HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-02-12, Page 3Go�-r�e Vid�tte arc
Thursday, February 12th, 1931
In every'. package
marked "Chinaware"
, . as pretty as you
can buy
Cooks in 2af2 minutes after' the water boils
The Young People's League held
their annual skating party at the Gor-
rie Arena on Wednesday evening with
about sixty young people present.
Following the skating party the lea-
gue were served with soup, cake and
tea, in the school room of the church.
Later in the evening captains were.
chosen for a contest which will end
in May. The captains were Misses
Alba Carson, Nellie Dane, Evelyn.
Stephen and Hector Hamilton, who
chose their sides. The contests prov-
ed to be very interesting.
Miss Jessie Hastie of the K. -W.
Hospital is visiting her brother', Mr.
Kenneth. Hastie.
Miss Beryl Ashton has returned
home after visiting her sister, !Mrs.
W. Strangway in Sarnia for the past
three weeks. '
Miss stock of Toronto is the guest
of Miss Beryl Ashton at present.
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Newton enter-
tained a few friends at a euchre par-
ty on 'Thursday evening: All report
a jolly time,
The Pleasure Club Piet at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. 1&. Grainger on Mon,.
day evening. The prizes were won by
Mrs. Max Abram and 'Mr.' ' J; L..
Campbell. The consolation prize 'was
won by R. G. Newton, The Club this
week are being entertained. 'at the
home of Mr. and- Mrs. Max Abram.
Miss, Gowdy of Wingham, wase a:
recent guest of Mr. and Mrs.. F.
Rev. an Mrs. R
v d M s S.er-
ones enter-
tained the members of the. ''oung
People's Society of St. James Church
Wroxeter, after a skating party was
held at the Gorrie rink.
On Feb. 5th the regular meeting, of
the Women's Auxiliary was held: at
the home ` of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac
Wade. The first part of the meeting
consisted of piecing quilts. The de,
votional"hour. followed with a Contin-
uationof the reading from the study
book for the year, entitled "Japan."
A paper. on the, second chapter was
given by Mrs.. F. C. Taylor. A paper
on 'the first chapter'` had been given
61st Annual Statement
A'ssurance Company.
Established 1869
The 61st 4nnual Statement . of . the Company' shows ,
substantial progress in the past year.
Net Surplus, earned.......:...; . .. . . $ 5,254,351.00 New Assurances paid for 193}.. ..... . • . .... � • . 60,526,2
Dividends paid Policyholders
Surplus Funds and Contingency Reserves..
Total Assets. .
Insurance in force .......... ..... ........ , ... . 492,833,31.8.00
Rate of Interest earned on Invested Assets 6.13%
Lowest .expense ratio in the Company's history.
Financial Statement, as of December 3lst, 1930:
Bonds .. , -
Mortgage Loans on Real Estate .
Real Estate, including Head Office Building
Loans on Policies
Cash • .. ... .. .. ...
Premiums in course of collection.. ... ..........
Interest due and accrued.
Policy Reserves
$ 44,220,138.33
$ 94,605,681.07 ..
Unpaid Policy Claims and Dividends to Policyholders, due
but not paid.. , , 797,688.00
Dividends left with. the Company at interest...—. 8,039,521.96
Taxes.. p Taxes.................................................... • . .. 229,081.90
Other Liabilities ......... . .: . ......... . • .... 522,077.26
Special Reserves and Surplus Funds.. 12,468,009.45
R. 0. 1MIcCulloch
C. M. Bownnan
President Chairman of the Board
L. L. 'Lang: Maj. -Gen. lion. S. C 1@lewbutat, l:.(;.,
ist; rine-President dn.cl Vice -President •
l:lYinl3c-' Hurl. J. Fred Fraser W. G. Watsonat. •.+. onyan
L. J. Breil.bxau1F >^> t E. G. ,!Gong ' .C. T. A. Russell, 'LL.D..
Glyn Osler, R.C. C. l+. Sise W. J. Blake Wilson
Isaac I'ilbladro, :1+;,.C.., LLD. Horn. J. E. Perriaul't.,K.C...
