HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-06-25, Page 417177 ..7, PAUE FOUR nikiltnoilion usimul lull moi llltila>,111,1 ll,1l�attiniumwormiti1 1�1�fllli 111 t[llpfl{i1M ini . 'itii M "Wenn Powder and i Mineral Tonic for Swine" rserarraramamovartmwe The formula for above is as recommended i by the Agricultural Representative ,at Clinton and we carry in stock m bulk to sell you in any quan- tity. ul. McKIBBON'S DRUG STORE 7247 easla..10A, Store WhIghaal ,�iu�lti01u111ile�itli�lill Phone 53 D IiIIYiiP''1111111111III111111/11/1111 111111;1111111 110111111uldlll11ulY1111AUI11uIaiH11 CHAS POTTER, Painter and Decor- ator. Painting 25c hour, Papering 12c roll. Many year's practice. EXCELLENT BARGAINS in Prop- erties—Beforebuying see T. Fells, FOR SALE OR RENT—House on Francis street, Wingham, good lot, all conveniences, and double gar- age. Possession at once. Apply to J. W. Bushfield. FOR SALE --Asparagus, green on- ions, rhubarb, lettuce, strawberries, nine weeks old chicks for broilers, also pure bred leghorn cockerels for breeding purposes. These are from . Dr. Roe's ' British Columbia trap -nested stock. John Kerr. FOR SALE—One Ford Coupe, late model; 1 Chevrolet sedan, both in gdod condition. Apply to R. E. 'Jackson, Wingham,:' phone 242. FOR ` SALE—A comfortable frame residence with an acre of ground on the outskirts of Wingham. Ab- ner .Cosens, Insurance and Real Es- tate. LOST -At Wingham Bowling Club on Monday, June 15th, one bowl with anchor on end, $5.00 reward. D. B. Porter. MAN WANTED—Canadian Life Co. Established over forty years. De- sires district representative. Real proposition to the right man. Box A, Advance -Times. NOTICE—NO DUMPING of Rub- bish on Agricultural Grounds. By Order. of Committee. :NOTICE -To the owners and occup- iers of land in Turnberry. The Weed Act is still in force. Destroy the Weeds before they go to seed, Tom K. Powell, Inspector. STRAWBERRIES FOR SALE Delivered if desired. Rich. Cham- ney, R. R. 1, .13eigrave, 621r41. STRAWBERRIES FOR SALE -. Apply to Geo. Baird, Town Plot. TENDERS to July 4th—For Stand- ing Fall Wheat on Fair Grounds, to be taken off grounds, about 4 acres. Cash. Highest .or anyten- der not necessarily accepted. Adam Robertson, R. R. 5, Wingham. WANTED—Man with car, a good Proposition. .Apply to Advance- Times Office, WE CAN SUPPLY WOOD weekly ^luring the summer. Hardwood is .,ow cheaper than hard coal, why not use it and keep your dollars at home in Ontario. We will meas- ure your stove and cast wood to suit any stove. D. H. Martin and Sons. The' Wawanda Farms; • WANTED -for S. S. No, 7, Morris. Township, a Protestant Teacher. Duties to coinnience Sept, lst. Ap- plications to be in by. July 70th. Apply to George H. Coulter, R. R. No. 4, Wingham, Ont, MORTGAGE SALE Of Valuable Farm Properties UNDER ANI:) 1W VIRTUE of the Powers of Sale in two certain Mortgages, which will be produced at the sale, there will be offered for sale by .Public Auction on SATURDAY, JUNE 27th, 1931 at the hour of 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Brunswick Hotel, Wingham, Ontario, by Thomas Fells, Auctioneer, the fol- lowing properties: Parcel 1. All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in, the Township of East Wawanosh, in lie County of ' Huron and Province of Ontario, and being composed of the South hail of Lot Number Twen- ty-eight in the Ninth Coneessiott of the said Towtiship of East Wawa - :nosh, containing bite hundred. acres yf land More property More or less. Ort thert' is said to be a p y good ;houseand barn:', ' Parcel `2. All And singular : that :ertain pared or tract of land ande ermse. , s tda'te, lying and being in ie T ,wnsltipof Grey_ �tt..the 'Comity. roit and Province of Ontario, and being composed of Lot Number Four in the .First Concession of the said Township of Grey, containing by admeasurement one hundred acres of land more or less. On this property is said to be a good house and barn. Each of the above properties will be offered for sale subject to a re- serve bid and certain conditions of sale. ' Terms of Sale: Ten per cent, of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale, and the balance within thirty days thereafter. For further particulars and condi- tions of sale apply .to Ross & Rob- inson, 600 Canadian Bank of Com- merce Chambers, King and James Streets, Hamilton, Ontario, Solicitors for the Vendor. Thomas Fells, Wingham, Ontario, Auctioneer. Dated at Hamilton this 18th day of May, 1931. AUCTION SALE Of the property of the late Alex- ander Campbell at 2.30 o'clock p.m., on Market Square, Wingham .. SATURDAY, JUNE 27th 3 bedsteads, 3 dressers, 3 wash stands, spring and: mattresses, dining table, kitchen table,. _ double chair, 2 couches, sideboard, rocking chair, 2 cupboards, baskets, pictures, coal stove, coal oil