HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-03-19, Page 41, i N-� t•, t eta;&-CreeVe111Yeittee l' eetelineerriere tee dined'UraeneWieletiS Jeerril4ri elle eiretrocereeteie o Ni\ii eget rereeeeeee ler tee +Rktwee et 1 cents a word per insertion, with a• minimum charge of .25c, AUCTION SALE -Of Registered Oxford Down Sheep, Cattle, Hor- ses and Pigs, the estate of Deter Arkell & Son wvi11 be held at Fred H. Arkell's, lots 10, 11, Con, 9, Cuirass, at 12 o'clock sharp, on March 24th. No reserve. Auction- eer, Wes: Abell; R. C. Armstrong, Assistant. BARRED ROCK 13ABY CHICKS and Eggs for Hatching from Gov- ernment Approved flocks. Every breeding bird examined and banded by governi hent inspectors. A11 'eggs set weigh over 23.1 ounces to the dozen. Hatchery Approved Baby Chicks per hundred, April $15.00, May $14.00; June $13.00; Hatching Eggs $4.00 per hundred, 80% guar- anteed fertile or replace at half price Reduced price on large or- ders. I can save you honey on In- cubators, brooders and poultry sup- plies. Phone 611r42, or write Dun- can Kennedy, Whitechurch, Ont. 33ABY CHICKS FOR SALE -From Barred. Rock flocks culled each year for. heavy production, headed with cockerels from R. O. P. stock. April 15c, May 14c. S. C. White Leghorns, Fisher hens mated with Dr. Roe's University : of British Columbia strain; the Iarge Leg- horn that lays the large egg," April 14c, May 13c. The Fortune Hatch- ery, Wingham Ont Wroxeter ph. Si12r8: FOR SALE -Barred Rock Chicks, Utility' Strain, April hatch $12.00 per 100; May hatch $10.00 per 100; June hatch, $9:00 per 100; $1.50 per 100 extra foe chicks from blood tested stock. Custom hatching. done at reasonable prices. Phone 58, G. J. Gallaher, Brussels. FOR THE BEST MAPLE SYRUP Call C. J. Logan, phone 621r4. FOR SALE -Cheap, 12 acres good garden land, small fruit and good barna, hen pen, frame house, near town. Apply to . Advance -Times. he shall then have bad notice, and the said executor will not be liable fon the said assets or any part thereof, to any person of whose claim he shall not have had notice at the time of distribution, DATED at Wingham, Ontario, the 10th day of March A.D, 1931, by J. A. MORTON, Wingham, Ont., Solicitor herein. EXECUTORS' SALE Of Valuable Farm Properties, Faun Stock and Impienaente. The undersigned has been instruct- ed by the Executors of the Estate of John McRae, late of the Township of Culross in the County of Bruce, Farmer, tosell byPublic Auction P b at Lot No. 23, Concession 3, Town- ship of Culross, at one o'clock on THURSDAY, MARCH 26th the following valuable farm propert- ies namely; L Lot No. 28 in the 3rd conces- sion of the Township of Culross in the County of Bruce, containing 100 acres of land, more or less. This farm is situate on a good ra- vel road in a, good farming ommun- ity about four ;miles from the village of Te.eswater and one and one-quarter miles from school The soil is a good clay loam, the land is all cleared and in a good state of cultivation. 38 acres of fall plow- ing has been done . and 6 '.acres is in fall wheat. A creek runs through this farm. There is said to be on the premises a bank barn 50 ft, by 70 ft.; a straw shed 50 ft square; a driving shed, and a frame house in good repair. 2. Lot. No, 24 in the 3rd conces- sion of the said Township of Culross, containing about 100 .acres - .of land. On this farm is said to be 17 acres of hardwood bush; about 40 acres is under cultivation and a cheek' runs through the farm. •This property is suitable for mixed farming. 