HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-03-26, Page 7Thursday, March, 26th, 1931 THE WING': IAMVI ADVANCE -TIMES PACE S1;VI1; W. Anderson, is my name Everybody knows me by ,Alt- dy; I represent the Reo. Motors of Western Ontario, Limited, London, Ontario. I sell the Reo Speed. Wagon, also all makes of Used Trucks, .large and small, with every type body. Let's get acquainted, write or phone REO MOTORS OF WESTERN ONTARIO, LIMITED 138.146 Fullerton St., London, Ontario, 'Phones Metcalf 3170-3171. , Western Ontario's Largest Used Truck Market Residence 120 Briscoe St., Lon- don, Ontario. 'Phone Metcalf 7685W." News and `Information For the Busy Farmer.. <Furnished: by the Ontario Depart- ment of. Agriculture) Ontario; farmers annually lose hun- dreds of dollars from parasites in sheep and hogs. Dr. L. S. Stevenson has made a'special study of this prob- lem and has written several bulletins, copies of which can be obtained from your local Deparment of Agriculture. Commerciale fertilizers when ap-. ;plied to: various crops in conjunction with good farming methods give big returns: Phosphates 'increase yields .of almost all crops on almost all types of soil. Potash pays especially, -on.' the sandy soils. Nitrogen for most farm crops should, as far as ;possible,, be obtained from growing :legumes. Free Seed One of the great vital forces res- ponsible for success in agriculture is :good seed, declares the Ontario Agri- -cultural and Experimental Union, in .announcing that it is prepared this year to distribute to farmers free of ,charge, into every township, county -and district of Ontario, selected seed of the best varieties of field crops: • Any farmer can obtain a list giving the details of this seed distribution for test purposes from his local agri ' cultural representative..'Included in -the list are seeds for grain crops, :root crops, forage, fodder, silage and -hay crops, culinary crops, fertilizer ,-experiments and a number of miscel- ianeous experiments. Renewed War on Corn Borer The need for renewed warfare on •the corn borer was 'emphasized at the annual convention of corn borer in- spectors of Western Ontario at Lon- don, when Prof. L. Caesar, provinc- • ial entomologist, led the discussion and issued instruction to the inspec- tors. Large corn producing counties of Western Ontario are faced with 'the possibility of another serious corn 'corer epidemic as a result of a pro- ` longed drought. Unless much stub 'b1e plowingis done by farmers and inspectors give careful surveillance,. serious damage to corn fields may re- sult. The new situation is unusual 'because of the pronounced drought 'last summer. Corn stubble became 'kdry. The corn borer did not find the ..dry stubble to his liking and instead 6coa STOMACH It GooIN[ PHILLIPS= ♦+4'°f ��r;W For Troubles due to Acid INDIGESTION ACID STOMACH HEARTBURN HEADACHEE GASES -NAUSEA EXCESS acid is the common caner, of indigestion. It results in pain and sourness about two hours after eat- ing. atin . The quielc corrective is an alkali which neutralizes acid, The best corrective is Phillips Milk of Mpg nesia. It has remained standard whit physicians in the 50 years since ii.s xtvention. One spoonful of Phillips Milk of 'Magnesia neutralizes instantly many. times its voltune in acid. Harmless, and tasteless, and yet its aetion is quick, oncelyou lean hoon wrq crude this method aets. t , Be sura to get the genuine. "Milk of Magnesia" has been the U. S. deiistered Trade Mark of the Cllarles Chemical Corp: alty and its predecessor Charles IL, iti11%lss sbaee 1875) of spending the winter in the stalk about an inch above the ground, as usual, it went deeper into the root, In the past many farmers have sim- ply ;cut the corn level with the ground, thus avoiding plowing the stubble under. ThisP lan would not be effective under the new condition and a campaign is being started to have all the stubble plowed under be- fore the middle of May, despite the manner in which the corn was cut. Better seed pays big dividends in crop improvement. Production may be increased from 10 to 14 pounds per bushel and from 10 to 14 bushels per acre by sowing only large, plump seed. The farmer will find it a pay - Mg proposition to get the old fan- ning