HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-04-16, Page 371, Iµ•!x •war a1 r it WI Oi 0=0 ""-.: 0 9 01=0 0: 0 On20 very Active Member Is Paid. a Good Cash Award Beautiful spring days and excellent roads, the opportunity to meet new friends, will make it a pleasure for everyperson taking an active part in THE ADVANCE -TIMES' great subscription competition. THE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES gives its readers and residents of Wingham and surrounding towns and rural districts an opportunity to become the proud possessor of a very handsome automobile or a large cash prize absolutely free. It will not only be pleasant and profitable diversion to all who en- ter the big contest for subscriptions (both new and renewals) but it will be a fine educational training to everyone who takes part in the friendly competition. •The object of the compaign is to secure NEW and renewal subscriptions to THE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES and while 8 0 O Telephone The Campaign Manager at 66 Wingham, 01=0 0:101=10=101=0=10=10=0) t 0020 0 0 0 doing this to ascertain who are the most ambitious, persevering and determined men and women (married or single) and boys and girls in the territory covered by THE WINGHAM ADVANCE - TIMES. It costs a candidate absolutely nothing to join THE AD- VANCE -TIMES' big prize competition and every candidate is guaranteed at least a substantial cash prize on business which they secure, if they do not wild one of the major prizes, such as the choice of a free automobile, or one of the substantial regular' cash prizes offered in the regular list. Fill in the entry blank on the op- posite page and mail or bring it to the contest office at once, or better still, telephone the Campaign department at Wingham 66, and you will be given full information immediately, together with lists of old subscribers and a supply of receipt books. DO IT NOW Ontario, For Full Particulars DO IT NOW 0=0— —0=0-- •0>Q0--0L'I0) (0=0- -0=0) t03=0=0=0====0=0=1 CHEVROLET SIX SPORT SEDAN FREE offered as choice for First Grand Prize. Iinformation, Rules and Conditions of The Advance - Times' Auto Prize Contest Any lady or gentleman, married or single, or boy or -girl, is eli- gible to enter the contest of THE ADVANCE -TIMES. No employee in the office of THE ADVANCE -TIMES is eli- gible to enter as a candidate for any of the prizes offered. Contestants may nominate themselves or be nominated by their friends. Fill out the information blank on the front page or entry blank on opposite page, clip out and bring or mail it to the Cam- paign Department, Headquarters. Votes will be issued on all payments of subscriptions during the campaign whether paid to a solicitor, candidate or at the office of THE ADVANCE -TIMES. There will be two ways to secure votes—(1) Saving coupons good for votes from the paper each issue and send or mail same to the Campaign Department. (2) By securing new and renewal subscriptions for THE AD- VANCE -TIMES for which votes will be issued. The management reserves the right to reject any nomination without giving reasons for so doing. Contestants may secure subscriptions for THE ADVANCE - TIMES anywhere. It does not make any difference as to where you live, you may get subscriptions anywhere. All votes issued on subscriptions are good until •the end of the compaign, and may be polled at the discretion of the candidate, ,sub scriber or manager. In the event of a typographical error, it is understood that the management will not be held responsible except to make the neces- sary correction on discovery of same. The management reserves the right to add more prizes, give. extra prizes and prize vote ballots. In case of a tie the management reserves the right to have the prize equally divided. Vote certificates are not transferable from one active candi- date to another one who is already active; they may be given to another person, however, who is not already active in the contest. The management reserves the right to give club yote offers and triple regular or extravotes, also additional votes for new subscrip- tions or old` subscriptions, but it guarantees that all subscriptions. turned in from the beginning of ;the competition, up to the time of. any of these offers will receive the benefit of same. When entering the contest it is understood that all contestants accept and abide by the rules and conditions published herein, The management guarantees fair treatment to all contestants, and should any question arise, the decision of the management will be considered final and absolute. Any statement or promise made by any solicitor or agent vary- ing from the rules and conditions published herein will not be re- cognized by the management of THE ADVANCE -TIMES. A candidate is not required to be a regular subscriber to THE ADVANCE -TIMES in order to enter the competition. The management reserve the right to alter any rule or condi- tion, everything, in fact, (except that the, value of the prizes will not be reduced andevery candidate will receive fair treatment throughout the entire campaign. The management .reserves the right to help and encourage the candidates in every way possible, and advancing commission money or expense money to candidates while the campaign is in progress. 