HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-08-06, Page 481 1111�1IirlIl�I1i11ilp�lr��ltl�ill iixi ,hill ,mil llii lllptitsct1N1111 111 1111Ni11111111 1tillIfil$ill flh Summer foilet Goods Sale it (The Low Cost of Good Looks) 01 0 Summer is here once more bringing you the annual opportunity to secure beauty aids at these low Prices. Each item represents a substantial say-- n` i ,ing to you. In is DURING MONTH OF 'AUGUST i iii sr ts si Mc I ' DRUG STOREi 11 i gha:e* nit c34c r .,trove Phone xe 53 i reg _ Iilrtllrlilrmrlilellfsweit1 ".illI oiltlRtimillwnietlliil a IIitiolill imillsiillYinsit1illiimlir ' ener a n • _ eneemmleee iii?!�eeemeeen BIteene•aa,Lt Geermen/.Iesien atina 11 cents a word per insertion; with a minimum charge of 25c. i('.! n , rvi'A•Y1 [AV\ !( 'BYi�dY�Y1 ., £ TY%.i'8Y�1'6ll 1? *n 4 4 FOR SALE or Exchange—Chevrolet Truck;. also Roomers wanted. Ap- 1 lily to H. A, McCall, Edward St. FOR SALE -In Wroxeter, 5 -room- I ed house, frame, newly painted, in good repair, good tiled well, wired for Hydro light and fixtures. Ap- ply to Wm. Booth, Apartment 4, 96 Young St., Kitchener, or H. Henning, \,Wroxeter, ly parallel with the southerly limit of Victoria Street, aforesaid, produc- ed ten rods to the westerly limit of 'said Farm Lot Four; thence norther- ly along the said last mentioned lim- It, eight rods to the place of beginn- ing, containg one half an acre of land more or • less. AND SECONDLY: Lots numbers One hundred and six- ty, One Hundred and sixty-one, One hundred and sixty-two, One hundred and sixty-three and One hundred and sixty-four on the east side of Carling Terrace in Leet cC Davies' Survey in the said Town of Wingham. On this property is said to be a solid brick six -room, two-storey house, with all modern conveniences. The land is exceptionally well suit- ed for gardening. TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent. of the purchase money on the day of sale . and the balancee within thirty days .thereafter. Further particulars and conditions of sale will be made known on the day of sale or may be had on appli- cation to the •undersigned. DATED .at Winghain, Ontario, the twenty-third day of July, A.D. 1931. THOS. FELLS, Wingham, Ont, Auctioneer. J. H. CRAWFORD, Winghain, Ont., Vendor's Solicitor. FARM FOR SALE—A choice 100 acre farm, seven miles from Wing - ham, having good house, and large barn with stabbling under. A clean farm, well watered, drained and fenced. Five acres good hardwood bush, balance of land all in grass at present. Best of 'reasons for selling. Abner Cosens, Insurance and Real, Estate, Wingham. FOR SALE -Tris Roots,. ' One hun- dred named varieties. Perennials, large assortment. 10c up. Phone or mail orders filled. Mrs. James ' McGill, Blyth, Phone 11-7 Blyth. FOR RENT—Furnished Cottage, in the "Alps", Culross, for remainder of season. Apply Frank P. Moore, Teeswater Box 346, Phone 65j. FOR SALE -1900 Cataract washing machine, 8 horse power motor. Practically new, Bargain for quick sale. Mrs. Jas. P. Kennedy. NOTICE Voter's List, 1931. Township of Turnberry, County of Huron; FOR SALE—Vegetables, new pota- toes, peas, beans, carrots, beets,' green onions, white pickling on- ions, large and small cucumb ers.