HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-02-12, Page 1Single Copies Fiye Cents. - FOLLOW THE GOV'T. PLAN In another column lefr, Geo, Hol- man, County Clerk, has a letter agi- tating for work on the 131utiwater Highway or roads leading to it, in- stead a paving the road south of Exeter, In this matter he urges the meed of employment, in the county, and the expenditure of the sum in- volved would give more direct results in this way. It must be remembered that the Department of Highways have a de- finite plan in view in developing a eystexit of highways through the pro- vince looking to the general advan- tage of the 'travelling public and the needs of the various localities. For year, there has been quiet but persis- • ten agitation for a highway leading from Western Ontario and the bord- er to the Muskoka Lakes District, To grant this the Department after considering many other schemes de- cided to extend No, 4 Highway from Clinton through to the Durham road (Highway No. 9), This No. 4 High- way is paved from London to Clin- ton, with the exception of 4 miles south of Exeter. In it this section that the Dept. calls for tenders for paving this year, No doabt the next four years will see the greater part of the road from Clinton to Teeswa- ted paved. Preliminary steps to that may be seen in the straightening of the road from Wingham to Teeswat- It is a defined plan of the Dept. to use the shortest route between two given points with due regard to cost a construction, hence, their adoption of• No. 4 Highway in preference to Bluewater route. Undoubtedly Goderich would bene- fit most by Mr. Holman's suggestion in having the roads leading to the Bluewatcr Highway improved at the expense of No, 4 Highway. It is al- together likely the Deptwill abide by the decision to complete No. 4 •Highway as already outlined, when ven The Bluewater project may be con- -sidered. HORTICULTURAL • PREMIUMS FOR 1931 Again the Wingham Horticultural •-Society offers valuable free premiums to 1931 members. One dollar will re - yew your inembership and you may ehoose one of the following options 'to be delivered at the proper time: . 12 Tuberous Begonias, double frill- ed, assorted:natters, 4 Spirea, Van Houttei, 2-L3 feet. 5 Clumps. Phlox, assorted colors. 2 Hybrid. Tea Roses, ,Souvenir de 'Claudieus Pernot and General Mc- Arthur. H.'Campbell, Mrs. E. L Nash, - President. Secretary. /Med in Toronto l'he death occurred at her late resi- etlence, 21 Westtnount Avenue, Tor - on Sunday evening, February Sth, of Hannah Mary Tipling,Itelov- ed wife of Robert Baillie Jeffrey. The funeral service was held at A. J. Wal- ker's funeral parIor on Wednesday af- ternoon. Interment being made in Wingham Cemetery, Bolding Tractor School The Massey -Harris is holding a tractor school on February 19th in their show room, Wingham. There evill be moving pictures, practical de- utonstrations of the four wheel trac- tor. We extend this invitatioti to all. Come and enjoy the afternoon with us. Frog -ram commencee at 1 pan, sharp. Come one, come all, • 1.UCICNOW GIRL HONORED A most enjoyable evening was •spent in the town hall, Lucknow, •ne- tently, when about one hundred and fifty friends of Miss Mary Cook, •a -4.‘r nerse-in-training at Wingham, gath- ered to wish her God -speed in her work. Dancing was enjoyed until about •eleven o'clock -Mite George Keettedy occupied the chair during a musical •Ofprogramme. At the conclusion of the " programme Miss Cook was presented • with a gold wrist watch and i parse of money by Mr. Lorne Durnin. The address was read by Miss Beth Alton. It was signed by 0, Richard, Walter Forster, Beth Alton. , Lunch was then setved and dant- ing resumed for a couple of houts. With Which is Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News. VVINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12th, 1931 WINGHAM UNITED CITURCH ENJOY VERY SUCCESSFUL YEAR—REPORTS RECEIVED The annual congregational !fleeting of Whigham United Church was held on Wednesday evening, Feb. 4th in the newly decorated assembly room of the church and was well attended. It was the first congregational meet- ing held since the completion of the fine addition to the church which in- cludes new S. S. class rooms, ladies' parlor, vestry, choir rooms, new ele ectrically equipped kitchen, and play room or gymnasium suitable for Bad- minton, basket