HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-08-27, Page 1With Which is Amalgamated. The Oorrie Vedette and Wroxeter News. Single Copies. Rive Cents, INDIAN SADHU AT ST. PAUL'S CHURCH STRE The St St, held in y, ing, Sept announce paper, is ious corn this event that the p make a g the fund our local It: is ex h dance wil e is being No effort public the tainm e n et car h ge of ingto th two �entir E. will be c f greatest S ham has e ening, a c held in w arti ' p >clpate Wingham gam nection wi show"will business a short c There will attractions men is hay garding th ing, there tras, one f the other f connection will be No even o'cloc a real tree An adva event will that twent mission tic entitles yo like from hours danc Each admi number w to a chance which will ed at a late Keep th 17th (in"'ca be held the your ticket quarter's w have ever help along Chamber o Large congregations were present both morning and evening at S ie. e.Paul's Anglican Church on' Sunda 'Trio hear Rev. John Nelson Christenan da. The Sadhu is a e be of the mm r l ighest castes in India, a graduate of Madras University, who some eleven years ago, started Christian work a +inong the higher classes irn his own land, with considerable success, ' for -while he started with only one assis- itant there are now twenty-seven as ,sistants engaged in the work with :him. The Sadhu told of the prejudice -which : at first attached to his work inn India. Anyone of the higher castes Y � ho turned to Christianitytreat •e d as 'an outcast, his food d placed in do .a. vessel :f r him whichused o was not .again and many such indiginities.. Now the case was much different. The Sadhu contrasted the old religions o India with the Christian religion in that while the old religions were a system of seeking after light, : the 'Christian ': religion was the Saviour seeking e out the sinner. . The Sadhu explained that $200 or $250 was enough to provide a perman- ent building for a church qr for a residence for a wcrker and he is visi- ting the congration in the Diocese with the sanct of the Archbishop soliciting funds for the carrying on of the w work.He as learned to rely on 'faith for the supply of the needs of `the work. It is entirely a work which lie started on his own initiative, not 'being tinder any auspices. He presents quite a picturesque fi- ;pure, clad in a long orange colored robe, with his dark face and black beard and hair.. He speaks English -..fluently and faultlessly and with •a -marked Oxford accent. 'Three Sentenced to Jail In police court in Goderich on Fri- -day Magistrate C. A. Reid sentenced three Blyth men to terms in the coun- ty jail 'for breaking and -entering 4*, Elyth C, N, R. station and stealing a quantity of liquor on July 13 last` Norman Hamm was given three and six months' terms, on the two charges sentences to run concurrently: The -same sentence was meted out to Jo- seph Haggett. Both men pleaded uilty. Albert Bowen, who did not lead guilty, was sentenced to one month in jail. Bowen was found guilty, being an accomplice with the other two men. To Reformatory for Chick Thieving Vincent Gerornette, Stewart Oke and Orman Huckins pleaded guilty to. the stealing of over $20 worth of • .chickens from Elmer Killough, of East Wawanosh, near. Auburn, when they were brought up in police court •on Wednesday morning and were sentenced to terms in the Ontario Re- formatory, Oke gettingthree months determinate and a further indetermin- ..ate term of three months and Huck - ins and Geromette six months deter- 'xninate and six months 'indeterminate,; 'Geroniette also pleaded guilty on a charge of having liquor in a place ,other than his private residence and .got a three months' determinate and -three months' indeterminate sentence ,on that count. The liquor in question. was found in a hay stack.