HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-02-05, Page 8itt, :ct�';'�.� u :t teark ,,i,•".414 -171•4x �t • Sffi'� Thursday; February lith, 1101371 IN FULL ST.'lIDE Thu, is t e onth each year we set apart for our 'Great StoremiNide Sale. A Birthday Event which is eagerly awaited from season to season. "No effort has been spared to make this sale the best in our history." � w COME ALONG AND SEE THE BARGAINS FOR YOURSELF - YOU'LL BE MORE THAN SATISFIED BE SURE TO -READ THE SALE BILL SENT YOU A FEW DAYS AGO, AND KEEP IT FOR REFERENCE Phone 71 19th LINE HOWICK Misses Dorothy Porterfield and Melinda Litt,Howiek-Minto Bound- ary, spent a couple . of days at Thos.. Strang's Mrs. W. J. Horsburgh met with a very painful' aecident when she fell with a kettle of hot grease, burning her ankle and foot badly. Misses Melinda and Pauline Litt and Mr, Herman Lift visited on Sun- day at the home of John Greenley, near Greenbush. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Strong,Verda rda and Olive, visited on Sunday at Hugh " McLeod's. Miss Margaret Pritchard has been confined to the house for several days with a serious attack of stomach flu. • We hope' she will soon be around - again. BLUEVALE The executive of the Literary So- ciety was o-ciety.was much encouraged' on Wed- nesday evening at the first meeting to find the Foresters' Hall filled to capacit3r.: The ch,ir seas -occupied by the president, J. C. Higgins, and af- ter the opening number, "The' Maple' Leaf Forever," gave a short address, stressing the need of co-operation in order to bring,this literary society up to the standard of previous societ-, Inc. An orchestra consisting of Messrs.. Vanstone, Robertson and Moffat and t the Misses Robertson, 'Mathers and I Dobie, with Miss Margaret Garniss' as pianist, rendered several selec- tions, The mouth -organ selections e by Elliott and Mundell were enjoyed., Russell Barnard read a well-prepared s :essay; "Why T Like the Farm,'.' High land dancing by several young girls and Mr. Smith's Scotch singing was Wingha.mi Ont. EAST WAWANOSH and New _Year's, there now will be a great flutter among the fair sex: A,` skating party is being held on the Maitland river, Wednesday, Feb. llth. All the young folks are invited. A Valentine Party is beingheld at the ;'home of Mr,. and Mrs. Herson Irwin. Mr. .Melville Beecroft has been spending a few, days at the home of his father, Mr, John Beecroft. Mr. Morris Leitch is still working for Mr. Ernest Robinson: Young men who want to get cut- ting wood willfind work on the tenth line. a Mr. Syrel Canning and Mr, Calvin t Robinson have been cutting wood for s Mr. Herson Irwin, Mr. Jim McGee has traded a heavy pleasing feature. Miss Olive Scot gave a short address on "The Aim and Objects of a Literary Society and two-year-old colt to Mr, Norman - Coulter for a black driver, Skating is held every Saturday af- ternoon on the Maitland river. How to Attain Them," The two int portant points stressed were enter tainment and education. The address of the evening was given by Rev.' A. E. Mann, taking for 'his subject, "The Ancient Historic City. of Cam -et -to -dune." or in modern days known as Colchester, a wonder- ful city: built and occupied by the Ro- mans, surrounded by walls of the most perfect construction in Britain. A castle in the heart of the city is noted fortheamount of tesselated pavement. The play, "A Case ,of Suspension," presented by the young people of Browntown, was a most enjoyable feature. The parts were well taken by the following cast: Charles John- ston, Miss Ettie Agar, Miss Viola Mc- Leod, Walter Sellars, Miss Ethel Gar- niss, Miss Margaret Mustard, Miss Emma Johnston, Harry Garniss, Mel- ville Mashers, Bert Garniss. Owing to the Women's Institutre having a play in the Forresters' Hall oil' Thursday evening, Feb, 12, the next literary meeting will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 18. Tittc Women's Institute will hold their regular annual open "meeting in the Forresters' Hall on 'Thursday