HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-02-19, Page 4• 14 1' t a a! ver stew aye 111.V4 ►I Y e�L Itt Yi ss. WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES AP.YC1X rtlL+ +Rsk+a v+, +, r�4_l+l_d;�v : t;: V ._, /3 241,.NU eP 1. IN Drug Stores CANADA Nowswommmiwommosomma Celebrate Their 2,1,st Rexall Birthday —COME HELP YOURSELF— OVER 100 SPECIALS A FEW ARE LISTED BELOW We have cut our birthday cake and offer you a slice in these many Specials During the month of February:— Velvo Sanitary Pads . , . 36c Syrup Tar and C.L.O... .. 39c Rikers Seidlitz Powders 19c Rum Honey and C.L.O. 50c 50c Jonteel Face Powder 50c Jonteel Face Cream Both for 50c 50c Bronchial Syrup 25c Boots Meloids Both for 50c Ya124tiYa�- The New Face Powder "JASM.INE" a 50c Bottle Perfume free with $1.00 box of this new Face Powder. Chocolate Peppermint Patties 29c lb. Chocolate Maraschino Cherries 49c lb. .40...0.111•1111.111.00••••••• McKIBBOWS DRUG STORE Wingham rfr.° Phone 53 � I I• 1F. t• P t• I, i41 I• 1!. lY I,C '- hill ir7aitire +YaYYihYiTrdshe(kVYp3Y\Tuca "u tit? 7raV:7 iiitTaitriS.W:7*\1 ofY►l?%iift.V1, ivchurl-zie o\-, N77iO4,,\ TIA11 i3Y.7,YilnY.lYzti,w ,zra„n,;,.��tr. . verified by a statutory declaration, AND TAKE NOTICE 1 J1 TH1' R that after the said fourth day of March, 1931, the said executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall their have had notice, and the said execu- tor shall not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any per- son of whose claim he shall not then have received notice, DATED at Wingham this sixth day of February, A.D. 1931. J. H. CRAWFORD, Winghain, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. eels Beet easttest_ 3:ets meatleale.2„ "l! rete.VL,U7:y ele^,�%GL! SeXt ret cause le ;\ letee aareese, via 147'7- '41.10R ice acres of tand and I following property, namely: 2- brick house, adjoining the ; All and singular that er parcel .orey town. A Real bargain. Cissas & ., or tractofland andipremises, e, Township of e: oth Insurance '& Real Estate. flying and being Countyof Huron Booth, Turnberry in t d Province of Ontario and being ' n e composed of Lot number Five in the Tenth. Concession of the said "Town- ship of Turnberry, containing one .rant a`C i`rRnd>&irta I VTaiiitt • triltatlyiara 17.01FF1Willhi ra- rge ee- FOR SALE— Delco Li hti b Plant, good as new. Apply Advance - Times, NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF SAMUEL WALSH, late of the Township of East Wawanosh in the County of Huron, Farmer, Deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pur- suant to the revised statutes of On- tario in that respect, that all persons having claims against the estate of Samuel Walsh, who died on or about the third day of February, A.D. 1931, at the Township of Lobo in the Coun- ty of Middlesex, are required to send by post, prepaid or deliver to the undersigned, on or before the seventh day of March, A.D. 1931, their nalnes' and addresses with full particulars of their claims in writing, verified by statutory declaration, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them, AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that after the said seventh day of March, A.D., 1931, the assets of the said estate will be distributed by the executor among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which he shall then have notice, and the estate will not be liable for any claim not filed at the time of the said distribution., DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this sixteenth day of February, A.D. 1931. J. W. BUSHFIELD,. Wingham, Ontario, Solicitdr for the Executor. by Public Auction, on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28th A.D. 1931, at the hour of 3.30 o'clock' in the afternoon,at the Brunswick Hotel in the Town of Wingham, the following property, namely: An and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of East Wawanosh in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario and Geeing composed of the South half of Lot 'number Thirty-nine .