HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-02-05, Page 6Winghani Acivance.Tixnes.
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Every Tharsday Morning
W. Logan Craig - Publisher
Subscription rates — One year n2,00.
Six months $1.00, in advance.
To U. S. A. $2.50 per year.
Advertising rates en application.
Wellington Mutual Fire
Insurance Co.
Established 1840
Rielcs taken on all class of insur-
ance at reasonable rates.
Head Office, Guelph Ont. I
ABNER COSENS, Agent, Wingharn
Two doors south of Field's Butcher
P. 0., Box 366 Phone 46
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc.
Money to Loan
Office—Meyer Block, Wingham
Successor to Dadley Hohnes
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc.
Suocessor to R. Vanstone
Wingharn -:- Ontario
Wingham, ' Ontario
• DR. G. H. ROSS
Office Over Isard's Store
Physician and Surgeon .
Intedkal Representative D. S. C.' R.
Successer to Dr. W. R. Hambly,.
Phone 54 Winglaam
M.R.C.S. (ENG.) L.R.C.P. (Loud.)
Graduate of University of Toronto,
Faculty of Medicines Licentiate of the
Ontario College of Physicians and
Office in Chisholm Block
Josephine Street. Phone 29
Office over John Galbraith's Store.
-..e...._ .—.-,..........e.r.a. 1
AU Diseases Treated
Office adjoining residence next to
Anglkan Church on Centre Street.
Sundays by appointment.
Osteopathy Electricity
Phone 272, Hours, 9 ann. to 8 p.m.
A. R. & F. E. DUVAL
Licensed Drugless Practitioners
Chiropractic and Electro Therapy.
Graduates of Canadian Chiropractic
College, Toronto, and National Col-
lege, Chicago.
Out of town and night calls res-
ponded to. All business confidential.
1 Phone 800,
•Registered Drugless Practitimier
Hours: 2-5, 1-8, or lay
appointment. Phone 191,
A thorough knowledge of Farm Stock
Phone 231, Wingliant
Phone 616, Wroxeter, or address
R. R, 1, Goigie, Sales conducted any-
where, and saliefaction guaranteed.
Office MacDonald Block, Wingbant
ugtovntg Om trtiNnta.
A. J. \Whet.
Uoenst.d Mineral cto and
( Phone 106. 1,:.., Ph*e 24,
s Litfionsitte Ventral COact
rA3Ti3t; TRAINS:
• Tbortiton Says •Speed, on Rails Must
Bo Ineeteaend to Equel Airnlarre.
Railroada, if to ecanpete success-
fully with the eerplaue in passenger
transportation of thu.. near future,
must plan at once tor the operation
of trains at a greatly increased speed,
Sir Renee Tbornam declared recent-
ly in addressing the, meeting of the
A merlean fessocia tioa a Passenger
Traffic lialeers.
Sir Henry held that railroads must
give immediate attention to making
transcoatinee al travel more com-
fortable or see that business slip
from their Mans.
"Tbe airplane is bat an infaut
now," he said, "but a lusty one, and
growing rapidly. For myself, I wel-
come the competition. I have enough
lanai in railroad treneporaltion to
feel that he latter can meet any
competition that it is offered.
"If the railroads, however, are to
retain the traffic that is legitimately
witbin their jurisdiction, the increas-
ing of train speed is imperative.
"In the matter of competition with
the airplane, the railroad has a big
advantage in the centrally located
and readily accessible terminals, both
passenger and freight. The raaj ney
Q f airports, particularly those in the
larger •centres a population, are so
situated, for the greater part, that
anywhere from thir„y minutes to an
hour is required to each them.
•"Railroads, also, to meet steam-
ship competition, must offer the same
conveniences of travel that the ships
plying between the same points have
to offer. The most comfortable of
sleeping accommodations, a variety
of baths, excellent cuisine—these
must become the rule on our de luxe
"I am quite confident that the rail-
road executives of North America,
realizing the act is imperative, will
arise to the occasion, just as they
nave in the past met other oecasions
of comparative importance, and suc-
cessfully so."
Lefshire€ Ave (elven by Eminent Men
• to prisoners.
