HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-02-05, Page 1With Which is Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News. flingle ,Copies Five Cents. 33tatwomeatiux!fflowcagfAVT,' WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5th, 1931 Subscription $2.90 Per Year, BY VOTE OF 6 TO.2......iDECIDED: TO. EXTEND. • .oppg.s- OF RESTUARANTS • 'TO... JO P.M. SUNDAY NIGHTS The February meeting of the. Town , 70 citizens requesting that restaur- Council was attended by a full Coun- I ants be allowed to remain open until cil. Mayor Fells expressed his pleas -I1 o'clock week nights and 11 o'clock are at having Councillor Diment Sunday evenings. The Clerk rettel the :again a member of the boardnames of those on the petition and Messrs. E S, Copeland and C. I'. the discussion was left over until lat- Smith were present and addressed the et- in the evening. Council, stating that a balance. of Grants were asked for by the Sal - :$1.39 remained of the Christmas Cheer vation Army and Sick Childeen's Hos- money, and as they didn't Want over- pital, these were left over until all. ;lapping in supplying relief, asked the grants are decided. Council to appoint'a central relief The Good Roads Association -committee sought the membership of the Wing - On motion of Colin. Elliott and ham Council and on motion of Coun. Couti. Wilkinson, tae Mayor was au- Elliott and Coun. Davidson, the coun- lhorized to receive the money from cil again joined this association. the Chamber of Coinmerce. The A communication was received .commendation of Mr. Copeland, tha from the Boy Scouts regarding start- le. H. Lloyd be included with Mayor it a troup in town, was ordered fil- 'Fells, was included in the motion, ed. -vouchers for all money spent to be A certificate was read from W. H. ;forwarded to Chamber of Commerce Rintoul stating the upstairs of the Reeve McKibbon spoke on this Peacock Cafe was safefordancing. ,enatter and expressed his opinion that The Huron Curling Club requested ;instead of 'giving charity, they should e rebate of $5 for rental of the Town ;take advantage of the unemployment Hall at their recent euchre and dance. 'relief, For every dollar . the town Mayor Fells thought that as there would spend, the Provincial and Do- wene so many of the CouncillOrs. eninipe Governments would give a shareholders in the Winghaan eath. ing Club that the vote on this mat - The Mayor 'thought the town was ter would be left over until he had opted. The natal. teeeipts amounted to $146,370.80, and expenditures $148, 948.01, leaving an overdraft of $2,-. 577.21, if all taxes for 1930 had been collected' there would have been a substantial surplus instead. The Public School Board had a bal- ance of $101.69 and the High School Board, $943,92. Insurance to the am- ount of $215,300.00 is carried on all town property. The Waterworks Dept. ended the year with an overdraft of $1756.49, and the Hydro Electric Dept, with a balance of $3073.57. The assets for the Town for the year 1930 exceed their liabilities by $3717.28, while the standing •assets are $87806.36 in excess of their abilities. The balance in the Sinking Fund amounts, to, $36,243.30, • The auditor's congratulated the Town of Wingham upon having such an efficient Clerk and Treasurer. Reeve McKibbon reported that the index system for the cemetery had not been completed, and on motion of Coun. Davidson and Reeve McKib- bon the Cemetery Committee was au- thorized to complete same Mayor Fells reported fier the Street -quite capable of looking after the cit- consulted the town solicitorcommittee that a few trees have been izens themselves without applying for The request of E Paterman for a cut down and as few more for safety *he reliefplumber's license was ordered filedwill also have to cue The snow on Mr. J, H. Crawford addressed the The regular accounts properly cer- main street was to be taken awaen Council: on behalf of the Peacock tified, were read and on motion of commencing Tuesday, and that sev- Cafe. Since appearing before the 'Council a month previous re the same matter of keeping the Cafe open, athings had occurred to convince him that the people were not satisfied, and presented a petition signed by some Conn. Elliott and Coun. McGillivray, the report of the Finance Committee was adopted. Conn: Elliott read the