HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-05-07, Page 1With Which is.;Amalgamated The forarie Vidette Alred Wroxete;• Ne
'f Single Copies
ive Cents.
THURSDAY, MAY 7th, 1931
Particulars of How Six Extra Prizes Will Be Awarded; — 150,000 Extra
Votes for Each $10 Club of Subscriptions Turned in by Nect Mon-
day Night -- $100 in Extra Prizes Will Be Awarded May 18th --
Make ,§,dre You Get One.
'The management of The Advance- publicationup to noon, Tuesday, May
well pleased is p cased withthe new 5th;
.and renewal subscriptions turned in Abram, Mrs. M., Gorrie 288,000
:,by the candidates during the first Beattie, Geo. Wingham 292 00
g ,4
voting period, and, in order to put Beecroft, Mrs. J. D,, R. R. 3,
new interest in the big subscription Wingham, Ont: ...,......:290,000
«campaign, announcement of particu- Corrigan, Miss Ruth, R. R. 1,
lays as to how six extra cash prizes Wroxeter, 257,000
-will be awarded will be found in this Dane, Miss Elva R, R. 1,
•issue. Wroxeter 276,000
The sum of $100 will be given in Gillespie, Miss Alice, Blyth 285,000
the form of six extra prizes to can- Pocock, Mrs. Walter, Bel-
,erlidates doing the best work in sub- grave, Ont ....... _ 289,000
scription gettieg ' during this week Swanson, Miss Eva, Wing
sand next week, The candidate turn- harm, Ont:, 290,000
ing in the mest cash for subscrip- Weir, Miss Blanche, R. R. 1
"tions dating, from last Tuesday morn- Wroxeter, Ont. 276,000
ing, May 5th, up to and inclusive of
one week from Monday, May 18th, es
will win an extra prize of $50.00 in
=cash. The candidate doing the next A final meeting will be held in the
best work during ` the same period Council Chamber at 8 o'clock on Fri -
'will win an extra prize of $20.00. The day evening, to complete the organi-.
next two extra prizes $10.00 each, zation of a branch of the Canadian
will be awarded for the third and Legion.
fourth best work in subscription get- Walker Store at Lucknow Closed
-ting during this week and next week,
and the two candidates doing the The Walser Store, which has been
-next best during the same special pe doing business in Lucknow for the
riod will each win $5.00 -extra prizes. past five years,, closed .thisweek and
Counts on the Big Prizes
the stock has been taken to'Toronto.
All subscriptions turned in this Mr. Jack McIntosh who had charge
week on the extra cash prize offers of the store for the past: year, has
-will :count, of course, toward winning been transferred to Sirncoe:'.It is not
-of the choice of free autos and the altogether a matter of economy that
rest of the grand prizes which will be this store has been closed, it was
.awarded at the close of the contest, used more as an experimental store
which is only a few weeks away, and and has outlived its usefulness.
<luring this first week of the extra Will Try New Wave Length
.cash offers a vote. ballot good for
150,000 extra votes will beiven for Station 10 B.P. will be , operating
g n g
-each $10,00 club of subscriptions tur- on a new wave Length of 195 meters
•ned in:' Don't forget that this extra or about 1550 kilocycles on next
=club vote offer comes to a close next Sunday night. The station will be
Monday night, May 11, and wiII not glad to receive yourreport on re -
be repeated or extended. It is for ception. This change is made in the
this week only and the same offer' hope of getting free of the heterdyne
will not be given again during the which affects the broadcast on 1200
remainderof the contest. If you turn 1. c. 195 meters is usually at zero on
in $20.00 worth of subscriptions you the dial and if the dial is marked in
will be ,credited with 300,000 extra kilocycles it is slightly below 1500
club votes, $50.00 worthsubscrip- on the dial. All daytime programs
- ions turned, in this week will give are found ,in the usual place of 250
you a special vote ballot) good for meters or 1200 kc. .-
"750,000 extra votes. $100 worth of
subscriptions turned in this week will "UNCLE TOM'S
credit a candidate with a million and CABIN
a half extra club votes, and for each The Lincoln Producing Company
additional club of $10.00 an extra hal- will present that old;, tune -tried melo-
lot will be given you for an addit- drama of times before and after the
ionalJ 150,000 extra club votes. Pile War of 1861, when the Slavery days
lip the votes this week and do your were in the U. S.: They old play with
utmost in vote and subscription get- a new coat will, hold forth at the
ting to lead the biglist next week, Town Hall, Wingham, .Ont., on Sat -
as well as .make yourself safe in win- urday, May 9th: Many have read the
tang one of the six extra cash prizes book, now seethe play.
