HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-05-21, Page 4aw
lcuatila' luouti a!tlsiUitatinewo n !Isimm Ill! ma ill lu lu nl micusummonts
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'1 -1 -..Quality Goods at Moderate Prices
alelhNlflYllllo!IIoIIImlllmlllmom li! • Illlllillllllm!1!l91!IIIIBiII!l"'al!Ila!L miliYtll! 1fIo111m111®Illumt;s.
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1+/ cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c.
• .. • . . a •
BABY CHICKS—We can supply you
with Baby Chicks for delivery May
15th to July .1st,, at $10.00 per 100.
Our Leghorn§ are the famous Bar-
ron strain. Large hens. Layers of
large eggs and many of them. We
guarantee 100% live delivery. Or-
der early while the best dates are
available. The Walter Rose Poul-
try Farm, Brussels, Ont.
DITCHING—Anyone wishing ditch-
ing work done, apply to J. M.
Campbell, phone 627r4, also Brus-
sels phone 3016.
Room v
FOR SALE -6 Roon Bungalow
large garden and good garage or
will trade as part pay on small
Farm 50 acres or more. Apply Ad-
vance Office,
FOR SALE -3 Burner, New Perfec-
tion Coal Oil Stove with oven in
good condition. Apply, Mrs. Geo.
AGE Wanted for August, Lake
Huron or southern part of Georg-
four bedroom ,
Bay, at
safe bathing beach, preferably -fire-
place. In answering please give
full particulars. E. L. Atkin, 44
Dalton Road, Toronto.
FOR SALE—Quebec Cook, Stove
and three . burner Coal Oil Stove
in first class condition. Apply to
FOR SALE -The buildings on.
'Rock Baby Chicks and Eggs for
hatching from Government approv-
ed. flocks. Every breeding bird ex-
amined and banded by Government
Inspectors, All eggs set weigh ov-
er 28i ounces to the dozen. Hat-
chery approved Baby Chicks for
balance of flay $12.00 per hundred,
first half of June $11.00, last half'
$10,00, Hatchery Eggs $2.50 per
100. Write or phone, Duncan Ken-
nedy, Whitechurch, Ont.
luring the summer. Hardwood is
eov cheaper than hard coal,
not use it and keep your dollars
at home in Ontario. We will meas-
ure your stove and cut wood to
suit any stove. D. H. Martin and
Sons. The. Wawanda 'Farms.
members present. Minutes of prev-
ious meeting were read and adopted.
Letters wore.received from Depart-
ment ofAgriculture, Clinton, Dept.
of Public Higlra=ays, Toronto; ; and
:Mfrs. F. J. Lewis, \Vm,,ham,
Moved by McTavish and Baird,.
that we hold Court of Revision rc
the Assessment roll for 1931 on Tues-
day, May 26th, 1931, Carried.
:Moved by Wilton and McTavish,
that Bylaw No. 13 be passed appoint-
ing the following poundkeepers for
1931: R. McI{ague, 3. Lane, P. .Ap-
pleby, H, Gilmour, A. Gemmell, J,
Kirton, S. McNaughton J, Douglas,
J.; Tervitt, T. Phinne, 3, Mundell,
A. Moffatt, E. B. Jenkins. Carried.
Moved by Baird and McEwen that
Bylaw No. 14 be passed, appointing
the following fenceviewers for 1931:'
W. H. Mundell, J. Lovell, W. S.
King, P. Haugh, T. Wheeler, J. Ni-
chol, J. McDougall, W, Wilton, D.
H. Wallace A. Gemmill. Carried,.
Moved by McTavish and Wilton,
that Bylaw No. 15 be passed appoint-
ing Jas. Wylie as Drain Inspector for
1931. Carried,
Moved by McEwen and Wilton,,
that Bylaw No, 16 be passed asking
the Ontario Govt, for grant on twp..
road for 1931. Carried,
The following accounts were paid
A, Law, relief, $43.21; T. Field & Co.
relief, $19.35; D. Falconer, relief, $3.-
00; D. McNaughton, relief $8.00; Mc-
Lean Lumber Co., relief, $20.75; W.