(39). in the Fourteenth Concession ofthe said Township of East Wawanosh, con- taining one 'hundred acres of land. more or less, save end • except eight Sion. acres heretofore sold. to one, George TERMS: Land—Ten per cent. of pur- Tervitt, off the Northwest corner of chase price on day of sale and the e said south half of said Lotbalance within 30 days thereafter. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE TAKE NOTICE that Thomas Fells, Auctioneer, has received in- structions from the Administrator of the Estate of William Love, Deceas- ed, to sell by Public Auction, without reserve, on Tuesday, March 3rd, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the after- noon, on the premises, described as the North part of Lot number 'thirty three (33) in the Eighth Concession of the Township of East Wawanosh in the County of Huron, the follow- ing lands, goods and, chattels: LAND: The North part ,of Lot number 33 in the Eighth Concession. of the Township of East Wawanosh, containing five acres of land more or less, on which is situate a frame house and a frame barn 20x30 feet on stone foundation. CHATTELS: One mare, rising 9 years old, one horse, rising, twelve years old, one Chevrolet Touring car, one cement mixer, and forms, one .eight horse power Gilson Gasoline Engine, nearly new; one buzz saw, one grain roller, one buggy, one cut- ter, one set of double harness and. other articles too numerous to men - Set i Sta New dards f Dependability rilHE longer you drive the new J. Chevrolet Six the more you will appreciate its raggedness and reliability. Its increased wheelbase gives added stability and freedom from vibration. The frame and axles have been strengthened, There is a stiffer crankshaft and reinforced cylinder block. The moulded brake linings give as much as 25,000 miles of service without relining. The new Fisher Bodies are not Thursday, February 19th, 1931 only smarter and roomier, but are also of hardwood and steel construction . • . the strongest known. The fine upholstery fabrics are specially selected for unusual durability. The non -tarnishing chrome plated metal parts, and gleaming colors will retain their beauty indefinitely. The new Chevrolet Six is built to give you years of ' faithful service. And it sells at new low prices! TEE STANDARD 5 -WINDOW COUPE r - NEW CHEVROLET SIX Op 1110 New Low j5riices4 The Standard Roadster - :6510 The Sport Roadster • 6400' The Phaeton - - - 695 The Coach - - 5 The Standard Coupe- - 695 The Standard Pjve- 720 Window •- Coupe • 70m. The Sport Coupe - (With Rumble Seat) The 'Super SportRoadster 760 The Standard Sedan - 620 The Special Sedan - 240 "Six wire wheels, fender ix/ls and mink rack included on these models as standard egnip.n„t at slsght extra cost. All prices at factory, Oshawa. Taxes, Dumpers and spare arc extra. A complete line of Com- mercial Cors and pre;h from 07-24 A. M. CRAWFORD - Dealer earermesess IN MEMORIAM 'aim his salary if he does, fer the bye 'Hepburn is too apt to be tellin tings Metcalfe -In loving memory of. Alice that the rooral voter has no business jack L.only of athe wifedobe Tories 3 The Metcalf:, belovedto hear. Gallaher, who died, Feb. 19th, 1930. Her weary hours, her days o par rennin tings in this;counthry, an it Her troubled nights are passed; f tat people who hey anny roight' to be Her ever patient worn-out frame, isn't dayciet ler anny young fellah to Has found` sweet rest at last. shtand,up an telt tales otit av school, Long days, long nights, she bore her arr let the cat out av the bag, arr pain, . oto the ma - To wait for cure, but all in vain; tow a monkey wrench ' i Till God Himself knew what was best sheenery, arr Braise the shkids. But He took her home and gave her rest. t here I am mixin me mettyfers as us Always remembered by Father and ual, as me dawter-in-law wud say, so Mother. At eventide the Master came, And walked among the flowers. sings anny wurse. He touched the Lilies one by one, Yours till nixt wake, And took this one of ours. We wanted