3. Lot No. 25 in; the 4th Concession of the"said Township of Culross con- taining about 100 acres of land. On this farm is said to be about fifteen acres of hardwood bush and a spring creek runs through the farm. This property is suitable for grazing. purposes. TERMS OF SALE FOR SALE -"Evergreen Place," 1 'Ten per cent of the purchase mon- Beautifully situated on the bank of • ey on the day of sale and the balance the Maitland river, over -looking the 1 in twenty days thereafter- The pur- Feir Grounds, three and one half chaser will be entitled to possession -acres of land, goad house, two hen on completion of sale. The above houses, barn, garage, fruit trees, properties will be offered subject to berry bushes; also Essex Sedan a reserved bid. car, cream separator. Apply to Further particulars and conditions Mra. H. J. Thompson, R R. 1, of sale will be made known on the \\'inerhaxn, day of sale or may be had on appli- cation to the undersigned; FOR SALE -First: Class Pure Maple At the same time and place there Syrup. Apply to Russel Hender- will be offered for sale the following son, Phone 608r3. farm stock and implements: - HORSES -1 bay general purpose horse, seven years old; 1 black gen- FURNITURE REFINISHED And eral purpose mare eight years old; Repaired. Pianos refinished, first 1 bay work horse eight years old, 2 clas'. Al_o baby carriages made aged mares; 1 colt using two years. 1tl:e item.. Apply to O. Ludwig. led 1 . Durham cow, four' years old, with calf at foot; 1 Dur- ham cow, four years old, with calf at SEED OATS FOR SALE -O. A. C, foot; 1 Durham cow, five years old, . . No. 72. Grade No. 1, 50c per bush- with calf at foot; 1 Durham cow, five el. ,\'rrn. Darling, R. R.2, Mildmay. years old, with calf at foot; 1 Durham cot/, seven years old, with calf at foot; 1 Durham cow, seven years old, due to calve in Tune; 1 Durham cow, seven years old, due to calve in June; 1 Durham cow, milking; 1 Durham cow, milking; 6 steers rising 2 years; 2 heifers rising two years; 5 calves rising two years; 10 calves rising one year. PIGS -2 sows and 20 chunks. SHEEP -6 Oxford Ewes, 1 Oxford Ram. POULTRY -100 Plymouth Rock hens; 25 Leghorn hens. IMPLEMENTS-- Deering mower, Massey-Harris'Binder; Massey -Har- ris Disc; Drill; Set of Harrows; Rid - Notice is hereby given pursuant to ing. Plow; 2 walking plows, Fanning R. S. O. 1927, chapter 150, that all Mill, Buggy, Cutter, Wagon, Set of ereditors and others having. claims , Sleighs, Roller, Side delivery rig, Hay against the estate of John Mitchell, Loader, Set of scales, Manure Spread- late of Wingham Town in Huron ' er, light Sleigh, Democrat, a quantity County, retired farmer, who died on i of hay, oats and barley; •:25 pieces of or about the 24th day of January A. timber 6 in, by 6 in. and 15 ft. long; D..1931, are required to send on or la quantity . of lumber. A 1928 model before the 2nd day of April, A.D. ,' Chevrolet Coach will also be sold, 1931 to 3. A. Morton, the undersigned ! Everything must be sold without solicitor for the executer of the �said ,reserve as the estate must be dosed deceased, their names and addresses, out. full particulars of their claims and the TERMS OF SALE .nature of the securities, if any, held Grain and poultry and all sums of by them. AND further take notice $10.00 and under, cash; over that am- that after such last mentioned day aunt, 7 months'. credit on approved the said executor wall proceed to tits- joint notes bearing interest at 6% per tribute the azscts of the said deceased annum - amongst the persons entitled thereto, DATED the sixth day of March, A. having regard to the claims of which D. 1931. J. H. CRAWFORD, Winghain,' Ont., Solicitor for Executors. MATT, GAYNOR,Lucknow, Ont., Auction eer. WE CAN SUPPLY WOOD weekly during the summer. Hardwood is now cheaper than hard coal, why not. use it and keep your dollars at Lome in Ontario. We will meas - ,your stove and out wood to suit any stove, D. H. Martin and Sons. The Wawanda Farms. NOTICE TO. CREDITORS AND OTHERS EARN $6 TO $10 PER DAY Ambitious, reliable men wanted t once. Part thne pay while train- ee,: for Aviation Mechanics, Gar- e+Work, Driving, Battery, Elec- ic Acetylene Welding, House ng, Iedustrial. Electricity, Ma- st, Bricklaying, Plastering, rftins, Barbering and flair- ;sing. Act quick, get. your .p - plication in now. Write or call for information. Dominion Trade Schools, mal, ern 14eadqua.rters, 79 Queen West:, Torontfi. lovment service ---coast to DEATHS King- In Lower Wingham, on Thur., March 12th, 1931, Julia Ann Nigh, widow of the late Luke King, in her 85th year. McGlynn --In Culross, on Saturday, March 14th., 1931, Anthony Me - Glynn, aged 29 years, Interment ia3ade in Teeswater R, C. ery