S. Mitchell, relief, $3.06; Mundys, re-
lief, $50,46; Bell Telephone, account,
$1.30; Municipal World $8.43; J. Mc-
Glynn, patrol. $25.60; W. Brecken-
ridge, patrol., $30,40;'. W. J. Campbell,
patrol. $9.90; J. Kelly, patrol, $5.90;
J H. Wylie, patrol. $28.20; A. For
gig, patrol. $42.00; W. Orr, patrol.
$11.50; Fred Hogg, •patrol. $8.80; J.
McKinnon, patrol. $7.80; M. Sharpin,
patrol. $12.40; J. Potter, patrol., $7.-
80; J Wylie, Supt. $10.00; C. Brooks,
rebate on taxes, 80c; W Falconer,
relief $14.40; R. Vint, relief, $7.50.
Moved by Baird and Wilton that
we adjourn to meet in Bluevale on
Tuesday, May 26th, 1931, at 1 o'clock
L J. Wright, W. R. Cruikshank,
Reeve. Clerk.
10th LINE
Miss Agatha Coultes, nurse -in -
training at Fergus Hospital, spent
the week -end with her parents, Mr.'
and Mrs. Robeltes.
rt Coultes.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark,: of Hensall,
visited at John Mason's, Sunday.
Miss Vipond spent the week -end
at her home at Donegal.
Mrs. Chas. Shiell , and Jack:are vis-
iting with _ Holyrood and . Ripley
Ed- We are sorry to hear that Master
ward St., belonging to the Whyte
Packing Company. A real' bargain
for quick sale, Abner Cosens, In-
surance and Real Estate.
FOR SALE—White Leghorn Baby
Chicks from Government banded
and bloodtested stock 10c each,
hatching eggs $2 per 100. Elmer
J. Farrish, Lucknow R. R. 7, phone
.„„ Dungannon 82-21,
for Sale or Rent, splendid pasture
or garden land convenient to town,
enquire H. Buchanan.
HOUSE TO RENT—Corner Cather-
ine and 'Victoria Streets, all mod-
ern conveniences, garage. Apply
to S. Morton, phone 624r15.
It pays to feed your Chicks "Royal
Purple" Chick Starter , and Chick
Food; None better, sold by Buch-
anan Hardware.
NEPTUNITE Varnish preserves lin-
oleum, will not discolor pattern,
Dries, quickly with high gloss, sold
by Buchanan Hardware.
SARA A. COLE, A.T,C.M., Teacher
of Piano and Theory. Pupils pre-
pared for all Toronto Conservatory
Examinations. ions.
Studio at the Radio
Music Shoppe, Phone 158.
Court of Revision
Take notice that a Court of Revis-
ion will be held in Bluevale on Tues-
day, May 26th, 1931, at 3 o'clock in
the afternoon, on the Assessment
Roll for 1931.
L J. Wright, Reeve.
W. R. Cruikshank, Clerk.
Howard Inviw is on the sick
list. We
hope he'll soon be better..
Mr. Percy King of Turnberry,
spent Sunday at Alex. Leaver's.
Mrs. Ruddy of Auburn is visiting
friends in the neighborhood.
The W. M. S. of Brick United
Church held their monthly meeting
at the church on Thursday, May 14,
with Mrs. James Dow, the President,
in the chair. The programme was
carried out in the usual way. After
the business part was over the meet-
ing was closed by the benediction.
The next meeting will be in the
church on Thursday, June 11th,
The regular meeting of the Coun-
cil was held on May 12th. with all.
the members present. Minutes of
last meeting were read and approved.
Communication from C. A. Robert-
son, M.P.P", enclosing a copy of the
Cemetery account received and filed,
The Engineer's report on the Mc-
Vittie drain, being the third report
on same, was read and provisionally
On motion of :Campbell and
Youngblut the rate of payment for
work on the roads this season was
set at 45 cents an hour for teams and
221 cents an hour for men.
