HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-08-13, Page 2• ...."„kAG14.TO.• optimism,. faith, characterise the `rd Canadatt National Exhibition, Year year, in times normal and sub -normal, this, thc world's largest exposition, makes a decided contribution t1 the oanunerce and general welfare of this country. Another million -dollar building will be opened this year.. Earl jellicoe, one of the namx noted and warless of Great Britain's Naval. Heroes wfll officially set in motion the 1931 Exhibition on Friday August 2Stb„ Sport moat and ashore, will again abound. And throughout the entire fourteen days and ni..ghts, the pagrants, diversions,. exttleits and music wilt awaken a sew* of pride ii the hearts deli Canadians—loll vioitors from other lands. W. WATEA.S geurd lifauger DAY SCHOOL LESSON ON VII August 16 ;Sowing •and Reaping (Tha1perate4e „LessOrt.) Galatianst 1-10 Golden Text. — 1e tot deceived: God is not mocked; for wbatoottrer matt eoweth that shall he also reap. tris7, THE LN IN ITS SETTING. 'Time and Tie li.pist'e the Galatians VMS written zn Coeinth, itc4 the 'Cirti.ssians of Galatia in cent- ral As Minot, abont A n. bEN.BEARING, Brethren. This is an Fpist!e 'brotherhood, 11.ani condemns in it the spirit of division., ..-)f strife, of pride and envy. Even if a man be overtaken in any trespass. 'Overtalt- "suprised, detected, or cauF...let," Ye who are spiritual. Pa.nI aelaresses this exhortation to Christ- ha:as who ate walking, "In the Spirit" ..led by The Holy Spirit. and so filled 'with love and mercy. Restore 511011 a one an a spirit f gentleness. A harsh spirit has no part in true Chris. tanity1..esoking to tir,,ystif., lest thou 'also he tempted We have all sinned area short ilearyecite another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ, This ,4,"erse .• mast be considered with -Verae. LFor each man shall bear his oxen bnrden„ This elear-headed apostle does not ''write 'without measuring his words kkir' d uarantood titaap Ce!tiollktet 4,44it 4,3rd *At nowse Whrn 'Mai les CommUsion Pb 1$6,„ Tag WTNGHAM ADVANCE-TIMS with great care, and his :double states silent iS very halpful in understand - lug the stlbjeet of burden -bearing.", For is D man thinketh 1iui to• .something. when he is notldng,. he deceiveth himself. Pant here aSsinnes that, in ptint f fact, no one is any- thing; Ito one of us sinful men has inhimself an atOm of reasOn.for seU- Bu let each man prove. his own work. api,ore, means te,,,tit, try it, matte sure it is sound and good. And then shall he have his glory haying regard of -himself alone, and not of his neighbor. Weymouth's translation is tear: "Let every man scrutinize his own conduct, and then he will find. out, not with reference to another, but with reference to himself, what he has to boast of." SOWING AND 12.APING. "*'44!..41.r,441.44,144TP4.4,444 Thursday, August 14th, 1931 an tial flit ting wits a covered bug- gittin wurse an wurse, till at lasht gy, an ;awn that soon wussen't good we do be afraid to chane army More enough ,widout rubber toires. Thin an list put up wid the fellahs we hey, whirl we got the auttis we tought we an pay thim fershtayin wid the jowl>. Witt: goin purty Shwift at twinty utiles Thin &twit 'at Ottawa, they beV an an hour, thin we got 1 tirty, ati now trortstigashun to fO1nd out who has lots nv folialzs do be illiroiyin fifty,. been gittin away\ \yid all the money, sixty; an slyinty !milks an hour, at an thin, whin they found a lot av it in laist so I am told, an shtllthey are the pockets ay the Geits, a lot av not satislified, but want to be floy- noospayners, an '.soine av thins: Tory in troo the air fashter than anny wans at that,•ate not satishfoied, but rud, Be the toithe the Wingham De.. want to throy to, thrace. Wheer the struction (ortipany gits good payed reslit av it wint. AV coarse 1 don't roads hunt iyirywheer, thin 1 suppose belave that our byes wus so shloW we will hey no use fer thim at all, as not to it a share av the boodle - at all, so we won't, fer iviry fellith Whin it wus bein handed out, hut, will hey his own proiyate airyplane, shure,•theer is no sinse nor rayson in Some pie do be cajun me an lettirt thim ould judges an lawyers ould fogey, an y that if muting make a lot ay money over the mat- WM; !Dike nle the wurruld wud come they. 'Tis only trowin good money. shtandslitill. They haven't sinse afther bad, so it is. 