HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-08-13, Page 4iilt�ll>r111iM111>�Ilid�llll�iil�lll�ltl IH�II Ilii Ii�iNl 111111;5111li1t1111f1M11 il1:1111 IIIM9ii(biliellll Summer Toilet Com. s Sale , TH:h INGHAM ADVANCE -TTM, 5 Thursday, August I3tl]i, 1931' IP 1 IiI H IR Walter \Tau\\'yck and his Novelty jg coin:mittce who had charge of the dance at the Arena.. A record.crowd of young people attended. ea,13111"; Haney and Iris. Parking <and (The Low Cost of GoQ1 Looks) Police ::committee, Never was a re- al cord crowd more ordeely. "Care and Summer is here once more bringing you the ! Courtesy'' was the. motto:' Nat a aYyllufll opportunity to secure beauty aids at these wurd of discordetas heard and a'vasi low prices. Each item represents a substantlaiisav- = speed. from the park without block- lilg to you. DURING MONTH OF AUGUST McKI BON'S DRUG STORE winghara rte4,74, s1 Phone 53 a assemblage of cars was cleared with ade or accident. cam- *: L. Fry, in and his Property co - LI mittee who took care of °the accom- iirt tnodation for the visiting bands. — Chairs and music stands were provid- tY! ed onthe platform in the park and a splendidly arranged lunch was sup- plied at the Armouries after the _e- show, MI The Wingham Advance -Times p i11011111311121111�111R111�111ffiII1911111e11f1H0110111101111d11111114111112111111111111111§1111 whose powerful advertising value was amply demonstrated by the crowd t irt. St, mmv,.[4,mr,m9.. tgstkAlm • • .t..mnlS�J3+.sty,\v4A,,T,tmop , * yew :LP RI, -, • a t i BRING RESULTS If cents a word per insertion with a minisnuxn charge of 25c, vii—Ei Tensf1 $Y*I:Y/pSYil'BYli:f iteinnee erenes aha lontrsetrienieiral zMiniitri . r 4 4 4 yY EL 4 4 FARM FOR SALE --A choice 100 - acre farm, seven miles from Wing ham having good house, and large barn with stabbling under. A clean farm, well watered, drained and fenced. Five acres good hardwood bush, balance of land all in grass at present. Best of reasons for selling. Abner Cosens; Insurance and Real Estate, Wingharri. FOR SALE — \fcClary. Electric Range. Cheap, on easy terms. In excellent condition. Apply to W. G. Gray, FOR. RENT—Furnished Cottage, in the "Alps", Culross, for remainder of season. Apply Frank P. Moore, Teeswater, Box '346, Phone 65j. FOR SALE—Iris Roots„ One hun- dred named varieties. Perennials, large assortment, 10c up. Phone or mail orders filled, Mrs. James McGill, Blyth, Phone 11-7 Blyth. FOR RENT—:roomed house, with stable, garage and garden, near the Foundry, Winghasn. Or wile lease for year to responsible party. Har- vey N iii: ins, 22 Myrtle Crescent, Long Branch. RECORD CROWD present. Dr. Geo, H. Ross and his Finance committee who turned over a check to the Citizens' Band for $163,37, the net proceeds from the event. G. L, Baker and his committee on decoration, whose requests to the merchants to decorate their windows specially and put out their flags met with a hearty response and resulted. in the town looking its smartest. Geo, Robinson of Belgrave, the holder of the lucky ticket which car- ried off the radio prize. Last but not least to all the Bands present for the splendid music they rendered and to Bandmaster Schatte whose leading of the massed bands was effective. AT BAND TATTOO Thanks Are Due To Sixty , odd members of the Cham- (Continued from page one) ber of Commerce who worked on var- Ili Herb Campbell, Chairman of the '°us committee.s to make the Tattoo Citizens' Band Committee of the Winghain Chamber of Commerce, whose organizing ability was again demonstrated. AIf. Lockridge and his committee handled the parade from the school to the park. There was no fuss or fumble. Everybody knew just what to do. Alf, Lackridge and his committee who so successfully handled the re- cord crowd at the gates, keeping ev- erybodv in good .humor by the speed with which the tickets were sold and cars cleared_ Bert Porter and his Grounds Com- mittee who made such splendid