HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-02-19, Page 877
Thursday, February 19th, 193:1.
.1 3 777. 1.'11,104'7,74P.1.'.,'
Sho any time daring the month, but of course we advise early shopping for best choice.
$3.95 to $4.50 •Mien's Fine Shirts $2.97
$3.00 Men's Deerskin Gloves .$2.39
$1.25 Men's Silk Neckwear 2 for $L25
50c Men's . ..., . ..
Silk. Handkerchiefs.....19e
or 3 for • 50c
Bi;y •an Overcoat Now. All Reduced
20 to 40%.,
Some Wonderful Buys.
$1:50 Scotch Knit Gloves....... :_ ac
200 Pairs $1.00 and $L25 Cash-
mere Socks, now 69c
Men's Silk Mufflers ,
..._...,50c, 98c, $L75 and $2.45
Many at half price.
20% off all the better grades.
3.50 Men's Flannelette Pyjamas $1.98
All Men's Fur .Coats Reduced 20%.
36 in. and 44 in. Maderia Centres at
Half Price.
$8.50 for $4.25 -- $12:00 for $6.00
$5.50 Knit Windbreakers ..._ ._..... :.$2:98
75c Pongee Silk 39c
Fine Wool Dress Goods, Less 20%
Gossard Corsets ........... .. .......60c
A Snap for 'Small Women. Regular
Prices to $4.00.
Silk Stockings Sale .,_ 88c
Pure Silk, Full Fashioned, New
$2.50 Honeycomb Spreads .. ........$1.59
Down Comforters, All Less 20%
$13.50 Scotch Wool Blankets ...$10.98
A few pairs only.
75c Down Proof Sateens 59c
50c Linen Towels, 2 for ..........._...._.....50c
29c Turkey Red Chintz ,.21c
Wool Rug Fringes, 2 yds. for 25c
$4.75 Mauve Frilled Curtains ...:,$2,39
A Few Pairs Only.
Cashmere Under Bloomers reduced..
Peach, Ivory Orchid
75c Green Corn Brooms w...,_... ..
2 Tins Large, Salmon
Fresh Raisins, 2 lbs...
TallLantern Globes
60c Can Coffee . ...... _._........ 49c
4 McLaren Jellys .- ....... ....... _..._......23c
Fresh Shelled Walnuts, per lb. 49c
3 Tins Fresh Peas 29c
5 lb: Pail Corn Syrup, 3 for ...,_.:,:,.$100
2 lbs. Fresh Dates ,:.. ...-.21c
New Pack Marmalade .. _....u.._,,,38c
McCormick's Fresh Cookies ....._....:,29c
3 Kellog's Corn Flakes ......... 29c
McDonald's Briar Tobacco 15c
McDonald's Crown Tobacco 10c
The Finest Muskrat Coats
$100.00- $129.00 $169.60
You save $50 to $100 on these coats.
Boys' $5.50 Cardigan Sweaters $3.78
Youths' Leather Gauntlets 59c, $1.19
Men's Leather -Lined Mitts 50c
Bulldog Overalls and Smocks,
February Sale .. _ .•.._..$1.79
Youths' $1.50 Night Gowns ' .$1.19
Clearing Girls' Sweaters, Sand or
Cardinal, 6 to 12 years $2.39
Buy Drapery Fabrics now, all re
I Only Extra Large Seal Coat
At a Big Reduction.
Little Girls' $5.00 to $6.00 Dress-
resses $8.79
$1.00 French Beret Tams, to clear. 79c
Small Sizes of Better Coats, Half
Price $5.00
Hoods - Capes Y- Bootees -- Mit-
tens -Crib Blankets -- Coverlets
Etc. --All Greatly Reduced.
Stair Carpet 42.69
Boys' $1.95 and $2.50 Tweed
Knickers _ $1.49
Extra Weight Natural Pongee
Reg. $1.25, 'Sale at
$1.45 Cream Nursery Flannel $1.09
65c White Turkish Toweling 39c
Watson's Vests and Bloomers,
Reg. $1.25 lines, now 2 for $1.25
10 Yards All Linen Toweling ....$1.011
New Patterns Arstyl Silks, in
many colors 39c
Children's Cream Bloomers, All
Sizes ....... ._.49c
$1.00 Window Shades ....,....,:.77c
Men's Leather Coats $10.00
Miss Lilian Reed of Dungannon is
.pending a few weeks at the home of
"tact uncle, Mr. bort Reed.
