HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-01-22, Page 8ily who have been visiting for several
week with relatives at Westfield,
have taken tip their abode here again,
The veteran harness rnes n
s xaaker, Ales,
MacKenzie, ' t "
well z
t � inthe
seventies,. renewed his youth Saturday
night by having a skate on the new
rink, Mr, MacKenzie 'had not• .had
skates on for more than thirty years
but thisdid not retard him from
showing the younger set how well he
could skate.
The ,annual meeting of the Horti-
cultural Society was held on Friday
evening. The report of the Secretary
showed a successful year's work with
127 members on the roll and a bal-
ance in the Bank of $100.10. Offic-
ials elected for this year are: Pres.,
Mrs. McCallum; 1st Vice -Pres., Mrs.
Little; 2nd.. Vice -Pres., Mrs. Leith;
Sec.-Treas., Mrs, Chambers; Direc-
tors, Mrs: .Williams, Mrs. Chellow,
Miss Gillespie, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs.
Laidlaw, Miss Herrington, Mr. El-
liott, Mr. Chambers, Mr. Chellow;
Robert Watt, Mr.. Argent. Delegates
to the convention in Toronto, Mrs.
McCallum and Rev. George Weir.
Rev. Eric Anderson is in Wyom-
ing and . Sarnia, visiting his mother,
who is seriously ill in Sarnia Hospi-
Mrs. Ellen Wallace has returned,
having spent several months at New-
Mr, Ward Laundy, son of Council-
for and Mrs. E. C. Laundy, has sec-
ured a position as Customs Officer
at Niagara Fall,: Ontario. Congratu-
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, January 22, 23, 24
Richard Arlen
Mitzi Green and Eugene Palette
Romance Action Drama
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, January 26, 27, 28
Buddy Rogers and Nancy Carroll
-a- In
Broadway's Sensational Comedy Romance
All in Technicolor
Song Hits—"A Peach of a Pair." Button ,up your
Overcoat." "It Must be You."
An enjoyable time was reported at
the well -attended euclu e party held
in the Orange Hall: on. Wednesday
-evening. The winners of the first
,prizes. were Thomas Johnston and
Mrs. Ernest Patterson of the consol-
ation, Eph. Ball and Miss Luella
Auburn boasts of having one of the
best public libraries in its class in
Huron County. Each year the . finan-
•ccs are augmented by holding a com-
munity concert.:Interest -is now *'un-
sting high in this year's event which
will,, be a, competition between East
and West Wawanosh: vs. Millet end
Colborne, ' A. M. Rice is the. Captain
in West Wawanosh, W. Straughan in.
East Wawanosh, William Craig in
Hullett and Antos Andrew in Col-
borne. The concert will be held in
the Foresters' Hall on Burns' night.
Elmer Lindsay of Goderich is wir-
ing George Dawson's residence for
A full house greeted When A Fel-
kr Needs a Friend," a comedy in
three acts, which was presented - on
Friday night in the Foresters' Hall
under the `auspices of the Young
Peoples' Society of Knox United
Church. The cast of characters was:
Harry Sturdy, Olver Anderson, Miss
Margaret King, William Craig,, Grace
Jewell, Fred Wagner, Bert Marsh,
Mrs..Willient Craig; Lillian Plunkett
and Cenetta 'Jewell. The company in-
tended giving the play' in Dungannon
Friday: •
The new rink on the river was op-
ened on Thursday night and is now
doing a thriving business.
John Howson of Vancouver, }3.C,,
cousin of the late C. A. Howson, is
visiting at the Howson home:
A. J. Ferguson has. returned home
after attending the furniture manu-
facturers and dealers' convention •:at
A. M, Rice, manager of the Bank
of Commerce, on learning of , his
transfer, to: Ayr shortly, took his new
sedan to Goderich and, stored it there
so 'as to' have the use of it in trav-
elling to. Ayr, even, if the road to God-
erich became snowbound. This real-
ly did happen on Friday but Gordon
Taylor accompanied by Nelson Hill,
drove. Mr. Rice to Goderich in his
snow car. From there the trio took
Mr, Rice's car to Ayr where he made
a survey of the . bank premises,
Thomas Jackson is 'suffering from
an attack of the flu.