ev- ening, .Feb. 12th,the programme com- nittee consisting of the following adios : have charge of the evenings program, Convenor, Mrs. D. J, Fal caner, Misses B.:'Tfiotnton,-.P, Matli- rs, C. Jewitt and H. Blundell. The play Above the Clouds will ' be pre- ented. Everybody welcome, • 111A111111111111111/dlill511191111311111111111111M1 Mrs; Harr C n 11®I11�1111�I11d9ilII�i114f1ti1�111&f111�11fi�iil091t1�(ilig111�1ii�1111®iN Y . d o DONNYBROOK Mrs.. Geo. Naylor spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs: John Mills. Misses Elaine Bamford and Mar- jorie Campbell and Mr. James Mur- phy of the; G. •C I. were -home for the week -end. Messrs. Arnold, .13i11 and Melvin Craig visited over the week -end with Ashfield friends. Mrs. Wni. Robinson spent a few days last week with her ;..daughter, Mrs. John Kilpatrick of Crewe. Mr. Elwyn Chatnrtey spent:' a few days last week With friends in God- erich. RAPID CITY We regret to report the accidental death of Esther Thomson, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Thomson, which occurred last Thurs- day evening. The funeral was held BLYTH Mr. Robert Vint attended the fun- eral of the late Mrs. Robert Nesbitt on Thursday. - ,. Mrs, (Dr.) Milne spent the past week visiting her daughter, Mrs. Mur - and Mrs. William Thuell, had 'several of -her fingers badly lacerated while playing around a cutting machine in the stable. • ,. Mr. Ben Lockhart is improving af- ter his recent illness. Mrs.) , Rev .- Anderson ( dorso is in Wyom- ing, visiting Mr: Andersons' mother, who is critically ill. The annual meeting of the Blyth Municipal ; Telephone Co., held on January ,30th, was largely attended. The reports showed $11,000.00 sur- plus.. It was decided to lower the rate to subsribers from $15:00 to $12.00. The renters were reduced from $15.00 to $13.00. The following commission- hers were elected for the ensuing year Mr. T. M. Chambers and Mr. John Fingland. At the meeting ofthe com- missioners, Mr; G. M. Chambers was re-elected.. chairman, for the fouth term. Miss Luella Campbell of Windsor ^ is visiting her sister, Mrs. Mable ray,.in Miss Dorothy Robinson spent the week -end with friends in:;Seaforth. Miss Attie Toll has been on the sick list but is now convalescing. •The Women's Institute are holding an. At Honie in Memorial Hall on Thursday 'night. Mr. James Moody who has been seriously ill is somewhat •improved, from South Kinloss Presbyterian Ruth, the little daughter of Mr. Church on, Saturday afternoon and the little body laid to rest in: Kinloss cemetery, We extend our deepest sympathy to the parents, brothers and sisters. Mr. and Mrs. William Stimson vis- ited with friends in Toronto last week. Mr.:Hiram Bloom. left on. Monday cn a business trip to Hamilton, hampion reroute Tuesday from a two weeks' visit with friends in Toronto. Miss Alice Thomson of Hanover is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas: Thomson. Mr. Alex. McKenzie has secured the caretaking: of South Kinloss, also Sexton of .Kinloss cetttetery for the coming > year. Mrs. Ida Sills entertained' a few of her friends to a hot fowl supper on i Lm. �[; �,�.. = a at Hanna & Co's. -_ II JANUARY SALE 1 SAVINGS ON MEN'S WEAR FOR YOU I Ili to Ii! lilt II11111 ti 11l1111111!11l1 This includes all Men's O'coats—Boys' O'coats Men's Suits and Boys' Suits, . Mackinaws, Odd Trousers, Shirts 35 Mon's O'coats still to clear—These include all our best coats, prices .... . $14.50 to $26.75 Reg. up to $40.00 Half-price Boys' —These are Blue a ld Fancy Tweed O'coats, sizes 23 to 36— $6900 Coats for , , . $3.00 $12.00 Coats for . , $6.00 $18.00 Coats for . , , , , . $9.00 MEN'S SUIT SALE—Our Special for this week is a $15.00 Sunt These suits are worth seeing—Include faneys and blues—We also have, 10 bine Snits worth up to $35.00-4 'size 40-4 size 42 and 2 si'e 44 M rine guaranteed Serge --Sade price $20.00 Oc BARGAIN TABLE ---Look it overt. It will con. Boys' Shirts, Men's Caps, Bays' Overalls, Boys (drr' rheas, Boys' Golf Hose, Men's $1..00 Silk Ties