ball and other games, all heated by a newly installed hot water system. • After devotional exercises, led by the Pastor, Rev. Sidney Davison, Dr. A. J. Irwin was appointed chairman and proceeded to call for reports from the different church oragnizations. These were most encouraging, the first being that of the Sunday School which is under the fine leadership .of Mr. Frank Howson. This showed an active membership of 284 and 32 on the cradle roll. They raised for all purposes $499.82 and contributed the splendid sum of $935.86 to the build- ing fund, consisting largely of a rc. serve fund the Sunday School has been holding in Bonds for some years with this object in view. The ,Philaletha Bible Class under Mrs. S. Davison as teacher, and Miss Phyllis Johns as president, reported 6 week -day meetings in addition to the regular ones and a balance on hand in the treasury; The W. M. S. under the presidency of Mrs. W. H. Willis has a. member- ship of 22 life and 78 annual mem- bers. Mrs. Willis reported a very suc- cessful year. Their givings exceeded their objective of $775.00 by $37.98. The study boole. "Jerusalem to Jeru salem" was taken up. The stun o $15.00 was donated to the Circle. Miss Blanche Bennett, president o the Victory Mission Circle reported a membership of 35 with 10 meeting which are held in the homes of the members. They raised $289.90 and look forward with optimism to an- other successful year. • The Young People's Society meets every Sunday evening after church service and report an added interest in the meetings. • Mr. McCool, presi- dent for 1930, is being succeeded by Mr. McKenzie of. the Business Rugby Tuxis Square rneets twice a week under the able leadership of E. S. Copeland and 5. H. Crawford, Mr. Carman- Coutts being pretor. Their m.embership is 16. They find the new playrooms giving them the necessary' physical training. adds much interest Lo their' meetings. ex's supervision, Last but not least among the re- ports was that of the Treasurer, Mr. J, A. Mills, who reported a grand to- tal of contributions by Wingham Un-. ited Church for 1930 of $14,286. Of this total $3600 was for Missionary and Maintenance, the amount allocat- ed to Wingham, and $3883,00 was contributed for the building Fund. A surplus in the general account of $443.57 is carried over to 1931 It was moved by Mr. Musgrove, and seconded by Mr. Andrew camp - bell that these reports be acctlited and that a vote of thanks of the con- gregation be expressed to the Pas- tor, to the choir, choir leader and or- ganist and to all the officers of the Church for the splendid work which has been accomplished as indicated by the reports received.—Carried. The business meeting was inter- spersed with musical numbers rend- ered by Miss Evelyn McKay, Carl McKay and Miss Tena Reid, Mr, T. Kew was elected by acclam- ation to fill the vcaancy on the ses- sion due to the death of Mr.• John McCallum. Elections were then held to replace six retiring members of the session, those elected being: W. Reid, W J. Campbell, J. 5. Moffatt, J. McMichael, J. H. Christie and R. Irwin. The following were elected similar- ly for the Committee of -Stewards: E. S. Copeland, J. S. Burchill, S. Ben- nett, G. L. Baker, G. W. Cage- and D. Geddes, W. A. Galbraith and E. S. Copeland were elected as auditors for 1931. The meeting closed with prayer by Rev. S. Davison. f LOCAL AND PERSONAL f Read about the 1 -Cent Wall Paper Sale on Page Four. Mr. Wm. Stewart made a business trip to Toronto last week. Miss Fairy Fells visited over the week -end with Bluevale friends. Miss E. J. Walters, R. N. of Tor- onto, is visiting at her home in town. Mrs. Frank Vanstone has returned home after spending • the past few months in the West. Gertrude Robertson's Hairdressing Parlour will be closed from Feb. 16th tg February 21st inclusive. Miss Eleanore McLean is spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Win. Elliott, Glenannange • Mrs. Geo, 0/Ver and, Miss Mary McCallurie attended the funeral of The Ukanctus Group of C.G.I.T., Jean Copeland, president, 'held 23 meetings and have, 19 members. They donated $20,00 to the work of the antl presented a new clock to the. congregation. The Mission Bead under, Mrs. W. 