HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-07-30, Page 8PGE ICI T
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, July 30, 31, August 1
'Mary Pickford - Reginald Denny.
Mary Pickford as a Modern'Madcap.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, August 3rd, 4th 5th
Jack Oakie
-- In —
By Ross Farquhar
Friday—the preecher was at are
house today for dinner and they Wus
a ' tawking . about
marryed people.
getting a long
with each another
the preecher sed
it was -a offly
good idea for 1 to
say that the uther
1 was rite sum
times or a cession -
ally and pa sed
that ma all ways
admitted that he
was in the rite
when he admitted
he was in the
Saterday — well
BIisters pa was rite about the dog
after all. The dog had sum kind of,
a dog dizeaze and Blisterses pa want-
ed to enockulate him with tiefoyd
jerms so they did and they cured the
1st dizeaze but the dog died of tie-
Sunday well I had a offle disap-
pointment this after noon. I layed
down and tuk a Nap and dremp I
was give a present of a freaser of
Neckter ice cream. But I don't like
Neckter ice cream so I had a grate
Munday—Pa tuk Ant Emmy and
ma to a musickle show up to the city
tonite and when they got hoine Ant
Emmy sed times must of ben offle
hard becuz very few of the girls had
enuff close to ware on their backs.
and etc.
Teusday—Ezzy Bleat got marryed
last week and he sed his main idea
was becuz he was tired haveing holes
in his socks and the next day his
wife give him a sowing out fit and
lernt him to mend his socks so he
wont have holes in his socks enny
Wensday--lakes ant witch lives
way down south died last yr. and left
him sum munny and they have been
haveing so match trubble trying to
get it envested that Jake says sum -
times he is all most sorry she went
and died.
Thirsday-Henry Blitz witch is are
butcher had bad luck the other day.
he cut his hand 'and it was the hand
witch he aliways wayed with the meat
Apply for Particulars
Box 74 Wroxeter Ph. 29
and now he has. to'lern'to way the
uther hand and I gess he is loseing
munny.. But he's brite and ferns prit-
ty fast.
Thursday, July 30th, 1931
1 Miss Sarah Gowdy of Wingham, is
i visiting with Mrs. A. Emerson.
Mr,`' Ben McClenaghan and Lorna,
and Melvin, and Mr. Elwood Barbour
spent Sunday at the hoine of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Culbert of Seaforth,
Mr. Rhys Pollock and Miss Dor-
othy motored to Toronto one day last
week. Mr, Jack Pollock is quaran-
tined with . scarlet fever. It is a very
mild case,
Mr. and Mrs, Eli ' Jacques returned
home last week, from Wisconsin
where they were visiting with rela-
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Treleaven and
Mrs, Robert Treleaven of Dungannon
and. Mrs, Courtice of California, spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. Geo. and
Miss Ida McQuoid.'
Master McKenzie Mowbray spent
last' week with his father at Grand
Valley where Mr. Mowbray has the
contract ,of building a bridge.
Miss Norma Murray of Walton,
spent Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. J. G. Gillespie,
Mr. A. Green visited with Col-
borne relatives on Sunday,
Miss McKenzie has been holiday-
ing at her home in Kincardine and
Miss Ida McQuoid spent last week-
end with her there.
Mr. Chas: Martin is laid up with a
bad attack of lumbago.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg and Misses
Winnifred and Jean and Mr. Camp-
bell of Brantford, visited at the home
of Mr. Daniel Martin on Sunday.
They also visited with her sister, Mrs.
Craig, Sr.
Little 'Kenneth William, infant son
of Mr. and Mrs. John Purdon, and
Betty Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Gillespie, were baptized on
Sunday at the regular service of the
United Church.
Mr, Thos. Steele and Hazel and
Ivan of Brandon, Man., and Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Smith of Lucknow, and
Mrs. 'Thos. Rivett of Dungannon,
were guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Amos Cornelius, on Friday last.
Miss Helen Paterson leaves this
week to train for a nurse in a hospi-
tal at Galt. We wish her success.
On Monday, July 27th, Mr. and
Mrs. Chas, Warren Sandburn, of E.
Wawanosh, were married for fifty
years. Owing to the condition of Mrs.