mill out of the store -house, fit it up properly with screens and make a genuine clean-up of seed this spring. Interesting Swine. Course Despite a heavy snowstorm which made roads almost impassable,ap- proximately sixty young men were in attendance at tite special swine course held under the auspices of the Council of Canadian Meat Packers and Provincial and Federal Depart- ments of Agriculture at Montreal packing plants on March 9th, 10th and 11th. It was voted the most suc- cessful course yet held in Eastern Ontario. The program consisted of lectures and demonstrations on types. of ilve, hogs and dressed carcasses and animal parasites, as well as com- petitions in the judging and grading of live hogs and dressed carcasses The following counties were repre- sented epresented in the gathering: Carleton, Glengarry, Grenville, Dundas, Ren- frew, Lanark, Lennox. and Addington, Prescott and Russell, Leeds and Frontenac. 55c a Bushel For Barley Resulting from a conference in the office of the Minister of Agriculture, the Canadian. Malting Company, Ltd. is offering to pay a premium price of 55c a bushel for Ontario' barley, on and after Sept. 1st, 1931, delivered at Montreal. The company will ac- cept 1,000,000 bushels of barley at that price, providing it is sound and clean and reasonably free from other grains and weighing 48 pounds to the bushel. This is equivalent of the grain grade known as "Three Extra" and in a normal year should be easily obtained by the average farmer in Ontario. Barley has long been re- garded by many farmers as a cash crop in the Counties of Essex, Kent, Middlesex, Elgin and Perth, and it is hoped this announcement will give a new 'confidence to these growers. A Montreal price of 55c would mean f, o.b. prices approximately as follows: 11lain line, Chatham and surrounding points, 40c; off lines, side lines or radial lines in same territory, 37c; Central Ontario points, 42c; Eastern Ontario and on to Montreal, 46c, These prices apply only to carlot shipments. This offer is •20c to 25c per bushel better than present prices on the Montreal market and should greatly encourage barley production in those counties where the crop is well and favorably known. An Advisory Committee Immediately after the present leg- islative session, the Government will appoint an advisory board to. aid Hon,. Thos. L. Kennedy, Minister of Agri- culture in the administration of de- partniental affairs and in solving the present day farm products. It will probably comprise three members one representative of the dairying in- dustry; a second .from the cattle, hog. and sheep industries, and a third front the poultry raising inter gists, It will be absolutely non-political in compo- sition and scope. The members will receive fair remuneration for their tune, as well as travelling expenses. Weekly Crop Report There is a general' feeling through- orxt the province that the recent heavy -'snowfall has been of inestim- able value, according to the weekly report of the agricultural representa- tives in various counties, Fields are well, covered and prophets are most optimistic regarding the condition of wheat and clover stands. Orchards in Dundas have been,receiving attention with some pruning already done, In Frontenac the number of sows far- rowing this year shows an increase of about 100 per cent, over last year, Excepting for the syrup industry, few preparations have been made for spring work in Glengarry. Increased interest in certified seed is manifest in Grenville. In spite of bad roads, the spits and crops meetings in Hal- dimand are being very well attended. Fanners in Huron are indicating in- creased interest in better seed and fanning mills are being put in shape for screening; work. In Middlesex, or- chard pruning work has been general while breeding stations in. Welland report heavy orders for good quality hatching eggs. New High Quality Feed Farmers, feeders and poultrymen will be interested in the production of.a. new high quality feed for poul- try, swine and young livestock. This feed•, called Oats Groats, is made by taking the hulls off oatsthus greatly reducing the fibre, increasing the pro- tein and lowering the cost of food nutrients by a saving in freight. Although there is ,some variation in the chemical analysis the average sample shows about 17% protein and from 2;% to 3% fibre. Oat. Goats are, fairly high in fat also containing about 8% of this valuable nutrient. For young calves, young pigs and all ages of poultry, this feed with prove valuable in assisting rapid growth. and general vigor because .of the high protein and low fibre content. The price of this product is very 'low when the feed value is compared to other feeds. By buying this feed in carlot quan- tities and . using Canadian Barley to replace corn, the cost of production of poultry and livestock products can be substantially reduced. Farmers and poultrymen are advised to get in touch with their feed dealers regard- ing these products. Hints For Homebodies Written for The Advance -Times By Jessie Alien Brown The Thermostat Anything that will save work is to be welcomed. There are two ways of saving work, 1st is to save movement and the other is -to save mental strain. I have discovered that a ther- mostat on a stove 'is a great mental saving. The time arrived when we simply had to have a new stove. The old one could not be depended on, results were never sure. The only consolation I had, was that the stove could always be blamed. My alibi is gone, now. There was much proing and con- ning overwhether we would buy a gas stove or an electric stove. We have used both and they each had their advantages. The gas was so much faster, but it was dirty. The el- ectric oven baked so perfectly, but it was difficult to increase the heat if there was anything in the oven without burning it. And so on. Fin- ally the gas stove won the day. The oven is equipped with a thermostat and it is the best little gadget I ever ,used. 'Phe thermostat is set at any tem- perature yot<t wish and the oven is kept at that heat automatically. There is no need to worry about whether the oven is getting too hot, or whether it is, cooling off, You know that it is staying at exactly the same heat. I feel that it is worth the extra money paid for it, and would advise anyone buying a new stove to consider it seriously. Silver Cleaning Cleaning the silver is one of the household jobs that gives a great deal of satisfaction. Of course, if you are one of those wonderul house- keepers, whose 'silver is always shin- ing, you will .not: get as much kick out of it; however, if you are like the rest of us, you will get consider- able pleasure out of brightly gleam- ing silver. Many won -ten plan to clean- the silver before they start the actual house-cleaning, The idea. has rnuch'to recommend it. Cleaning by Electrolysis There are three methods of clean- ing silver, First, there is the old fam- iliar one, of rubbing with silver pal- ish; then oal-ish;then there is the more modern one or cleaning by electrolysis;; and lastly by rubbing with .a chemically treated polishing cloth, Sounds like a sermon, doesn't it, with my first, second, and lastly? Some years ago, strips of metal were put on the market, which were to do wonders in cleaning .silver. The only objection to the metal strips was their price. Any piece of stunt- intuit will do the work at much less cost, The method is called electro- lysis, and will not harm the silver, Many • people have hesitated to use this method, as they were frightened that the silver tight be taken Doff,. but this is a mistake. The silver is not removed any more than in pol- ishing. Now for the way to do it. The sil- ver -must be in contact with 'alumin- um. You :nay use an aluminum dish if you like, but the dish has to be cleaned afterwards, as all the tarnish is deposited on the dish. The best way is to use an enamel dish, such as a dish -pan, and a piece of alumin- um. You may cut a strip from an old dish, or a pie -plate kept for the pur- pose, -is satisfactory. It makes no difference what you use, so long as it is aluminum. Cover the silver with hot water, to which salt and soda has been added in the proportion of ':1 teaspoon of each to a quart of wat- er. Briefly the method is to have the. silver touch the aluminum and to cov- er it withhot water to which salt and soda have been added. The tarnish is removed almost immediately. Re- move from the water and wash and dry. _. This is an easy ,way