announced this week. The winners New scenery and mechanicalef-
of the extra 'prizes will make their fects are :carried out and a series of
chances all the greater for a leading High. Class, Ace Vaudeville is pre-
position and in winning one of The sented between acts to snake a con -
Advance -Times' larger prizes. Make tinuous performance from the rise of
this week the biggest and best week the curtain on the first act to the fall
of the whole contest and lef the end of the curtain on the last act
of the race take care of itself. Do it The Bargain prices for this engage
before. the close of the extra vote of- ment only,will enable all classes and
ter next Monday night, May 11th. creeds to witness this grand treat in
Help Your Candidate This Week :. the Flesh This is not a moving
The following is a list of candi- Picture, but the real stage show, giv-
dates in The Advance -Times' great en by real people and carefully sel-
tontest for new and old subscriptions ccled artists for the parts. Doors
A more cbmplete list of vote records open at 7.30 and Curtain at 8,15: the
will appear early next week. Watch prices are sure to meet with the ap-
for it. The list as published today proval of the masses, TWENTY -
represents only the votes cast for FIVE CENTS to everybody.
'�" "'ZOk [O O O OCiOe 40=0
Prize Campaign Department Headquarters
The Wingham Advance -Times
Telephone 66, Wingham
O Kindly I� dip send me receipt books fon taking , subscriptions to
THE ADVANCE -TIMES and full details relative to the 'choice of
Free Autos offered and Cash Awards to be made in the great profit-
sharing campaign. 0
if IV[Y NAME IS . » ,,,.-..;- ,
PHONE NO. . .... . ........ . w... ..,.,.,.,.:ST. NO.
. p
_ O
Candidates should enroll their names now and get started at
once. Send for receipt books now and get the early start. Be one
Of the big . winners, 100,000 Free Votes given with the nomination
foto each tier member when entering.
�/�yyy��y�y,A yyyyp y,
s�01:1O CIl1 0 01=0 Oiti
Following injuries which she re-
ceived while playing at school on
Monday, 14 -year-old Phyllis Watson,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Bert Wat-
son, Morris Township, died in the
Listowel Memorial. Hospital Wednes-
day .morning:
The little' girl attended the Clark
schoolhouse on the fifth line of Mor-
ris township. On Monday she was
running about with some other lit-
tle girls when she tripped over cem-
ent steps and fell heavily, causing
severe •injuries.
She was at once removed to the
Listowel hospital where an operat-
ion was performed, but from the first
little hope was held out for her re
W. J. Henderson, B.A.
In the results of Queens Univer-
sity examinations made public on
Monday, W. J. Henderson, son of W.
J. Henderson, Reeve of Morris, se-
cured his Bachelor of Arts degree
with honors. He also was awarded
a medal in Physics and a resident
$375,00 scholarship in Art Research.
Will was brilliant student of Wing -
ham High School where he won dis-
tinction in his studies, the same
course has marked his progress dur-
ing his college course.
C. 0. MacDonald of Listowel, cap-
tured one of the P. D. Ross scholar-
ships in Commerce.
District Agricultural Convention
Thursday, June 25, is the date fixed
for the annual district convention of
Grey, Bruce and Huron counties hor-
ticultural societies, to be held in In the death. of Dr. Arthur J. Irwin
Goderich • this year. Prominent hor- which occurred at hishome here on
ticulturists will be there from Guelph Wednesday, May ,6th, Wingham has
and Toronto to address the conven- lost one of its most outstanding and
tion. distinguished citizens.