report of the auditors and on motion of Coun. El- liott and Reeve McKibbon, was ad- eral men would take their turn at this work A deputation from the Town Band, composed of Mesirs. N. L. Fry, a Benedict and E. Seddon, waited on (Continued on page 4) TO CELEBRATE 12th OF JULY IN BLYT,H The annual meeting of the North /Huron County L. 0. L. was held in ' he Wingham lodge room on Tuesday with over 70 being present, W. C. M. Haines gave a hearty welcome to .all present and urged the meinbers to ‘'be true to the Order by attending their primary lodge meetings, ancl he -asked for the support of all members present in promoting the principles of the Order, C. Rec. Sec. Copeland gave a len- thy address. on the work done dur- ing the year, showing the good' work fbeing done by the Orphanage institu• - , lion throughout Canada. 1 Corset Detnonstration Mrs, Barron, graduate Corsetierke will be at our storeall day Friday, Feb. 13th and until Saturday noon, Feb. 14th. Arrange to see the. new Foundation Garments. for Spring. King Bros. Radio Listeners Tune in on station CFRB "Colum- bia. Broadcasting. system." and bear the 'Great Peter -Pan Broadcast, on Friday, Feb. 6th at 10 p.m, by Ed- ward Molymeux of Paris, France. Visit Isard's Store and. see the new Peter Pan Patterns now on display. Buried by Lumber Pile Mr. Alex. Dixon had a narrosv es - Art invitation from • the Village cape on Saturday when a pile of lums -council and L. a 'L. of Blaafli, was ber at Lloyd's factory felt on him ,extended to the Colint3',- to hold the and completely covered him. The 12th of July celebration in that place lurnber was soon removed and he was Invitations were also received from found in an unconscious condition. DECISION GIVEN LUCKNOVV COUPLE Branding the plaintiff's story "a tissue' of falsehoods," Justic Jeffrey in assize court dismissed with cost.s the $15,000 action brought by George Richards, one-time ward of.the Tor- onto Children's Aid Society, against his former legal guardians, John A. and Sarah Mackenzie, of Lucknow, Ont. The case which has been before the court for the past three days, was based on alleged cruel treatment and lack of education. Richards, who is now a married man with two child- ren, maintained throughout the trial that he had never received any more schooling than a 10-year-olde child, and when asked to do simple addi- tion problems, the plaintiff failed to do them correctly. • In dismissing the case, Justice Jef- Sarnia and Stratford. The invitation Dr. Redmond was called andhad him frey said: "It is unfortunte that this 13lythe as accepted and reculests renioved to his homeAs we go to action, ever started, as the plaintiff. will be sent to South Huron and to press we ane pleased to learn that , has been ill-advised, not by his coun- he is progressing favorablysel, but by his friends." ee 'West Bruce to join with North Hur- on on July 18th in Blyth, the 12th falling on Sunday. • A collection in aid °Nile True Blue ,Orphanage was taken and responded to generously, $25..e0 being realized. Past C. M. Thos. Stewart was nom- inated.to the chair and conducted the Annual election of officers: W. C. M.—Chas. Stewart. D. C. M.—Allan Pattison. C. Rec. Sec'y—C. R Copeland. C. Fin. Sec'y—Harvey }balking, • C. Treas.—Wm. Mole. • C. Chap.—john Ferguson. D. of C.—Jos. Taman. • lst Lece.—Robt. Murray. 2nd Lect,—Ira Rapson. • TUXIS BOYS PLAN TO RAISE $13,000 One hundred and twenty members of the Ontario Older Boys' Parlia- ment and more than seventy local boys' work boards are busy preparing their pines for the raising of $13,000, withw hich to carry on Trail Ranger and Tuxis work during the coming year, s The money raised by the boys in thi e campaign is for both provincial and local work and will be used by the I3oys' Work Boards of the prov- ince iesetting up and supervising District Camps, Boys' Work Confer ences, Father and Son Activitic,s, Mb- ietic Meets and the Work of the Pax . - Harnett. • • The boys who go out, unselfishly and enthusiastically in rcbrua.ry, to raise the money needed by their pro - villein! movement arc sliovving a spirit that should meet with the most gen- ernes and practical ,approval of the citizens. WINGHAM SENIORS WIN GROUP AND REGISTER FOUR SHUT -OUT GAMES Kincardine 'Fig,ers met the Wing- 'Walpole and Rogers; centre, N. Mc - ham puck