HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-06-18, Page 7'Thursday, June 18th, 1931
(C7iitinut:d from last week)
Before adjournment on Tuesday
might the following . motion by J. W.
MCICibbon "and B. M, Francis,, was
passed: That the members of Huron
County Council wish to place on re-
cord our sincere regret at the loss
this county and county council have
sustained in the death of our es-
teemed colleague and ex -warden, Al-
fred C. Backer, who for the past ten
, years represented: the village of 'B,rus-
se1s as reeve and during the past year
1930 as warden of the county.
We desire at the same time to ex-
press our high appreciation of his
energy and ability as councilor and
-warden and his characteristics of
-thoroughness in carrying on title
.county business and that of his vil-
lage of Brusseys which were fully
testified to by ,the fact. that 1.e was
accorded ten consecutive acclamat-
ions as reeve.
We would join in sympathy with
'his bereaved widow and family .and
larder' this resolution to be inscribed
twice of this. work and also bespoke
the co-operation of the 'county count-
cil, and gave examples of good work
done under thecare of the Lion's
County Engineer Patterson ad-
dressed the Council dealing with the
matter of oiling and tarring streets
for which an appropriation was ask-
ed, Mr; Patterson answered: several
questions on road building and keep-
ing them in repair`.
The warden also discussed' the mat-
ter of asphalt pavement and claimed
it was a very econoinical method of
street building and the top dressing
at present used by the county engin-
eer was very effective and , tho:rough.
The County Roads Commission's
report was present end in part is as.
An : inspection of the roads was.
made, and the locations of proposed
work'. looked over. The north bound-
ary of Colborne Township and the
toad at Centralia were examined,
and with regard to these requested
additions to the county road system,
we recommend that they be given
consideration when the bylaws at pre-
sent before the Department of High
in our minutes and a copy sent to ways are reported on.
Mrs. Backer.' The following are the estimated
We wish at this time also to place expenditures required on the county
on record our regard for the work• road system: in 1931: Maintenance,
of two ,other' ex -wardens, viz., Dr. $81.300; machinery, $10,000; superin-
Jas. A. Rollins; a former reeve of tendence, $5,000; towns and villages,
Exeter, and warden of Huron county Goderich, $1,892.50; Blyth, $953.25;
in 1900, and Dr. A. J. Irwin, ex -war- Clinton, $1,615.20; Brussels, $553.65;
glen of 1910, who died recently. Exeter, $1,083:15; Wingham, $6,766.-
These men, like ex -Warden Baeker, 00; Hensall, $3,055.00; total $15,817.-
served their country and county well '75; traffic officer, $1,800; signs, $300;
and •ably, ,and their passing is a dis- snow • fences, $2,000; culverts and
tinct loss to the citizenship of our small bridges, $5,000; boundary
.country. bridges, $1,500; construction, $62,-
G. A. Goetz and W. H. Switzer 900; due boundary counties, $2,000;
moved that W. B. Oliver be appoint- total expenditure, $187,718.75.
ed constable at Grand Bend for the Under the head of enquiries, Mr.
months of July and August at the Wright brought up the matter of the
same salary as last year and that the cost of a grant to libraries. He was
clerk write Lambton county council
asking their co-operation in policing
Grand Bend, as part of Lambton
county was included in the police vil-
lage of Grand Bernd Carried.
J. W. McKibbon and W. J. Hen-
derson, that Rev. Schaffter be ap-
pointed to Wingham High School
Board to complete the term of the
late Dr. A. J. Irwin, -Carried.
The tax rate for Huron County for
the ensuing year was struck at 6*
mills by the county council, a redue-
. tion of one-half a mill from last year.
This reduction is equal to $22,000.
The various rates are: General ac-
count, 3* mills; county highway, 1%
mills; provincial highway, 1 mill; to- Roads Commission was taken up with
tal, 6* mills. Mr. Geiger again in the chair.
In fixing the county roads expendi Moved by Mr. Eckert and Mr.
tures for the year at 1* mills, a reduc- Sweitzer that we spend a rate of 1*
tion of * mill an roads, county coun- mills instead of 2 mills, pay as we
oil refused to put $22,500 on new go and issue no debentures for 1931.
'construction work which the Good -Carried..
Road. Commission proposed to de- A motion by W. J. Stewart and
benturize. The rate of wages was left James Ritchie that the County.Coun-
at $4.50 for mien and team and $2.25 cil of Huron approve of placing and
for man. A motion to cut the rates maintaining street lights on county able the several Boards to complete
to $4 and $2 respectively was defeat- highways running through the vii their financial business on or before
cd by a vote of 21 to 16. lage of Dungannon, was passed.
