HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-02-12, Page 4} eee tx fi WINGnAly2 ADVANCE -TIMES. Z L�U,Klt��TF?SZd S57t��c?t� f CX$Ilmiammigemmigma yN Drug Stores CANADA Celebrate Their 2 j st Recall Birthday — COME HELP YOURSELF— OVER 100 SPECIALS A FEW ARE LISTED BELOW We have cut our birthday cake and offer you a slice in these many Specials During the month of February:— Velvo Sanitary Pads . , . , , 36c Syrup, Tar and C.L.O. 39c Rikers Seidlitz Powders , , . 19c Rcun Honey and C.L.O. 50c 50c Jonteel; Face Powder 50c Bronchial Syrup 50c Jonteel Face Cream 25c Boots Meloids Both for 50c Both for . 50c The New Face Powder "JASMINE” a 50c Bottle Perfume free with $LOO box of this new Face Powder. Chocolate Peppermint Patties 29c Ib. Chocolate Maraschino Cherries 49c 1b. McKIBBON'S DRUG STORE Wingham 04402,2, a Phone 53 ./slvelaflavh�,l:levasere\.1'il'Y.\uYel:lelk(��'J' � :%il.el8�ilrilel'nhrnanree:n.,eas�G'�7ie�.-:s,+Y•\TnTiiieay+Ai"rn27e\':Yi\ f.�8fiten'ria\„n;n-,r,-,eisj,}'ieTee;'i1} eteeletsValeniereettlitteatneezeiveeteeeeteteelineehteerffeefereeeeseeelereeeeletetee la .14 cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of lac. e'ND'!1 filo'a +Sil1Yi19Ya�GY� Via air* •IGIAZIPiaralA a Vii natal; c e re Iti FOR SALE—Five acres of land and 2 -storey brick house, adjoining the town. A Real bargain. Cosens & Booth, Insurance & Real Estate. FOR SALE—Fresh cow and calf. Ap- ply to William Finley, Town Plot. FOR SALE— Delco Lighting Plant, good a.s new. Apply Advance - Times. NOTICE, RE SEED CLEANING The undersigned having procured a clover huller and seed -cleating out- fit is prepared to do all kinds of seed cleaning.Will move into your barn to clean your grain at any time. See your seed cleaned in your own barn and be satisfied. John H. Turner, R. 2, Lucknow a AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements will be held on South half of Lot 30, Con. 13, East Wawanosh, at 1 o'clock on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19th No Reserve. TERMS—Hay, grain, poultry* and 0 inter, cash; over s sn of 1 and um1 sems $ ,� , that amount 8 months credit on notes bearing 7% interests Lend - owners security. Matt, Gaynor; Auctioneer. John Falconer, :Proprietor. IN MEMORIAM Martin -In loving memory of our Dear Mother, who died two years ago on February 12th, 1929. What would we give your hand to clasp, Your patient face to see, To hear, your voice, to see your smile .As in the days that used to be. But some sweet day well meet again Beyond the tail and strife, And clasp your loving hands again, In Heaven that happy Life. following property, namely: ' All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land andP remises situate lying and being in the Township of Turnberry in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario and being, composed of Lot number Five in the Tenth Concession of the said Town- ship of Turnberry, containing one hundred acres of land more or less. Upon the said property it is said that there are a frame house and barn and a quantity of wood. TERMS: Ten per cent. of the pur chase money to be paid down at. the time of sale and the balance to be paid within thirty days. For further particulars and condit- ions of sale apply to the undersigned. DATED at Wingham, this ninth day of February, A.D. 1931. Thomas Fells, Auctioneer, J. W. BUSHFIELD, Wingham, Ont. Solicitor for the Mortgagee. MORTGAGE SALE Of Valuable Farm Property UNDER and by virtue of the pow- ers contained in a certain Mortgage which ill a producedat the time w will b of sale, there will be offeredfor sale by Public Auction, on SATURDAY,, FEBRUARY 28th A.D. 1931, at the hour of 2.30 o'clock in the afternoon at the Brunswick Hotel in the Town of Wingham, the following property, namely: All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and .being in the Township of Turnberry in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, and being composed of Lot number Five in the Eleventh Concession of the said Township of Turnberry, containing One hundred acresof land more or less. Upon the said property it is said that there is a frame house and " a quantity of wood. TERMS: Ten per cent. of the pur- chase money to be paid down at the time of sale and the balance to be paid within thirty days, by Public Auction, ein SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28th