An innovationthat may bane far-
reaching effects bas been seen recent-
ly in some of the prisons In the Old
Country. Some years ago Miss Olga
Nethersole, honorary organizer of the
People's League a Health, obtained
the permission of the Prison COLA-
missioners for lectures on health to
be given to convicts.
Some of the most eminent medical
men have volunteered their services,
and the scheme la proving 'a great
success. Lectures have been given
by the King's dentist, and by such
well-known doe -tors as Sir John Col-
ley, Dr. McAdam Bede% and Sir
John Colley, Dr. McAdam Eccles, and
SirBruce Bruce -Porter, •
Tile lectures are popular in both
main and female prisons, and at the
end of each course a large number of
convicts sit for exarainations at which
prises are offered, At present the pris-
on governors recommend that these
should be in airmen and in this way
itonvicts who study hard are enabled
to .earn gums that are valuable to
them on their release.
The prisoner& are encouraged to
ask questions, and many of them put
most intercurting ones. Meantime the
good effects of the scheme upon the
health and happiness of prisoners
bane been very noticeable.
an -
Is In Danger of Disappearing Alto-
gether, Says Scientist.
The musk scent is in danger of
disappearing altogether.
At present if is obtained from the
male musk deer, which is found in
China and Tibet. The musk is se-
creted in a tiny gland, and the fact
that thousands of ounces of musk are
exported from China every year
means a wholesale slaughter of these
little animal. They are, indeed, be-
ing killed off so fast that their ex-
tine:ion is only a matter of time.
The musk plant, formerly found in
every cottage garden, gave off the
true musk scent until a few years be-
fore the war. Then it provided scien-
tists with a problem that has battled
them ever since—it suddenly lost its
scent. The same thing seemed to
happen simultaneously • to all the
musk plants all over the world.
No one knows why or how this
occurred. It certainly.wasn't only a
case of new etentless musk plants
growing un; the old ones had been
deprived of their front in some raya-
rious way.
PalaeolithIc Iron Foundry,
That the Iron Age began perhaps
thousands of years before the period
generally attributed to it, is one of
the deductions that may be drawn
from the etartling discoveries made
In Northern Rhodesia by an Italian
eciettifte expedition, This expedition
is searehing for tracts of prehisaoric
life in the territory between South-
ern Rhodesia and Kenya. The expe-
dition reports the extraordinary dise
&every of the site of an ancient iron
foundry, buried at a depth of six feet
In an enormous cvern lu trata of
the Palasolithle Age, which has hith-
erto been regarded as the :Earlier
acme Age. Itere, many thousand of
yeas ago, Sonne race superior itt in-
tellect to its fellows smelted iron by
very primitive methods.
Copyright by Charles Scribner's' Sons
*: Bud Lee; horee.foreman of the Blue
Lake ranch, COIlifnced *Bayne Tree -
ors, manager, is'deliberatii Wrecking
the property owned by Judith San-
ford, a yoeng woman, her cousin
Pollock Hampton, and Timothy Gray,
decideshto *throw up -his job. Judith
arrives and announces she has bought
Gray's share in the ranch and will
run it. She discharges Trevors.
The men on the ranch dislike tak-
ing orders from a girl, but by subdu-
ing a vicious horse and proving her
thorough knowledge of fetich life;
Judith wins the beet of them over.
Lee decides to stay. s.
Convinced her veterinarian, Bill
Crowdy, is treacherous, Judith dis-
charges him, re-engaging an old
friend of her father's, Doc. Tripp;
Pollock Hampton, with a party of
friends, comes to the ranch to stay
permanently. Trevors accepts Hamp-
ton's invitation to visit the ranch.
13nd like
iuthem 110
sign to show wleere they had gone,
Knowing Quinnion as he • did, and
baying his own conceptiou of the
character of Bayne Trevors, Bud Lee
said to himself that too great a quiet
1. portended strife to come. If Quinn -
ion was the man to carry in his breast
the hate that drove him to the mur-
der of Judith's father, then he was
the man to remember the humiliation
he had suffered at Lee's hands, to re-
member and to strike back when the
time was ripe.
Judith had heard of the night in
Rocky Bend, a lurid and wonderfully
distorted account from Mrs, Simpson,
who had received it in a letter from
ber daughter,
"So that was what Bud Lee did
after he kissed me!" mused Judith.