stove, washing mach- ine, child's wheelbarrow, child's wa- gon, 2 step -ladders, long ladder, gene jars, garden tools, kitchen utensils, pots, pans and numerous other ar- ticles. All must be sold without reserve. TERMS CASH. - Thos. Fells, Auctioneer. CARD OF THANKS The undersigned wishes to express her gratitude to all who assisted her in ay way in the recent contest. Mrs. M. Abram. CARD OF THANKS I am glad to take this opportunity of thanking all my friends for the gifts which.1 have much appreciated during my illness. Richard Bennett. CARD OF THANKS? The family of the late Mrs. Arthur MacLean desire to ,expresstheir ap- preciation' for the flowers and words of sympathy tendered in their recent sad bereavement: Conditions Will Improve The most positive ,prediction of the imminence of a change in business conditions comes from Roger W, Babson, the business statistician who called the turn on the 1929 break. In a. message this week to the News- paper Advertising Executives, he said "I am willing to stake my reputation that business has' Seen its worst, that. ACT r � ACS AT, . ONCE Now is the time to clean up your slow accounts. Send your list: to KELLY & AIKEN Successful Collectors for 40 years. ORANGEVILLE They get results. R. C. ARMSTRONG' LIVE STOCK And GENERAL AUCTIONEER Ability with special training en. ables the to give yott satisfaction, Ar- rangements trade with W. J, :Drown, Wingham; or direct to Teeswater. Phone 454-2. MATT. GA'Y'NER AUCTIONER '►lensed :a1! or 64 Lticknow. Sal 'I*' lk'. at clod: ta. at : .Mere,• EXPere whit d (racy a1-ttatioia, anti .a#br-':affo ut.forth:. o.assure you :ou y �r.1? t tel t .stit6tiasf1 I sale, T WIN GI -IAM ADVANCE -TIMES .0=101=2101=1010=I0 Cash Dealings Money [I Savings Thursday, June 25tb, 193I 0. Honest Values Confidence Held n FRIDAY, SATURDAY BARGAIN ITEMS AND FINISH OF JUNE SALE 0 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 RAYON CREPE Most of this season's fashionable dresses are made; of this pastel shaded rayon crepe; white, blue, Q pink and green, 36 inches wide, Yard ✓ C Bordered CLOTHS All Linen Cloths with pret- ty colored borders in gold, rose, green and blue; good quality linen that wears and launders well. 119 Size 52x68. Each • n7 TEA TOWELLING A11 Linen in good firm weave, a regular 25c qual- ity; red and blue checks, 21 inches wide Yard` 19c reirtimo Cottage CLOTHS A satisfactory linen cloth with multi -colored borders that are new; border rainbow in ef- feet; gold, red blue and green. sSize 54 x 70. Each 1.'U 5 TERRY ,TOWELS Good size for hand use, good drying' quality, ,close weave with fringed ends; Red or blue stripe 001 Size 18x39. Each ,,.G C DISH CLOTHS Open mesh type that are easily kept clean and fresh. Large size, two Lr" for 5 LINEN SETS Cloth is card table size and has four napkins to match; .dainty colored edge, small design in C me r. let Set; 1 049 p S FACE CLOTHS These are a 15c cloth, they show slight imperfections in weave; buy them now. All colors, generous size. 3 For 2 5 c HOSPITAL TOWELLING An all cotton Towelling that wears and drys well, a satisfactory towelling for. rollers or hand towels; 16 inches wide, reg. 30c, for, Yard.....-..... 23C LUNCH CLOTHS Good Weight Table Cloths size 48 by 48 inches, with all over check pattern, blue with rose, blue 69C with gold. Each ALL LINEN; TOWELLING This roller towelling will give lots of satisfactory wear and drying quality, good weight, close weave. 15 to 16 inches wide, reg. 19c, yd. 13C BLACK AND NAVY VOILES An excellent Dress Voile in navy and black only, show- ing small dot patterns, Normandy beaded, which holds and guaranteed tub -fast. 36 inches wide. Rr' 9 C Yard; e� FRENCH CREPE DRESSES French CREPE DRESSES Smart for Summer Wear, also very effective in; appearance, colors, green, pink, heliotrope, peach, blues and white, i touches h t, da my their effectiveness. Sizes 14 to 17 38, priced at 1 raj® SILK PIQUE DRESSES For sports wear, no sleeves with wide collars, all show .pleats in skirts, and mcontrastingo ors tri rued in ' colors, , a smart effeetive dress, pric- ed at 4.50 ..moi See our ,splendid range of Ensembles. For Summer wear. HATS The 'node in Millinery, white and natural Panamas — crush basketweave straws, silk stitch. ed, Sport Hats, the new- Linen Sport Hat, we have a varied range at 'prices and styles sure to please. Continuing Bargain Basement Sale Sale of Aluminum ware, Enamelware, Glass ware, etc., proved highly successful; we have added new items to the different price groups, and offer them all as Fri- day and Saturday Bargain Basement Attractions, that save. Stockings for the entire family at Bargain Base- ment Prices. See them, you'll buy. From 19 to 59c pair. IIIMMONIMMEIMMor CLOVER LEAF CHINA Still continuing sale of this popular Dinnerware, still a good assortment