The Wingham Advance Times, 1931-05-14, Page 5Thursday, May 14th, 1931
S :lili;la!h l * : 1 r : 3r
Read the list of Special and many
look -
Pure Linen Towelling, 2 yds. for 25c
Imported Ginghanls, reg. 25c, for 19c
Pine quality Bleached Cotton 15c
Curtain Nets, reduced to 15c, 20c, 25c
Large Turkish Towels, now 22c
Pillow Slips, Hemstitched, now25c
Flannelette in stripes, bargain 15c
Broadcloth, yard wide, all colors 19c
Brass Extension Rods, 2 for 25c
Curtain Net with colored spots35c
Boys' Fancy striped Pullover 49c
Simplicity Patterns, only 15c
House Dresses, reg. $1.00, now 89c
House Dresses, reg. 1.25, now .$1.00
Colored Rayon Tains .... , 35c.
Baby Rubber Pants
Children's Rompers, Bargain .. , .29c
Lace Cuff and Collar Sets, only .25c
Ladies' Gloves in Silk or Suede, at 39c
Bargain in Cretonne, Sale ...., ....1Oc
Hygeia Sanitary Napkins, only ..25c
Girls' Fancy all wool Pullovers $1.75
Fancy Printed Dresses., Girls' siz. 98c
Stamped Cotton Aprons, now ...25c
Frilled Curtains, colored edges ..98c
Colored Cotton Jerseys 19c
Peter Pan .Prints, reg. 49c, now ..39c
A range of yard -wide Prints 19c
A line of Dollar Hose 69c
more values you can't afford to over -
Clearing Line of Lisle Hose, reg.
50c, for .25c
Fancy Rayon Bloomers, now ..69c
Boys' Cotton Hose, to clear ......19c
6 jelly Powders for 25c
2 lbs. Cakes for ... 25c
10 lbs. Sugar for ' 59c
Choice Blend of Tea, / lb.... 25c
Prime quality old Cheese ...... 23c
Peas, per tin A • 10c
Tomatoes, per tin 10c
Tomato Ketchup 23c
Choice Red Salmon 29c
Tomato Soup 10c
Monarch Tea, per. lb 45c
Fresh Coffee, per lb.. 29c
Small tin Salmon .10c
Selected Olives, bottle ....... ...23c
Matches, large box , 25c
• White Naptha Soap, 7 bars ...25c.
3 cakes Palmolive Soap 21c
3 pkgs. Corn Flakes 25c
All our Stock of Boots and Shoes
at Wholesale Prices.
E. ISARD & Company
In. 7A' lengthy document
Dominion statistician
and why the "seventh
issued by the
discloses how
The Wallpaper Shop I
w !�
o Is now showing the largest
stock of _®
New Wallpaper
In this district.
W▪ I - It will pay you to compare our s
• values before buying.
WO We hang our paper at
Ir '
" %III�III�III®III�IIII 1113111131111
35c per double roll.
are ' Upset
ABY tills and ailments seem twice
as serious at night. A sudden cry
may mean colic. Or a sudden attach
of diarrhea. How would you meet
this emergency -tonight? Have you a
bottle of Castoria ready?
For the protection of your wee
one ---for your own peaee of mind-
,eep this old, reliable preparation
!ways on hand. But don't keep it
just for emergencies; let it be an
everyday aid. it's gentle influence
will ease and soothe the infant who
cannot sleep. Its mild regulation will
help an older child whose tongue is,
coated because of sluggish bower.
All druggists have Cas torus,
decennial census to be' taken since
Confederation" will be taken.
The document refers to censure
made by Moses of the Children of Is-
rael in biblical times and to others
in China, Egypt and Babylona dating
back to 4,000 B.C., and points out
similar canvasses are to be made at a-
bout the same time in India, Austral-
ia and other parts of the Empire, so
that when all is' completed a compre-
hensive picture of the people, of the
Empire and their relation to the rest
of the world will be disclosed.
All information will be guarded
with strict secrecy, and co-operation
of citizens is asked. It is pointed out
that none of the questions to be ask-
ed by the census -takers has grown
out of curiosity no matter how ridic-
ulous it may appear.
Mr. T. J. McLean, census commis-
sioner for North Huron, states that
blank forms have been sent from Ot-
tawa to every ratepayer in the dis-
trict. A careful perusal of this docu-
ment by those interested will greatly
facilitate the work `of the enumerator.
