HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-04-16, Page 12to if t?s 'LYCEUM THEATRE WITH 100 PER CENT. TALKING PICTURES Thursday, Friday, Saturday, April 16th; 17th, 18th Ruth Chatterton &. Clive Brooks In "ANYBODY'S WOMEN" A dramatic story of misfit marriage Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, April 20, 21, 22 Richard Arlen & Mary Briah — In "ONLY SAPS WORKS" A Farce Comedy WI-UTECHURCH Mr. Melville Beecroft returned to Western University last Tuesday... Miss Susan Kilpatrick and Mr. and Mrs. John Kilpatrick of Crewe, vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robin son last Friday. Mr. Thom of Fordwich .spent a few ,days last eek with Mr. and Mrs. John Craig and other relatives near Isere. Mrs. Archie Clow spent a. few days last week with her daughter, Mrs. Mason, of Blyth. Mrs.: Brigham and children, and Mr. George Wightnian and Ivan vis- ited last Ttiesday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wightnian. Mrs. Lance Grain spent the week- end at the home of her brother, Mr. Jack Currie, of Wingharn.Miss Lela Leggatt entertained a number of young folks on Wednes- day, evening last. Mr. Robert McGee of Blyth;spent 011e Of selected USED 1930 Chevrolet Sport Coupe Only slightly used, it offers all thie famous Chevrolet sturdiness and de- pendability at a big saving. A REAL BUY Ford Coupe You can't afford to pass this bargain by.. Sate price only $50.00 1 1928 McLAUGHLINT- BUICK SEDAN This attractive Mc- Laughlin-Bui�ch four - door sedan is ideal for family use. Reduced For Immed- iate Sale Easy. GMAC Terns 411111111111— .Stan Down Payments ... Balance Few Dollars a +.�nth `ar A. Ms .RA ®.6 OR4:/ Deale Winlha.m. U014.24 It'dn+�i •1,A vv. 2::::wLLVhmt�SCuS�iu`3l' :.�.:. ' THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-T1MES Thursday, April 16th, 1931 Sunday at the home of his brother, Mr. Harry McGee, Mrs, John Walker and son, Ward, of-Lucknow, spent the week -end at the home of her brother, iVfr. John Crowston, \I r, Athol Pardon spent last week at the home of his sister, Mrs Geo. Tiffin of Kinloss, Miss Dorothy Hutchison of Wing - ham, spent a few days last week with her aunt, Mrs. Will Conn. Miss Reba Marshall, who spent last week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Harkness, returned to her home last Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Victor Emerson vis- ited on Sunday at the home of his mother, Mrs. A. Emerson. Mr. Rhys Pollock returned to Tor- onto last Sunday. Miss Mabel Johnston returned to her school at St. Marys on Monday morning. Her mother, Mrs. Johns- ton, who has been with her daughter in Toponto, who has been quite ill with pneumonia, returned home on Saturday. There are quite a number of young folks laid up with severe attacks of flu, 'in, this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Henry and son Ross, of Belfast, spent Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs, Robert Pur - don. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft and Ernest and Florence, also Mr. and. Mrs. F. L. Creighton and family of Detroit, and Mr. Oliver Kirk of Bir- mingham, spent Sunday with their. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk of Seaforth. Mrs. John Falconer and Mrs. Cecil Falconer and sons, visited on Thurs- day last with Mr. and Mrs. Calvert Falconer: of Blyth, Mrs. J. Falconer stayed for a few days there... Mr. and Mrs. King and Percy of Turnberry, and Mr. and Mrs. Alec Lever of E. Wawanosh; were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McBurney. returned to l lar monthly meeting of the Women's Institute at the Hall last Friday. Af- ter the business was dealt with, the following program was given; a pap- er was read by Mrs. Henry on.the subject of old, and. young leaving the farms, while Misses Anna May and Susan Carrick gave a pleasing duet, "My old Cabin Horne." Mrs.Grain.. read a paper .on "The Parents' Duty. and Reslionsibility for the social de- velopment of the children in the home, and Misses Lela Leggatt and Agnes Gillespie sang very sweetly, "Carolina Moon", Several numbers from the song sheet were sung by all, and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft gave a piano solo. The next meeting, the annual business .,one, will be held in the Hall arid a good attendance is re- quested. The' ladies are expecting to have the Browntown players present their play "Wild Ginger" in, the near future. Mrs. John Gillespie has been laid up for the past week with a severe attack of flu, • TEESWATER Mr. Russell Bouie of the school staff, Toronto, visited Miss Alma Whiteman over the week -end. Miss Woods of Toronto visited at the home of Mrs. R. Whiteman over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Chapman of Oshawa, visited at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Barber. Miss Lorraine Scott returned to Stratford the first of the week where she is attending, Normal. Miss Marjorie.Good returned to Loretta Academy, Hamilton, after spending the . holidays at her home here. Mr. Win. Culbert of, Ripley, form- erly of the Continuation School staff here, visited friends in town over the week -end. Mr. J. Hickey returned to London on Saturday where he will .resume his studies at the London Technical School. Miss