'Wellwood and Mrs. G. Williams, has a membership of 54, a large increase over last year. They raised $102.65, aed held 13 meetings. Miss jean Copeland is president. Mr. J. I -I. Christie reported on be- half of the choir referring to the hours of practice and the necessary regularity of attendatice. The congre- gation appreciate the faithful capable services of the leader, organist and choir. The Ladies' -kid deserve special mention in this report. Under the presidency of Mr. Wm. E. Brawley they had the planning and equipment of the new electrically equipped kit- chen. 'The work has been splendidly done and is credit to the church, The providing of the $1000 promised by them to the building fund of thi. church has engaged much of their thought. They have contributed $874.11 to this and have a balance on hand ref $108.98. Other expenditures during the year have been $160,80, A bale of clothing valued at $275.00 was sent to Meroons, Sask., to help re- lievfe the distress of that arca. 1)r. Redmond, Clerk of the Session, reported a chureh membership of 694, a net gain of 6 from last year. This is a large membership for one min- ister to oversee and leaves him with but limited time foe study, Yet here we should, go on record giving praise where it is due that out coegrega- Unit never had,,ttiore earnest spiritttal sermons nor have they had the pas- toral duties of the minister more faithfully performed, The Baby Band has a metribership of 17 and is under Mrs, Garnet I3ak- their cousin, Miss Susan Laidlaw in Blyth, on Saturday, February 7th. Mr, W. B, McCool was in Toronto lase week attending the annual tneete ing of the Ontario -Quebec Newspap- er Association, Miss Wilma Johnston of Grand Valley, spent the week -end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Johnston. Mrs. R. Vanstone is renewing ac- quaintances in town, before leaving Lor St. Petersburg, Fla., where she will spend a couple of months. Left For Florida Mrs, A. U. Bishop and Mrs. J. W. Hanna left. on Monday for Miami, Florida,. where they will spend a month with 'relatives and friends, WINGHAIVI GIRLS TRIM KINCARDINE The girls' hockey team. of the Wingham High School journeyed to Kincardine on Friday of last week and engaged the Kincardine High School girls IC a friendly game. The Wingham girls were victorious by the score of 2-1. , Winghant's both goals were scored in the first period by Hazel Wilson, and it wasn't mail the fieal period that Kincardine scored. The girls,are even keeping tie the reputation of the boys this ye., by not losing a game away from home. The line-ups: Winghatn—Goal, Helen Beattie, de- fense, Mary King and Betty Walker; centre, Margaect Currie; wings, Ella Rae and Hazel Wilson; alteritates, Vera Fry, Agnes Louttit •and Dell Walker. • Kincardine—Goal, Allison Mitchell, defense, Margaret Cobean, Florence Swanson; centre, Mary Stewart; wings, Beth Chapman and Jean Mc- Kenzie; alternates, Georgina McCul- lough, Helen and Jean McDonald WEST BRUCE COUNTY MEETING The annual nieeting of West Bruce L, 0. L. was held,in Lucknow lodge room Qll, Tu,esday with 68 members signing the register. Comity Master Emmerton called the meeting to order and the General Business was conducted. The County Master gave a very impressive address to the tnernbers in session. A grant of money was forwarded to the Sick Children's Hospital at Richmond Hill at • Toronto, from West Bruce County Lodge. While Lodge was in session a telegram from Huron County Lodge in isession at Wing - ham was received with a kind invita- tion to join with North Huron in a celebration at Blyth on July 13th, 1931, the 12th falling on Sunday. West Bruce County Lodge recom- mended Blyth as the town to cele- brate the 12th in. Business being con- cluded up till the election of officers, County Master Emmerton called on Past County Master Mahood of Kin- cardine to conduct the election of of- ficers for 1931, which resulted as fol- lows: • W. C. M.—Wm. Emmerton, Bethel, D. C. M.—Wm. Haldenby, West- ford. C. Chap.—Rev. E. Lucknow. C. Rec. Sec.—C. E. Zion. • C. Fin. Seca—Lloyd C. Treasurer—John Kincardine. ' • C. Marshall—Peter now. lst C. Lect—John Miller, Si. Hel- ens. 2nd C. Lect—John McDonagh, of Zion. Dep. Lect.