HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-08-13, Page 3Salado' Oran ;. a Pekoe has
a most fascinating flavour
'fresh from the gardens'
WESTERN FAIR Residents throughout Ontario are
SEPT. Toth — 19th cordially invited to attend the Wes-
tern .Fair this year and enjoy one of
the biggest shows that. London has
Officials of the. Western Fair at
London have already started prepar-
ations, for the great Annual Exhibi-
tion, which this year is to be held be-
tween September 14th and 19th. This
is perhaps the earliest in history that
plans have been started for this sec-
ond largest Canadian Fair.
Thisyear, according to W. D.
Jackson, secretary of the Fair Board,
there will be over $50,000 spent in
prizes and attractions. The prize
Bets have already been published and
are larger and more extensive than
in previous years and offer the wid-
est opportunities for exhibitors in
Agricultural products, live stock,.
poultry, etc.
The Industrial and Commercial ex-
hibits also promise to surpass any-
thing that has gone before and al-
ready reservations are being received
for booth accommodation in .the
splendid new exhibition buildings.
The Midway, this year, and the at-
tractions before the Grand Stand will
he supplied by the famous Wirth &
Hamid, Inc., and the famous Model
Shows of America. These shows have
played all across the United States
and have an enviable reputation as
being among the most entertaining
on the road.
Although the date this year is ra-
ther late, owing to a number of cir-
cumstances, the directors, in view of
the weather for the past number of
years, feel confident that the week of
•the 14th to 19th of September will
bring even better weather and bigger
crowds thin the first two weeks of
the month.
A large crowd was present at Gor-
rie Arena on Tuesday evening of last
week to witness the interesting game.
or horseshoes when the Wingham
Sharpshooters and Gorrie played a
league match. The score was in Gor-r Mrs. C. K. Willimott of Toronto,
rie's favor, being Gorrie 14 games, is visiting her sister, Miss S. Evans,
Wingham 11 games. Those who star- Mr. and Mrs, W. Harvey, of Chats
regi for Wingham were Elliott and worth, visited the Misses Potter, on
Cruikshank, 150 points, Tiffin broth- Monday, who returned home with
appearance .of his ;hot
a new veranda.
Mr: Charles Cooper of Hensall
called on friends in, Gorrie on Mon-
day. It is 31 years since Mr, Coop-
er first left these parts, when he went
to southern Saskatchewan,
Mrs. L F. Ashton left on Thursday
of last week for Edmonton, to visit
her mother, who is quite
About sixty members of the Un-
ited Church Sunday School enjoyed
a picnic at Pilce Lake on Wednesday
of last week,
Mr. Spencer Ashton and mother,
Mrs. R. A. Ashton, motored to Sar-
nia over the week -end, where. Mrs.
Ashton remained and Miss . Beryl
Ashton returned home after spend-
ing her vacation withher sister, Mrs.
Strangway in that city.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson McLaughlin
of Winnipeg, and son, Mr.. and Mrs.
N, McLaughlin of Toronto, called on
Gorrie friends last' week. Mr. Mc-
Laughlin was druggist here some
years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank King and Lor-
ene spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Deyell, in Wingham.
Mr. Jack Maguire of Clifford spent
Sunday at the home of his brother,
Ben Maguire.
Thursday, Angus'
3th, 1931
ers, 123 points, Small and McKay,
121 points. Those who starred for
Gorrie were: Reynolds and son 145
points, 0 Gallaway and W. Downey
144 points; G. Gallaway and L. Hoop-
er 116 points.
The return game will be in Wing -
ham on Wednesday evening, August
Several from nere attended the Ta-
ttoo held in Wingham last week.
Rev. Mr. Hamilton recently, of
Scotland, occupied the pulpit in the
Presbyterian church Sunday.
The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyter-
ian Churchheld a very successful
meeting at the home of Mrs. (Dr:)
Armstrong on Tuesday last.
Mr. Hugh Pritchard has been sup-
plying for his brother, Rev. J. A.
Pritchard at Monkton, who has been
on his vacation.
Mrs. James Hyndman of Kitchen-
er, was a guest recently of Mr, and
Mrs. John Hyndman.
Mrs. John Hyndman is visiting
friends in Toronto week,
George S. King has improved
THE short delay of a flat
tire is made serious
when you have no good
spare. The time to have
your spare repaired is
right away.
A temporary repair will
not last and may damage
your tire. Save your time.
Save your money.
Let us repair your tire
the Goodyear way—with
special Goodyear (mater-
ials--better–less expen-
September 14th t.th
A visit to the Western Fair will repay you in
education, profit and pleasure. Western Ontario's
own exhibition—the onIy exhibition that did not
show a falling -off in attendance last year.