to be had. All Half Price. HALF PRICE Fine quality Rayon Brevities, Panties, Bloomers, trim- med with various touches, so feminine and dainty for: summer wear, clearing $1.25 range 63 C Service Weight Hose Silk to the:top, picot edge, full fashioned, slenderizing panel heel. leg: G Q $1.35. Pair CPU. • Wood's Blue Label Real economy ..buying in Rayon Vests and Bloomers, Fine quality Rayon, bloom- ers in the new tail- ryc' tired style,. Each 1 C Curtain, Madras Real value and low pride a 'splendid quality cur- tain madras with all ov- patterns i, 34 inches wide. Reg. 25C' for 1 C Yard• e Sheeting and Middy Twills Various lengths of these materials and 'real savings at this low price.. Reg. to 45c per yard, for 2.3 C Yard -• Awning Duck For windows or verandah curtains, clearing ;balance andat a real saving, reg- ular weight ,duck in light and dark stripes. AA Qp 30 in. wide. reg. 65c`��a7 t% Ladies' Lisle Hose Shaped leg with am seam, fine rib, stretchy top, a ,com- fortable everyday hose. Reg. 50c Pair. 43 c Pair' NAINSOOK NIGHT GOWNS Swiss Embroidery in var- ious patterns, good weight, cool nainsook in pastel colors. Special at A Q C Each a77 0 Pillow Casing Circular woven Pillow Cotton of good wearing ,gaulity and smooth fin- ish. 40 and 42 inches wide. Reg. 45c03 C Yard a7 Khaki Denim Ends You will get lots of hard aw wear from this splendid khaki denim, suitable for outing pants, kiddies' over- alls, work shirts, etc, var- ious lengths, 35 in. wide, reg. 35c, Yd. 23 C Irish Linen Towels So useful for shower gifts, etc., fine huck weave, fit to grace any towel rack, pat- terned '.hems and hemstit- ch, 18 x 36. Reg. 59e. Each.111 33i C Q O 0 0 FIGURED MARQUISETTE Attractive Marquisette with Floral Patterns that are printed, sweet peas and shamrocks in colors, these pretty patterns are .guaranteed fast in every way, and are very popular; clearing balance left, 38 a'D 9 C inches wide. Reg. 39c, for, Yard ROUSING ITEMS GRAD UNDERWEAR Shirtsand Drawers. our stock of this pop- ular Underwear being broken, we are clearing it out at decided saving 3.9 C to you. Each Garment ...,,. MEN'S WEAR KHAKI OUTING PANTS Good weight Khaki Drill, two hip, two side pockets and belt straps, cuff bottoms, cut roomy throughout. Sizes 32 1Q' to 40. Reg. $1.75. Each . Visit Win na '3 Big Store L r although the change will be slow, it will be in the right direction, and that within a reasonable time this county will again enter a period of marked prosperity, Statistics today point to another period of prosper- ity, the same as three years ago, they pointed to the present period of de- pression. i owes PHILLIPS of MA . For Troubles due to Acid INDIGESTION Aclo sroMAGH HEARTBURN '. HEADACHE GASES -NAUSEA WHEN F'OOD SOURS ji BOUT two boors after eating many people suffer from sour stomachs. They call it indigestion. It Means that the stomach nerves have been over -stimulated. There is excess acid. The way to correct it is with an !alkali, which neutralizes many tixnes its volume in acid. The right way is Philips Milk of Magnesia --•just a tasteless dose in water, It is pleasant, efficient and. harmless, Ilesults come almost in- stantly. It is the approved method. You will never use another when you know.' Be sure to get tha genttirxe. Phillips Milk of Magnesia; prescribed by physieians for correctingexcess acids, 25e end 50e+ft bottle—arty drugstore. "Milk of Magnesia has been the "il: S Registered. Trade atle Mhrk of the Charles II. Phillips Chemical Cont - an 1, and ita predecessor Charles IL hiiins aunt l c A, l ,., 4, I ttS Nw.i. 0 ssi J .FM At a revival meeting converts were coming forward by the dozen. A ne- gro carne striding down the aisle and dropped to his 'knees. He was bare- footed, and two enormous feet stuck up behind him. In a moment the near-sighted re- vivalist started -up .the aisle, kneeling here and there - beside the converts, Peering earnestly at the negro, he patted hint on the shoulder and nrur= mored: "Bless you, brother." Thin` kneeling behind him and putting a hand on each heel, he said; "And bless these two dear little boys." GOOD PROGRAMME FOR CHAUTAUQUA To the Editur av all thim Wingham paypers. Deer Sur: The' Missies kapes me purty busy in the garden these days be rayson av wantin to hev all' the, pertaties hoed up properly befoor the big Chautauqua tint conies to town. I always want to attind all thine may - tins I kin, brut thing sates do be putty harrud ort me old back, This year I belave the Chautauqua is goin to be the besht ivir hi]d yit. Tittle av hearin a fellah who sphint five years among thhn Eskhimoos tell av his ixpayrienees among thfm. lads, livin in shnow houses, an attire tally candles and sunloight soap, Thin thee' is to be a'feliah from Damas- cus. What d'ye tisk av that now? Datnascus is said to be the wildest city in the wurruld, otilder than Blue - vale, an this 1kl is'cpriiin slarthnk; vay to Wingham to tell about'.;'the, Wonderful gardens, an ;;stiosques an fountains, an shtrates paved wid t'par- ble, I void rather miss a Tory icon-. vinshun that miss hearin 'hied. Thin theer'si to he a lady from. Australia _.