--John ;Bushell, Bervie. Immediately aftei the election of officers the Orangemen's wives of Lucknow Lodge serived the members a very tasty lunch. The evening was spent in card and dancing. O. Gallagher, McDonagh, of Bell, Bethel. Einmerton, of Carter, Luck - MOVE TO UNSEAT • MAYOR SAINT A move to unseat Joseph T. Saint, a former Winghatnite, ae Myaor of the town of AVallacebrag, was launch- ed in the county court there on Sat- urday. The action against Mr. Saint is in the name of Edwin Hall, railway fore- man, and is slated to be heard at Chatham on March 4th. The application is •laid under sec- tion 195 of the Municipal. Act', and alleges' that Saint, or his agents pre- mised and did pay sums of $7. a day g for the use of motor cars to take a people to and from the polls. Following this.action Mayor Saint stated it wasn't any surprise to him, and declared he would fight the ease and if disqualified, would seek re-el- ection in the confidence he has the support of the majority- of the 'Wel- laceleurg ratepayers. . CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HOLD ANNUAL MEETING — FINE REPORTS RECEIVED • The local Chamber of Coinmer held their annual meeting ixf t Council Chamber on 'Tuesday eve ing, Feb. 10th, with a fairly repr sfentative gathering present. ' ,The President, E. S. Copeland, was in the chair and because of the en- forced absence = of two committee Chairmen gave a short report of their activities. The first activity after the change of officers on October 13th last was the Armistice Memorial Cel- ebration, Patriotic Concert and Sports Carnival on Nov. lith. Proceeds from the Patriotic Concert and the Sports Carnival were divided equally between the Band and the Arena, am- ounting roughly to one hundred and twenty dollars to each organization. A statement of receipts and expendi- tures was published by the Chairman, Mr. Herb Campbell, over the signa- ture of the Treasurer of the even Mr. A. M. Bishop. • A Community Christmas Tree an Santa Claus Fund was raised unde the chairmanship of Mr. C. P. Smith Treasurer of the Chamber of Com merce, and the donations amounted t slightly over $300.00. A Christma Tree concert was organized by M Herb. Campbell for which over cigh hundred bags of goodies were pre pared and given out at the concer and in the Christmas hampers. Twen ty-five Christmas hampers were dis tributed. A statement of the receipt and expenditures was published by Mr. C. P. Smith showing a balance of $169.00 on hand after the Christ- mas cheer had been distributed, Sub sequently at the request of the Presi dent and Mr. C. P. Smith, the loca council in regular meeting appointe Mayor Fells and Mr. R. H,Lloyd. an officer of the Chamber of Com merce to be a Central Relief corn mittee to administer the balance o the fund as unemployment relief This action was taken by the abov naxned executive officers to prevent duplication of effort and to provide for a wiee and economical distribu- tion of the funds available. • Vouchers for expenditures were being filed by the Relief Committee with the Treas- urer of the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Fells gave an outline of the work that had been done and said that Wingham was much better off than many places in regard to the necessity for relief. The 3?resident further reported that a luncheon had been held on Friday evening, Jan. 23rd but owing to' number number of other activities the meet- ing was not able to take up time for ce reorganization was in rnind and that he further . announcements would be n- made after the next executive me,et- e- ing. WEDDINGS • Doig -Brooks A quiet but Pretty wedding was solemnized at the manse in Loverna, VVednesday evening at 7.30 when Winnifred Jean, second daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. j. Brooks of Lav- erne, Sask., formerly of Bluevale, was united in marria.ge to Robert E. Doig, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Doig of Hoosier, Sask. Rev. Banks officiated. The bride looked charming' in a gown of ivory silk georgette with shoes and hose to match. The bridesmaid, Miss Phyllis Maris, was •attired iti a gown of buttercup flat crepe. The groom t, was supported by Mr. Jack Barr. After the signing of the register d the wedding party departed to the r home of the bride's parents, and par- took of a bounteous wedding supper. The happy couple will reside at the 0 groom's home in Hoosier, • r. Jenkins -Ward • t• A very pretty -wedding-was solem- _ nized at the United Church parson - e age, Wingham, on Wednesday, Feb. _ 11th, at 3 o'clock, when Mary Ellen, eldest daughter of Mrs. Beatrice s Ward, St Augustine, became the bride of Edward Borden Jenkins, on- ly son of