• : rt1 informationWrrtc the Secretary for far
Entries close Sept. • 3rd
them for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs, W. Phair and family
of Toronto, visited the former's mo-
ther, Mrs. ?hair, for a few days.
Misses Anne Douglas and Helen
Mulvey of Belmore, Mrs.' Howard
Wylie of Wingham, also Mrs. Vic-
tor Sher; spent the week -end at
Bruce Beach.
Miss Jeannie Murray is visiting at
the homes of Robert Edgar, William
Doig, Wm. Adams, this week.
Miss Ruth Armstrong of Wingham
and Miss Erma Finch of Toronto,
spent a few days last week with their
friend, Miss Bessie Wylie.
Mr. and Mrs. Greer.Wylie
spent Sunday at the home
John Wylie.
Miss Bessie Wylie is visiting this
week in Wingham.
Mr. and Mrs. Carter McKee and
family of Galt, are visiting at the
home of Miss E. McKee this week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 'Underwood, Mrs.
W. Hays and son, also nephew, Robt.
Galbraith of London, visited on Sun-
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Bolton and Ver-
die of Fordwich, Leon McLaughlin
and Ivliss • Leonora McLaughlin, of
hitchener, were Sunday guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bol-
ton; Miss Leonora will spend this
week in Gorrie.
Mrs. Osborne Edwards and three
sons of Montreal, Mrs. Jack Darroch
of Lakelet, Mrs. Robt. Nay and dau-
ghter, Marion, of Fordwich, visited
with Mr. and Mrs, George King on.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Grainger and Mr.
Nichol spent Sunday in Gnelph.
Mr. and Ivlrs. H. V. Hohnes and
Miss Perkins are visiting this week
at Barrie,
Mr. and Mrs. Knowlson Elliott of.
St. John, N.B., are visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hueston.
Mrs. A. Strong of Hespler, is vis-
iting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. W.
G. Strong. '
Mr. and Mrs, James Edwards and
family spent Sunday in Port Elgin.
Ivl:r•. and Mrs. John Speir and fam-
ily of Brussels were Sunday guests
of Mr, and Mrs. W. Whitfield.
Mr. James Robertson of Hensall,
visited at the home of the Misses
Murray, on Monday.
Born — In Toronto, on Thursday,
August 6th, to Mr, and Mrs. Gordon
M, .Barton, a daughter.
Rev. Harold Johnston and son,
Wallace, of Millbank, called on Mr.
and Mrs. T, O. Johnston, on Mon-
Mr. W. Gallaher received a tele-
gram on Monday of the death of his
father, George Gallaher, who passed
away at the home of his dailghter,
Mrs, W. G, ;;Knox, of Tuxford, Sask.
Funeral arrangements have not been
arranged yet,
Mr, and Mrs, Edgar Higgins and
son, Alvie, of Brussels, were guests
of Mr. and Mrs: W. Gallaher on Strn-
Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Warren of :Ett,
Credit, were Sunday guests of Mr.
and Mrs, W. G. Strong,
Mrs. J. Jackson and sons, John and
Dr. Spence of Winnipeg, also Mrs.
Warlock and grandson, Billy, of Earl
Grey; Sask., were guests last week
of F. C. and Mrs, Taylor,
Mrs. W. P. Schtiock of Ethel spent
the week -enol with her daughter, Mrs.
1445, .Abram.
Miss Margaret Poster, RN Lon -
and son
of Mrs.
600ti Bye
frr riy
and all the little flies
They can't get away, once
they touch Aerozon. There's
something in it that has an
irresistible attraction for these
household pests. A wider and
longer ribbon provides a
greater area, and the . glue
does not dry—good for 3
weeks' service.
At drug, grocery es hardware stores.
Sole Agents:
J. Edgar M. Genest, P. O.
Box 22, Sherbrooke, nue.
Gets the fly every time
don, visited her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Geo. Foster, on Sunday.
The United Church. Ladies' Aid will
meet at the home of Mrs. Robt. Ed-
gar on Thursday, August 20th.
Mr. and Mrs. Miles and son Ron-
ald of Toronto, are visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wade.
The W.M.S. of the United Church
held their regular monthly meeting at
the home of Mrs. John Wylie on
Thursday last, the President, Mrs. R.