She 'sent iinrnediately for Carson
and forced from him the full story.
Dismissing Carson, she remained for
a long while alone. Only one remark
had she inade to the cattle foreman,
and that at little aside frozn the issue
occupying her mind:
"Keep your weather eye open for
what's in the wind," she told him
briefly. "Behind Quinnion is Trevors
and the year isn't over yet."
• The ranch was stocked to its ut-
most capacity. Carson had added an-
other herd of cattle; Lee had added
to his string of horses. The dry sea-
son was on them, herds were moved
higher up the slopes into the fresh
pastures. Carson, converted now to
the silos, was a man with one idea
and that idea ensilage. Again the al-
falfa acreage was extended, so that
each bead of cattle might have its
daily auxiliary fodder. Carson now
agreed with Judith in the matter of
holding back sales for the high prices
which would come at the heels of
the lean months,
The manDonley, who had brought
to the ianch the pigeons' carrying the
cholera, wastried in Rock Bend. The
evidence, though circumstantial, was.
strong against him, and the prosecti-
tiara: was pushed hard. But it was lit-
tle surprise to any one at the ranch
whenthe trial resulted in a hung jury.
The ablest lawyer in the •county had
defended Donley, and finally, late in
August, secured his acquittal. The
man hiniseli did not have ten dollars
in the World; the attorney's. Caking hie
ase was a 'highlyapriced lawyer. Ob-
viously, to Judith 'Sanford it least,
Bayne Trevors was standing back' of
every Play his hirelings made.
Doc Tripp had the hog cholera in
hand.' And every day, out with the
live stock Whose well-being was his
responsibility,, he worked as he had
never worked before, watchful, eager,
"If they'll drop cholera down ,on us
out ofhlie blue sky," he snapped, "I'd
like to know what they won't try,"
* - itta *- tfi *
For the first few days following the
danCe Bud Lee had within his soul
room for abet one emotion: he had
held Judith in his arms. He had set
his lips on hers. He went hot and
cold with the remembrance. Being a
man, he made his man -suppositions
of the emotions that rankled , in her
breast. He imagined her contempt of,
a man who by his stnength had forced
her lips to wed his; he pictured her
scorn, her growing hatred. He told
himself that he should go, rid the
ranch of his presence, take his de-
parture without a word to her. For,
alneady, he had fitted her into his
theory of the perfect woman, lifting
her high above himself and above the
human world. It was a continued in-
sult for hitn to remain here.
But, after careful thettight, •lie re-
membered what Judith had already
told him; he was one of the MC11
whom she could trust to do her work
for her, one of the men she most
needed, a man whom she would need
sorely if Bayne Trevors were lying
quiet now but to strike harder, un-
expectedly, later,
jodith did not dismiss him., as at
first he had been sure elle would. So
he stayed on, remaining away from
the ranch headquarters, sleeping when
he could in the cabin above the lake,
spending his days with his horses,
avoiding her but keeping her person-
ality in his soul, her interest -in his
heart. When the winter had passed
when she had made her sales and had
tho money in hand for the payments
upon the inortganes, then he would
go. Whereat, no doubt, the high gods
As time passed, there came about
a subtle change in the attitude of the
outfit toward Pollock Hampton, who
they had been at the beginning prone
to accept as a "city guy." It began
to appear that wader his ligtone,ss
those was often a steady purpose;
tied if he didn't koow everything
about a ranch, he was learning fast;
that in his outepokeu admiratioe of
thitigs rough and measly and primal
there were certaih lasting qualities.
Whereas formerly hie being thrown
from a epirited riming wae almost a
daily oteurteace, now he rode rather
well, With Mooed' face atul hard
heads, he was, as Creon put it,
"growing tip,"
"Neither now nor after a while,"
Sandy told hirri briefly. "I ain't dirty -
in' Myeglasses that -a -way" - •
"There you -art," 'jeered Quinnion,
, with a sullen sot:biol.-defiance. "You
saiat me' ovei the head while I ain't
lookiin and then bring me in here
where they're all your friends. If 1
drop you. I get -all mussed Up with
their bullets: No, thanks."