Mrs and the late Edward Jenkins, Wingham. The Rev. Spine" Davison officiated. The bride looked charming in a gown of brown crepe back satin and carried a corsage bou- quet of carnations, lily of the valley and maiden hair fern. After the cere- 1 _ mony a dainty wedding supper was _ served at the groom's home to the immediate relatives. This esteemed . young couple will reside in Wing - e ham and have the best wishes of a Appointed Township Treasurer Mr, Jas. Currie, sae of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Currie, has been ap- pointed by the East Wawanosh coun- cil to succeed Mr. Finlay Anderson as Treasurer. Mr, Currie was educat- ed in Wingham High School and was overseas. His many friends will be pleased to hear of his appointment.. Another Farm sbad R. N. Armstrong reports another sale through the NatiOnal Farm Ag- ency, of Mr. Elmer Fowler's farm, 3rd line Morris, to Mr. Gordon 0. Walker, Turaberry. Mr. Armstrong has some bright prospects for the fu- ture, Anyone wishingato sell or buy should get in touch with him et his office, Gurney's Glove Works. CONGRATULATES3 HocKgy TEAM To the Wingham Hockey Club and players, I ,extend my congratulations an whining their group in the Nor- thern League, and 1 trust that you :will go it :long way lowards • the championehip. 7131c3 account in the Wing -ham m- et' of your last game • brought back neemotiee of other days, when :the writer played manye•a. game; with Winghant itt Lucknow, under • similar conditions, ' • Yours for greater succees, Charles E. MacLean, .. An old Winghent hockey player." eneral discussion. Mr. A. J. Walker nd Mr. A. M. 'Bishop who arranged he luncheon at. the Peacock •Cafe, did so as •a gesture of good. will on the part of our Chamber of Commer- ce to one of our •newest business nien, Mr. R. H. Lloyd, Chairman of the New Industries Committee reported that he was followiog up Reeve Vright's suggestion at the last lune heon and if a sugar beet factory ould be located here every effort would be made by this comenittee to achieve results. The Annual election of officers re- turned the present officers en bloc, while a further motion provided for the replacing of any resignations and the appointment of councillors with- out neference to a general meeting. A motion was passed requesting Me. Musgrove and Mr. Dodds to act as Chamber of Commerce auditors without fee. Reeve McKibbon, Mr. Greer, May- or Fells, Cooncillor Davidson, Mr. G. Williams, Mr. Cosens, Mr. Bishop, Mr. Walker and others took part in lively discussion with a view to the strengthening of the hatud of the Chamber of •Commerce in its activit- ies for 1931. Mr. T. j. McLean, Vice President, was complimented by the President for, distributing to some of the es- tablishments in town an attractive Patriotic hanger put out by the Min- ister of Trade and Connnerce. The meeting asked Mr. McLean to pro- cure, if possible, a copy for every busieess house in town, • The meeting coevened •at 8 „pen and adjourned at 10 p.m The execu- tive officers of the Chamber of Com- metce for 1931 Rile as follow'.: President—E. S. Copeland. lst Vice President—T. j. McLean, 2nd, Vice President—G. L, Baker, • Secretary—W. T. Booth, • Treasurer—C. Smith, The President suggested that eome host of friends. The employees of Gurney's Glove works presented Miss Mary Ward with a cabinet of silver prior to her marriage. ONTARIO -QUEBEC WEEKLIES MEET The annual meeting of the Ontario - Quebec Division of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association was held in the Royal York Hotel, Tor- onto, on Friday of last. week. Hon. W. G. Martin, Minister of Welfare, in the absence of Premier Henry, ex- tended greetings to •the Association At the conclusion of the morning ses- • sion the delegatse were the guests of the MacLean Publishing Company to- a buffeteltneheon and an inspection of their magnificent plant. In the ev- ening the newspapermen were tend- ered a banquet at the Royal York. Pancake Social Remember the Pancake Social. to be held in the basement of the Unit- ed Church on Tuesday, February 17 at 6 o'clock. Admission 25c. Fur Coats Direct From Factory to Wearer. The Canada Fur Co. will have a display of Fur Coats at Isard's store on Friday, February 13th. You are itvited to see this fine collection of coats at very special clearing prices. Bey now at a Big Saving, - . FORMER HURON RESIDENTS GATHER Mote More than 700 faience residents of a score of centres in Huron County, now living in Toronto, were warmly •greeted as "old friends," at the 21st annual ,"at home of the. Huron Old Boys' Association in Simpeon's Ar- cadian Court Thursday night. They were welcomed by Hon. Rohart Weir, Federal 1V1inister of Aviculture, it tive son and' former school teacher of Turnbeery Township and the town of Wingham in HuronCoenty• Congratulations were showei-ed on Edward Bloody, secretary of the as- sociation since ito inception. with the exoeption of one. 