�• MEN'S BELTS Grained Leather in various lengths, good grade leather, a 75c Belt, for 39c Each VALUES MEN'S BATHING SUITS All Wool, one piece, with skirt, fine rib weave that keeps its shape. Siz- r� c es 36 to 40. Each I • i 5 For JUNE SA ..E ITE t; S Save Mo.ey 0 > S 1* 0 that I musht hear shpake, jist to foind out if me ould brother Matt's. shtories wus all thrue that he tonld me about black shwans an .Kangaroos an other birruds an heists' in that counthry, an thine other quare era,. thures that are nayther birrud nor baist. I suppose ye anoight' call thim the .F.O.'s av the animal creashun.. I nivid. found Matt. out in tellin me a wurrud av a loie, but it will do no harrum to prove his shtories, fer I can't depind on him the sante since he disarted the Tory parthy. Thin theer will be two plays, an lashins av music an intertainnrints fer the. childer. Besoides all thirn tings theer is to be a chalk artist dhrawin pickters�'av iviryting an ivriybody. 1 intind to sit up near the front, whin he is.,doin skitchin, an whin he sees me he will be shure to want to dhraw me fotograf, an thin I will buy it from him, if he dussen't want:more than tin cints fer it, an prisint it to targe Shpotton to hong' up in the Tory • Committee rooms in Ottawa, • Mishter Wilford's, ould home wake will soon' be wid us now, an we do be ixpicktin the girruls, Katie an nitt began to git toired ati shlapey an cudden't kape his nioind on th:e. spaich, an jist whin Misltter King got talkin about unimploymint an harrud toimes all over the counthry, Mishter Binnitt tought av someting he: wance read in the Calgary "Ole Opener",, an that is the rayson ,he laffed. Yours fer Chautauquaan the Ould • Home Wake; Timothy Hay. DONNYBROOK The Young People's meeting next Friday evening will be in charge of Miss Laura Robinson, the topic to be given by. Verna 'Ch'atinncy. The W.M.S. 'net last Thursday af- ternoon at the home. of Mrs. Win.: Robinson with an attendance of 22. Mr. Chas. Robinson returned home on Saturday having spent last week in St. 'Catharines and Toronto' Miss Young of Loyal, was a guest ever the week -end with her friend, Miss Margaret Jefferson. Mr. Vernon Dawson and family, and the Misses Edith and Muriel Dawson of Toronto, spent the week- end at the home of their uncle, Mr, Alex, Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Campbell,; and son, Victor, of Westfield, visited • on Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Johnston. 10th Con. E. WAWANOSH Miss Agatha Coultes is 'spending a fortnight with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robert. Coultes, Miss Mary Vipond, who has been teaching in S.S.` No, 11, has resigned lies duties, this taking effect the last of the month. Mr. and Mrs, Browner of .Toronto, spent the week -end withtheir two granddaughters, Misses .Velma and Aileen Browner. Belgrave and Brick United Church, es are holding a picnic at the 10th. line bridge on Saturday, June 27th. W. M. S. of Brick United church are holditig a` quilting bee at George Coultes'on Thursday, June 25th, ■11111111e111111niIBI111r1ll111llloll M4ln11111111III1■111 11111f111•1I11111B1111111 .. �I I I1�I111YI11M1111111 {11111 igi11a11t! Nora, home from Alberta, wid thee' =r w arratA hev the house — SH pic�1 childer,an thin we will + full fer a few days, I tike Katiehas t! Poor childer and Nora tree, arr,rnebby ;• it is the other way about, but Ia dis- G rernimber now whether they are byes arr girrttis,, an whin I want to foind out I always ask the missies, She kin tell me roi �•ht. out av her head, , wiclout aven consultin the shcore A book that she kapes. It is wonderful WI t i e r the wimmin i n a e some n the tort o y th w i t hey f r, o e� zings, lit avi,shter McKenzie Kin an the b i .x it ,thr i _toput wan resht r s Dictw ?: 1n C over oil Mishter Bi,ntitt.because .they y � said he 'aged at the agile; w , toitzte, - The way it happettedi " f- �w. Ring �,. alter Mishter I �t g foot f r arr fol e I', ferv t ■ For Saturday, J Shoulder Roast of Veal, ib. 15c .'Home-made Bologna, Ib. Veal for stewing 12c ;Roast of Veal or Back .,0,,20c Fillet of Veal .M 23c Leg of Spring Lamb, 1b....;30c LambCho s 1b p , . .-36c Breasts ofLamb, iib, 20c All Pork Sausages, 2 lb ,.,....,25c Home-made Potted Meats ,', 2 l for b ...,,.,,.1:50 ,15ic Cottage Rolls in ,whole or half roll, Ib. „-:... .........18c Lard in 1 Ib. prints p , ib. ..... ... .,..11c Pring in your pail or crock and have it filled at ib ...... .......10c 2 Cans of Pineapple for ......,..22c 2 Canis of Libby's Pork and Bleats for 15c 111 THOS. F'l COM Phone . 