Men's Work Shirts 'Thursday evening, ses BELGRAVE i9 The many friends of Mrs. Charles El Nicholson of New York were shock - t ed at the news of her sudden death r from a stroke, Mrs. Nicholson was s an old and highly respected Belgrave girl and a daughter of the late Mr. fi and Mrs.: John Proctor of fourth line Morris. In her girlhood she married Cameron Robertson who predeceased' s her over eight years ago and four iss years ago she married Charles Nich- olson of New York. Her death carne ▪ as a gnat shock to her many old -- friends and neighbors as she was just a young woman. She leaves one son, 1.4 Harper Robertson of Listowel, and Fit two brothers in Saskatchewan, and a ig bereaved husband to mourn her loss, lMr. Robt.; Armstrong of Dakota has been visiting among old friends itt the village the past week; Mr, Oreo; Orvis of Wingltam visit- ed with Joe Brandon one day last week. Miss :!errs Boit of \Vavi trtosli is spending a couple of weeks with N. Anem a itt London, Mr, Fred Lot;an has been cutting wood for Mr, Wrn, Scott. As Mr, Clayton Logan has returned home from the: WCt't' between Xmas tt.T 11111111111f111i 11fill(111111loill fli tll lti tl(I#1f11( IIiIS11111f1t1 1619 1fi111111d 1111 1111111/1 1111 IP' • r DIAMONDS- • WATCHES GIFTS GEO WILLIA S OFFICIAL. C:N,R; WATCH INSPECTOR Repairing•Our Specialty Moderate Prices Satisfaction Guaranteed Every month one watch will be REPAIRED FREE It inay be yours—Bring it in SPECIAL VALLTE IN • DINNERWARE SILVERWARE JEWELRY 111.,,,,,,0, iRbPl111�1111�1llsfllllei!l1i911i1�111.111111111l�1 ____ �1 H•RSES . v NT g' ri rrn111100d101.111261.7dMIIIIM*02111BIAIM tri Farm 'Chunks , 1 Wagon Horses aand horses weighing, ups to 1600 lbs., in good comm 'I + dition1 ii We will be in Wtnngharn E WHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Archie Anderson of St Helens were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Robert Purdon, Miss Beatrice Johnston of Stratford is visiting here with her uncle, Mr. Thos, .MeCreight. Mr, Melville Beecroft of Western University, spent the week -end with his .father, Mr: John Beecroft, Messrs. Hugh, . David and Charlie Henderson and Teddy: Mowbray pent a few days. in 'Toronto. Mr. Roy MacGregor is holding a dance in. the Institute hall on Friday evening, - Mrs. Dan Martin is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Irwin ofLucknow. Miss Grace and, Jim Richardson, and Mr. and Mrs, Frank Rising spent Monday last with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tiffin. .Mrs. George MeClenaghan and Mildred spent a few .days last week with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Dobie of Wingham. Word was received here last Thurs- day of the death of Mr. Robert Bar- bour of Fergus; and Mr, and Mrs, Elwood Barbour, Mr, Arnold Woods of St. Helens and Mrs. Dick Martin of Ripley, left to attend the funeral on Friday. Miss Winnifred Farrier of Ripley High Sceol spent Saturday at her home here, Mr, Thos, Henderson and Hugh David spent the week -end with Mr: and Mrs, Cecil Falconer, The Y. P, 5, of the united Church are holding a social evening on Feb, 13th. The program will take the fot•nt of a contest. Quite a number of the neighbours of Mr, and Mrs, John Johnston spent a pleasant evening with them on Monday last. Miss Grace Richardson spent the weeksend with Miss Fairy Fells of Winghatn. Mr, Ross Caskinette entertained the fourth line of Kinloss at a dance held in the empty house of the farm of Mr, David Scott, in Culross on Wednesday last, Mrs. Dan Martin and` 13i11, spent Friday last with Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Stewart, The regttltr meeting of'the W. M. S, of tl,e `United Church was held in the elturelt on 'Wednesday last. The 't e eidcnt, Mrs Tlios, Count, presid- ed. After theopening exercises, t11c ollnwing business MS transacted. Che ladies unanimously accepted Y' I an tt i Ci t'a Bring your horses I Eli a in early. Fal: fi Watson Deacon rc� (1 "I ors" Buyers) fil a~roxnto Ont. 1Y.I f 1111lidllf on A�ssa � 1 rr:ia Fero $dl ;11,1 