HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-03-26, Page 2TIV
� t�se k 3i r
condition w
in bed. lte should ix
or -.4 every clay. kdis root
' oat be well aired, nie ht and day.
'by kee g a inc ows and doors olren
s ffici `tat ;" ?to provide iar a
through ugh t L rPon
Rte? ca
The fanner and
erested fiearves
«:t. r.asit values of
p- k"ith barley
If lze vomits itrequt may
-ten will help.
her persons must be promo
so all secretions front the nose
throat. should be collected on old
or paper and burned, The
$4 4.- id be boiled and kept s-ep-
rately.. patient roust be kept
-rtussis or whooping cough vac-
cine is used in the prevention and
„treatment ;of whooping cough_ hs
!value hs.s not yet been definitely pro -
;:ed.. Some believe that the results
;are encouraging enough to warran-
merds its itSe. you shoed accept his
; As whooping, cough. is parric-alarl
rgerous in the first year of
erer,y effort shotald be made to pro-
tect the babies, and parents should
r,erer take a chance c„f allowing their
baby to come in commot with child-
ren who hare g coufn or ea --
colds, because what seems to day
be only a cold may later tura out
he whooping congh or measles,
Questions concerning, Heaith, ad -
;dressed. to the ;CP—nad:_n Mediml
• 1S4 College St, Toz-onto
will be answered personall3- by letter..
are a3asars't
and grain
at �s�e pr�se�a3
41M1t bir?: a ;problem a� d an o7; g�r
ft` its acre value as a crap when:
tta l:.01a should be Pseiul. As sup -
do you ge
hirn to chew
him Shredded
t and it's so crisp
he has to chew it—the
more he chews it the
better he likes it and the
more nutriment he gets
out of it. :Nally children
bolt down their food
without chewing —that
means imperfect diges-
tion, poor teeth and -.un-
healthy g -m -ns. Shredded
Wheat with milk rnokes
a perfect food for grow-
ing children, and it's
perfectly- delicious with
bananas or stewedfruit:'
wnoopwa COUGH
nahlo-- diseases. arta it is pr.ssod
tion. --s of. the nose and throzz
"WhooPing cough- in the be -g; -
gets worse, The child =lazy
"intake „of air—z
The -tracks zza
prolonged. The child r Bre-
que.ntly after ant atta;-.-
corttatt: room. toe A c1-...4:11 s-u..-7.fentstg irons "t -e "end ;
zoo -ming „quite weak.
zoo:ping cough serious becanse
it weakens its victims to sues: an es.-
zonsid.erably :few -
;people genetaily understood that it
Farm News.
and Views
Published by &motion of Eon.
calMoe, • Ottawa, 1931
Peed to a Rittn:Nbt,
, Farmers who are feeding cattle for
;beef should note carefully the
iing. ex. -cents from the Lire Stock
;are bringing in considerable numbers
lzal,7-z--az cattle. The market has
shi-poers are requested,
half finished szoo:k and thereby ad -
r Tour beef c• attle to n finish and
get al: the market 'has to offen
Praits Fresh
SQ-7.Z.e interesting obserration with
tresp_em the application of 'quick
4-, :processes- to perisizable
7E.Z:Ef=7:13* made y;iti: peaches
a serious disease and that it slyzel?,-
tre-ated. 'such Very often child- .ra;
Slra,tr".7417.1g from wh,t,oping cough "'IT :2:1
500 lbs. 400 lbs. 450 lbs. 375 lbs.
34 50 43 20 38 40 46 00
30 70 3.3 40 34 10 41 00
23 00 28 80 25 60 a 70
—Dominion Department of Agricul-
Use ;Caittailii-, Grown Graitts for
To meet the present acme feed s
-ation the Poultry Division_ of the
Dominion ErperiMerttal Farms hare
made a study of the suitability z..-4"
feedlmg„ With the use of snitable
:substitutes in the form of cod liver
oil and green feeds barley is found
every bit as zrood as Yellow corn for
tNo. 328—New -Series), jnst off
the; press, compiete instruction '
the use of der-ntic grains pottl-
-ng is given. There is no charge for
's pamphlet, which may be obmin-
ranch ;of the Dezarm cent at Ottawa.:
The Personal faor
The nersonal factor is one cf. the
roost hanormitr in the successful
r.4.e.„, Animal Ensbandly expert of the I
feeding is not entirely a mechanical:I,
onerafion, but one reqr,iring slat' and ,
rAa the tre-tiza.....„..1 development
arid arest---7 returns ior the feed con—
Hapey is Always S-:ede
In a recent statement a bee expe_rz
- "sure calls attention to the fact I
that honey is- always mfe Bor hr,--rrpti
C=Sal=r,Zia72. The reason for this is,
that -most disease organ,...ierms that :Li,:
feet ne-;;;,---4 cannot live ir. honey. which
szme „diseases affecting bees-;
and bee, „"„,iroa-ceds shis does not irunair
yalne thte honey for food be- !
