work. He ad-
rued Council that 32 single and 24
married men had registered as un-
employed in town. Tltis had. been re-
ported to the proper official at Tor-
His. Worship reported that it was
likely that the Bell Factory would be
wrecked as the Trustee only had one
offer and. that from the wreckers,
His Worship also stated that he
lead a rumor that a uantity of Do -
larges would be given free provided
men were secured to remove them
and bung them to Town. It was
agreed that if this could be verified,
the Mayor to get necessary help to
secure 75 bags to. be stared for the
His ' Worship suggested to Mr,
Spotton,• NI, P. t-ertain works which
might be undertaken as atnemploy-
nient relief measttres but no official
approval had been given so far,
Conn. Wilkinson stated that as the
I'.ons' Club was not in operation at
present, the officers had decided" to
ask the, Council to accept the play-
at the Lown •
8 equipmentPark
ind look after rt in winter.. The
was now in good' condi-
. Moved by Court, Elliott, seconded
by Colin, McGillivray,' that the Court-
c giftfromthe Lions
crl appreciates the #
Club of, playground equipment at the
Town Park, and that the Property
Committee be empowered to tak,. the
proper care of the equipment. tiipment,'' Car-
ie ' '
Mayor bells was instructed to se-
cure prices ort a carload. of VVelslt.
le e•
coat as 'well• as: prides on other fuels
far the use of the Town 'Rail, prices
to .be „ubixtttted to rite 1. roperty Com-
b, submitted i t d o •. Property rt
i : eti n
mittee for their action.
- e': , , . , .:
'Tit., meCttn�, then adji7tlrnCdw
W. M.Henry was the highest win-
ner in the Oxford Down Sheep class-.
es at the C,N,E., winning five firsts,
two seconds, three. thuds, also cl?ain -
ion' female on a ewe lamb first in
n ,
the open pen first - on wether lamb,
first ' on ram lamb • and three ewe
b ,
lambs, fust on five lambs got of sire,
which is much coveted by.the Oxford'
Down breeders.'
In the.market r cattle classes,
a ket cart a asses, grades
and pure breds section, E. G, Todd
of Lucknow took fifth prize for fat
steer, senior calf: Robinson Bros. of
St, Marys took fourth in the Short-
horn specials class, .;
R. Trench of Teeswater was a suc-
cessful exhibitor in'the carriage and
roadster horses class, Mr. ,Trenchdent
took third forfillyor gelding, three
g g,
years old, first for filly or gelding
two years'old; second for filly or
gelding one year old; and second for
foal of 1931. J,• B. Whitely of God-
erich was fourth for foal of 1931,
R. Trench was third for roadsters,
of matched geldings or mares
g g ,
trotters and third for roadsters; sin-
gle or mare, trotter,'
Day will be celebrat-
ed. this year on October 12. Official
announcement of the passing of an
order -in -council to this effect. - was
made 'recently. The necessary pro-
clamation will be issued shortly:
Fixing of a date by order -in -coups
cil for the observance of Thanksgiv
ing Day separate from Armistice: Day
—or what is now known as Remem-
brauce Day under a billpassed at the
last session of parliament—is a de-
arture from the former
P practice.
While Remembrance Day will be
commemorated each year on Novem-
ber 11, the separate date for observ-
once of Thanksgiving Day will be fix-
ed each yearby order -u council.
At the annual field day of the Far-
mcr's Club of Goderich Township on
Monday, George Spotton, M.P. for
North Huron challenged his eollea -
E,. g
ues in the Commons and members of
the Senate to set an example in na-
tional economy by voluntarily accept-
. e
ing a reduction of 10 or 12} per cent.
in their salaries,
In reviewing present day conditions,
Mr, Spotton said, in part:`
"With the present, low prices of
agricultural , farmers cannot
continue unless things they buy come
down in proportion: Witness the
price of agricultural produce at the
vanishing point and farm implements
as high as ever, Imagine the
g presi-
of our - own railroad drawing
$75;000 per year and almost a like
amount in extras, Thirty-five other
railroad officials draw from $ 000
tc 35,000 per year, while trackmen
and trainmen, are laid off,
"Medical fees and law fees must
come down. 'Any :clergyman reeekv-
mg over $2,000 per year should agree
to a reduction. Higher paid civil ser-
vents should make some sacrifice and
I challenge my colleagues in the Com-
mons and the senators to step out in
the very forefront and take a reduc-
tion of 10 or 12t per cent in our
Mr, Spotton said he would gladly
vote for a reduction of $1,000 per
year to members and urged.