'year-1903—whee Ite WaS president, Among the guests weleomed by the ?resident, G. C..Vanstone, were: Sett- atos and Mrs, Spence, Controller and Mrs. 'Backer, Alderman and Mrs. teuelzworth, and Alderman &berry,. who represented the Mayor. A full report of the gathering will be pithilshed ill next issue. CHURCHES SHOW SPLENDID PROGRESS The Treasurer's report of the Wro- xeter United Church, shows the fin- ances of the Church to be in a flour- ishing condition, The receipts axe.onnted to $2423.85 while the expendi- ture was $2150.85. in the Mission- ary and Maintenance Fund $710.98 was raised. 'The Women's Mission- ary Society raised $368,74, all other- laranches of the church work also in- dicater splendid progress, in all a total pf $3592.84 was raised for all purposes. -The Salem lJnited Church also had, a splendid year. In the general fund $839.13 was raised, leaving a balance of $60.20; and for Missions $205.86 was contributed; the Warnen's Mis- sionary Society collected $92.94; the receipts for the LadiesAid amounted to $114.53; the Sunday School raised $65.37 and the Busy Bees' Mission 13and, $25,17. The 'total amount raise ed in all branches of the church was $1113,42. Rev. H. Bolingbroke, 13.D., is the Pastor for both the Wroxeter and Salem churches. - • The 13luevale United Church receiv- ed in the general account $2627.50, leaving a balance of $13.65; the Y. P. Society raised $136.02; the Women Association $85.24; the Sunday school $122.70, and the Women's Missionary Society $229.15. In all branches the grand total = of approximately $3300 was raised. The Ebenezer Church on the Blue - vale Circuit raised in the general ac- count $785.88, in the Sunday School $116.90, and in the Women's Assoc- iation $2435. Rev. A. E. Mann is the Pastor a the Bluevale and Ebenezer churches. The Treasurer's statement for Knox United Church, Delmore, shows. receipts of $1246.61; the • Sunday School $93,70; the Women's Mission, ary Society $167.38, and the Young People's Society $122.23. Rev. Ralph H. Turnbull is the Pastor TWENTY- ONE RINKS AT BONSPIEL The Huron Curling Club of Wing - ham are holding a successful bonspiet on Wednesday and Thursday, twen- ty-one rinks taking pert, from the fol- lowing places? Belmore 4, Kincardine 2, Wroxeter 2, Ripley 2, and one each from Lucknow, Gorrie, Fordwich and Listowel, along with seveti local. The. prizes for the different events have been on di.splay. in King Bros windows. The results of the bonspiel will be published next week. Irisk:Supper, The Ladies' Aid of St. Andreev'e Presbyterian Church will serve an Ir- ish Supper in the Lecture Room of their Churcb on Tuesday • evening, March 17th. Corset Demonstration Mrs. Barron, graduate Corsetierre, will be at our store all day Friday, Feb. 13th and until Saturday noon, Feb. 14th. Arrange to see the new Foundation Garments • for Spring. King Bros, 3 Counties to Celebrate 'The invitation of the North Huron LO.L. to West Bruce and South Heron to celebrate with them at 13lyth on July 13th, has been accepted and a monster celebration of the 8 counties will be held, Harriston Here Friday Night 'rho Harristoe Bronchos, winners of their group meet Wingham Sertiors in the Wingham Arena on Friday night, in the first, emend of the play- offs fdr the Northern Leagtte champ- ionship. 13and itt attenclante. JUNIOR WIN IN SUDDEN DEATH The Wingham Juniors, who, by de- feating Kincardine here last Friday night tied with Ripley for the group honours, and by the toes of a coin decided to play a sudden death game in Ripley last eight (-Wednesday) to decide the winner, The game was one of the fastest this scaeon with the Wingliam boys always iri the lead. The final score being 3-1, By this will the Wingliam kids have the group and will nieet Clinton in the fit'Ai r0t111(1 of (.11'0 P a orfs,