chasers in the final group Donald; wings, Ed. McDonald and game in Winghatn Arena on Friday Geddes; alternates, Kearns, Chapman night, and was without doubt the and J. McDonald, cleanest game ever played on local Wingham—Goal, McGee; defence, ice, resulting in a win for Wingham A Lockridge and W. Lockridge; ten - 2 -0. Three penalties were handed out tie, H. Mitchell; wings, Brown and by Referee Kemp, none of which were A, Mitchell; alternates, Salters, Me- intentional. Donald and Gurney, The ice was in good condition and the play fairly fast, both teams check- ing hard, About the middle of the first period Alf. Lockridge baoke through the Kincardine defense and scored. This ended the scoring until the last period when on a nice pass of Harold Mitchell to Harry Browne will tit the group if not win it as the second goal was made. The two teams are very evenly Ripley has to go to Kincardine for matched for speed, but in combina- their last game tion plays Wingham -were a little stip- ferion Both goalies played great The winners of, the prizes at the games, but McGee as usual was prac- last hockey 'match are as follows:— tically unbeatable and on several oc- Pullover sweater, by Hanna Sz Co,, easions stopped shots that looked like Jaels McGee; pair of gloves, by 'W. suit goals, especially when in a H. Gurney, H, Browne, two neckties seramblc he fell and while lying on by J. McMichael and G MacLean, H. the ice reached out and caught the Mitchell and H. 13rownee two-lbbox puck of John Galt Candies by Beacock The largest crowd of the season Cafe, W. Lockridge; 2-1b. box of was 'resent and this attributed to the chocolates by MeNab's restaurant, W. startieg the game at a later hour. McDonald; sefety razor by McKibs many from the country evere in at- bon's Drug Store, A. Lockridge; two tnane. Tim club have derided that tins of cigarettes by F. Sturdy, A. all future gams will be called for Mitchell and K. Smilers; key ring by 8.30. J. Mime, W, Gurney. A box of 24 The Band was pi eeent and added chocolate bars was also donated by iiiuchto ibo evening's enjoyment, j. Mason, but this didn't get as far The 1III tip as being,, the boys iking advantage Kincardine—Goal, Ross; dceiice, or them before the game. • The Winghamjuniors played their return game in Ripley on Tuesday evening and won by the store of 2-1. This winputs the local boys on an equal basis with Ripley, and if they win from Kincardine on Friday night COUNTY COUNCIL AT JANUARY SESSION MOVE TO wiNGHAILIOCLUDRiitRcstiRE — REDUCE_ THE SALARIES OF ALL COUNTY OFFICIALS The Winghain Curling Club held their annual euchre and dance in the town hall on Tuesday evening of last week, with a fair attendance. 'There were over thirty tables of cards, and play continued until eleven o'clock, when lunch was served. Splendid prizes were awarded, for the ladies, Miss B. Murchison was the winner for the lone hands and Mrs. C. Cope- land for games. For the gentlemen, Dan Geddes was the winner for lone hands and David Falconer for games, The gathering. then retired to the council chamber, there the. number had greatly. increased for the dance. Secure Your. Auto License The 1931 auto licenses are now available and should. be procured be- fore driving your ear. Chief Allen has been notified that if licenses are not secueed prosecutions will follow. LOCAL AND PERSONAL • Mrs. J. H. Hopper and grandson spent the week end in Exeter. Miss Blanche Irwin of Toronto, is spending a few days in town, Mrs. j..H. McKay and Miss Evelyn spent theweek-end in Hamilton. Misses Grace Fry and Billie Gib- son were visitors in Guelph this week. Mrs. H. L. Sherbondy and. Miss T. Isbister are spending a fesv days in Toronto. • Miss Agnes • Coates of East Wa- wanosh, is visiting with Miss Nellie Casemore. Mr. Geo. Allen of Western Univer- sity, London, spent a few days at his home in town. Mrs Luckhurst has returned to her home in Winnipeg, after visiting her aunt, Mrs, Ford, Mr. Walton A. McKibbon of West- ern University spent the *eek end his home in town. Big Sale of Dresses at Isards. Re,- duced Pricee are $4,95, $7.50, $9.75. See these bargains. . Mr. Wilfred McEadeeart of West- ,. s ern 'University, spent the eek end at his home here. Mrs. Hoose bas returned to New York, after visiting her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Jas, „Haugh, Dr. Mary