11111tl11191f111P�11111U11r'iti11 111 111 a '111 111611111 invitation from the W.M.S. ladies of Chalmcr's Church, to ` hold a united meeting. in Chalmer's Church on ,the World's Day of Prayer, to be held on Friday, Feb, 20, The ladies decided to hold another birthday contest, to collect a cent a year from the mem- bers and congregation, for the pur- pose of presenting a life membership to the one who has been a W. M. S. worker for the longest tithe, -Mrs. T, H. Moore and Mrs. Lott called sides. Mrs. Frank Henry read an inter- esting paper in remembrance of the late Mrs. Cuyler, who was a life mem- ber of. this W. M. S. -.Mr. Harold Sperling also contributed a solo.. Some of the ladies .of the Women's Institute, are putting on a hard -time dance in the Hall on Tuesday, 17th, and anyone not dressing accordingly will, be fined. • The ladies of the Institute are busy practising for a play; which they in- tend to present in the near future, Mr, Elwell Webster of ,Winghatn, made his regular Sunday trip through the village with his snowmobile, Mr, and Mrs; George Tiffin enter- tained a"number of their relatives on Thursday Iast. The many friends of Mrs. Geo. Robertson of East Wawanosh are pleased to hear that she has been able to be up again. Much sympathy is felt in this coni- munity ' for Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Thompson, who with their family of eleven children, live a mile north of Loch -now. The parents were away and one of the older boys coming in- to the . house with his rifle as he was going rabbit hunting, laid it down on a chair, while he went upstairs to see what the children were doing. A younger boy picked it up and as he did so, it' discharged, the shot enter- ing the back of the little sister's head and coming out her eye, She was killed instantly. Shewas not quite • two years of ,age and was buried in the .Presbyterian burying grounds in the church on the 2nd of Kinloss on Saturday. Her four brothers acted as :pallbearers, The service at ; the church and grave were• held by the Pastor.. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson for- merly lived near Langside, and this community extends sympathy to the • bereaved family. February 2nd was a fine sun -shiny day here. And any bear or ground- hog that could get out from under the huge snow -banks, would be able to see their shadow easily, Misses Ann. May and Susan Car- rick have taken the care -taking of the United Church Mr.: and Mrs, Jas. Wilson have had. the Delco light installed in their home. It was • turned on on Friday last. Mr, 'and Mrs. Albert Green from Teeswater spent a few days last week at the home; of her brother, Mr: T. Gaunt. Miss Nettie Casemore of Turnber- ry spent the week -end at the Koine of Mr, and Mrs. Lance Grain. Mrs.:'Patterson and Mrs. Bell of Lucknow spent Wednesday last with Miss Ida McQuoid:.' Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Tiffin and Mr. and Mrs: Robert Stewart and child- ren spent Sunday with Mr `and Mrs. s Joe Tiffin. Wre congratulate Mr. Jas, Weir' and Mr:. Millan Moore for getting' prizes at the High School Literary on -Fri' day evening in Wingham. The 'for hoer won the first prize of $5.00 don- ated by C. P, Smith, to the pupil tak- ing the highest standing inthe first form and the .: latter• winning two splendid books as prizes in field•. day competition, Pass the. Ketchup "Some people would kick anywhere but in a .footballgame," snorted the restaurant proprietor. "1 can't see what thein epicures has got to coni plain about with this soup." "Theyy wouldn't have no grouch: corning, sir," explained the waiter, tactfully, "if only the nook Would ad- mit it's soup. He says it's coffee." NEW h; t�' ; w YCEUf\v�_ .e,EAT ',E WITH 100 PER CENT. TALKING PICTURES Thursday, Friday, Saturday, February 5th, 6th, 7th Buddy Rogers In "HEA.DS UP —WITH Helen Kane and Victor A Tuneful Comedy Adventure Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Feb., 9th 10th 1 th' of Gibson .. In 'ROARING RANCI " A Western Comedy Drama