HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-01-15, Page 8NEW LYCEUM THEATRE WITH I00 PER CENT. TALKING PICTURES Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Jan. 15th, 16th, 17th "THE DRAKE CASE" An Intensely Gripping Picture of a Woman on Trial for her life. With - . Gladys Brockwell, Forest Stanley Ba tiara Leonard, James Crane and Robert Fraser Monday, Tuesday, Wednes., Jan. 19th, 20th, 21st Glen Tryon and Merna Kennedy -- to `SKINNER STEPS OUT" An Amazing Farce Comedy. 12th LINE HOWICK Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown were Mildmay visitors one day this week. Mr, and Mrs. Vittie spent the week end at Tory Corners. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cook and Mrs. W. Gallaway were visitors on. Sulnday at Mr. Jas. Underwood's, Mr. W. J. Finlay of Listowel pass -ed ,through this burg on Saturday. Chair, The program for the Provin- cial day of prayer was carried out, The scripture lesson was taken by Mrs. James, Nichol;; and the differ- ent prayers were taken 'lijr Mrs. R. F. Garniss, Mrs. John Mundell, Mrs, D. J. Falconer and Mrs, Eldrid Nichol;, Mrs, Walter Smillie read 'a splendid paper on the subject "The meaning of service," prepared by Mr. Hutton After discussing some items of busi- ness the President closed the meeting with prayer, At the annual Sunday School meet- ing held in the United Church, Mon- days, the following officers and tea- chers were elected for the current year: Supt., Robt. Shaw; Assist -Supt., C. Hetherington; Sec., •Earl Hamil- ton; Assist -Sec., Robt, Masters; Treas., Carl. Johnston; Teachers — Class No, 1, Mrs. Jas. Masters; Asst,; Mrs. Geo. Thomson; No. 2, Mrs, Geo. Thornton; Asst., Mrs. C. Hethering- ton; No. 3, . Ed. Johnston; Assist„ A. MacEwen; No. 4, Chas. Johnston; Assist;, Wm. Peacock; No. 5, Mrs. (Rev.) Mann; Asst., Mrs. Ed. John- ston; No. 6, Arthur Shaw; Asst., Rich Johnston; No. 7, Rob. Shaw; Asst., Mrs. Alice Aitken; No. 8 (Cradle Roll), Mrs. C. Hetherington; Organ- ist, Miss Cora Jewitt. A motion was also passed to give the first 'collec- tion each month to missions. Black Bros. shipped two cars of cattle to Toronto on Saturday. Some excitement was caused on Main street after church on Sunday when the colt which. William Peacock was driving upset the cutter and did The annual ,meeting of the United considerable performance. However, Church will be held Friday afternoon,` Will hung on to him and no great Idamage was done, although one side BIRTHS of the cutter was broken in a little. On the new time table the morning Dunbar—In Winghanr General Hos- train comes two, minutes earlier and pital on Friday, January 9th, to Mr, the noon train five minutesearlier. and Mrs. Joseph Dunbar of Bel- Fleming Black made a business trip grave, a son—Joseph Alan. to Toronto on Monday. Turnberry Council held their first meeting of the year in the hall en Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. Pike and Mr, and MARRIED Mrs. A. Galbraith spent Sunday with McKague-Munro—On December 15th Mr. and Mrs. Edward Newton. 1930, at Toronto, .EIizabeth Ann Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Finlay visited Munro, daughter of the late Mr. the Tatter's sister. Mrs. R. T. Bennettnd Mrs. D. Munro,of Toronto, , en Sunday. to Robert Earl .McKague, son of. Messrs. John and Gerson Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. McKague, of Whitechurch spent last Sunday at of V.Tinghant. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. El- lis. Mr S, Moffatt spent Sunday at Mr. Robt. Baker's. BELMORE BLUEVALE The annual meeting of the Ladies' Aid of Knox Presbyterian church was held, Friday, Jan. 9th,at the hone of Mrs. R. F. Garniss. There was a good eie" Music convenor—Mrs. James attendance and the reports of the Michie, A, slight mistake was made last year's work were very encouraging. December was a very successful week in the report of the W.M.S., the The. Treasurer's books show a bal- month in the Y. P. S. of Knox Unit - collection being9.35 in placeteen ondhand of one hundred and fir- ed Church, i3elgray.e. The Missionary �. of once .35. Wm. Marshall had a bee haul on the interest meeting was held on Dec. 3rd, open - church debt and also paying ing with the usual Sing -Song, con- ing wood to Wingham last week and two hundred and fifty dollars to the ducted by Mr. Scobie, followed by the a party was given in the evening. building fund, besides purchasing devotional period, with .Cela Coultes, Mr, and Mrs. Herd entertained the some useful articles for the church. 