Dr. Irwin was born in Hullett
LOCAL AND PERSONAL Township, County of Huron, in 1864
and having obtained a teacher's cer-
Mrs. W. T. Cruickshank spent a tificate, taught school for several
few days in Mitchell. years. Graduating from the Pennsyl-
Mrs. J. McCool and son, Will spent vania Dental College in 1894 and the
the week -end in Hamnilton. R.C,O.S, at Toronto in 1895, the doc-
Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Bundscho and for began the practise of his profes
son, Billie, of Shakespeare, spent Sun- sion in Wingham, where he continu-
day in town. ed to reside up to the time of his
Messrs. G. Mason and J. Mason death.
made a business trip to Toronto and During his long residence here, Dr.
Whitby last week. Irwin had always taken an active and
Mr. H. Garlick and fainily have intelligent interest in all platters per -
moved into the residence of . Mrs. tailing to the welfare of the town.
Copeland on Sinuter. St. He served in the Town Council as
Mr, and Mrs. Bender have moved Councillor,. Reeve and Mayor, on the
into the residence of the late Mrs. Public and High School Boards, and
Smith on Patrick street, as treasurer of the Wingham Hospi-
Mrs. W. Herd and daughter, Mary,: tal for several years and, at the time
of London, spent the week -end at the of . his death, was a Director of the
home of her brother, Mr; J,.. Fryfagle. Wingham General Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Barney Browne of In 1910 he was honored by being
Toronto„ are spending h few days at elected Warden of Huron County.
the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Whilst a member of ' the Public
H. Browne. School Board, Dr. Irwin did much
Three carload of cattle were ship toward having a High School estab-
ped to Toronto on Saturday, two by fished iin Wingham, becoming. first
Mitchell & MctC.ague, and one by chairman of the Board:For many
Beit Currie. years the was president of the Social
Mrs; W Turner and daughter, Temperance Organization and in this
Phyllis, and Mrs. L. C. Young of To- capacity did much effective work in
ionto, spent the week -end with the cause of temperance. For a num
friends in town, bar of years Dr. Irwin was an Elder
Mr. C Kingan motored to Toronto in the Presbyterian Church and at
on Sunday, Mrs. Kingan who has the sande time was ,Superintendent of
been spending a few days there re= the Sunday School. Going into the
turned with him. Union, he held at the tune of his
Mn and Mrs. Alex, Harvey and death, the position of Ender in the
family of 'Clifford, have returned to United Church of Wingham,
town and have taken tip residence in Dr, Irwin was a member of the
I{ Collar's' house. Masonic Order in Wingham Lodge
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kerr and son, 286 where he was a Past Master,
Jimmie, and Miss Agnes Walker of Maitland Lodge 119 I.O.O.F,, the
Toronto, spent the week -arid at the C.O. C, F, and the :C.O.F..
home of Mr, end Mrs• G. L Baker, „ He leaves to mourn Ms loss, his
Mrs, W. Brackley has rett.irned to wife, formerly Marion Allan Watson,
Gravetihurst after spending the past one :son, Arthur William, also three
two weeks with her parents, Mt, and brothers, John Henry of Holl dale,
Mrs. C. S, Illackhall, Diagonal Road. Cal., Richard of Sammie, Wyoming,
Mrs, Dudley Holmes
After an illness; of several months,
the death occurred in Goderich on
Subscriptions $2.0.0 Per
Sunday evening Of "¥Viary Ellen El- Far a great many. years Wingham
wood, wife of Dudley Holmes, KC,has enjoyed the accommodation af-
recently appointed county court judge
forded by a well-managed hospital in
c her midst: This hospital has been
of Sin coe County'. Born in Goderich
60 years ago, She was the daughter operated through the generosity of
of the late John Y, Elwood, clerk of many of the leading citizens of the
the high court here, and of Mrs, El= town who put up the funds for its
wood, now living with her daughter, commencement and from time to
Mrs. John A. McLaren of Ottawa. time augmented the same , as neces-
For 25 years deceased has been a cities arose. The Board ofmanage-
resident of Wingham, where her hus- ment, selected from those who sub -
band practiced law. They returned scribed to its organization and up -
to: Goderich four years ago, While keep have never received a fee and
living • in both places Mrs: Holmes no dividend has ever been paid. Every
took an active etart in church and dollar of revenue front the Hospital
community world In religion she being spent immediately or ultimate,
was an Anglican, ly for its maintenance and improve -
Surviving, besides her husband, are ment. The hospital too, has received
four sons, Dudley E Holmes, crown well deserved help from private citi-
attorney of Goderich; John E„ of the zens and various organizations which
Bank of Commerce, Toronto; Patrick assisted it materially in keeping at
E., of the Michigan State Bank, De- a high level of efficiency. For all
troit, and Gavin E,, mining; engineer such assistance the Board has been
of Kirkland Lake; also one ,daughter,, deeply grateful.
