HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-03-26, Page 1Single Copies Five Cents. ••efeeeee-weeserereeeee.eaceire • MEDD WOULD LIMIT LIQUOR PURCHASES 'Refusal of liquor permits to any ", turged in the legislature last week by oi: person under the age of 25 years was, W. G. Medd (Pro., South Iluron), when he spoke a continuation on the budget debate, The Progressive member• also 'would limit the amount of liquor pur- chasable on any individual permit, would cut down the number of stores and would place greater emphasis on temperance education in both prim- ary and secondary schonls. t'How much of the present depres- sion in Ontario is due to the drink bill?" Mr. Medd wanted to know. 'Bow much of the money due to gro- cers and other business men has gone into the coffers of the liquor manu- facturers and to the coffers of the Government?' Mr. Medd insisted that the House :should be given details as to the vol- vume of business done by. each individ- mal liquor store, and as to the vol - -time of liquor consumed by the tour- ist traffic. . "If this is a respectable business •:then no locality should be ashamed of what it is doing in connection with it, he argued. 'Why in the name of common sense shouldn't the peo- ple know What is going on?" . The only good features of the Li- -quor Control Act, he said, were its restrictive and prohibitive clauses. Mr. Medd supported the want of fconfidence amendment moved by S. C. Tweed, Liberal, Waterloo North. He recalled that Hon. 3, D. Monteith in the present debate had said: "This 'Government does not understand the meaning of the word extravagance." "It seems to me that this accounts lor the Government's unparalleled :spending," the South Huron member -observed. "It accounts for the largest _provincial dent in Ontario's history. It accounts for the lack of rigid ec- -onomy on the part of the Govern- ment, that the people of this province :are looking for. Farmers, business men, all classes, have had to econo- rnize rigidly, but the Government ,continues to spend in an3mprecedent- ed manner." He challenged the Government to :practice rigid economy and live with- in its income instead of seeking new :sources of taxation for revenue. At the same time, he insisted, there were some departments, such as that of 'health, which were doing valuable -work and which should not suffer by neason of retrenchment. Mr Medd complained that agricul- ture, the basic industry of the na- lion, had to accept heavier losses than any other industry, and yet it was given no relief in the way of . 'tariff concessions. "It has always been the case, that when agriculture suffers depression, manufacturing is similarly depressed," he gave warning. "If those respons- ible for the direction of national af- fairs would. bring back the prosperity of recent years their first business should be to see that farmers are able to command better prices for their ;products." Mr. Medd denied that the farmers were becorning spendthrifts, but in- sisted that they were as much entit- led to the comforts of present-day miviliza.tion as were their urban bro- thers, 'Clothing Sale Having bought a manufacturer's -Clearance of men's suits and Top Coats at a big cnt in price, we pass this saving on to you, Sale starts :Saturday, H. E. Isard & Co. :MR. MALCOLM TO ENTER HOSPITAL Hon. James Malcolm, former min- aister of trade and commerce, has been ;forced to go into hospital on ac - .count of congestion in one of his lungs. Rt. Hon, Mackenzie Xing, the Liberal leader, stated last night that his colleague had suffered a slight hemorrhage. "Doctors have advised Mr. Malcolni to take a long rest, Mr. King said, and it was unlikely the former min- ister would be alfle to take his seat in the I. -louse of Corn/lions during the present session. Deep regret waS expressed by Mr, King on account of Mr. Malcohn's illness, and he has been ordered to take a prolonged rest, which will ne- cessitate his retirement from politieal life for a year or So. With Which is Amalgamated The Gorrie Viclette and Wroxeter News. WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 26th, 1931 CONFEDERATION TIES IMPRESSIVELY TOLD TO THE MEMBERS OF CANADIAN CLUB The Men's and Women's Canadian Club mer last Wednesday evening, March 18th, and the members were much interested in the lecture given by Mr. D. R. Michener of Toronto, on the subject "Strengthening Con- federation." Mr. Michener, who is a graduate of the