--Goderich. ::Star, 'CALLS EXTENDED TO MINISTERS The congregation of Knox Presby- ^terian Church has extended a call to Rev. David J. Lane, B.A,, of Wallace- 'burg, to become their minister, to succeed Rev, R. -C, McDermid, who -moved to Toronto, Since Mr: McDer- mid's removal from Goderich a num- ber of ministers, candidates for the 'position, have been heard, and it was from -a list of six or eight that Mr. Latie Latie was chosen. A special meeting •of the Presbytery of Huron will ,be. held at Clinton on Tuesday, Septem- 'ber 1, to receive and consider the call.. n he The Kincardine United Church has extended a call to Rev. Walter 13. 'Craw of Toronto to become pastor of the church, succeeding Rev: E. W. _Jewett, who leaves Sept,, 1, for Divis `an Street United Church, Owen :'Sound. Rev, Rev. Mr. Craw has just been grad- uated from college and ° has been preaching at Aberfoyle, He is a son of Rev. R. W. CrawLuckno of w, Rev. Mr. Craw has accepted the call and 'will come to his neer ministry, some 'time in September: Belgrave P Annivers with Knox grave, will 6th, at 11 by the Rev, ville, a for music will sion. A co to all to att Box Lacr Several o err of town week to wit crosse betw tan. So ent game, claire and with m that in all made tip an played. Calbro Mag Radionic E We have ic Health During the 5th, we will ing . a clinic own direct' pointment o Chiropractor er, Phone 19 LOCAL • Mr. Victo visited frient Miss Lillian a visitor at t T. Cruickshs Miss 'Alens el is a guest Mrs. It, A. C Mr. and son, Walker, with friends Mr. attd Jimmie of the home of er, Miss Minh and Miss . Dt spent last w< F. Sturdy. WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, ANGUST 27th, 19.31 Subscriptions $2.06 Per Yet,. :.`C CARNIVAL 'ELL UNDER WAY Wingham eproducing f 1 prepared eplans e anvassed alithumpion men oncert or t 9 hich se s had f ary a.m, mer ideal os f sen probability quipment Equipment week nly, WILL PRESENT FINE PRODUCTION LOCAL AND PERSONAL HORTICULTURALLODGE their dow September urs container and 12 did , tario who on BENEFIT An be afternoon water is the baseball composed made commence appearance is- some couraging. uniforms, team •game tickets mission one ing efforts some Unemployed The town cipality est er they usual dents asked. are ed, LIBERAL The the repulsed cal attack most received Hon, 1920, tory were Lives. to increase Legislative MayorSaturday Ste. Montreal Nota Labor s the they Maisonneuve FLOWER DISPLAY ORANGE .LO HOLDS DECORATION -^- 1UPPER SCHOd RESULT!thMr. and Mrs. Jos: Pugh are visiting eir son , at Cedar Springs, Coun. I3, B. Elliottwas a visitor in London onTuesday.cultural be Mrs. Hambidge of Aylmer, is vis- iting heromother, Mrs, J, P. Kennedy. Miss Luella Hopper is visiting with friends in Detroit this week. Mr. Bert Thompson of Toronto, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Jack :Mc- y 'Kay. Mrs, F. Burns of Hamilton; is vis- icing. at the' home. of Mayor and Mrs. Fells.I Mrs, Kin and Mrs. Cameron °f -:•::<•f Wiarton.• 'sitedof vwith th ibouquet > their sister Missu i n Stroth er. s u- Miss Miss Loraine Schmidt of Detr is vi visiting statthei ge of her friend, _;::. Miss Muriel Ross. , Mr. Fred Piper of Oshawa,g .. is visit- ing at the home of his parents,.Mi and Mrs. Steve Piper. and Mrs. Frank nk Bowden en and family of Windsor, are visiting with Frances street Miss E. McKinnonof Tor onto, is s p spending P g a couple ,of weeks at the home of Capt and Mrs"' g p . W: J: Adams. r M ..and Mrs. Phil Dyerere r ' and son , .:::::;,::::.:•,:::•;:,C, of Detroit were visitors at the home of his s parents lUlr. and , Mrs. ' W. R. Dyer, A, E, McLennan of Toronto; is spending a three week's• vacation at the home of Mr, and Mrs. George Black. Mr, J. Porter and son. Jack Windsor, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Porter, Patrick street, Mrs, (Dr.) A, W. Irwin was called Rochester on Thursday, owing to the illness of her mother, Mrs. Geo. • Gardner, Mr, N. Hughes and Miss Mildred Hanna of Orangeville, are spending couple of days with Capt and Mrs. P Y P W, J. Adams, Miss Eleanore McLean has return- ed home after holidaying the pasttwoshould •Y,. ng weeks at the Thousand Islands, Nap- anee and Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Holmes and daughter g Mary Loci of Flint, Mich, spent a few days at the home of the letter's mother, Mrs. Pullen. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bowden and three sons of Windsor visited last week at the home of Mr, and Nlrs, Edward LEWIS, B. Line. Mr: and Mrs. Casburn Austin and children of Kitchener, spent Thurs- daylast at the home: of : the forrner's father, Mrs. WrrY. Austin, B. Line. " Mr. and Mrs. James Finch and two sons, Mr: and Mrs. H. Dunseith and family. of Stratford, spent the week- end at the home of Mr. and Mrs, F. Sturdy. Mr. J. Isbister of Onoway, Mich., and Mr, and Mrs. Colwell and two daughters of Winnipeg, have return- ed home after visiting with Mr. and "Mrs.. Wm. Isbister, Mr, and Mrs. Coates of Flint, Mich. Mr, and Mrs. Allen of Auburn, and Mr. and Mrs. Stalker of Blyth, were week -End visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs• D, Geddes. R, N. Armstrong, representative g'Loottit, for Ontario Home and. Farm Agency at Wingham, reports the sale of Mrs. " Luella Cole's farm near Blyth to 112r, Jack Berman, of Windsor. Mr, and Mrs. L K. Stewart of Buf- falo, N, Y., and Mrs, Ntcherson and son Donald, areguests at the home ,. of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Henderson, ister T.he • Maples , Bluevale P. Rev. J. F. and Mrs. Dingman of Dresden, were guests this week' of. their friends, Miss Fisher and Mrs. C. C. Hanna: Mr. Din man occu i g ped the pulpit of the Baptist church on Sunday evening. A very pleasant afternoon was spent in at the home of Mrs, Thos, Elliott with a few neighbors and friends• w g luncheon was nerved Wednes- day afternoon, August 19th, Mrs- cured Goldman, sister • of Mrs. Elliott being deposits. guest of honor. Mrs. Goldman is leaving fox- her home in New York the on Tuesday, August 25th, after spend'- of summer the St rimer months here, redistribution Mr, and Mrs. Malcolm Ross of: with .Whitechurch, Ont,, announce the en- from gager enc of their daughter, Kath- tition leen Jemima (Kay) Terriff, to Rev. :err: Graydon Otto .Cox, B.A., of I'atig- Liberal man, Saskatchewan, eldest sots of Mr. were arid Mrs. David A. Cox, Palmerston, pointments Ont,, the marriage to. take place at Conservatives' Westminster -Central 'United Church, . bet Toronto, at 4 o'clock on Saturday, tore, September 5th. reel Carnival which. is to on Thursday Even- tuber 17th, and'which was 1 in last week's issue o#this well under way. The ver. well wa arestriving to make a most successful one derived from it will sous contribution 'towardAitken, r o an X -Ray equipment nrent Y q P hospital: pected that a record atter- participate in the fun that for that occasion. o is being spared to give the maximumg amount of enter-:�:: for the��s=s' small admission twenty-five cents: Accord- o that�horn have been laid, blocks on the main street off for the the treet Carnival that Win Wing- Early in the �ev- parade will the younger folk will and will beheaded bytheTOTEESWATERROADMrs.:CBowden, C tlzh enC Bas s nd., In con- « ththisarade. P a butlesque be staged corn osed of the P of Town and in additionma is been arranged. g g also be several midway While definite arrange- : not yet been made re e orchestras for the Banc will be at least two orches- _the old tune dancingand or the popular dances, In with the dancing, there vela Souvenir Dance at el- kwhich; ,will, no doubt, be to •ever bod -everybody. ice sale of tickets for this be conducted.. Remember y -five cents buys your ad- ket into the Carnival and i to all the dancing you P.M. till 1 A.M.