35 itl Ill�IIIIiMI�lr 111 111 II1 1111MII1 III11II1�1ril�nli[�h'iilill11Molallail liai r11l111 iolio1 111 11111111101 r r THESE ANT AW BRING RESULTS 03 a Ik l 1- Rests '1600 alp1 cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. .1 iot•YGra1'If Pseia •• •'hY•huic•ersetee•9RslewY•arastraerSteaIehil"BY•>isass•seWees• ism CHAS POTTER, Painter and Decor- ator. Painting 25c hour, Papering 12c roll. Many year's practice. EXCELLENT BARGAINS in Prop- erties—Beforebuying see T. Fells, FOR SALE OR RENT—House on Francis street, Wingham, good lot, all conveniences, and double gar- age. Possession at once. Apply to J. W. Bushfield. FOR SALE --Asparagus, green on- ions, rhubarb, lettuce, strawberries, nine weeks old chicks for broilers, also pure bred leghorn cockerels for breeding purposes. These are from . Dr. Roe's ' British Columbia trap -nested stock. John Kerr. FOR SALE—One Ford Coupe, late model; 1 Chevrolet sedan, both in gdod condition. Apply to R. E. 'Jackson, Wingham,:' phone 242. FOR ` SALE—A comfortable frame residence with an acre of ground on the outskirts of Wingham. Ab- ner .Cosens, Insurance and Real Es- tate. LOST -At Wingham Bowling Club on Monday, June 15th, one bowl with anchor on end, $5.00 reward. D. B. Porter. MAN WANTED—Canadian Life Co. Established over forty years. De- sires district representative. Real proposition to the right man. Box A, Advance -Times. NOTICE—NO DUMPING of Rub- bish on Agricultural Grounds. By Order. of Committee. :NOTICE -To the owners and occup- iers of land in Turnberry. The Weed Act is still in force. Destroy the Weeds before they go to seed, Tom K. Powell, Inspector. STRAWBERRIES FOR SALE Delivered if desired. Rich. Cham- ney, R. R. 1, .13eigrave, 621r41. STRAWBERRIES FOR SALE -. Apply to Geo. Baird, Town Plot. TENDERS to July 4th—For Stand- ing Fall Wheat on Fair Grounds, to be taken off grounds, about 4 acres. Cash. Highest .or anyten- der not necessarily accepted. Adam Robertson, R. R. 5, Wingham. WANTED—Man with car, a good Proposition. .Apply to Advance- Times Office, WE CAN SUPPLY WOOD weekly ^luring the summer. Hardwood is .,ow cheaper than hard coal, why not use it and keep your dollars at home in Ontario. We will meas- ure your stove and cast wood to suit any stove. D. H. Martin and Sons. The' Wawanda Farms; • WANTED -for S. S. No, 7, Morris. Township, a Protestant Teacher. Duties to coinnience Sept, lst. Ap- plications to be in by. July 70th. Apply to George H. Coulter, R. R. No. 4, Wingham, Ont, MORTGAGE SALE Of Valuable Farm Properties UNDER ANI:) 1W VIRTUE of the Powers of Sale in two certain Mortgages, which will be produced at the sale, there will be offered for sale by .Public Auction on SATURDAY, JUNE 27th, 1931 at the hour of 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Brunswick Hotel, Wingham, Ontario, by Thomas Fells, Auctioneer, the fol- lowing properties: Parcel 1. All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in, the Township of East Wawanosh, in lie County of ' Huron and Province of Ontario, and being composed of the South hail of Lot Number Twen- ty-eight in the Ninth Coneessiott of the said Towtiship of East Wawa - :nosh, containing bite hundred. acres yf land More property More or less. Ort thert' is said to be a p y good ;houseand barn:', ' Parcel `2. All And singular : that :ertain pared or tract of land ande ermse. , s tda'te, lying and being in ie T ,wnsltipof Grey_ �tt..the 'Comity. roit and Province of Ontario, and being composed of Lot Number Four in the .First Concession of the said Township of Grey, containing by admeasurement one hundred acres of land more or less. On this property is said to be a good house and barn. Each of the above properties will be offered for sale subject to a re- serve bid and certain conditions of sale. ' Terms of Sale: Ten per cent, of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale, and the balance within thirty days thereafter. For further particulars and condi- tions of sale apply .to Ross & Rob- inson, 600 Canadian Bank of Com- merce Chambers, King and James Streets, Hamilton, Ontario, Solicitors for the Vendor. Thomas Fells, Wingham, Ontario, Auctioneer. Dated at Hamilton this 18th day of May, 1931. AUCTION SALE Of the property of the late Alex- ander Campbell at 2.30 o'clock p.m., on Market Square, Wingham .. SATURDAY, JUNE 27th 3 bedsteads, 3 dressers, 3 wash stands, spring and: mattresses, dining table, kitchen table,. _ double chair, 2 couches, sideboard, rocking chair, 2 cupboards, baskets, pictures, coal stove, coal oil stove, washing mach- ine, child's wheelbarrow, child's wa- gon, 2 step -ladders, long ladder, gene jars, garden tools, kitchen utensils, pots, pans and numerous other ar- ticles. All must be sold