Mrs. (Dr.) W M. Kelly of, White In view of the esteem in which our
Plains, N.Y. Hospital is held it is not surprising
The funeral will be held this Wed- that our local Chamber of Commerce
nesday afternoon. has offered the services of its organ-
ization to raise a fund approximating
James MacEwen four hundred dollars for the purpose
Another pioneer of Turnberry of installing new electrical cooking
equipment in the hospital kitchen to
passed to his reward at noon ori
Thursday in the person ofJames gether with such other alteration as
the change will require.
YracEevezn. Until a few days ago he
had been enjoying fairly good health:
While out at the barn doing the ev HOSPITAL VISITING
On Sunday, May 3rd, Mrs. C'tther,
ine Young of Minnie St., Wingham,
The Hospital Board has accepted
Ontario, attained her 95th birtli.dla-ay.
with thanks the splendid offer of theAs M
Chamber of Commerce, and wishes to rs. Youn is a coobel stattncle
g g
Scottish Presbyterian and lieves in
extend its appreciation to the people keeping the Sabbath day holy, the
of Wingham andcommunity who birthday was celebrated on Saturday
will support the Chamber of Com- May 2nd On that day about forty
merce in this splendid contribution toof relatives, fraineds and neighbors
our Hospital's
p higherefficiency. gathered at her home to congratulate
Wingham Utilities Commission has her and 'she was the recipient n nil
already received the order for the el- many beautiful flowers can and
a d
ectrical installation and it is expected other remei'nbrances, 1'heeeresen
that the work willproceed with P
without a<i distance "were: M'rs; L. C.
Gy. Young, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. A.
The amnstinted support of the sels; fromber of Commerce ; de- Nichol, London, Mrs. W. Rose, Brits -
wholeserve thChe u'Goderich o r and vicintyw
whole community in this and sic- Mrs. A. G. MacDonald, Miss W. Glen
ceeding unselfish enterprises. A re- Mrs. (Rev.) R. Henderson Mrs. .
surae of their activities during the McPhee and daughter, Mrs. William
past six months shows the following Mrs. Gordon McPhee and twin dau-
results: Armistice Memorial Celebra- ghters, Jean and Joan, Mrs. E. V.
tion organized. Patriotic Concert and Lawson and son, Mr, and Mrs. Gor
Sports Carnival held in Arena, re- don Young and Mr. Alexander
ceipts of which amounting to $240.00 Young.
were divided equal' between the Band Mrs. Young also received greetings
and Arena Co., Community Christmas and gifts from all parts of Ontario,
Tree and Santa Claus Fund organiz- from Ottawa to Sarnia, Detroit,
ed, raising over three hundred dot- Mich., Mexico, N.Y., Boissevainr
Lars, which was spent in Christmas Man., Saskatchewan, Sask,, Regina,
cheer and unemployment relief. A Sask., Fertile, B.C., and Hazleton, B.
Christmas concert was organized at C.
which no admission fee was charged. On Sunday many more called, to
About eight hundred bags of candy, extend to Mrs. Young their congrat-
etc. were distributed. Arrangements illations and best wishes.