I.orn--On Wednesday, Feb; 11th,
psr Whitechurch; to Mr. and Mrs. B.
Aced, :a son.
Born -In Kinloss, on Wednesday.
February 11th, to Mr. and Mrs.Ben
7dcClenaghan, a daughter -Fay Ade-
Miss Mabel Johnston of St:..Marys
spent a few days last week at her
home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellice of Howick
erere, here with her brother, Mr. John
Johnston, and, attended the reception
2rcld in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
While cutting down wood in the
hush, last week, Mr. Dan Martin cut
clown a large' tree in which bees had
stored over 45 lbs. of honey, which
eras in perfect condition.
Mrs. Elsie Brigham and children
of spent
Blyth a few ylastweek
days week
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Harkness spent
Wednesday last with Mr. and Mrs.
7Flymer Tiffin in Wingham,
I ABY ills and ailments seem twice
JV as serious at night, A sudden cry
xray mean colic. Or a sudden attack
of diarrhea. How would` you tneet
this emergency ---tonight? Have you a
. tale of Castoria ready?
Por the protection of your twee
tone -for• your own pellet of mind -••-
keep this old, reliable preparation
:ssiways on hand. But don't, keep it.
:'lustfor emergencies; let it be an
osveryday aid. It's gentle influence
ease and soothe the infant utho
cannot sleep. its mild regulation will
help an older child whose toxigue is
sited beeause of sluggish bowels.
All drnggista,have Castoria:,
Miss. Maxine Reed returned .home
from Listowel last week where she
jvas visiting with her sister, Miss D.
Mrs. John Mclnnis had the mis-
fortune to fall down stairs one day
last week, and was severely bruised
and had a sore back. Mrs. Dan IIc-
Innis was there for a few days.
Don't forget the Day of Prayer to
be held in Chalmer's Church on Fri -
day February 20 at 2:30 p.m., when
a united' °meeting of the W. M. S. of
the 'United Church and the W. M, S.
of the Chalmer's Church will take up
the program given for that day, Ev-
eryone welcome.
Miss Jessie King and Miss Winnie
Moir of Wingham spent the week-
end with Miss St, Marie,
Mr: 'Phos, Cook is working with
Mr.. j. B. Morrison and Mr. Roy Kil-
gore of Kincardine is working with.
Mr. Alec. Cameron.
Miss Agnes and Edwin Mason of
Be.Igrave, spent a few days last week
with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Richardson.
Miss Annie Henry, 1Z.N., of New
York was leaving on Friday with a
patient on a sea -voyage down to the
Panama Canal and hence, if her pa-
tient improved, to the Hawaii Is-
Quite a number from here attended
the funeral in Lucknow of the late
Mr. Allen 'Turner, Miss Olive Ter-
I'rff is at present visiting with Mrs.
Mrs. A. Fox. has been visiting with
her daughter, Mrs, Roy, Patton, of
About 100 relatives .and friends
were invited to attend the reception
of Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Chatnney, at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Johnston, on Thursday evening
last. The opening dance was led by
,the bridal couple amidst showers of
rice and confetti. Friends were pre-
sent from St. 'Marys, Howick, Dun-
gannon and East Wawanosh, They
received many beautiful and useful
presents, showing in what esteem the
young couple are held. They will be
at home to their friends sh`trtly at
their home on the 9th con. of East
Wawanosh. The best wishes of a
host of friends go with them.
A splendid program was given at
the United Church en Friday even-
ing last. It took the form of a con-
test, each side giving eight numbers.
The judges decided in favour of Mrs,
W. R. Farrier's side.
Mr. Tom 1Vforrison is home from
Toronto for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs, D. A, McDonald of
Cuirass spent Monday last with Mr.
and Mrs, Reuben Tiffin.
The Wornen's Institut" held their
regular monthly meeting in the Hall
on Friday evening and after the op-
ening exercises, several items of busi-
es,' came before the meeting: Af-
Phone 71
ter community singing, Mrs. Thos.
Gaunt read a paper on "Keeping out
of the Ruts," Mrs. IVIcQuillan read a
splendid reading, and a duet "Pass
under the Rod," was sung by Mrs.
Robert Ross and Mrs, J. D. Beecroft.
The ladies are preparing a play to
be. presented in the near future.
The paper "Keeping out of the
Ruts," is worthy of a place in these
columns, but owing to lack of space
this week, it had to be left over until
next issue.