— John Kerr, $3, $3.50 or $4 per day guaranteed for sixty, seventy-five or hundred days agency work in your locality repre- senting old -established Kruse in business in Toronto over forty years. For terms and personal in-! terview with one of our travellers l white Dept. W -G, Winstone Co., i Toronto. WANTED—Two men for permanent' positions on local route for nation - a1 concern offering year round em- ployment. Good pay ori start with Notice is hereby' given that I have complied with section 7 of THE VOTERS' LIST ACT and that I have posted up at my office in Turn - berry, on the 20th day of July, 1931, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipal elections and that such list remains there for in- spection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions correct- ed according to law, the last day for appeal being the 20"th day of August, 1931. Dated, Clerk's Office, the 20th day of hilt 1931. W. R. Cruikshang, Clerk, Wing -ham, Ontario., excellent chances of promotion. Write for appointment to E. Hack-' born, .1017 King W., Kitchener, Ont.1 WANTED—Man or woman to trav-' eland appoint agents for old -estab- lished house in business in Toronto over forty years. For terms and personal intent iew with one of our travellers write Dept. W -S, Win- ston Co., Toronto. WE CAN SUPPLY WOOD weekly during the summer. Hardwood is glow cheaper than hard coal, why] not use it and keep your dollars I at home in Ontario. We will meas- ure your stove and cut wood to stilt any stove. • D. H. Martin and Sons. The Wawaride Farms. MORTGAGE SALE Of Valuable Property in the Town of Wingham. Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain mort- gage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction at the Bruns wick Hotel, in the Town of Wing - ham. on Saturday, the Eighth day of August, A,D. 1931, at 2 o'clock in the. afternoon,by r Thomas Fels, .auction- eer, the foliowiug .property namely; All and singular those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises, situ- ate, lying and being in the Town of Winghain in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, and being -composed of that part of Farah Lot number Four ;;isa the. First Concession (formerly in ,ti'te Township of Turn - berry) now in, the said Town of Wingiiam, particularly described as follows:— Commencing at the north- easterly angle of Lot number One htntdred and •sixty feet in Leet S Davies'Survey vey in the said Tac n of Winglaant; thence easterly in a strai- ght line along the southerly limit of Vittoria Strer trod ie d ten rods; p ,. thence southerly parallel tivith, ' thei weeter y limit' of said` Parse Iecit num- 'her Four, eight rods; thence,: wester - NOTICE Voters' Lists, 1931. Town of Wing - ham, County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section 7 of THE VOTERS' LISTS ACT and that I have posted up at my office at the Town Hall, Wingham, on the 31st day of July, 1931, the list of all per- sons entitled to vote in the said muni- cipality at municipal elections and that such list remains there for in- spection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions Correct- ed according to law,` the last day for appeal being the 22nd day of August, 1931. Dated, Clerk's Office, the 31st day of July, 1931. W. .A. Galbraith, Clerk, Wingham, Ontario. C. ARMSTRONG LIVE STOCK And GENERAL AUCTIONEER Ability with special training en- ables the to give you satisfaction, Ar- rangements made with W. J. Brown, Wingham; or ` direct to Teeswater. Phone 45r2-2. mounts Collected "e place 40 years' successful collect- ing experience at the disposal of those who list their accounts, notes, etc, with: tis. No Collection,—So Charge. ELL'! 