HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-01-15, Page 3ro "Let's have our' Shredded Wheat Frith hot milk this rorroin ..,�.." "I know that's whatyou and the children like, these cold winter -mornings. - It's the easiest. hot dish imaginable! . I simply heat the biscuits in the oven and then pour hot milk' over bele)). Sometimes I. add cream. • For a warm sod. satisfying breakfast that is easily digested, it's the favorite with tis all." THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD Agtecije rI, j'�d4llie,'e it"3,l eIr ,r1Jd WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT GORRIE Miss Marjorie Ashton was a week- end visitor of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. James Ashton have returned to .their home in Fergus af- ter visiting with the former's parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Milton Watson for a few days. Miss Beatrice Watson re- turned home with her brother and will visit there for a shot;: time. Dr.. C. C. Ramage spent the. week- ' end at his home at Durham. His mo- ther, who had the misfortune of be- ing in a bad accident, is at present in the Hospital there . and is tieing as well as tan be .expected. Mr. and Mr's. '.P. A..As'ctt' n enter- tained a few of their friends on Mon- day evening. he evening was spent in 1',ichre an'1 other games. All re- port a jolly time. Victor Shera was a Toronto visitor over the week -end. Mrs. T. J. Alien and Mrs. J. `A1 len, both of Wroxeter, were guests of Mts. and Miss Ross on Saturday,. The W. A. 'held a very successful meeting at the home of Mrs. F. C. Taylor on Thursday last. The ladies quilted a quilt during their meeting. Mrs. Brown of Toronto is at pres- ent with cher aunt, Mrs. Richard Ma- grath who is ill and under the doc- tor's care, Mrs. Ab.of l visited Strong g Hespler e per vryit ed Mrs. J. T. Strong last week, Miss Sarah Johnston has returned from, the West and is making her home with Mrs. Bennett. Mrs. Dr. Armstrong attended the funeral of her cousin, the late Irwin Pattison of Wingham, this week. Rev. Mr. Cameron .of Hamilton, oc- cupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian Church. on Sunday, Rev. Mr. Wil- liams of New Brunswick, will be the speaker next Sunday. The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyter - ian Church met at; the ;home of Iilrs.: A. McLaughlin on ,Tuesday of last week. Mr. R. Spotton of Wingham was a Gorrie visitor on Monday.. Born -0n Thursday, January 8th, 1930 to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Under- wood, a son. The Blue -Water Ramblers are 'put- ting on their play in . Gorrie Town- ship Hall pn.' Friday evening. January 21st is going to be the Red Letter Evening of the winter at the rink, Qur Hockey Team play the first League game at borne..' The Harris - ton' team , will oppose them, so come out, bring your good lady, and bring, your booster!: • The month's short courses in Ag- riculture and Home Economics' being held in Gorrie, are well under way with a goodly number present at the classes, There are thirty-five boys on the roll for the course in Agriculture be- ing held at the "Township Hall, and thirty-one girls on the roll for the Course in Horne Economics being held in the Orange Hall, Lectures in household! science are being given in the mornings and the course in Home Nursing in the after- noon, until January 16th, when the hone -nursing course will be complet- ed. Then the course in sewing and millinery will be given during the last two weelcs of the course by Miss Mc- Laughlin, Toronto. Mr. Allan Brown of Peterboro, will be present on Wednesday morning, Jan. 14th as special speaker on Bee Keeping. Dr. Spencer will be present on Friday afternoon, Jan. 16th. to lecture on Veterinary Science. Mr. Jas. McLean will lecture on Plows and Plowing . on Thursday afternoon, Jan. 22nd, and Mr. E. H. Marston on Poultry, on Friday afternoon, Jan 23. There is no charge for anyxpf the special lectures and you are specially invited to attend these special lec- tures. The