Ashton, in the chair. The meeting
opened inthe usual way by singing a
hymn and repeating the Lord's Pray-
er in unison. 'Then Mrs. R. S. Clegg
read the Scripture lesson, followed by
a solo entitled "He Lifted Me" by
Mrs. Watson, after which Mrs. Sim -
son read the leaflet "He had Corn -
passion," and Mrs. T. O. Johnston led
in prayer. Misses Evelyn Stephens
and Pauline Ashton then favored the
meeting with a vocal duet. A very
interesting report of the conference
at St. Thomas was given by Mrs. J.
Gowdy of Salem, followed by a vote
of thanks from Mrs. Johnston and
Mrs. Stevens. The meeting closed
with hymn 362 "Love divine" and
prayer by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Butt.
Next meeting will be at the home of
Mrs. (Dr.) Ramage.
Mrs. Chas. Sutton and Miss Elliott
of Wingham and Miss Holland of
New York, were recent visitors with
Mrs. Wm. Bremner.
Miss Abbie Seip of Seaforth, is a
guest of her friend, Miss Beryl Ash-
ton this week.
Messrs. Arthur Ramage, G. Hall,
Miss Jean McCohnan of Tornburg,
were Sunday guests of Dr, and Mrs.
1. A wide range of excellent courses
in Arts and Science, in Medicine,
in Nursing and in Public I-leaith..
2. Up-to-date buildings and equip-
3. Splendid library Facilities.
4. Physical education, athletics and
military training.
5: An attractive social life.
6. Close personal contact between
professors and students.
7. The .co-operation of the staff in
helping worthy students to get
placed after graduation. 53
F. F. HashMUTH
Phm. $., Opt. D., R. U.
Phone 118 ^ Harriston, Ont.
"The gest Equipped Optical l,s.
tatblishtnent in this part of
Here and There
New Brunswick will have an
open season for partridge shoot-
ing from October 1-15 this year
according to, an order. Issued by
Hon. L. P, D, Tilley, provincial
Minister of Lancia and Mines.
Value last year of Nova Scotia
fisheries was placed at $10,411,-
200, according to a recent Cana -
diem Government report, The
lobster and cod are of chief im-
'Since the Royal Canadian Air
Force made Its first experimental,
flight over Lake Winnipeg in
1922, the total number of photo-
graphs taken from airplanes in
Canada is close to Ira1f a million.
Condemned to the stockyards
three years ago, Cano Paul Bruce,
mature Holstein bula, was recent-
ly crowned grand ctampion Hol-
stein bull of the Calgary stam-
pede and exhibition. He was ac-
quired from his former owner by
the Canadian Pacific Strathmore
farm and won in the railway's
To see his 28 nephews and
nieces in Canada; to return the
visit made him by the Canadian
Bishops last year; and to seethe
Cathedral on Vancouver Island
are the three reasons for the two
months' visit to the Dominion of
His Lorship the Bishop of Lon-
don, Dr. A. E. Winnington-
Ingram, who arrivbd recently
aboard the Duchess of York.
Recent tests of the new mam-
moth Canadian Pacific locomotive
"8000", destined for heavy work
in the Canadian Rockies, have
brought results in excess of the
most sanguine expectations. It
pulled a train weighing 7,961 tons,
almost equal to three normal
trains, from Smiths Falls to
Montreal a distanm of 128 miles,
without a hitch, in 5% hours and
showed over 30% fuel economy.
With a score of 266 in the
aggregate and placed 67th in "the
King's Hundred" as the first
hundred shots in the King's Prize
at Risley are called, Sergeant Ce-
cil William Foam, of Montreal,
has just returned from the fam-
ous rifle shooting meet with
added laurels. He has made his
• place in the "King's Hundred"
every year since 1929 and for the
last ten years has been employed
at the Angus Shops of the Cana-
dian Pacific Railway.
Half -way around the world in
17 days, London. to Yokohama via
Canada and Honolulu, is the rec-
ord of Misr D. Bewley, of London,
who left Southampton July 8 on
the new Empress of Britain, was
rushed to Montreal by boat train
where she boarded the Imperial
Limited for Vancouver. At the
latter port she left on the Em-
press of Canada arriving at Yoko-
hama July 25. The combination
of the two ships' fast time across
the Atlantic and the Pacific
makes this trip a record between
London and the Orient.
Travelling incognito under the
name of Prince and Princess Suk-
hodaya, Their Majesties the King
and, Queen of Siam with a large
suite went across Canada by Can-
adian Pacific from Quebec where
they stayed at the Chateau Fron-
tenac, stopping for a couple of
'weeks at the Banff Springs Hotel
in the heart of the Canadian Roc-
kies, where 1t ey officially opened
the Highland Gathering, then
going onto Vancouver where they
will sail by Canadian Pacific Em-
press of Canada September 12 for
the Orient. They govern a coun-
try of 225.000 square miles with a
pnnnlation of about 11,50.0,.000.