• "For the last time," said Lee, and
his low voice was ominous, "I tell
you what to-do. If you don't do it,
I'll kill you just -the same. You've
got your chance. Count ten seconds,
'One," said Sandy, watching the
clock on the wall, "two, three, foot',
five, six, seven—"
"Curse you!" cried Quinnion then,
a look of fear at list in his eyes. 911
get you for this some day, Bud Lee.
Now you've got me -es"
"Keep on countiug Sandy," cone -
Judith's messenger is held up and
robbed of the monthly pay roll.
Bud Lee goes to the city for more
money, getting back safely with it,
though his horse is killed under him.
Both he and Jodith see' Trevor's hand
in the critne. Hog cholera., hard to
account for, breaks out on the ranch,
Judith and Lee, investigating the
scene of the holdup, climb a moun-
tain, where the robber must have hid-
den. •
A cabin in a flower -planted clearing
excites Judith's admiration. It is
Lee's, though he does not say so.
They are fired on from ambush, and
Lee wounded. Answering the fire,
they make for the cabin, Here they
find Bill Crowdy wounded, Dragging
him into the buildiug, they find he
has the money taken front Judith's
messenger. Beseiged in the cabin,
they are compelled to stay all night.
Hampton, at the ranch, becomes
uneasy at Judith's long absence. With
Totnmy Burkitt he goes fie seek her,
arriving in time to drive the attack-
ers off, and capturing one man, who
is known as "Shorty,"
"Shorty" escapes from impriSon-
ment in the greinhouee of the ranch,
to the disgust of Carson, cow fore-
man, who had him in charge. Lee be-
gins to feel a foridriess for Judith, tho'
he realizes she is not his womanly
ideal. Mercia Langworthy, one of
Hampton's party, typical city gial, is
more to his taste.
The discevery is made that pig-
geons, with hog eholera germs on
theit feet, have been liberated OA the
ranch. Lee tapteoes a stranger Diek
Donley, red-handed, with an atcont-
plice, a cowboy known as "Poker
Face, Donley has brought more pi-
geons to the tenth
At a dance given in honor of
Haneptott's friends Lee appears in ev-
ening dress. He is recegnized by °tie
of the party as an old acquaintance,
Dave Lee, once wealthy but ruined'
by trtiititig false friends. Jedith, in
her Wothaely firiery neekee sueh en
appeal to Lee that, Moot; with her,
fetreibly kiesee bee, reietiaiteg the
tt ike 4q
Japan Buying Asbestoe.
Tho market ix japan for asbestos
in lure0, Powder and fibre, afi well as
in packing and other forms, to its-
teeasing year by year owing to the
expansion of industrial plants using
this material, and to tbe great var- -
lay of uses to which asbestos pro-
ducts are tieing put in every -day Me,
writes 3', A. Laugley, commercial
secretary to Tokio, th the Commer-
cial Intefligenee Journal. About 80
per cent. of the domeetie imoorts of
asbestos fibre come Indirectly from
Iltooriti for Morn.
Ott a basis of ten hotieee per tere
end four persoue per dwelling, there
Js room ter 48,000,060 PeoPlO in the
temulon area. This le Mare than the
*hole /retaliation` Ot Egiglanni anal
• "Eight," said Sany, "nine—"
"I lied!" Snapped •Quinnion. "An'
Pm leavin' town for a while."
And lurching as he walked, he
made his way out of the room, his
eyes on the floor, his facea burning
"Carson and I are riding back to
the ranch as soon as our horses rest
up and get some, grain," said Lee, his
fingers slowly rolling a brown ciga-
rette. We'll mosey out now, see
Quinnion on 'hie way and drop back
to 'make up a little game of draw
for a couple of hours. Strike you
about right; Billy? 'And you, Wat-
son? And you, Parker?"
They listened to him, took the cue
hotel him, and allowed what lay be-
tween hint and Chris Quinnion to lie
in silence, But there was not a man
there but in his own fashion was say-
ing to himself:
"It's a good beginning. But 'where's
the end going to be?"
Burning Memory
As June had slipped by, so did July
and August, On Blue Lake ganch life
flowed smoothly. Men were too busy
with each day's work to sit into the
nights prophesying trouble ahead.