g d a,shorter
Mr, Spotton was loudly applauded
P pp
There was a large attendance and
the lengthy list of athletic vents
brought much. keen competition, —
London Free Press,
Goldsmith, crack pith
Southampton Fishermen
team•to the Bruce League
ship on Monday, as he
water to one hit, the visit
by 2-0, It was the second.
shutout Goldsmith has
pennant • series, as he ti
in when Southampt;
Thursday by 3-0. Inciden
water has ' made only tv
Goldsmith in the 49 inni
pitched against them this
The largest crowd in h
2,500 persons; attended th
saw a pitching duel bet
smith 'and Gordon Irwin.
in excellent form; the fon
trine, and Irwin 10 batters,
found for seven'hits, bit
mates' three eriors 'mate
in the scoring of the two
ton runs, The "Fisherm;
played a particularly ;
Southampton will hole
James Malcolm trophy as
their win:
Southampton 100 100
Teeswater 000 000
Winsas o
Cornet Soloist
at the C. N. E.
In Friday's Toronto papers we no_
n p
ticed that Mc Leonard. Jarvis, of
Chatham formed of town won the
' Y
open competition at the C,N,E, for
cornet soloist receiving81 marks his
nearest opponent receiving 75 points.
Former Winghami;te Dies
Mr• Geo. Day received a telegram
from Vancouver, B,C., on Monday
last conveying the sad news that his
brother, Harry Day had passed away
that mornin Mr. Harr
g• y Day was
a former citizen of Wingham, mov-
ing to Vancouver about twenty-five
Years ago His many friends in this
vicinity will be sorry to hear of his
Wingham to London Bus Service
Commenced Wednesday, Sept. `9th,
Bus leaves Wingham at 7:15 a.m., re-
turning leaves London at E00'p.m.
Special for London Fair, extra b'us
will leave Wingham with regular bus
and will leave London at 10,40 p.m.
on Sept 15, 16, 17, 18. For further
information, phone 331,
Mr: Qtr. J. Howson is v
his daughter in Toronto.
Mr: and Mrs. J. M. M
a few days last week in Tr
Miss N. Walters, R.N.
friends in Windsor and I
Miss Ann L. Wilson, ;
visited over the holiday a
Misses Jessie Menzies a
Walker took.in Toronto h'
Truss Elizabeth Wellwc
Monday to resume her du
York City.
Mrs. J. W. Hibbert of
visiting at the home of M
S. Bennett.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard 1
Sunday 'at the home of M
Robt, Deyell,
Mrs. E. Aitchison ai
spent the holiday with i1I
Aitchison at Sarnia. •
Dr. Elmer Aiken of '
spending his vacation witl
Wingham and vicinity.
Mr, Jack Black of Naps
guest last week at the h;
and Mrs, T. J. McLean:
Mrs. R. E. Hamilton
week -end at the home
Mrs, Wilfred RHamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ia
children of Orangeville,
holiday with friends in for
Mr. Charles Blatchford
week end at Sarnia with hi
aunt, Mr. and Mrs, Aitchi
Annie and Nel
visited a few days •with
Mia, Emma. Walters, af' "
Miss B, Wilson has re
visiting her brother, Rich
tending the Exhibition at
Mr, Isaac Deyell of St
lied over the holidays i
thei•s, Messrs, John and R
Mr, and Mrs. Howard
ganilon, visited over the
the home °f Mr. and Mrs,
Mrs. John A gnetiv one
Ed• ith, of London, visited
of the farmers sister, l�fis
Mrs, Harley Crawford •
for the first time since hi
oil Wednesday, September
three to six o'clock,
Miss Mary Johnston, B'.
turned to Toronto after s i
vacation at the home of 1
Mr, and'Mrs, Adam John
Miss Kate 'Tying, A:T.C,
Toronto last week where .
tend Toronto Conservator
Mr. and Mrs. Ding accon
to cit .
Dr, A. H. Logan of F
dale, Fla,, who has been
sister, Mrs, Dawson, Slur
left for a visit with Erre
trait and Cincinnatti befor
to his home iii Florida. ..
Senator S. . Crowe a
suddenly at his home in
B Sunday. He wa,
,C.; on � d y
for forty-one ears of C.
formerly iti harm r
#a r y of W g ,
conducted a real estate b,
Mrs. T. A. Currie visited friends
in Toronto a few days last week.