University of Alber- ta, attended, Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar. He is a close student of constitutional law and is eminently qualified to handle the subject of the relation between Federal and Pro- vincial Governments. The importance of this subject to- day needs no amplification. There are cases before the courts; there will shortly be an inter -provincial con- ference. Mr. Michener dealt first with the intention of the Fathers of Confederation with regard to the powers of the Federal and Provin- cial governments; and secondly, with how the tendency has been to alter the disposition of those powers to a serious extent. There are now two groups of opinion forming in the country; one, that opinion represent- ed by the Premiers of several pro- vinces who are striving for the great- est measure of Provincial power, and two, the groups of people throughout Canada who feel that the process of devolution has gone too far, and, par- tioularly in the West, there is an in- creasing movement towards strength- ening Federal powers. In 1926, at an Imperial Conference attended by the Premiers of the var- ious Dominions within the Empire, the 'matter of increasing the powers of the Dominion Governments to give them equal status vyas determin- ed upon, with the result that in 1929 the Statute of Westminster was drawn up. Since that time all the Dominions have signified their agree- ment to the Statute, with the excep- tion of Canada. The difficulty with Canada is that the Statute of West- minster lessens the powers of Pro- vincial Governments, and some of provinces are very jealous over what they consider to be their rights. The people of Canada have until Dec. lst, 1931, to decide whether or not they shall accept the terms of the Statute of Westminster and stand within the Empire on an equal basis with the other Dominions. It was the opinion of the speaker that it would be a great mistake on the part of Canada to withhold her acceptance of this opportunity. Canada has held a foremost place within the Empire and by her failure to accept this new status, she is in danger of relegating herself to a secondary pbsition. Before the lecture, Mr, Jack Reavie accompanied by Miss Brandon, sang two very charming songs. Dr. Redmond moved a vote of thanks to our guests of honor, which was heartily endorsed by all present. BELGRAVE INSTITUTE HAD FINE GATHERING The regular meeting of the Bel - grave branch of the Women's Insti- tute was held at the hom•e of 1VIrs. H. Wheeler this week. when there was a good attendance. The presi- dent Mrs. C R Coultes, had charge of the meeting which was opened by all singing the Institute Ode and re- peating,. the Lords Prayer in unison. Roll call was current events. After several items of business had been discussed some community singing of Irish songs was enjoyed in honor of St. Patrick's day. The topic for this meeting was taken by Mrs. John VanCamp. The meeting was closed with another Irish song and then the National Anthem. Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. C. Wade and Mrs. J. A. Geddes and a social time spent. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. C. R. Coultes in April. OBITUARY George Sadler Word has been received here of the death following a short illness from pneumonia, on Wednesday, March 11th, at his home, 2372 Tyler Ave., Detroit, of Mr. George Sadler, an old Wingham boy, whom many readers will remember. He leaves to mourn the loss of a loving husband, father and brother, his wife and one daughter, also two sisters, Mrs. A. E Porter, Wingham and Mrs. Thos. Rees, Youngstown, Ohio, to whom the sympathy of a host of Wingham friends is extended. We have also been advised that on Friday, March 13th, , there passed away in Detroit a nephew of the above, and son of the late Wm. Sad- ler, Mr. George Sadler, Jr. Graduated at College. Miss Loretta Meyer, from Mild- may has completed a Secretarial Cdurse in the Wingham Business College, graduating with honors. Go to Regina in July , The Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association embracing a membership representative of 500 newspapers of the Dominion, will ineet hi animal convention at Regina, the first w eek of July. This decision was announced following a meeting of the associa- tion directors in Ottawa on Thurs- day, Malcolm IVIatBeth presided. Brussels Congregation Calls Pastor The Melville Presbyterian congre- gation of Brussels, has