fathers .and mothers, older sis- ters arid brothers of the students en- rolled in the classes, and any of the farmers or residents of the district who care to' come to any one or all of the special lectures mentioned above - or to sit in for a forenoon or afternoon at the regular lectures of either ,class will be very welcome at any time it is -convenient. The lec- tures are free, why not come and see if you can pick dip some useful infor- mation. Hints For Holl; aebodies Written for The Advance -Times By Jessie Allen Brown Broadcasting The radio has been going while I have been writing, and I just heard a man say, "This is a queer life, here I go on talking, and I have not the vaguest notion whether anyone is listening to me. And when Ido talk, I wonder if I have struck the right sie Arypaifl TI`li3 Sit ORT 'I'h. Gay's, RIO . • : 'W'3th •tbe coin :egete 'rauixaxy, SpOtt lavers ,tt1rn to the oat -of -doors and the thrift et •.exeroiserfri 400 et tstlr.GPeel ;r:; air. Ontario does not have to'travel fat tot Iter veiriter fecrtatibn It 'tweets as picttteescftte„eeuntry as can be,foittrd at.tho .'moeh-heralded foreign vesot'ts:' ti - fill 'Muskoka; area has a number of year. rclund hostelri.a's. and they eor unodatq.• pal rn •.'.bees is weelr-q>isi: pturt efs: IdUskoka possssos eve# naiturxt t 1lity for •atygxt'and la regarded gas hlgltly in )'deter as in' smuttier:- ahovo pietti'iC . • shotve two ski-ing entitindasts;'at Littaber.lost.,Lodgo, near 'fht'trntsvllle, Ont. C.NR. ri to. t'hi rpt, ,or .whether you would.. ratifier hear something ,else:" My sentiments exactly) . Some .want to read about Nutrition, other want recipes, se, the best way, seer), to be to give yu a little of•each; with a few other things,' by way of variety, It is bard. to know whatyou like. Sometimes, some of the articles 1, think least interesting, I will hear that they were specially shed.; others . that I rather like my self,' I; never hear a thing about, +If I can only, help sone of, you'. to choose better foods% I'm more than satisfied, Feeding the Foxes • We spcncl a good deal of time in talking "about how to feed the'.fam- ily, by way' of a change to -day we are going'to visit with the foxes. It was my privilege to visit a large fox ranch not long ago, and to nee the Most ,interesting part of ri suis the food house. ;The care az ,4ttention to detail that is given u the foxes food is amazing. Nothin ; is left to chance; There is a definite amount of protein, carbohydrates, fats, min- erals and vitamins in the food, Even the cereals are tested frequently to set: that they contain the desired ant - aunt of mineral matter, Just think of that! The food. house contained' a large) refrigerated room, There were hung carcases of horses and huge quantites of tripe to provide the animal pro- teids. I am a bit weak on figures, but if I am not mistaken they use 1400 pounds of tripe• a week. Then there are piles of carrots, and. bushel baskets of lettuce. No old dried ear - „rots either, but freshly pulled ones, that you or 1 might be glad to seine Ion our table. The freshly picked car- rots contain more vitamins, and the !foxes must get the best. There is a very well balanced meal that is fed to the foxes. As far as I can remember it contains, oats, bar- ley, wheat, bran, wheat germ, salt, buttermilk, cod-liver oil, and molass- es. If you will notice there is very little fat in their food. Commenting on this, I was informed that foxes did not require fat. The part that surprised i ^ z. ost, was the knowledge of the r ;,en who showed me about. I have kn teen him for years, and never suspet .e d that be knew a calorie from a +4sbohy- drate, and I find that he even is on intimate terms with the vitamins. He knew where the foxes were getting the Vitamin A and he knew that they were getting it to promote growth and to prevent infection. He knew why and where they were getting their Vitamins B and C, and that the Cod-liver oil was being given because it contained vitamin D and that it would prevent