Sandburn's health which has not been
very good for the past few months,
the familyheld no celebration. How-
ever, many friends and neighbors con-
gratulated them heartily on Monday.
Mrs. Sandburn, who was formerly
Miss Betsy Jane Watcher, daughter
Mrs. Robt. Dowson, , of Toronto,
and daughter, . Miss Edith Dowson,
and two grandchildren, Eric and Bet-
ty Dawson, are spending the month
of August, with Mrs. Dowion's bro-
ther, 1VIr. Alex. Anderson, 9th con.,
West Wawanosh.
Mr. Stanley Thomson's • car was
burned on Saturday on the side of
the road, west of Whitechurch,
Mrs. Straughan of Goderich is vis-
iting her daughter, Mrs.. Jas. Laidlaw.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Nicholson.
and Eddie, of Auburn, visited with
Mr. and Mrs. George , McClenaghan
and Mr. and Mrs. Jas: Sutherland, on
Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer, Mr.
and Mrs, Cecil Falconer and Angus,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Falconer and child-
ren and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Laid-
law and Luella, motored to Mount
Forest on Sunday where they met
relatives from Caledon, and Rellison
Falconer and Richard Wellwood re-
turned with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Humphrey and of imlr. and Mrs. Watcher of Turn -
twin sons, Lloyd and Lorne, of St. berry; and Mr. Sandburn, were mar -
Helens, spent Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pardon.
Rev. and. Mrs. H. G. Whitfield and
daughter, Betty Helene, of North-
ville, visited for a few days last week
at •the hone of Mrs. A. 'Fox, and re-
newed old acquaintances here and at
St. Helens. Miss Isabel Fox return-
ed honor with them for a week's visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clark of Am-
herstburg, spent the week -end at the
homeofthe lady's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. Y, Carrick.
The United Church are holding the
annual picnic at : the Harbour Park,
Goderich, on Friday, July 31st. They
expect to be at the Park at 11 a,m.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClenaghan
and Clarence, and Mrs. Herbert Laid-
law and Luella spent Tuesday at Bay-
field with their uncle, Mr. Henry Ba-
We are pleased to report that Mr.
George McClenaghan has been im-
proving and had the cast removed
from his leg Last ,Friday.
Rev. Watt and daughter, Genevieve
of Long Branch, and Miss Dorothy
Barbour of Saskatoon, spent the
ek-end at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wni. Barbour.
Rev. Robt. Barbour of Addington,
is visiting with Mr. Alec. Anderson,
and with' other- relative's There.
Miss Evelyn. Penrtel of Kinlough,
spent last week with Mrs, Elwood
Mr, and ` Mrs. McConnell of Tor-
onto motored . yup to Mr. Ben Mc-.
Clenaghan's'last Friday, and Mr. and
Mrs. Percy Suggitt and family re- on the recent death of his mother,
turned with hint to Toronto on Sat- the late Mrs. 1?l7i flim Brigham, of
l urday. Londesboro, returned to his home in
ried at the parsonage of he former
Methodist Church in Wingham. Mr.
and Mrs. Meldrum Sandburn and two
children `af Turnberry were present at
the home on Sunday and the three
children of Mr. and Mrs. Sandbut'n,
Meldrum, Warren and Miss Lorinda,
presented their parents with two
beautiful' upholstered chairs. The
wish of their many friends is, that
they have many more years of wedd-
ed happiness.
Rev. and Mrs. J. U. Stewart stop-
ped in Whitechurch to renew old ac-
quaintances on Thursday. They were
on their way from Bruce Beach to
Elmira, where Mr. Stewart is station-
ed now.
As Friday was the first real hay-
day that we had for some time, the
Institute ladies postponed their pic-
nic to a later date.
A special speaker from Toronto
will take the service in the United
Church here on Sunday next and will
speak on Temperance in Ontario. As
this is a real live question in our land,
everyone should put forth a good ef-
fort to be present.
Miss Merle Wilson, nurse -in -train-
ing in Stratford General Hospital, is
holidaying at the home of her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wilson.