4.AIKEN ORA: tetrt I ohectors. LOWER. SCHOOL I(IOI- S. RESULTS (Continued from page cne) L. Haller), .1i. Mason, K. Mowbray. Geography Pass —D. AiteItison; G. Bracken - bury, H. Brawley, J. lauchanan, V. Cantelun, A. Chittick, E. Dickson, XI. Elliott, N, Elliott,; M. Field, M. Fry, L. Haller, Al. Hamilton, L, Hender- son, C. Hetherington, W. Hogg, R. Hutton, J, Jenkins, G. Johnston, L. .Kelly, G. King, J. Lane, L. Ludwig, C. McKay, A. McMichael, M. Mitch- ell, K. Mowbray, F. Nethery, E. Por- ter, B. Scott, R, Scott, E. SnialI, J, Sproal, Fail—L. Proctor, M. Mason, Art Pass -G, Brackenbury, H, Braw- ley, J. Buchanan, V, Cantelon, A. Chittick, N. Elliott, M. Field, M. Fry, L, Haller, M. Hamilton, L. Hender- son, C. Hetherington, W. Hogg, F. Howson, R. Hutton, G. Johnston, L. Kelly, G. Ring, j. Lane, L. Ludwig, C. McKay, A, McMichael, M. Mitch- ell, K. Mowbray, F. Nethery, E. Por- ter, L. Proctor, H. Roth, B. Scott, R. Scott, J. Sproal, L. Vogan , Fail=M. 'Elliott, J. Jenkins, M. Ma- son. Literature Class I—J. Lane, J. Buchanan, A. Chittick, C McKay, M. Mitchell, M. Field, R. Hutton, M, Fry. Class II—G. King, W. Hogg, E. Porter. Class III—=G. Wheeler, G. Brack- enbury. Pass —C. Hetherington, L, Kelly, V. Cantelon, H. Brawley, N. Elliott, L. Henderson, E. ' Dickson, A. Mc- Michael, L. Ludwig, F. Nethery, j. Jenkins, F. Howson, E. Small, L. Proctor, B. Scott, Fail—G. Johnston, K. Mowbray,J. M. Elliott, R. Scott, M. Mason. Composition CIass I-5. Buchanan, C. McKay, M. Mitchell, L. Kelly. Class II J. Lane, C. Hetherington, R. Hutton, G. King, A. Chittick, L. Haller, M. Field. Class III — G. Brackenbury, V. Cantelon, L. Henderson, W. Hogg, M. Hamilton, E. Porter. Pass— L. Ludwig, A. McMichael, H. Brawley, M. Elliott, G. Wheeler, F. Howson, F. Nethery, L. Proctor, J. Jenkins, B. Scott. Fail.—Same as in Literature. Algebra Class I—J. Buchanan, G. King, M, Field, G. Brackenbury, L, Henderson, J. Lane, At. Mitchell, R. Scott, C. Mc- Kay, G. Wheeler, Class SII—E. Dickson, C. Hether- ington, L. Kelly, F. Nethery, A. Chit - tick. Class III—M. Elliott, H. Brawley, A. McMichael, E. Porter, E. Gray. Pass— R. Hutton, L. Ludwig, K. Mowbray, P. Howson, J. Sproal, L. Proctor, W. Hogg, E. Small, H. Ful- ler. Fail— V. Cantelon, IL Mann, M. Fry, L. Haller, J. Jenkins, M. Elliott, M. Mason, M. Hamilton, G. Johnston. FORM II French Class I -j. Wheeler, (M. Robertson, A. Purdon), J. Pollock. ClassII V. Fry, C. MacLean, (M. Stewart, 5. Weir). Fail -H, Roth, V. St. Marie, j. Ben- Class III—D. Fixter, L. Vogan, 3. inger. Thompson.- Arithmetic Credit—K, Lott. Pass— V. Fryfogle, H. Fuller, E. Fail—H, Roth, H. Mann, (H. Ful- Gray, l•. Johann, J. King, C. Mc- Lean, H. Mann, A. Phippen, M. Phip- pen, D. Pollock, J. Pollock, M. Rob- ertson, V. St, Marie, M. Stewart, 5. ''INGIIAll ADVANCE -TIMES AGAI this year" INTERNATIONALLY. famous for its magnitude, beauty of environment, univer- sal displays, fine buildings and brilliant entertainment, the Canadian National Exhibition arouses enthusiastic admiration. For Fourteen Days and nights there is a constant flow of new delights and absorbing admixture of pleasure and profit. Exhibits from almost every country; collections of ancient and modern masterpieces of art in two galleries; famous 2000 -Voice Exhibition Chorus—Sat., Aug. 29; Thurs., Sept. 3; Tues., Sept. 8;,. Sat., Sept. 12; "Orientia" grandstand spectacle of sparkling brilliance de- picting mystic charms