pro- vision for the Platform and seating arrangements. Fred Fuller and his Fireworks com- mittee for the best display of fire - a success. The Wellington Produce Co., who catered to the demands of the inner man with a wide variety of desirable goodies at the booths. The ladies of the town who gave generously of cake and sandwiches for the Iunch of the visiting bands- men. Mrs. Herb Campbell and her com- mittee of ladies who arranged the luncheon in the armouries and saw to it that the bandsmen were properly served. Mr. Geo, T. Robertson who donat- ed the use of his •truck to haul chairs to and from the park. Lloyd's, Western Foundry and Fry & Blackhall who supplied help to build platform and seats. Merchants of town who gave su- works seen; here in many .a day., gar, tea, coffee, paper plates, paper, etc„ for the bandsmen's luncheon: Mayor Fells and the stranger from NOTICE the audience who settled who should have the radio prize. Mayor Fells' remarks of welcome to the visiting LOST—A brown and white terrier, Voter's List, 1931. Township of with city of Chatham tag. Finder Turnberay, County of Huron, please notify G. L. Baker. Phone'; -Notice is hereby given that I have 0 0 11 0 0 0 A GUS CLEARANCE SALE CONTINUED COTTON SHEETS Splendid firmly woven Cotton Sheets, in double bed size, three inch top hem 9 anti pure white. Each PILLOW CASES 40 and 42 inch Pillow Cases, pure white, strong cotton, good weight, for r� hard wear, plain hems, reg. 29c, Ea. G.r 3C HARD WEARING PRINTS A large assortment of patterns for house dresses, children's dresses, aprons, etc., fine dose weaves! and fast colors that will stand wear and repeated washings 1 r7 Reg. 25c, Yard .1 0 ROCK FAST DRILLS For men's hard wearing work shirts, splen- did range of dark grounds with white patterns, 29 inches wide, Yd. s7 FINE NAINSOOK In. all new pastel colors for fine underwear, slips, kiddies' wear, etc., fine soft, close weave, 36 inches wide, Yard 1 9c M OUT THEY GO SU MER DRESSES Regular Prices 4.50, 635, 7.75,11.75 NOW HALF THESE PRICES Final clearance of summer dresses many of which; can be worn as an early fall dress, stylish; plain or printed celanese crepe that launders beautifully, others are all silk crepe, having touehes of embroidery, some Jacket Ensembles at Half Price. SOCKS FOR CHILDREN Fine ribbed rayon plated socks for kiddies. These socks outwear three pair so-called cheap socks, they also keep their shape and colors. Pair 29 C BROCADED TABLE COVERS Three good patterns in oicloth tablecov- ers, regular quality muslin, slight defects in pattern only. Size 54 inches P7ela square. Each .....1 Zit: BOYS' WOOL JERSEYS Boys like these popular Jerseys, the price is low, knit from all wool yarns in black, crest on front, crew neck, ' Reg. on $1.25 Each 4� BOYS' COTTON JERSEYS Knit from strong cotton yarns, that wash, and give hard wear, all sizes, reg. 4e 49c. Each BARGAIN BASEMENT Items Good quality blue willow cups and Mc saucers. Cup and saucer, each ........., a C 79c Earthenware Tea Pots, strong handle and spout, blue trimmed, four or 49 five can size. Each ...-_- LOOK FOR THE AUGUST PRICE CARDS DISPLAYED THROUGH -OUT STORE THEY SAVE YOU MONEY. -- THESE SPECIALS ADDED FOR FRI. AND SAT. an folJ o n 0 0 0• Q 0 ll get cross, lowed by antagonistic plenty of training stares from strangers at Mr. Cosens "Dad, I like the clowns best, don't and shy smile$a from those who know Mr. Nortrop, Mr. Cosens in reply, "Here, do you want these other five tickets, I never was husky anyhow." "Mummy, what is fireworks? Will 'ey bite? Will they mummy? Oooh mummy! I'in cared. Cum on home. like a million dollars!" I won't cry if you get me a cone, mummy!'" "Gee! isn't that Robinson guy. lucky! I'll bet he lives on some back "Well, it's quite a success, isn't it." concession where they won't hare hydro for ten years. Wonder what hell do with his radio then!" UNITED CHURCH. "Don't you think W ngham Band W. M. S. MEETING is