Mary Hickey returned to De- troit on Friday last after spending the past week with friends and rela- tives in town. Miss Helen . Gillies returned to Toronto University - after spending the holidays with her parents here. Mr.: and Mrs. Clarence' Buck of Miss Mary Martin ter school at Wabos in Northern Ontar- io, after spending the holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Martin. Mr. Wm. Campbell is suffering from a sore hand, which he hurt in a fall. Miss Lizzie Kearney is very ill at the home of. Mr. Win.' Donnelly. Mrs. Jas. E. Robinson and Frances of Wingham spent a flew days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Ross and children of Huron twp., spen,t a few days last at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Farrier, Miss Winnifred Farrier spent a day with Cedar Valley friends prior to leaving on Sunday for her school at Ripley. Miss Barbara Weir returned to her school at Belmore .on Monday. The Young People of the United, Church are postponing their play to a later date, owingg to the illness of a great number of those taking part. Mrs. John Craig, Sr:, has been ill last week,; Quite a number of the young peo- ple attended the dance at the home. of Mr. and Mrs. Dave McIntyre of Culross on Friday evening. The funeral of the late Mr. John Coulter, who was well known in these parts some years ago, took place from the funeral parlors of Mr. R. A, Currie on Thursday, April 9th. He lived for some years at St. Hel- ens, where he married his • now be- reaved wife, formerly Elizabeth Rin-, Gout. He was a thresher by occupa- tion, after living at Wingharn and Toronto, they moved to Rochester to the home of their daughter, Mrs. Dobbin, where he died after a short illness, although he had been ailing for some time. The services were ta-, ken by Rev. ' K. MacLean. Many friends gathered at the cemetery to sympathize with the bereaved family who motored here from Rochester: Mrs. Joe Clark, a niece from Harris- ton, and Mr. John McCreight, of Henfren, a nephew, and his son, Mr. Cecil McCreight from Listowel, also attended the funeral. Mr. and Mrs, Foster Moffatt en- tertained the young people of Lang - side in the Foresters' Hall there on Wednesday last. Quite a nuinber" attended the regu- 111011101i11f�k9111 111R0111i1111IIII 1111.1110111.11110111101111■11t h(l lll11lh ll`II0111011.1110U�I.II II1l0111141111E11110ILIlIiIII11III01IIII•11101111111101110111 III III■Ilk 'MOWW.tel.�i1•UYIFI11T�uYNiRYOYIIYP'IIMKl41wM4AlGIYi0Yo0Y6�iIf�bNMQ1044WU0<IHltlWY.G..P�.i'G�r►�}M�' 1 Ig ✓ M 1 1 1 a ■ s_ • 1 N. B. _ On Wednesday, April 22nd, The Hobberlin Tailoring Expert will be at 1 store. You are cordially invited to see the new suittings and coatings. SPRING APRIL SHOWING Men's Clothes and Furnishings Spring Materials Entirely New Styles SNITS TOP COATS RAIN COATS, Forsythe and Arrow Shirts — Holeproof Socks Linen Handkerchiefs Goat Skin Gloves Spring Neck Ties Watson's Silk Underwear Balbriggan Combinations Broadcloth Shirts The New Hats Belts Braces Garters YOU'LL BE PLEASED WITH YOUR PURCHASE HERE ■ • 1 1 I ainIll■Ill�lll■III■lllonsiI■ c l■III■1i11■III■III■III■Ill inoiililll�lll�lll■Iilommutiumpoollll■IIIoI sit h l rl 1 1■I i t■III■III■III■III ■I I t ■I I our KING BROS. Phone 71 WINGHAM t 1 Detroit visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Trench, over the week -end. Miss Harriett Strome returned to Toronto after spending the holidays at her home here. Mr. Kenneth McLeod returned to Stratford Normal on Saturday after visiting his mother, Mrs. R. Keith, over the holidays. Miss Winnie McPherson returned. to Stratford Normal after spending the holidays at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. McPherson, 8th con. West. We are sorry to learn that Mr. J. Kirby is confined to his bed and we wish his a speedy recovery. The local 'fire dept. was called out one day last week to put out a grass fire at the C. P. R. depotwhich got out ofcontrol and threatened some nearby buildings. Water was brought to the scene within a minute and for- ty seconds and the fire was soon ex- tinguished. Safety First The men gathered in' front of the station were eye -witnesses of a inost peculiar procedure. 'They saw . one • DIAMONDS WATCHES GIFTS GEO. WILLIAMS OFFICIAL C.N.I. WATCH INSPECTOR Repairing Our Specialty Moderate Prices Satisfaction Guaranteed -Every month one watch will be REPAIRED FREE Winder for March— Miss N. Marshal SPECIAL VALUE IN CUT GLASS SILVERWARE JEWELRY c 0 M E P A E D T 0 s A V E youngster fasten a muzzle on his lit- tle brother. - One finally asked: "What the idea of that?" "'Cos I'm sending him' for some candy." WROXETER Mr. and Mrs. Mac Allan of Til sonburg,`spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. George Allan. Miss Anne Munro returned to St. Catharines on Saturday. Mrs. Thos. Hemphill is spending a few days in Toronto this, week. HAN WING AM, 0. LIMITED • • •�• ONTARIO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS FOR A BIG "MANUFACTURERS' OUTLET" SALE April 18th to April 30th ELEVEN GREAT DAYS STARTING SATURDAY at 10 a.m. NOTE THE TIME AND PLACE HURON COUNTY'S GREATEST HIGH-CLASS CLOTHING & FURNISHING STORE --- PUTS ON A -- REAL SALE FOR MEN Watch for the Yellow Circular Just Out. w T H Q U R R z N D S