of the East; St. Hilda's Band of England (each member a bronze, silver and gold medaI Iist); Cavall1o'sand otherbands; all branches of agriculture in world's Iargest show building; MillionDollar Horse Palace to be officially opened this year. Sixth Marathon Swim in two events sport spectacle of inter- national renown. These are but a few of the features which enthrall and enthuse. Illustrated literature will gladly he sent on request. Reduced rates by railway, steamship and bus lines: Consult local' agents. AUC.28.fo SEPTi2.i93i WORLD'S GREATEST PEANENT EXPOSITION 55112CONSECUTIVE YEAR $a1a000,000 iNVUSTEP in BUILDINGS, PARK, EQUIPMENT Thompson, L. Vogan, J. Weir, J Wheeler. , Fail -J, Beninger. Zoology Pass-- J. Beninger;. D: Fixter, V. Fryfogle,; H.' Fuller, M, Johann, ` I, Kelly, C. McLean, H. Mann, M. Phil), J. Pollock, A. Purdon, M; Rob ertson, H. Roth, Al; Stewart, J. Thompson, 1.,. Vogan, J. Weir, J. Wheeler. Fail—V. St. Marie. Geometry Class I --J. Weir, Class II—V, Fry, H. Roth, Class III—H, Mann. Pass -E. Gray, J. Pollock. Fail—J, Beninger, H. Fuller, L. Vo- gan, H. Boyle, V, St, Marie.. *' Latin Class' I—J, Wheeler, Class II—(M. Phippen,.J. Weir.) Pass -(J. Thompson, J. Pollock), A. Purdon, M. Stewart, H. Roth, L. Vogan, M. Robertson, M. Dobie. Fail—D. Fixter, E. Metcalfe, V. St. Marie: English Literature Class I—J. Pollock. Class II—M. Phippen, J. Thomp- son, (A, Purdon, M. Robertson). Class IIT—M. Johann, (H. Mann, M. Stewart), J. Weir. Pass —H. Fuller, L. Vogan, (C. McLean, J. Beninger). Fail --E. Gray, V. St. Marie. English Composition Class I—J. Pollock, H. Mann, H. Fuller, (J. Thompson, M. Stewart), J. Weir. Class ID—H. Roth. Class III—L. Vogan, M. Phippen, (M, Robertson, A. Purdon). Pass -C. McLean, (M. Johann, J. Wheeler), J. Beninger. Fail—E. Gray, V. St.'Marie. Feeding Cattle Flies are a great nuisance and re- sponsible for a part of the midsum- mer slump in production by dairy herds. However poor feeding is more often responsible for the low returns Pastures were not good early in the summer and proper measures to sup- plement them were not taken by many dairymen. The man with some silage left is fortunate. Where the hay crop is large, some hay may be fed where pastures are short. For the best cows ;a fairly liberal grain ration is also advisable. A good mix- ture may. be made from six parts of ground oats and barley and one part oilcake meal. If farmers are to main- tain the production of their cows, they must -maintain their weight and. that means feeding is just in propor- tion as the pastures fail. GORRIE TOSSERS LOSE TO WINGHAM The enthusiasm in the horse shoe pitching league is increasing as the schedule progresses, and .a large crow were dt F 'd even- presen on Friay SAM HARRIS. H. W. WATERSe boys were pre - am won on the night's play by 16 to 9 in games and 663 ing 1i=hen the Gorr] President Generaltl4eluager sent. Wing h 00r4.11 ,01,707411tailwel ler, B. Cruikshank), V. St. Marie. Physiography Pass -D. Fixter, V. Fryfogle, H. Fuller, E. Gray, M. Johann, M. Mc- Lean, H. Mann, M. Phippen, J. Pol- lock, M. Robertson, H. Roth, M. Stewart, J, Thompson, J. Weir, J. Wheeler. Fail- -j, Beninger, V. St, Marie. Grammar Pass—H. Boyle, H. Fuller, E. Gray, C. :McLean, H. Mann, M. Phippen, J. Pollock, M'. Robertson, M. Stew- art J. Thompson, J. Weir, J. 