Mrs. Anderson of "Presten visited
with Mrs. Scandret and ,.Mr, Finl ty
Anderson for a few days.`
Mrs. Fisher and Miss Stewart, of
Toronto, were the guests of Mr. and
Mars. R. E. McKenzie for a couple of
Mrs. Peter Anderson and two dau-
ghters of Michigan, were recent visi-
!tars with. Miss Marion and James
Mr. Joheph Stothers of Sarnia,
spent the week -end with friends in
Dr. Brigham who was called home
Mrs. Peter Robinson of Toronto is
visiting her sisters, the Misses Mc-
Miss Corinne Scandrett is spend-
ing a few weeks with friends in Tor-
Mrs. Joe Miller is visiting with
friends in Toronto.
Misses Sarah and Ruth Cole have
returned from spending a couple of
weeks at Bruce Beach.
Mrs. Bone and sons and daughter,
Mrs. Forcer, were calling on old
friends in the village on Sunday.
Miss Alma Skelding of Owen'.
Sound, was a week -end guest of Miss
Ruth Cole.
Mr. and Mrs, Barr, Barna and Loy
elle, of Mount Vernon,. Wash., are
spending a few holidays at the home
of Mr. J. T. -Bell.
▪ Great factory Clearance of Unprecedented Values
at an unheard Of price for Kayser Quality
Every Pair Perfect
■ .
nom numnumaunrrusl u®®, , mimunnannsmonummuninumn■roi
Mr. and Mrs, Ravencroft and son;
Norman, of Dearborn, Mich., spent
a few days with Mr. and Mrs. David
Misses Hazl.e and Evelyn Masters
are spending a few days with their
aunt, Mrs. G. Gallaher at Brussels.
Miss Louie Patton is suffering
from a badly scalded leg, the result
of spilling some hot water from the
tea kettle.
Mr. Jack Thynne,' "The Kansas
Farmer," has engaged to play for the
next three, weeks at a summer hotel
at Wasaga Beach,
•Mr. Melville. McDougall :of Lon-
don, was a visitor at the home of
Mr. D. Patton,;;,
Mrs. John Senith has returned hoine
after a few weeks' visit with her dau-
ghter at Brucefield.
Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Moffatt and
Mr. and Mrs, D. J. Falconer and Bet-
ty, were
et-ty,:were Sunday visitors with friends
in ,Kinloss.
Miss Margar=et Beattie of Hamil-
ton, and Misses Ethel and Florence
Beattie of 'Seaforth, Mr, and Mrs. J.
O. Habkirk, Isabell and Mack., of
Wingham, wereevisitors this week at
the hoine of their :uncle, F. B. Scott.'
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Masters and
family spent Sunday at Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Griffiths and
son, Fred, of Montreal, are spending
a couple of weeks at their summer
home here.
Mrs. Nellie Litlow and Miss OIive
Scott spent Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Higgins.
Geo. Donaldson returned to Tor-
onto Monday after a week's vacation
.with relatives. here.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, McMichael and.
family of Wingham Jct., spent Sun-
day with relatives in the village.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Nichol and
family of Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. E.
Robertson and sons, of Minneapolis,
and Mr. and Mrs. A. Chatacomb and
son, Allan, of Toronto, are holidaying.
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
E. Nichol.
Mrs. W. l3raviner, of Toronto, is
holidaying with Mrs. Art. Shaw.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bosman, of !,
Browntown, spent Sunday at t he
home of Mr. L. H. Bosman.
Mr: Jas. Moses of Morris spent
Sunday with Mr. Geo. Mathers.
Misees Ethel and Viola Mothers:
were hoine over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. R, McCreight and
family and Mrs• Chas. Turvey spent
Sunday at Formosa.
Misses Bessie Moses, Wm. Moses
and Mrs. Moses spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mr. Arthur Shaw.
Mr, Marvin Pulver of Hartford,
Conn., pent a few days at the home
of Jas. Masters.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Oke
Sunday at the lakeside.
>silliiru �nlamanlamlaml■Ilnsul111imr�ins111� tionvolo Uhu11i11 111•111u111!n1 111111 elli
1111 A
"Jungs" are a great help
in hot weather
lungs" are) inreality an ELASTIC BAND made to wear
on the foot, and are especially beneficialfor those Women and
.Men whosuffer from that unpleasant malady 'trot ache" and
especially during the hot weather,
We recommend oJNGS",
they are exceedtngiy simple and
wonderfully efficacious, giving almost TNfSTAN'r RELIEF.