Mr, Jack Perdue of 'Toronto, visit-
ed friends in town over the week end:
Miss Mary MacGregor of Toronto,
spent the holiday at the home of her
Mr, Currie Wilson,. of Kitchener,
spenttheholiday at the borne of his
Mr, •and Mrs. Chas. Smith and baby
of Goderich, spent the holiday with
relatives m town,
Mr. Frank Moore of Hamilton,
spent the holiday in town with his
father, Mr, Wm. Moore.
Mr. and Mrs,Robert McKag
of Toronto, spent the holiday with
relatives in .hltis vicinity.
Mr. Reg. Sutton of Orangeville,
spent the holiday at the home of his
parents, Mn and Mrs, C. Sutton.
Miss Evelyn Lepard of Orangeville
spent the holiday at the home of her
Parents, 112r, and Mrs. W:" C. Lepard. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Laughlean and
son, George, spent the v eek -end at
the home of Mr, .and Mrs, Geo. Or-
Miss Annie Wilson and Mrs. Lan-
ming of Toronto, visited with their
mother, Mrs. J. Wilson, over the holk-
Miss Glenna Spotton and Mr: T.
Faun of Toronto, spent the week -end
at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Geo,
Miss Isabel Taylor, who has been
the guest of her sister, Mrs. George
Spotton for the past month, has re-
turned to her home in Toronto
Miss Adeline Barton and '.her lath-
er R .Barton nun. B. of Fergus,
' J g
motored to their respective• schools,
Creek and i\liddlebrook,
Mr. and Mrs, D. M. Willits and
Mr. and Mrs.',Henry Tipp, of Ann
Arbor Mtch., , over the weer.
end with Mr, and Mrs. Win, MCMI-
Miss Wilma Johnston returned to
her school in Grand Valley after
spending the holiday at the home o£
her agents IVIr. and Mrs. Adam
Miss _Barton,Under Grad-
Adeline Bar
trate IJurse of the Toronto 'General
Hospital, left for Iirghlattd Creek,wearing
where she has accepted a on
the teaching staff:
Mrs: Ed, Nash was called to Am-
berle Sunday owing to the serious
illness of. her sister, whom we are
eased to say, is showing a slightt,
p Y,
t e days.
improvement the, pas few Y
Guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs,
_ . i a ,e
Witt ,Austin over the tvei e.
Richard Galt;
. , .. ,
ti0tt:;, Mr,, end' Mrs. Holt, NewOtic,
Mrs. .Murplly} , New `'oil., Mr, and
Mrs. V, Strath and son of Kitchener,
Mr, and Mrs. W. Austin and child-
ren of T�ttclletter •and. Mrs: and Miss
... ._ . ,
J„ G'rCenE of Wtnghattt..
Hayden - Smith
A quiet wedding took place at the
Baptist church parsonage Monday
morning at 10.30 o'clock, when Laura
Alice, youngest daughter of Mr, and
Mrs, Edwin Smith of Wingham, be-
came the bride of Murrison Lloyd
Hayden, son of Mr, and Mrs. 0. V.
Hayden of^ t'ngham, The ceremony
Smithwas pastorperformed by Rev. Weyburn
of the Wingham Bap -
tist Church, Mr• and Mrs, Charles
Smith, of Goderich, the former a bio-
then of the bride, were their attend-
ants. The happy couple left by motor
for a short honeymoon to Toronto
and Niagara •Falls and on their re-
turn will make their home in Wing-
A splendid showing of flowers was
exhibited, on Friday, by the members
of the. Wingham Horticultural Soc-
iety, in' the furniture store window of
A. J, Walker.. The society locally has:did
not taken- the—interest for. ' several
years as far as putting on an annual
.flower show in tile town hall is con-
'cerned, as it did several'years ago.
Although no prizes.were offered this
Year, a large .number of the meiribers
took an interest in placing before
those who are lovers of flowers,` their
most beautiful specimens, and in that
way, try 'to create an interest in those
who are not already members of the
society, It is the expectation of the
executive to be able t''o return to the
regular : showing, when there would
be a. good many more beautiful flow-
ers on display.
The Anniversary services held in
the Brick United Church on Sunday
were very- successful, Rev:""Sinclair
of Hensall giving splendid discourses
both morning and evening to large
Belgrave choir rendered beautiful
anthems in the mornin • and Miss C.
Coulter sang `The old Church Choir,'
very pleasingly. In the evening, .the
male quartette from. Wingham Unit -
ed Churchith MHtie.