'Wheel- er. NOTICE TO WATER USERS Commencing August lst, 1931, a 101'c penalty will be unposed on all water accounts not paid by the 20th of the month in which the account is rendered, By Order, Wingham Utilities 'Commission. W. A. Galbraith, Secretary. NOTICE TO OWNERS OF TRACTORS No vehicle shall he operated or ob- ject moved over or upon any high- way with any flange, rib, clampor other device attached to its wheels. or made a part. thereof, : which will injure the highway. • T. R. Patterson, County Engineer. MATT. C."YNER AUCTIONEER ihZrttrr 21 or 04 i.utclinavr. , gales attended to anywhere. Etper- ierate and accuracy ,lar valuation and 000, effort put firth to assure you of a successful sale. ABIES are Upset NikAttY xilia atad .ailments seem twice as serious at tight. A sudden may mean colic. Or a sudden attack of diarrhea. How would_you meet this emergency—tonight/ .Plague yori *' bottle of Casria ready? Por the protection of your wee one—for your own peace of larind-- keep this old, .reliable preparation always on hand. But dottt keep it just for emergencies; let it be an everyday aid., it's, gentle influence will ease and soothe the Want w�hQ cannot slee its d regulation wUL help an older child whose, tongue It coated because of sluggish bowels. Ali druggists have Castoria, li�e4ne,_^A!hie, to 506 in points. -. Wingham D. Cruikshank C. Elliott ._.._...20 O. Tiffin G. Tiffin ....... J. H. McKay E. Small. _ . Faulkner Faulkner .._.. 24 F. Mellor W. Scott .._,22 G. Tiffin ... ....M:3O C. Elliott .._:30 E. Small _ -30 Faulkner .... 17 W. Scott 29 C. Elliott ._.:29' G. Tiffin »..._26 E. Small Faulkner W. Scott ---30 C. 30 C. Elliott...: -,30 G. Tiffin _....:30 E. Small .....,30 Faulkner w.. —15 W. Scott C. Elliott .: 80 G. Tiffin ..30 E. Small 30 Faulkner ,.. —12 W. Scott 30 Gorrie R. Ashton O. Gallaway .10 B. Harriston W. Gallaway ,16. J. Reynolds F. Reynolds 19 Gallaway . Hupfer ...._......:30 Vanstone II: Edgar ..__..30 W. Gallaway 15 F. Reynolds ......9 Hupfer H. Edgar _....»30 O. Gallaway 30 F. Reyonid ..e30 Hupfer 30 H. E ,bar O: G laeven k -16 W. Gllazs�ay15 Rapier ..2i. H. Edgar :.. ...7 O. Gallaway _..0 W. Gallaway e:,80 F. Reyorilds H. Edgar.........»»18 O. Gallaway ,..19 W. Gall F. Rey Hupfer »» 28 Thursday, Aug, "Somebody has a' secretary Who knows her lunches' "When you see as much food as I do during the day you get to know the best and most healthful things to eat„ Notice that girl's tray whose lunch I just checked -- a- box of Shredded Wheat and a bottle of whole milk." "Tasty, light, easy to di- gest, yet very nourishing, that's my idea of a well- balanced meal. My: job depends upon my keeping cool and wide awake all i day long, That's why I, too, eat Shredded Wheat for lunch." • THE CAN 1� SHREDDED W}IEAT CO 6th, 193 .. Made in Canada with Canadian Wheat WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT Canada's premier Horse Show will be held at night during the 1931 Can- adian National Exhibition, Toronto. Fifteen hundred performers take part in the Canadian National Exhibi- tion pageant. Standing room in the paddock at the Canadian National Exhibition grandstand accommodates 8,000. Feeding Is Important 'Which is the major factor in poul- try production, feeding or breeding? The following interesting results were obtained with three pens of hens at O. A. C. between November lst, 1930 and June lst, 1931. The first pen was bred for egg production and the ration fed was poor. In the second pen the -breed- ing was for other characters•than egg production and the ration was very good. The third pen was. bred for egg production and 'the ration fed was the sante as that given to pen No. 2. The results were as follows for the period stated 'above,— Pen 1. 