Prices, $1.25 and $1.75 per pair.
We give athree daystrial FREE-iitither words, if they
do not •help your trouble in; three days your trolley w il; be re-
4, 1." lee eteeieeieet.
Star City on, Monday.
Mr. and Mrs, Bradley of Winni-
peg were visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. G. M. Chambers.
A pleasing event took place on Sat-
ruday at the Anglican Rectory' when
Rev. W. Pocock united in marriage
Ethel, ` elder daughter of Mr. and
Mrs, Harvey Robinson, and Mr. G.
Augustine; after a short honeymoon
they will reside on the groom's, farmi
in. East Wawanosh. a
Mr. Fred Somers received the eon -
tract for decorating the interior of
Memorial Hall,
The Blyth Band gave one of their
open air concerts on Saturday even-
ing. Our citizens are proud of the
Band as they have already' deinon-
strafed they are a worthy asset to
any community,
Mr. and Mrs, Canip1tel1 and fam-
ily of Aylmer, are Visiting Mrs, 'I?.
Taylor and other l elatves hi :this view
I: 150 Pairs for Friday
• •
• 150 Pairs for Saturday
C=omplete range of sizes
• 81/2 -9-91 .-10-10`x/2
--in 26 shades—
Regular Price ..... $1,25'
kIsIIoaNRlsuII�aI■■aaanaI■■uIL uIII�e mIRaIIRIIlIIuII•ii
Sale Price .. , 88c or
3 Pairs for $2.50
It will pay you to buy several pairs.
20 to 50% off all Summer Dresses, Flannel Coats and Hats
Bank of Commerce $43.70, postage
$5.00, Warrants $2.00; John Little,
refund Little Drain $60.00; Road con-
struction: Ed. Johnston $12.15; Carl
Johnston $30.15; James Johnston
$4.95; Dave Johnston $3.15; Freda.
Churchill $5.95; James Vancamp $5.-
85; Earl Hamilton $2.92; Harry Goll
$2.25, M. Mathers $2.25, R. McLen-
non $7.65, H. Robertson $11.125, W.
Peacock $6.75, Bert Garniss $4.50, L.
Jewitt $7.2.60, Chas, Agar $10.23, W.
Agar $9.00, Addison Fraser $390.00,:
Harry Bosman $15.07. Maintenance,
Nelson Nicholson $1.80, Martin Gar-
niss $6.75, R. Thompson $3.37, W.
Elliott and Son, tile, $19.80; Sawyer -
Massey $4.00; Thos. Miller, general,
$28.74; J. J. Sellers $72.00; J. Yuill
$23.60; Robert Yuill $4.95; William
Speir .68; Frank Little $7.43, Stanley
'Rutledge $4.05, Frank Kerney $1.58,
Frank Beirnes $3.15, Lloyd Peas $2,-
25; R. Bell $4.50, J. P. Kelly $11.14,
Jack Kelly $11.47, Wm. Bernard .90,
Chas. Workman $36.00, Fred Ceiling
$11.75, G. H.' Wheeler $8.11, Wm.
Cunningham . $4.05, Addison Fraser
(general) $5,00, R. Golley $4,27, T.
Burke $3.92, A. Edgar $1,12,,
Next meeting, Monday, August 17,
1931. •
A. MacEwen, Clerk.
Minutes hof Council meeting held .in
the Township Hall on Monday, July
20, 1931.
Ali the Council was present. The
minutes of the last meeting were read
and approved.
Addison Fraser was paid $390.00 ,on
the crushing contract.
'rhe Court .of Revision on the as-
sessment roll was re -opened, As
there are no buildings on lot south
parts 59, 60, con, 1,owned by Samuel
Burke, the assessment of $300 on•the
buildings was thrown off.
A dog was struck off for John
Munro. The Court of Revision was
then closed.
Asohn Crai had resigned as pat-;
rolinar,,' John Nesbitt was appointed
in his place.
'The following` accounts were paid:
Miller Bros., making tile $30:85; S.
�. Davidson, cement $15.00; W. T.
1:3rydges, collector, salary $125.00,
We are sorry to hear that Mr. W.