For farmers there are some 250
questions to be answered. These deal
with everything from the value of the
property to the number of eggs ga-
thered in year and number of pounds
of milk secured. It is a national stock
taking event which should show the
development and wealth of the coun-
try in the most minute manner,
Three schools are being held this
week for examination of the enum-
erators. At Dungannon on Wednes-
day for the Town of Goderich, town-
ships of Colborne, Ashfield and West
Wawanosh, At Wingham on 'Thurs-
day; for the Toyvn of Wingham and
Townships •of Turnberry and Howick
At . i3russels on Friday for the Vil-
lages of Brussels and Blyth, and the
Townships of East Wawanosh, Mor-
ris and Grey.
Enumerators employed will num-
ber 15,000. There will be 253 coin-
missio'ners and 750 clerks to handle
the statistics gathered.
Canada is given credit for taking
the first census of modern tunes -in
1616 by the colony of New France.
Occupation,'age, sex and place of res-
idence 'of .3,215 persons was then re-
corded. Europe's first modern cen-
sus was taken in the 18th century
and in the t'Jnited States the first was
in 1790 it is stated,
Hospital range has been removed
and a measure of economy and .effic-
s iency has replaced it.
A beautiful electric cooking equip-
ment which not only will provide a
saving in operating costs but also is
pleasant to look upon, has brought to
the hospital the very latest service
provided for the purpose; plenty of
oven room, plenty of cooking space,
ready at a moment's notice, day or
night, to minister to the necessities
and comforts of the sick With it
.comes new beauty and cleanliness to
the kitchen, the soft tones of the
spotlessly clean enamel, specially sel-
ected by the Hospital Matron, Miss
M. E.. Adams, harmonize beautifully
with the rest of the room and adds
yet another link to the chain of ef-
ficiency with which our hospital pro-
vides its varied ministration to those
who seek its services.
The President of the Chamber of
Commerce had the privilege of in-
specting the installation on its com-
pletion, and was highly pleased with
the neatness and skill displayed in
the execution of the order, and the
precautions taken for safety in bring-.
ing in the special wiring required to
service the equipment. The fact
that the order carried only operating
overhead because it was a hospital
job made no difference in this case
for the installation proved perfect in
every detail.
Those who saw the new equipment
on Hospital Day, this week, are loud
in their praise of the Chamber of
Commerce for their effort to aid in
marring our Hospital the best -equip-
ped in this section of the Province.
Chamber of Commerce Order
Gets .Quick Action,
Unusual activity in the Kitchen
during the past week has been the
order of the day at Wingham Gen-
eral Hospital. Since we went . to
press last week a transformation has
taken place.. The large coal burning
Bruce Population Increasing
It cane as quite a surprise to the
citizens of Chesley when assessor La-
velity's figures showed an increase of
102 over the 1930 figures. We no-
tice Port Elgin shows an increase of
97 over the previous year. Elderslie
township also shows a slight increase.
The abnormal' growth of large cen-
tres at the expense of rural cornnlun-
rties is not in the best interests of
any community and was one of the
contributory causes of the decline and
fall of empires in the brave days of
old.-Chesley. Enterprise.
Damages, Against Erin Man
Holding the plaintiff was not guilty
of contributory negligence ]n a motor
accident, as charged by defence coun-
sel, Judge Thomson of Hamilton, on
Saturday awarded Elizabeth and Wm.
Powell, $2;785 damages against R.
Bardwell, of Erin, Ont. Evidence ad-
duced at the trial was that Ivirs, Pow-
ell stopped defendant's car at Alber-'
ton and was invited; to ride to Ham-
ilton. The car had proceeded a hilar-
ter of a mile wli'en it collided with a
car driven by Donald Potter, For ing
juries she suffered in the accident
Mrs. Powell was allowed $2,000.
Judge Thomson held the husband
tvas entitled to $785 for loss of her
services: --Arthur Enterprise,
By Ross. Farquhar
Friday-Mrs Gilbert Lace ; has re-
turned back home after, bein went
away. she stoped
in at are house
and Ant Emmy
ast her wear she
had ben and she
had went down to
Flourida for sum
time. Ant Emmy
sed Well you look
like as if you had
it alrite.