Avr'. 11. Stonier e,
' General Manager
A. E. Perluega nk., A.3.A.,
A,M: islon.t: General Manager
IL,1 L Cook, A. i.A.,1{ .A.S.,."vee i 'tary
ll L. Guy, F A.S., Treasurer
1890. ,
J. M. Laing, A.1.A., F.A.S., .<94.•unrnry
A.LA., li'.A. S.,
Associate 1arVary
W. Carlisle, Supt. of Agencies
J. M. , Livingston M.D.
D/edict,' Director
.PRocin.ss. or .X
$ 411c1.358
,iXM, )p ;,t3,';`,111,{`,1d..t p
1.696, 76
13 k,'i"s° y 059
Paid to
$ . 176,151
1.3, 394,1.40
3n Force
$ 13,710,800
492,833, 318
by Miss S. Evans at a previous meet-
ing in January. Mrs. W. King read
a chapter from the New 'Testament,
which was followed by "The Litany,
from the. Living Message." Closing
prayers were said by the President
and members in unison. The meeting
closed, with a lunch, served by the
Miss Sangster of Wroxeter visited
last week with Mr,, and Mrs. A. F•.
Toner. ,
Mrs. R. Hastie left, on Saturday for
Toronto where she will spend some
tune with friends. ,
Mr: E. Bolton and .Mr. M. C.:, Ed-
gar are in 'Toronto, this week atend-.
ing Durant Motor School, •
Mr. K. Hueston, was • a Wingham
visitor recently
Mrs.. • Schaefer, of Fordwich, spent
Sunday with her parents, Mr, and
Mrs, F. Cole.
Mrs. E. W. Bolton and children;
are spending this week, with Mrs.
Bolton's parents, near Harriston.
Gorrie League members have been
invited to present a program at the
Wroxeter League in, the month of
Services in the United Church were
well •attended last Sunday, At .the
morning -service,, Rev, Craikpreached
on the value of the., home.—“The five
important rooms in the home." At'.
the evening serviceL_ How. to •fi,nd'a
way out of depression.". At the even-
ing service the choir sang a request
selection—"Since Jesus came into my
heart." Let us sing your favorite
hymn. Give ,us the .title. and the choir
will do the rest.
Missionary Circle met at the home
bfMrs. E: W. Carson on Monday. ev-�
ening. •
Rev. F. W. Craik spent a couple of
days this week in ,Clinton.
The regular monthly meeting of
the W. M. S. of the Gorrie United
Church met at the ,home of. Mr`s:• R:
Clegg on Thursday, .Feb. 5th, at 2.30
o'clock, with an extellent. attendance.
Mrs, W. J. Gallagher, conducted the
devotional • exercises. The: meeting
with hymn "From every stormy wind,
that blows:" The .Bible lesson < was
read by Mrs, V.V. Gamble, was taken
from Matthew, chap 18: 19-20, 1 John
chap 1: 3-7, followed by prayer by
Mrs. T. O. Johnston, after which the
hymn "Front Greenland's icy moun-
tains" was sung. Mrs, C. Ramage
read the devotional leaflet "Lead us
not into temptation." The . Study
Book, "Fruits of Christian Missions",
was introduced by Mrs. W. Gallagh-,
er, followed by Mrs. D, Clegg, Mrs.;
J. Hyndman and Mrs. J. Wylie, who'
read the leaflets on the same theme,
Mr. R. Ashton and Mrs. F. W. Craik
rendered a vocal duet, "Does Jesus
Care?" Then Mrs, R. Ashton, presi-
dent, took charge and the following
business was transacted. A commit-
tee was put in to meet with the com-
niittees of the other churches to ars
range for the Day of Prayer,. Feb.
20th, etc. Our next meeting in the
month of March, will 'ta'ke the form
of a Fee Tea and will 'be held at the
home of Mrs, L. N. 'Whitley. The
roll call will be answered by each
member paying her fee. Every lady
of the congregation is cordially invit-
ed to attend. The meeting 'was brou-
ght to a close by singing hymn "We
have beard the joyful sound," and
prayer. by the Pastor.
The Guild of St. Stephen's Church
are preparing a play, entitled "A Sou-
thern Cinderella," to be' given in the
Town Hall on March 17th..
Mr. Keith Watson Met wiith an ac-
cident while helping Burns 'Stewart
cut wood. He was brought home and
the doctor called. We understand he
is as well as can be expected.