, with J. H. Chris
at the organ delighted the audience
with their splendid numbers, and on
Monday evening the Young People
of Whitechurch presented their play
to a full house,
SEPT. 10th, 11th
Cox - Terrkff
The marriage was solemnized Sat-
urday afternoon in Westminster Cen-
tial church, of Kathleen Terri#f, dau_
ghter of Mr, and Mrs. Malcolm Ross
of Whitechurch, to the Rev. Graydon
O. Cox, son of lir. and Mrs. David
Cox of Palmerston, Ont, The Rev,
amen Little r
J performed the ceremony,
Roses, palms and ferns decorated the
altar and chanceland Mr, G. Frank-
lin Legge played the wedding music,
Daring the sighing of the register,
Miss Hazel McDowell sang "O Per-
feet Love” The bride, who was giv-
en in tnarriage by her father, wore
graceful bridal gown of
a ivory
charmeuse, with long tightly -fitting
sleeves, her veli of Chantilly lace and
tulle forming a coronet, with tiny
clusters of orange blossoms at either
side. He.r flowers were butterfly
roses and lilies of the valley. Her
bridesmaid was Iter sister, Miss Olive
Terriff, who wore a frock of beige
Chantilly lace fashioned on longlines
and •flaring below the waist, Her hat
was an Empress Eugenie model in
g olden brown velvet and her flowers
were talisman roses. Little Miss
Shirley Shaw, cousin of the bride,
was flower in inpinked
g pale crepe
de chine, with a pale pink' bandeau
on tier hair. She carried a dainty bas-
ket ofpink roses. The best man was
Mr, Peard Cox of Detroit, brother of
the groom, and the ushers, Mr, Mal
calm Ross, Jr., and the Rw. J.,Asliley
of Corbetton: The bride's
mother received after the ceremony,
a navy blue georgette gown
wart touches of cream -colored lace,
and a matcttin felt Bat. Her corse e
>1 g
was of butterfly roses, The groom's
mother with her, also dress-
'l in navycostume of georgette,
ed a e g g ,
with blue hat to match. Her flowers
were pini. roses. Later the bride a d
, • ' .
groom -,left °n thea honeymoon, the
bride travelling in a coca -colored:' silk
suit with a felt hat of the same shade
t11eL#t of the groom', an Isabella fox
Midi' theyreturn from their
scarf. Ate
, , ,
wveddrrlg tarp they wall visit hate for
a short time Before leaving for Tang.
roan, Saskatchewan, where they will
• d „
1 to see the famous army
n" beingstaged
Eage g
people in the town hall
1 tomorrow night Sept,
tit.; It is a screaming corn-
American rookie, and in
ere are soldiers and sail-
n choruses, the awkward
also a minstrel show. Do
Reserve our seats now
on's Drug Store.
Fall Clothes for Men
Smart Top -Coats, Durable Rain -
Coats, Two Pant Suits, between sea -
sons Underwear, Warren's Sweaters,
Extra good socks, Forsyth Shirts and
Pajamas, Fall Gloves, Etc. The best
onlyat Bros,
Viewed His Former Labor 0 ,
Dr. j', G, Ferguson of Toronto, was
avisitor in town this week and view-
ed the large stone at the High School
How -
•which he carried in 1914 from How-
son's dam. He was just curious to
know whether kt had been moved or
not since he placed it there seven-
Gen years ago.
W. Huron Teachers Assoc.
The Executive committee of the
West Huron Teachers' Association,
triet. in Exeter on Saturday to arrange
for the convention to be held October
8th and 9th, The first day's session
will be held in Exeter and on Friday
the teachers will visit the O.tL.C. at
here theywill be entertain-
Guelph e
by the College Professors, "i hose
going by train will have to be at
Goderich, Clinton or Seaforth to
catch the early' `flyer.' The committee
are Misses Pridharn, Exeter; Gainer,
Crediton, Messrs, Keller, Dashwood;
r' Ex , r
BI°wen, Hensall, llowa d, ere ,
and Inspector Beacom, Goderich,n
Rose Bowl
A beautiful Rose Bowl, to be pre-
rented„to the 'Champion Pupil at Bel-
grave School Fair, is shown in the
window of Greens Shoe Store.
Relievingat the C.P.R.
Mr, George Hickman, of Toronto,
is at present relieving W, E. Brow
ley, agent at the. C.P. R, depot, Mr.