And in troth it seemed as if Bayne
Trevors had eve ti actiaely opposed the
success of the Sanford venture he had
by now accepted the role of inactivity
forced upon hint by circumstance, He
was with thte Western Lumber COM-
pahy, as director and, district super-
ittendent, seemingly giving all his dy-
Panic force to the legitimate affairs
of the company.
But there were those who placed leo
faith in the obvious, 1.3ild Lee, kept
in touch with Rooky Bend and learn-
ed that Quinnion had not C:(ATIe back;
that 00 one knew where he had gone.
Careon's matt, Shorty, was sought by
Entinet Sawyer aod his disappearance
was like that of a pricked bubble; k
seetned that Shorty had no stetted
phyeical exAteotees or theh if he had,
he had taken it int h some 011er cor-
xr �f the w>r tOnaitiniesti"'friende
He came to Judith one day serious -
faced, thoughtful -eyed
"Look here, Judith," he began ab-
reptly, "I'm no outsider jest tooking
on at this game, you're the chief
owner and the boss and I'm not luck-
ing at that any 'longer. Your dad
raised you to this sort of thing and
you have a way of getting by with
it. 13ut, on the other hand, I'm part
owner and you've got to consider
Judith smiled at him.
"What now, Pollock?" she asked,
"You're the boss," he repeated
stoutly. "But I've got a right to be
next in authority. Under you, you
know. Why, by cripes, I go around
feeling as if I had to take orders from
Carson or Tripp or any other of the
'By cripes is good!" laughed Jthe
dith. "Go ahead."
"That's all,' Ile insisted. "You can
tell them, when you get a chance, that
I ant your little old right-hand man.
Suppose," he suggested vaguely, "that
you left the rahch a day or so. Or
even longer, some time. There's got
to be some one here who is the head
when there is need dor it," ,
Judith mirthfully acquiesced. His
interest was sufficiently heavy for
him to be entitled to some considera-
tion. Besides, she had come to ex-
perience a liking for the boy and had
seen in him the change for the better
which his new life was working in
him, Further, she meant to make it
her business that she did not leave
the ranch for a day or so, onan hour
or so, when she could be there. Con-
sequently, within a week Pollock was
known humorously from one end to
the other of the big ranch as the
Foreman -at -Large.
, Marcia Langworthy, visiting in
southern California, wrote brief, sun-
ny .noes to Hampton, intricate let-
ters to Judith. 'The mystery of Bed
Lee of which she had had a glimpse
when the artist, Dick Farris, and Lee
recogineed • each other as old friends
had piqued her curiosity in a way
whic1*. allowed that young daughter
of Eve no resh'Until she had made her
own investigatiOns. She wrote at
length of Lee. How he had been
quite the rage, my dear: Oh, tremen-
dously rich, with a mat. ranch in the
South, a wonderful adobe hacienda of
the old' Spanish days, where, like a
young 'king, he had entertained lay-
ishly. How, believing in his friends,
he had dost everything, then had
dropped out of the wolrd, content to
allow the world to believe him son
diering in France or dead in the
trenches and to take his wage as a
common laborer. Wasn't it too ro-
mantic for anything?
• In due course, following up her lets
ters, Marcia herself came back to -the
Blue Lake ranch, Judith's goesf now.
The major and Mrs. Langworthy
were visiting' in the East—it seemed
that they always visited somewhere --
and Marcia would stay at the ranch
indefinitely. Hampton drove into
Rocky Bend for her and held the
girl's breathless admiration all the
way home, handling the reins of his
young team in a thoroughly reckless,
shivery manner,
"Isn't he splendid?" Cried Marcia
when she slipped away with Judith to
her room.
Under the bright•approval of Mar-
cia's eyes Hampton flashed , with
pleasure. Could Mrs. -Langworthy
have seen them together she would.
have nudged the major and whipser-
ed in his ear.