-four ing for twenty-five cents. ;don ticket will bear will entitle the holder on a draw for three prizes be announced and display- r date. e date open -September of rain the carnival will following night), Secure early ' for the biggest orth of entertainment you and at the same time the work of the local Commerce, r be Com plete arrangements' have been made £or the of the fam- em comedy"Caporal Ea en" to stagedon Sept 10 g p . and 11, in the town hall: The production is somethingen tirely new and different in the'man- so Wer of clean, patroitic community- pan- « •. tecta nrnent, Corporal Engen has a coast-to-coast record of large and forZool: appreciative audiences ,and unusual] good press reports. The production will be offered by100 local people using elaborate costuming and scenic effects ;,..- Indica i tons point to a very success fol:}�. showing of the production Winh}:i am as• has been the e..b g casethr o d-oilk- hoe r• t the entire t ,.co country. g If want Y you an to laugh, see "Corporal ,, g , rpo al Engen at the town hall w al on Sept, 10 and 11, and watch for particulars in regard to theP g cast and rehearsals.. Members of the Wingham Horti- 8 Society are invited to display p; early autumn blooms in the win- of Mr, A. J. Walker on Friday 4. Any - one having flow- x h i - • b i to Exhibit kindly bring same in and with name of flower exhibitor attached not later than am. on Friday; Sept„ 4. A splen. window display is expected, The members of Wingham Orange g b Lodge, assisted by visiting y brethren,, numbering about ni•nety, observed annual decoratioi and memorial ser- vice on Sunday at the Wingham cern- g i etery. Owing to a funeral being held the same afternoon theparade was held one hour later than scheduled. Deputy Master T. Robertson was in. charge of the service at the cemetery, and following the reading of the nam- es of over one hundred of the depart- ed brethren by Past Master Copeland,Lata the graves were decorated bythe cin a of cut flower q s on the e >� v s. The hem memorial 1 addre s was s deliver- ed byRev. Bro Button n of or F dw'ch and was one, of the finest ever listen- ed to by the Orange Order on suchan occasion: Bro; Button:very feelingly brought back to memory the sacrifice crifica of our fathers, and believing that all take God's Acre as s beingholy ground pleaded with th brethren totake offTrig the shoesof indifference. On returning to thea. lodge hail County Master Stewart took charge g and a heartyt vote of thanks was tend- e Rev. Bro. d Button for hise'- ace]- lent discourse. '"" 308 papers were wt ed with 84 first class onds, 43 thirds and 9 ing an average of 879 g Missi Kate King obt est standing in the : first ancrofits rs class honors . Dorothy -M ` ?: Aitken,Mario - in Co. Geom. C,Trig. C Bol g ' Arbuckle,:Dan-Alg. A. 1, L at, C 1, I 1. Bell - n , A nee Li , ;2 i A Lat. C. 1, F• 2, x. $rackenbur Jack -- , 'J C Tr" g, 1. - Ida Comp. C, Z . 2 P�. Geom. 1, T Zool. 2 Ph s. 3 Chem _ Y + Buswell, En 1 -verheld. Trig. 3, Cope land; Jean -Cox 1:: Coulter a. -Com Coutts Carmen -Get Bot 3, Zool 2, Fr. A. C Coutts .Nor - M: Geom; Bat. 'C, Zoo Lat. A. 2, Lat. C C, C 2. Cunningham, Beryl- 3, Tri2, g. 1, Bot. Zoc Chem, 2. DeansLeona-Comp Dickson, Hilton -Lit, AIg. 1, Geotel. C, Tri Zool. C, Chem. C. Dow, Nettie - Con Tri C. g, Fell, Fairy- iVf, H. Zool, C, Phys. C Chei Fitch, Lyle -Comp, 1 1, Zooi. C. Fowler, Isobel -Corn Trig. 3. Fox, Bruce -Lit, C, 1 2, Bot, 3, Zooh C Phys. Fry, CatherLo een-C Gilkinson, Loreen-C 2, Gurney, Wallace -M. Geom. 2, Phys, C, Chem Hastie, Reta-Comp. I. 1 Henderson, Arthur oc 1, Geom. 1, Bot. 1, Zoo Chem. 1, Lat. A. 1, Lat 1 Fr, C. 1, Hiscox, Dorothy -M. Ge onh 1, Bot. 1; Zooi, Chem. 1 Lat, A. 1, Lat. 3, Fr. C 2. Homuth, Eva -Cam p King, Frank -Trig. 1. King, Kate -Comp. 1 H. 1, Geom. 1, Bot. 1, A. 1 Fr. A. 1 Fr. C ' Gr. C 2. King Kate -Comp. 1 g p 1, Geom, 1, Bot, 1, Zoc 1, Lat, C: 1, Fr. A. 1, A. 2, Gr. C. 2. hing, Mary - M. Geam, 1, Plot. 2, Zeal. Chem, 1, Lat. A. 1, Lat. 1 Fr. C. 1, LanE Melda-Com . P Little, Chrissie -Com M. H. 1, Alg. 3, Geom. Lat. C. C, Fr: A. 3, Fr. Agnes- Co Trig. 1. McDonald, Douglas-( 3, Bot. C Zooi. 3, Mcliibbon, Jack-- Lit. Trig. C McLeod Don.