A.D. 1931, at the hour of 3.30 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Brunswick Hotel in the Town of Wingham, the following property, namely: All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of East Wawanosh in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario and being composed of the South half of Lot number Thirty-nine (39) in the Fourteenth Concession of the Said Township of East Wawanosh, con- taining one hundred acres of Iand more or less, save and except eight acres heretofore sold to one, George Tervitt, off the Northwest corner of verified by a statutory declaration, AND TA.KE E NOTICE FURTHER that after the said fourth day of March, 1931, the said executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties en - tilled thereto, having regard only to. the claims of whish he shall thea have had notice, and the . said execu- tor shall not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any per- son of whose claim he shall nut then have received notice, DATED at Winghamthis sixth day of February, A.D. 1931. J. H CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor, MUTUAL LIFE'S 61st ANNUAL MEETING When moving the adoption of the Directors' Report at the Annual meet- ing of the Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canada, the President, Mr. R. O. McCulloch, said in part: "I am happy to say that the Dir- ectors' Report of your company cov- ering the operations for the past year. supplies me with encouraging thou- ghts, which we should broadcast to our policyholders and to the Canad- ian public. It is, for instance, a fact that in 1930 the Company /fiot only earned the largest profits in its his- tory, but also paid out to policyhold- ers the greatest amount of dividends in any of its sixty years of opera- tion. The amount of new assurances paid for while not as large as in the record year of 1929, was greater than in any previous year; and the net in- crease of assurances in force—$31,- 522,665—was very satisfactory, and I regard it as doubtful whether any company of comparative size and age will have a greater gain in total: as- surance in force in relation to the business paid for than our own Com- pany. It is noteworthy, too, that the substantial volume of our paid -for new business -$60,526,212 -.-and the satisfactory gain in assurance in force was not obtained through any high pressure salesmanship, or at any in- crease in cost, the expenses of opera- tion having been actually reduced, and having reached in 1930 the low- est ratio to income at which they have ever stood, The net profits for the year—$5,- 254,351.81—are $211,316.41 in excess of the preceding year, and represent $45.04 for each $1,000 of total assets which now aggregate $116,662,059.64. The Company's special reserves and surplus funds, which have been in- creased to $12,468,003.44, include gen- eral investment reserves and free sur- plus available for contingencies of ample amount to take care of any ad- verse factors, Our iiidrtality experience has again been favorable and the rate of interest earned on invested funds is the high figure of 6,13%. I am sure that these very favorable esults must be very gratifying to the olicyholders; and I desire to extend my heartiest congratulations to the. ffice and field forces for the out - tending ut- tan in evidence of their efficiencyand industry which the statements of r the said south half of said Lot. Upon the property it is said that p there is a frame stable and a quan- tity of wood, TERMS: Ten per cent. of the pur- s chase m1.oney to be paid down at theti' me of sale a e and the balance to t be paid within thirty days. For further particulars and condit- ions of sale apply to the undersigned. o DATED at Wingham, this ninth day of February, A.D. 1931. c Thomas Fells, Auctioneer. li J. W. BLSHPIELD, Wingham, Ont. Solicitor for the Mortgagee. b d he year present. ' The year 1930 was a very difficult ne for all classes of business and N be remembered by reason of the onstantly growing depression in all nes of activity. The situation has een reviewed in many annual .ad- resses and it is not necessary for sue to repeat what has already been said and with which you are all familiar. Life insurance is fortunately one busi- ness which has been less materially affected than most by the gen- eral adverse