11 a 0 0 u fffla DURANT SEDAN - FREE offered as choice for First Grand Prize. 01��0 0=0=01=101=I011=0=0=10=0===1011=0 0 0 Wonderfui List of Prizes - FREE ! The Capital Grand Prize Offered Free in The Advance -Times' Big Supscription Contest is the choice of a Willys Coach; a Pontiac Six Coach; a Plymouth Four - Door Sedan; an Essex Six Coach; a Ford Victoria; a Chevrolet Six De Luxe Sedan; a Durant Four Door Sedan; a Ford Sport Roadster; or the winner may have a cash option. $300 Cash is Second Grand Prize. $100 Cash is Third Grand Prize. $100 Cash Extra Prizes Week Ending May lath. - $ 50 Cash Prize Week Ending May 25th. $ 50 Cash Extra prize Week Ending June lst. O 0 O 11 0 C 0 0 p $1000.00 CASH q o extra to the choice .of free autos offered and which will be awarded in the big contest O U thiere'hias been set aside the sum of one thouand dollars in cash for cash commission prizes, regular cash prizes and extra prizes, full particulars of distribution of which will be announced as soon as is possible. All candidates continuing actively in the contest to the end are guar- anteed at least a substantial cash commission prize. EVERY ACTIVE CANDIDATE WILL GET A CASH PRIZE I • 0=0— 0a0) (0a0— - 0=0- •0ra0- - 0IQ01=== - v El0 ..,,43. I .ulllgll; d.':,4: IIID mnrandgi, ,... 11 O SIIl1'fi� O : 11 0 11 '�1,f199i4nq(i!hil �InII,if"/114d� ��iij1�` ,ii„II(lllltl �;;'�'� ��•� i ;�' i � Via_ �) , �', 0 fl0o 11 offered as choicefor First Grand. Srio� {tfoGarage, foseIUine St. New Ford prRoadster - FREE THE NEW FORD VICTORIA FREE offered as choice for First Grand Prize. 2 -Pound Boxes of Best Quality Chocolates Given Away FREE! Every one sending in new candidates' names who have not already been accepted in the contest and who continue actively in the big competition to the end; also each candidate who turns in at least $12 worth of subscriptions for THE ADVANCE -TIMES by April 23rd, will receive a nice two -pound box of choice chocolates free. The chocolates are extra to the other prizes offered. Three subscriptions for $4.00 or more, six for $2.00 each, or any way you wish, entitles a candidate to a box of chocolates. A large number of boxes filled with popular chocolates have been arranged for. Get your box early. GET THE EARLY START One of the outstanding features and perhaps one of the most important in a short competition of this kind is, those who enroll early- in the big drive usually have the best chance of winning the big prizes. The declining vote schedules which are given for sub- scriptions will undoubtedly give the early entrants an advantageous lead over those entering later. Right now is the time to make your start. .Enroll your name today, send to the campaign office or come in and get receipt book and stpPlits and full information as to licca to get started best. Every worker who makes an earnest effort in the friendly campaign will win something. Send in your name or come to the campaign office for your receipt books and supplies and start an active campaign for votes and subscriptions at once. The big contest will be short and snappy and every minute of it will be. enjoyable as well as profitable to you. Get started early. A special office has been secured for the Contest, and is lo- cated on the 2nd floor of The Advance -Times Bldg., Josephine St.,; Wingham. Campaign Department office is open until 9 p.m. every evening. , 0 1000 Free Votes Phone 66. SAVE THESE COUPONS 11 THEY HAVE A BIG VALUE For (Naine of Contestant) In every paper of THE ADVANCE -TIMES each week. Start saving votes now. If not for yourself why not save them for your favorite candidate? This Coupon, when neatly cut out and mailed or brought to the Campaign Department, Headquarters of THE ADVANCE -TIMES; will count for the person whose,: name is written thereon, MAIL THIS COUPON BEFORE MAY 21st o _ 0=0 o=o==normo Osteo 0 0 0lbo 00-0=0==*=0==a0=0==i0=0==o=oz=z =0======a0=0===c0=or===t0=0 n[ OLEO FOR QUICK REPLIES, ADDRESS ALL INQUIRIES FOR INFORMATION, ENTRY BLANKS, ETC., DIRECT TO Prize Headquarters, =0==0=0 a 0 0 !I! 2nd FLOOR, ADVANCE -TIMES BUILDING, JOSEPHINE ST. SPECIAL PHONE NO. 66. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL $ P.M. FOR CONVENIENCE OF ALL CANDIDATES• =0====0=01===t0=0==== o ... 001 0 u03=o 6----o o. =0a 0 0=o.. 0 0 =0= n 0