HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-05-21, Page 94
Thursday, May 21st, 1931
News and information
For the Busy Farmer
Sheep Dipping Facilities
Approximately 10,000sheep and
'lambs are dipped 'annually in 48 tanks
located at various points in :Welling-
ton county, according; to R. R. Clem-
ens, district representative, These
tanks now cover nine outof twelve
townships. Numerous applications.
are already in for dipping facilities
and more are expected before the
,County Sheep Dipping Day which
has been set for June lith this year,
ghost •of the sheep are starved 24
hours before dipping and ,treated for
intestinal parasites before .they take
the plunge for ticks. External and
internal parasites are thus given a
setback at one time and very effect-
ively held' in check All sheep so
treated should be clipped now and all
lambs docked at "about, ten days old
and the sooner they are dipped in the
spring the better.
Approved Chicks in Demand
A heavy demand for approved
chicks is reported this '.spring, , with
the result that many of the approv-
ed hatcheries . have 'orders booked
which are taxing their capacity. May
.chicks mean November checks, and
that slogan, is one which seems to
have taken hold of the farmer's fancy.
A review of the egg market in
Canada during recent years shows
that higher prices prevail during the
late fall and early winter months be-
fore the flush of general production
cozies in. That is why the farmer
who buys approved .chicks early in
the season has :a better prospective
cash crop for the end of the year
than the farmer wlio hatches liis own
chicks later in the season. The uni-
foriziity of production and the high
quality assured . by government in-
spection and supervision which con-
trols the hatching of •approved chicks
is one of the biggest assets in the
development of a poultry flock.
The cash „returns frotn a 'pullet
flock of from 120 to 300 approved
chicks are a welcome and useful as-
set at a time of the year when oth-
er .crops have passed. May chicks.
become pullet producers in Novem-
ber, and raising chicks this month is
a much easier 'proposition than rais-
ing March and April chicks.
Sow Thistle
The fact that there is more cleared
land in Ontario than can be properly
handled with the available labor, has
played a part in the spreading of the
sow thistle 'and noxious weeds of all
kinds to .the great detriment of the
grain crops.
Mr. A, G. R. Smith, president of
the Field Crop Association, 'after
touring the westernpart of the pro-
vince with the seed train and meet -
mg thousands of people, is led to
suggest that oats be replaced to some
extent with other grain that will help
clean the land. Thia strands ,of oats
and, late ripening' shorts give a chane'e#.
for many weedsespecially sow this-
tle, to spread, inspectors report that
it is now found in every township in
the province. .
Midsummer plowing checks this
weed if weather conditions are at all
favorable., Seeding with buckwheat
gives a smothering growth that will
weaken if not killthe roots of the
thistle. It will also give a fairly pro-
fitable return at prices now prevail-
Planting Strawberries
The new bed of strawberries
Dig them wix a diggingg fork,shakehe
out the soil, garner them up quickly
and remove to some shelter where
they may be gone over, sorted and
straightened out preparatory to the
planting. The sooner they are plant-
ed the better, and just before doing
so, dip the plants into water so that
they are thoroughly wet, Thespade
is the best tool for hand planting;
and with a boy to
place the , plants in
the opening made with the spade,
two people working together can
plant very rapidly, even 800 to 4000
or more plants per day, All blos-
soms should be removed the first
year to enable the plants to produce
an abundance of strong runners and
should be planted now. Obtain new new plants in order to form the mat- Newsletter, Federal Dept. of Agricul-
plants from a one -year-old plantation. ted row. Thorough and frequent cul- ture. •
tivatir.n should be given dm ing the
season. Nitrogen in the form of ni-
trate ni soda or ammonium sulphate
may be used to advantage jp,t after
the plants have startedixito growth.
