HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-06-18, Page 4TE1 WIN GHAM AD VAN CE -TIMES tusil11111 nil. otil 11E;rillll illsIU19 ainiraina yclowam X111 111llill Ill ni IIII n ! !ils iMm � _ � � im _ �! MdM, "Worm Powder and Mineral Tonic onic for Swine" A The formula for above is as recommended . atClintonbythe A ricultulial Representative.C iIll and. we carry in stock in bulk to sell YQu in any cman s City. g. M.I BON S DRUG STORE 'arzha + Sm , s4ve, Phone 53 ko iii1111111a1111411114111>1111112111 111111111111l11111111111hs elelleill 16111 teee11111I11Ri1M11/lit lllilll11ill/6111, v s He a )4L! ez„r o e omm5\ ! .°.l�ilmv,2,xrJ.".\eAE\+ eine `-L�ee\r/J-�1.@\•J __ApmAV9r`.mmet \!.g, 11, cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. s• isle! Y•YeYiv • • • i e. • se a i • • • saelYe8Yr11Yd AlTila`aliet3YilTdi Ti\3Y•1TM% CHAS POTTER, Painter and Decor- ator. Painting. 25c hour, Papering 12c roll. Many year's practice. FOR SALE OR RENT—House on Francis street, Wingham, good lot; all conveniences, and double gar- age. Possession at once. Apply to J. W. Buushfield. FOR SALE—Pure Bred Dual Pur- pose Bull, 9 months old. Apply to Wm. King, R. R. 2, Teeswater, ph. 604r24. FOR. SALE A° quantity of Silver Hull Buckwheat for seed, price 75c per bushel, Apply to Henry Mc- Gee, R.. 3, Wingham, phone 614r14. FEMALE HELP WANTED—Wo- men to do plain sewing at home. Good pay. Sewing machine neces- sary. Lafayette Corporation. 353 St. Nicholas St., Montreal. FOR RENT -100 acres land, good flax land;, will rent all or part on shares. Free from any seizure. Ap- ply Advance -Times, FOR SALE -A comfortable frame residence with an acre of ground on the outskirts of Wingham. Ab- ner Cosens, Insurance and Real Es- tate. HOUSE FOR RENT—Corner of Catherine and Victoria St. Mod- ern conveniences and garage. Ap- ply to S. Morton. Phone 624r15, Beigrave, • MAN WANTED—Canadian Life Co. Estabhshed over forty years. De- sires district representative. Real proposition tothe right man. Box A, Advance -Times. by admeasurement one hundred acres of land more or less. On this property is said to be a good house and barn. Each of the above properties will be offered for sale subject to a re- serve bid and certain conditions of sale. . Terms of Sale: Ten per cent, of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale, and the balance within thirty days thereafter. For further particulars and condi- tions of sale apply to Ross & Rob- inson, 600 Canadian Bank of Com- merce Chambers, King and James Streets, Hamilton, Ontario, Solicitors for the Vendor. Thomas. Fells, Wingham, Ontario, Auctioneer. Dated at Hamilton this 18th day of May, 1931. ADVERTISEMENT I hereby acknowledge with deep gratitude the kindness of all my friends in assisting me in the late Contest reposing in me their confi- dence in renewals for the paper` thus putting me at the head of the poll. George Beattie. IN MEMORIAM Gemmill—In loving memory of Jno. E. Gemmill, who passed away June l2th, 1930. He's gone and left 'us here to weep, To joys beyond our view, And when like him we fall asleep, May we be happy too. —Sadly missed by his wife, CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Corbett and children publicly thank all those who in any way con- tributed anythin to Evelyn Burin her long illness, also for flowres and loan of cars at time of bereavement. { g g TENDERS—for painting the Forest -1 ern' Hall, Belgrave, will be receiv- ed up until June 27th, by the un- dersigned. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. John Wightman, R. R. 1, Belgrave. WE CAN SUPPLY WOOD weekly during the summer. Hardwood is .tow cheaper than hard coal, why not use it and keep your dollars' For the second time in four mon- at home in Ontario, We will meas- the a jury has failed to agree on the ure your stove and cut wood to 'guilt or innocence of Gilford and suit any stove. D. H. Martin and 'Harvey McNeil, brothers, charged Sons. The Wawanda Farms. !with with robbing the Brussels branch of WANTED—for S. S. No, 7, Morris the Nova Scotia, while armed of Township, a Protestant Teacher. $6,000 on October 29th, 1930. Duties to commence Sept. 1st. Ap- The first disagreement was record- plications to be in by July 10th.ed at the spring assizes last Febru- Apply to George H. Coulter, R. R.1 No.' 4, Wingham, Ont. ) pry before Mr. Justice `McEvoy. The second carne