the best? I do! Say, but those uniforms are smart. I'll bet this is The regular monthly meeting of you?" "Nae Donald, dinna ye ken, ther's nae laddies like yon kitties." "Well, it's the biggest quarter's worth I've had for a long time." "How does Blyth keep their horns so dean! Don't those big ones look "Does Schatte lead the Lncknow Bandtoo? You could hardly tell them from Wingham!" po n s or 1, 73 eggs. The hens in the pens in the next four places each laid quite a few more eggs, 1,460; 1,349, 1,477 and 1,433 respectively by size and weight made all the differ- ence between leading and following. The best individual performance to date is a score of 207.7 points for 181 eggs; with the exception of the bird in second place those occupying the next four positions in the con- test have each laid more eggs than the two faders, but they have not counted for as much.—Dept, of Agri- culture, Ottawa. BIRTHS Colborne—In Mringharn, on Prides-, August 7t,1s931,toDr. H,W.and. bandsmen, the crowds of spectators la big day for Bandmaster Schallerthe W.M.S. of the United church wash and his thanks to the Chamber of "Mumma", will you net me a kilt held in the church parlors 9n Tues- \l rs. Colborne, a son — Robert - - � Brady. IVOTERS' LISTACTand that II And to al] others who in any cap -;Mummy;" ling into consideration the holiday Ernest— t' n In win h 4i. ! complied with section 7 of THE Commerce were much appreciated.like Anne i�anW c you k's? \Viii • eh? day afternoon of last week and t ak- STRAYED—Front the farm of John Mundell, Blues -ale. aged bay mare,. with one white hind loot. Anyone knowing of whereabouts kindly no- tify Advance -Times c,r Buetiale Post Office. have posted up a� nt - ofrace in T 2 -tint achy gave of their tune ability or "Daddy, when I get big can I be +season and the warm weather, there aro, an 1 berry, on the ' 0th day of July, 1931, + August 11th, 1931, to Mr. the list of all persons entitled to trate `means to the success of the occasion, leader of the band. I'm goin' to be, were twenty-five ladies present. The ,Tack Ernest. „ a daughter. in the said municipal elections and 1 Overheard at The -Band Tattoo daddy'' meeting was presided over by 'Mrs_ that such list remain: there for in-' aren't the Goderich Boys wonder- "Boy, but these planks are hard! ; \f• Griffin, and after the opening the And I hereby call vnpon all voter- ml If Sou to e't looking you'd im glad I don't occupy standing Lords Prayer was repeated in am tional Er:hrbrtrau . i e a tion, t r.n n u HOLIDAYS PASS Tuesday, and Mrs. America and United States wileebe prominent at this year's Canadian Na - classes are slated to resume on Tues- day, September 1st. That is only two and a half weeks away. The past few years the autumn term has opened on the Tuesday fol- lowing Labor Day, always observed on the first Monday in September, but the 1931 calendar for that month shows four days which may be devot- ed to re -organization and teaching purposes before Labor Day. Schools -will be closed, of course, on Mon- day the 7th, but the following day, the September - October -November- real '"grind" will commence in. real earnest. An Amateur Swim of one and a half miles for boys, and of one mile for girls, for Canadian Champion- ships, are carded on the Canadian N tional Exhibition aquatic programme' Exhibits from Great Britain, Cuba, France, Bermuda, Mexico, India, S. think xt utas on- of the senior band,." room though." uson nate any errors o tell Bandmaster Hucktus certainly ltas \\ell, it's s mighty nice to thunk that ;scripture lesson and gave a talk on a .e ane- err tis lar:, the .last day for!done wonders with inose bores 'ince Bald Huron will be represented with `the Bible after which airs. George RE -OPENS SEPT. 1' An information. booth for the free ,t , Toronto.