'Lave well en- ough alone," set Afishter Binnitt, an stunt 'tis good adyoice intoirely,, We her got the lid on now, an we islind kape it .on, an kape it on teight, an .if nicissary, hey large Shpotton sit on it to hould it down. Yours till nit wake, Timothy Hay„ enough to see that taiga do be run - But. Every man is to bear his own nin today loike wan av thim thravel. burden, Paul S;i.ys, but let no stingy lht shtair Conthrapshuns in the big Person think that this principle. ab- slitores in Toronto, wheer as mainly solves him from the duty of paying payple do be goin down all the toime his preacher's salary! Let hint that as do be goin up. 'Tis the same wid is taught in the Iyord. The word of a lot av thing new inyinshunat the God, the Bible, the gospel, the entire autos her list about put the railways body of divine truth. Communicate an Churches out ar business, an now unto him that teacheth in all good the airships de givin the dusht to things. " 'Cominunicare is used in the autos. 11 sernewhat technical sense, as in the Byes an girruis are not continted admonition, "To do good and to con- to slitay on the farrums army long-• take the Official definition of the fed - tribute to the needy." er, but want to 'it into the towns an eral Goternment as to what consti- Be not deceived; God is not mock- cities to wurruk in ga•ridget arr pound tutes a farm for Purposes of the cert- . The thought is, Do not think toipewroitin mashcens. F1lahs wur. sus. A faun is defined as a tract of that you can evade these duties and rukin in facktories, tree arr foot days land of one acre or over which pro - obligations. What Makes a Farm A lot of people in Canada are farm- ers and don't know it, at least if we a wake, are niebby veld no Wurruk at duced in 1930 crops of any kind to For whatsoever a man s,owetlt, that all, at all, tink they wud be continted the value of $50 or more, or which shall he also reap. an happy if they cud only be out in is in crop or being used for pasture For he that soweth unto his own the counthry, wid a little piece ay during the present year, just how flesh shall of the flesh reap corrup- land ay deer own. an nobody to pre- Many farmers there are in Canada on ion- "By 'his own flesh' is meant tint thim from wurrukiu as long this basis remains to be seen, but makini. it the seed plOt or ground hours an as nanny days in the wake they will probably munber close to whiels he cultivate's, and from which as they loike. Fellahs on salaries i one million. Ten years ago the total his life proceeds: in other words. it I wish they wus kaypin shtore, an fel-1 was 711,090 and this figure does not is suffering his sinful nature to rule i las kaypin shtore wisb thy wus in include over 30,000 wits of land less his conduet—nay, it is adopting it to '',.itirance agints. an insurance aginst than one acre producing crops of influence as the rule of his life. But !wish they wus in jail, wid nothin to some ralue.—Dept. of Agriculture. he that soweth unto the Spirit. We worry thim, an, shure, mebby that's, , must have recourse to the Holy Spir- 1 wheer a lot av thim shud be. itt we must seek divine grace; we! Tis the same wid our town Coun- accompanied by members of the Brit-, ' Admiral of the Fleet Farl Jellicoe, must "sow to" and cultivate the hear- ells. 'We kape changin thiin, tinkin ish Empire Service League from ail I ettly influences and powers, for they Imebby we kin gi: neither sarvices parts of the Empire, will officiate at :i Canadian National Exhibition, Tor- t. Canadian National Exhibition Park alone ran o'vemune the earthly and from new min, but iviry council kapes the petting Dae Ceremortie.s at the )(onto, Friday, August 28th. is 350 acres in extent. carnal influences and powers. Shall f of the Spirit reap eternal Hie. The'. rvest of sin i, a,,ath, ch, it,,,,, of 1 IMINERNIUMNUMIRMIEREMEINNIffilitallainninallininnallanitallit inen11411111111""1111.11111. the Spirit is Ilic---Ilie full, free, 3-0S*- 4 RI 111 ons, peaceful. powerful and forever! ii could there be a greater eontrasli lit al Wht,", in his senses would ehoose the A la first. What sensible man but will DI la MI IR n mr-Or a IR a W RI iltmeh.. ir * m a SI II I a n- ff II IN Mt W IR X 111 X X X IN X X Mt at ai * * * HIS week, fest the outstanding •11 value contained in every General Motors car. At your convenience, a car of the size, price and body type you prefer will be brought to your door, by your General Motors dealer., for you to drive and inspect. Remem- ber, General Motors issues with every car, a generous Owner Service Policy which states the exact service to which an