HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-02-05, Page 3rr warontromamplawmarawqmognateatua teeertee- • • Thursday, February 5th, 1931 102 trailli;wn snore cups of salads tea were consumed in 1930 than in 1929 by the people of Canada. Hints For Homebodies Written for The Advance -Times By Jessie Alien Brown An Experiment in Music It is a most unfortunate thing but good music is so frequently too ex- pensive for the .ones who would en- joy it most. The Women's Music Club of London, have successfully proved that it is possible to have good music cheap. The club gave a series of about 5 concerts each year for $2; which was quite inexpensive but ev- en at that it was a struggle and there were many hundreds of empty seats. Mrs. Wheeler.,. the president, had the •brilliant_ idea, that, it would be•a good idea to halve the membership fee, and double the number of members. When this experiment was started tuo years ago:.there were about 230 members a year. at 42. Last year at $1 a • year the -membership .•list was timost'completely taken. This year the full complement •of 900 tickets las been taken, and they are clamor- ing for more. The night of the first concert, giv- en by that outstanding pianist, Gert- rude Huntley, : there were over '100 turned away from. the door. There have been over 200 people trying to get tickets and there ane a great many more,who:to have would like h e them, but knowing the impossibility, have not even tried. And .yet .this same. chub giving the same type of concert,' struggled under the handicap of few members. This. experiment . has proved that music can be done cheaply and yet at a profit. 'Number of .music students and others who love music,'are privi- leged to hear good artists, which they could not otherwise do. The Chau- tauqua has the same idea and some communities support it heartily while it is a losing proposition, yearly in others. One of the drawbacks of the Chautauqua, is the physical effort to. go to so many concerts; in such close.. succession. The Women's Music. Club has the advantage of having one concerta month. • People are queer. Now that tickets are hard to get, everyone wants thein. While they were obtainable easily, they went begging. Ladies who have been members foryears, cannot get tickets. They went on the assump- tion that they had' always been able' to get them without any trouble, so why worry.. Members from surround- ing towns were willing to buy tickets just to hear the one concert but they were unable to do it, Hard work, enthusiastsand cour- age are necessary to provide good music in the smaller towns, If one, could only get whole -hearted 'co-op- eration it wouldbe possible to have good music within the reach ,of all. The way things are now, it is expen- sive and the appeal is limited. Over -Eating and. Diabetes There are many people who habit- ually over -eat. This is a dangerous thing to do from the standpoint of health. Excessive fat causes trouble. and slows up the system generally. .. That is not the only danger. The starch that is found in bread, cereals and starchy vegetables is changed by a • secretion from the pancreas into sugar, in one of thestages of diges- tion. If too much is eaten, the pan- creas is over-worked and Diabetes fre'quently 'results. Over -eating is .not the only cause cif ; the dread disease, as it may be found in abstemious people.; Howev- er, it is much better to watch the in- take if one is inclined to be too fond of one's meals, before 'any permanent damage is done, than to have to watch'every meal, as one .must do with diabetes. Consult a doctor, if you have boils, or, in fact any skin eruption, as they are frequently pre- sent in Diabetes. Precooked Cereals Now that the cold weather has ar- rived, . cooked cereals ..appear more frequently on the breakfast menu. Some cereals are advertised as "pre- digested" or "precooked. When cer- eals are cooked, the starches are changed into a more digestable form. Tests have been made on these pre- cooked cereals.and it was found that In most cases there was little change in the starch, They are steamed in order to soften them to roll into the flakes, but that is the extent of the cooking. It is advisable to cook them a longer tune, in order to thorough- ly- cook the starch and 'make diges- tion easier. Butterscotch Apple Dumplings 1 cup brown sugar 3, tablespoons butter 2 cups water Mix and stir until the sugar is dis- solved. Bring to a boil for