so to keep her, • For she to us was given, Timothy Hay. P.S. The above letther wets intind- I3ut Jesus planned it otherwise, ed kr lasht wake, an since thin we He wanted her in Heaven. defaited thim Grits in Hamilton in th Sadly missed by Sisters and Bro- n her e s it will larch thirst a lissom. TERMS: Ten per cent. of the pur- annum for cash. TIMES NOT IMPROVIN shpoite av all theeir hollerin, Mebby Upon tett: property it is said that Chattels—Six months' credit . or there is a Encase stable and a quart- joint approved land owners notes, �, tity of wood. with a discount of six per cent, per T. H. G chase money to be paid down at the time of sale and the balance to be paid within thirty days. For further particulars and condit- ions of sale apply to the undersigned. DATED at Wingham, this ninth day 931 hundred acres of land more or less. of February A.D. 1 FOR SALE --Several good bargains Upon the said property it is said Thomas Fells, Auctioneer, in town properties.. 19 acres of that there area frame house and barn J. W. BUSHFIELD, Wingham, Ont.Solicitor for the Mortgagee, land, some bush, very cheap. See and a quantity of wood: Fells. MS Ten t of the pur list, Thos. F For further particulars apply to the .. undersigned. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this r T o the Editur av all shim sixteenth day of February, A.D. 1931. Wingham paypers. BU'HFIELD Deer Sur: J. W. S Soli horn, Ontario, Tonnes don't same to improve very Solicitor for the Ad counthry, er party: nearly all over the co ry, IN MEMORIAM I-tn thine Grits do be unraysonable en - Ian Much yit riven wid the:'lone p TER per oen . —» to be aid down at McDougal)—lir loving remembrance chase money p - ori Frances Alexander. Postbunchof keys ► the time of sale and the balance to NOTICE TO CREDITORS of our little son, -cd one ear i r LOST—InanOffice, a y s McDougall, who di y g Driver's Peri -nit Finder kindly.I be paid within thirty 'day � �•I February 13th, 1930. o. and particulars and condit- I IN. THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM cleave at the Advance -Times and re -I For further Township of East The midnight, stars are gleaming tons of sale apply to the undersigned.LOVE, late of the T v p cove reward. I'DATED at Wingham, this ninth day .r a lousy tut a fire s 1' l ve Where lies our little Frankie, Whole we loved, but could notsavel Sadly missed - by Father, Mother, Sisters and Brothers. Wawanosh in the County of Huron, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pur- suant to the 'revised statutes of, On -1 tario in that regard, that all persons having claims against the. Estate of William Love, who died on or about! the twenty-second dray of December, NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a by-law was passed by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of 'Wingham on the 5th day of January, 1931, provid- ing fon' the issue of debentures to the amount of $8500, for the purpose of improvements in the Waterworks De- partment, and that such by-law (No, 1017) was registered in the registry office of the County of Huron, Goderich, on the 17tH day of Febrtt- ary, 1931. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part there- of must be made within three month s lifter the first publication of this tice'and cannot be made thercafter• following property, namely: DATED at Wingham, Ont., the 17t}i I All and singular that certain parcel day of February, of February, A.D. 1931. Thomas Fells, Auctioneer. J. W. BUSHFIELD, Wingham, Ont. Solicitor for the Mortgagee., MORTGAGE SALE ' Of Valuable Farm Property UNDER and by virtue of the pow- ers contained in a certain Mortgage which' will be produced at the trine of sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction, on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28th A.D. 1931, at the hour of 2.30 o'clock in the afternoon at the Brunswick Hotel in the Town of Wingham, the 1931, or tract of land and premises situate, W. A. CIALBi2;�ITH, Cleric, lying and being in .the Township