Sharp .'Freezing Keeps Corn -on -the:
Cob Fresh
Sharp freezing corn on the cob is
the latest addition to the rapidly in
creasing. list of '"quick-frozen" fresh
foods. The corn is frozen within 3:
or 4 hours after -it is taken from tale
field. , When it is thawed out weeks
Or months later it possesses the fresh
flavour that is much better than the
ears of corn which are sent to the
big markets fresh.—Cold Storage
for Advance -Times Contest
Loess Than Thre
nts--This Is the Last Week for Extra Club Votes
eeks of Contest MF,i eft
Make This Week
= 0 =0 = = 0==== 0 = 0=10=0 ---10=0=0=0=0=0===0=0:-.20=0=0=0=0=0 ===0=0=o=oi 0 =0=,....0=0=i0 =
of contestants can give Whore 'help to their fav-
orite contestant by giving him or her their subscription
payment this week, than at any time during the re-
mainder of the contest.
for each $10.U0 cl, b of subscrip-
tions turned in by next
Tuesday Morning, May 26th
This Week is the
for extra Club Votes
Chevrolet Six Sport Sedan Free
offered as' choice for First Grand Prize.
See it at Crawford's Garage.
o 0
Wonderful List of
rizes FREE !
The Capital Grand Prize Offered Free in The Advance -Times'
Big Supscripti +, n Contest
is the choice of a Willys Coach; a Pontiac Six Coach; a Plymouth Four -
Door Sedan; an Essex Six Coach; a Ford Victoria; a Chevrolet Six De
Luxe Sedan; a,Durant Four Door Sedan; a Ford Sport Roadster; or the
Winner may have a cash option.
• $300 Cash is Second Grand Prize.
$100 Cash is Third Grand Prize.
$100 Cash Extra Prizes Week Ending May l8th.
$ 50 Cash Prize Week Ending May 25th.
$ 50 Cash Extra prize Week Ending June 1st.
S 1000., CASI!i
>a.xtra to the choice of free autos offered and which will be awarded in the big contest
there has been set aside the sum of one thouand dollars in cash for cash commission prizes,
regular cash prizes and extra prizes, full particulars of distribution of which will be announced
as soon as is possible. All candidates continuing actively in the contest to the end are guar-
anteed at least a substantial cash commission prize.
01=== 0 01=
$50.00 Exra
is Week
$25.00 EXTRA
The Candidate turning in the most cash for subscriptions to the Advance -
Times during this week, dating from Tuesday morning, May 19th, up to next Tues-
day morning, (12 o'clock noon), May 26th, will win an extra cash prize of $25.00.
The Special Cash Prize offer is for this, week only. "Get busy and win it !"
$.15.00 EXTRA
Thecandidate turning in the second highest total of cash for subscriptions
to The Advance -Times during this week and up until the close of the special of-
fers next Tuesday morning, (12 o'clock noon), May 26th, will win an extra prize
of. $15,00 in cash.
$io,00 EXTRA
The Candidate turning in the third highest total of cash for subscriptions
during this week and .up to•'the close of the extra cash oferf next Tuesday morn-
ing, (12 'o'clock goon), May 26th, will win $1U.' 1) as an extra cash prize. Make Sure
that you win one of the extra prizes this week. Do it before 12 o'clock noon next
Tuesday, May 26th,
AN THE *.: '` .AYMENT ?
People who have already given their subscription
payment to a contestant and who would like to further
help their favorite, can give another payment of one to
five years to pay their subscription in advance.
These Second Payments count big Vote Totals and
will be a wonderful boost to your favorite at this time.
opo opo oma® o;or-�
7 •M
offered as choice for First Grand Prize,
See it at W. J. Brown's Garage.
Plym suth Sedan — Fn' EE
offered as choice for First Grand Prize.
See it at Fr•yfogle's Show Room.
tit=0=0 = 0=0 X40* - 6;D=•w=to7 c0
The New Ford Victoria --- FREE
offered as choice for First Grand Prize.
See it at the Ford Garage.
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Campaign Dept. Headquarters The Advance=
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° PHONE 66.
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