--•;,-;se die -ease which affects bets have
sz:mel7,-. no effect on
r. Trite Ittrocess stems zo keep '-',„„.":1:71e- zIat "ihe
as a result they are much room like- :'42 rePorte4 "e:`1=1 e? -44.7.
illdkC d leViety lady happy
ITHE 1931 Pontiac has the fmeness, the style and the comfort
-1- that women want It is also a car that women are pleased
to drive because it handles easily, ha a reserve of power that
gets through difficult going, and a notable stamina that assuras
trouble-free operation for thousands of miles.
Yet with all this the 1931 Pontiac Six, at its low prices, is as
easy to buy as it is economical to drive. It is a big car with
spacious Fisher Bodies that are restful and Iwcurious. Over
40 points of rubber insulation absorb noise and vibration.
There is an air silencer to choke carburetoehissing.
As an instance of its value, consider that 5 wire wheels are
standard equipment on all. regular models at no extra cost.
In addition four Lovejoy shock absorbers are
standard equipment on all models.
Try the 1931 Pontiac Six today!. We kali
be pleased to demonstrate at your convenience.
You can purchase the 1931 Pontiac throuea the
low -rate G MAC time -payment plan . and
your contimied satis. faction is pledged by the
General Motors Owner Service Policy.
2 Dox; 6675
4Dom•Sodam 970
SooncSorlan 1015*.
a fine car, a modern car, a General Motors value
Dealer Wingham
&nab, ri three i;our inches :five control me_asnres.
.11.2 tae, DatS jar galti 'feed.
ar! sleet, e cooseonent sz---.1u. ortz-th. needs ,-e_enty of fresh air.
inte r.
few wild oats are likely to ap-1
It. 44r 'pear in the crop.
In Planting Grass
!" The fine seeds of grasses and lag -
rand leave ca -con
rketed net: •"4-;-,1,71r abi7linf.: the granzara___ The Hug Market for 'Grabs: recia'a a -inn soil that is Eine
"o Pay
• E.77,1 itr-spectoss 147m-
--: shows. It reads: -,-Th
- At the fizzle this reoorr
rezeive-, of extras or
scoor_de. rents nos' dotem
"The Egg, laarkozing Service :75
.• ts soon after laying as 00,5 -
tad the -psztatfbase
;'-;proved hatetteries;
;is considerable intert for
By tramaila= authorities front
ZOMeti'fiC.17.6 zo the acre
"'-ue of the three 7,:trin6pal grain
cr _, wheat, barley and oats, when
e;;; The "Matmrs for consid-
-iozts are the price of bogs, the
„i.„-..7711Lin 'lei to roriDoe
pork, and the acre yield of
cortzerned. It is found that
' ThrE. of hog the per acre val-
▪ ==g2c teem
lezem he .1
$.4.-zttitta whirl
:337 50 t4S 00
71-5 48 20
srl to SS 40
n Department of A
;.in t , and moist. They are very
;small in size and if seeded too deep-
ly will produce plants which either
Ilack in vigor when they emerge ab -
IOW the grounti, or are completely
ed, TI s trm
iso that the seed will not be busied
too deeply and so that moisture will
he near the surface to facilitate the
vCgermination of the small seeds before
'like nurse crop hecomcs sufficiently
'well established to smother the small
'seedlings. -- Experimental Faransi
itink You're 'been a most faith-
ful husband, John," pined Mrs. Hen-
i'peck, 'not once since YOU married tae
have you done a wrong thing, have
you,. darling?'
"No," sadly replied Mr. Henpeck,
'that was the lase: '
Patient: 'Bat doctor, a year ago
Yon advised rue not to drink while
ortor: "Oh, everything is :differ -
n now. My present advice is not
to eat white thinking."
Magistrate: 'Tett are charge with
.s.s.talt and battem What bare you
Prisoner:: ".Not a rd, yer wor-
ship, It was .s4„yin` too rauch got me
into this scrape,'
(ilea 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111MINIIIIE
50 bit)
84 00
Ilnanth of the
federal Tlept:rtatent ;0:1 A.7,.ziculture
Cativorm in Sas-
,o1 All:Ferta 1031,, This :5