extended a call to. Rev. Wm. Moore of Windsor, to become pastor of the chttreh, Mr, Moore was the unanimous choice of the congregation, the pastorate of which has been vacant ,siece Novem- ber lst, following the departure of Rev. F. G. Fol,vler to Vancouver. The salary offered is $2,000 a year, fuel and manse and one month's holiday. BLUEVALE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE MEETS The regular meeting of the Wo- men's Institute was held on Thurs- day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Robert Shaw, and proved to be one of the most instructive meetings held this year. The 'roll call was answered by each lady telling what she would do with Five Hundred Dollars, if she had it to spend. This brought forth many and varied ideas and resulted in good discussions on' ways and means of carrying out improvements in the home and community. Miss Beatrice Thornton gave a very inter- esting paper on "Opening Children's Eyes to the Beauties and Wonder's of Nature." This paper dealt most- ly with birds and flowers. Mrs. Alice Aitken's address on "Laws concerning women and child- ren under the following heads, mar- riages, wills and estates, deserted wives, care of children, and the Adop- tion Act, The Mother's Allowance Act and Laws regarding children working in shops and factories. Mrs. Aitken dealt with the main facts of these questions and made it very clear, instructive and interesting The meeting closed with the singing of the National Anthem, after which the hostess served refreshments as- sisted by Mrs. Aitken. Have Gone to Ottawa Misses jean Currie and Alba Car- ter, graduates of the Wingham Busi- ness College, left for Ottawa, on Thursday of last week, 1,v1pre they have taken positions as stenograph- ers in the House of Commons. Ev- eryone wishes the girls success. Chooses Jail Term Instead of Paying Fine IVIrs, Win. Kendall, of Listowel i a milk vendor, was fined $15.00 or 20 days by Magistrate Hamilton for ob- strecting an officer in discharging his duties. Mrs, Kendall chose the jail term in preference to paying the fine. When officers made an inspection of the plant the defendant refused ad- mission to the cellar, A laboratory test of the milk showed it to contain high bacteria content. W. 1VL Society Mieeting The Women's Missionary Society of the United Church take pleasure in announcing all open meeting to be held in the school room on Tues- day evening, March 31st, We shall be favored with a lecture from Miss Clark, of Teeswater, missionary on furlough, from Africa: Miss Clark will have with her a set of slides il- lustrating her work and thete will be other it'ems of entertainment on the program. Everybody welcome, "Well, Sambo," said an American judge, "so you and your wife have been fighting- again. Liquor, I sup - "No, sah," said Sambo, "'she licked e this time," SPLENDID CROWD AT BLUEVALE LIT. Despite the feet that road condi- tions were not the best there was the usual good crowd at the literary meeting on Wednesday to enjoy the Irish program. The stage looked very attractive, decorated with white and Paddy green, Miss Beatrice Thorn - ton's solo, "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling," and Milton Smith's *solo, "The Wearing o' the Green," were heartily applauded and were respond- ed to by fine encores. Miss Agnes Gibb was pleasing as she danced an Irish Lilt, accompanied by the Rob- ertson Orchestra who provided music during the program. George Hether- ington gave a splendid paper on the life and work of Thomas Moore, the Irish poet. The address of the evening was given by Abner Cosens of Wingham on the literary life of Australia. Mr, Cosens told a few humorous Ir- ish and Scotch stories before he corn- , rnenced his address. Mr. Cosens stat- ed that the writefs of Australia were of a type all their own. He spoke of a particular three, and recited a poem from the pen of each. A chorus of young people sang "Tipperary" and the closing number was a rose drill presented by eight young ladies dressed in white, frilled dresses and carried a hoop of red roses and evergreen. After the mo- tions, little Miss Lois Elliott sang "My Wild Irish Rose." The meeting closed by singing the National An- them. LOCAL AND_PERSONAL Look for T. Field 8z Co Specials on page 4. Mrs. Adam Johnston is visiting in Toronto. Mr. Chas. Pattison of Sarnia, vis- ited friends in town this week. Mr. Wm. Brawley of Toronto spent the week -end at his home