The Council et for the morning The treasurer gave an account of the middle of December when they
session at 9.30. Mr. Hoare, the pro- the finances of the county. areThe matter of equalizing the
vincial engineer, was present and was Afternoon Session
s to address the council,.but de- The reports of the Legislative, county assessments for 1931 was dis-
'askedcussed. ,Messrs. McNab and Geiger
dined to have anything to say at County, Property, Education, Finan-
ce and Executive Committees were
%r T
Horne. The committee is of the op-
inion that the father should main-
tain the boy, and that the clerk take
steps to ascertain the full circurn-
stanoes of the case and, if necessary,
take steps to correct the same,
We also call attention to item No.,
17 for $55,52 for Division Court
blanks, and tee many bilis rendered'
from time to time of this nature, We
are of the opinion' that• the county.
taxpayers should. not be,called upon
to make it easy for people to go to
law by paying the cost of paper, sum:-
monses, etc., used by these courts but.
that these, should he added to the
costs of and : paid for by the people
involving the law.. "We have no ob-
jection to providing ,our officers with
office s and books but papers used
and other expenses should . be paid
by litigants.
Re Corn Borer:Inspector, we wish
to draw the attention of the council
to the large expenditure in enforcing
this act which cost the county.' $572
to date. We recommend that no
more" work be done this yeaar.
We recommend the auditor's re-
port be accepted and printed in thp.
minutes; that the following rates be
levied for 1931: General account' 3a
mills, old age pension * mill, coun-
ty highway 1* mills, provincial high-
way 1 mill, a total of 6* mills.
Executive Committee.
The executive committee .recom-
mended that"the.bequests to the.
county and Children's Aid `Society:
Col. Hoare, $200; W. McDougall $500
and McKay estate. $1,000 be invested
in government bonds and the interest
used annually for that institution.
This clause was adopted.
Regarding the motion of Messrs.
Armstrong and Geiger that Mr. Ed-
wards' salary be reduced from $1,000
per annum to $600 per annum for
1931, we recommend that this be re-
ferred to the open council as the com-
informed libraries got a grant of $25 mittee is divided on sank. A .lively
and boundary libraries one-half. discussion took place on this clause
Mr. McNab asked about the fur- and Messrs. McKibbon. and Cutt
nishing of lists of Old Age Pension- tnoved an amendment that Mr. Ed-
ers. The motion to send notices was wards' salary be left the same as last
lost on vote of 15 to 12: years, $1,000, subject to the 5 per.
Gamble and Leonard moved that cent. reduction. The amendment
the members of the County Council carried on division, Messrs. Batten -
hereby express their appreciation of type, Collins, Geiger, Goetz and Mc -
the work undertaken and carried on Nab voting against it.
by the Lions' Clubs of Seaforth and In connection with the conununi-
Goderich 'on behalf of the crippled cation -front. the Deputy Provincial
children of the county and that a Secretary stating that jail salaries are
copy of this resolution be forwarded.not reducible without consent of the
to these clubs. This was carried. department, we redoimnend that the
Under the head of unfinished busi- decision be concurred in.
ness the deferred report of the Good Education Committee.
The report of the Education Com-
mittee was adopted as' follows:
We. have examined the several lev-
ies of the different High and Contin-
uation Schools sent in to date and we
find that some of those submitted are
not properly completed and will have
to be sent back for correction or am-
endment. When this is done satis-
factorily to . the Warden and Clerk
they be paid ,in sufficient time to en-
moved that the council go into a com-
present. Puttee of the whole to consider the
H. Edwards spoke to the council.submitted. matter of the equalization of the
regarding the crippled children as
looked after by the Lion's Clubs of
Seaforth and Goderich, and asked for
the co-operation of the councilors in
giving information; re cases known.
The warden emphasized the impor-
The Finance Committee's report
was presented and adopted as fol-
We wish to call attention to the
item No, 13, a bill of $136.50 for the
keep of J. H. Smith at the 'Industrial
� y
S eceail
desit ,aced for,
t i4, it tz �t Ft#;<
Tyro Service
mend guaranteed'.
Xeepa Canaan of Six lamp
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pita Lata/ ` c you Guar •
county, and this was -adopted.
In committee it was moved by R.
H. Thompson and seconded by B. M.
Francis, and carried, that the county
equalized valuation of the municipal-
ities of Huron be the same as 1930
and that a by-law be passed confirm-
ing the same.