Eunice Irene Ferguson
Once more death las called anoth-
er prominent citizen of Howlett town-
ship in the person c f
•s)1 r° Eunice Irene
Ferguson.: Deceasedwas born •cit
April 10th, 1892, in I•Iowick township
and attended,' the Union School of
Howick and Turnberry, No. 13. On
June 9th, 1915, she was united in. mar-
riage to Thomas J. Ferguson, and
went to reside on Con. 16, Howick.
Sorrow came to the home very 'soon
in the death of her husband on Aug-
ust 12t1t, 1921. After her husband's
death she moved with Mr, and Mrs.
S. W. Ferguson to Garlic, The de-
ceased was highly esteemed through-
out the district. She was a member
of Gorrie United Church and belong-
ed to several local societies, including
the Women's Missionary Society, the
Woman's Institute and L.O.B.A, of
the Orange Order. After an illness
extending over several months, otic.
sister passed peacefully away on
Monday evening, Feb, 2nd, in her
39th year, ,An impressive service was
held in Gorrie United Church eon
ducted by her Pastor, ;Rev, P, W,
Craik, when the Church was com-
pletely filled with relatives and
friends, The text seleced for the ser-
vice was taken from St, Luke; :chap.
24, verse 50—"And He led them out
over. against Bethany ,and He lifted
up His hands, and blessed them.
While He blessed then' He departed
from them and was carried away to,
heaven," 'The Pastor said: "This text
Meads us Co' the thought that death is
inevitable..' We 'nay seep; to evad•ethe
question,' we may turn our attention
to. other Ghanne•Yt, `'we ma' Oceanic
absorbed.:in the work of the quick
movement :"of modern life, but death
must -surely come to you and to me.
Yet. -we •have a great hope in the midst
of sorrow.;' We feel in .ourselves the
future life:. The disciples intently
ed in a tonishmerit as Jesus was gat -
ered'up from their view. They desir-
ed to have Him -remain but they could.
not hold Him, 'The time of His de-
parture had conte, He must go hence.
Surely, the teachings of our Lord are
worse than meaningless if this life be
all, We must suffer these separations,
Our loved ones must leave us when
God sees fit to 'call, but what a joy
it will be, if, like our Saviour, we can
say: the uplifting and strengthening
word to our loved ones in that sol-
emn yet hopeful time. Our sister
knew that beyond the grave live :he
risen Christ makes heaven secure, a
place, where winter is past and spring
has come. The life of the deceased
mustspeak for itself and it did speak.
How appreciative she was of the.
kindly deeds 'of loved ones around
her: , Regular in attendance at the
means of .grace and always ready to
take her part in community life.
Suffering . extreme . weakness . of.
body, yet she, did not complain for
grace was supplied for every hour.
We shall remember her for her. quiet.
Christian life .and:: her ;optimistic' spir-
it. She - often sang, of the "Land that
is fairer than day," now she has en-
tered that Iand :of promise:" Three.
appropriate. hymns were sung, "Jesus
lover of my soul," "Asleep •in Jesus,"
and "Peace, perfect peace." The de-
ceased is survived by her mother,
Mrs. M. J. Neil, of Gorrie, one sister,
Mrs. W. Lackie of Lucan, and three
brothers, J. W. Neil of Kellwood,
Manitoba, 5, H. Neil of Gorrie, and
Ira W, Neil of Turnberry. The L.O.
B.A. conducted a very impressive ser-
vioe at the grave where a large con-
gregation paid fitting tribute to her
The Gorrie Arena was filled be-
yond 'capacity when on Friday even-
ing Teeswater, hockey team, who lead
their group, played with the Gorrie-
liVroxeter Unions, they 'heading their
group, The score was '3-2 in thc Un-
ions' favor.
The boys of both teams played a
clean game, there being only three
penalties. in all three periods. At the
end of the first period :neither team
had :scored "and no penalties. In the
second period each team scored and
the Teeswater boys had two penal-
ties. In the third period Teeswater
scored .another goal and one more
penalty was served, while the. Unions
scored. two goals making the score
Brown and •Edwa:rds scored for.the
Teeswater,—J. McBurney, A. Lit-
tle, W, McDonald, A. Blair, C. Ars-
cott, S. • McDonald, R. Ireland, E.
Gorrie:—J. 13rears, J. Gibson, G.
Paulin, B. Durst, H. Brown, B. Gib-
son. W. Pa.tilin, N. Hall, C. Edwards.
