HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-02-19, Page 3(iorrie Vidette
Thursday, Febraary 19th, 1931
Plump sun -ripened oats,
pall -roasted to bring out.
the true Quaker flavour
Cooks in 2% minutes after the water boils
Farlil News..
and Views
Published by direction of Heat
Robt Weir, Minister of Agri-
culture, Ottawa, 1931
Leads the World
Laying 357 eggs in the British Col-
umbia Egg Laying Contest conducted
at the Experimental Farm of the Do-
minion Department of Agriculture at
Agassiz, E C., "No. Drone` 5H." a:
White Leghorn owned by W. Whit-
ing, of Port Kelts, B. C., qualified 'as
a real chaanpion egg layer. This bird,
a beautiful specimen of the breed,
weighs just 5.2 pounds. From Nov-
ember 1, 1929, to October 30, 1930,
she laid 29.9 dozen eggs: which weigh-
ed 52 pounds, or just ten tunes her
own weight. Her record is official. in
the fullest sense of the term. During
the entire period of the • contest she.
was entirely out of the hands of her
owner and under the competent neu-
iii"' trai supervision of the federal 'egg -
laying contest. This hen shows con-
clusively the'' possibilities of Canada's
national poultry -breeding policy.
Canadian Cattle Sent' the British
' Buyers ''
Analysis of the report' on the re
sults of the test shipment of 1,028.
head of range cattle from Western
Canada, arranged by the Dominion
Live Stock Branch, shows that well-
bred cattle of medium weights and
good flesh will be well received on the
British markets, particularly- during
the store cattle ,season. They res-
pond readily to feeding, making good
gains. It is noted that the presence
of horns, also of conspicuous brand
marks, have a bearish effect in prices.
The older cattle in the shipment 'prov-
ed disappointing, indicating that the
.market is essentially. for young stock.
Another thing apparent is that the
Old Country buyers place a premium
on apparent quality. Some of ,;the
last shipment of three -year-olds' to
llfanchester netted shippers $67.75 a-
piece sold for slaughter and'evoked
favourable comment on the way theyt
dressed out. Prices realized were no
as high as hoped for in some cases;
they were in' several instances better
than offered at home.
Pick the Good Ones
This is the time of the year when
the value of trapnest records for hens
has its greatest value. In selecting
birds for breeding pens George Rob-
ertson, Poultry Husbandman at the
Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa,
advises that vigor is the outstanding
qualification to watch. for in hens. The
birds which pay nowadays are only
those having sufficient stamina to
stand up to ' heavy egg'production:
Size, body -type, volume and size of
eggs are important. The trapnest re-`
cord is a useful guide in the .selection.
of birds of the right type. Equal'
care should be taken in the selection r
of the male bird, which should be
strong and vigorous. and preferably
the progeny of a dam of proven pro-
duction ability. He should be select-
ed carefully for quality, and if he is
the right type he will look it.
Quite a number from here went to
Teeswater to'witness the hockey
Miss Jean Thomson left last week
to visit her sister.at London.
Mrs. Sangster of town, spent a few
days last week visiting.friends in
Grey 'Township..
We are pleased to say that Mr,
Hugh Edgar who suffered •a light'
stroke about ten days ago is recover-
ing nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart of Moles-
worth spent a day 'recently with the
batter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sang-
ster, Howick St:
Mrs. David Wailer's many friends
wil be, pleased to.hear that she is
able to leave her room after being
confined to her bed for several weeks
with a stroke.
Nurse McDowell of Brussels, :is at.
present taking care of Mrs. Booth,
who is quite ill at times.
A most interesting meeting of the
Women's Missionary Society of the
United Church, was held at the home
of Mrs. Munro, Thursday afternoon,
when the subject of Temperance, was
the principal thought throughout the
program. Mrs. Thos. Gibson presid-
ed. Mrs. R. Stocks was in charge of
the Devotional exercises and opened
the meeting with the hymn "Dare. to.
be a Daniel" following with the scrip-
ture reading from the first'chapter
of Daniel, after. which she portrayed
Daniel as .a splendid example of the
tCCflALI Fc-
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result of a life of #ptai abstinence and
great courage. She then led in pray-
er. At the conclusion of the business
helms, the roll call was a "Temperan-
ce Thought from Scripture" andwas
responded to by 18 members. The
hymn "Soldiers of Christ Arise, was,
sung. Temperance clippings prepared
by Mrs. Ethel Craw of the W.C.T,U.
were read by the different members;
and gave many startling facts relat-
ing to the Liquor traffic in our own
province. A short talk was given by
the Temperance secretary, Mrs. W,
S. McKereher, of which the 'key -note
was, elle necessity of example: of tem-
perate parents, and the greatneed of
temperance in the home, Sabbath
School and Day School. The W. M.