"1 am ordering
Shredded Wheat
for lunch today"
441 don't waste the noon
bour trying to read a long
menu. 1 just say, 'bring
me two Shredded Wheat
Biscuits with a bowl of
half and half and some
berries'. It's a nourishing,
delicious lunch and keeps
me wide awake all the
afternoon. The crisp,flav-
ory shreds of baked wheat
are delicious and 1 know
I am getting all the whole
wheat in a digestible
Made in Canada
with Canadian Wheat
at the home of his daughter, Mrs.
Wm. Knox, .at Tuxford, Sask., with
whom he had been living for the past
few years. Interment will be made in
Gorrie cemetery on arrival of the
body, which is expected the latter
part of this week.
Miss Esther L. Davey of Hamilton
is spending a couple of weeks at the
home of her brother, F. Davey.
T, G. Hemphill and G. S. Smythe
are spending a week at Tobermory.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Elliott, of
New Brunswick, are visiting Mr. El- j
liott's brother, W. T. Elliott. Mr,
Elliott was raised in Gorrie and has
not been back in the past twenty
Miss Minnie Smith, Miss Bertha
Smith and Miss F..lenor Douglas re-
turned a week ago from a motor trip
to Toronto, Galt and other places.
Mr. and Mrs, Austin Martain and
daughter visited at John Douglas' last
week, returning hone Monday mor-
1VIr, and, Ivlrs. R. J, Rann spent the
week -end in 'Toronto.
Harvey Plant of St. Catharines
called on friends here last week,
Rev. T. and Mrs, Stride of Woods -
ley called on friends, while g oing
through the village last week.
Miss Elizabeth Sanderson held a
trousseau tea on Saturday last from
three to six at the home of her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, D. D. Sanderson,
for her intimate lady friends.
Mr, John Gibson and family, of
Toronto motored up and spent Wed-
nesday with friends in town.
The relatives of Mr. George Gall-
aher reeeived word on . Monday of his
death which took, »lace that niorning.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller and family of
London spent a few days with Mr.
and Mrs. Edwin Palmer.
Mr, and Mrs. D. L. Weir and Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Weir motored too
Muskoka for a couple -of days recent
Miss Fern Bennett of Detroit visit-
ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Bennett for a week. •
There was no service in the church
here last Sunday as the pastor was
on ,his holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. King and fam-
ily, spent last Sunday with friends
near Orange Hill.
Miss Marie Mines was successful
in her Normal Exams, and has been
engaged to teach in Renwick's school
east of Belmore.
Mr. John Gowdy has erected a
veranda and will have it closed in
with glass.
St. Hilda's Band of England, five
times world champions, each member
a bronze, silver and gold medalist,
will be a feature b'and at the Canad-
ian. National Exhibition, Toronto,
this year. Vavallo's and thirty other
bands will be heard in continuous
An information booth for the free
dissemination of descriptive literature
on the Canadian National Exhibition
and a directory of approved private
homesfor visitors has been opene
at 5 Front Street East, Toronto.
due tr o ouAcid
NI T many people call indiges-
tion very often means excess
acid in the stomach. The stomach.
nerves have been over -stimulated„
and food sours. The corrective is ass
alkali, which neutralizes the acids
(instantly. And the best alkali known.
to medical science is Phillips Milk
of Magnesia.
One spoonful of this harmless,
tasteless alkali in water neutralizes
instantly many times that much
acid, and the symptoms 'disappear
at once. You will never use crude
methods when once yon learn the
efficiency of tls4s.. Go get a malt'
bottle to try. c>r t
13e sure to get the genuine I'll
Milk of Magruia prescribed y'
physicians for 50 years in correcting
excess acids. 2&e and 50c a bottle—
any drugstore,
"1. '.. Attr':- ttit Y:'t7 S..ti ,K;. +rr:.x'��4'rk. 4tko.. V+:11�.. .4. a, .`,,•IM1 d4.'5.
, e 4 "+>>4ne sure Clothing
inl`•trolis,tY a::a
ste-0:1r it i'`ra'i'.ur a
C, aeltiring ttfaCtSxer, -w
..... iVfaS1
are able to offer for a limited time, this big discount (plus sales
tax) on made -to -measure Clothing. The regular selling price is
marked on all samples shownso you know you are getting a gen.
uine discount. These clothes will be made up with the usual good
cloth and trimming and are gttaranteed to fit, which gives you a
rare opportunity to get a Suit or Light overcoat at bargain prices.
Davey's Stor
e » rox ter