without reserve. TERMS CASH. - Thos. Fells, Auctioneer. CARD OF THANKS The undersigned wishes to express her gratitude to all who assisted her in ay way in the recent contest. Mrs. M. Abram. CARD OF THANKS I am glad to take this opportunity of thanking all my friends for the gifts which.1 have much appreciated during my illness. Richard Bennett. CARD OF THANKS? The family of the late Mrs. Arthur MacLean desire to ,expresstheir ap- preciation' for the flowers and words of sympathy tendered in their recent sad bereavement: Conditions Will Improve The most positive ,prediction of the imminence of a change in business conditions comes from Roger W, Babson, the business statistician who called the turn on the 1929 break. In a. message this week to the News- paper Advertising Executives, he said "I am willing to stake my reputation that business has' Seen its worst, that. ACT r � ACS AT, . ONCE Now is the time to clean up your slow accounts. Send your list: to KELLY & AIKEN Successful Collectors for 40 years. ORANGEVILLE They get results. R. C. ARMSTRONG' LIVE STOCK And GENERAL AUCTIONEER Ability with special training en. ables the to give yott satisfaction, Ar- rangements trade with W. J, :Drown, Wingham; or direct to Teeswater. Phone 454-2. MATT. GA'Y'NER AUCTIONER '►lensed :a1! or 64 Lticknow. Sal 'I*' lk'. at clod: ta. at : .Mere,• EXPere whit d (racy a1-ttatioia, anti .a#br-':affo ut.forth:. o.assure you :ou y �r.1? t tel t .stit6tiasf1 I sale, T WIN GI -IAM ADVANCE -TIMES .0=101=2101=1010=I0 Cash Dealings Money [I Savings Thursday, June 25tb, 193I 0. Honest Values Confidence Held n FRIDAY, SATURDAY BARGAIN ITEMS AND FINISH OF JUNE SALE 0 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 RAYON CREPE Most of this season's fashionable dresses are made; of this pastel shaded rayon crepe; white, blue, Q pink and green, 36 inches wide, Yard ✓ C Bordered CLOTHS All Linen Cloths with pret- ty colored borders in gold, rose, green and blue; good quality linen that wears and launders well. 119 Size 52x68. Each • n7 TEA TOWELLING A11 Linen in good firm weave, a regular 25c qual- ity; red and blue checks, 21 inches wide Yard` 19c reirtimo Cottage CLOTHS A satisfactory linen cloth with multi -colored borders that are new; border rainbow in ef- feet; gold, red blue and green. sSize 54 x 70. Each 1.'U 5 TERRY ,TOWELS Good size for hand use, good drying' quality, ,close weave with fringed ends; Red or blue stripe 001 Size 18x39. Each ,,.G C DISH CLOTHS Open mesh type that are easily kept clean and fresh. Large size, two Lr" for 5 LINEN SETS Cloth is card table size and has four napkins to match; .dainty colored edge, small design in C me r. let Set; 1 049 p S FACE CLOTHS These are a 15c cloth, they show slight imperfections in weave; buy them now. All colors, generous size. 3 For 2 5 c HOSPITAL TOWELLING An all cotton Towelling that wears and drys well, a satisfactory towelling for. rollers or hand towels; 16 inches wide, reg. 30c, for, Yard.....-..... 23C LUNCH CLOTHS Good Weight Table Cloths size 48 by 48 inches, with all over check pattern, blue with rose, blue 69C with gold. Each ALL LINEN; TOWELLING This roller towelling will give lots of satisfactory wear and drying quality, good weight, close weave. 15 to 16 inches wide, reg. 19c, yd. 13C BLACK AND NAVY VOILES An excellent Dress Voile in navy and black only, show- ing small dot patterns, Normandy beaded, which holds and guaranteed tub -fast. 36 inches wide. Rr' 9 C Yard; e� FRENCH CREPE DRESSES French CREPE DRESSES Smart for Summer Wear, also very effective in; appearance, colors, green, pink, heliotrope, peach, blues and white, i touches h t, da my their effectiveness. Sizes 14 to 17 38, priced at 1 raj® SILK PIQUE DRESSES For sports wear, no sleeves with wide collars, all show .pleats in skirts, and mcontrastingo ors tri rued in ' colors, , a smart effeetive dress, pric- ed at 4.50 ..moi See our ,splendid range of Ensembles. For Summer wear. HATS The 'node in Millinery, white and natural Panamas — crush basketweave straws, silk stitch. ed, Sport Hats, the new- Linen Sport Hat, we have a varied range at 'prices and styles sure to please. Continuing Bargain Basement Sale Sale of Aluminum ware, Enamelware, Glass ware, etc., proved highly successful; we have added new items to the different price groups, and offer them all as Fri- day and Saturday Bargain Basement Attractions, that save. Stockings for the entire family at Bargain Base- ment Prices. See them, you'll buy. From 19 to 59c pair. IIIMMONIMMEIMMor CLOVER LEAF CHINA Still continuing sale of this popular Dinnerware, still a good assortment to be had. All Half Price. HALF PRICE Fine quality Rayon Brevities, Panties, Bloomers, trim- med with various touches, so feminine and dainty for: summer wear, clearing $1.25 range 63 C Service