Six tenders were received for
the construction of the Robinson
drain hut the Council in compliance.
to a petition from the majority of
the parties interested asking that this
matter be deferred . for a . year corn-
NOTICE TO CREDITORS plied with this request and the letting
of this contract was postponed indef-
pursuant to Section 56, Chap. 121 of The former weed iixspector, having
the Revised Statutes Ontario, that res: ned John Scott, Con. 9, was ap
all persons having claims against the , � ,
estate of James Anderson late of the pointed to this office.
The Collector returned his roll, all
the taxes being accounted for with
of March, A.D. 1931, are required to the exception of those against lot 35,
send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to con. 3.
j: H. Crawford, Winglham, Ontario, The following accounts were paid:
Solicitor for the Executors, on or be- A l'attisen, balance salary as Col-
lector $20.00; J. G. Gillespie, payment
on the Elliott drain $50.00 I'atrol-
men: W. McGill $14.40; S. Hallahan
$8.00; Chas. Smith $21.50; L. Wight -
marl $11.85; C. Carter $8,40; G. R.
Vincent $32.75; J. Vincent $23,35;: J.
V. Davidson $2.25.'
Council adjourned to meetagain on
Tuesday, June. 9th, as a Court of Re-
vision on tine assessment roll and, or-
dinary township business.
A. Porterfield, Clerk,
Township of Wawanosh in the Conn
ty of Huron, Farmer; ,deceased; who
died on or about the twenty-first day
fore the eighth day of June, A.D. 19-
31, their names and addresses, with
full particulars in writing of their
claims, and the nature of the securit-
ies (if any) held by them duly veri-
fied by a statutory declaration.
that after the said eighth day of June,
A,D. 1081, the said executors will
proceed to distribute the assets of
the said estate among the parties en-
titled thereto, having regard only to
the claims of which they shall then
have had notice, and the said execu-
tors shall not be liable for the said
assets or any part thereof to any per-
son of whose clann they shall not
then have received notice.
T)ATET7 at Wingham, Ontario, this
sixteenth day of May, A.D. 1931
CT~AW vor,o),
Wingham, Ontario,
Solic:itfr f,..r 4iic Exe
tslni r
During the heavy electrical storm
which passed over this district on
Saturday, the large barn on the farm
of Donald Fowler, about one mile
south of Dungannon, on the gravel
road was struck by lightning and
completely consumed. The fire got
started in a pig pen, and Mr. Fowler
had left this part of the building on-
ly five minutes previously, and had
gone to the house. His neighbor,
Arthur Culbert,* noticed what he be-
lieved to be smoke around the barn
and phoned Mr. Fowler, who rushed
out and succeeded in saving three
small pigs and a horse, the only stock
in the barn at the time. The barn
contained about six hundred bushels
of grain, the property of A. Culbert,
who has had Mr. Fowler's farm rent-
ed. A manure spreader and fanning -
mill belonging to Mr. Fowler were
lost in the fire. Neighbors tried to
save them but the heat was too in-
tense.. The fire made a most spec-
tacular sight at a certain stage, when
the four walls and roof were on fire
at one time. The barn was one of
the largest in the district, being sixty
feet square, and was insured for
The meeting re ular of the Coun-
cilg a
was held k the Foresters', Hall;
Bluevale, on Monday; "April 20th, All'
AsPi Ri N
LOOK for the name Bayer and the
word genuine on the package gas
pictured above when you buyAspirtn.
Then you'll know that you are get-
ting the genuine Bayer product that
thousands of physicians prescribe.
Bayer Aspirin is SAFE, as millions
of users have proved. It does riot"
depress the heart, and no harmful
after-effects follow its use.
Bayer Aspirin is the universal
antidote for pains of all kinds.
Headaches Neuritis
Colds Neuralgia
Sore Throat Lumbago
itheumatism Toothache
Genuine Bayer Aspirin is gold at
*11 druggists in boxes of 12 and is
bottle of 24 and 100.
Aspirin is the trade~ mark ofd &Wet
Manufacture of monoacettcacides
of ealicylic'acid.