It was agreed to apply the 'cut of
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was this practice to which a number! Ontario publicity' committee for a
of members objected. I home -coming week in the county,
However, Warden Beattie had. ta- I July 1 to 8, be endorsed and recom
ke the initial step in.putting a stop '.mending that as many homes and
to this practice when he became war business places in the country be de
It was pointed out that the } coratecl as well as possible, was car -
county will save considerable money
by reason of the change to hold only! Sincere regret at the absence of
one meeting when a committee is Mr. Elliott, reeve of Clinton, owing
called. Ito illness caused by a serious acci-
In reply to enquiries the cost of
dent, and hope for a speedy recovery
! and that his name be put on the pay -
the Children's ;Shelter for the past j sheet, were expressed in a motion by
nine years was given to the council I B M. Francis and L. H. Rader,
as follows; It was moved by Messrs. Geiger
In 1919 the courtly paid $1,000; lu and McNab that all committees shall
1920, $1,700; 1924, $2,100; 1925, $1, be paid only ten cents per mile one
615; 1926, $3,731.68;1927, wayfor the year. The motion was
said: "We rendered all possible aid
from the top of the lighthouse with
the speaking trumpet nothwithstand-
jug,' the next morning twenty corpses
were found on the shore and the ves-
sel had disappeared. This is too of-
ten the case in our preaching. We
get into a high pulpit and shout at
the top of our voices, but we seldom
take the life -line in our hands and
go down to those who are perishing
in the waves of sin, to rescue them
ere it is too late."
That was the idea that came into
the mind of a good clergyman, the
Reverend E. S. Ufford, who used to
live on the Atlantic coast in the:
$3167 46 state of Massachusetts W. S. A.),
1928, $3,974.10; 1929, $4,541.97; 1930, declared lost on a vote of leu for and when a terrible storm had occurred
one night in 1889, accompanied by
much loss of life and several gallant
He had been greatly impressed by
the fact that the throwing of a single
mens Association o mac mery standardized.
line of rope, by rocket, :or when pas -
grant was not acted upon awing to The June meeting of the council Bible by hand, availed to save many
'the depression .existing at this time. closed with the singing of the lata -!lives. The lack of a slender rope
tional Anthem.
$4,836.68. seventeen against.
Mr. Jamieson, M.L.A., of Simcoe' J. J. Wright and John M. Eckert
County, on the invitation of the war- moved that the Dominion Govern -
den, addressed the council.. anent be requested to enact a law to
The request of the Huron Plow- have all breakable and wearing parts
do for an increased f farmh'
Mr. McKibbon urged all the peo-
ple of the County to make the coun-
try as attractive as possible by decor-
ating during Old Home Week.
It was decided on a vote to have
no county council picnic this year,
Good Roads Report,
The report of the good roads cont- "'-
Mission was adopted as follows: Massy dam' 1, Yea
Re motion of Messrs. Stewart and'tiatit ova"v"e,
Ritchie that the County maintain 3 There is a brother whom someone
lights in the village of Dungannon, should save;
we recommend that the county pay Somebody's. brother! oh, who then
$10.00 per light toward the mainten- will dare
ance of two lights as previously done, To throw out the Life -line, his peril
Re resolution from the council of to share?
the Township of Stanley that the
b asked to patrol the Refrain:
•,,,,,,llllll ,�„ tttt,"t,O,Ot,1f10„t,t"IO,ttt ttttlltllll„IOC
meant death many times. And the
rope meant brotherly help.'Without
that the rope was useless. In fact
the plan of salvation implied man's
help as well as the Divine design.
With these thoughts fresh in his
mind, Mr. Ufford sat down and com-
posed both the words and music of
this hymn, without much intention of
making them public, but to give voice
to his own feelings, and possibly to
use them at some of his religious
Mr. George C. Stebbins, .who wrote
the tune commonly sung to "I've
Found a Friend," also tunes to "Say -
taus breathe An Evening Blessing,"
traffic officer e as .e t
road south of Bayfield on Saturdays Throw out the Life -lined Throw out and other hymns, was a friend of Mr.
and Sundays, the said officer will be the Life -line! 1Lfford, and, stank with his compo
asked to give as much attention to Someone is drifting away; action, begged to be allowed to use
that road as the requirements else- Throw out the Life -line! Throw out ;it in a book of revivalistic hymns he he shouted to the sailors to fling ov-
r e- tae, i ryas about to compile. er buoys and ropes. "Have you got
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Gets the fly every time
board, sir." Then he touched the sig-
nal to stop the vessel instantly white
where iii the county will permit. the Life -line.
l' i
Re request of delegation from the Someone is sinking to -day. Having more experience in musical hold of a line?" he shouted through.