S. hymn "Beneath the Cross of,;Je-
sus" was sung and the meeting closed
with prayers by Mrs. Gibson, Mrs.'
Timm and Mrs. McKercher.
The funeral of the late Henery
Muir was held to the Wroxeter cem-
etery, last Saturday from the home 'of
his nephew, Wm.: Bolt, of the C line
Turnberry, attended by a Large num-
ber of friends and neighbors: Mr.
Muir has been in poor health for th
year but his death was unexpecte
Deceased was highly respected in th
neighborhood in which he lived s
Mr, Gordon Muir and Mr, Georg
Muir of the village, 'md'Charles Mui
of Howick are brothers of decease
Miss Nokes. of Winnipeg, is a sister
who all have the sympathy of th
Miss M. Pope attended the Hicks
Campbell wedding in the United
loin things people do . to help the
bbwets whenever any bad breath,
feverishness; biliousness, ora lack of
appetite warn of constipation, really'
weaken these organs. Only a doctre
knows what will cleanse the system
without harm. That is why the laxa-
tive in your home should have the
approval of a . family doctor.
The wonderful, product, known to
millions as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup
Pepsin is a family doctor's prescrip-
tion' 'for sluggish bonzeis. It 'never
varies from the original prescription
e which Dr Caldwell '~wrote thousands
✓ of tithes in many years of practice,
d; and proved safe and reliable for men,
, women and children. It is made front
e 1 herbs and other pure ingredients, so.
it is pleasant -tasting, and can form no
habit." You can buy this popular laxa-
tive from all drugstores.
Church, Blyth on Saturday, Feb. 14.
Miss Jessie Marshall of Arthur vis
ited with Margaret Davey a few day
Last week.
Mrs. Nokes of Winnipeg, attend
ed the funeral of her brother, Henry
Muir, who was buried last Saturday
Mr. Ross Pope spent the week -end
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.
Not for a long time has, such in-
terest been taken in hockey: as this
season at the return snatch with the
Teeswater team last Friday night. A
special train was run to Wingham,
and'"`Teeswater, Some eighty-seven
tickets ` were sold here and a larged
amount at. Gorrie, with some from
Fordwich. Teeswater won by -a score
of 8-=-1. 'It was estimated that 500
fans isew the game. Harriston played
in Wingham the same night.
The following were the prize -win-
ners at'the.Carnival held , in. Wroxet-
er Rink, February 12th.
Fancy Dressed Lady --1st .Marjorie
Waller, Toilet Set;' 2nd, Alva Stocks,
Cash $1.00.
Fancy Dressed Gent -1st, Robert
Paulin, Pipe and Case.
Comic Costume Lady -1st, Vera
Durst, box Chocolates; 2nd, Marjorie
Paulin, 1 lb. Royal York Coffee, a lli.
Royal. York Tea.
Comic Costume, Gent-lst,-• Bill
Parks, pair Spats; 2nd, Stewart Hig-
gins, cash $1.00.
Best :Clown-lst; .A.'Moffatt, 1 ham,
2nd, H. Timm, 5 gal. gas.
National Costume -1st, Mrs. J. J.
Allen, 1 cake tray; 2nd, Ila Sharpin,
1 lb.: Royal York Tea, ; lb. Royal
York Coffee.
Best Laity Skater—ist, Miss J.
Marshall, bag Flour.
Best Gent Skater 1st, Thomas.
Parker, 5 gal.:gas.'
Gents' Race -1st, Norman Hall, 1
box Cigars,
Ladies' Race: --1st, Marjorie Paulin,
breiid tickets; 2nd, Tla Sharpin, Sew-
ing Basket.
Couple Race -1st, Wesley' 'Paulin
nd Iia Sharpin, box choclates,
Fancy Dressed Girl- lst, Lilly
Waller, cash $1,5b.
Fancy Dressed Boy -1st, Reg. Rob-
inson, Bank of Commerce Pass
Book $1,50,
Girls' Race -14 years and under,
1st; Minerva 'Higgins, cash $1,00.
l3oys'' Race -1st, 1301.Martn, cash
Specal-12 years and under, any
Costume, Boys and - Grl—lst, Clark'.
Sharps, large sze Coaster. Wagon.
Lucky Number Contest ---1st, Thos:
Parker, Console •Set,
The February meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute will meet at the home
of Mrs, R. Stocks, Thursday, 26th.