Saterday- well,
we had base ball
praoktise this p.m.
but it wassent
very sucsessful.
the fellos woodent
let me bat when I
shud ought to of and Pug Stevens
thot he cud pitch bettern I cud. They
are a very kweer bunch but they cud
be as nice as I if they wood onley i
Sunday -Mr, Crunch told me today
he wood give me a job when skool
lets out mebby. He ; sed he wood
pay me secenty 5 cents a day and
then mebby he wood raize me to a
$. if niy . wirk was sattisfacktry, I
thot there wood be a ketch in it
Munday-well I had "a offle a wak-
ening today. I seen Mr, Brooks
witch lives out on the farm hailing a
load of fertiliser and it smelt offle
bad and I ast him whut he was a go-
ing to do with it and he sed he was
a going to put it on his strawberrys
so I dont want no strawberrys enny
more frtun his farm. I prifer mine
with sugar and creme.
Teusday-well I woodent of done
so bad in my test today if onley it
haddent of ben for 1 kwestion the
teacher ast us. It seams that NECK
is supposed to be a nown in stead of
a Verb.
Wensday-I cant understand why
they ever give the women ekwal
sufferage. At the party tonite I was
danceing with Margery Scott and I
sed to her can I have the last dance
with you and she sed You are have-
ing it now. and kinda giggled to
like she had sed sumthing smart.
Tirsday-Mrs. Slifer got her ensur-
ance on acct of her husband dying
the uther day and rite away she bot
a hunderd sheep. she sed she wood-
ent half to pertend no more when
she counted them jurnpen thru the
gait so she cud go to sleep of mites.
Listowel Nurses Graduate
A large number of friends of the
graduates and of the hospital were
present at the graduation exercises
of the nurses of the Listowel Mem-
orial Hospital in McDonald's Hall on
Friday evening, April 25. The hall
was beautifully decorated for the oc-
casion, and the nurses in their white;,
uniforms looked charming. The three
graduating nurses this year were:
Miss Mary McRae, Port Elgin; Miss
Mary Cochrane, Clifford, and Miss
Cora Lawrence, Durham, and along
with them on the platform were Miss
Woodard, superintendent, and the
nurses -in -training. -Listowel Banner.
!Becomes Gold Medalist
Mr. R. Keith Love, of Kippen, in
Stanley Township, who won B.A. de-
gree in Western University, London,
after a four years' course, has been
awarded the Sanford Gold Medal in
Divinity (General proficiency in 13.
D. course,) also General Proficiency
Scholarship (Church History), and
took second place in Oratory, which
when we consider the age of the stu-
dent, 24 years, goes to prove that our
rural students are not behind in in-
telligence and ambition.
About a year ago Alliston under-
took to neglect suggestions froni the
Inspector for additional High School
premises and woke up when their
grants of about $3,000 were withheld.
Needless to say steps were soon tak-
en to provide the required building.
Kincardine Board of Education has
received a similar request for new
school buildings, but the Board feels
that the ratepayers should not be bur-
dened with extra taxation at the pre-
sent time, A little co-operation evi-
dencing' sincerity and honest en-
deavour between Board and Depart-
ment will save a .lot of trouble in
these matters.
Whitefish Pry; Deposited
During the past few days 2,000,000
whitefish fry and 200,000 jumbo her-
ring have. . been deposited in Lake
Huron waters hereabouts. These
steps have been taken for the im-
provernent of fishing by the Depart-
ment of Fisheries.,
4tid¢ �1.
pit ri Jk.wfut
Don't buy a used car
rooms and. seen OUR prices
cars are all under cover, fre
Good mechanical condition. Good
tires. Reduced from
$225 to a
any place until you have visited our used car show -
on the windshield of every car. Don't forget, aux
e from all kinds of weather,
Late 1927 model. In the pink of
condition. Sale price $285
1925 model, balloon tires, good
upholstering. Reduced $95so
from $175 to
Late 1929 model. Fisher body,
good tires, original fin-
ish. Reduced from $635 $565
1929 model. Finished in two tone
Grey. Original tires $745
like new. Reduced to
STAR TOURING, good Mechanical condition, Tires
and motor in good condition, $65
FORD COUPE, late 1925 model, Balloon tires, good it
mechanical condition throughout. Reduced to *V
OLDSMOBILE 4 -PASS. COUPE, good condition 19
throughout. A snap atIN
. mi
DODGE 4 -DOOR SEDAN, newly painted, 1925 et
model, good tires. A faithful car for the price of s3i
CHEVROLET 4 -DOOR SEDAN, in wonderful condition. 1926 ill
model. An automobile you will be proud to own.'° 1m�
Sale Price
gen- $225
uine motor in first-class condition. Sale price is EN
PONTIAC 2 -DOOR SEDAN, 1927 model, city $295
driven, low :mileage. ...., , .....