Mr. Moffatt, from the West, is vis-
iting his sister-in-law, Mrs. Newans:
'Wednesday afternoon the women's
Institute meeting Was held at the
home of Mrs. Newans, 2S being pres-
ent. Various business affairs were
discussed, A button hole contest was
presided over by Mrs. Reuben Ap-
pleby, the prize 'being awarded to
Mrs. Hector McLean, who also had
the topic "On' the 'Horde. Roll Call
-Don'ts for the Kitchen. A quilt was
quilted which will go to the one hold-
ing the lucky ticket. Mrs. Roy Ruth-
erford and Mrs. McLean served lunch.
A record attended the contest con-
cert held on Friday evening. The
programme was one of the best put
on here for some time. 'Voting was
left to the audience. The majority
having lost their strong right arm
failed to vote either way. Much cred-
it was due the Salem people•, in their
Mr, and :Mrs. R. 5. Douglas and
Minnie Jeffray spent Friday after-
noon with Mrs, Newans.
The Day of Prayer will be observ-
ed in the Union Church Friday after-
Miss :Elizabeth Hackney is in poor
health. at present,
Mrs. Jack. Reid of Wroxeter spent
a few days at the home of her par-
Mr. and Mrs. Wnt. Walsh of near
London, spent it few days with Mr,
and Mrs. Geo. Jordan and other
friends. .
Mrs, J. A. Geddes visited with
friends in Wingham for a few days
last week,
We are sorry to report 1V1:r. John
Nethery , in very poor health.
Miss Audry and Wray Bryant of
Mullett spent a day with Nit, and Mrs,
5. Brandon.
Mr. Richard Irwin of• Wingham
spent tt day with Mr, and Mrs. David
Another of the old residents of E.
Wawanosh in the person of Mr.
Samuel Walsh, passed away on Feb.
4th at his con's residence in Lobo
township, tfr. Walsh has boon in
$L25 Snow Flake Sheeting, now .,.97c"
Super -Tex Cream Sheeting, wide
44c Potters Prints 29e
All our best Silks, Crepes and Satins
of regular $2.49 to $3.85 lines
February Sale Price . , .;_ ... __,.$1.99
50c Mercer Broadcloths
Ladies' Fur -lined Gloves. Buy no
less 20%.
95c Pagoda Fugi` Silk ....:., .._::
55c Damask Tea Napkins
$1.19 Comforter Batts ...:_._
Women's White Wool Gloves ........29c
$2.00 English Cashmere Hose ..:$1.12
Wide Lining Silks, reg. values
to $2.50 98c
Wingham, Ont.
poor health for the past few years,
!and his brother, William Walsh, of
Calgary, died on Jan. 15th.
Mr; Jas, Walsh entertained a few
of hi friendson
s Frida • evening I
week. .
Miss Jennie 'Wightrstan returned
home from visiting a week at Blue
Miss Florence Walton spent the
week -end with her friend, Mr. Ed. cess.
a debate, "Resolved th'.t the pioneer
woman contributed more to the wel-
fare of the home and the community
than does the modern a n
on." The
affirmative will be taken by Misses
Deans and Hutton while the negative
will be upheld by Miss Anna Dobie
land Mrs. William' McKinney. Every-
one is expected to co-operate and to
make the society a community suc-
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Arthurs,
Mrs. David Page and Mrs. Harry
Chilton spent Monday with Mr. and
Mr sl
Mrs. Wesley e McLuhan onus of Mount
y aunt
Mrs.' Geo. Crowe was a visitor on
o ie Friday with Mrs. G. Alex. Donaldson,
Mrs, George Reimer and little son
have returned to thegr home in Roch
Mrs. Seb. Z'urbrigg is spending a
week with her sister, Mrs. Gretaing-
e.r of Port Elgin.
Mr. Hugh McLeod was in Toronto
a couple of days last week on busi-
ness, ' ..
Miss Hilda Litt returned horse Sat-'
urday after assisting Mrs. Ed. Call,
north of Clifford for the past two
Nearly every man in the neighbor.
hood took in Mr. Spicer's sake on
Friday. Everything went at a fair
price, despite the hard tithes.
We are sorry to report that Mrs.
Jas. Nichol is on the sick list and
we hope she will soon be well again,
Alvin Smith made a business trip
to Toronto and Hamilton this week.
Mrs. Wtn. Elliott of Wroxeter vis-
ited a few days with relatives here
last week.
• Robt. Masters is under the doctor's
care at present.