Mary. and Billy Asquith: are visit-
ing with their aunt, Mrs. F. Rogerson
of Blyth: '
William Acheson, junior member of
the Bank` of Commerce staff received
word on .the noon mail yesterday of
his transfer to the Goderich office,
the change to take place immediately.
It is regretful to ,lose: Mr. Acheson
as the Auburn people had started to
consider hila as a member of the
community. •
H. E. P. C. workmen have com-
mencedthe construction of the ex-
tension from E, Robertson's to Amos
Reta Hamilton, who is :teaching
near Parkhill spent the week -end at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. D. W, Hamilton of E. Wawa-
Mr, and Mrs. Reg. Carter and fam-
tlllACI1�III11lilal l i66111�i trill ll�l I IOl)11@iltl{�I] 111111111111�p I>�lil�lllllpl l!ll�i1!l�11111!! 1110111nv11n11111II1mis h
1 belts. 27 coats which sold reg..
• up to 35.00.
This We
GROUP I Reductiouus
Navy. Blue, Whitneys, Chia.
chillas and Barrymore cloths--
all satin -lined with and without
20 to 46% GROUP II
Includes all our heavy Herring-
bones in Young Men's Guards;
Models and straight backs in
Greys, Pawns, Fancy Cheeks.
Values up to $30.00.
Clearing this week 17
We have .a number of boys'
Suits and Overcoats which we
are including in a very special
Price of
IVlen's fine Grey Wool lined
Kid " Gloves, very stylish and
A durable. Reg. $2.50.
All. On Sale �p,
Men's Fall and Winter Caps.
This includes alt better makes
with or without ear bands; also
boys' Leather Aviator caps with
it goggles.
Salo. Price
ackinaws, Sheep -lined, rids
eee▪ i;ttg 3rehes, Odd Trousers.
20 PER Cl lri` r,
Stanfield's Blue Label Shirts
and Drawers $2.25
Red Label Shirts and Draw-
ers.......... ..... .... . „ ........
'Rage all fine Underwear x Less
111,110410i110101001111410111011110111tIlillilifill ill ill
Mrs. Harry Champion left on Sat-
urday for a two weeks'. visit with
friends in Toronto.
Mrs. John. Carter who has been un-
der a. doctor and nurse's care for the
past week with pneumonia, is slowly
Mr. Jas. Burns who had the mis-
fortune to have his leg broken a short
time ago, is improving rapidly and
his friends hope to see him about
Mr: Peter Carter took a sleigh load
of young people up to a dance at
William Jackson's at Holyrood last
Wednesday evening.
Watch for the February .Orange
Dance. Announcement later.
The annual meeting of West Bruce
District L.O,L., was held in Kinlough
Orange Hall Iast Tuesday afternoon.
A large representation of the Lodges
in the district were present. The ad-
dress of the Distract Master, Rev. E.
O. Gallagher, whoave an. account
g co nt
of his stewardship -for the past year,
was very encouraging and instructive,
After the general business was con-
ducted the District Master called on
Past County Master Ben Logan, of
Ripley, to conduct the election of of-
ficers, I3ro. Logan called on P.D.M.
Will Haldenby who presided . for the
election. The result of the election
*as as follows: D. W, M., Rev. E.
Gallagher; 1). D. M., Isaac . Pen-
nell; D. Chap., Wm. Wall; D. Rec.-
Sec.,- Earl Hodgins; D. F. Sec., Wal-
ter Nickelson; D. Treas.;Writ, Percy;
D. Marshall, Noble Guest; D. Lect.,
C. E. McDonagh; D. D. '7 ect., John
Miller; D. 2nd I..ect., Frank Green;
D. Auditors, Albert Stanley, John
Mrs. Mac Ross and Mrs, MacGreg-
fe or spent a few days last week with
ate-- the latt,er's daughter; Mrs, Jack Hen-
derson of Earamoutst.
Born—On Sunday, Jarntary loth, in'
t Huron Twp., to Mr. and 'Mrs. John
D. Ross (nee Luella Farrier), a son,
ke. Mr. Pat Black, who spent the last
k few months with, Mr. Wesley Leggett.