a minute. Make dumplings using 1 cup flour sifted with 2 tablespoons "shortening. Add sufficient milk to make a dough. Divide the dough into 4 pieces and roll each one out :thin. Put several pieces of thinly sliced apple in the centre ofeach piece of dough, and a heaping tablespoon of brown sugar and a dash of cinnamon. Bring the corners of the dumplings to the cen- tre and pinch to-gether. Place in a baking pan and pour the hot butter- scotch syrup around thein. Bake in a hotoven for a few minutes, then re- duce the heat, so that the apples will be thoroughly cooked. Usually it takes about 40 minutes tocook the dumplings. Serve with the butter- scotch sauce and cream if desired. Mother: 'Why did that young Titan kiss you last night?" Modern Daughter: "It might have ,been because I sat on his lap" and put niy arms around his neck!" Reduction .Sale During January we are giving 2O% off regular price on Made -to -Measure Clothing, This is Your Opportunity to make a Big Saving onour Spring Coat, y p �' 'This also applies on Ready Mande Suits, Overcoats, Sweaters and Rubbers. vcy's stare - Wroviteter HOW MY WORLD WAGS By That Ancient Mariner; DEAN D, HURMDY LINE. S FOR FEB. 2nd The bear's in the breeze; If his shadow he sees, 'Twill his bear -ship displease. In his hole back he'll' squeeze, And lie there at his ease, While we'll still have to freeze. And each wintry disease, Such as cough, cold, and sneeze, Our poor vitals will. seize, Of the ''bear in this wheeze, I'll speak words such as these. He's a big hunk of cheese. Over in the States, on Feb. 2nd, they substitute a very humble animal for the lordly bear. While trying to recall the name of it, I ran across my polyglot friend, Hans Pierre Simpat- ico., who has taken out his first citi- zen's papers with Uncle Sam; "I ,think," he said, slowly, with the ling- uist's passion for, precision, "I think they call it 'Pulverized Pig Day.' I thanked him and passed on,mur- muring to myself dazedly. "PuF arm- ed Pig Day." Then the term' came to nne, Why, of course, Ground Hog Day. A recent news item from Port Ar- thur, speaks of the • curious swaying of a grain elevator. We can't explain that, but we have heard of ferament ed grain elevator that caused sway- ing. With regard to last week', said to have been "onion week," we wish'res- pectfully to point out that there is no such thing as onion :weak. . Which - thought causes us again to burst forth into song, thus, and to wit: O onions strongl Last onion week How tears for thee did fall! Both proud and. meek of • thee did reek, Yet a good time was had by all. Consider what some of the poets have said about the humble onion, "Although thy breath be rude,"— Shakespeare. "Tears! Idle '.tears!"—Tennyson. "Whose fragrance smells to heav- en."—Milton. "Serenly pure and yet divinely strong"—Pope. "More enduring than the pyre-; miss•'' -Old John J.Annyinous. A society note in a Toronto daily describes a bride who "greeted e large number of her friends clad in. her wedding gown of white lace." Yes, yes, but what did the bride wear? • From England, where sailors are "Jack Tars,", soldiers, "Tommies," policemen, "Bobbies," comes a pro- posal to 'call traffic cops "Berties, in compliment to lion, Herbert Mor- rison, 'Minister of Transport. 'Then traffic cops for airmen -will be "Air berts." Airs. Adeline Doyle is suing for $10,000 for alleged injuries from be- ing hit by a buffalo at Toronto Ex- hibition last fall. We will just add a line to say that many of us would welcome $10,000 for being bit by a bear on the stock market last fall, In our more lyric momentswe have been known to attire ourselves • in spats. A friend once, remonstrated with us, andwe think, citizens, that our defence was adequate." Is it not far better," we pointed out, "to have spats on our feet that with our nei- ghbors?" We admire the frankness of Elgin County's new warden who is said to prefer fiddling to snaking a speech. Too many speechmakers are mere fiddlers with words. And that brings us brethren, to some thoughts in con- clusion, expressed in a brand new "poste" entitled: FAREWELL BANQUETS I've listened to guys, Who thought themselves wise As they chattered of this and of that, Who tried to amaze us By rolling out phrases Of platitudes oily and fat. I've listened in wonder To much stolen thunder , And resins of statistical rot. It was hard to feel civil When lass of the drivel Seemed vapid, insane, not so hot, 13ut it filled me