Friday night at 9,25, NOTICE 'when Foreman Vernon Gledill report- In accordance with a recent am ed: "After considering the evidence' endrnent to the Cemetery By -Law. of the Town of Wingham, it will be necessary that the fee accompany any order for opening of a grave in Wingham Cemetery. The fee may be paid to either the Caretaker or the Town. Clerk. W. A, Galbraith, Clerk, McNEIL BROTHERS WILL BE TRIED AT NEXT ASSIZES MORTGAGE SALE Of Valuable Farm Properties UNDER AND 13Y VIRTUE of the Powers of Sale in two certain, 14fortgages, which will be produced at the sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction 'on SATURDAY, JUNE 27th, 1931 at the hour of 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at • the Brunswick Hotel, Winghain, Ontario, by Thomas Fells, Auctioneer, the fol- lowing properties: Parcel 1. All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of East Wawanosh, in 'axe County of Huron and Province of Ontario, and being composed of the South half of Lot Number Twen- ty-eight in the Ninth Concession of the said Township of East Wawa- nosh, containing one hundred acres of land more or less. On this property is saidto be a; good house and barn. Parcel 2. Alt and singular that Certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Township of Grey in the County of Duron and Province of Ontario, tend being composed of Lot Number Four in the First Coeccssion of the said 'Tewai hie of Grey, containing we have failed to agree on the guilt or innocence of the accused." Hand clapping and applause greet- ed the verdict as several court at- tendants shottted "Order!" ACT AT ONCE ! Now is the time to clean up your slow accounts. Send your list to KELLY & AIIKEN Saccessfui Collectors for 40 years. ORANGEVILLE They get results. R. C. ARMSTRONG LIVE STOCK And GENERAL • AUCTIONEER Ability with special training en- ables me to give,you satisfaction. Ar- rangetnents made with W. J. Brown,. Wiitgharn; or direct to Teeswater. Phone 45r2-2. MATT. GAYNER AUCTIONEER Phone 2L or 64 Ludt/taw. Sales attended to attytvhere. Exper- lance and atettrucy in valuation. and every effort put forth to assurer you of a successful sale, "Is there any chance of the jury reaching an agreement?" asked His Honor. "No, our verdict is final," answer -1 ed' the foreman. e pan. "The jury having disagreed, this case wilI be traversed to the next as- sizes," said the judge. In his charge to the jury, his maid- en effort since his elevation to the bench, Judge Costello gave a concise and comprehensive review of the case, He divided a two-hour address; between the crown evidence, which sought to establish identification of the prisoners, and that of defence witnesses, directed toward establish- ing an alibi for accused. The jury was instructed to almost entirely dis- regard some evidence, not to lay too much stress on that given by inter- ested parties or relatives of the pris- oners and to carefully consider the testimony of disinterested witnesses. His Honor emphasized that because one of the accused, Harvey McNeil, had once, stolen $30,000 from a chart- ered bank while in its employ, this should not be held against him in this trial. The money had been returned and the crime expiated. Referring to this feature of the trial in his address, J. C. Makins, sen- ior counsel - for defence, said that Harvey McNeil's fall from grace in 1926 at Galt was a circumstance that stood out above all others in the trial just drawing to a close. If that had not happened, counsel -ventured, his clients would never have been charg- ed with the Brussels robbery. G. T. L. Bull, K.C., crown counsel, and J. C Makins, KC., defence coun- sel, were both warmly congratulated by His Honor on their splendid ad- dresses, Each spoke for one hour, After the trial the jurors made no secret of the fact that the poll in the jury room showed ten for conviction and two for acquittal. This is ex- actly the same division as that which prevailed when the spring assize jury failed to reach an agreement last February. EAST WAWANOSH COUNCIL Council met n June 9th, oas a Court of Revision on the assessment roll, members all present. The fol- lowing appeals were then disposed of as follows: A. Law, W. Fear and M. Ferguson all complained of their pro- perties being assessed too high, but the Council in each case thought oth- erwise and no change was made in these assessments, Clarence Doerr, lot 5, con. 1, claimed his assessment was too high in comparison with the purchasing price of this property some months ago, this assessment was reduced $400.00. No other chang- es or alterations being asked for, it was moved by Mr. Campbell, second- ed by M. Walker, that the Court of Revision be closed and the assess- ment roll, as revised, be adopted for 1931.