Weight Hose Silk to the:top, picot edge, full fashioned, slenderizing panel heel. leg: G Q $1.35. Pair CPU. • Wood's Blue Label Real economy ..buying in Rayon Vests and Bloomers, Fine quality Rayon, bloom- ers in the new tail- ryc' tired style,. Each 1 C Curtain, Madras Real value and low pride a 'splendid quality cur- tain madras with all ov- patterns i, 34 inches wide. Reg. 25C' for 1 C Yard• e Sheeting and Middy Twills Various lengths of these materials and 'real savings at this low price.. Reg. to 45c per yard, for 2.3 C Yard -• Awning Duck For windows or verandah curtains, clearing ;balance andat a real saving, reg- ular weight ,duck in light and dark stripes. AA Qp 30 in. wide. reg. 65c`��a7 t% Ladies' Lisle Hose Shaped leg with am seam, fine rib, stretchy top, a ,com- fortable everyday hose. Reg. 50c Pair. 43 c Pair' NAINSOOK NIGHT GOWNS Swiss Embroidery in var- ious patterns, good weight, cool nainsook in pastel colors. Special at A Q C Each a77 0 Pillow Casing Circular woven Pillow Cotton of good wearing ,gaulity and smooth fin- ish. 40 and 42 inches wide. Reg. 45c03 C Yard a7 Khaki Denim Ends You will get lots of hard aw wear from this splendid khaki denim, suitable for outing pants, kiddies' over- alls, work shirts, etc, var- ious lengths, 35 in. wide, reg. 35c, Yd. 23 C Irish Linen Towels So useful for shower gifts, etc., fine huck weave, fit to grace any towel rack, pat- terned '.hems and hemstit- ch, 18 x 36. Reg. 59e. Each.111 33i C Q O 0 0 FIGURED MARQUISETTE Attractive Marquisette with Floral Patterns that are printed, sweet peas and shamrocks in colors, these pretty patterns are .guaranteed fast in every way, and are very popular; clearing balance left, 38 a'D 9 C inches wide. Reg. 39c, for, Yard ROUSING ITEMS GRAD UNDERWEAR Shirtsand Drawers. our stock of this pop- ular Underwear being broken, we are clearing it out at decided saving 3.9 C to you. Each Garment ...,,. MEN'S WEAR KHAKI OUTING PANTS Good weight Khaki Drill, two hip, two side pockets and belt straps, cuff bottoms, cut roomy throughout. Sizes 32 1Q' to 40. Reg. $1.75. Each . Visit Win na '3 Big Store L r although the change will be slow, it will be in the right direction, and that within a reasonable time this county will again enter a period of marked prosperity, Statistics today point to another period of prosper- ity, the same as three years ago, they pointed to the present period of de- pression. i owes PHILLIPS of MA . For Troubles due to Acid INDIGESTION Aclo sroMAGH HEARTBURN '. HEADACHE GASES -NAUSEA WHEN F'OOD SOURS ji BOUT two boors after eating many people suffer from sour stomachs. They call it indigestion. It Means that the stomach nerves have been over -stimulated. There is excess acid. The way to correct it is with an !alkali, which neutralizes many tixnes its volume in acid. The right way is Philips Milk of Magnesia --•just a tasteless dose in water, It is pleasant, efficient and. harmless, Ilesults come almost in- stantly. It is the approved method. You will never use another when you know.' Be sure to get tha genttirxe. Phillips Milk of Magnesia; prescribed by physieians for correctingexcess acids, 25e end 50e+ft bottle—arty drugstore. "Milk of Magnesia has been the "il: S Registered. Trade atle Mhrk of the Charles II. Phillips Chemical Cont - an 1, and ita predecessor Charles IL hiiins aunt l c A, l ,., 4, I ttS Nw.i. 0 ssi J .FM At a revival meeting converts were coming forward by the dozen. A ne- gro carne striding down the aisle and dropped to his 'knees. He was bare- footed, and two enormous feet stuck up behind him. In a moment the near-sighted re- vivalist started -up .the aisle, kneeling here and there - beside the converts, Peering earnestly at the negro, he patted hint on the shoulder and nrur= mored: "Bless you, brother." Thin` kneeling behind him and putting a hand on each heel, he said; "And bless these two dear little boys." GOOD PROGRAMME FOR CHAUTAUQUA To the Editur av all thim Wingham paypers. Deer Sur: The' Missies kapes me purty busy in the garden these days be rayson av wantin to hev all' the, pertaties hoed up properly befoor the big Chautauqua tint conies to town. I always want to attind all thine may - tins I kin, brut thing sates do be putty harrud ort me old back, This year I belave the Chautauqua is goin to be the besht ivir hi]d yit. Tittle av hearin a fellah who sphint five years among thhn Eskhimoos tell av his ixpayrienees among thfm. lads, livin in shnow houses, an attire tally candles and sunloight soap, Thin thee' is to be a'feliah from Damas- cus. What d'ye tisk av that now? Datnascus is said to be the wildest city in the wurruld, otilder than Blue - vale, an this 1kl is'cpriiin slarthnk; vay to Wingham to tell about'.;'the, Wonderful gardens, an ;;stiosques an fountains, an shtrates paved wid t'par- ble, I void rather miss a Tory icon-. vinshun that miss hearin 'hied. Thin theer'si to he a lady from. Australia _.