.Miss 'Hoge will give a paper. on "The
Telephone and Its Invention."Miss
K. Waller will give an account of
the ',Dept. of Agriculture Short Cour-
se held in January. Roll Call—Uses
for Stale I3read, Deiixonstration —
Rug staking, by Mrs, J. 3.Allan. The
Bread Ma1s'ing Contest will be post-
Miss Olive Willits spent Thursday
with her sister in`Harriston,
Miss Ruth Galbraith of Fordwich
• is home with her parents. Hei fath-
er is very ill. .
C Mr. Harold Foxton of Wingham,
was a Sunday visitor at the home of
Mr: and Mrs. Gordon Deyell and Mr.
and Mrs. Max' Abram.
Mrs, Dr.- Armstrong spent a couple
of days last week in Guelph.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles .King have
returned home from Winnipeg, Man.,.
where they have spent the past two
Kimonng: ths . with their son, Mr.John
Over ninety people from Gorrie at-
tended . the hockey 'match between
Gorrie-Wroxeter Unions and Tees -
'water. • The score being 3-1 in Tees -
water's favor.
Mrs. George Foster was a Wing -
ham visitor last week,
The "Pleasure" Euchre Club were
entertained last week at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Max Abram. There
were nine tables: The prizes were
won by: the ladies' Miss E. Stephens,
gents', by Jack .Musgrove; and con-
solation, by. Mrs. F. Hyndman. The
Club are being ,entertained at the
House -Broken:
"And has she made hint a good
"I don't know. But 1 do know She
has made him a '►•eery good Irma and."
Give Your Hens a
Daily Dose ofr • da
Poultry Regulator
'`'Makes Hens Lay More Eggs"
Writ* AorPratta Poultry Book -Free
Pratt Food Co., of Cadadr, Limited
Soaks Right In And
Limbers Up
Stiff Joints
New Discovery Limbers 'Em Up
and Even the Creaking Ceases
Just rub on Joint rase if you Want to
know what real joint comfort, IS.
It's for stiff, swollen, creaky or pain-
tortured joints whether caused by rheu-
matism or not.
A few seconds' rubbing and it soaks
right in through skin and flesh richt
clown to ligament and bone --right where
all the trouble starts,
It oils up andlimbers up the joints,
subdues the iniI mmation, stops the
pain, ;and reduces the melting. l'oitit-
Ease is the one, great remedy for ail joint
troubles and live druggists aft: dispensing
it daily. blade in Canada --.t tulle for
60 cents.
And remember When Joint -Estee
gets in joint agony gets itr t—Quiet I
home of Mr. and Mrs, W. King t
Miss Evelyn :Stephens entertai
a few of her friends on Tuesday
ening. The evening was spent in .p
gressive "Shoot," The prizes
senior won by. Pauline Ashton, Einer
Shera, and. consolation, by Miss St
and Charlie Black,
The Ladies of St. Stephen's Chu
are busy practising for their p1
which will be staged in the town I
here on March 17th.
Miss Martha Kaine was called
Hamilton last week owing to t
death of a neice in that city.
Miss Louise White has return
home after spending a - few days
The s � i
League Y
a e me
t Last we
on '.Thursday evening, Group No,
in charge. The meeting opened wi
a hymn followed by prayer by Re
Craik and several sentence praye
The Scripture Lesson was'read
Miss A. Hamilton. The Topic ""Ho
we can. make this year better th
the last," was given by Mrs. Abra
after which Miss A. Douglas gave
reading. Another hymn was sung a
the meeting dosed by all repeatin
the : Mizpah benediction. Miss
Sangster' will take the topic ne
Miss. R. Ashton entertained a fe
ladies of the village. on Friday afte
noon to a Bridge Tea. Honours wer
won by Miss Clara Stock of Toront
Mrs, Russel Grainger is'spendin
a few days this'week in Guelph..
The Day of Prayer is being:hel
in St. Stephen's Church on Friday a
3 p.m.
We are sorry to report the sertou
illness of Allen Hyndman, younges
son of Mr, and Mrs. F. Hyndman al
so of Mr. Edward Galbraith.. We trus
they will both soon be well.
The regular meeting of the Wo
men's Institute was held. at the hom
of Mrs. 5.:Hyndman on Wednesd
afternoon of last aweek. The•mei
ing opened with the opening Ode an
all repeated the Lord's Prayer. Th
roll call was responded to by "Th
Name of a Canadian Cabinet Ministe
and the.Work of :His Department.'
After the roll call two favorite songs
were sung from the song sheet. Miss
Elizabeth Cathers then gave a very
interesting paper . on "Table Setting."
The meeting then closed by singing
the National Anthem. Lunich was
served by the lunch committee.
The School Room of the United
Church was filled to capacity on
Monday - night, when the Church
choir entertained by a Valentine soc-
ial, which was greatly enjoyed by all
present, The program which opened
by a song of Welcome. Mr. W. H.