Cowan Maitland. of Man- chester, England, visited her .cousin, Dr. Margaret C. Calder this week. • Mrs. Oliver Thompson is much im- proved after her recent operation and expects to leave Stratford Hospital this week, • The Brick United Church people intend holding a Valentine Social on Friday, Feb. 13th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herson Irwin. Miss Agnes MacLean of Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J,• A. MacLean. • Mr. Chas. McBurney who has spent the past few weeks visiting relatives in East Wawanosh has returned to his home in Saslcatchewan. He fieds it very cold out West Don't miss the Contest Concert on Friday, Feb. 13, under the auspices of the Woolen's Institute, 13ehnore, to be judged by open vote of the aud- ience. • Two concerts for 25e. Come, Dominion Stores Ltd, Toy• Pails Peanut Butter 15c, Gold Soap, 10 bars 80c, Nestle's Condensed Milk 15c tin, Aylmer Peas, 3 tins 27c; all our own Teas 6e per lb. reduction; Campbell's Torn. Sottp 10c; Pumpkin, 2 tins 17c, The Radio al: Electric Shop in the Fields Block is now in a position to do electric wirieg and service repair evork: They carry a complete line of all electric a.ccessories, fuses, bulbs, and switches, electric toasters, irons and fixtures. Get our prices on in- stalling wall reeeptacles. Phone 158, Mrs. Omar Westell of Kincardine, Ont„ announces the lengagement • of her daughter, Margaret Luella Camp- bell, and daughter of the late 'Duncan W. Campbell of Winghain, Ont., to Mr, Frank Orland Hicks of Toronto, son of the late Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Hieks of Kingsville, One The mar- riage to base place Febreary lath at the United Church, Blyth, Ont. Dominion Stores Ltd., ri.ttit and Vegetable Sale tending Sat., Feb. 7th. Oranges. 25c dos,, Grape Fruit 8 for 25c, Head Lettuce 8 for 25; New Ca- bbage 2 lbs. 1.0e, Lenions 21c doz. and other freeli frnite ;Ind e•eg,etahates loweei prices. , At the opening session of Huron tion, submitted the financial state,- and Reeve Ritchie of Ashfield, to be County Council Warden Beattie ex- ment which showed a balance on I present, pressed regret in ex -Warden Baeker's hand of $150.27, the association asked Reports of County officars and the illness. He congratulated the new for a grant. Referred to Finance standing committees occupied part of and old members on their election, Committee. and asked them to co-operate for the the tiine at the Wednesday morning good of the county. As for the com- ing year, conditions are none too good. It is the county's duty to leg- islate as economically as possible. Warden Beattie announced that Mr. A letter frorn the Canadian Insti- session, Geotge Spottow M.P., Mr tution for the Blind asking for grant of $100 was filed. North Huron, addressed the conncii . with reference to the administration Appointments ih The council named the following assistance, relief tasu eli,Hule,urrgeesaddth°Pc edtc)giveco-opera representatives: J. J. Robertson to tion of the council to deal with this Scott, who had left in his will legac- Goderich Collegiate Institute Board; :patter not as a charity but as a duty ies to the hospitals in the county, had Dr. R. L. Stewart to Winghatn High to those in need. The relief officer , also left a considerable - amount of School Board, for a term of three of each municipality could do much' money, $15,000 or $16,000, to be used years; I-1, T. Rowe to ,Exeter Board by visiting homes where help is need - for charitable purposes. He explain- of Education; Frank Fingland to the ed that no one knew of this amount Clinton Collegiate Institute Board; until recently discovered, and he felt Mr. Miller Procter to the Wingham some effort should be made to get in High School Board for 1931. touch. with the Ontario Government Messrs. M. Armstrong and George as to the control of this sum, as he W. Holman were appointed to the felt it was meant for charity within Criminal Justice Audit Board for 1931 the county. Alfred Erwin, Bayfield, and John Ca - A letter from the Salvation Army meron, were appointed county audi- asking for a grant of $250 to the Wo- tors for 1931. Reeve Goetz, MeNab, men's and Children's Homes in Lon- Craigie, McKibbon and Keyes were don, the same as last year, was filed. named as a striking committee. Ree - The