--Alg. , Mitchell, Jean- Comm Trig. 1. a Mitchell, Mary -M. I8 Geom. C, -Biot, C, Zool 3 Mulvey, Stewart-Phy C, , Munn, 112arion-.Ltt, 3; C, Geom. 3 Zool. C,Lai , C. Isobel -Lit. Proctor, Edna -Lit. C 2, Geoni C Bot. . ' C. C: Proctor, Marg. -Lit, Reid, Jim --Bot. 2, Zool Robertson Agnes -Co g M. H. C, Gem, 1, I fir. A. C, Fr, C, 2, Dorothy A Bat: 1,Zool: 1,Phys. �' A, 3, Lat. C. 1. R.obtnsan Ritth-y-Geoir 2, Phys C; Chem. Sheriff, Vera I,it. C. . . Shtoll, Alberta -Comp. g C. Ke the h- l , i ti Ag, - - '- . Tiffin, Jae Coitip. C, C I3 yW air 4W Tiffin, Olive -Comp, 1. Walker, F.etty Conn •,,,� " -• •-•:� ,. ,; : ::>:;;: :•«,•<;#.•: s:.c::»: :..,a«;>;,.,..::•;::: •�,:,;.pia c:.;. / }: %..• :•.f. • !graves. •Lat: r• .� :r <.},.. -.-/.Y •'•s<:z:''''t#E:'.i ;...:;:.;.'.; .;,:..:},;;:;•;;;;- ,:......:..:::;:•::::::::::}.: }}:;.:>::•>;;}} ..: „:,;::,,, ;;,;,;,,;,,,,,; ,Brill, „A<:::;:;;:z;z<;;;,;.;.:�y,:;:.: « `.... z�>�<�����<`: •: • :::• •:.:: •.�:::::::: �. : '.It>s%z:z: :::;.:;:a..}::>�:::•;;::.• :}•: }:::.:'.}:.•:•�.:::::-..:,,;;«•:;:<:«.::•::•::•>.-:;-» . ;;>:•.:;�•<s:<as:a:»;;:«;::::v.:• ::::':::::::::i :;:::;s»::::;::«.:::::: : •.::.:.:;:::::::; :>:::r •.;:};;:•:;.;};}}};:•;,:.::... . ;. •.:.:......... :;:.:.:: :<.:>:::>:•:<•:: •:•:};�:;•=}:}:::;.• :.::�. �`'3i:r'::<:::ss:�:}� ;::::�:;:;:;':. :..: , . ...:.., ;:... ::: ;:`:::::::::::: ��} •••••• "' :z;#'" { :::>:� '� ':. M>� , •>..... a 4• be PAVING ERTENDEDMr. ---- On MondaynightJohnstonoB g rose, of Brantford; who have been a. in p v the King's Highway from Walkerton" west seven and a half miles, received word that their contract had been ex- tended to include the balance of the -distance (about a mule and a .quarter) -Mrs, to the junction, with the road leading. to Teeswater, known as the Teeswat er Gravel. The original contr'dact, terminating at Carter's corner, is nearing comple- tion, Since the 'laying of the . surface commenced, there has been much ac- tivity along this stretch, the cement beingto unloaded from CN,R, cars at the new siding at the point where the railway crossed Durham Road West at Lundy's. Re -construction of this highway hasa provided work fora considerable a number of men, belonging to Walkerton and district, who other- wise might have been on the unem- ployed list, -Walkerton Telescope, Purchased Lots at Point Clark Messrs, W. H. French and D. Ged- des h e av purchased lots at Point Clark, on which they: will build sum- mer cottages. Relieving at Dominion Store Mr. Cam , Abell of Owen Sound is in charge of the Dominion Store dui ing the absence e ce of Mr, Chas. Mason, who is on his holidays. While of duty Charlie has had his tonsils and aden- olds removed. Hensall Wing First Round] Hensall, the winners of the Huron County Baseball League defeated g Stratford in the first round.of the ,,.In.teraned3ate.:...-:p;,..-g... A: --A:- .= in two straight games. The first in Hensall by 4-1 and the second in Stratford b 7 3 Y Grand Showing of Furs Expert Furrier at our store on Fri.