38 eggs per hen -high hen laid 74 eggs. Pen 2. 34 eggs per hen—high hen laid 75 eggs. Pen 3. 94 eggs, per hen -high hen laid 167 eggs. ' O. A. C. Methods It is interesting to note that the time for working the home orchard at O. A. C. this year was cut down from ten to three days by using a tractor -drawn, stiff -toothed cultivat- or followed by a disc, instead of a plough. A system of early ploughing and early seeding of the clover crop is being followed in the orchard. The cover crop thus gets an early start and no check. Oats at the rate of two. bushels per acre have been'used in the past three years and these are cut just before they head out, the resul- tant second growth adding consider- ably to the amount of•green matter per acre. Controlling Weeds Repeated experiments have shown that summer plowing of sod.land and the subsequent cultivation of the soil until fall very materially assists in the control of weeds, especially of perennial plants such as couch grass. It has been found that plowing the sod land in July and cultivating at ten-day intervals until the fall freeze- up almost entirely prevents the growth of couch grass and other weeds, whereas .plowing once in the late fall or early spring with no sub- sequent cultivation, has practically no effect on the weeds, • i SSE •. MARE is NEWI iNI�IL'SEMEIRESIIt1INii[S®MMIllii�I s x11 Farmers Sons Att�0� . _ 1® 11t s ■ Any Huron County boy cantemplating ent- ■ ering Ontario Agricultural College for either the j. * . Associate or Degree.Course is eligible to compete ■ for the Huron County and Massey Fund Scholar- it ship., Particulars regarding this.Scholarship may I ■ be. found . elsewhere .in this; paper. Applications 1t 11 must be made on or before Saturday, August 15th,, and should be forwarded to the ONTARIO DE- N PARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, CLINTON, a away ...15' IONS'.Holds ....:30 /! lagalliallillialliERMINalliaaRNIUMINI11111111111111111111111111111111 Only,663 one name of each couple 506. .p e are ■Billii1111110111111111l111111111111111111111111101111NII311111 Nflr111rIAr111rltlrlt11111111111i*110111! liil111111101r mentioned after the first round. SPECIAL CASH BORN Free—In the Royal Alexandra Hos- pital, Edmonton, on July 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Free (nee Ruth Anderson), a daughter, Mar- jorie Anne. The following Church notice is from an Australian paper: Solos, Miss will sing her farewell solo, "Thanks BeGodl to As in forgoer year reduced rail- way, coach -lines, and stupaShip. ;rates will be effective for the Canadian Na.. tional Exhibition, Toronto, n��,dmmm ■ For SaturdayAug. 8th Milk -fed; Veal for stewiri T g b, Shoulder Roast of Veal 15--18e r Rib Veal Chola, lb. ...20c Loin Veal. Chop, Ib, 23c Cottage Rolls in whole 0r 0 Half Roll 20c Leg of Lamb,. lb. 27c Cared Rout Shoulders, jN Whole roll lb, » ....»...., lSe Half toll, lb. 200 dome -made fork Sausage 15c ei Horrte•niade ,Bologna, Ib. ,»15c I Breast ";O tatnb, lb. _.,.,18e -' Slit 1 u der !toast' of tenth, lb 22e Lamb Chop, Ib,,,„.,„.,.,.„.„..,„.,,,,,—,210 .las FE - THOS., Fl ph 35 ss �S(l 111111�1It�i 1 1 els l i t 11111 ?111 iiNI11 nIM11 i �11I IM 1 i ilMl i l l hM l b 1111 i t �l u l �l l ,'Ali 11 s11 l I IMl 1 i�111�1111i1111 MI111M1t 11Mht lhl 1 1 1