conditions,, as the decline of life insurance sales in 1930 was relatively slight, clearly indicating the value of life insurance and the confi- dence of the people in its stability. As a speaker recently said, people might chase rainbows at times but they continue to put their faith in the solid protection of life insurance r the ultimate security of their lam- . NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM LOVE, late of the Township of East Wawanosh in the County of Huron, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pur- suant to the revised statutes of On- tario in that regard, that all persons having claims against the Estate of William Love, who died on or about the twenty-second y econd day of December, A.D. 1930, at the Town of Wingham, are required to send by post, prepaid or deliver to the undersigned, an or before the twenty-eighth day of Fe b - ruaD, A.D.1931,theirnamtc andad- dresses with full particulars of their claims in writing, verified by statu- ll tory declaration, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. m AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE s that after the said twenty-eighth day of February, A.D. 1931, the assets of b the said estate will be distributed by li the Administrator, among the parties p entitled thereto, having regard only in les. It is a notable fact that while the arket value of bonds, debentures or tocks may go up or down, there has een no depreciation in the value of fe policies, but rather the usual ap- reciation due to the increase of years force, and, considered in relation 'Thursday, February 12th, 1931 to .commodity prices, the values of Ilton'ilwirglIlll�lri1m111Nrp111 1111MIi11tilil�liirlllll III111P iiIp1111MgI11M�lliolll 111 9111111111111.1111111 11111111111111111 life insurance policies are much high- tai . lif er than a year ago, cit The guiding principle of the invest- tSd A . ' ment policy of the Company has al- 1 ways been "Security- First,' and we have continued, and will continue, to be governed by this principle; In a time of depression this, decline in a security values the investments of D financial institutions must bear the MI closest scrutiny, and the policyhold- At %� ers of this Company will, 1 am sure; % the Peacock Caf be very gratified to know that our' investments, valued on the basis an- E thorized by the Dominion Depart- ment of Insurance, show an apprec- I Full Course Meal iation of $1,840,630.65 or 4.08% over Course + s the figures at which they are carried. IiY s in the Company's books. M Noon Service, Tea and Ice Cream. As most of the Company's farm ii mortgages are on the security of pro --SPECIALS-- FRIDAY AND SATURDAY a 40c . , . 45c lb. !:• perties in Western Canada the Coin- pany's contribution to the develop ment of the Western Provinces has been substantial: These investments have been shade in selected areas on the recommendations of our own managers and inspectors, and our ex- perience in the main has been satis- factory. We have every reason to ex- pect that it will continue to be so, al- though ,we anticipate that the success of some of our farmer borrowers who may have difficulties will depend upon the degree of co-operation we seoure from them in taking advant- age of assistance we propose to offer them to help them out of their pres- ent difficulties. The farmers of Western Canada have sustained heavy losses in con- nection with the 1929 and 1930 crops and a few of our western farm mort- gagors are finding it difficult to meet. their interest payments, not because they suffered poor crops but because of low grain prices. It is manifest that grain prices will not soon again reach the high figures that were in force prior to 1930, and this illustrates the necessity of an improvement in present methods and in many cases he adoption of other methods, the elimination of waste, increased effic- ency and a greater diversification of production. It may be that the pres- nt low cash prices of all grains may prove to be not an unmixed evil, "as, hose farmers in Manitoba, Saskatch- wan and Alberta who have a suffic- ent number of high-grade dairy cows eef-cattle and hogs to consume a arge portion of their 1930 grain crop tend to realize much more for.their wheat and barley through milk, beef nd pork production than can be. real - zed at the present time for cash n forcing