• has hired with Mr. Cecil Chamney,
keg Mrs. Joe Holmes slipped on the
icy track last Monday and 'fell, sprain-
▪ ing her left arm.
► Mr. and Mrs. •Irwin Henry and son,
fiff Ross, and Mr, and Mrs. Robert Pur-
a don and Muriel and Archie, spent last
rs Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Archie An-
• derson of St. Helens:
Mrs. Jas. McGee, also Mr. Leask
- McGee have been under the doctor's
care last week,
i Messrs. Frank Thocnpsoti and C.
Shiell shipped a car -load of cattle
from Whitechurch to Toronto on, F ri-
I day'
Mrs. Jas. Barbour Sr., and Mr, El.
wood Barbour went to Dungannon
_L last Friday to see the latter's son -in -
IN - law, Mr. Fred Culbert, who had beett
• uncoanscious front infiamatfort in the
brain, caused by infection setting in
from a sore throat.
e The sleigh -load from Whiteehuroh
went to the home of Mr, Duncan
MacDonald of St, Helens last week,
and not to the home of Mr. Jas, Per-
, dou., as was stated,
Mr, and Mrs, Victor Emerson spent
f Sunday at. the home of his another,
Mrs, A. Emerson.
A. number of young folks front the
4th attended party a !' < ty xt the home of
Mr. and Mrs, peter Moffatt of Kin-
i11111111111111i111111011111i 1811
loss ;last Friday.
blr. and Mrs. Roy Patton have bee
visiting at the Bone of her mothe
Mrs, A. Fon since' thedeath of he
uncle, r,
ox Miss Kat
Smith . of Galt cg • also visiting wit
i\?.ts, Fox and .her daughters,
Mr.; and Mrs, Eli Jacques visite
with Mir, and Mrs, Andrew Wilso
on Friday last,.:
Mr. Jas. Switzer from Pentland
Sask„ has been visiting with his bro
ther-in-law, Mr. 'George ,Murray, and
lac' and Mr. Murray spent Thursday
with Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Tiffin
The W. ".M. S, of Brick Church are
holding a .social evening on Friday .at
the home of .Mr, and Mrs. Charles
Shiell. •
Mrs, •Ste•wait 'McBurney is visiting
this* week with Mrs. Stanley McBur-
ney of Toronto, and her neice, Miss
Mary Stott, is here" at her home, dur-
ing her absence.
Mrs. George Robertson has •not
been 'improving as quickly as her
many friends would like to see her.
Mrs. Frank Henry has been visiting
with' her sister, Miss Simpson, of
Wingham,; who has been on the sick
lisMt:• .
r. and Mrs: Jas. Norman and
family spent Sunday at 'the home of
his • uncle, Peter Lever, •
About 80 attended the social even-
ing held by the St. Augustine Wo-
men's Institute at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Thos. Robinson, last Wed-
n s
e da :T prizes he prix s £or lone hands
went to Mrs. Jas. Craig and Mr. Cecil
Chamney: and foreuchres, to Miss
Etta Taylor and Mr: Pat, Murphy. All
eporta' good time.
Thursday, Janttaryy' 22nd, 1931
The annual vestry meeting of St.
n Paul's Anglican Church, Dungan non,
r, willbe held•'in .the Parisi' :Hall on
r ` Monday, January 19, 'at 2 pan, That'
e of - the sister congregation, Christ
h Church, Port, Albert, will be held on .PO
Tuesday, January . 20, in the church,
d Port Albert, at2
r ,p.m.
n Mr. and Mrs. Burton Roach and
daughter, Miss Erma Roach; were re-
, cent guests with, Mr. and Mrs. John-
- stop, Lucknow, They. were accomp-
anied by Mrs, Jean `i'Tilliems and
Miss E. Elliott, who wereguests with
the Tatter's cousins, the Misses Mc-
Mr. Ezra Scholtz returned from
Guelph last Saturday after taking the
short course at the O. A. C. for ditch-
ing and draining.