with joy When some stoutish old boy Made use of one gems of great beauty, When he shouted or muttered) Or just merely uttered. "Otir jooty! Our jootyl Our jootyl" DEAN' 0.' liUR'MD' '; Psychological Note The inferiority complex would be be a fine thing• if the right people had it. Pass the Ketchup "Some people would kick anywhere but in a football game," snorted the restaurant proprietor, "I can't see what them epicures has got to com- plain about with this soup." "They wouldn't have no grouch coming, sir," explained the waiter; tactfully, "if only the cook would ad- mit it's soup. He says it's coffee." Hens Lay Eggs , All Winter Whenyougive theist adaily dose of rattles. Poultry Regulator Sold by all Dealer, Write for Pratte U to-dats Poultry Book—F'�RZE Pratt Food Co. of Canada.. Ui it d GUELPH, ONT. .here and There (696) Atlantic coast lobster fishermen fared well in 1930 in catch but not so well in prices. Nova Scotia fishermen landed a record catch of 530,000 pounds, of which 126,800 pounds were shipped in shell while 2,024 cases of canned lobster were packed. Boxing on snowshoes will be one of the novelties at the Banff Win- ter Carnival opening February 7, marking another point in the great battle : for popularity honors be- tween snowshoers and skiers. George Sutherland, Alberta fly- weight champion 1926 will be In charge of the bouts. Roaring down from Edmonton through the Bow River Gap through which 60 years ago the first C.P.R. survey party made its laborious passage, airplanes bearingaquatic. stars will steer for Banff : where their passengers will take part in the open-air swimming and diving events, unique in winter sports, in the hot springs at the Banff Win- ter Carnival on February 9. Toronto and Ontario recently honored their Grand Old Man of railroading, William Fulton, assist- ant general passenger agent for the Canadian Pacific. Railway at Tor- onto, who had completed 40 years' service with the company. He was guest of honor at the Royal York Hotel at a banquet given in his honor by his fellow -officers of the company to celebrate the occa- sion. Letters pour into the radio de- partment of the Canadian. Pacific Railway daily in connection with the "Melody Mike' feature. every Monday night. One lady, writing from Vulcan, Alta., says in part :— "There were Mx in my house listen- ing to the broadcast and I know of at least a dozen other radios that were tuned in: . I are writ- ing to sayhow much we enjoyed your broadcast" Postal history repeated itself February 2, when an air mail' ser- vice between Winnipeg and Pem- bina, North Dakota, on the inter- national boundary, was put into effect by the Canadian Postal De- partment. Pembina Was linked up with Winnipeg, then Fort Garry, in 1857 through the United States mail service.' The prairie airmail postal service will be extended by the Fed- eral Government in the near fu- ture. At the fifth torn show held re- cently under the auspices of ` the Saskatchewan Corn Growers' Asso- elation, one of the fittest exhibits of corn in the history of Western Canada was on display. The show Was held in preparation for i:he World's Grain Exhibition and Con- ference at 1'tegina'in 1932, and many entries in the corn classes of the latter may be expect' from the farriers of Western qua,' A total of $19,000 Is being `'id in cash prizes in the differen saes for cont. Sn.owshoers from many parts of Canada and the United 'States gath- ered at Quebec City at the end of January to partkcipate; in the 18. mile Snowshoers Marathons and In.. ternational Championship Races. The Mayor of'. uebec held a recep- tion for the Indies' clnlba at the Chateau Prontenac Where a Cana. dlan stepper was Yater served to the visitors. ' ha Chataan 1 orntei Was also headgtt'arters of the nfft . cialn throughout the contention, which Included lee tenet MOO ons the St. t awrence and (*.Whitton,* vlu 'Duttorlit '1etttkett, GORRIE The regular monthly sheeting of the W. M. S, will be held at the home of Mrs, R. Clegg on Thursday after- noon at 2,30 p.m. The roll call will be answered by a text including the word "Love," There Was an excellent attendance at the Junior League meeting held on Saturday afternoon. Parents would do well to have their children receive the benefit from this department of work, Thirty were present at the last meeting" The choir members of the United Church will present a miscellaneous program . in . keeping with Valentine season. Members of the congregation and their friends, are invited. Refresh- ments will be efreshments-willbe served. Don't miss this. Watch for further particulars. There be a Mock Trial, a Minstrel group, and other numbers you will. end oy. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Moffatt and family of Wroxeter; spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. R. Cathers, Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred King and son Earl, spent the week -end at the honi'e' of Mrs. Earl of Wroxeter. The Pleasure Euchre Club wereen- s e uc tertained on Wednesday evening at the home of Mr, and Mrs• R. G. New- ton, winners being Mrs" E. W. Bol- ton and Harold King. The Club this. week meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russel Grainger. The Women's Institute meet on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. E. W. Bolton, Miss Ethel Johnston of Orangehill was a week -end guest at the home of Mr,. and Mrs. W. Whitfield. Miss • Gertrude. Kelly of Winghazn, has returned home after; spending the past month here and attended the Short Course held in Gorrie.- While. here, Miss _ Kelly was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Dane. Miss Mable Wood of. Clifford spent a couple of days this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Shera, Mr. Percy Sparling of Sudbury is visiting his father, Mr, Jno. Sparling, south of Gorrie. The banquet which was held in the Township Hall, Gorrie, on Thurs- day evening, brotight to a close the Short Course, which has been in ev- ery way a success. There were over one hundred and twenty-five present. The guest of honor was Professor J. C. Steckley of the O.A.C., Guelph. Other guests of honor were: ex -War- den and Inglis, John A. Bryans, Rev. R. S. Jones, F. C. Taylor, Mr. Mc- Mullen. of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. R. H, Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Ashton, G. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. T, Lovell, Mr, and Mrs. Weir. Verne McDonald, president of the boys' class, was toastmaster. Ex -Warden Inglis gave the toast, "To the Classes in Agriculture and Home Economics" and was respond- ed to by Miss Gertrude Kelly. In concluding, Miss Kelly asked that the Horne Economics class assist here, and with which the girls sang "Let's Not Forget," after which Willard Peel also gave a reply for the boys' class. Miss .Evelyn Dane gave the toast, To the Guests" and was responded to by J. A. Bryans and: R. H. Stephens, "To the Staff", Arthur Ruttan gave toast and was responded to by the members, Professor J. C. Steckley, the guest of honor, spoke on the "Most Importance on the Farm," that being the., farther himself. Following Professor Steckley's interesting ad- dress the presentation of prizes took place. Ian Mcleod, District Representa- tive, made -the presentations. There were four prizes in the class of Hoene. Economics, those being awarded were: For Nursing, Miss Margaret Edgar received' a hook, this being presented by Miss Helen A. Garbutt. For Sewing, Miss Isobel, Foster re- ceived silver salt and pepper shakers, presented by 'Miss M. B. McLaugh- lin. I+or Judging competition,` Miss Kat- ie `Waller received a silver bread tray, presented by Miss Helen A, Garbutt. For general Proficiency, Miss Alba Musgrove, will receive a 'Canadian Cook Book. Mr, MacLeod expressed his regret at the book not being there as were the second and third prizes in the boys' class. In the Class hi Agriculture, Verne McDonald was awarded the first prize, a book "Peed and Feeding"; the second prize was won by Harold Robinson and the third by Alex. Cor - lion, During the evening, Miss .Ev- elyn Stephen sang a sato, Fo1loWing the presentations of the prizes 1,tlie eVening eves spent in dancing, The Only lathe Quaker package can you get the Quaker flavour lJJ'CX• and ridi food value UAKER OATS Cooks in 2% minutes after the water boils 153s_ music being furnished by Edwards' Orchestra" of Belnnore. The banquet was catered to by. the W. A. of St. Stephen's Church, to which Mr. J. A. Bryans moved a vote of thanks. Rev.. Jones replied for the society. Mrs. •W, Gallagher and Mrs. R. II. Stephens were Winghazn visitors on Monday: Mr.' D, W. Hicks has returned to his home in Harriston. Mrs" M. Watson is visiting her mo- ther, Mrs. Stewart, of 13luevale, who is ill. WROXETER Two rinks of curlers from Belnnore came down last . Friday and played a couple of games each, In the after- noon