Rickets, His own children were riot taking cod-liver oil and they certainly did not look as if they needed it, as they had been in camp all. summer and were healthy - looking specimens. However the point 1 am trying to snake its,' that no chances were taken with the foxes. They, too, had been in the sun all slimmer, but they got th.cr c�1.t_t •„• all too. .Bran was fed to the foxes ghage and for the, minerals. Wheat germ is given thein because it con- tains vitamin E. This is :the viten-tin which affects sterility, Do you notice that molasses is added to the food? They know that sugar contains nei- ther vitamins nor minerals, Molasses contain minerals, so the 'family get the white sugar and the foxes get the good molasses. To give every one their due, I must say tins same man loves a piece of bread with molasses en it. He eats it because it tastes good, just as it used to do when he was a youngster down in Nova Scot- ia, and not because it adds minerals to his diet,, Foxes are perverse creatures and many, of then like to chew the tips of their -tails which o'f course lessens the value:, of the pelt, ':1 h,ey thini: that it is something lacking in the food that Causes this'ind scientists are tree., to diseovei` that lack. If families 'n' reefed with the saltie care that foxes' are, what a wonderful gate of children we would have 1,•Ho'w- e.Vee more'etteution is being paid'each year to the food of •the geoe nig .child. These chilclooil should b'eltealtluer•' and in turn should be better parents: Proper diet"w%ll t'ricit atcz,niplrsll'' -inirlt'cles; •but, ~it, clip .iteprtevee our health, lust iis,it•does with the fOX,c`s.j ttMy,'hoy,” he sard,s reriotisly, getting old orad' wall. soonthave;: to,re- txt e t 'wiutt yeitt to takee.bvek tit< 'bits) iiessl 'fo' II1 , W,Itat''do 'yoit thielk??” y'•1 tlter�,'i wv is file peppy, t ligw would . itl.be if.yo uiworkcd,a' few.,years pang., !et and we both retired tot ether?” Om Who.' I1iCatrta the Indian Princes iiiera live at the Othear 'Extreme. `Wizen the Bing orders a new gun he buys a hundred -guinea' Crown double-barrel hammeraction weapon. It'is'the last word .in guts,' .perfect in wbrkmanship, efficient; • and long- lived. .` So, ,too, .when his Majesty buys t' new Car he buys''. Daimler of stan- dard pattern, a car which lie• will use for many Years, • But when a maharajah lluys.atn o according to a writer in sin ewers, he will shake his `be acd when he 'is shown a Crown ---he wants' something finer, more. splendid •than that. He will spend as ,tnucii at $2,500 so that his gun may be a mar- vel of engraving and ornate work- manship. And when )ie buys a car it mut- be one specially built for him, witi, marvels of luxury and gleaming fit - tinge. He 'cares nothing if it erste hispeciam l! $20,000. He wants something Where does all, this fabulous wealth come from: which visiting Eastern • potentates fling right anti left while- travelling in Europe? Tile answer is that this st:upentit,ui wealth. which is so' l rr ieelj• exrei:d ed, chines from the Libor of rctttiien> of ryots and coolies whose c-ar,dei1 of life is at tllc other e\ir1nnc' to lir seer, Air's. Geo. Leckie, in London, =r�9s,cl opulence of the greet 11 1.1<-.' returned home last Wednesday. , I, rhic.Ers, Ter India the ritl.lns rijncc., 1..,: Miss ;4iargarct Davey' is it iiresent 1ittir political pc.4CCr•, I.nt �•.ith•n'11�"1i visiting friends at Grand Valley, :op les they are :.titncl'nrs f•11" Mrs, T. 1), ,t.'urdlorr and' children, r tae, d intomet(t t c til 'net Malm,-atal. r , P3tt t, la. ler ,.1 �• r ..., 13i11y' and t lady5, who 11ave been pit', is the "cell s,=r,' t,t' t,vF i ee ;spending' the Christmas holi<l{ys with 1 tri .gin and (.11P0 in hitt tet 1 her" parents, Mr, and Mee, 'Bred Kit -.m .t1 rich eletn lint, it 1 fee l then returned to her home in De- ld° ., f 0,,,,,,, (aaanale r w ^ri„t, ca.j his n* .lt.h ZoflttC tr,:rit on Saturday. Tit w i l, of !s a teeave et t'1 1:1.1 \l- e are pleased to see' Mr. James eocilie a hi'—'ea i tit ;3•r i< r- ti'''''''' ''.1 