OLDSMOBILE 2 DOOR SEDAN, late model, (�u
Slightly used. `..9
al finish, good tires, etc. Reduced from $645 to s17J5 , till;
ESSEX COUPE, late 1928 model newlyrefinished, *
balloon tires, in excellent condition thruut. Reducd 5 at
JEWETT 4 -DOOR SEDAN, 1927 model, equipped with spec- 1
ial upholstering, arm rests. Original price was �' ° '5 m
$2760. City driven, low mileage. Reduced to s dNAB
NASH 4 -DOOR SEDAN, 1927 model. "Standard"One of
duced finestto automobiles offered at this sale. Re`- $37
0 mial
FORD COUPE, 1929 model original finish, tires 0. $335 1i
K. Finished in two tone blue. A snappy little car at
McLAUGHLIN-BUICK 4 -door Sedan, 4 cylinders, 4 wheel as
tbrakes, balloon tires, etc. Reduced from $575 $25
PONTIAC 4 -DOOR SEDAN, 1928 model. Laundau. This i®
has had the best of care. . See it and you will believe 41! Cbcy,j
it. At ..........................._.... .......:. _.._... ........_ a� a� ¢ iI
FORD TOWN SEDAN, late 1929 model. Six windows, four r.
doors. Could notbe told from new. Going to $475
go at
CHEVROLET COACH, 1930 model, low mileage* �r ®p
New car guarantee. Reduced to g17 0
FORD. TUDOR SEDAN, driven less than 1000 $55
miles. New car guarantee. Reduced. to e11 1111
DODGE 4 -DOOR SEDAN, 1927 model. Special velour up-
holstering, balloon tires, natural wood wheels, etc. 11.11
Reduced to ��5
ESSEX COACH, 1929 model, driven less than 9000 A 3
miles. Just like new. Reduced to; ¢P
DODGE VICTORY SIX 4 -Door Sedan, 1929 model$685
Driginal price of $1765 has been cut to
We still have a few 1930 Pontiac four -door sedans, brand new from the
factory, while they last, $857.00.
M ;;111
for Month Ending March 31, 1931
Total Hogs - Wingham 99, Bel -
grave 239, Bluevale 61. Huron Co.
locals 925, Huron County 4488.
Select Bacon-Wingham 22, Bel -
grave 77, Bluevale 10, Huron Co. lo-
cals 256, Huron County 1288.
Bacon - Wingham 58, Belgrave
141, Bluevale 27, Huron Co. locals
566, Huron County 2554.
Butchers - Wingham 18, Belgrave
11, •.Bluevale 20, Huron Co. locals 75,
Huron County 581.
Heavies - Belgrave 2, Bluevale 3,
Huron Co. locals 8, Huron County.
Extra Heavies - Huron Co. locals
1, Huron County 2.
Lights and feeders --- Wingham 8,
Belgrave 5, Huron Co. locals 8, Hur-
on County 63. s verse'
sSECAr ii`.yeme,mr4ttkzu�mitit ;1 rik:;.-i
•,1 40404:,
ry : va t:rall azgra'�?59
p tad '"a f? iw`u'tk 1 : yipa "t 'nt S' ' :oZet, ;••
Our equipment is complete for the satisfactory
production of printing of every description ----from
a small card to a booklet. With this equipment,
suitable stock, goes competent workmanship. We
will be pleased to consult you in regard to any-
thing you may need,
C@ -
mA\r'a\'!jCmiver1" 7A'SVA)1frelly6Ni !A\iP i')ritiy*\'1Y 1i/e\? '/e',i1nYCiV fait `1riki '.\'h Ilii �liiyA\ih`�\i%A\iY iirYa741U1 iAii'V'Al ie"i"ii/4-;Y