owner is entitled—and which holds good ai- any of the thousands of General Motors dealers throughout North America. Call your dealer to- day. You will 'nd him listed under "General Motors Cars" in the class- ified pages of your 'phone book. If you wish, you may buy economically on time payment through G MAC, CHEVROLET • The world's lowest priced Six. 14 models listing from $610 to sa4a at facrozy, taxes * PONTIAC 6 models, listing front $875 to $/,015 at fac. • tory, taxesi ex:ma. OLDSMOBILE* 6 models, listing from $1,085 to $1,230 ar fastory, taxes extra, hicLAtIG H LI N. ▪ BUICK 22 modeis, lining from $1,290 to $2,660 at factory, taxes extca. • CADILLAC 4 Over 50 models avail- able, ranging from the CadillacV.8 at $3,520, to the Cadillac V-12 ar $5,130 and up to the CadillacV-16 with cus- tom bodies for $15,000 and snore. .44 prices at factory, taxes wars. 'MOTORS 15 114 •1 r LET US THEN strive with all hist soul to 'pain the if secosatil' DO GOOD TO ALL And let us n„....ot be weary itt well. , doing, There is a characteristic play of words here itt the Greeks -Let us 1,15 not be bad, at doing good." The apos- tle adds a thought to what he has just said: there are two kuids of peo- 1 ple, those who live to the flesh and is those who live to the Spirit. Let us li be of the se4-.0,14 clas.s, and more than a that, let us be of that class whole -jilt beartedly arid persistently. Then He 'llg at the reason why we should keep in np one doing, of good: for itt due sea- ilt sou we shall reap, if we faint non * "%et us :not be disheartened or sur- IR Oct ns oii prised if We find c.iirselrett. weatzi s 021- II . ly let us not give way to weariness, IR shake urselves fres of it, let it Ins guard against it, and look to God 1 !out of it:" Ai ' So then, as we have cpp4trtunity. , And we always have os...porninaity. it 1...et us work that Is hich is ?„itood to- it ward ail men. This gift is ;For all it men, those rear us and those farth. 1 It est away. the igncrant arid the learn- ed. the wicked and the g-o....sel. 1:11e 'Por a ,.:,...1 the rich. --for `Vvtie..$4.1i..1-V7 Will." *.... And cspecially toward them that are ri of the lieraseliold of faith, 'That is, toward the followers of Christ. :His lit eharth. ALWAYS WISHING 1 1 FOR SOMETHING ag Ai To the F.,ditur AN Gil »hitt IA NVitglIZZI Parpers. A : . 1 to n"!4•1*et,' 'as'it wake at the bar the it missies was afther,..",:aiti int, lae ray- l,111 son at skt,in 117.01: 1 17.1d1/*1 "11.,Mneti .:--,,,t A as well 2.S she ixpickzed 1 wad 'lain 1,M ,Ima raarried tie, an that shelanas dish- ;al appointed WiS !iii'iC il'itOires. AV ',111 1 faiein't 1;e:ff::.! n'i.4.if".ti $1114.Nek it 1 iwhat she said at the teirat bat it ls'Haoted me tini....ir, an The .retere 1 le Sought the mote 1 tante •to bilare that -:,,Li it is the way 4%* the ,,,rai-ie.a ikt“ mosht ..,1i payttle to be . dialifoonsinted an dish. !Ii appointed ail tirttl lcifc. Vail/ r.04't W 1:4 1,1*.. i'-'21. 'kl,".0 1;':' t''''F.'.a '1 illi we Vi'Vfi;$ 1;7r:41r:1,1p,, z.,,tti whinto ,int tbe rain an stritnntirt,.shuite. we te.ughIt twe lazid "lnike to be childet again. ., 'Wain we tens ,ilheoirin fZIN„Vt .111 1.1'4: 4,V0del clays we tels.h...e,..1 we end affoora a attiT',.`",Z' ar ihars.es, an whin we gv s II , thin: 'they 1.'.,•:41;,t1:4' ,4117614:1-4.e5haire.:44 arr it 1‘.;i.?..45 shtaggers. art slap:lints, are , earl*, ,ar hog sliparitis, err fir.ii. II N'::."..te, tin We wisdied we 13 yi -: • '1,-'11;' !Mt the forslit sae to,e-Tt '43.. 1..ttyl.r..i4,7 bet -114 '44a 1;ltf'S' 1';'4'7'j.ii111111111eitilliitig10111111111111/11106111410111t1111114111110111111111111101 rt , . If the public could onlyd realize that we are always -pleased to receive all the authentic news of the district, perhaps they would assist us by furnishing it. We endeavor to keep our ears and eyes open„ but we often miss interesting items, sim- ply because someone has neglected to tell us. The „t4.dvance-Ties is here to serve the public in the best manner possible, and with the co,operation of our friends, we vein be able to public a paper of which we need not be ashamed, If you have any item of news, stopus on the street or phone 34, and we will be only toop1esed to publish it. 4 espondents Wan Mare are several sections of the district that are tot adequately covered by our correspondents, and if any in, these seCtions would be interested in sendMg avereekly budget, drop us a line and we will call on you. I PHONE 34 * ' Lin , 10 ortiontiou no, 473 X 111111111111111***11