Sangster able: to be out a,,-uit after little to rlt , •e 1 l -t teem. r.1 . bath yr ,•ti 1^,t s i :_cl r,. '. i; toeing confined ti, the luouse with a r Sunda~ 1 e. and tittle re.liess foe to t1imt. back. grievant! . They e a • :1 z ,'r y lrtt e, an,: ler. Idu,=1i Haines of Sask., was. the in order to setic.,t. '1 r'-:nt reed ,lire', 1 have their wi:•ee and children crane, guest to iris sister, A'1rs. Archie Mc int aloe ;chic? them ' Michael, a few days last weak, 13ut that p.ut tribute to then lrrei 1 Our skating rink is being well pat- retch the i- ::1 e „rite Of this 1111 ; roni c:d b} young and old as the ice causes a e< t._ t nt s?ti ''cin of gold) 1 pour into the setzte 3'(dars. There it. is in good condition. -. no impediment. e\c' ,1 t a sense of N-.1 IVliss Margaret Davey visited with lrousibility, ter tt.. iti:;lrarajah spend- soon) in'Arthur a few . days last lug a big slice of this revenue on pp,.week. sonn) aggrantttzen�t.nt and lnxiir liv)n ;. Mrs. Archie Moffatt and daughter Some Indian princes are model of London returned home Monday af- rulers, caring for the welfa':t,e cif their people and doing all they can to int- ter visiting at Mr. D. Thompson's, prove their condition. But there are who is seritausly ill. others who regard ?hese poor people; Arliss Jean Sangster, daughter 'of as Heaven -sena money -;gatherers anti Mr. Ja.m,es Sangster, was attacked by aaathiezi g morn, a dog Monday, causing a serious The earnings of a ryot or coolie are so small that they must live up- wound in her thigh, requiring several on the very simplest 'of fare. The stiches to close. mainstay is rice, helped Diet with fat Those ftenn here who are attending {ea,ravread. Agriculture in Meat is an the short courses in A ughenheard-of)nd luxurye-b, g The housing is in keeping with the Gorrie are: Mr. and Mrs. Harry renditions of work and its reward. Dane, Andy Gih<an, Mise Alba and For the most part the people, of India • E;va Musgrove', )vatic and Marjory rive in 'hovels which. have no sanitary j arrangements. Waller and Jean Elliott. No wonder disease is rampant. Thc. ,chief scourges are cholera and bu- bonie plague. Every year these tell diseases carry off their 'hundreds of thousands. And starvation is an ever-present menana. Failure oe the .monsoon rain !means sheer famine for the people, Tlitey .dfe l)3r their 'tens weft thousands: opened ,,the meeting with the • new The Imperial ting .tnetit strives to year hymn "Standing at the portal of Save life, devoting millions for that another year,” following with the purpose. But the.death-rate remains Lord's Prayer in unison, The Scrip appalling The Indian has a profound love tor tura reading was taken from the first'. 'his r1ativ'e'ctrnntry and a superstitious chapter of Joshua, where God told distaste for crossing the sea, yet in His servant to be sero,, and of good recent years, in the hope of better= -' ng • a itis t, l .has )tit oupromise, "'I W otherpar' parts of the Emtopirmre andgrattng ewertel Trotcfailrage, theeciiitli northe forsake thee." Short bey"ond it. prayers were him. He 'frosts in suchhcountries a s offered by Mrs: H. Burlluck, however, seems to follow "limen, Airs, Munro and Mrs. 11tcKer- 1.Canad t plenty et work to be had at chez, and the Roll Call responded: to unheard-of wages,. But, says Ors; by a new year verse when niany'beau- 'welter, be discovers that the white man 'mesents bis presence, tiful thoughts were expressed. En - Tins is natural 'enough, since he will accent a wage which will under- cut the white worker, whore stand- ard of living is very much higher. ea many •pains the arrival of ea- 'slirn imide :rants in other parts or the Empire liese led to trouble, The •11 rlir s t ; iir anew) ver in '1'1x:0 heir:) Lia a..,t„ aero !dare, a J,.tttt- .;r• ',ip, ct a, .rrto put't s1'i0t n c:., ..' 1,r l.t:u,itt t; ,e . Thin were- r;:,. 3111141t't?3, Lei lia1irr' • :�:..IL ,t:1' tite"'.it ere felt''-,p r,t1•err':13 I,(,3•',: , ' It 0;' itlt'rt .