of -••-� .Turnberry in the County d I? v'nc:c of Ontario composed of Lot number Five in the martin -1n loving memory of our Eleventh Conoess Turnon berry, 'c the said id Dear Mother, .Mrs. James Martin, Township of Tui y, who died two years ago on Febrtt- One hundred acres of land more or' of Huron AM and rot and being IN MEMOl2i cry 12th, 1929. I give your hand to What would �+r. clasp, "2 'our patient face 'to see;. To hear your voice, to see your sprite As iii the days that.used to `be. tier Bel: some sweet day well meet age Beyond the toil and strife, And. clasp your loving hands again, happy y Life. Its Heaven that I p} saris,. Daughters and tradly missed. by f, MORTGAGE SALE rt Of Valuable Farttx Property 'UNDER and by virtue of the pow- cntMange Ye anti of sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction , on "yf 28th SATURDAY, FE' BRUAi2 ,, .. Sd! iw 1). 1981, at the hour of. '3 o'clock, ul 1tra t t ',rOly r ryfthe 'Wi'rigl��n,ath�e less. Upon the said'property it is said. that there is a.: fraise house and a quantity of wood. • I'lyleMS: T. pt:r cent , of the pur- Laid down at chase money . to be .1 the' time of sale and the balance to be paid within thirty days. For further particulars and .condit- ions of sale apply to the undersigned, DATE).) at Wingltan1, this ninth day of Februarys A.D. 1931,. Thomas Fells, Auctioneer. J. W. BUSHFIELD, Winghain, Ont. 'Mortgagee. Solicitor for the 4, 'L"ontctincdeJ ttlirta)dt C=Cdtat the tust k MORTGAGE Astltfi'A4]tE SALt 1 'cit sad l b 1 Of Valuable Perth Property UNDER and by virtue of the pow- ers ontairicd in a 'certain Mortgage Which will be.prcdueed at the trine of sale, there will be offered for sale IN MEMORIAM A.D. 1930, at the Town of Wingham, are required to send by post, prepaid Pill --4n sweet memory. of .our or deliver to the undersigned, on or Mother Mrs.' Jane Purdon, , who before the twenty-eighth day of Feb- ruary, A.D. 1931, their navies and ad- dresses with full particulars of their claims in writing, verified by statu- tory declaration, and.the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that after the said twenty-eighth day' of February, AD. 1931, the assets of the said estate will be distributed by the Administrator, among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which he shall then have notice and the estate will not be li able for any claim not filed at the time of the said . distribution. DATED at Win limit, this ninth day' of February, A.D, 1931. J. W. B'USHFIELD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator. died one year ago, Feb. 21st, 1930. Dear Mother, you have gone to rest, The void you let no one can fill, Although the busy world goes on We yearn to hear your . voice now Still. Dear Mother, you have gone to rest, And this shall be ottr .prayer, That when our journey here is o'er, We may thy glory share. Lovingly remembered by sons and daughters. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE. IS HEREBY GIVEN, pur- suant to Section 56, Chap 121, of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, thatall persons having claims against the es- tate of Mary Smith, late of the Town of 'Winghain in' the County of Huron, Widow, deceased, who died oat or © De- - e;ventl i da f about the twenty s y, cember, A.D. 1930, are required to send bypost, prepaid, or to deliver to J. I . Crawford, Wingliam, Ont- ario, Solicitor for the Executor, on er before the fourth day. of March, A.D, 1981, their names and addr'es'ses,• with full particulars in writing of their claims, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by'there duly THE CONSERVATIVES RETAIN BOTH SEATS The Government forces in the On- tario Legislature have retained their standing as the result of the two by- elections held last Wednesday: In the Hamilton West constituen- ough to blame it on us. Shure, the'most strenuous efforts thrubble is wurruld woide, so to cy where the ke an it will take some toime to were made to turn the tide of polite slipa , shtart tings movie agin. Rooshia