- • day, August 28th. Come and see the new styles; they are better values at lower prices than in many seasons, Arrange now to have alterations, re- pairs or remodelling done, at summer prices. KingBros.' • Dr. G T. Christie President of On- On- A ricultural College, Guelph, g a ' P' will open the Wingham Fall Fair October 10th. GAME FOR UNIFORMS exhibition game of baseball will played in the town park on Friday starting at 5.15, when Tees - will oppose the local nine. This first year Wingham has been in for some time and the team practically of juniors has an excellent showing and be in much better shape to _ . _shape �_.. the season next year. The of the team on the field an array of different uniforms, in poor repair is somewhat dis- In order to purchase new which adds prestige to the they are holding this exhibition and the boys are out selling for same. The price of ad- •is small, 25 cents, and evry- should buy a ticket, therby show- the boys" that they appreciate their to provide clean and whole- sport, Bus Service to I:ondon It is expected that a bus service be- tween Wingham and `London will commence about September 1st. Fur ther announcements will be made lat- er regarding schedule, publisher Takes Second Stroke We regret to report that W, Logan Craig, proprietor of the Advance- Times suffered another stroke last week at his summer cottage at Crows Landing on Stoney Loke, where he " has been spending. the•past three months, About a year and a half ago Mr. Craig took his first stroke, but after a short time made marked im- provement and continued to improve until a couple of weeks ago he had discarded his cane, Mr, R A. Currie left immediately with his ambulance on receiving word and brought him to his home on Thursday, As yet little change has been made in condi- tion. resbyterian Anniversary services in connection Presbyterian church, Bel-< be held on Sunday, Sept. and 7 p.m, conducted A. L. Budge of Halters- LerBelgrave boy. Special supplied for the occa- invitation isextended these services. se May Be Started the former lacrosse play- were in Walkerton last tress a game of box `.la- Hanover and Walker- hused were they over the ing that it'is even faster )re action than hockey, a team will be d some exhibi ton games nowave Master Grand recently installed Radion- in our o#five, of Aug. 31st to Sept. have a Specialist conduct- in. our office under our in. Examination by ap- J, A. FOX, Licensed and Drugless Practition- 1, Wingham. Pretty Girl (at florist's) -"Have you any passion popple?" Elderly Clerk (excitedly) - "Gol ding' Just you wait till I laythese roses down." Registering Mayor has posted notices in for all unemployed of the Muni - to register by Saturday, Aug- 29th: Such questions as to ,beth q are single or married their age occupations, number of depen and how long unemployed are The Township.of Turnberry also registering their unemploy- OBITUARY Robert Adam Walker The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon at two o'clock of Robert Adam Walker, son of the late Mr, and Mrs. Michael Walker of Wawa- nosh, The death took place in St. Joseph's Hospital ou Thursday, in Toronto, following an operation a few days before, The late Mr, Walk- er was in his 61st year and for the past thirty years had been associated with the Supreme Court in Osgoode Hall. Up until the time of his oiler- ation he had been in the best of health and'had just returned home from spending a few days holidays, Sur -C viving are his wife and one daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Harry Rothwell of St Petersburg, Fla., also five brothers one sister, George, Jackson and Mrs E. J. Anderson of Toronto, Wes ley of Goderich, Isaac and Elisha of Wingham. .Funeral service was con - ducted at his late residence, Toronto, evening,' the remains being brought to Wingham for burial and the funeral was conducted from the Al residence of his nephew, A. J. alk- p J W Lata er, Rev, Geor e Kersey of the United g Church, officiating. Che pallbearers were Four brother s, Jackson, Elisha+ Isaac, Wesley and A. A, Fleming of 3, Chatham and MnMorrison of Lon- 1, don.Robertson, .