May 2i:st, 193t
Prove Our Values Visit Our Store Often, And Save
We WelcoYne Your Inspection at Any Time
Large Assortment of Col-
ors: and Designs 49c
Voiles predominate amongst the
many favored material, it tubs per-
fectly, cool, light; we show this
popular voile in a large range of
patterns and colors, 38 inch wide
at 49c yards.
New Colorings, latest pat-
terns, Wdith 36 in.
Yard .. .. .. VOL
Celanese Crepes shown, and worn
more than ever, . good for after-
noon and evening wear. We show
new designs that are new, colors
that are suitable for summer wear,
36 inches wide, 69c yard.
PRINTS, Pretty, Dainty
Large and Small Designs,
Floral and Modern Pat-
terns, Guaranteed Fast
Colors, 32 inches 1
wide, Yard
A splendid quality Print that sells
regularly at 23c a yard', suitable
for housedresses, kiddies' s wear,
etc„ real value, and fast colors.
Cotton Broadcloth Again
Exceptional value, all pop-
ular Colors, Same Value,
Big Saving now at 1
Yard . .
Ever popular broadcloth has many
uses for women's and children's
wear, fine strong weave, tub -fast
colors, 36 inches wide, Save at
this low price.
Moonlight CREPES
Plain Pastel Crepes. The
Season's Favor -9
ites �•�
This is the second offering of
these popular Celanese Washable
Dresses. We were asked to dup-
licate the sale of two weeks prev-
ious, this we have done, also in.
eluding" with it the season's lat-
est printed. washable Moonlight
Crepes, these will be picked up
quickly. Be sure and be early for
we canmot hold them. Printed
Dresses sizes 14 to 20. Plain pas-
tel shades 14 to 44.
3.79 ea.
SUITS Each 6.75
The newest in Jacket
sleeveless dresses in many styles,
real sporty models, two-tone color
effects, printed tops, plain color
skirts, when worn separately they
prove admirable for sports wear.
A jaunty jacket same color as the
skirt completes the picture, skirts
are flared and pleated.
6.75 ea.
Rayon Pyjamas, Fashion-
able for wear day 1.59
or night
Fine quality Rayon in many two -
ton color effects, most suitable for
summer wear, cool and colorful,
run -proof weave, tops are tuck -in
style, wide pyjama pant bottoms.
Garment Complete, each $1.59.
Wood's Blue Label
Garment .....
Woods' Lingerie holds a place;,and.
cannot be beat, fine quality rayon
that wears, snappy styles. Woods -
of a
Blue e
wanted, high quality, low price
s• a will be popular with
many. Each garment 79c. Vest
and Bloomers to match $1.50 com-
Pair 35c, or 3 pair 1 00
for •
A Rayon plated hose in many col-
ors, cuffs stripped in contrasting
color effects, they
and real popular. for " kiddies
wear sizes 4 to 81/2
Picot Edge, Silk to the top
Service Weight 1.19
7 -thread service weightpure silk to
picot top, foot and heel plated silk
over mercerized lisle, curved fren-
ch heel and silk to the top, in all
most wanted colors, full fashioned
real special value $1.19 pair
Ladies and Misses Hats Special
Lastest New Yorkfashions feature this rough
straws for afternoon wear, come in all shades
to match the pastel dresses and silk 1n
suits. Each
Showing new hats for summer
New turbans and Picture hats of...Celophone,
Mohair, Baker trough straws, all ...favored ...for
summer wear, we have a large assortment ...to
choose from 'high quality and mod50
erately priced. Each $2.50 to 4�
"Tog Up the Little Folks"
Garment consists of two pieces,pantees and
dress, pantees come up on body with two
shoulder straps as in sun suit, when finished
playing at beach, or use as sun suit, dress is
slipped over, making panty dress, which means
dresses fresh and clean. Two pieces, made
from fast colored print or linene 1.59
cloth, plain color, complete, each L
Kiddies Panty Dresses
Figured Prints that are guaranteed fast... color,
in a large assortment of styles, c
Big value. Reg. $1.49. Each ......