on 'Ti esday. ee THE IVINULIA ' Thursday, March 19th, 19 I AUBURN The funeral of Mary Sprung, wid- ow of John Cnnninl haus, took plane in Brussels on Friday. The deceased woman was a daughter of the late John Sprung and spent her girlhood 00 their homestead three miles south of here on the Base Line. After their marriage hi:r, and Mrs. Cunningham lived for some years on the farm now owned by Gordon McPhee on the 8th concession of Colborne, They remov- ed to Brussels later. Since her hus- band's death there several years ago, Mrs. Cunningham made her bonne with her daughter in Toronto: Sev- eral weeks ago she had the misfor- tune to fall and break her leg and failed to recover front the shock. Dr. B. C. Weir is having the in terio3t'='tit' his office redecorated. Another pleasant euchre was put on under the auspices of the L.O.L. last week. Mr. and Mrs, Norman Murray took both first prizes home with them, ' while the consolation prizes fell to Mrs. (Dr,) 13. C. Weir and William McClincliey. Gordon Taylor has completed the interior decoration of his store which has taken on a bright and cheerful appearance. The walls are painted cream and the trim is done in a shade of brown. A cantata, "The Palms of Victory is being' prepared by Mrs. Norman Murray: under the auspices of the Young People's Society of Knox Un- ited Church and will be presented during 'Easter week. News from the Goderich Hospital indicates that the condition of Mrs. William Millan: is still quite: critical, in spite of blood transfusions and all the aid that medical skill can render. A successful pancake social was held under - the auspices of Knox Presbyterian_ Church on Friday .even- ing. At about 7,30 while the supper was being served, a young man walk- ed up the street and inquired of sev- eral men standing at the church en- trance for the, village constable as he wished to be accommodated for the night. He was well dressed and of good appearance and stated that he was on his way from Goderich to Owen Sound - on foot as his funds were exhausted. He was taken into the . basement of the church, where the members gave him a good meal, replenished his purse and instructed him to go to the hotel, where his night's lodging and breakfast were arranged. The man had apparently made a mistake by getting off the Blue Water Highway at Dunlop as he intended to go to Owen Sound via Kincardine. Miss Ella Jones, Toronto, is visit- Iing at the home of her father, Ed- w and ,Tones, Colborne. A pleasant dance was held in the Foresters' Hall on Friday night. The J music was furnished by the Blue Bird Orchestra, the IwicClinchey Orchestra and George Hamilton. Mr, Watson, as usual, acted as -floor manager, and Nat Alien as caller -off. Mrs. H. H. Hill and. grandson, Harold Hibbert, who have been visiting with relatives in Clinton and Goderich during the past ten days, have returned home. BLYTH Miss Ada Stackhouse visited her brother, Dr. Roy Stackhouse, °at Fidgeway during the past few weeks, returning home on Saturday. lir. Charles Tanner of Sarnia at- tended the funeral of his sister, the late Mrs. George Powell on Saturday. 1 Mr. G. M. Chambers has opened up a meat store and will supply the pub- lic with all kinds of fresh and cured meats at a reasonable price. The Young People's. Society held a St. Patrick's Social Monday 'evening, in St. Andrew's United Church. Death claimed one of our estimable women, Mrs. George Powell, on Wednesday evening, Deceased lady was stricken with paralysis a few days prior to her death; She was one. of the oldest members of Trinity NOTICE All accounts due A. 3. Robinson, farmer, agent for Massey -Harris, enlist be paid on or before Monday, March 23rd. After that date they will be turned over for collection. MATT. GAYNER AUCTIONEER Phone 21 or 64 Lucknowv Sales attended to anywhere. Exper- ience and accuracy in valuation and every effort put forth to assure you of a successful sale. IT'S A FACT! After 40 years experience, we still lead the field! In effective results. KELLY 84 .AI'TKEI' The Collection. Specialists GUELPH OWEN SOUND ORA'NGEVI LE 0 CJ 0 'OM 0 neene S HONEST VALUES WINGHAM'S SHOPPING CENTRE DEPENDABLE MERCHANDISE White Flannelette, Reg. 33c, An excellent Quality Soft Napped,. 