Referee --1. 1), Ward, Harriston.
Mr. Hugh Edgar suffered a para-
lytic., stroke on Saturday, affecting
one side, Mr, Edgar was in the vii
lage Friday in his usual good health.
Mr. Kenneth Edgar attended the
At Etotnc of pupils and t.e-pupils at
Stratford Normal School last Friday.
Tic monthly meeting of the Lad-
ies' Guild was held at the Rectory
this Tuesday when a number of the
ladies of the congregation attended,
'The Wroxeter-Gorrie hockey team'
defeated Teeswater teatn last Friday
teams play in Teeswater this Friday
night when a large crowd is expected:
to accompany the team. A special
train will be chartered if sufficient
passengers can be secured.
The managers of the rink are hold -
big a hitsiness !Hen's carnival Chia
Wednesday night.
The. World Day of Prayer will be
observed by a service to be Held in
night, 3-2 •in 'a close game. The sante
the Anglican Church at ,3 o'clock an
*'relay ;afternoon, Pb.a2bti , in which
"Husband off to work,
children off to school;,
how do you do it?'
"Oh, that's easy if you serve
Shredded Wheat. I just take
the biscuits from the package
and serve them with cream,
or with hot milk on cold win-
ter days. My family never
tire of it, and of coarse'
that pleases me, because
Shredded Wheat is a great
body-builder. The neces-
sary vitamins and minerals
are there, and so is the bran:
which .isso important to
good heath."
sy Ytl , {,5; 1 til
all the women -of the community are
asked to join.
Rev. H. Bolingbroke was in Lon'' -
don. a few days last week to be with
Mrs. Bolingbroke who is still' in the
Hospital there and whose health is
improving but not as fast as her many
friends would wish for and she will.
not be able to return' home for some
time yet,
Mrs. Walter Zeigler and two boys
of near Clifford. visited Thursday
with Mrs. Hugh McLeod.
Mrs. S. Zurbrigg spent Thursday
with Mrs. Thos. Strong.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Jacques of !rear
l,aleelet, and Leola; were visitors on
Sunday at Wm. Craig's.
Messrs. Wilmot and. John Craig
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, F.
Strong, 6th line.
Mr. Fred McIntosh spent last week,
visiting Mr. Sam Nicholson of Clif-
Don't forget the contest in the
Cornnntnity Hall Friday evening,
Come and pass your opinion,
Over two hundred', attended the
farewell party at. Otto Johann's on
Wednesday, evening when all enjoy-
ed themselves immensely. Music was
supplied by the Misses Wolfe and
brother, of Lakelet, assisted by oth-
ers, the verandah beingturned into
a pavillion. Mr. and Mrs. , Johann
made a capital host and hostess, serv-
ing a bounteous lunch to the large
Miss Eleanor Jeffray spent Sunday
evening with Miss iltabel Baker and
Mrs. John Irwin,
.1111111111•WOMPIIMINIFININ 1111011..11.
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weir spent a:
couple of days with their son and:
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weir.
of Listowel.
A large number from this locality^
attended the funeral of Mrs. Thomas
Ferguson of Gorrie on Wednesday
of last week. Mrs, Ferguson was for-
merly Miss
or-merly'Miss• Eunice Neill.
The League held' a social evening
last Thursday night.
The annual Congregational meet-
eeting will be held in the Church here,'
next Monday, at 2 p.m.
The Potato Crop
Figures supplied by the Dominion
Fruit Branch show an increase in the
1.930 crop of 19:6 per cent over 1929
production, with an estimated total of
49,160,000 cwt. Despite the prevail-
ing low prices storage stocks on Jan-
uary 1 were 9.6 per cent less than 'a
year ago There has been an apprec-
iable increase in truck receipts on the
larger markets due to continued milk.
weather and the increase in, yield in
the Prairie Provinces has been almost
sufficient to take care of demand in
that section.
F. a
Phm, B., Opt. D., R. 0,
Phone 118 Harristott, Ont..
"The Best Equipped Optical ]Ss
tablishment in this part of
Red=ion Sale
During January we are giving 20% off regular
price on'Madeµfo-Measure Clothing.
This is Your Opportunity to make a Big Saving
en your Spring Coat.
This also applies on Ready Made Suits, Overcoats,
Sweaters and Rubbers.
111:A e
Dave 's Store Wroxe