When you get the Bathing or 'Swimming Notion, `Walker Store' can supply your needs
Children's Sturdy Waists
Strong white cotton... waists... for children
stronglystayed, ed
on buttons, , g
n yrs
Holders, sizes tL9 di'
Wash Hats for Kiddies
Broadcloth wash hats of the new.#lop style
wide brims for sun protection, they come in
four colors, maize, light blue, pink 9
and white. Each
also large assortment of berets
Infants Dept. Second Floor
We show everything for the new baby's
wear we carry a full range of the famous
vanta no button line, bootees, crib cover-
ings dresses, sweaters, let us supply your
needs in these requirements,
Visit the Store every
Wednesday morning, look
for the Special Offerings
Boys' all wool : bathers . $1.19
Men's all wool bathers $1.75
Girl's all wool bathers $1.29
Women's all wool bathers $1.59
We also carry bathing caps in many variet
ies and colors
Boys' Lisle Golf Hose
Splendid hard wearing quality hose in many
fancy. pattern styles, turn down 39
cuffs, sizes 7 to 9. Each
Outfitting the Summer Cottage
Getting close to the time we. can supply
your needs on dishes, linens; bedding tow-
els, pots and pans etc., we : are featuring
these requirements at real money saving
values, see thein displayed on counters'
plainly priced.
Sale of Floor Coverings Still On.
Large and varied stock of floor covering to
choose from two yards wide, two and half
yards wide, three yards wide, all at Pricesccs
that will save yon money, all
first grades
bring us your measurements.
Window Blinds Special
Good quality durable window blinds in
cream, green and white, mounted on a ser-
viceable spring roller, a real ` good value,
and a saving at this price; 37 in.
wide by 6 feet long, Each, .,,,,..,.. 69C
Curtain Nets Special
Large assortment of curtains nets all
grouped to sell at one price marquisettes
patterned plain and colors filet nets, better
quality madras, 36 to 42 inches "
wide, all, Yard 1.3
Mr. and Mrs, A. H. Wilford of
Windsor, spent Sunday with the for-
tner's mother, Mrs, Carr.
The Y. P. S. held their meeting on
Monday evening under, the auspices
of the citizenship committee. A very
goodprogram consisting of musical
numbers and Mrs, (Dr.) Mortimer
gave a splendid address on music.
This 'will be their last meeting for
the season.
On Sunday, May 24th a cornunity
Decoration service will be held in the
Union Cemetery with the Band
Mr. and Mrs, Russell Shane were
in London an Saturday.
Boni—In Wingham Hospital, on
bray 14th, to Rev. V, and Mrs. Po-
cock of the Rectory, a daughter.
'Mrs, James Fox and children, of
Toronto,are visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, 'William Johnston:
Dr. Milne's new store is about
completed. The Hobbs Glass Co., of
London, put the plate glass windows
in during the past week.
Visit Often the Ever
Popular Bargain Base -
merit, Real Savings
A number of oar citizens attended
the funeral of the late Missy Corbett
at Belgrave on Thursday,
Mr. Fryfogle of Winghatn, was in
town on business during the week.
Mr. and Mrs, John Emerson 'of.
Kinlotigh visited at Mr, Ralph Nit.
on's recently.
Mr. and Mrs: W. J. Irwin and fam-
ily of Kinloss and Mr, and Mrs. G.
Irwin spent Sunday at the borne of
Mr, and Mrs. Wilson Irwin,
Mrs.' W. G. Reed spent a day last
week with Mrs, D. K. Alton..
Miss Beth Alton of Lucknow visit-
ed on Saturday at Mr. Will Alton's,
Rev. Mr. Brown of Thorndale, a.
fortner pastor of Ashfield circuit, al-
so Sidney and Ethel, called in this
vicinity on Sunday and attended the
service at Hackett's Chut'clt,
Mrs. Robt. Hamilton spent Sunday
with Me. and 14f rs, Jas. Cook,
Mr. Melvin Hackett of Lucknow,
spent Sunday at his home here.