•:) 11tr.. iinvr 1.: .alae x:;alclit tie. ,)cit nl e!y , Ye•?! OW ft'l is.t;t 1 a ),tt,i, te':: e.e lir is 1.11' ,f!0•10'.,:',,,11,,,,,,.7.1, ! -'w g, Kai,' 11 *'; 1.1,: fur; it 0111 _ . , `,.i t ,"1!,..:1,a.1„•(.:,, L i,,,, , t t., , ire als:'a,t, 11• ;%•,'.0 k:. title, of 1 111* 1101,-' , ".L,, 1, ;rift 1"t. Jit ,. 1r: et. ,;, tit•1 ir,' Itt,,, h .t. ''i 'r, r , t j, 1 1 . it n ,,'1:,. 4:1t i . .1111+T4.y \"•l1i01r '.,1;! , ere , 111 In,3.111• i,,s pi.. t +i. ' Ii t' J i!' 11 ,3 . •'S't1%i 1 ':'It". tl iris..'. rl' ,t•il 1 �.. 111011:4M 11•:q in a .t).l131 1 it •e: d 1, ,i to n,i t ., j, tlzl i Reduction Sa Din -Mg January we are giving 20% off regular price ori Madewto-Measure Clothing. :.This is Your Opportunity to make et Big Saving on your Spring Coat. 'This also applies; on'Ready Made Suits Sweaters and "Rubbers. Davey's Store Overcoats, eter 4'. WROXETER At time o writing Mr. David Thomson, who has been confined to his bed for some time, continues very Sow. Mrs. John Morrison, who has spent the past .three months with her dau- The first meeting of the W.M.S. of the United Church for the new year, took place Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. T.' Gibson, with. a splendid, attendance. The president, Mrs. T. Gibson, was, in the chair and Arthur 'Stint of Winnipeg, an\ol+. Wroxeter boy, who carne to 'Poreiato; Ion a business .trip, spent "Wednes )last :with his sister, Mrs; J. 1... Met- EwenT. rnb . I � ` r 18 tee Ewc of . u erry t is} k5 since Arthur visited here and tr:a1i i ally he noted many changes. 1, Chocolate "Bars 6 tablespoons butter 1 cup white sugar 4 tablespoons cocoa 2 eggs 1 cup flour teaspoon salt teaspoon vanilla s' coup chopped walnuts Cream the butter and sn gar• • ldrf the well beaten eggs.. s.. Sift in tIi firur, salt; and cocoa. acid the mite and vanilla, Spread in 0 slrailosv Put- tered pan about i of an inch :rit'lc: Bake in -a )Moderate oven for 30 initr utes. Cut in bars while hot,. From Headaches Colds and Sore Throat couraging reports of the society's work in the year that has just closed were presented by Mrs. Stocks, Miss M. Howe and M.rs. • Bolingbroke. There were twenty members on the roll and $316,00 sent to the Presby-: terial treasuer. A nost:inapiring talk, was given by Mrs, Bolingbroke. on "Chir Allocation Window" in which the W. .,S. was compared to a large window in the making, through which she vividly drew picture after picture of the great Work 'swing accotnpli.h- ed by the society. The meeting tilos ed with the hymn "Blest' be the `tie !liar~ binds," after which 'a lunch was served by tlw hostes,t it tt4 'tftu"'clli".1n affrli<+iii,' An Artily oC rat.;, i til ;'.rf, t , anti well -high Inv iiit,ible 111' re p 1•') be nratcliing ate -tees Siher t reel arse, fa, tit t :tt1tt: cl ty'izh d ,et t, anis theerate 'are Movitt.1., tet epi 1 ittge' bed fee 'tat t ;they "can atilt: 1, everythin. .ih theit'tt;r.tli.• .Boctklnnti<is "Dig 14'orir." The.aolr•1)ooks v11i0h,,0031 he ett...:4,i cad ilii peeireantetrt,;ebeat eelleets e• ac'-, (reeding to Mr, A.H. 3Jott')"iint,' the ttrrvelist, arta' that Bibles ' itotrivac)f1 Ornate," "The. Ago ati T>citton" by 4'lrotoai,P nail "+rid, ,"13lael,, .J e ,, a rt " by Miss A. $e ctl1. ' Neuritis, Neuralgia . Don't be a chronic' sufferer frost headaches, or any other pain. Theme is hardly an ache or pain Bayer Aspirin tablets can't relieve; they are a great comfort to women who suffer periodically, They . eriodicall are always to b relied on for breaking up colds. It may be only a simple headache,' or it may be neuralgia or neuritisa rheumatism. Bay/:r. Aspirin is still the sensible th•,.g to take. Just bo certain it's B Y eryou're takingf #t does not hurt the heart. Get the genuine tablets, in this fanailgt. package for the pocket, $. :. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS` IIillllll!lllllllllllllH(111lllh1li1111111111l Bill 1111111llillflllll11I wronsommammormon s q OM3: Phut, E. Opt, D., R. O. OPTOMETRIST Phone 118 Harriston, Ont. "The Best Equipped Optical ,'Ss tablishment in this part of Ontario", 4