Goderich that the Blue Wa- 1 composition than Mr. Ufford, he wri-
m ;in trumpet. "The line has
tee n i his speaking ter Highway be surface -treated, we Throw out the Life -line with hand 'endecl or altered the tune in several got hold of me!" came back the an
recommend that, as it, is advisable to quick and strong; tplaces, and brought it to the notice saver feebly, testifying
to the fine
much work aspossible for Why do you tarry? 'Why linger so ! of Ira 1). Sankey who used the hymn . skill of ane of the men -
'Provide as throwing men and teams this year, this neces- long? with great effect at his services and "It was the Captain's brother, sort
nary work be left over for the future. Sec! he is sinking; oh, hasten today, incorporated it in an edition of his set What a difference it made wherr
.,'The following by-laws were pre- And out with the Life -boat! Away, ;"Sacred Songs and Solos• he knew that," Mr. Sankey would re
then, away! ' Mr. Sankey used to emphasize the
rented: t
5 per cent, to the county council re -
Bylaw No. 7, equalizing the assess- I. of brotherliness which Mr. Uf- marl: as he went can to speak nit
members' sessional pay the. same aswhose love is stronger than that of
Meet of the different municipalities Throw out the Life -line to danger -I ford realized, by a story of a man a brother, and who endured a dread-
thtit of the officers, and the mileage of the county. fraught hien, �ivlto fell „verboarcl from an ocean
to be computed the same as adopted r, ful death that He aright rescue the ::
Bylaw \o. 8, raising for general Sinking in anguish where you've nev- steamer.
in 'June.b
purpose the sum of $154,949,12 re- er been;
Those who saw the accident,
Motions . quii:i.ng 3L mills of a levy, Winds of temtation and billows of screamed to the Captain, who paid
Messrs. Henderson and W. T. Bylaw No. 9, raising the sum of woe attention to them until one shout -
Thompson moved that whereas the $66,406.76 for highway purposes, re.- Will soon hurl them otit where the no „�,_... , ... ,.
ad: aot'os boot.. er has fallen liver --
provincial government has appointed quiritig 1•.t, mills on the dollar. dark waters flow.
a special committee to consider the llylaw No. 10, raising the sum of
revision of the Municipal Act and as $44,271.18 for provincial highway Soon will the season of rescue be o'er
the said committee has asked for, sug- purposes requiring a' levy o•f one mill. Soon will they drift to eternity's
gestions as to changes desired by Bylaw No. 11, raising the sum of shore;
the municipalities, the warden recom $22,135.59 requiring a levy of half a Haste then, my brother, no
mend to the governMent such than- mill. delay,
ges in the Act as may appear to be ' 13ylaw No, 12, making the appro- But throw nut the Life -line
in the best interests of the County
of Huron. -Carried.
Council adjourned, to :Meet at 7.30
p.m. to discuss agricultural problems
as •a committee of the whole.
Friday Session
Tile county 'council cncluded its
Julie session on Friday, Much dis-
cussion took place regarding the
Children's Shelter platters and eoun-
c.il pay sheets, but the meeting• closed
without any change being :made.
In connection with the pay sheets
it was disclosed that for two meet-
ings . of a committee last year the
s received
nd the miles
age both ways. According to the by-
law the ,rate is ,$5a ineeting. and the
mileage both ways. It was pointed
out that for sonic' time past commit-
tees had been hi the habit of holding
two meetings in ane day, thus collbct-
ing $10 per inetnber, plus *cage, It
priation for county highway improve- theta today.
melts $190,000, .
Bylaw No. 13, confirming the ape This little hymn was born of a.vio-
pointment of the highways commis- lent storm on, the rocky coast of New
cion fol• 1931, England, when the throwing of a
Bylaw No. 14, confirming the ap- rope across a wrecked ship was the
pointment of the high school trus- means of saving many. lives not far
tees, appointed by the council. , front the house where the writer then
T3yIaw No. 15, confirming the ex- d lived. III
pe nditure made or proposed during Professor Drummond., whoc books Mei
the Juneiieeting of. council. "The Greatest Thing in the World" NMI
. The bylaws were read the required and Natural Law in the Spiritual
tiuniber of times and passed, World," were ill nearly everybody's M,
Granted V'acati.on. hands thirty or forty years ago. used IN
time fo
and save
The average talking picture talks
too rttueh and says too little.
L. H. Ratter anti- W, P. Thompson to tell the follo ,ing storyt
..Call us for prices..
ed that . the cleric and trcasttrer"011 the coast of Spoilt a
be ;lweltwo weeks' halicays each storm was r'a t
�and a ',v
and that they relieve each other so vessel came drifting near the light»
that the office will be 'kept 'open hoose The cries of the perishing
This ` was as car i °iecl'
seamen were Beard in the darkness. Wingh ,!i Phone
'.Clic lighthouse lceclrerY:tn making his
report to ttrr, government -which was
required by law in case of wreck -lig
A motion by Messrs, McKibbon 271
and Goldthorpe that the action a f�y�r�y �i1y�1iy� y�iy��py� r�
the rvarclen in arratlgint with the M®11�AI�llel!l11;/�E�1�A0r1IAAAAl1AR01i111ISU 1$11