here. Mrs. Geo. Spotton is in Ottawa during the session of Parliament. Your Easter Shoes are waiting for you at Greer's Shoe Store. Come, see. Mr. and Mrs; D. Wetherell have returned home after spending the winter in Detroit. Miss Margaret Stapleton, Zetland, is holidaying this week with relatives on the ninth of Turnberry. Don't forget your Easter Foot- wear. We are showing the finest footwear made. Greer's Shoe Store. Mr. and Mrs. A. McDougall are spending a few days with the lattfer's sister, Mrs. McDonald, in Goderich, Shoe Repairing-13ring your next pair to Greer's Shoe Store and see thhoewm .well and neasonably we repair Mrs. A. M. Bishop and Mrs. J. W. Hanna who have been spending the past six weeks in Miami, Fla., have returned home. Mr. George Spotton and Miss Glenna Spotton of Toronto, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Spotton, Mr. Albert Perdue has moved from Wingham to the tenth of E. Wawa - nosh to the house across the road from Mr.' John Menzie. Month -End Special—King Mantle type Radio, triple screen grid, tone control, hum control, Electro Dynam- ic speaker, 6 -tube, 1931 model $300.00 Perforinance for $68.00. Ross Hard- ware. Rev. John James of Ailsa Craig, fortnerly pastor of the Presbyterian Church in South Kinloss, died on Fri- day' evening at the Manse, Ailsa Craig. The funeral took place on Tuesday at South Kinloss cemetery. Two successful candidates in the recent piano and Theory examinat- ions held at Stratford centre were: Ida Brill, Intermediate piano, and Ruth Robinson, junior History, lst class honors. Pupils of R. M. Gor- don, Free! Catt of Valspar Four - Hour Eternal (any color) and Var- nish brush as offered during Valspat Saturday Night Club broadcast over 11.13.C, stations at 7.30 p.m. Quality Paints only. Ross Hardware. 1VIarie Henderson, younger daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Henderson, of Walkerton, was found lying dead in bed Wednesday morning, She had complained of feeling indisposed with an ailmett resembling fltt but toth- ing of a grave nature was suspected. "MARRIAGE IN DISGUISE," A 3 -ACT FARCE IS CLEVERLY PRESENTED BY LOCAL TALENT The three -act eornedy "Marriage in Disguise" under the direction of Mr. Lloyd Letherby, in aid of new uni- forms for the firemen, was cleverly presented by local people on Mon- day and Tuesday evenings, the hall being only partially filled at each performance. The small attendance may be accounted for in the fact that money is nn,t as,plentiful this season, rather than the citizens are not in sympathy with the brigade, as they have been doing valuable work. The scene of the play is supposed to take place in the reception room of the Hunter Dancing Academy in Chicago, and opens as Monte receives word that his grandfather is coming to pay him a short visit Upon re- ceiving this word Monte is in a quan- dty as his grandfather is very wealthy and provides him with an alloivance of $6000 a year on the supposition that he is married To receive this al- lowance Mozite told hint he has been married for over one year which is not the case, and it is with the view of inspecting Monte's wife that his grandpa is paying him this visit To get Monte out of this jam and fool the old fellow, Tod Hunter, a college pal, reluctantly agrees to loan Monte his wife for a couple of hours while grandpa is in the city. Every- thing went over as planned until grandpa was leaving to catch his train when officer McCormick step- ped in and quarantined the house for smallpox. This complication necessitated the prolonging of grandpa's visit, from then on many amusing complications arise until Kloompy, the maid, spills the beans and explains everything to grandpa. Grandpa takes it like a good sport and forgives Monte for deceiv- ing him on learning he has found his former sweetheart, and intended get- ting married. sloe, The cast was composed of Mont- gomery Ray (Monte) grandpa's grandson, Lloyd Letherby; Tod Hun- ter, a young dancing master, Bert Abell; Otis Hammerhead, grandpa, Arnold Vint; Officer McCormick, who has seen his duty and done it, Reg. Douglas; Lucy Hunter, our lit- tle wife, Agnes Scott; Dorothy May, just out of college, Doris Fells; Pan- sy Hopsctoch, extravagantly rich, Sara MacLean; Marie Ribeau, the girl from Paris, Janet MacLean; Kloompy, twelve days front Copen- hagen over, Dean Geddes. Before the play a group of about sixty children took part in an open- ing chorus, singing "For the