• WANTED—Man or woman to tray el and appoint agents for old e tub-;- g dissemination of descriptive literature iished house in business in T�,rtibn.u; appeal being the 20th day of August.. last Netember, It Was an fully de- a Band at the C\ E, I hope Goderich {Mason offered prayer, tris. Peter Th 3 ' 343.1 The school take .immediate proceedings te Ir;, J. Dennison read the QUICKLY, SCHOOL a r omussuorts correct- " taca•rsan laver rorty years" For terns and - 1 C Dated, Clerk's Office, the 90th Azov o: pers��na1 interview with one sae cur hay 1031 ou b enec One cd the visiting bandsmen, "Tire best Tattoo I was ever at."p ;cent of him to offer to bring the - wins a Prize, don't you?" Gowans'reed a leaflet an "Savingthe is Passing en- on theCanadian National Exhibition "What Church" eed an how itn'citing joyably for teachers and pupils alike, and a directory of a roved riv to boy: along, especialTj- when traui.por- � a erovad. Everybody and g p it PP privet( lthieir aunt must be !ogre! What magic was tc not only have interest in the does this Chamber of Commerce out- .church, but all other enterprises, 'firs. fit use anyhow?" Tames Gilmour, anyhow?" �. ,group ..leader, took u Mr, Nortrop, as a police, to Mr.' "Doesn't that Hanover Bandmaster the study, "Africa," and gave a com- tit ?ton qu3rckl? ! homes for visitors has been o • traveller write Dep r• 1\T -S, \�Tixt-'; \\ R tirruik:han,,. Clerk, itati.,n is hard to ret."p Ston Co., ?',r`'n"''This is the 6th of August, and the at 5 Front Street East, Toronto, \'inghatu], Ontario.. WE CAN SUPPLY WOOD weekly during the summer. Hardwood is NOTICE now cheaper than hard coal, why not use it and keep your dollars at home in. Ontario. We Will meas- Voters' Lists, 1931. Town of -T. tare your stove and cut wood to ha. Cuunt', of Huron Sons, The Wawanda Farms. c,'mpalied with section '7 of THE un any stove. %{ triun and • Notice is hereby given that I have • VOTERS' LISTS ACT and that I CARD OF THANKS have p,o_ted up at my office at the Town Hall. t ineharxt on the 31st Mrs. P. H. Baker and family wish sons entitled to vote in the said muni- fa thank their their friends neighbours e,. durumg their re , eaa- suet, list retrains there e.c for who so kindly , loaned their cars and And I hereby tail upon all -roters for the bewailed floral tributes. I to take immediate proceedings to , !.are any er. •rs or. omissions correct- , ed accordion to law, the'last day for appeal being the 22nd day of August, 1931. tsnasli, Comity of Hurp:i, Dated, Clerk's Office, the .31st day of iuly, 1931_ Notice is hereby': given that I have ` • W. A. Galbraith, Clerk, complied with Seetton7 of the reit- \\iingham, Ontario., oars' Lists Act and that 3 have pasted tip at my office, Lot 34, Cencessiou J, on the 7th tear el kocust, 1931, dab er July, 1931, the list of ail per andeighbours capality at ntutucitnal elections and Tor act: of kindness _ cent sad bereavement, also to these ' ' x' pect7e+n. • NOTICE ear,, List. 1931. Township s the list of all persons entitled to vote xrt the said Municipality. for members of Parliament and at Municipal elec- tion, and that such list remains there for inspection: And I hereby call upon .all voters to a' take immediate o en.eidiag, ..o Trate any errors ger emissions correet- ed according to lawthe last day for aappeal beine the 29ih day of August, 1931. Dated at Ili laityy of y thin Sth tea :+Azfrnst, 1931. Alex. Porterfield, Clerk, Accounts Collected lc,0 East Wa:uarosh_ - R. C. ARMSTRON1 LIVE STOC3 And GENERAL AUCTIONEER � bthty with special training en- I 'aI b e�s me to o 8z u sa`asf y actaon, Ar rangettents arcade with W. J..:'f3rowm,, Wingham; er direct to Tees -cater. Phone 45r2-2, e Cosens. -Did I see you coming in 'hook like a Duke or something? Boy, prehensive Wrap talk, stating that one through the canvas?"' This vert loud the way those fellow play they must of the great needs of Africa was the • translating of the Bible into their dif- ferent languages, the lack of which ASNAP we must study the Bible at home as well as in Africa, Mrs- J. Wilson was ' the heraId for the day and gave ex- tracts from different sources, telling From Headaches of the latest news of the mission work there. An instrumental by Miss Tena Colds iJ� and Sore Ttwat Reid was much enjoyed, after which �E the me e1 rkis,r Neuralgia u eting was brought to a close by -, ,lreptating the benediction, E `had been the downfall of Christianity lore than once. If we are to succeed FOR QUICK SALE 1930 Pontiac Coach, ire per- fect condition under 10,000' miles. driven carefully, never been in a garage for repairs. If you want a real buy, make ate first offer. A. G. SMITH 40 Burnaby Blvd., Toronto, NOTICE TO OWNERS OF TRACTORS NOTICE TO WATER USERS August 1st, 1931, tl still be imposed on all not paid by the 2fts, which the acccunt place :bo ccessful collect- t the disposal o'1 ccottnts, us. 1•Yalit7'M Ngo vehicle shall be, operated or ab- et moved over or upon any high- iy with any flange, rib. daatp or tzar device attached to its wheels, r tirade a part thereof, which will; jure the highway. T. R. Patterson, County Engine MATT« GAMER. AUCTIONEER tie 21 or 64 ticTasxi r.1 tried to anywhere. Birp i accuracy .its Valst tiokt -at d" tart put forth to aware you eaOhl tale. Don't be a chromic sufferer front besidaches or any other pain, Theta Is ;hardly an athe or pain Bayer Aspirin tablets can't relieve,. they lire ffi great comfort he wtmen who suffer periodically., They are always to be relied on for brealing up colds. It may be only.asimple headache; or it may be neuralgia or neuritis! rheumatism.. Bayes Aspirin is stir the sensible thing to take. Just "Y e certain .it's: Bayer you're taking/ Trade on Certificates One of the most important develop ments in connection with the poultry grading work of the federal Depart anent of Agriculture is the extent to which the certificate of, inspection is accepted byT wholesale distributors, s= banks and others interested in uta: MEW Mlitial sr via usiwnsionste Fit at R N 1 Rankle 1i � nange ofIia � r.:us Having changed the grocery part of our busi- to a l� s � in 15 i]Iie. Our grocerylfl prices will correspond with those:I quoted by Superior Chain Stores in the London $ Daily Papers everyThursday, day, which sets the price for. the week. m • ness cash basis we are able to pass on to you !� sai7I'�" the i A SHARE OF YOUR PATRONAGE a IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED Prevailing Market Prices ` es will be paid for Eggs. � C. H. WADE II a ■ e t ! tare a ss It does not hart the heart« t the I msruement and sale of pauitrti=, as a ••mamemaiANiw�NIMin � genuine tablets, in tars fanYif f3 � ;at basis xor. trad]ns;�. , Sao , hi h has � ; • , _ g the 1t 1 II1i 1 Li11 .i�,i lMll1* J (rt for the ilfit. i.>s package 1f11r 1 pocket. i� Ili !N litir111�itliltl!I�IIJ!•illl!1�11 MIIIiIH■111r 1 ARE rel f,, i+ 9 11 �. p? '^iY! �i3il¢�8"1 f:.13 ,, (11 {' standard: of efficiency been tnaintain- a 1 ed .throughout the work of poultry SPECIAL CAS S .��IPRICES ,grading that the certificate of itaspec .... tion is accepted at its full worth a 'a guarantee of quality as to the pro- duct' to which it relates. This holds trace with all fariaa products graded ,in accordance with federal standard's wand inspected by tha federal inspec- (iron service. Big Eggs a V For Saturday, Aug. Shoithietsi whale„ m; all roll, lb; _ . .•. . �{Ic Home-made Pork Sausage rjirits Goldin Net Red Salmon, largetire: -Illy reports of scoring in the t Egg Laying Contest at Ot tato show sonte interesting tidings•. The leading pen to date is No. 46, to "fed by T. Barron, with 1,,4 g.1 Leg of Spring Lanib, lb. Lamb Chop, lb°Ib .,.....-.-....,1$c Breast of Lam Shoulder Roast of Lamb, lb 22c Back Bacon, itt piece, lb. 38c Back Bacon, sliced, lb..,..... ,680 Cured Cottage Rolls in whole small' tint .,. . 3 r or half roll, .FIELD &. co. ]Hong 35 rli>�i{li�i19�?i1;�11a�11E111R'1I1�31ikJia!�ir►,tllkil111�1] 1NA�I1lM]1iNi111i�11111�t1i�111�111111i111b1111� 1 1