many farmers to the con - grain. This situation is bearing fruit elusion that their future prosperity depends upon' a diversified production which will assure them their living and operating expenses quite apart from cash grain. We still believe that while in some'sections of the West natural conditions are not very favor - , able to other than wheat .growing, the future success of a very large number of the farmers of Western Canada can best s be obtained by a proper diversification of crops and the raising of livestock, under com- petent management, which will bring about a better farm production than has hitherto prevailed and a substan- tial reduction in the cost of produc- tion of grain and livestock will en- able Canada to successfully meet the world competition in agricultural products. For this reason our Corn- pany has taken a very keen intenest during recent years in the develop- ment of mixed farming in the West, and, in co-operation with four other Canadian; Life Companies, has, played an important part in the formation and development of the Colonization Finance Corporation. This organiza- tion, I believe, is destined to do much to assist the farmers of Western Canada, as their entire energies are being devoted to giving the farmers of the West, t fortheparticu- larly t presentr' , pa tree larly in Manitoba and Eastern Sas- katchewan, the highest. type of ex- pert farm management under the dir- ection of .a competent and experienc- ed Chief Farm Manager and his staff or Zone Managers," t e t e b 1 s a to claims of which he shall then have notice and the estate will not be li- able for any claim not filed at the tune or the said distribution. DATED at Wingham, this ninth day of February, A.D. 1931, J. W. FUSHFIELD, Wingham, Ontario, icitor for the Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pur- For further particulars articulars and Condit- snant to Section a6, Chap 121, of .the nssstd,hy Daughters and sons. ions of sale apply tote understgned Revised Statutes of. Ontario that all DATED at Winghatn, this ninth day persons havn r of February, A.D. 1931. Mary tate ogm'h fa Tt late of the Town Thomas Fells* Auctioneer. ofWingham i n theCounty of �uro W. Bi IE nr SHF I b Ain V h t., 3. ash do e Widow,d ceased -h i. 'w died n or o. 0 about the twenty-seventh day of De- cember, A.D.1930, are required to send. by post, prepaid, or to deliver to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ont- ario, Solicitor for the Executor, on or before the fourth day of March, 981 their name ands A,D. 1 e s addresses, with full particulars in writing of Their claims, and the nature of the securities (if trey► held by them. duly i MORTGAGE SALE Of Valuable Parra Property UNDE k and by virtue of the pow- ers cont:lired in a certain 1MMortgage, which will he produced at the time of sale, there will be offered. for sate 'lay Public Auction, on D FED:WARY 28th A'1t'UI2 AY s . y � 3 o'clock D. 1.431, at the 'mew of �afternnon, at the Br+tinswick; zi the Tro,Frs raf 'Wingliem, the claims against the es - Solicitor for the Mortgagee. MORTGAGE SALE Of Valuable Pam tta arxsx P>roperty UNDER and by virtue of the 'pow- ers contained In a certain Mortgage. which will 1)'e produced at the time of sale, there will he offered for sale: MATT. GAYNER AUCTIONEER Phone 21 or 64 Lucknow. Sales attended to anywhere. Exper- ienee and accuracy in valuation and every effort put forthto assttre you of a sueeessfu1 sale. DEBTS COLLECTED IT'S NICE to recive, regularly, one of our mon- thly letters, which runs as follows.: "Enclosed find our statement and cheques, etc," Join this pleased and large coitt- pany by sending us your slow and bad debts today. KELLY $c MIMI. Collectfoti Specialists fait 40 years No Cells tioti Noe C'ltarge GUEL111'.. OWEN SOUND ORANGEVILLE TURNBERRY COUNCIL The Council meeting of the Town- ship of Turnberry was held in Blue - vale on January 12th.. Members were all present. 1. J. Wright, Reeve, Jas. McTavish, R. Wilton, P. S. McEwen, E. Baird, Councillors, Moved by McTavish and Baird that the following be appointed: W. R. Cruikshank, Clerk; Ben. Cruikshank, Treasurer; B.O.H., Dr. Redmond, M. O.H.; 1. J« Wright, J, L. McEwen, W. R. Cruikshank, Secy's, Road Cont. inissioners; D. Le Falconer and F. J. Powell, Auditors; Thbs. Gilmour, As- sessor; J. T. Wylie, Road Supt.; Jo- seph Latroniea, School Att. Officer. 