Mrs. Ben McClenaghan is visiting
with her . mother, Mrs. Jas, Barbour,
over the week -end:
Mr. George Fox passed. away ear-
ly Friday morning at the home of his
sister-in-law, Mrs. Andrew Fox, at
Whitechurch: He had ;been ailing
from heart attacks for 'a while past,
but had risen and was seated in his
accustomed chair when he collapsed
Mr, and Mrs. Deveneaux of St. Au-
gustine and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kelly,
spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Jas, 'Cornelius.
and quickly passed away. He was
born near Glascow, Scotland, almost
eighty-five years ago and came to this
country with his parents and two bro-
thers and two sisters, at the age of
six years. He was the eldest of the
family, all of whom predeceaed him.
He was' a vefy quiet and retiring dis-
position and a great : reader, being
conversant on s.lmost any subject. He
alway iive'd w'itli: his brother, the late
Mr. Andrew Fox and his fancily, who
before moving to the village lived in
East Wawanosh, He belonged to the
Presbyterian 'Church until Church
Union, when he went to the United
Church, He wasburied in Wingham
Cemetery on Monday afternoon,' Rev.
T. C, Wilkinson; his Pastor, taking
•the services at the house and grave.
Messrs, Leslie and George Alton
spent last week: with : relatives in
Stanley Trownship. •
Mr. Gillis Haines," south of 'Dun-
gannon, is at present staying with his
father, Mr.. George Haines, near
Master Jimmie. Nelson and sister,
Jean celebrated their birthday on Sat-
urday, 17th, by entertaining about: 25
of their • little friends and neighbors
to a party. Jimmie was 11 years old.
and Jean 7 }ears old,
There was a -good turnout frorrL the
three circuits of the Asltfieid United
Church on Friday night at the home
of Rev. Mr. and Mrs, Taverner. All
Deport a 'splendid tune.
Mrs. Wm. Blake, near Mafeking,
left last Saturday for an extended vis-
it with her son, Dr. Matthew Blake,
of Winnipeg.
Mr. Isaac Andrew attended the fun-
eral of his neite, Miss Kilpatrick of
Brockville last week.
Mr. Harold. Webster, 9th con., has
gone to Guelph for, a month at the
0.A.C. to take a course on live stock.
Mrs. Jim Sherwood and little dau-
ghter are spending a few weeks with
the former's mother, Mrs. Brown of
Mr, and Mrs, Jim Drennan, near
1(intail, spent Saturday with Mr, and
Mrs. Sam Sherwood.
West Wawanosh District Orange
Lodges held their annual meeting in
the Orange Hall, Duuga"nnon, this
week when the following officers
were elected: .District Master, Mel-
ville Culbert; District Deputy Master,
George Pentland; Chaplain, Rev. C.
C. Koine; Recording Secretary, Ben-
son Fintrigan; Financial .Secretary,
Robert Wilson; Treasurer, James El.
liott; First :Lecturer, William A. Gr-
eer; Second Lecturer, David Glenn;
Marshall, Leslie Johnston, Three
lodges intake up this district,
Nile, Dungannon and Belfast,
■ ▪ `
The .first meeting of the Council for ■
1931, was held on January 12th, with III
all the members present, Having each IN
subscribed' to the declaration of of-. mi
Tice,' the minutes of last meeting in
1930.were read and approved. 111
The following appointments were M
then made for the present year at the
Same salaries as formerly: M. Mc- �.
Dowell,, Assessor;. F. Thompson and•
. ■
W. H. Campbell, Auditors; F. D,
Stalker, member Board of Health; ■
Wm. McDowell, Weed inspector; H. ■
Perdue and , A, McGowan, . sanitary
inspectors; H. McGee, J. Caldwell, NI
W. J. Currie and Geo. Walker, sheep •
valuers. a
The usual requests at this time,
asking.for grants in aid of Charitable
Institutions, also from the.Ont. Edu ■
cational Assoc., the Dom. of Canada ■
Insurance Co. and the Ont, Good
Roads Association, received and read:
The Council decided to again be-
come a member of the Good Roads
Association at a `fee of $5.00.
Finlay Anderson, the capable and.
veteran Treasurer for the past 36
years, tendered his resignation of that
office. The same was accepted 'and
the Clerk was instructed to ask for
applications for this office at a salary
of $120.00, duties to commence at
completion of audit in February,
Sif h M
cx' coie
ps o t e unicipal World
were ordered as formerly for the
Council and Clerk.