glory of the grand old flag," with Miss Dor- othy Hutchison taking the solo parts. Between acts Mr. jack Reavie fav- ored the audiences with numerous songs, in addition to novelty numbers by an adult chorus composed of: Jean Lepard, Irene Ellacott Clara Hunter, Velma Broomer, Evelyn McKay, 13i1 - lie Gibson, Jessie Menzies, Alberta Walker, Lillian Peterman, Christina Ross, Celeste Carr, Mossy Milligan, Dean Scott, Roy Gropp, George Gra- ham, Mervyn Templeman, Harry Browne, Norman Rintoul, Alvin Hammond, Harvey Burgess, Clarence l3orho and Bruce Edgar. The solo parts were taken by Jean Lepard, Bruce Edgar and Alvin Hammond. Miss Hazel Brandon was the ac- companist for the musical parts of the production. . Owing to the sickness that is pre- valent in town at present changes had to be made at the last moment in the caste, but all taking part ac- quitted themselves in a very capable manner. At the close of the second night's performance, those taking part were entertained at a dance in the Council Chamber. CRAWFORD WINS BOWLING TITLE From the St. Petersburg papers we read glowing accounts of the bowling of our townsman, Alex. M. Crawford, who is still maintainihg his reputation as an expert at the game. The following clipping is the result of one of the final games. "A. M. Crawford. of Wingham, On- tario, skipped his bowling team to the National Championship in the finals of the Chamber of Commerce tournament staged at the St, Peters- burg Lawn Bowling club when his combination downed that skipped by F. C. Wilkinson of Owen Sound, On- tario, by a score of 21 to 10. Crawford's team took the lead at the start of the match, and were nev- er seriously threatened. A large gal- lery witnessed the playing of the fin- al match, in the tournament that at- tracted bowlers from all over the country and Canada, and in which a crack team of bowlers from England took part. The members of Crawford's team are as follows: F. J. Gallanough, of Los Angeles, Cal., vice -skip; H. A. Moffett of St. Petersburg, and M. D. Muir of St. Catharines, Ontario." The trio composed of A. M. Craw- ford, skip, with 5, E. Trelford and H. A. Moffett, were also successful in winning the Blake Baumgartner and Long Trophy for Irish trebles when they defeated their opponents 24 to 10, Read The Walker Store Bills Bills announcing a combined 8 -day anniversary and Spring Opening sale at the Walker Store, have been dis- tributed. Read the specials carefully and take advantage. of the inany bar- gains offered, Inspector Gives Firemen a Run A fire inspector made a trip to town on Tuesday and gave the fire - melt a run, and in a very short time proved to him that fine alarms were answered here in a hurry. They soon had two streams playing on the main street washieg off the pavement. Claims Affections Alienated, Et. Collyer vs, Young is a dafzh for damages brought by Joseph Collyer of Lticknow against james Young of that village for unstated damages for the alleged alienation of his wife's affections and for criminal conversa- tion, 0, E. Klein for plaintiff, Camp- bell Grant for defendant. FORMER BLYTH WOMAN REMANDED Rose Allen Regan, 38, formerly of Blyth, was remanded for a week when she appeared in London pcdice court last week, Rose faces a vag- rancy charge as the result .of com- plaints that she had been soliciting alms at Landon houses, but she re- fusedto leave the premises. Somewhat unfamiliar with court procedure, the woman created quite a- laugh for attaches when, after the remand had been issued, she inno- cently inquired of the cadi, "And where do I go now—outside?" "No, downstairs, and then inside for a whole week," explained a con- stable, who, in his day, had escorted a good many prisoners to and from the courtroom. Miss Regan admitted the possibil- ity that she was guilty on the vag- rancy charge. Certain persons had re- fused to give her work,. but others had, she claimed. Bowlers' Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Wing - ham Bowling Club will be held in the Council Chamber on Friday ev- ening, March 27th, at 8 o'clock. Ev- erybody welcome. Building Standpipe Mr, Robert Mowbray, of White- church has been awarded the contract of putting in the concrete foundation for the Lucknow waterworks stand- pipe. This will be erected on the hill West of Stauffer street, Wins Badminton Tournament The Badminton tournament ° which was conducted at the United Church last week was completed on Friday evening, Miss H. Brandon and Mr. 3. Mason being the winners, defeat- ing Miss 13. Blake and Mr. 3. 