2nd Vice -Pres., in the chair. gilder set of the community Friday The following officers were elected Minutes of Nov. meetings were evening. Some of our married friends for the year 1931 President, Miss read by the Secretary, Velma Wheel - haven't forgotten how to dance. Olive Scott; Vice -Pres,, Mrs. T). j. er, and the Roll Call was responded Mn James McNeil of Wroxeter Falconer; Sec., Mrs. Alex. Mowbray; to with a verse of Scripture, there visited his parents. Sunday. Assist. -Sec., „Mrs. Cloin Higgins; being thirty-five members enrolled. Minnie Jeffray was a Wroxeter vis Treasurer, Mrs. Eldrid Nichol; Pian- The Treasurer's report was also itor Thursday and Friday with Mrs. ist, Miss Margaret Garniss; Auditors, given by Bruce Chimney, • and the Missionary offering was received. The Current event was given by, Goldie Wheeler. The Topic—Capital and Labour in Japan To -day, was presented by Mr. Bob. Coultes, and Cela Coultes sang a solo, "I Love to Tell the Story." The second meeting' on. December 10th, was in charge of the lst Vice - Pres., Harold Vincent. Cela Coultes gave a paper on Penticost and Sex, from the Study Book "The Christ of Every Road." The current event was liven by Carl Proctor. The subject for discussion at the Dec, 17th meeting was entitled "Spending", and was ably dealt with by Goldie Wheeler. Mrs. Jas. Wight; man and Miss Mary Wightman con- tributed a vocal duet. 5 The Society has decided to get up a :Play in aid of the Piano Fund, and a committee was 'chosen consisting of. George Jordan as Convenor, Mr, Scobie, Miss Shackleton, Jennie Wightman and Cela Coultes, to de - 1 nide on a Play.id ' On Dec. 31st an Olel Year Night 5 was held, with Miss Louise MCKen- . zie, a former :President, who is now teaching at Sturgeon Falls, as guest WI of honor. 'A short time was spent in sleigh riding, after which all gathered at the Manse, where a very enjoyable time was spent playing crokinole and other games. A short musical' program was also given consisting of a piano solo by 'Velma Wheeler, violin solo by Ruth Mr, and Mrs, Elymer Tiffin and Ilse Cole, piano duet by Misses Dorothy family moved on Wednesday of last Vincent find Eileen McCallum, se- week to their new home in Winghatn. A Itctions on the mouthorgan by Not- 'Give sleigh loads of young people e man Keating and a vocal solo by Mies from Winghant and Whitechurch Cela Coultes, spent a pleasant evening at the home A few well chosen words of wel- of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer last conic were spoken. by Mr. Scobie to Thursday. ill Miss McKeitsie and ail those. home The Dramatic Society are present- for the holidays, Miss McKenzieave in their play, "A. Noble Outcast" in g g' y, a short but suitable reply. Lucknow on Thursday, Jan. 15th, Just as the Grandfather clock peal- Mr, Ezra Scholtz left. on Monday ed the hoar of midnight and 1930 to take the short course in Guelph passed into oblivion and 1931 came this week, on Ditching and Draining, 'our The :- ...le on' the 4th of young people BELGRAVE The regular ,meeting of the Wo- men's Institute will be held Tuesday afternoon, January 20th, at the home of Mrs. Jos. Miller. Assistants—Mrs. Wm. Cole and Mrs. Robt. McCrae. Roll Call—What am I as 'a citizen doing, for the advancement of Pro- hibition? It is expected that Mrs. Tyndall of Winghain, will address the + meeting, her topic: being"i Temperaie- Jas. Rae, Mrs. Jack Reid and Miss Margaret Lynton. Mrs. Newans and Eleanor Jeffrey The W.M.S. met at the close of the eipent a day last week with Mrs.. Mttl Ladies' Aid meeting with the Presi- vey. dent, Mrs, Peter S. McEwen, in the Mrs. John Mundell and Mrs. P. D. King. illnillllil19l111111111111l31111111I1111116dU 11111iIII1111111111111111111®Ilileil211l11111101lnontiesitIVI11NIl1Yll+ me 1t $4.00, $5.00, $6.00 and $7.00 Sweaters, Heavy 11 All -Wool Sweater Coats in Aberley and other good iM makes, waren and durable for sport wear. WATCH OUR WINDOW This Week, Sale Price $2.95 Young Men's Fancy Pull -Over Sweaters— V-Neck and also Fancy Sweater Coats. Reg. val- ues $3.50. 