' Durhig the tsvo months after the
dance, Bud Lee and Judith had seen
virtually nothing of each other. When
routine duties or a ncessary report
brought them for a few minutes into
each other's society there svas a mar-
ked constraint upon.them, Never had
dee tnan lost the stinging sense of `his
offense against her; never had Judith
condescended to be anything but cool
and brief with him, While no open
refereece was made tb what was past,
still the memory of it must lie in each
heart, and though Lee held his eyes
level with her and drank deep of
the warm loveliness of her, he told
himself angrily that he was beneath
her coutempt. The chiyalry within
so great and esseetial a part of
the mae's nature, was sa wounded
thing, hurt by his own act, The old
feeling of catnaraderie which had
sprung up between them at times was
gone now; they could no longer be
"pardners" as they had beett that
night in the old eabin.
He told himself curtly that he did
not regret that; that now it was in-
evitable that they should be less than
strangers since they could not be
more than friends, That the girl was
ready to forgive bine that she had
never beets as harsh with him as lie
was himself, that them was a golden,
delicious poesibility that she shotild
feel ee he did—so made an idea had
not come to Bed Lee, horse foreman.
A few days after Marcia's arrival
there catne to the ranch a letter 'width
was addressed:
"Pollock Hampton, ri sq.,
"General Manager,
"Blue Lake Rebell."
m Doan Rockwell nr
Thursday, Febraarr 5th, 1.93
&las Palifht nue,iy.v
"The very trrd: time 1 used
Sixh'ixjtixnd the itch and p y
piies right awny.Stopri-d
Quickest rejief known, druggrvm.
Haight, big stock buyers of Sacra-
mento, submitting an unsolicited ord-
er for a surprisingly large shipment
of cattle and horses. The price offer-
ed was ridiculously low, even fonnr thin
season of low figures clues to thfrAct
that emny overstocked ranches' were.
throwing their beef -cattle and range
horses on the market. So low, in
feet that Judith's first surmise whet
Hampton brought it to her was that
the typist taking the company's dic-
tation. had made an error.
Judith tossed the note into the
waste -paper basket. Then she re-,
trievecl it to frown at it wonderingly,.
and, finally, to file it. It began by
having for her no significance worthy
of speculation. It sobn began to puz,
zle her. Finally, it faintly disturbed
There were two points of interest.
First: Doan, Rockwell as Haight was
the company to which Bayne 'Trevors
when general manager, had made
many a sacrifice sale. Because the
Blue Lake had knocked down to them
before, did they still count confident-
ly upon continued mismanagement?
Surely they must know that the man-
agement of the ranch had changt,
,And this brought her to the second
point: How did it come about that
they had a,ddressed, not her, bat Pol-
lock Harnpton? Was this just a tri-
Long ago Judith had told herself
that she must keep -her two eyes wide
open for seeining trifles. in spite of
her, though she scoffed at her "ner-
ves," the girl had the uneasy convic-
tion that this offer had been prompt-
ed by Trevors, that Trevors, for par-
• Hampton Came Galloping, Seeking
pohes of his own, had giver/ instruc-
tions that the letter be addressed toe
Hampton; that this was the first sign
of a fresh campaign directed against
her from the dark; that trouble was.
again beginning.
Thoughtfully she smoothed out tlix.
letter, impelling it on her file.
Pollock Hampton, Foreman-at-Lat-
ge, came and went on the ranch, car-
rying orders, taking always a keen in-
terest in whatever work fell to band,-
an interest of a fresh kind, in that it
was born of a growing understahdinge
Tho men grew to like him; Bud Lee'
tactfully sought to acquaint him with
many ranch matters which would be
of value ne him. Carson, however,
grown nervous over the pew method
of stock raising still in its experi-
mental stage, was given to take any
suggestion from Hampton in the light
of a personal affrient.
"D -'n him,' he growled deep in his,
throat when Hampton had ridden ottt
with word to shift one of the -herd
into a fresh pasture, an act on which
Carson had already deckled,' "some
day 111 just take him between my
thuto' an' finger an' anni-hilate
(Continued next week.)'
A boy entered a buey draper's slithoas
and asked for "Half a yard of devil."
He persisted in his request, tice
plaining dress. that11was to match Ida
Still he was not understood, et
he said suddenly, "That man ver
there ste,srvbinlagekstiteny
said the shopkeeper,
"Yee, sir, ife blank sataii," replied
the boy, "I knew the chap had twat
names, but I didn't happeil to remota-
ber the otie the stuff's called after."
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