—Carried. Council resumed and ordinary busi- ness proceeded with. Minutes of the last meeting 'were read and approved. Communications from the Ontario Mun, Assoc. relative to the revision of the Municipal Act, and from A. H. Wilford, regarding a Home Coming Week the first week of July, received and filed. G. A. Robertson, M.P,P., was pre- sent and addressed the Council in re- ference to the Cemetery Act, brought. before the Legislature last session, the purport of the bill being the ap- pointment of the Commission to look after disused cemeteries. Mr. Rob- ertson had secured a promise to have the Bill laid over till next session on condition that he interview the local Municipalities, and ask thein to take some action in clearing up these di- lapidated cemeteries. Court of Revision was then opened according to notice on the •McVitt.e Drain by-law, , No appeals being re- ceived, the by-law in connection therewith was finally read and pass - The following accounts were paid: R. McGee, sheep damaged by dogs, $2,00; C. O. F, Hall rent $40.00; The Advance -Times office, advertising, $5.34; M. McDowell,` salary as Ass- essor $100.00;' Equalizing Police Vil- lage $5.00; The Dom. Good Roads Acca STOMACH Thursday, June ISth, 1931:. Mach. Co,, repairs .93; I -I. L. Dexter,. I Ili mlil llimllil llilidllll llll �llifllf iimmIi4IIIsiiN�Blf�lllalllotllllmINlli�llll�plll tliiillllllmliiMlll101i11�111 1 repair work $7,45; Can, Ingot Iron i Co., culverts'$314.35; Jones and Man- CASH PRICES teith g cVt engineers' fees on the Mf i tie Drain $261.68; A. Porterfield, by-laws and Clerk's fees on the McVittie Drain $$5.00, D. Chamney, grading, $173.75; W. J. Hallahan, crushing p= gravel $317,47; C, `Carter, tracking J. gravel $452,35; Gillespie, road sup- erintendent, $84,00; Patrolmen: S. 0. Hallahan, $163.02; C. Smith $12.38; R. Chamney $8.33; L. Wightman $41.62;ii C. Carter $55,05; S. McBurney $14.72, R. Vincent $341.84. Council adjourn- ed to meet again on Tuesday, June E - 30th. !_ A. Porterfield, Clerk. lA9leee au ilt For Saturday, June 20th I SLAT'S DIARY By Ross Farquhar Friday—Ant Emmy was asting me a lot of kwestions tonite & gess she was a trying to get a Line on me about sum thing. she wanted to no did I pray evry nite before I went to bed I enformed her I diddent pray evry nite before I went to bed becuz they was Jots of niglfts when I did - dent ' want to be considdered Gree- dy. Saterday— Well Blisters fainly is patty. Lucky I think. Last wk. they moved into there new house- up on the Hill and a yung cuple moved in to there old place this morning they was a new baby cums at the old house. I gess they got out just in time. Sunday—Mr Gillem is layed up with a big lump on the Back of his Head. He went up to the city yes- terday to see a lawyer and when he Ieft the lawyers office he was mad and fergot hisself and slammed the Revolvin door. Mundy—well the teecher ast me this p. m. if I beleaved in the Here after and 1 sed yes main I beleave in the Here after and she said well then hereafter you better study a little harder or else you will half to make new friends next yr. with the little men and wimen in the class behind you. GENUINE PHILLIPS MAG/yFs,` t For Troubles due to Acid INDIGESTION Acta STOMACH HEARTBURN HEADACHE CASE -NAUSEA EXCESS acid is the common cause of indigestion. It results in painand sourness about two hours after eat- ing. The quick corrective is an alkali which neutralizes acid: The best corrective is. Phillips Milk of Mag- nesia. It has remained standard with physicians in the 50 years since its invention. One spoonful of Phiilips Milk of Magnesia neutralizes instantly many times its volume in acid. Harmless, and tastelegs, and yet its action is quick. You will neverrelyon crude rude methods once you learn how quickly this method" acus. •s Be sure to get the genuine, "Milk of Magnesia" has been the U. S. Registered Trade Mark of the Charles H. Philips Chemical Com- pany and its predecessor Charles