3 Dozen only to clear. Sale Price $1.95 WATCH OUR WINDOW HANNA & Co. Limited Ali X IBoMFf`p4 oM•F, s BARGAINS! 20% Discount 00 All' POTTED PLANTS at the People's Florists PHONE — 223 Next to Lyceum Theatre Auld Lang Syne. A. `delicious lunch was served' by Mrs. Scobie, assisted by • members of the Society. All said bood-bye, and thanked Mr. and Mrs. Scobie for: the very large part they both played in making this the last social of 1930, one of the best ever, On Wednesday, Jan. 7th, the W. M. S. of Knox United Church, met for is first meeting with eighteen ladies present, Mrs. (Rev.) Scobie in charge of the meeting. Devotional Leaflet, 'Forgive .us' our Trespassers" was ta- ken by Mrs. Jas. Anderson. The Sec. Mrs. Jesse Wheeler, gave a most in- eresting report of the year's. work. Twelve meetings were held, several in he homes, which were especially well attended. The Auxiliary entertained he Huron Presbytery to dinner. It vas also the guest of Westfield Aux- liary where Mrs. (Rev.) Scobie was he special speaker. A splendid re- port was brought back from Seaforth Presbyterial by Mrs: Jesse Wheeler, and also one. from Salem by Mrs. Jos. Millar. A bale of clothing and quilts was packed andat the thank -offering„ meeting' in. November Mrs. (Rev.) Forester of Loiidesboro gave a most nteresting address. A t this meeting. wo duets were given which added a great deal to the interest. The allo- cation for the auxiliary is one hun- dred and eighty-five dollars, and we are quite happy to report the sum of $194 being sent to the Presbyterial treasurer. A vote of thanks was .tendered the retiring officers, Mrs. Jas. Anderson as president, and Mrs, Carl Procter as Mission Band Superintendent. The auxiliary has had two splendid years tinder the leadership of Mrs. Jas. Anderson,and go forward in 1931 with greater zeal and renewed vigor with` Mrs. Scobie as president. A chapter from the Study Book, 'Fruits of Christian Missions in Ja- pan" was taken by four different umbers of auxiliary. Rev. Mr. Sco- bie had charge of installation of offi- cers and closed the meeting with prayer. The following are the officers for 1931; Hon. Pres. -Mrs. Jas. Anderson. Pres.—Mrs. (Rev.) Scobie. lst Vice—Mrs. H. Wheeler. 2nd Vice ---Mrs. R. Chaznney. Sec'y—Mrs. Jesse Wheeler. Treas.—Mrs. Jos. Miller. Baby Band Pres. -Mrs, A. Vincent. Missionary Monthly Secy.- Mrs. Stonehouse. Associate Helpers Sec'y.—Mrs. J. McCallum: Strangers Sec'y.—Mrs. J. A. Ged- des, Supply Sec'y.---Mrs. H. Campbell. Literature and Library Sec'y—Mrs. Jas. Wightman. Mission Band Supt. -Mrs. James Michie. Temperance Sec'y,-.Mrs. A. Proc- ter. Stewardship and Finance Sec'y. W - Mrs. H. Wheeler. Life M,crnbershij Certificate Scc'y- Treas.—Mrs,' Jos. Clegg.. Organist'Mrs, Jas. Wightman. Auditors — Mrs. H. Wheeler and Mrs. J. A. Geddes, Press Reporter: Mrs, Jas. Michie. WHITECHURCH 1lMAtii11 aliti111Mil,IM111M11i illlil111 li 1i1m1I im i111Nmm II sinicitiCI1111I111Ni1oMNfil'13i1 ittild ih rtitshing tn, all jointed hands and sang Kinloss attended a party at the home of Mr. Jas. Struthers of Culross on Wednesday evening last. Mr. Clarence McClenaghan Is spen- ding two weeks with relatives in Tor- onto. oronto. Mrs, Roy Patton of Lucan, spent a few days last week with her mother, Mrs. A. Fox. . Mrs, McBrien left last week to he with her daughter, Mrs. Lovett of Clinton, who is .very ill with inflam- matory rheumatism, Miss 'May Wightman has been vis- iting with her 'sister, Mrs. Elsie Brig- ham of Blyth. Messrs. Roy MacGregor and Ken- neth Weaver are putting on a party in the Institute Hall on Friday even- ing. The United church are holding their annual meeting on Thursday the 22nd. and are also holding a contest social in the basement on Friday the 30th. Mr, Kenneth Weaver, jr., went to London, on Friday to make arrange- ments to take a course in mechanics. Mr. Hugh David Henderson spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer, Mr. J. B. Morrison has been laid up with a very bad felon on his fin- ger. Miss Olive Kennedy is in Goder- ich, visiting with •.her` sister, Mrs. Toynbee Lamb.' Mrs. Will Conn spent a few days last week at the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs. Hardie Simpson of Culross. Quite .a number attended the party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Peirdon on Wednesday last. Mr. and Mrs. Joe, Tiffin spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs George Tiffin in Kinloss. Mrs. Jas. Richardson spent last week in Teeswater with her .aunt, Mrs. W. Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Guest and. Alma and Nina of Teeswater, visited on Sunday at the homy. of Mr. and Mrs. Thursday, January 15th 193* UR�STIC CLEARANCE ALL OVEE.CCATS Men's • '' Young Men's •Youths•' and Boys' Sizes • Outstanding bargains for those who come this Thursday to Saturday Save $5.00 to $12.00 on Men's Sizes Save $3.00 to $5.50 on Youths'.Sizes' K os. The Business College pupils had a holiday last week, as Mr: Spotton's mother was being buried. The. Women's. Instute of St. Aug- ustine are holding a Social evening on Wednesday at . the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Thos. Robinson. The regular monthly meeting of Victor Emerson. the Women's Institute was held last Mr. and 'Mrs; Frank Rising visited. Thursday in the Hall here with the one day last week at the home of President, Mrs. Emerson in the chair. Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Richardson_ After the opening exercises, consid- The Day of Prayer held in Chaim- erabie business was dealt with. Mrs. er's church on Friday afternoon was Grain then read a very instructive largely attended. and interesting paper on the Ideal Mrs, B. S. :Naylor had her left Woman; Mrs. Leggatt contributed a shoulder dislocated when she was piano solo and Mrs. Lott and Miss thrown from the cutter at their mail- A. M. Carrick sang a very pleasing box on Friday evening. She is getting duet. The report of the convention, along as well as can be expected, al- sent by the district President, Mrs. though suffering keenly. Crozier of Walkerton, was then read Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coulter and by the Secretary, Mrs. Chas. Gilles- family spent Sunday with Mr. and pie„ telling of her chaperoning the Mrs, Robert Purdon. girls who went to the Winter Fair at Toronto and attending a banquet ati")11 the Royal York where she answered the toast "To the Winter Fair." Mrs. Henry also read a letter of, interest to all which she had received from, Mrs. Crozier. The Institute are ask- ing for a summer speaker to be sent and are inviting the Lucknow and Hotyrood Institutes to be present. The Institute is arranging to hold a Burns' night, on January 23rd. A lovely prize, contributed by Mrs. Leg- gett for the best salad, went to Mrs. Lance Grain, when the : salads were sampled by the judges, Mrs. Henry and Mrs. McQuillan. These meetings are of great interest and are being well attended. The meeting ,closed with the National Anthem. Mrs. Henry will be the hostess at the, next meeting in February. Mr. George Fox is not as well as his many friends would like to see him. Get Set For Banff Carnival, F " Pat.,rewstet President Tlie stand -cut week in the west this winter will be 2rebruary 744 when the BanfY Whiter Sports Can. nivel will be held. 'Paradise of skiers, ski-jorers, enowshoers,, eur1ers, ]toelcey, skating, toboggaxtnitig, sleighing, zttushing, and every variant of winter sport, there is added to all thesethe incomparable beauty of a settleg In the heart oi' the rookies, clothed iti. their 1 minter dross of esitnino beneathbeneatha� Sky of. turquoise. 'ho,pretty httle town. of Banff fs lit froth end to end In a blaze of colored lights with, here anal there„ the tepees of the Stoney Inllalad end the eolOrttil note of brightehued blankets, befeathered head." dresses, beaded squaws and shiny -eyed papooses. As it 'all this were not enough to crowd into one Blunt week, there is the. great Ice Palnco, lit up at night evith fireworks Misplays, the anneal trap shoot of the Panfl Gun. Club, the peeking contest with its high light of the famous diamond hitch, and ()pen air swimming In the hot sulphur 'syringe, unique in the stinal, of winter sports. NCasx nuerael.e balls keep the fun of the carnival going and It 'ends tip With the election of the Queen for the ensttirg /ear. Lay -out shows skiers it action 0 of the moontales with inset o shadow t s under the sh< s A u Pat Brewster, president of the 1931 earnlval, W, a Round, sect tat -t easuret of the sports and. Mica Doris •w'inatifred Parkes, of 'Vienoouver, Queen et the Carnival,