HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-06-11, Page 3414
Thursday, June I I th, 1931
Gyproe Sags
Fire, Draughts,
GYPROC Wallboard that does not burn is
the way of least expense when you desire
•to make alterations in your home, store, fac-
tory or on the farm. Use it for all walls, ceilings
and partitions. •
• Gyproc is made from gypsum rock into sheets
4 to 10 feet long, 4 feet wide and 3/8 of an inch
thick. It nails and cuts as easily as lumber with
a minimum of waste or muss. ,
Gyproc is fire -resistant, easily and quickly
erected, structurally strong and has insulation
value. It is draught and vermin -proof as well
as fire -safe.
Because it is ivory -coloured, it does not require
decoration (when panelled) yet it is also a suit-
able base for Alabastine, Gyptex or wallpaper.
Consult your nearest dealer to -day. He will
gladly supply you with a direction sheet on
Gyproc. Or write for the interesting, free
booklet, "Building and Remodelling with
Paris Ontario
Sale By
Mr, and Mrs, N. Wade and Rober
spent the week -end in Toronto,
A number of Anglicans attende
the.spring deanery meeting in Exet
er Ort Thursday last.
Mrs, Neelon and children of Ches
ley areguests of Dr. and Mrs. Whit-
Mr. and Mrs. George Foster spent
the week -end with friends in Galt
and Woodstock,
Dr. and Mrs. Hamilton of Brus-
sels, were Sunday guests of L. F.
and Mrs. Ashton.
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Bricker and
Jack were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs, W. Simson.
Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Bradnock, H.
Bradnock, also. Wm. Earngey of De-
troit, spent the week -end at Bruce
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wade are vis-
iting friends in Toronto for a few
days. •
Mr. and Mrs. John Cathers attend-
ed the races in Chesley on Wednes-
Mr. and Mrs. IC. Hastie spent Sun-
day with friends in Kitchener.
Mr. Donie Hastie of Toronto is
spending a few days with his brother,
Kenneth Hastie.
The Misses Cathers of the Wrox-
eter gravel, also the Messrs. Johns-
ton, of Palmerston, were Sunday
guests of Ross and Mrs. Earl.
F. C. and Mrs, Taylor have return-
ed home after spending the past two
weeks with friends in Blenheim,
Chatham and Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. V. Shera, also Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Wylie and daugh-
ter, Francis, spent the week -end with
friends in Toronto.
Mr. Lloyd Cathers of the Bank of
Commerce staff is spending his va-
cation in Hamilton.
IVIessrs. Knowlson Hueston, Lloyd
Cathers, also Earl Howes, spent last
Wednesday in Toronto.
Mrs. Pratt of Teeswater was a re-
cent guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. Brad -
RA. and Mrs. Ashton and Leland
were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
A. Gallagher of Wroxeter.
Rae & Thompson Wingham, Ontario • The semi-annual meeting of the
Deanery of Huron was held n
H. Buchanan Hardware Wingham, Oritario •
vitt Memorial Church, Exeter, Thurs-
R. J. Hueston .......... ...... Gorrie, Ontario day, June 4th. The speakers for the
afternoon session were Mr. J. H.
The Women's Auxiliaries of St.
,Iltephen's Church, Gorrie, and Trin-
ity Church, Fordwich, and the Lad-
ies' Guild of St. James' Chinch, Wro-
•'xeter, met in the basement of St.
Hartman, Lay Commissioner of the
James' Church on Tuesday, June 9th.
An illustrated lecture on the subject
of Japan was given by the Rector.
Tea was served by the W. A. of St.
Stephen's Church.
Mr, and Mrs. W. J. James, of Bar-
rie, are guests of H. V. and Mr.
diocese, and the venerable Archdeac-
on 5. W. J. Andrew of St. Thomas,
who spoke on the subject of prayer.
At evening prayer a combined choir
formed from many of the churches in
the deanery rendered the musical
part of the service, the preacher for
the occasion being Canon Wainer of
vac ti
a h trry
Evening rates on "Anyone!'
(stationgo-stationcalls be-
gin at 7 p.m. (local time).
Just give "Long Distance!'
I be number you want -- it
speeds up the service. If you
don't know the distant num-
ber, "Information" will look
it UP for you. .