games, Belnnore .won one and lost one. In the evening Wroxeter won both games. • Several people in the village ane 'in- disposed. Mr. Bert Martin suffered a chill Saturday and has been confined to the house since. Mrs. Booth and her sister, Polly have been quite' `ill for a week but are improving. Mrs. Hays has been confined to the House with a cold. Miss Rona Vanvelsor is still unable to resume teaching at the Public School. Preparation is being made to put in the supply of ice off the pond. At present the quality. is none too good, with layers of shell ice in between,. but the recent frosty nights should help to make it more solid, At the annual meeting of the Wroxeter Rural Telephone Company held in the Town on Wednesday, 28th the officers for the past year were re-elected for this year. Mrs. G. S. Smyth was hostess to the. Women's Institute on Thursday last, when about 30 ladies were pre- sent to enjoy the program. Miss E. McEwen's paper on "Our Canadian Magazines" took the form of an in- teresting review of about 25 maga- zines under different groups, home, farm, garden, church, etc„ with the magazines on display. The work of the contestants at the January meet- ing was on exhibition and the prize, a cut out, was presented to the win- ner, Mrs. G, S. Smyth. Special men- tion was made of the work of Miss Howe, Mrs, McNaughton and Mrs, J. J. Allan, Many time saving hints were given in answer to the calling of the Roll. Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Meehan, Mrs. Lovell and Mrs. Hemphill. BELMORE i . The Telephone meeting held in the Community Hall Wednesday after- noon was largely attended, The Presbyterian congregation met in the Foresters' Halt Saturday even- ing, and presented Mr. and Mrs. Otto Johann with a sunt of money" A short programme Was given and lunch ser- ved. We arm sorry to, lose this young couple, from our midst. We under- stand they will make their home in Owen Sound. The attendanee at theJ yanuar. meeting of the W. M, S. was 1a. In the absence of Mrs. Wnn, - Mundell, Miss Irene Mundell took the topic, on. Japan.. Mrs. Roy Rutherford also gave a reading. Roll call "Thoughts for the New Year." Collection $2.50, Prayer in conclusion by Miss Eleanor Jeffrey, Meeting was held at Miss Elizabeth Hack'ney's, Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Weir gave a party to their Mend's Friday evening, If weather permits the contest eon - cert will be held February lgth. The chopping Mill is going at full speed' again. Mr. Cecil McNeil and others who have been confined to the house, are able to be about again, SALEM Mr. and Mrs. John Gowdy visited friends in Winghazn one day last; week.' Mrs. Andy Geinrnill is not enjoying the best of health at present. We. trust she will soon be alright again, Mr. Wm. Taylor gave a party last Friday night to a couple of his neigh- bors and friends All report a pleas• ant time. Miss Gladys Button, teacher at Powell's'school, spent a day recently with Miss Mildred Cathers: The Young People will hold a Soc- ial in the class room of the, church on Thursday evening. Programme of Music, Recitations, Solos and Spelling Match will be given. Lunch served at the close. Comte and enjoy your- selves, young and old: D. L. and Mrs. Weir were guests at the Banquet held in Gorrie To Hall on Thursday evening, The Agricultural Short Course Classes held in Gorrie for the past four weeks concluded last Thursday night, with a Banquet. Prizes were awarded to the three boys and girls attaining the highest marks in their final examinations. We are glad to mote that Alex Corrigan was one of the lucky boys. Congratulations Alex. Collecting Himself Waiter --"Mr, Brown's left his un't- brella again: I believe he'd leave his head if it were loose." Manager --'`I dare say you're right I heard him say ony yesterday he was going to Switzerand for his ungs." F. F. U TH Phtn. B., Opt. D„ R. O. OPTOMETRIST Phone 118 Harriston, Ont. "The. Best Equipped Optical Er tablishment in. this part of Ontario", WHEN THEFRF, are times 10:;''^ when a baby is too fretful or feverish to be sung to sleep. There are some pains a mother cannot pat away. But there's quick comfort in Castors! For diarrhea. and other iuf Ola Ills; give this pure vegetable prepata- tion. Whenever coated tongues 'lel of constipation, whenever there's ail sign of slufgishhncr,-., "astolia' has. good tastes children' . 4ve to take l3txy the genuine—with Pletcher's signature on wrapper.;,