H. Phillips since 1875. Bring in your pail or crock and Loin Roast of Veal .....,,.,.,...,....20c I have it filled with fresh Home- Fillet of Veal, lb. 23c X1 Rendered Lard, from pure Pork Cottage Rolls in whole or, la Fat, at, lb. 11c half roll, lb. 17e a 2 lbs. Pure Lard in 1 lb. Boiling Beef, from .young W Prisnts 25c Beef 11c, 13c 2 lbs. home-made Pork eaus- Borne -made Bologna, lb. 15cill ages for 25c Other ents of Beef priced 2 lbs. home -mads Potted Accordingly. IC Meat for 15c 3 Cans of Standard Quality lie sse Shoulder Roast of Veal, lb, 15c Tomatoes 25c 1,, Stewing Veal, Ib. 12c 2 Cans of Aylmer er um kin 22c _ lie Lii THOS. FIELD & CO. Phone 35 ii IL al) slitllalIlalII®IIIallli111ali1aillallloll1111lalIlalII®IlnamalllaliIYIIIIaillaiilRillaliirlill Teusday-Rose Welt was here with her baby witch is past 2 .yrs; old and Ant Emmy was wirryed becuz she aint begun to walk yet but Rose just sed kinda sneerishly that he woodent never half to walk on acct. of they cud well a ford ottomobeels fer hint. Wensday,—Ma has just discuvered that the women who moved in Next door to us has got a new dress just Xactly like hers and now cant disside weather to move or to go, an by a new dress. Wimmen'is peculyer that - away. Thirdsday—I do beleave Jane is kinda loseing he• mind mebby, This evning we was a setting in the poarch swing and I was kinda kwiet and she sed What are thinking about and I replyed and sed N,tthing and then she smiled and called me a Egoist. I beleave she was hinting that 1 was thinking of my own self, WEDDINGS Evans - Cowan The home of Mr, and Mrs. George Cowan, ' East Wawanosh, was the. scene of a pretty June wedding on Saturday when their daughter, Grace E., became the bride of Thomas Ev- ans, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Evans d.The of Stratford. ceremony c remony was performed by Rev. George Weir and the wedding music was played by Miss Clare Pentland of Dungan- non. During the signing of the reg- ister Miss Margaret Pentland of Dun- gannon sang "O Promise Me." The bridle, given in marriage by her fa- ther, wore a frock of ivory crepe de' chine, Her graceful veil was caught with orange blossoms and lily of the: valley. A reception was held after the ceremony and later Mr. and Mrs. Evans left on a trip to Grand Rapids, Mich., the bride travelingin a green dress with coat and hat to match. They will reside at 115 Milton St., Stratford. Among the guests present at the wedding were: Kenneth Lus- ty and Murray Misener of Port Col- borne; Mr, and Mrs. T. Evans, Mr. and Mrs, John Barrett; Frank and Margaret Evans, John Petford, of Stratford; G. R. Augustine and Miss Ethel Robinson, Blyth; Oliver and! Miss Dorothy Anderson, Misses An-. nie and Ruth Straughan, Auburn; Misses Margaret and Clare Pentland, Dungannon; Misses Margaret and Annie Williams, Clinton; Mrs. Den- holm, Misses Mary and 'Florence Walper, Hullett. Among the many- gifts anygifts received was a cheque from the - bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Cowan of Richey, Montana. A congratulatory telegraxn was received'. from Mr, and Mrs. W, T. Maize, of Montreal. 111E5 VANISH—QUICK "My face was eo'reced with Itching Salvaa ended a tc ° t 8 e .drap t�� . �'�oot�-Batra�0 toE� Jil mi is e DON'T MISS OUR NEW SERIAL ...el :I 5 STORY BEGINNING THIS WEEK • 3c I-IEADAC HES NEURITIS ■ NEURALGIA, COLDS Whenever you have some nagging ipain, take some tablets of IIy Aspirin. Relief is immediate! ■ There's scarcely ever an ache or ■ pain that Bayer Aspirin won't relieve in —and never a time when you can't take it. 111 The tablets with the Bayer cross ■ and, always safe. They don't depress . ■ the heart, or otherwise Iran you. ■ Use them just as often as they can ■ spare you any pain or discomfort. Just be sure to buy the genuine. ■ Examine the package. Beware of • imitations. Aspirins is the trade -mark of Bayer manufacture oC monoaceticacidester ■ of halicyiicacid. , ■ ■ iM 11 iowena j ides by Ethel HU!;StO le' All Miss Hueston's Stories are taken from life scenes - - She has travelled extensively and writes about facts of entertaining inter- est to everybody ■ ■. 1 ■ ■ ■. 1 1 1 ■ ■, ■c "Rowena Rides the Rumble'! isI. assured a theatre of summer experiences and is most amusing. READ IT EACH WEEK IN Iiiik01111 Advance -Tim 11MMMM■■KR111011KI11AM10KM10ww1Ai11AKf IMKwHNMI NO MIN IMIOOMMI.M MIIMIMMwMMSOL