Provincial Department of High- ves James Ballantyne, John McKen- ways acknowledged receipt of a cheq- zie, R. H. Thompson were appointed ue in favor of the Provincial treasur- to the Good Roads Commission, and er for $119,416.78 on account of con- Reeve J. W. Craigie was appointed struction and maintenance of King's a member of the Goderich Hospital Highway in the County of Huron. Board. The Ontario Good Roads Associa- A motion by J. W. Craigie, second - tion wrote advising the date of the ed by J. W. McKibbon fixing a grant annual meeting on Wednesday, Thurs of $1,000 each to the Goderich, Oin- day and Friday, Feb. 25, 26 and 27 in ton, Seaforth, Wingham and Scott Toronto, and asked the council to Memorial Hospital. Seaforth was re- seed resolutions relating to adrninis- ferred to the executive committee. tration, finance and safety, etc. A letter from L. E. Cardiff, secre- tary of Huron Plowmen's Associa.- ed, or appaiently needed, and find ou the facts and report same. The ree es could look into the hornes with ti relief officer and tbe relief should be substantial and 'immediate. Blank forms of application could be left ity Mr...Spotton in requests for assist- ance. In the discussion following, M 'Henderson spoke regarding the meth- odof grants being made Mr. Gam- ble of Howick spoke of :natters in- stanced in his es township, The ent of the re- arden assured Mr. Spotton of the appreciation of the eouniel, and said the council would take the matter up during this ses- sion. A vote of thanks was moved by W. J. Henderson and L. H. Rader and was adopted enthusiastically. • The striking committee report was read by the clerk and on motion of The council by motion expressed R. H.„.,Thompson and A. J. GolcIthors its regret at the inability through ill- Pe was adopted ness of ex -Warden Baeker, 13russels, • (Continued on page 5) clerk read the .sta lief granted. The CHILD SHOT TO DEATH Attended Bank Convention BY BROTHER, AGED 11 Mr. A. M. Bishop, manager of the — local branch of the Dominion Bank, -Iswo-year-old Esther Thompson, attended the annual convention of the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dominion Bank held in Toronto last Thompson, who live on the W. E. week. Henderson farm north of Lucknow, was shot and instantly killed by a shotgun in the hands of her 11 -year- old brother, Donald. 'During the ab- sence of Mr. and Mrs. Thompson was going rabbit hunting. Before going upstairs he laid 'the gun on a couch. The two-year-old girl was playing in her highchair by the stove, when to accept special congratulations. Donald, unaware that the gun was • les Chamber of -Commerce Annual discharged picked it from the couch Et in his hands and the The annual meeting of the Wing -- charge was Deceived by the child, causing instant death. Estheris the youngest of 11 • children in the Thompson family. VOCATIONAL GUID- • ANCE CONFERENCE Following the Commencefnent Ex- ercises on Friday evening the Wing - ham High School Board took advaan Ate Apology tage of the presence of Mr. H. L. Troyer and Dr. Brebner of the Can- adian Guidance movement to hold an educational conference on Saturday morning. The meeting was well at- tended by a representative gathering of those interested in the education of our youth, and the advantages that the community should offer them. Among those present were Mr, Troyer, and Dr. Brebner of 'Toronto, Mr. Dobson and Mr. Crocker repre- senting Western, University, Mayor Fells and Reeve aina..ribbon represent- ing the town council, Reeve Hender- son of Morris, Mr. R, H. Lloyd, chair man of the Public School Board, Dr. Redmond and Dr. Stewart represent- ing the medical profession; Rev: Syd- ney Davison and Father McHugh re- presenting the clergy, Mr. Gordon Johnston from Lucknow H. S., Mr. G. L. Brackenbury and Miss B. H, Reynolds from our local schools. The WINGHAM HIGH SCHOOL HOLD ANNUAL members of the COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES FRIDAY NIGHT and a numbHigh School board,er of Interested citizens. The meeting was opened for dis- ' The Annual Commencement of last commented life's work was beau- cession and Mr. Troyer pointed out Wingliam High School was held in tifully expressed. A presentation was the great strides that Canada had the l'own Hall on Friday evening, made to the Valedictorian from