Gregg who acted as Chairman, gave
a few remarks' in which he spoke of
just how much the choir was apprec-
iated in. church work.
A quaint tableau was presented by
Rev. and Mrs. Craik while Miss Alex-
andria ;Hamilton sang.
Miss Annie Douglas read a paper
on the meaning of St. Valentine. Mr,
Ed. W. Bolton favored the audience
with a solo.
The Singing School, being the next
item on the program was real quaint,
with each member who 'applied for a
hearing before being accepted for the
choir, was tried by Mrs. A. Hamil-
ton with'Miss E. Stephens at the
piano. This proved very interesting
as well as humorous. The main item.
r -
was the Mock Trial when the Court
had two cases to be tried, both prov-
ing very interesting. A. duet by Le-
land Ashton and Jim Pritchard, after
which, Miss Norma Graham gave a
reading Misses E. Steph•eiis and P,
Ashton gave an instrumental duet,
Mrs, R. Keine also • gave a reading.
The last item .heist; the Minstrel
group was greatly enjoyed.
Just before lunch was served the
chairman called Mr. and Mrs. L. F.
Ashton to the platform when Mrs, T.
O. Johson read the following address,
While Mrs. W. It. Gregg .and Mrs.
A, E. Toner made the presentations.
Mr. and Mrs. Ashton who were taken
by surprise gave a very fitting reply
thanking them for their gifts.
To Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Ashton,
Dear Friends: --
We, the members and adherents of,
Gorrie United Church have long felt
that we should in some way show
our apreciation of your valuable ser
vices in connection with the choir of
our church. It seemed to its a fitting
time when yon were giving tis this
splendid evening of entertainment to.
let you know that we do indeed, ap-
preciate net only the effort tonight
but your valuable work in the choir,
From week to week, month to month
and year to year, you have given
freely of your tinct, talents and lead-
ership in the service of song: Sing-
ing is a real pert of our worship—
fiany times in the Bible we ere urged
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"„ ,trolliteastborrelkozarroasoRswicootiorram
to praise God with song. "Oh Come,
Let es sing 'onto the Lord" "Oh, sing
unto the Lord a new song," are only
two of the many times we are so
commended. Going back to very ear-
ly Bible times we find Mivain leading
the women of `Israel in a great service
of song in gratitude for the deliver-
ance from Egypt. Later on we find
David, the 'sweet singer of Israel, ap-
pointing one, Herman, a singer of
the tribe of Levi to lead the musical
part of the temple service. It is no
new thing to .be a choir leader.
We feel we are justly proud of our
choir and we know that much of its
success is due to your faithful pains-
taking leadership. In rendering mus-
ical numbers in the hymns of worhsip
In rendering musical numbers its the
hymns of worship for conduct rever-
ent and devout you as a choir are en-
titled 'to praise. Our special choirs
of young. people, both girls and boys
and our junior choir have all hien
helpful in the service of song. It
means a great deal to a church and
shall I say, much more to a Pastor to
feel that be has a group of singers
that can be depended on to help
whenever needful ---we are told that
here and there is one who can preach,
some more can sing and that we can
all have a share in the offering. We
are glad that this offering is unani-
mous, and we ask' you, Mr, Ashton,
In accept from us this watch, chair
and ring as a reminder that we do
appreciate your help in the services
of song. We. hope that the cheery
"Tick Tick" may remind you that
you have many friends in Gorrie.
And Mr's. Ashton, we know you have
often . bad to deny yourself some
pleasant outings with your husband
";.%MINI,...,. w�►
duties, so we ask you to 'accept, this
lamp as a token of our friendship mug
Signed by: W. H. Gregg, A. E.
Tone, T. O. Johnston, Chairman of
Com. of Gorrie United Church; Rev,
F. W. Craik, Pastor, •
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Willitts ands
daughters were Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Marshall.
Miss Evelyn Lincoln has returned
home after spending some time with
her sister, Mrs. John Cathers, of Gore
Miss Elda l3ennett of Wingham is
visiting with friends on the Tenth.
Born—On Friday, Feb. 13, to Mr.
and Mrs, Thomas Metcalfe, a son.
Quickly Ends Itch of
"My baby bad a bad case of eczema.
But as )on as 1 applied 'Sooills-
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tablishrnent in this part of
as companion on account of his choir `•_- , w,,,ne,,
Reduction Sale
During January we are giving 20% off regular
prim on Made -to -Measure Clothing.
This is Your Opportunity to make a Big Saving
on your Spring Coat.
This also applies on Ready Made Suits, Overcoats.
Sweaters and Rubbers. }
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