Brawley is spending his vacation at
School Clothes Youil Like
Everything for the boy or.gtrl at
tending Public or High Schools —
New Fall Coats Sweaters; Berets,
Hose, Gloves and the` many sundry
that are needed, King °Bros.
Best Groceries at King's
Pure Lard IOc, McLaren's Jellies
4 for 23c' Fresh Cookies 25c ChoicesHighland
]_hack Tea 39c, Rubber Rings, 4 for
.i • 44c Blue Rose
25c.,• Large 'ora _ yr up 6
Rice, 3 for 25e Clover Honey 39c,.
Crepe Toilet Pa er 6 for r9c New
, p '
Pack Satrnon, 2 for 29c. King Bros,
• -
Goderich' Fair Next Week
Goderich Fair, September 15 .arid
16, presents on Wednesday afternoon
a program of five races -2.25 trot or
pace, 2,15 trot or pace, relay runninggson
race, open run, and three -year -old -round
colt• race, for good purses, Hon. T..
L. Keened OntarioheMinister of
ncultttre, opens the #air on' Tuesday
Nearing Completion'
Road g P
The road from, Wtn -ham to Tees-
water, which has .been under con-
struction since Jane is nearing corn-
pletion, and: when finished will be
one of the .roads in this sec-
to grado, sharpcorners
and railway crossings have been elmt,
mated, The steam slieyel has: corn-
pieced its Work and Was shipped to
p t p
Toronto. oil; Tuesday, and the balance
rte i,
of the work ,will be ctrntpletcd a.tt a
Weep or see
rtest Hats, :Coats, Dresses
se Suits have just come to
will like the Excellent
d style and the prices are
King Bros,
• .uxiliary- Meetmgg'
alar meeting of the Wo
diary: to the Win ham
�s ital •will be held in the
amber, Monday afternoon,
14th at 3: All
45 pan.
r ed to be present,
p of Raspberries
kieson brought to our of-
ek a raspberry'stalk load-
;and fully formed r spber-
are second growth; and
without berries for some
even better than the first
DWbS AT C. N. E.
firm ofequipment
bit of the local f
Ltd, in conjunction
alers, has created trite a
'. quite i
t the Toronto Exhibition.
.. - . - l
•which is one of the larg-
,. ,
Furniture Building covers
n hundred 'Square feet of
s ctlivrdea�. into. rooms fur-
h 'beautiful `Chesterfield
i •
opu'1ar was. this exhibit
. , .
et hear it. The firm ie t0
on their and
.. i ,heir pop-
is that with their p p
on at ,the Exhibition they
,, ,
relent aiders to have their.
i _ .
ntn�••:U'VertiYit� this winter.
A. meeting South Bruce
branch of the Ontario Plowmen's As-
held . Tees rater town
sacration was e d in r� �
hall, Only a fair attendance was pre -
sent with representatives from Kin-
� '�" p
loss, Greenock, 11ratit and Culross
After considerable discus-
meet in Kinloss Townshi on Oct.
22,provided suitable field, can be se
as -
cured. A field committee •tv ap
is hoped to make this
pointed and P
•' _ e i 'n
years match the most trcc..ssf°u t
t history of the association;
the y . .
her of the
hurled bis
Champion -
held Tees -
ors winning`
had in the
as on the,
in won on
]tall Tees -
o runs off
ngs he has.
rcal history,
e game ands
ween Gold -
Both were
ner fanning
Trwin wax,
t his team-
rially aided
;n's" .infield
ood. game
the Hon,
a result of
000-2 7 1
000-0 7 8
isiting with;
cKay spent
is visiting
rf Torontoe
t her home
nd Alberta
x. over the
od left on
ies in New•
Windsor, is
r. and Mrs.
nark visited
r. and Mrs.
d Harvey
and • Mrs.
'oronto, is
friends in.
nee, was a
me of Mr.
isited over
of Mr. and
:awktns and
spent the
spent the
s uncle and
lie Walters
their sister,
I pronto..
turned after
Rich; • and .at -
ratford, via-
th his bro-
obt. Deyell,
Black, Dun -
holiday at
Robt. 'Dry -
tt the home
s Elizabeth
will receive
✓ marriage
23rd, from
A., has : ee
�ending her
ter parents,
M., left for
she will at-
y of Music.
ipalsied her
ort Lauder
visiting his
er St., hate
ids in De-
e returning:
sesed away
Von eotiver,.
a partner
El. Wilson,.
where theyy