(Continued on page five) Mrs. Young is quitesmart for her
years and in possession of all her fac
uanstill takes a
LUCKNOW GUILD int ies what is going on a oundnher.terest
ening chores on Wednesday lie was
seized.with a paralytic stroke and he DAY, TUES., MAY 12th
was found by Peter S. MacEwen and
Alfred Agar, who had just called on It 'Inas been the custom for many
hien for a visit. They carried him to years in different countries ' of the.
the house and summoned medical aid' world to commemorate the birthday
but he passed:away at noon the fol- of Florence Nightingale by• having
lowing day. The 'deceased man was this day set apart as a "National
in his 71st year, and was a quiet, in- Hospital Visiting Day,"
offensive man, a good neighbor and This year the Women's Auxiliary
beloved by all ,who knew him. He to the Wingham General Hospital
never married 'and lived on the sec- are joining with thousands of others,
and of Turnberry virtually* all his and inviting the public to visit our
life. He is survived by one sister, hospital at any time on Tuesday, May
Mrs. Duncan McNaughton of Turn- 12th, Nurses and others will be
berry, and one bjpther,. Alex Mac- ready to show the visitors through
Ewen, Clerk of Mbr•ris. The funeral the hospital and tea will 'be'" `se'r'ved
was held on Saturday to the Wrox:. by the Auxiliary. This is a non-coin-
eter cemetery, the services being conn- mercial movement, donations are not
ducted by • Rev. Bolingbroke, pastorsolicited, the sole object being to
of Wroxeter United Church. The help the public to become better ac -
pall -bearers were: Allen MacEwen, quainted with hospital work, so that
George MacEwen, Gordon MacEwen, each community may have more ef-
Gordon Yeo, Don, McNaughton and ficient hospital co-operation. Remem-
Tiinley McNaughton. ber, everyone is invited to visit the
Wingham General Hospital on May
Dr. A. J. Irwin 12th.
Withdraw Thursday Broadcast
Owing to the death of Dr. A. J.
Irwin, president of the Wingham Ra-
dio Club, the weekly Thursday even-
ing broadcast will be withdrawn this
A very large number were present
on Monday evening, when the West-
minster Guild of St. Andrew's Pres-
byterian Church, Wingham, enter-
tained the Lucknow Guild, who brou-
ght with them a very interesting pro-
gram. The chair was occupied by the
president, Mr; Frank Hill, during the
opening exercises, A hearty wel-
come to the guests was given ori b@-
half of the society. Rev. Mr. Mac-
Donald lead in prayer.
The following program was pre-
sented "a-`reading'was given by Mrs.
Sheriff; orchestra selection, "Nearer
My God to Thee"; topic by Mrs. Ed-
win Smith; reading, by Miss Isobel
Douglas; Trio, Misses Lorraine
Brabson, Edith Smith and Peggy.
MacDonald; Piano duet, Misses
Blanche Mac Dougall and Bessie Car.-
nochan; an address, by Mr. John C.
Murdock, "Character Building"; solo
by Miss Myra MacDonald; Orchestra
selection "Abide With Me"; offering;
Hymn 600; prayer by Rev. Mr. Mac-
Lean. Refreshments were served by
the society after which the National
Anthem was sung and the meeting
was brought to a successful close.
Census Commission Office PRESBYTERIAL OF
Mr. T. J. McLean, census commis- MAITLAND TO MEET
sioner for North Huron, has opened •
— —^
an office in the old sample room in The 17th annual meeting of the
the south corner of the Brunswick Maitland Presbytery of the W.M.S.
Hotel. of the Presbyterian Church in Can -
Calvin Anniversary Service oda toil] be held on Tuesday, May 12
in Ethel Presbyterian Church. Ses-
Anniversary services will be held sions will be held in the morning at
in Calvin Presbyterian Church, East 10 o'clock, at 2 o'clock in the after-
Wawanosh, on Sunday, June 7th, noon and in the evening at 7 o'clock.
Service wi11 be conducted by Rev, A full executive board meetingwill
W. M. Iannawin, D.D., of Toronto.
be convened at 1 p.m. at which Miss
Laura Pelton, field secretary, will
WANTED hold a conference. The presidents of
the Young Women's Auxiliaries, Mis-
Two Hundred New Members for the cion Bands and Girls Groups are ex-
Wingham Chamber of Commerce- pected to attend the conference. Mrs.