to polish sil- verand is specially satisfactory in chased silver. If it is used with sil- ver that has a grey finish, it will re- move the finish, so use it only with plain silver. It should not be used on hollow pieces like candle sticks or hollow handled knives. Large pieces such as tea-pots require so much fiddling, changing positions. and so on that I find them easier to polish by rubbing. Silver Polish Nothing need be said .about clean- ing by polishing; as we are all too familiar with it. The only precaution is to use soft cloths, and to be care- ful about the quality of the. silver polish used. Anything rough will scratch the surface, and remove the plate. I knew a bride who used Old Dutch to polish her silver. It made it nice and bright, but it certainly was not good for the, silver to use such an abrasive polish. Prepared Polishing If you do notF use a Cloths owing Canada to Canadians atAiN tai • a 1 k - yam+ �?:�i'� •`•s:f' F > ,,.« 4{.;..,>.;','v:.¢�'n„��iiss�.:> eeeeee ix thousand miles of travel, taking in every phase of Canadian life will be accom- plished . under exceptionally favorable circumstances by those who leave over Canadian Pacific lines, with Dean Sinclair Laird, of . Macdonald College, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Que.; starting from Montreal on July 26th, and Toronto July 27th The trans -Canada trip, which will be made by railway; motor through the Rocky Mountains; one of the smart C. P. R. coastal steamers be- tween Vancouver e-tween.Vancouver and Victoria and vice -versa; and on one of the same company's.. Great Lakes boats from Fort Wil- liam to Port McNicoll, will take 22 days to complete and will include all the Dominion's important centres, the wheat regions of the Prairies, beautiful re- sorts in the Rockies and a comprehensive visit to the Pacific Coast. This is the eighth annual tour under Dean Laird's guidance. The picture show: (1)Vancouver's hustling waterfront with the great C. P. R. liner "Empress of Russia” at her berth. (2) A view from one of the windows of the beautiful Chateau Lake Louise. (3) A scene on the 1 Canadian Pacific line through the Rockiest ‘4.1 A typical harvester. (5) A Lake boat at Port MeNicolle treated polishing cloth, you are miss- ing out on one of the short cuts in house -work. They are not satisfac- tory in cleaning silver which has be- come very dirty, but if you use them in the weekly cleaning (dust your metal pieces with them, instead of an ordinary duster), you will find that your silver and brass will not re chemically- I quire polishing nearly as often. Pear and Rice Dessert Cook rice in boiling water until it is soft but not broken, Drain. Fold in whipped cream and sweeten slight- ly. Chill. Cover a canned half pear with the chilled rice and serve with hot butterscotch sauce. Butterscotch Sauce 1 cup brown sugar, cup hot wa- ter, 2 tablespoons butter. Stir until the sugar is dissolved. Boil until the syrup threads. Re- move from the heat and keep warm until ready to serve. "I am sorry," said the dentist, "but you can not have an appointment with me this afternoon. I have eight- een cavities to fill." And he picked up his golf bagand went out. IlIER$I888'8010000000000RRRR!/0000000,111000*®® ®oli MS aoaoosooz0000nsoo®®oI*®®$®PoI®m1 5 X 0 5 o. ERTISE Regularly! Silence Will Never Bring,Prospective Buyers to Yo_r oor WHEN THEY COINED THAT ADAGE "SILENCE IS GOL- DEN" THEY SHOULD HAVE ADDED RESERVATIONS. IT DOES NOT PAY IN MODERN BUSINESS. IN FACT, THERE WOULDN'T BE ANY BUSINESS TO SPEAK OF WERE IT NOT FOR THE "VOICE" OF THE PRINTED WORD! IN THIS DAY AND AGE, YOU'VE GOT TQ LET FOLKS KNOW "YOU'RE ON THE MAP!" IF YOU'VE GOT A. PRODUCT YOU BELIEVE IN—Ir YOU KNOW' THE PUBLIC WANTS IT, WHY KEEP QUIET ABOUT IT? ADVERTISE AND KEEP ON ADVERTISING! USE THE COLUMNS OF; f lads R ght Away "Site very And time X toed *Seenitt,. Scent' it entice the 'telt aM taiu of my iiesrighrt!uwtly, StotSpedrstveliiaa old teedin pileArtow a6 -• �+ �'e iwlx^'�eitrs, y,. tYickd 011e k#trNri., l "J'' a� gelid . A S dnU Ito. s,. THE VANCE TI Our Circulationin this Distrlict, Means "Tallying To" Practically* all Potential Buyers. Think it Over! loom so o MN 1011.1110.1‘ O ■ Pi 5 0 MomMMMMMMalM MMlMMMMMiMMMull*MMMM 5 5 �IlIllil