, •,
Rita had to arrange her vacation trip in a hurry. A sudden
turn of events at the office made it a matter of now or
never . . . and .Rita chose "now".
After seven o'clock that evening (when evening rates over
Long Distance were in force) she called her old school
chum Helen to ask her suggestion as to the best place to go.
"Wonderful", said the happy voice at the other end of the
line after she had explained everything. "We are all going
to Seabeach for two weeks tomorrow. Now you will he
able to come with us."
And so Rita spent the most enjoyable vacation she ever
had, thanks to her call over Long Distance.
And the cost of that call was less than the tip she gave t�,
the colored porter.
0 0
a Ig -0' 5 4
< <
Ashton, Lealand
Brown, George
Cathers, Mildred 2 '3
Durst Vera 2 2 1
Edgar Margaret • 2 3
Elliot, Doris 1 2
Gibson, Arthur • 3 c 3
Harris, Leslie • c c 3
Higgins, Lenora 3 2 2
Higgins, Stewart 3
Higgins, Velma
Hislop, Leila
Jacques, Mary 2
Kaake, Harold 45
McLean, Jack
McLeod, Jack 3
Milligan Isabel
Paulin, Marjorie • 2
Paulin, Robert 2
Waller, Lily 1
Weir, Wilfred 3
Wright, Margaret
1st class honours, '75 - 100.
3rd class honours, 60 - 65.
Less than 50 indicates failure.
39 2 2 c 2
3 3
3 1 1 2 1 2 2
11 2 1 1 1
3 46 3 2 3 2 2
3 2 1 2 1 2 2
c 3 3 c 1 3
48 c 35 c c 43
c c c 3 2 3
344. 2 c 13 39 3 48
c 36 c c42 29 c
c 46 3 2 3 e c
2 28 1 3 c c
c • 43 28 38 35 2
c 45 c 2 c 2 c 2
c 40 'cc 2c 2 c 2 c
48 c 41 c
c 3
33 2
c 3 2 2 1
3c 1 1 2 2
21 11 1 1 1 1
c c c3 c 2 c 3
c 3
2nd class honours, 66 -. 74.
Credit or pass, 50 - 59,
Edythe Wassman, Principal.
Evelyn Gamble, Assistant Teacher.
The date of St. Stephen's Church
Garden Party has been changed from
Friday, 26th, to Tuesday 23rd June.
Miss Louise White spent Sunday
in Mitchell,
H. V. and Mrs. Holmes and Miss
Perkins visited friends in Wingham
on Monday.
Mr. C. E. Shera spent last Sunday
with friends in London.
Mrs. Robt. Black spent a few days
here visiting friends.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rann visited
friends in Toronto during the week-
Owing to the absence of Rev. H.
Bolingbroke who is attending Con-
ference at Chatham there was no ser-
vice in the United Church last Sun-
The 'Turnberry District Semi-an-
nual meeting was held in the L.O.L.
Hall here last Thursday night, when
District Master C. R. Copeland, of
Wingharn, and several other mem-
bers, were in attendance. The D. M.
had charge of the meeting and also
gave an account of proceedings at
Grand Lodge, after the meeting o
the district was concluded three
members of the local lodge were in
itiatedinto the Blue Degree. Th
local lodge will likely attend the cele
bration at Blyth on Monday, July 13.
Owing to wet weather the Mission
Band picnic of the United Church,
which was to have been held in the
park, was held in the basement of the
Church, where games and contests
for the children were held and lunch
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Pope, Miss M.
Pope and Mr. N. Chapman of 13rus-
sels, Motored to Simcoe and attend-
ed the. Pope -Nelson wedding in the
Baptist Church, Simcoe, on Thurs-
day, June 4th.
• . The Ladies of the W. A. St. Ste-
phen's, Gorrie, entertained the mem-
bers of Trinity Church, Fordwich,
W. A. and members of St, James la-
dies' Guild, Wroxeter, in. the base-
ment of the Anglican Church here
on Tuesday afternoon, They were
entertained with lantern views by the
'Rector. A dainty lunch was served
by the Gorrie Ladies and a most en-
joyable afternoon was spent by the
members present of the three organi-
The many friends of Mr. Dan Mc-
Tavish, Brussels, were grieved to
learn of the death of his wife Tues-
day night, Mrs. McTavish had not
been in good .health for some time,
but her death was quite unexpected.