The following accounts were paid:
James.Cornelius, refund on the Deyell
Drain $2.81; J. Laidia}v, refund on
the Deyell drain ,13; Wm. Purdon,
refund on the Deyell Drain ,$1,17;° M.
Patterson, refund on the Deyell. Drain
$4.46; H.. McKay, refund ion Deyell
Drain .80; A. McQuillan, refund on
Deyell Drain .80; F. Coulter, refund
on Deyell Drain $4.89; L. Grain,. re-
fund on Deyell Drain $1.97; F. David -
Then Come Inside
and See . More tt
37; R. Redmond, allowance for old
drain on the Cook drain $141.00; R.
Redmond, sheep destroyed by dogs,
$14.00; J. Caldwell, sheep valuator;
$2.00; The Municipal World; sub-
scriptions, $6.00; S. L. Squire, mem-
bership fee, Good Roads Association,
$5.00; F. Anderson, postage, $.15.00;
Trustees Belgrave School, for nom-
ination meeting $4.00; A, Porterfield,
salary, postage, and fees as Div. -Reg-
istrar $220.00; F. A. Edgar, Engin-
eer's fees on the Elliott drain $281:00;
J. G. Gillespie, payment contract on
Elliott drain: $300.00.
Council adjourned to meet again on
Tues:, Feb. 10th.
A. Porterfield, Clerk.
Cut Production Costs
Pointing out that history down
through the years showed sevenfat
years and seven lean years; the Hon.
T. L. Kennedy, Minister of Agricul-
all." He urged .,.fathers to interest
theirsons in farm activities. The "iii
and out" farmer had suffered during
the past few years, he said, and would
continue to find the industry unpro-
fitable. To succeed in agricultural
pursuits. Col. Kennedy said, the pro-
ducer must maintain production costs.
at the minimum, which means that
the farmer must feed only the best
live stock.
Will Count Crows', Feet
Farmers of Essex County, have de-
clared an open warfare on crows dur-
ing the next few weeks. The cam-
paign will close with a banquet at
Leamington and crows' feet will be
counted at this function.: Crows drive
out the game and song birds and to
this is laid the increase in insect pests.,
in the county. A few years .ago •a
large number of quail and Hungarian
son, refund on ;Deyell. Drain .15; J. ture, in the course of a recent 'ad- pheasants were distributed through
Norman, refund on Deyell Drain .42; dress, remark • "We
edare experienc- the county in the fight to bring back
Advance-Tirnes Office, printing ac- ing one of the lean years -now, butgame and song birds and these haw
count $28.52; Chas. Smith, road No. 3, we mtist notwoor'
ry or - beeo'me dis- increased during the years to an ap-
$15.15; R. Chamney, road no. 4, $5.- ccxuraged, for hardship is good for us preciable extent.:
OTTAWA takes to > the bilis in
earnest when she holds het annual
winter carnival, which this year etn.
braces a complete week of sports
events from February 2 to February
7. "There will be the renewal of the
100 -mile dog derby for the Chateau
Laurier $1000 Gold Cup; National
and International speed skating rates;
ski jumping competitions; fancy
skating. mtereational Hockey niatehes,
nd, s nc0 the young peoplet are as
•anbitious as the
. uiodo8 derbyfor wh tlt boys and girls of
Ottawa and district towns are now
training their dogs.
The winter carnival 'week program --
me at Ottawa is filled with activities
foe spectators and participants alike.
The plans include a skating ettra-
vaganta, "Aladdin and his Magic.
Lamp," with ,more than 100 fancy
skaters itt costume; bonfire of Christ-
mas trees; and mocaesin dances; carillon
recitals on Parliament Hill and then,
to make the Ottawa winter tarmval
more unique, aquatic. sports in the
swimming bath of the Chateau Laurier
Photographs show, top: r n .
p Tterns
tional speed skaters preparing for their
Championship race; Lower left, Emile
St Godard, defender of the ChateatK
Laurier Gold Cup which he won in
1030 hundred mile dog derby, and right,
one of theskijutnping chant ions of
Canadagoing off the take -off at the
Roekefiffe park Nem an art attempt to
establish new dist nee records. --Ca.
radian National P.adlways phatgraph,