is ;cal trend in favor of the Opposition sindin out millions av bushel's av party in: the House, Argue Martin shape whate to shpoil the market av was elected over the Liberal, candi- date, Capt. Elmore Philpott, M.C., by a majority of 443. In the 1929 elec- tion Hon. Fred T. Smye, whose death necessitates} the by-election, was el- ected by a majority of 4,763 votes. James A. Sanderson was the suc- cessful candidate in the Grenville rid- ing by defeating his opponent, Pcrcjr N. Barnard, Liberal, by' a majority of 1,476. Mr. Ferguson, whose nesig- nation as Premier, caused the vacan- cy in Grenville, was elected° in the 1929 election by a majority of'2,03ti over his prohibitionist opponent. MATT. GAYNER AUCTIONEER Phone 21 or 64 Lucknow. Sales attended to anywhere. Expers ienee and accuracy its valuation and every effort put forth to assure you sale. of a successful DEBTS COLLECTED the wurruld, Choana is in a reg Donnybrook Fair av a scbrap, India 111111.1111111111911111111111111111111111114111110111111' wants indepindince, an wudden t know what to do with it If she got it,. tie be= Shiites do{ France an the "limited� hoordin up mosht av the gowld in'the ii wurruld, an refusin to buy annyting from other counthries wid it, Britain is nearly shwamped, wid debt,' an un- imploymint, an'shtroikes,' an yit thins II Grits ixpickt us Tories to set iviry- i ting roight in a few wakes arr molts. i Shure, any ould farruiner kin tell ye -i- that that whin he sows Itis fall whate in ii Siptimber he doesn't ixpickt to rape ea the harvist till the nixt July. P. itwon'tbelongnowbe- ge foor tings shtart to;mind, since Mish- ter Ferguson has gone over to the Quid Counthry to tell thim how to run tings over theer, an Mishter Bin- nitt has jist come home from givin Mishter Hoover a few pointers at Washington, Mishter Ferguson isn't taikin' mach,' but it is his dale, an whin Parleylnin.t mates he will soon b.it afther showin thins Grits that he houlds a good hand), wid mebby a few extra thrump cards up bit coat shlave, so he will. What d'ye Link av that bye Hep- burn, annyway? Shure, be the way he talks av Mishter Proice, an the reeht av the gittle;iiin in Mishter Hinnery's heputs Cabinet,. ye wud tick that n Huns % 'tltit 1 s d m ccs w intim in the same he used to lombasht whin he wus ov- ersays. 'Tis mcsilf that tinks he will l Par" throy to slitir tip tangs whin the leyntint mates in Ottawa mixt ntont.. 1 hope Jarge Shpotton will be able tr• kape him quiet, art, shute, he will alar SCHOOL REPORT. Following is the report of Wroxeter Senior Room for month of January. Sr. IV—Stewart .Musgrove 98, Jean Sangster 55, Ila Sharpie 53. Jr. IV—Mary Snaith 85, Vera. Wright and Irene Robinson 81, Jessie Paulin. 80, Edythe Martin 72, Agnes Durst 66, Allister Green 66, Everett Wright 61, Mable Patterson 59. Sr. III -Billie Gibson 75, Minerva Higgins 68. Jr. III—Gladys Musgrove 67, Bet- ty Hupfer 67, Catherine Smythe' 63,,. Kathleen Durst 58, 58, Allan Griffith 52, Dorothy Brown 39F,' Lucelle White 36F, Clark Sharpin 34F. All pupils had perfect attendance with exception of Allister Green and Catherine Smythe. No. on roll -22• • R. M. VanV elsor, Principal. mlIlel{11i11111i11111l1IlilIl1111•IIlI}tllalltIlI1/IItDR111/k1ttRl Jl IT'S NICE to recive, regularly, one of our mon- thly letters, which runts as followst "Enclosed find our statement and cheques, etc." 1 se and large com- pany this pleased d b J and ad I a < b. patty by sending its your slow d�cbts today, KELLY & AMEN Cofleotioe. Speelalists for 40 years NO CbllectiOtt 0-- No Charge �'tOn,' bW>N ;a t�IIND bEAKOEV1L E Av coarse At the Peacock • Cafe e Full Course Meal a 40c d . Noon oa►n Service,Tea and Ice Cream -_■-C a Gar tPi -SPECIALS— FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Lady Carmel Patterkrisp M ii a Ie Buds , Mixed Chocolates Illi 40044 •A Peacock Candy Shop .._ Phone 81 Wingham �- t 11i11Jr1tiMlllphl �l Ilwlll�ill�illl�l II�IIIMI I!r � INMIN 1 SII �111MI11■11'I�IItl�ltIMI11�111tM411 • 255c lb. 40c lb. . 39c 1. b. ,, 35c1.