1 Moved by Baird and McEwen that we extend the time for the collector's roll to February 16th, 1981. Carried. Moved byWilton `W to and Baird that we accept pncmfum of Merchants, Employers' Guarantee and Accident ,Co., for One Hundred Dollars for ✓: Peanut Brittle,,;.,, ,... • (2 lb. for 25c) Patterkrisp ,Iumbugs • • ..15c lb. .20c lb. = Peacock Candy Sho p _ 4 Phone 181° - - Wingham iIllAillnigiusImI11tIinialIe111v1taitanim {ushullbillisini usiiiilllmuslaiii road insurance for 1931. Carried. The following accounts were paid J. H. Wylie, Patrolman $2.00 G. O. Walker, Patrolman $5.00; J. T. Wy- lie, Supt., $15.00; Wingham Advance - Times, acct., $31.57; W. R. Cruik- shank, express on stationery, $26.10, B. D. and M.; Thos. Stewart,, Forest- ers' Hall, $2.00; A. Cosens, Road Ins. Premium $100,00. Moved by. Wilton and McTavish that we adjourn to sheet on Monday, February .16th at 1 p.m. Carried. I. J. Wright, W. R. Cruikshank,. Reeve. Cleric, ASH FIELD Mr. Finlay Shackleton returned to his school in Priceville after a three - weeks' quarantine of the scarlet fever. Mr. John Farrish, who has been up at North Bay since New Year's, on business, spent a few days in Toronto attending the agriculture convention, returned to his home on Saturday. Mr. T. A. Cameron attended the ag- riculture convention which was held in Toronto last week. Mrs. Robert Bullen, llth con., spent a few days in Goderich with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Mc- Kay. Mrs. Wm. McGill, near Paramount, was nursing her father, Mr. Morrison of Lucknow. Mr. John. Keith, of Oakville, who has h i undergone a serious operation n g St. Joseph's Hospital, Hamilton, is improving, we ane glad to hear. Mr, and Mrs. Watson Davis of Bel- fast, entertained the following: Mr. Gordon and Miss Myrtle Johnstone, Miss Verna Pollock, Mr. Wilfred and Misses Lena and Maizie Hackett, Mr. Tom and Violet Twarnley and Messrs. Glen and Ralph Cameron. DONNYBROOK The Misses Laura and Mary Johns- ton attended the "At Home" of Strat- ford Normal School, on Friday even- ing, and spent the remainder of the week -end at their home in Goderich.. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson were recent visitors with their daughter, Mrs, John Kilpatrick of Crewe. Mr. A. E. Johnston visited over the- week-end heweek-end with her daughter, Mrs. H. Campbell. Miss Emma Craig received+the sad news last week of the death of her brother, -Mr. Thomas Craig, of Win- nipeg. We extend our sympathy. Mr. Harry Chamney received the sad news last week of the death o! his brother, Mr, Richard Chamney of Green River, Wyoming, on Feb. lst. lure extend our sympathy to the be- reaved brothers and sisters in this: community. SCHOOL REPORT Following is report for January -of S.S. No. 14, West. Wawanosh. V. Class—Elroy Laidlaw 61, Ken- neth Laidlaw 56. Sr: IV ---Clifford Purdos 71, Roddy Inglis 48 (Missed exam.) Jr. . IV—Rosella Guest 63, . Russet Farrier 42. Sr. III—Olive Purdon 67, Mary Guest 58, Doreen Purdon 51, Gordon Thompson 43, Jack Inglis 40 (missed, exams,). Jr. III—Muriel Pur'don 58. II Class—Bertha Guest, good; Ref- lison Falconer, Ernest. Beecroft, fair.. Ist Class—Donald ora d 14Iarti 66 Martin Paul- ine 64, Primer—Excellent, Verna Purdon; Good, Florence Beecroft, Clifford Farrier. No. on roll -20. E. MacDonald, Teacher. "Do you wish the court to under- stand that you refuse to renew your dogs license?" "Yes, your worship, but—" "We want no 'buts.' You will be fined. You know the license has ex- pired." "Yes, and so has the dog.' g 11111111111111111111i1110Illi!{!!I1igoitialtl ili1101 ain11101 alli111l111111111i1aul illill1111.111111 tit ONE CENT tat 1111111111111101111.11111111111111111116, i9 SALE 1 • THE WALLPAPER SHOP is offering for THREE DAYSONLY . the ITI ft most remarkable wall paper values ever shown. r is With each roll bought at the regular price ano- 1 s they will be given for only one tent.. i MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY RAIN GING FROM > i1Oc TO $1.0O TO CHOOSE FROM. a, I_ Thrt eed a s onlY-- y FEB., 12, 13, 14 ...,.. i COME EARLY WHILE THE SELECTION : • =_ IIt i IS COMPLETE I s It, will pay you to buy now for �r your ftuttxtre needSi Ill Mediator h ami iii IN1li i i 1 _ l Ml1iM� 111111!l�i1wI11Mti11Mln11t1111�Ir11IINllr�11111{IIIIN#!>>cwtlliiuttMill1t11lRltltlailllarpltl