She was the daughter of Mr. R. B.
and the late ,Mrs. Harris, of Toronto.
Much sympathy is expressed for the
husband, and two young daughters.
Before moving to Brussels some time
ago, Mr. And Mrs. McTavish resided
in ,Wroxeter, The funeral was held
on Thursday afternoon to the Wrox-
eter Cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs, Thomas visited with
friends at Niagara a couple, of days
last week. •
Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Palmer ac-
companied by Mr. and Mrs, James
!Holladay of Wingharn, spent Iasi
Sunday with friends at London.
W6 are glad to report that Master
Dick Bennett's eye is slightly im-
proved and that he will have useof
it .if nothing else sets in.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Ladies' Aid was held in the Church
last Tuesday. It was decided to
hold a Garden Party the first part of
July. Further particulars later.
Miss Edith Weir and Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Dane and family spent last Sun-
daywith friends near Wingham.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Craig and son
Wilmot„ Mrs, J. Murphy and grand-
daughter, Patsy, attended the gradua-
tion exercises at the General Hospi-
tal, Woodstock, •on Friday. Their
daughter, Miss Doris Craig was one
of the ten nurses who graduated.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Pritchard and
sons of Palmertston, Mrs. John Prit-
chard of Harriston, visited on Sun
day at Mr. Thos. Pritchard's.
Mr. Leslie McLeod went to Strat-
ford on Friday and had an X-ray ex-
amination of one of his eyes. He got
a piece of steel in his eye last fall.
fiWe understand the steel can be re-
moved without injuring the sight too
- badly,
Mr. and Mrs. 'Walter Zeigler, lit-
tle Gordon and Rae, spent Sunday
aftennoon with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
The K.K.K.'s of Harding's School
played their first game of softball
this season on Friday evening with
the Wilkinson team at the latter's
schoolhouse Minto). Both teams
played a very good game, the score
was 22-5 in favour of the K.K.K.
Miss Margaret and Jackie Pritch-
ard visited on Sunday at Mr. Cecil
Mr, John Craig Jr. met with a very
painful accident when a rusty nail
ran into the palm of his hand.
Feeling indifferent to food? Out
of sorts? Depressed? Stimulate
your digestive tract with Dr.
Carter's Little Liver Pills. All
vegetable. Gentle but thorough.
They'll get rid of body poisons
that cause Indigestion, Gas,
etc., and give you a new in,
terest in food,
25c & 75e red packages
• Ask your druggist kr
Plun. B., Opt. D., R. 0.
Phone 118 Harriston, Ont.
"The Itist Equipped Optical Es
tablisliment ia this part of
Lri 11 via
„, •
Shredded Wheat
is 100% Canadian
grain. Eat TWO
Shredded Wheat
Biscuits a day
and help Canada s
"My mother
lets me get
"1 can do it easily, too,
because we always have
Shredded Wheat. Of
course, Mother makes the
toast and Daddy's coffee
—they're much harder to
get than Shredded Wheat.
She lets me put straw-
berries on the biscuits
now, and you should see
how all of us clean up our
cereal dishes!"
* •
"You're not listening to what I'm
says," she complained to her hus-
band, who had the newspaper. "f
course, I am, dear." ."You're not! I
asked if you could afford to buy me
a $10 hat and you said, "Certainly,
To keep flies away this summer
,,I,vat their grand -parents now.
James—Poor Mike was found fro-
zen to death in bed this morning.
John—How did it happen?
James—He married the janitor's
daughter, oyu know.
Why find fault when there are sty
many better things to find?
• ' 1+1
20 °/".
re Clothing
Through an agreement with our Clothing Manufacturer, we
are able to offer for a limited time, this big discount (plus sales
tax) on made -to -measure Clothing. The regular selling price is
marked on all samples shown, so you know you are getting a gen-
uine discount. These clothes will be made up with the usual good
cloth and trimming and are guaranteed to fit, which gives you a
rare opportunity to get a Suit or Light overcoat at bargain prices.
lvey9s St
dr or
..rdrdr ."
Place your business account
with the nearest branch of this
Bank. The manager will be
glad to discuss your business
problems with you. His
accumulated experience
available for your needs.
• J. R. M. Spittal, Branch Manager
Wingharn, Ontario.
• 0