—Subscription Lists in Both George McKay of Formosa will be
the Local Banks. the guest speaker at afternoon and
evening sessions,
An editorial elsewhere in this pap-
er tells of the work we have under- REMAND GODEI�ICI
taken in connection with the improve- A very attractive wedding was sol-
inent of our hospital kitchen. Wd BOND SALESMAN emnized in the Presbyterian_ Church
need two hundred people to subscribe — ite Penetan ,uishene, on Friday afters
two dollars each; more will be ac- Arrested at Toronto and taken to noon, May lst, at 3 o'clock, when
cepted it you care to give it; kr per. Goderich on Monday by Provincial Reta May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
pose of defraying the cost incurred. Constable Whiteside, Ian Campbell Alfred Ferris of that town became
If you are' interested in snaking and Meiver, 38, bond salesman, was ar- the bride of William E. Kew, son
t, of
keeping Wingham' a "better than any rained before Magistrate C. A. Reid Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kesv ofWingg -
of the surrounding tgwns of equal in police court on Tuesday on three ham. The bride was given away by
size support the Chamber of Com.- charges of theft, conversion and fraud her fattier, while Miss Betty Clark
merce and its activities which has Not asked to plead the was remanded served as bridesmaid- and Alfred F;er
n ..
this one end in view. We pledge .;ev- i custody for a weep when unable tis, 7r., served as .best. plan. The
ery ,dollar of subscription money pro- to raise bail fixed at $10,000• bridesmaid was dressed in a preety
vided in this campaign to our los- R. J. Galbraith of Winghatn, is the white gown of flowered satin taffeta,
pita' Benefit Fund, complainant. He charges that Mc- and carried a boquet of sweetheart
E. S. Copeland, Pres, Iver stole $2,214 front him in 1929, roses, sweotpeas and baby's breath..
C I'. Smith, Treasurer. and that on the same date, having The bridesmaid wore i.rett
n y1; tow
received $214 frons, the sale of Gal- and carried a botjuet of pink :led
braith's personal property, fraudulen- white carnations and sweet peas. -
p A f
and Joseph, of Auburn, Ontario, tly converted it to his own tise. It is ter the ceremony the bridal couple
The funeral„ will be private from also changed that, having received left on their honeymoon fax Toronto
Itis late t•esidetn.ce corner of Patrick $2,000 eft•orn Galbraith for certain and Wingham.
and Centre street on Friday afters shares of stock, he has neither deliv- Mr, and Mrs: K-willbe
Kew at keine
noon, at 2 o'clock. Interment will he ored nor accounted for it, acid eonvcr- to their friends at their home iii Vice.
made in the Dungannon cemetery, ted it to his own use. - terla Hn bour.
Figures Not Corrlect
It has been pointed -out- to The
Signal that the statement made a1
the last town council meeting to the
effect that Wingham had colleced
$1,800 in L. C. A. fines last year, and
Goderich only $300, is not correct.
Magistrate Reid looked up the fig-
ures and states that Wingham col-
lected only $267 'in L . C, A. fines
lasty ear.. .
se s
Irwin -Gardner
An unusually pretty wedding took '
place at the home of the bride's sis-
ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
John R. Lillie, Reynolds St; Oak-
ville, at 7 o'clock on Saturday even-
ing, when Rev. F. S. Dowling, min-
ister of St. James -Bond United
Church, Toronto, united inthe' holy
bonds, Miss Helen .Louise, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. George Gardner, of
Rochester, N.Y., late of Toronto, and
Dr. Arthur William Irwin, only sone`
of Dr. and Mrs, A. J. Irwin 'of Wing -
ham, The bride was attired in white
satin, with tulle veil caught with a
bandeau of pearls, and carried a bou-
quet of Butterfly roses and lily -of -
the -valley. The bride's neice, Miss
Vivian Gardner of Rochester, N.Y,-
in a gown of pale blue nett, carrying
bar.Yuc. ;f Talisman roses wee
flower girl.
Following the ceremony, a recep-
tion w.as held, with guests present
from Rochester, N.Y., Toronto, Hain,
ilton, Kitchener, Wingham and Oak-
ville. Mrs. Gardner, the bride's mo-
ther wore a black and rose chiffon
costume, and Mrs. Lillie, the bride's
sister, was attired in powder 'blue
chiffon. A buffet luncheon was ser-
ved by the R. Simpson Co. of Tor-
onto, following which amid showers
of confetti and good wishes the young
couple left on a short honeymoon.
They will take up their residence in
Kew - Perris