-^-- GOVT. ' SWEEPS GGEBEC ENTERTAIN BELGRAVE WOMEN'SINSTITUTE only Liberal Government in Dominion of Canada on Monday what was regarded as a cilli- and came through with the impressive mandate it has ever from the electorate, L A. Taschereate Prime Min- of the Province of Quebec since led the Liberal forces to a'vic- in which 79 members of his partyand elected as against 11 Conserve- The opposition not onlyyfailed its representation in the Assembly but its leader, Caniliien Houde,, was defeatedNnrtrop, Marie and St. Ames, both fames, seats, single representative of tutu or Independent candidates se _ election and several lost their Gains and . losses in old were about evenly divided but Liberal p party reca cured all five new seats created by the last of constitutuencies and the -.capture of ;Maisonneuve Labor, increased their,represen- in the Legislature by6 rneiiib- SgZool. At dissolution there were 73 four e seats althoughfot� of these vacant owing to deaths and ap- to the Upper House. The held 11, the gine nutn- will have in the new le Isla- :Lit, g while William Tremblay held as a Labor rneinber, Mrs. Robert McCrea entertained the .members of the Belgrave Wom- en's Institute at her .home in Landes- boro on Tuesday, August 18th, where a very enjoyable meeting was held. There were sixteen ladies present and two new member's were enrolled. The , president, ' Mrs. C. R. Coulteswas .in charge of the meeting. The roll « call was responded to with a' Current Event." Arrangements were made for -a very unique roll.call for September in the form of. an exchange of "bulbs, - slips Vand seeds". Miss Nora Van . Cam was p put ill charge of this ex- change and each one interested isask' ed to make out a list ofwhat theywhere can give, also of what they should; like to :receive and hand it to Miss VanCarnp, in order;•that the exchange Wray be conducted with as much sat- isfaction and as little confusion as possible.ing A delightful paper was given by Mrs. amus Taylor, entitled "Step- J Y , , Sen ping Stones to Healltll and Happe- reuse", in which many beautiful thou- ghts were expressed, 'A vocal solo g P was given by Cela Coulter, after which the Meeting 'closed with the national anthem: Lunch was served of sandwiches, take, tea and lemonade by the hostess assisted 'by, Mrs, Nor- man Walsh and•Mrs. John VanCanip, AND PERSONAL r Cam belle of Detroit, p Is int non ow Sunday. Bender of Listowel, was he home of Mr: and Mrs.'; n t Kernp, R.N., of Listow-scat this week of her sister, 2rs; A. A. Fleming and of Chatham, are visiting in town. :rs. James Kerr and soil Coronto, are Visiting at Mr. and Mrs. G. I.. Bak- ie Wheatley of Seaforth, ..s, frothy -Craig of Auburn, :els at the home of Mrs• 2, Trig. 1. Lat. Webster, Dorene --Lit, 8, M. H. 2, Geom. 2, Tri 1,Bot. 3,Zool, 2 Fr. A..3, 'Fr, C. 3: Webster, Jean --• Comp. 2, Lit, 1, Trig'. 1; Trig. Wilson Hazel- M. 13 C,Alg. 1,Somers Wilson, g' Geom, C,Bot. u, Zo l'Client :- Zool. C, C ie n. 2, A 3 Lat. Comp. C, Fr. A. C,1,Geom. , p Fr. C. 3. ` Zurbrigg, Rdith-Conip. 3, Lit. C. L FOR 19i3I. itten, 267 pas:n honors, 49 sec - 1 credits, mak- aired the high - oral witlt tett 2 seconds. H. 2, Bot. Ce. np. C, Alg. 3` 3, Zool C. 1, Geom. 1e r: A. 1, Fr. C. it g. 1, GEoilt 1, A .3, Fr. C.1;, Corti 2, . Lit t; Lit. 1, M. H. rig. 1 , Bot. 1,. 2. H C, Alg..'G„ p. 3, Lit. G,:_ . 1, Trig. 1. m. C, Trig. 2 , Fr. Comp; C. H. 2, Alg. . 3, Chem. Ce Fr- A. 2, Fr. Lit. C, M. H. i1 C, Phys. 3, C. C, M. H. C, 2, Bot. C, p. 1, Lit. C, C, Geom. 1, i. C. Lit. C, Trig. p. 1, Lit. C, 4. H. C, A•lg. C, Chun. C. C, Lit. C ornp. C, Lit, H. 3, Alg. 2, 2. , Lit. 3, Trig. I. H. 1, Alg. 1. 2, Phys. 2, C. 1, Fr. A. H. 3, Alg. 2, 1, Phys. 2, C. 2, Fr. A. 1, Lit. C. , Lit. 1, M. Zooi, 1, Lat. 1, Gr. A 2, Lit. 1, M. H. 01. 1, Lat. A. Fr. C 1, Gr. H 1, Alg. 1, 2, Phys. 3, C. 1, Fr. A. 3, Lit C. p. 3, Lit. C C,Lat. A,C, C.2. Corn 3, Lit, 2, amp. 2, Lit. C, M. H. 2, Fr. A. C. C, Lit. 3, , 2, Alg. 3, C, Chem. Alg, C, Rot.. A. C, Lat. 2, Trig. 2, , .M, H, C, C, Zool, , Trig. 2. 1, Chem.:1, mp. C, Lit. ot, 2, Zooi: lg. 1, Geom. C, Chem, L : 1, Bot 3, C, Lit, 1. Liit. C, Ault. 3, Lit. 3a,