�• MEN'S BELTS Grained Leather in various lengths, good grade leather, a 75c Belt, for 39c Each VALUES MEN'S BATHING SUITS All Wool, one piece, with skirt, fine rib weave that keeps its shape. Siz- r� c es 36 to 40. Each I • i 5 For JUNE SA ..E ITE t; S Save Mo.ey 0 > S 1* 0 that I musht hear shpake, jist to foind out if me ould brother Matt's. shtories wus all thrue that he tonld me about black shwans an .Kangaroos an other birruds an heists' in that counthry, an thine other quare era,. thures that are nayther birrud nor baist. I suppose ye anoight' call thim the .F.O.'s av the animal creashun.. I nivid. found Matt. out in tellin me a wurrud av a loie, but it will do no harrum to prove his shtories, fer I can't depind on him the sante since he disarted the Tory parthy. Thin theer will be two plays, an lashins av music an intertainnrints fer the. childer. Besoides all thirn tings theer is to be a chalk artist dhrawin pickters�'av iviryting an ivriybody. 1 intind to sit up near the front, whin he is.,doin skitchin, an whin he sees me he will be shure to want to dhraw me fotograf, an thin I will buy it from him, if he dussen't want:more than tin cints fer it, an prisint it to targe Shpotton to hong' up in the Tory • Committee rooms in Ottawa, • Mishter Wilford's, ould home wake will soon' be wid us now, an we do be ixpicktin the girruls, Katie an nitt began to git toired ati shlapey an cudden't kape his nioind on th:e. spaich, an jist whin Misltter King got talkin about unimploymint an harrud toimes all over the counthry, Mishter Binnitt tought av someting he: wance read in the Calgary "Ole Opener",, an that is the rayson ,he laffed. Yours fer Chautauquaan the Ould • Home Wake; Timothy Hay. DONNYBROOK The Young People's meeting next Friday evening will be in charge of Miss Laura Robinson, the topic to be given by. Verna 'Ch'atinncy. The W.M.S. 'net last Thursday af- ternoon at the home. of Mrs. Win.: Robinson with an attendance of 22. Mr. Chas. Robinson returned home on Saturday having spent last week in St. 'Catharines and Toronto' Miss Young of Loyal, was a guest ever the week -end with her friend, Miss Margaret Jefferson. Mr. Vernon Dawson and family, and the Misses Edith and Muriel Dawson of Toronto, spent the week- end at the home of their uncle, Mr, Alex, Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Campbell,; and son, Victor, of Westfield, visited • on Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Johnston. 10th Con. E. WAWANOSH Miss Agatha Coultes is 'spending a fortnight with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robert. Coultes, Miss Mary Vipond, who has been teaching in S.S.` No, 11, has resigned lies duties, this taking effect the last of the month. Mr. and Mrs, Browner of .Toronto, spent the week -end withtheir two granddaughters, Misses .Velma and Aileen Browner. Belgrave and Brick United Church, es are holding a picnic at the 10th. line bridge on Saturday, June 27th. W. M. S. of Brick United church are holditig a` quilting bee at George Coultes'on Thursday, June 25th, ■11111111e111111niIBI111r1ll111llloll M4ln11111111III1■111 11111f111•1I11111B1111111 .. �I I I1�I111YI11M1111111 {11111 igi11a11t! Nora, home from Alberta, wid thee' =r w arratA hev the house — SH pic�1 childer,an thin we will + full fer a few days, I tike Katiehas t! Poor childer and Nora tree, arr,rnebby ;• it is the other way about, but Ia dis- G rernimber now whether they are byes arr girrttis,, an whin I want to foind out I always ask the missies, She kin tell me roi �•ht. out av her head, , wiclout aven consultin the shcore A book that she kapes. It is wonderful WI t i e r the wimmin i n a e some n the tort o y th w i t hey f r, o e� zings, lit avi,shter McKenzie Kin an the b i .x it ,thr i _toput wan resht r s Dictw ?: 1n C over oil Mishter Bi,ntitt.because .they y � said he 'aged at the agile; w , toitzte, - The way it happettedi " f- �w. Ring �,. alter Mishter I �t g foot f r arr fol e I', ferv t ■ For Saturday, J Shoulder Roast of Veal, ib. 15c .'Home-made Bologna, Ib. Veal for stewing 12c ;Roast of Veal or Back .,0,,20c Fillet of Veal .M 23c Leg of Spring Lamb, 1b....;30c LambCho s 1b p , . .-36c Breasts ofLamb, iib, 20c All Pork Sausages, 2 lb ,.,....,25c Home-made Potted Meats ,', 2 l for b ...,,.,,.1:50 ,15ic Cottage Rolls in ,whole or half roll, Ib. „-:... .........18c Lard in 1 Ib. prints p , ib. ..... ... .,..11c Pring in your pail or crock and have it filled at ib ...... .......10c 2 Cans of Pineapple for ......,..22c 2 Canis of Libby's Pork and Bleats for 15c 111 THOS. F'l COM Phone . 35 itl Ill�IIIIiMI�lr 111 111 II1 1111MII1 III11II1�1ril�nli[�h'iilill11Molallail liai r11l111 iolio1 111 11111111101