Miss Reta Smith of Brussels was
home -over 'the weeks -end, ,
The stone school on the 2nd ling:
has been closed on account of so
many pupils being on sick leave,
Mr. and Mrs, Chris, :Hetherington
attended the funeral of their nephew,
Allan Turner, which was held at
Lucknow on Thursday last.
The Women's Institute held its an-
nuai entertainment in the Foresters'
Hail recently. The president, Mrs. R.
Shaw, announced that as the session
was taking the form of the regular
meeting the Institute opening ode
would be sung and the Lord's prayer
repeated in unison. Then the pro -
grain was presented by "rhe Blue
Water Ramblers," of S. S. No, 18.
Howick and Turnberry. The program.
consisted of songs, music,' negro
songs, reading etc. A humorous Ir-
ish dialogue, "Lovers Quarrel," was
acted by A, E. Gallagher and Tom
Martin and was much enjoyed. A
play entitled "Above the Clouds," was.
presented by the following cast of•
characters: Fred Doubledcc, Cliff
Willits; A. E. Gallagher, Torn Mar
tin, Walter Woods, Carl Fitch I..eslie
Fortune, Margaret Doig, Mrs; W. A.
Cathers, Ethel Fitch and Mrs, Chas.
Special mention might be made of
several of the players who took their
individual parts exceedingly well. Af-
ter the program the visitors were in-
vited to the home of Mrs. R'ob'ert
Shaw," where refreshments were sere.
Mrs. John Mustard of Morris is
spending a few days with her sisters
in the village, Mrs, James Nichol is
under the doctors' cats.. Her friends
trust that she will soon be well again.
The Literary Society meets ott
Wednesday evening this week, A
good prograntis being arranged, aiso
Smith -On Thursday, Feb. 12th, 1931.
itt 115 St. Leonard's Ave., Toronto,
Alfred Ensko Smith, beloved father
of Norah Richmond, and husband
of the late Florence Hindes, in his
85th year.
Hawthorne -1 n W Ingham General
Hospital, " on Sunday, 'Feb, •15th,
1931, James Hawthorne, in his 64th
.Mfr. and Mrs, F. C. Holtom had as
visitors on Sunday, Mrs, C. Chilton
of Mount Forest and Mr, and Mrs,
Fl, H. Shannon,
Miss Valetta Arthurs and Miss
Ethel Bell spent Wednesday with
Mr. and Mrs. Norman" Arthurs.
Mr. John Sockctt of Gleneden, Mr.
Harold Arthurs, Misses Lulu and
Grace Darroch, spent Monday even-
ing with Mr. Orville and Miss Helen,
Mfrs. W. 'I', Turner is spending a
few days with her another, Mrs, Hugh'
Shannon Sr,, of Harriston.
We extend our sincere sympathy
to Mr, and Mrs, Russel Grice in the
death of their infant daughter.
Miss Jean ' Holton.spent it few
days this week with her sister, Mrs.
Einer Chilton, of near IVtount Forest.
Miss Ruth Shannon spent Sunday
with her friend. Miss Glenna Turner.
Mrs. Wnr. Darroch is spending a
few days with her father, in Harris -
Tltc Young 'People of the Drew
'United Church held their meeting on.
Wednesday evening" at the: hoose of
ester, N.Y., after having spent some,
time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Harvey Dickson.
Mr. Andrew Lunn of Harriston was
•t visitor at R. J. Holtom's on Sun-
day evening.
Quite a number from here attended
the. auction sale of Mr. Spicer of
The Women's Institute held a pro-
gressive Euchre :party last Wednes-
day evening at the home of Mr. Hugh
King. Mr. Ernest Robinson won the
prize for Gentlemen, and the Ladies'
prize was won by Mrs. Harvey An-
Mr. Joe Thompson is assisting his
brother, Mr. Norman Thompson at
We am sorry to report Mr. •Wm.
Armstrong, Mr. Jas. Anderson and,;
Mr. Thos. Finleon on the sick List and
wish sh them: a speedy recovery.
The Young People's meeting last
Friday evening was well attended.
Dr. Mortimer gave an interesting
talk on Missions, Next Friday 'even-
ing Mr, Gordon Naylor will have �,
Repairing Our Specialty
Moderate Prices
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Every mouth one watch will •be
It may be yours --Bring it in
Thursday, Friday, Saturday,yFebruary19, 20,. 1
Will Rogers g and Louise Dresser
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