11. Crawford in the finals., At the con- clusion of the play lunch Was serv- ed to about forty spectators. Receives Contract for Grading The contract for grading and put- ting in culverts on Highway No. 4, front Teeswater to Wingham has been let to the Wingham Construe - tion Company, with T. j. McLean as the contractor, It is the intention of Mr. McLean to engage local labor, doing as inuch of the work as is pos- sible by manual labour, and he ex- pects to commence work about Ap- ril 10th, This will relieve coesider- able unemployment in town, Stthscriptions $2,00 Per Year., GUNIN-SON-OLA CO. LTD. PLANT FOR SAL a meeting of the creditors of the Gunn -Sou -01a Company, Ltd. the following were appointed inspectors: J. E. MacIntyre, Rep. North Am- erican Furniture Co., Ltd, J. F. Stewart, Rep. Sheldons, Ltd. Wm. Cawkell, Rep. Owen Sound Chair Co., Ltd. Thos. Fells, Rep. Town of Wing - ham. W. J. Dundas, Bank. The financial statement prepared by Mr, Moffatt, Custodian, showed cash in the bank, accounts and stock in trade of $25,033,02. Radio cabin- ets, and materials, office fixtures, etc. $8,961.75. Real estate, plant and, equipment, $108,749.44 on which a depreciation reserve is made of $20f,- 576.87. The total assets are estimat- ed at $125,193,47. Secured labilities including $9000.00 mortgage by the Town of Wingham, liens on machine ery and bank claims amounting- to $41,639.10. Deferred claims including wages and commissions, taxes pow- er and light and customs and excise taxes $2,639.69. Unsecured liabilities total $32,045.03. This shows a nom- inal surplus of $48,869.65. One or two efforts are under way to keep the business intact, but no- thing can be said. The plant is be- ing offered for sale by .tender up to the tenth of April. In the meantime business is being carried on by the custodians to clean up orders on. hand. Rep Dominion. Rubbers— Best quality for iess- mo--- as- Greer's, OBITUARY James Anderson Mr. James Anderson passed away at his home on the 9th concession of W. Wawanosh at the age of 73 years, after a lingering illness during the last six years. His sister, Mrs. Dow - son of Toronto, has been nursing him, for some time. He leaves to mourn him two sisters, Mrs, Dowson and, Mrs. (Dr.) Robt. Barbour, of Ottawa, and two brothers, Charlie of S. Africa and Alec, at home. He was buried. in Greenhill cemetery on Monday. Two neices from Hensel]. and Freel- ton attended the funeral and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Barbour also attended the funeral. WiUiani ,Maeltersie There passed away at his home on Shutcr Street, Wednesday morning, Williarn MacKersie, in his 89th year. He was a native of Scotland and he, came to Canada with ;his parents when a boy; for a number of years he was Postmaster at Glen Farrow, near Wingham, which was dispens- ed with when the Rural Mail was first inaugurated, Despite his a. vancv! 7,-cztrs Lad always been very active, having been confined to the house only a short time this win- ter. He was a tnernber of the United church. Surviving are his wife, one daughter, Mrs. Jas. Halliday of Wing - ham and four sons, Russel and Roy of Bounty, Sask., Arthur of Hemit, Cal., and James of San Jose, Cal, The funeral service will be conducted at his late residence Friday afternoon, interment will be made in the Wing - ham cemetery. James Galley One of the pioneers of Morris township p-assed away on Wednesday in the person of James Golle3r in his 78th year. He was *born in the coun- ty of Halton, and as a child moved with his parents near Centralia„ where they lived only a short time, later coining to Morris and taking up resi- dence when that district was all in bush, and where he has resided for over 70 years. 1..Tp until the time of his illness, which was of only three weeks' duration, he had enjoyed the best of health. He was Predeceased by his wife several years ago, St viving are, age set 12.obert on the homestead, one daughter, Mrs. Mary- Rintoul of Seaforth, also two broth- ers, William of Greenwood, B.C„ and Joseph of Vancouver, two sisters, Mrs. *Williams of Blyth and Mrs. T. Cassels of Wingham. He was a mom. ber of St Paul's, Anglican church, also a member of L.OT, 794, tinder whose auspices the rum:teal will he held from Inc late residence, lot 1, concession 2, Vridey afterhooe tt 1 80 o'clock, interment will be made in the Wingham cenktery.