her made commercially, deini- eeeiityeartshbuostlni eineetsittraitainllgy January 30th, 1931. Although other old class -mates, a amusements in town attracted manY The presentation, by Dr, R. T.., a trained corps of workers along oth- of the usually large audience, there Stewart, of the graduation diplomas er than academic litleS. It was also - was still a fairly good attendance, and the cash prizes was next carried stressed that many towns and cities The program of the evening opened out. Those receiving cash prizes for as a result of this growth were taking with a few fitting remarks by the the highest standing in the forms or had taken steps to broaden their Chairman, Mr. F. Howson. The first were: Form. I, Jim, Weir, Form II curriculum to meet the changing cons Dance by a number of the school er, Form IV, Mary King, Form V, trndaike't our own c%)vswia:nn citaol rime srntfeetilsiitnYsgila°n°4dthattee number of the evening, an Indian John Pattison, Form III jean Webst- girls started the meeting with a Kate King. Another dance, Gotland Quadrille, the need for these steps should be swing.G lee Club, which has been do- in gay coloured Swedish costume, was brought to the attention of our local ing excellent work, established the given by the girls and was so enjoyed citizens. Father MeIlugh voiced the reputation of the students as singers, that they had to return for an en- ssteutteidmeinnt the o tchotstreseofhispnesentwhen lie with their first number an Italian tone, a song "Fitniculi, Funicula." Later on The numerous Field Day prizes that he had no doubt that when the in the program they also sang the and Championships were distributed needs of the present studens for a French marching song, popular dur- by Chairman Howson. The Champ- more diversified 'curriculum vere ing the Great War, "La Madelon." ionships were awarded to Agnes Rob- explained to the parents sand to those The Prophet's Address was very eetson, Bruce Fox, Elaine Small and interested that there would be no hes- ably handled by Miss Ruth Robinson Murray Rae. ftcuxiati anlilicnyinpornovaklilidngtcitliii.tepn11,-ceiciltti!red acs and predicted many tragic and humhen - Everybody tjoined in the sing- e orous events of the future, It is to Mg of "0 Canada" after which the At the close of the conference the be hoped that some of these do not speakers of the evening were intro- guests were entertained by the High come true. cluced, Mr, if, L. Troyer then took oateltrchcon given at Four of the members the Glee the platform. Club added to the enjoymeet .of the Mr. Troyer spoke on the Vary \?-1- everling by giving the comic quartette teresting subject "What am I Worth, "The Beautiful 0.P.R.A.", The bursts Tiow much do T owe to my parents, PresbyterianVf, M S. of ariPlause testified the excellence of or how much should e receive from The regular monthly inectimx of the ,this performance, them? T -Te said thee the fathers and W ,S, will bo 11citl in St Ind The Valedictory address given by rnothetel should encourage their ehild- Preslierian Church (,,1 \WfInoeielay Miss Kale King in behalf of the gradthr - uating class of 1930, was both sad in every way to help them. ren higher education. and endeavor aofetie,rwnio,oraTit:pti'10):111,,e(alel".0.1Tint,liii,anasi chti Ind instructive, The different out- l'Irchner, Registrar of the iTnii Canada" will be taken hy MiAst look as the classes pas$wd from form versity of Toronto, ma& his address Anderson, A good etttenbuce 1 fn I'M through High School and at (Contintil' d t.‘,.11 page 41) questcd, The W.C.T,11. press reporter apol- ogizes to 'Helen Miller, Marie Kelly, and Scott Reid, who won prizes in the Temperance contest and whose names were omitted from last week's report. These juniors are now asked Bell Telephone Trimming Trees The trees on. the Diagonal Road and Victoria street are being trim- med by the Bell Telephone Co. under the supervision of Mayor Fells, Sec. ham Chamber of Ccinunerce will be held atqlre Council Chamber on the evening of Tuesday, February 10th, 1931, for the purpose of receiving the President's. reports electing officers 'for the year 1931, and the transaction of such other business as may prop- erly be brought before the meeting. E. S. Copeland, Pres. W. T. Booth, • ..elmel•mtn•afirantallalil!ollIIMMOM IIIIIMONIMIS•inamis011.011