36 inches srj wide, Yard ....:....,_............. C White Cotton Reg. 25c, a sturdy qual. 1 Q 35 inches wide, .Yard Fast Color Prints Reg, 25c, well covered, , new patterns, printed on a closely woven, cloth, 36 inches wide, Yard : Men's Fancy Shirts Clearing odd lines, plain whites, fancy stripes, broadcloth, collar attached or separate, 89C reg. to $1.49, Each 0 Church and was a regular attendant when health would permit. Service was conducted in Trinity Church on Saturday morning by Rev, Mr, Po- cock. Interment was Tilade in Wing - ham cemetery: Surviving are, her husband and two sisters and two bro thers, Charles Tanner of Sarnia, and Frederick of Calgary. Cleaning the Streets With the mild weather of the past few days the town has had men busy on the streets where the pavement is bare, cleaning away the winter ac- cumulation of dirt. The modern 'girt has discarded tight clothes but the tight -husband problem is still unsolved. DUNGANNON Mrs. T. G. Allan, returned to her home in Goderich after visiting her daughter, Mrs. Everett Finnigan, who has been on the sick list for some time, J. B. Young was so unfortunate as to have his knee dislocated while he was working in the bush recently. William Elliott, New Liskeard, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Elliott, Port Col- borne, and Everett Elliott, Toronto, were called to the bedside of their mother, Mrs. Thomas Elliott, Sr., of Nile, wlio isvery low at present. The other members of the family are also present, Mrs. David McIlwain, of Goderich, Chas. Elliott, Dungannon, and James Elliott, with whom his mo- ther has been residing. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Treleaven left on Monday by motor for Toronto, Set 3 Alum, Saucepans Reg. 9$c, Capacities 1, 3 and 5 Pints; good weight, Py with lip. Set ..........000;0:,,.. Grey Enamel Ware Reg. 59c, large size 'saucepans, A Real Buy, at this 45c Price, Each # Alum, -Double Boilers Reg. $1.15, Panelled, large size, a real saving, well pal- Q416 ished, Each %J.,/ C0 Large Alum. Tea Kettle Reg. $1.50, plain shape, - wood grip handle, Each 94SC Clover Leaf China Cups and Saucers, reg. 12; ...9c Bread Plates, reg. 12; now 9c Breakfast Plates, reg. 19c, ...15c Dinner Plates, reg. 25c, now 19c Soup Plates, reg. 25; now 19c Oatmeal Plates, reg. 22c, 17p ,son and Robert Davidson, who, with Mr. 'Treleaven, will attend the annual cpnvention of the Mutual Fire Un- derwriters to be held in the Carlsrite Hotel, Toronto, on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 17 and 18. Wil - Silk Hose Reg. $1.75, Full Fashioned, all- " Silk Hose, heavy service weight panel heel, all shades 1 3� Pair o Barn McQuillin and Harry L. Salkeld are delegates to the convention, hav- ing been appointed by the Board of. Directors of the West Wawanosh Mutual Fire Insurance 'Company: Miss Margaret Pentland received Med. Weight Bloomers Reg, $1.25, Cotton and. Wool mixture bloomers, double .:gus- set, elastic at waist and an knee, Pair V Children's Stockings Finely knit close rib seemlless hose, perfect fit, sizes 5 to 10, Black Beige and Camel Z Pair Bargain Basement Other timely bargains too num- erous to mention. Shop at Wal- ker's and save. q 0 word on Saturday that she had pass- ed her musical examination in count- erpoint and history, with honors.. She was at Stratford for the examination. She wasa pupil of Professor Ander- ton, Clinton. Home-made Easter Eggs • • • Se to $1.00 Marshmallow Eggs . . . • • . • • • . 30c lb. RABBITS RABBITS Everything in the Line of Easter Candies PEAC•CK CANDY SLOP Phone 181 being accompanied by William \Vat- 1.,1111.".„;11I 1..1...11.1„m"1i 01,.1,1".q"Innn r.",fnp',1,"uu ll,fun.,..11"" un nmm" Wingham, Ont. 111111......1111111111111111..1.. 111111111,.1..111 I 11umu11n.n 111111111.eu...nu111u..0 "A WONDERFUL CANADIAN GROWTH" ` ✓ 1,N 4 ( C-1 .N c1 k iR rgi a1' ; ,r 1:74 ea -es di fifty years `ago would cover: the world in that tilts. oat t o 4 Duly atm, M rch 8,1981, by'owtteay et %ee,. A, Gt..teagvt