Drennan, 9th con., who has been in
bed for some time, is not improving
very fast.
Mr. 'Bert Alton, 'Mrs. Roy Alton
and, Alvin, Miss Melda Lane and Mr.
John McDonagh motored to Toronto
Saturday, returning Sunday,
A car load of visitors from De-
troit, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
John McDonald, 12th con;
Mr, Robert Anderson, from the
West, is visiting with his cousin, Mr.
Tom Anderson and other relatives,
in Ashfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hall and
children of Brantford, are holidaying
with the former's relatives, 9th con,
Mrs. David Parrish, of Lucknow,
is spending a few days with her sons,
Messrs. John and Wilfred Farrish, of
10th con.
Mrs. McLennan and her mother!,
Mrs. Rollie Grant, accompanied by
Mrs. Leo Horne and mother, Mrs,
Farrish, spent Thursday with Mr,'
and Mrs. Angus McDert`nond, near
Mr. Bert Alton and Mrs. Roy Al-
ton spent the week -end in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Thom spent Sun-
day at Mr. T. A. Cameron's.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Irwin visited
Kinloss friends recently.
Mr., and Mrs. Watson Davis spent,
the week -end here.
Mrs. Hackett and Mary of Luck -
now, spent last week in the commun-
Hackett's Sunday School Picnic is
to be held Wednesday at Port Al-
Messrs. Tom Ferguson and Glen.
Cameron spent a day at Port Elgin.
Mr. and Mrs. A. McMichael of
Wroxeter, spent Sunday at Mr. Chas.
Miss Bernice Lockridge and friend
of Wingham, spent Sunday at Mr.
Will Abraham's.
Miss Ruby Baird of Wingham, also
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Orr and son Jack,
and Miss Sarah Orr, visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Casemore
on Sunday.
Mrs. A. MacDonald and son, Roy,
of Toronto, are visitors at Mr. Chas.
Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Golley and
family, visited at Mr. John Abraham's
on Sunday.
Mrs. Robt. Hetherington spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. Alex.
Coutts, in Wingham,
Mr. and Mrs. Will
Wallace and
family of Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Wheeler, of Belgrave, spent Sunday
at Mr. Duncan Campbell's.
Dr. Mary Findlater of Washington,
is visiting at Mr. Win. Findl'at'er's.
Miss Winnifred Golley of Edmon-
ton, is spending a short, time with.
her uncle, Mr. Robt. Warwick, and
other relative`s in this community.
Mr. and ' Mrs. Dick Jacklitt of
Jamestown were visitors at Mr. C,
Goll's on Sunday.
Misses Mary and Jean Switzer, of
Ieranipton, are visiting with' Mrs. J.
Miss 'Margaret Miller of St, FI ens
spent Sunday with Mr, Samuel Sher -
Brown--- "Do you think the dead
can communicate with us?"
Black—"I know they can't, Once
Inianaged to borrow a dollar from a
Scotehinan. A. week later he died,
and I haven't heard a word since."
Canadian National ExhibitionTo-
ronto, will open Friday, Aix g ust 28th,
and continue to Saturday, September
12th, exclusive of Sundays.
Outboard motorboat and yachting
races will be featured on the Canad-
ian National Exhibition aquatic
sports programme,
The Canadian National Exhibition
is the world's largest annual spec-
Five million dollars in new pertnaw
neat btxllditigs ha=d' lieeii 'expended at'.
the Canadian Nationalxltibitioit,
Toronto, iit the past rive years,
At Agricultural Park
Monday, Aug. 3rd
At 2 O'clock
Free-for-all Blue Water
Stake, pace or trot
2.20 Golden Gate Stake,
pace or trot
2.25 Goderich Stake,
pace or trot
Under the auspices . of - the
Long Branch Driving Club
New Covered Grandstand'.
Good Track
Betting Privileges Allowed
General Admission -- 50e
(tax extra)
J. B. Whitely, M.D., President.
E. R. Wiglle, Teasurer.
W. F.Clark, V,S., Secretary.
Winner For June--
Mr. R. Hogg, Winghant
Special Values in Gifts
For The Sumi er Beason
ETC. ---Ail High Class Goods
At Moderate
LD .
Jeweller Wxttghatlt